Name villages in Russia. According to what principle, Russians called the village funny names villages

Russian village... For someone, she is a relic of agrarian past, for others - the keeper of the Russian soul. One way or another, annually urbanization on average "eats" by three villages in the country. What are the reasons for the extinction and degradation of the Russian village? How much is the villages today in Russia? And which of them are the most beautiful? Answers to all these questions you will find in our article.

Unemployment, hopelessness, despondency ...

It is such unpleasant words that the modern Russian village is most often described. Broken asphalt, fragmentary remaining from prosperous Soviet times, abandoned farms, destroyed houses of culture, dirt, lack of lighting and central sewage - is characteristic of most of the villages and villages of the current Russia. Of course, there are pleasant exceptions. But they are catastrophically not enough.

Many villages in Russia, due to the latter area, in the literal sense, the words are torn off from any benefits of civilization. They can be located a few hundred kilometers from the nearest city or district center. In such villages, people, like a hundred-two hundred years ago, live in a natural economy: Fields are seeded, scottle diluted, fish, hunt and drink strong tea from real samovarov.

The classic example of the "Russian depths" is the so-called red shore. This is a terrain consisting of three villages, lost in the midst of coniferous forests of the Vologda region. The total number of their population is 10 people. Roads by these items, in fact, no. In winter, it can be overcome only on a snowmobile, and in summer (after heavy rain) - exclusively on the tractor. Water - from Rodnikov, light from kerosene lamps, the generator is one on three villages.

And how many similar villages are scattered across the expanses of immense Russia - to say difficult.

Russian village: in facts and numbers

  • As of the beginning of 2018, 19.1% of the total population of the Russian Federation lives in rural settlements.
  • In the period from 2002 to 2010. (Between the last two censuses) the number of dismal villages in Russia increased by 6 thousand.
  • Today there are about 150 thousand rural settlements in the country.
  • At about half of them, no more than 100 people live.
  • 17 thousand Russian villages have no permanent population.
  • The average density in the Russian Federation is 2 people / square meters. km.
  • The maximum percentage of the rural population is observed in Krasnodar Territory - almost 45%.
  • The largest villages are located in the North Caucasus.
  • The largest population in Russia in Russia is a new Ussman. 27.5 thousand people live here.

Causes of extinction of the Russian village

Village degradation - one of the most acute socio-economic problems modern Russia. In the past twenty years, the rural population of the country is constantly declining. Moreover, not only as a result of natural decrease (high mortality against the background of low birth rate), but also due to the colossal migration outflow.

Young people categorically do not want to live in the village, trying any available ways to escape to the capital or the nearest big City. As a result, only old men and frankly asocial elements remain in many Russian villages. The proportion of the dispersed villages in some subjects of the Russian Federation has already reached an indicator of 20%.

Why does the Russian village die out? There are several reasons:

  • High unemployment.
  • Social infrastructure degradation (lack of schools, kindergartens, clinic, etc.).
  • More low level Life compared to the urban habitat.
  • Frequent lack of housing and communal goods (sewers, gasification, lighting, Internet, etc.).

To revive the Russian village and return the youth to it, a comprehensive state program is required for its salvation and further development. Of course, this requires both colossal money.

The most beautiful villages of Russia: list

Let's try to complete our article on a major note. Not all villages in Russia look sadly and hopeless. Some of them are able to surprise their colors, authentic spirit and original architecture. The following are five vintage Russian villages, in which it is clearly worth visiting at least once in life:

  1. Warrow Murmansk region. The village arose in the middle of the XV century. The center of the catch of Atlantic salmon.
  2. Big Cunners, Buryatia. Pretty large village resembling his external species Illustration for a collection of children's fairy tales. The design of all these houses is absolutely the same: brown walls, blue windows, green fences.
  3. Verchinino, Arkhangelsk region. Traditional village of Russian North. It is famous for its unique and beautifully preserved architecture of the XVII-XVIII centuries.
  4. Okunevo, Omsk region. Colorful, amazing and mystical village, in which there are five different religions at once. The village is a place of attraction for all lovers of esoteric and meditation.
  5. Elovo, Perm region. Environmentally friendly village located on the banks of the Kama. All guests are striking not only with magnificent natural landscapes, but also with its improvement. There is asphalt, pedestrian walkways, flower beds and playgrounds.


