Deciphering black boxes in the latter. "Commander, we fall!" Why in the last seconds the crew spoke about the flaps

The preliminary data of the decryption of the speech recorder of the liner of the Ministry of Defense suggests that the aircraft lost control due to problems with the flaps and moved to the critical angle of attacks.

After the rescuers managed to raise the speech onboard recorder from the bottom of the Black Sea, the experts were able to decipher the record stored on it. The film, fixed the negotiations of the crew and talk inside the cab, was not damaged.

The conversation is interrupted that one of the pilots exclaims: "Floor, with * ka!" And then the cry sounds: "Commander, Fall!", "Said the source.

When deciphering black boxes, experts heard a characteristic system of a system that is accompanied by an angle of attack. This system automatically responds to the critical angle of attacks, explained the source of the Life.

The expert explained Life that only on the clips of phrases of the crew members to make final conclusions about the causes of the catastrophe is still premature.

This may be a subjective view from the crew, which, however, confirms the recorded sound of automatic speech alarm, notifying the crew about the angle of attack, says the expert.

In his opinion, at the crew during a set of height, there were some problems with the running mechanization. The flaps are controlled by the movement of the aircraft vertically at low speeds. IN the released state increases the lifting force of the wing.The position of the flaps is important both when takeoff and landing. What exactly was the problems of Tu-154, while you can not say. Perhaps it was the error of pilots when controlling mechanization, and maybe incomplete cleaning of mechanization.

Now it is necessary to understand this, "says the source of Life in the Commission for the Investigation Commission of the Catastrophe of the Ministry of Defense. - IN the self-examiner, parametric, is not taken to the Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense, andit is not yet known when its decryption begins.

According to Life Vice-President of the Federation of Aviation Fans Honored Test Point of the USSR Viktor Zabolsky, if the aircraft has problems with flaps, it can become unmanageable.

It turns out that one wing is a big lifting force, and the second is small, naturally, the plane will turn over, "he said. - If the flaps are not cleaned or removed unevenly, then very powerful rooting moments arise and control the aircraft is very hard.

Test pilot of the hero of Russia Magomed Tolbeev also believes thatnetters with flaps can not happen just like that.

This is the refusal of aviation technology. Revalted closure or cleaning Only on the one hand leads to the destruction of a semicapider. On the other side, from where they were released, the aircraft dumping and the loss of speed occurs, "Tolbea explained. - All this happens very quickly, and many pilots simply do not know what to do in such a situation. This applies not only to military pilots, but also civilians.

According to Tolbayeva, when deciphering black boxes, experts heard a characteristic system of a system that accompanies the angle of attack. This system responds automatically. Tolbea says that the trigger of this sensor is a serious signal for the crew commander.

It triggers when the speed is lost or when the wing is on full loading and can not raise the plane, "the expert explained.

The source of Life in the Ministry of Defense says that the decoding of the speech recorder confirms the preliminary conclusions of engineers of the research center of the operation and repair of aircraft (NIC Erat) of the Ministry of Defense about the causes of the catastrophe.

The catastrophe occurred when pilots cleaned the mechanization, and the plane went with a large corner of the pitch. As a result, his dumping from Echelon was happening during the maneuver to the right, "Laife's interlocutor says.

One of the pilots of Rosaviation confirms the version of military aviation engineers.

The reason for the fall of Tu-154 in this timestamp of flight can only be the distance of the cleaning of closures, "the aviator told Life.

According to him, in the second minute, the flaps are removed - parts of the wing, controlling turns. At this stage, automation can be drawn, then one of the flaps will remain raised.

It violates the aerodynamics so that the plane begins to twist towards the wing with an unlocked closed. It was possible to stop this situation in the presence of a height stock, but at the time of the tragedy at the Tu-154 pilots, it was not yet, "Life Pilot told him.

Aviation expert Sergey Klotusov, believes that it is necessary to wait for a complete decryption of both the speech and parametric recorder of the Tu-154, which fixes the work of the units and units of the aircraft.

Sergey Klotusov did not rule out and the notorious human factor: when the pilot height set could not calculate the right corner of the pitch.

When piloting with a height set in the screw level, the main difficulty is precisely in maintaining the speed, which is stability when piloting and holding a liner on a pitch at a height speed of 500-550 km per hour, "says the expert Sergey Klotusov.

According to him, with a large positive corner of pitch, when the liner has a backward nose, he could go to critical indicators, losing the lifting force and fall from the echelon.

The expert from Rosaviation said that a preliminary study of the recording of a speech recorder displays the version of the technical fault liner and the error of pilots. However, other versions are also being worked out. For example, entering foreign objects (for example, birds), poor-quality fuel, the resulting power loss and failure of the engines.

Investigators of GWS, who lead the investigation into the catastrophe, are also inclined to the technical factor.