The process of extinction of the village is not a unique Russian phenomenon. In general, it is similar to similar processes in other countries and regions of the planet. But, in spite of everything, the Russian village still lives, with all its advantages and disadvantages. And hopefully, in the near future it will begin to revive. After all, as they say in one old Russian proverb: "The city is a kingdom, and the village is paradise."

    According to the All-Russian census of the population on October 14, 2010 in Russia there were 1287 urban-type villages. Of these, 206 with the population of more than 10 thousand inhabitants. Queen Queen No. Region Population, thousands. (2002) ... ... Wikipedia

    Urban planning of the USSR and Russia Documentation of the City Planning Code · Rules of Land Use and Development · General Plan · Project Planning · Arrival Project · GPSU ... Wikipedia

    According to the All-Russian Census, on October 9, 2002, there were 181 rural settlements in Russia with a population of more than 10 thousand inhabitants. Among the largest rural settlements of 95 villages, 56 villages, 29 villages and 1 ... ... Wikipedia

    According to the results of the 2010 census, the Caring 1,100 cities of Russia 163 cities had a population of more than 100 thousand inhabitants (as well as 2 more rounded), entering the categories of large, large, major cities and cities of millionaires. At the same time 1 more ... ... Wikipedia

    Urban style village Chervona Ukr. Chervone Country Ukraineukraina ... Wikipedia

    Coordinates: 55 ° 42 's. sh. 36 ° 58 'in. d. / 55.7 ° C. sh. 36.966667 ° C. d. ... Wikipedia

Unusual names: villages, settlements of Russia and received the best answer

Answer from Dmitry Shapovalov [Guru]
On the forum of the site Radio Lighthouse found such a list:
We publish the unusual names of Russian cities, villages and villages sent by our listeners.
City Slavgorod, Altai Territory.
City and River Karasuk, Novosibirsk region.
Village Ostrasovo, Pskov region.
Village Yakhrinka, Kirov region.
Village Bammcut on Sakhalin.
Love Baikal and Mars in Bashkiria.
In the Moscow region - the rivers of trouble and mute.
Village undercurrent, Pskov region.
Near Norilsk - the river dirty.
IN Kaluga region The Vash River flows.
Dagestan, the village of Luxembourg.
Orenburg region, Village Blyavtamak.
Village Breasts near Kostroma.
The village of Oritraich in the Nizhny Novgorod region.
River IR in Bashkiria.
In Astrakhan - the Balda River.
In Krasnoyarsk - the village of garlic.
On Chukotka - the village of Chaplino.
In the Magadan region - the city of Gadl.
Belgorod region - Zabskoye village, Lucky, Farm Yameki, Vazhovka, Crypino, Salovka, Valuyki.
In Altai - the village of Aya, its inhabitants - Aychane.
In Stary Oskol - the River Ulya.
Sinebryukhovo village, Arkhangelsk region.
Men's village in the north of the Tyumen region.
The Republic of Altai, the village of Choi.
In the Kemerovo region the village of Muddy.
Moscow region, Klin district, village Gogoguzovo.
In Tobolsky district, the village of Barabana.
In Lukhovitsky district of the Moscow region - River Vobl.
On Chukotka in the Bilibinsky district there is a river Kepers, which means Rosashea River in translating.
In Khakassia, a little river Parnushka, which flows at the village of pair.
In Ulyanovsk - the river thick and herring.
Kaluga region, Villages Korkorevo - Grobyukhi - Sinyanka - Matyukovo - Marshi - Zlovodka - Small Bolhukh - Lubun - Svirukhovo - Chumazo - Life Waves.
In the Republic of Bashkortostan - Batrakka village.
In Transbaikalia there are villages of the street and Zaigarevo.
In the Kostroma region - the village of red elephant.
In the village of Parotnaya Krasnodar Region River Bay-Murza-Chekhrak.
In Chunsky district there are villages Bayanda, funny and varnish.
In the Tataria in Aznakaevsky district there is a village of Chemodurovo.
Pottle village in the Kirov region.
In Altai - villages half of the city, Novosuviuchi, Novoperunovo.
In Bashkiria in Belladeevsky district - the village of Kum-Jamb.
Not far from the city of Noyabrsk, in Yamal, a Nyuda-Wood-Yah stream.
The village of Chicotich, Ivanovo region.
In Yakutia, in the Olekmin district - the village of Biryuk.
In the Volgograd region there is the River River River in the farm Shakin.
In the Stavropol Territory there is a river Kuma and depressing. And in the cabarda, the city of Zalukokozh.
Republic of Buryatia - Zabuhai village.
In the Chita region - the river Duralley.
In Udmurtia village game, Bonda village.
In the Altai Territory of the village of Rooshov Log, Sverbavka, Warsaw.
Perm region, Village fool.
In the Tver region, the village of Lochovo (small and large).
Hohhotuy village, Transbaikali edge.
In the north Omsk region Rivers: Shish, Ui, Ibake, Arcarca.
In Kamchatka there is a stream of an IPUKIK.
On Sakhalin - River Hoyambusin.
In Bodaybinsky district Irkutsk region - Mom village.
Village wet, Chelyabinsk region.
In the Krasnoyarsk Territory - the village of Kozulka.
In the Chelyabinsk region, the village of Fersspenauaz and Paris.
In the Tomsk region - River Chadomyvka.
In the Urals outback there is a place of San Donato.
The village of Skit Bull, Krasnoyarsk Territory.
In the Samara region there is a village with a cute cat name.
In the Omsk region, in the village of Sidelnikovo flows the river uy.
Poob village, Krasnoyarsk Territory.
River surveil, Tomsk region, Asino.
Kirov region, village of Kobels, Ezhiha village, Gus village.
Lakes Krivoy and pretty in the Samara region.
The Pokhabiha River flows into Baikal.
Villagebang in the Kemerovo region.
In the Stavropol Territory - River Fly.
Village Svaknino, Vologda region.
Under Novosibirsk - the village of urochis.

Answer from Oksana[guru]
in the rode of the region there is a village of Nasilovo)

Answer from Unknown[master]
In the Moscow region. Durykino, rusty))

Answer from Lobotomy and ancedonia[guru]
stone end, pancakes, goats, pikes, river urine, big kuyash, r. Yy, small pussy, bottom hater, scrotics, mobile, village where Galkin lives is called dirt (from dirt in prince)) Bayandai, dude, plan, blue, upper shmara, lokhovo, vyrupropajsk, Pynkovo, Pedrylovo, pubis (in the company to scrotone ) Deep, narrow, soft, small blizzard, homutic, and somewhere the flow river

Answer from Alexander Needov[guru]
vobl River in Moscow region and every 2 new name

Answer from Nahnadochka[guru]
In the Nizhny Novgorod region there is Vad Vad. If you answer anyone that you go there, hears "in hell".

Answer from Roman Kapustin.[newcomer]
Village of Solovyha and the village Petropavlovskoe (Petropavlovka)

Cultural guides

Five most attractive villages of Russia

P Ortal cultural heritage Russia "Culture.RF" and the Perspective Foundation developed a rural tourism guide in the framework of the All-Russian Promotion of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation Resthamvysia. In the tourism guide, designed to raise the popularity of rural tourism, entered the tempting and unexpected routes.

1. The most beautiful village. Vyatka (Yaroslavl region)

This Russian depth is in caring and loving hands. The village has not only one's website (you will not surprise anyone), but also a map of attractions, the ability to be an online booking, and even your press center.

The ancient merchant village of Vyatka is located in the Nekrasovsky district - one of the most environmentally friendly and historically significant regions of the Yaroslavl region. You can easily reach the car from Yaroslavl, the road will take less than an hour. What is the feature of Vyatsky and why did he recognize one of the most beautiful villages of the country?

Vyatskaya village is a unique urban planning complex of the XVIII-XIX centuries with more than 50 registered architectural monuments, former merchant and peasant houses, tea and innovative institutions, aligns. 10 museums work on its territory.

In Vyatka, the festival "Province - Soul of Russia" is held. During the festival, young musicians, artists, sculptors come here.

In 2015, at the Intermouse Festival, the Museum Community recognized the historical and cultural complex "Vyatskaya" best Museum of the year in Russia, adding the Grand Prix of the International Festival.