Probably the cause of the Tu-154 catastrophe with a height set could be the refusal of the aircraft hydraulic system, which led to a complete loss of the crew's ability to control the machine. The cause of the refusal of the hydraulic system of the aircraft could be a short circuit in one of the engines of the liner, "the source in GVSU told Life.

Confirm or refute this version will be able to specialists in the near future.

A catastrophe with Tu-154 occurred on December 25, 2016 at 5:40 am Moscow time 1.7 kilometers from Sochi coast. The board of the Russian Ministry of Defense flew to the Syrian Hmeimim from the Chkalovsky airfield, he refused at Sochi airport. On board the liner was 92 people. Two minutes after the break from the strip, did not have time to dial the height, the plane disappeared from radar screens. There were no crew alarms.

Rescuers have already found the tail of the Tu-154 with engines, as well as onboard recorders and 14 bodies of the dead.

"Take off, subsequent flight and the fall of the aircraft in the sea." In addition, experts have already been able to decipher the recording of a speech recorder from the deceased board of the Ministry of Defense - on it one of the pilots shouts "the flaps, with * ka!", And the other "commander, fall!".

Investigators have not yet reported, under what circumstances the eyewitness was able to remove the tragic video of the catastrophe, but experts suggest - it was either an employee of coast guard, or an airfield service, who decided to capture the beautiful sight of the take-off liner. There are many similar videos on YouTube - when eyewitnesses shot off or landing the aircraft, which suddenly ended with the disaster.

Just stated that several "new eyewitnesses of the plane crash" were already found and interrogated.

"In addition to this video, the entry entries of Tu-154 landing at the international airport of Sochi, the subsequent tax from the parking lot and the passage of the border control of its passengers," said in the investigative committee.

Also, aviation experts have not only studied the state of the speech onboard recorder with the Tu-154 of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, but also could decipher the entry on it. As Life told the source close to the consequence, the film in the "black box" was not damaged or a blow or water.

"The conversation is interrupted that one of the pilots exclaims:" Floor, with * ka! ". And then the cry sounds:" The commander, fall! ", He quoted the last words of Tu-154 pilots.

Speed \u200b\u200b300 ... (Illegible.)

- (Illegible.)

He took the racks, commander.

- (Illegible.)

Wow, E is my!

(Sound signal sounds.)

Floor, bitch, what is x ** nya!

High rise meter!

Us... (Illegible.)

(Signal sounds about dangerous rapprochement from Earth.)

- (Illegible.)

Commander, we fall!

End of recording

"The decoding of black boxes has previously shown that before the crash in Tu-154, the sensor exceeding the angle of attack was worked," adds Life.

"At the crew during a set of height, there were some problems with the running mechanization. The flaps are controlled by the movement of the aircraft vertically at low speeds. In the released state, they increase the lifting force of the wing. The position of the flaps is important both during takeoff and landing. In What exactly the problems of Tu-154 were expressed, while I could not say. Perhaps it was a mistake of pilots when managing control, and maybe incomplete cleaning of mechanization, "say the interlocutors of the publication.

"The catastrophe occurred when pilots cleaned the mechanization, and the plane went with a large pitch angle. As a result, his dumping from Echelon was happening during the maneuver to the right," Laife's interlocutor said.

"Probably, the cause of the Tu-154 catastrophe with a height set could be the refusal of the aircraft hydraulic system, which led to a complete loss of the crew's ability to control the machine. The reason for the failure of the aircraft's hydraulic system could become a short circuit in one of the engines of the liner," the source in GWS said.

The second recorder, recording the flight parameters, was also found, but not yet taken to the Central Research Institute of Air Force for Decryption.

Life also quotes the opinion of the Honored Test Point of the USSR of Viktor Zabolotsky, deciphering the cry about the "closure" and told about the uncontrollability of the aircraft.

"It turns out that one wing lifting force is large, and the second is small, naturally, the aircraft will turn over. If the flaps are not removed or is removed unevenly, then very powerful skinning moments arise and control the aircraft is very hard," the pilot explained.

The aircraft Tu-154 of the Ministry of Defense at the time of the catastrophe tried to make maneuver to the right and flew with a stubborn nose, the TASS told the source in the power structures.

"The catastrophe occurred when the pilots removed the mechanization (in the released state increases the lifting force of the wing). At the same time, the aircraft was incomprehensible for reason reasons with a large pitch angle. Apparently, his dumping from Echelon occurred during the maneuver to the right. As a result at the end of the turn It ran into a surface of the water with a left roll at a speed of about 510 kilometers per hour, "the agency interlocutor told.

According to another source, the plane "walked with an overly large angle of attack, and he chatted from side to side."

Both interlocutors of the agency do not exclude that the catastrophe could occur towards the aggregate of the cause, including the crew error, and the malfunction of one of the engines.

The media also report that rescuers found in the Black Sea a large accumulation of wreckage broken under Sochi on December 25 Tu-154, as well as fragments of tel. "The objects were in water on a plot, wide from two and a half to five meters with a length of 200 meters."