View of the village with the bell tower of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ. Photo:

Balkees in black on the shore of wrath. Photo:

Church of the Resurrection of Christ in the fall. Photo:

2. The most historical district. Events ( Saratov region)

Few people know that in the Saratov region you can find objects of all historical eras: from the stone century to the Middle Ages. These unique monuments make the region one of the richest in cultural and historical terms on all Eurasian space. One of the main attractions of the region is now the outskirts of Saratov, in which from the VIII century, our era is the largest urban center of the Golden Horde - the poker.

Today, the festival of historical reconstruction "One day from the life of a medieval city" is carried out. In 2016, the event will be held from 2 to 4 September. Guests will see the work of medieval artisans, we will take part in the master classes on weaving from Berriest, will try himself in archery and fighting the belts.

There will be several main locations on the historic site: "Emir Rate", "Russian Quarter", "European Embassy", "Bazaar". Each of them will be recreated the past times of the Golden Horde.

Village of Events (Saratov region). One day from the life of a medieval city. Photo:

Village of Events (Saratov region). One day from the life of a medieval city. Photo:

3. The happiest village. Esso (Kamchatka Territory)

You are not so easy to get here. Esso village is 600 kilometers from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, on the very border of the tundra.

Numerous thermal sources made a geothermal resort from a simple village. They feed the open year round pool on main Square. Local residents It is said that Esso may claim the title of "the happiest village".

After all, such coniferous forests, as in Esso, there is no longer anywhere in Kamchatka, and Ichinsky volcano (3621 m) is the second largest (after the Klyuchevsk hop) from existing volcanoes Eurasia. Hot springs are heated at home and greenhouses in which cucumbers, tomatoes and even grapes grow! The climate in Esso is sharply continental, so in the summer of Esso - the most warm place In Kamchatka, and in the winter the thermometer arrow can go down here and up to -47 ° C!

In Esso, festivals are held every year. The main event is held on the last Sunday of February: "Beringia" starts on this day - an extreme race on dog sledding.

Esso village (Kamchatka Territory). Photo:

Esso village (Kamchatka Territory). Photo:

4. The oldest village. Varzouga (Murmansk region)

Varzuga is located just 20 kilometers from White Sea And it is considered one of the oldest villages of the Kola Peninsula. It is almost 600 years old. In addition to age, her main attraction - Wooden Tent Assumption Church. The temple was erected in 1674 without a single nail.

And here, every spring on the river rises atlantic salmon - before it was the main fishery of the villagers. Today, fish movement attracts more and more more tourists. Someone goes to look at the unique phenomenon of nature, and someone and to divide - along the Varzugi River of the same name for hundreds of kilometers stretched camp for tourists-fishermen.

Varzouga village (Murmansk region). Photo:

Russian village ... For someone, she is a relic of agrarian past, for others - the keeper of the Russian soul. One way or another, annually urbanization on average "eats" by three villages in the country.

What are the reasons for the extinction and degradation of the Russian village? How much is the villages today in Russia? And which of them are the most beautiful? Answers to all these questions you will find in our article.

Unemployment, hopelessness, despondency ...

It is such unpleasant words that the modern Russian village is most often described. Broken asphalt, fragmentary remaining from prosperous Soviet times, abandoned farms, destroyed houses of culture, dirt, lack of lighting and central sewage - is characteristic of most of the villages and villages of the current Russia. Of course, there are pleasant exceptions. But they are catastrophically not enough.

Many villages in Russia, due to the latter area, in the literal sense, the words are torn off from any benefits of civilization. They can be located a few hundred kilometers from the nearest city or district center. In such villages, people, like a hundred-two hundred years ago, live in a natural economy: Fields are seeded, scottle diluted, fish, hunt and drink strong tea from real samovarov.

The classic example of the "Russian depths" is the so-called red shore. This is a terrain consisting of three villages, lost in the midst of coniferous forests of the Vologda region. The total number of their population is 10 people. Roads by these items, in fact, no. In winter, it can be overcome only on a snowmobile, and in summer (after heavy rain) - exclusively on the tractor. Water - from Rodnikov, light from kerosene lamps, the generator is one on three villages.