On December 26, the FSB of Russia established eyewitnesses to the fall of Tu-154 in the Sochi waters. One of them was an employee of the coast guard of the border troops of the FSB, which was at the time of the accident on the boat in the Sochi waters.

According to him, the plane flew from Adler from the airport instead of gaining height, began to quickly decline to the surface of the sea, as if she was going to make a landing. The border guard explained that the position of the aircraft in the air was strange - allegedly Tu-154 walked at a low speed with an unnaturally handed up his nose and looked like a motorcycle supplied by his driver on the rear wheel. As a result, the plane threw the surface of the sea tail, which fell off when he hit, collapsed into the waves and quickly sank.

"It should be noted that the investigation continues and until all sounding versions are alleged," add media.

Tu-154B-2 Ministry of Defense of Russia, flying to Latakia (Syria) failed in the morning of December 25, soon after departure from Sochi, where he landed for refueling. All 92 people died on board: eight crew members and 84 passengers - Aleksandrov ensemble led by the artistic director Valery Khalilov, journalists of three TV channels, a representative of a charitable organization, military personnel and officials.

Earlier, the media has already quoted audio recording of the pilot of the pilot who died in Sochi Tu-154 with the dispatcher of the Black Sea Center for the Organization of Air Traffic Julia Savorov - video with sound was published on by the user sERSED21 . In Radio exchange on board the solar liner, no freelance situations happen, the crew and technique work in normal mode, the voices of the pilots are calm.

After 1.5 minutes after the takeoff sweatchers, they are trying to contact the crew 85572, but they no longer communicate.

During the investigation, the causes of the aircraft crash are hoping to decipher the records of "black boxes" to understand what happened. And, I must say, little pleasant to hear the voices of those who in most cases know that in a moment will die.

Wrecker first: An-148 "Saratov Airlines", February 11, 2018

The plane collapsed in the Ramensky district of the Moscow region. From 71 people on board no one survived. The reason was the error of the second pilot and the icing of speed sensors. Below you can find a text decoding of the conversation of pilots, where the FC is the commander of the aircraft, and the VP is the second pilot.

FCC: up! Here.
VP: now now.
FCC: And you down ...
VP: In general, some kind of garbage!
FCC: No, well, I understand, you wanted it ... And you, on the contrary, down.
VP: then we will talk. So, control everything!
FCC: everything, everything is fine.
VP: Everything, the speed has normalized.

VP: OP-OP! 390!
FCS: Where is it down?! Where are you down? Why down?! Where to?!
Alarm: Speed \u200b\u200bCompare, Speed \u200b\u200bCompare.
VP: Yes, because that good ***, 200 speed, ***!
FCC: Height! Height! Height!

FCC: up!
Alarm: Terrain Ahead! Pull Up! TERRAIN AHEAD!
FCC: Everything, ***.

Other decodes are presented in audio format.

Werewood Second: Boeing company Flydubai, March 19, 2016

The plane tried to repeat after leaving the second round and went into the corkscrew. During the disaster, 62 people were killed (7 crew members and 55 passengers). The reason for the rapid decline of the vessel was the simultaneous return of the steering wheel "from himself" and the deviation of the stabilizer to dive.

Collapse Third: Falcon 50, October 20, 2014

During the runway, the plane faced the airfield snow removal machine, collapsed and caught fire. Four Citizens of France, who were on board, including the management of a large oil and gas company Total Christoph de Margesori, died. The plane crash occurred after a number of violations.

Circling Fourth: Yak-42d, September 7, 2011

During running on the runway of the Yaroslavl airport, the plane rolled out of the strip in ordinary meteo conditions. It took off from the soil 400 meters behind the end of the runway. From that moment on, he scored a height of 5-6 meters, ran into a radio beacon, crashed into the ground and exploded. On board at this time there was a hockey club "Lokomotiv". 44 people died in the plane crash. The reason was called by pressing someone from the pilots of the brake pedal at the time of liner run.

Circling Fifth: Boeing 737-505, September 14, 2008

The liner flew along the route Moscow-Perm. At the end point, he already went to the landing, but did not reach 11 kilometers to the airport Big Savino. The plane fell to Earth and completely collapsed, as a result of which of 88 people who were on board, no one survived. The reason for the experts called the shortcomings of the entire crew training system for flights, as well as the lack of interaction in the crew.

Twist sixth: Tu-154m, August 22, 2006

The liner crashed at the order of Irkutsk, where it was supposed to make an intermediate landing when making the flight Yekaterinburg-Vladivostok. When reversing and entering the landing, the plane launched 180 degrees, he began to fall. The cause of the accident was the fact that the crew did not reduce the established height of 850 meters when landing. The second pilot tried to correct the error, which pulled the steering wheel on himself. The plane completely lost control and crashed, having taken with him a life of 144 people.