And how many similar villages are scattered across the expanses of immense Russia - to say difficult.

Russian villages die away

According to Rosstat, in the first nine months of the current year, the population of Russia decreased by 173 thousand people. The villains of the North-West and the center of Russia die faster than others. And in the Tver region the pace is higher than the average Russian.

"The most alarming situation of mortality today is observed in the Ivanovo, Tula, Novgorod, Tver and Pskov regions," - Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova called the five regions that endure demographics disaster.

The countryside is especially suffering. The Government is financially encouraging the birth of the second and subsequent children, the same measures are also provided at the level of the regions. But bad roads and lack of work are convincing stronger than maternal capital.

"Only the relocation from the village to the city gave 20-30% of the salary. It was enough to move to the city. And if you increase the level of qualifications, then the difference will be even higher, "the demographer says, Researcher to HSE Salavat Abycalkalikov.

In the summer of 2018, experts counted in the Tver region 2,234 empty villages. This is more than in any other region of Russia. Statistics will be replenished, because there are many villages in which 1-2 people live.

Each fourth village in the Tver region is abandoned. Divided from the main roads are rapid at home. The farther from the "Russia" track, the fact that this picture meets more often.

"Houses are empty. This empty, this empty, this empty. That empty, this empty and this empty. Three houses on the street are residential. That is, an extinct village. Well, let's go further, "says a resident of the Tver region Sergey Krivchenkov.

Not only enterprises and hospitals are closing, but also schools. Due to the optimization of schoolchildren, you have to carry into large villages and small towns. Selyan call life in the village of heavy.

"There were 800-900 people here. In the 72nd year I graduated from school. We were 200 people - students in this school. But in my eyes everyone died. "

"We are accustomed, but to live, of course, hard. Because we pay little attention to us. Roads are bad. The light turns off. We pay attention to us little. "

The Tver region is in third place and mortality, and by loss of the population. Neighbors for all these ratings are the same old-axis "root" regions of Russia near Moscow and St. Petersburg.

"Therefore, in priority, leaders are millionaires. Therefore, all the city-millionaires and want ... Rather, all cities want to get a millionaire status or 500 thousand. If this status has acquired is another level of attention, another level of financing, "says the demographer, Researcher by HSE Salavat Abycalkikov.

Do I need to stop this process?

Alexander Merzlov: In our opinion, of course, it must be done. But, unfortunately, modern agrarian policy does not contribute to this. Since the pace of deterals continue to remain very high, let's say, there is a program of sustainable development of rural areas. But it basically acts on those rural settlementswhich are located next to major objects of the agro-industrial complex. Most rural areas are not covered by this program, and the pace of extinction of the villages, they are continued to remain very high.

That is, in fact, is it an inevitable process?

Alexander Merzlov: No, it depends on the type of agrarian policy. If the agrarian policy is focused on large agroholds, if the center of its interests is not the interests of the rural community, but the interests of large agricultural business, of course, this is actually an American model, everything will remain as it is. Agriculture is developing with us, we grow nadoys, yields, too, but at the same time the state of the social sphere continues to deteriorate. We can say that business continues to concentrate in rural areas.

There are countries with more socially oriented models, for example, the same France, where more emphasis is on supporting small forms of management. And it leads to a greater diversity of agricultural products, and for better care of rural landscapes, and gives a very large indirect effect in the form of attractive jobs in a variety of spheres. Our country is large enough, and in order to engage in the agro-industrial complex, thank God, we have huge expanses where you do not want, I do not want a large farm.

But, in our opinion, in residential areas where people live, in areas with elevated recreational, cultural potentials, it is necessary to develop small types of farms, which will be focused on high-quality food, diverse nutrition, to develop recreational, tourist potentials. And so we can implement these models.

List of abandoned villages of Russia



14th km


New Bogolyubovka

Platform 1150th km
Platform 1157th km

Traveling Barkovo
Traveling Chestakovka
Red Elha
Top key

Upper Ivanovka
New Zang



Large Lozovka
Round bush

Travel 912m km
Travel 950th km
Traveling Rizades
Pechersk shore
Yasnaya Polyana

Kaliny bush
Upper Condurcha

Sentalinsky district

Light glade
Light key
Upper Khmelevka