Rest in Karelia, Rest on the White Sea, Rent Yacht, Expedition Boats, Geological and Natural Excursions, Fishing on the White Sea, accommodation in Chupe. Rest in Karelia, Rest on the White Sea, Rent Yacht, Expedition Boats, Geological and Natural EC

"The dazzoy young man-king ... I saw the path to the dream here ... Then he ordered to approve this pillar and a sense on his stone, his mighty hand:" Before Amsterdam-Grand ... (so much) a vert ... " Venition-hail ... (so much) miles. "
(Boris Shiryaev. "Non-day Lampada".)

Book 5. Geography of the Solovetsky region

Chapter 11. White Sea Losses: Onega Bay and Solovetsky Archipelago

White Sea closuit

The White Sea map, which indicates the sections of the White Sea location.

"Navigation description of the navigation around the Solovetsky Islands is posted in the section" Onega Bay "(ch. 4), which is an integral part of the vectio of the White Sea. This specific periodically corrected publication is called" White Sea Looplae ". The logocation is an official document - manual for swimming. . As a rule, it is published by the Ministry of Defense. " ( Prururzin Leonid. Arkhangelsk. 03.11.2005)

Onega Bay

Onezhskiy Zaliv (Onezhskiy Zaliv), located west of the Dvina Gulf, goes to the shore of the White Sea between Cape Gorboluksky (65 ° 10 "N, 37 ° 02" E) and in 59 miles to W from the Cape of Marcavolok, the Northern Input Cape Lip Legenetskaya . The northeast coast of the Bay is called the Onega coast. The south-western shore of the bay from the mouth of the Ongi River to the city of Kem is called the Pomeranian coast, further to the north of the city, the Karelian coast stretches.

The coast of the bay crushed with a thick forest, suitable places close to the coastline. Onega coast is predominantly exalted and folded from clay and sand. In some removal from the coastline, several mountains are not sweat. The Pomeranian Bay Coast is almost all over and rocky. Between the Onega River and the Sumy Lip (64 ° 20 "n, 35 ° 25" e) to the low coast of some mountains; Some mestes formed by the slopes of these mountains, elevated and obversal. To the west of Sumy Luba, the shore is also low; Mountains here retreat far deep into the mainland, approaching the shore only in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Kemcova lip (64 ° 58 "N, 34 ° 46" E).

In the middle of the entrance to the bay lie Solovetsky Islands, separating the entrance to the bay of two straits: Eastern Solovetskaya Salma and Western Solovetskaya Salm.

On the eastern side of the entrance to the Bay is the island Zhizhgin, separated from the shore of the Zhizhginskaya Salma.

Many islands, islets and stony cans forming a schker, whose width reaches 20 miles to the Pomeranian Bay of Bay. In the middle part of the ceiling edge, Schker also lies several islands; The largest of them are the islands of the Big Juhmai and the Small Jump. The major islands have risen the forest, small islands are predominantly devoid of vegetation, composed of granite and places are covered with a layer of peat.

Bay shores, especially Pomeranian, is cut by a variety of lips and bays. Most shallow lips; Small lips are usually whole or largely dry.

Many rivers fall into the bay; The greatest of them - the Onega River flows into the top of the bay. Rivers, as a rule, disadvantage; Only some of them are available for ships with a small sediment, and even then only within the mouth. Before the mouths of the rivers lie with beauty bars, in some places are very extensive.

Depths and terrain. The depths in most of the Onega Gulf less than 50 m. In the middle of the bay there are extensive areas with depths of less than 20 m. Onega shore bay is more inferior than Pomeranian.

The bottom in the bay is uneven, especially in the Schher's area, bonding the Pomeranian Bay. When swimming in the Gulf of Isobate 20 m is warning; It is always possible to cross this source, since it is dangerous.

Tidal flows. The tidal flow sent to the Onega Bay with NE from the pool of the sea, the Solovetsky Islands are divided into three jets: East, Middle and West.

The eastern jet is directed to the Bay of the Strait of the Eastern Solovetskaya Salma and all over the Strait presses the court to the Onega shore and the Cape Summer Orlov (64 ° 55 "N, 36 ° 27" E). The cast flow directed from the bay to the sea pool in the strait of Eastern Solovetskaya Salma, pulls the ships to the strait of Anzera Salma and presses them to Anzersky Island.

The average jet of the tidal flow is directed to the bay in the prolife of Anzero Salma separating the island Anzersky and Solovetsky. Coming out of the strait, the average jet again takes its original direction on SW and, having passed the island of Large Muksalma, merges with the eastern jet, forming strong suloi from the southeastern side.

The western jet of the tidal flow is directed to the Bay of the Western Solovetskaya Salm, and presses the court to the Kemss Schrah; The speed of the tidal flow reaches 2.5 tons. The cast flow sent to the sea pool along this strait, presses the vessels to the stamps of the South Kommic and North Kemsky, lying on the eastern side of the Strait. Coming out of the Western Solovetskaya Salma strait, the jet of the tidal flow is divided into two branches, one of which follows among Schär along the Pomeranian coast, and the other is sent to the Onega shore, merging with the eastern jet coming out of the Eastern Solovetskaya Salma strait and directed to SW.

The total jet of the tidal flow, formed by the fusion of Western and Eastern jets, is heading along the Onega coast first on S, and then on SE spreading south of Chesme Chesman (64 ° 43 "N, 36 ° 32" E) across the entire width of the bay. In the middle part of the bay, the tidal flow should be followed up to the mouth of the Onega River, the coastal part of the flow is directed all the time along the Onega coast.

In Schhers, the tidal flow also includes NE, and then it turns on S and SE, taking the same direction as in the externeer part of the bay. In the narrowness between the Schcher islands, it is divided into numerous jets, following in different directions; At a meeting of two or several jets, strong suckers are formed. Advanced rages appear on numerous stony banks and underwater cliffs, and the course presses the court to these hazards. When changing the flows in the schrahs, minor suckers are formed.

Taming flow should be in the opposite direction.

Ice regime. The area of \u200b\u200bentrance to the Onega Bay, the straits between the Solovetsky Islands and the northern part of the bay, mainly the eastern half of it, do not freeze, and are covered with drifting peasic ice, forming on the shallows and banks of Stamuhi and Roplets.

Ice is covered only by the top of the bay to the east of the line connecting the cape deep (64 ° 20 "N, 37 ° 20" E) with in 31 miles to s from it with the mouth of the Kusterek River. But here it is very often winter with northwestern strong winds, the ice is wake-up, and with southern winds the ice is taken out on the mel, banks and stamps, forming the Stami and Ropaks on them.

Lotsmansk service. Swimming to the ports of Onega and Kem, located in Onega Gulf, is usually carried out under the wiring of Lotsmana. The vessels included in the Bay of the Eastern Solovetskaya Salm and the following in the port of Onega, are taken by Lotsmana in the area of \u200b\u200bluminous buoy Karelian No. 1 (63 ° 57.4 "N, 37 ° 42.5" E), which is a receiving buoy of the Karelian Farviter.

Onega Bay

In the area of \u200b\u200bCape Ukhnololok (65 ° 09 "N, 36 ° 51" E), the mountains are close to the shore, and the south of the cape gradually retreat deep into the mainland. Coast between Cape Ukhnololok and Lip Summer Galotia (64 ° 58 "N, 36 ° 48" E) Common; To the west of the lip to Cape Summer Orlov and further south to Chesmeski Cape (64 ° 43 "N, 36 ° 32" E) the shore is low. Between Cape Chesmensky and the mouth of the Ovega Beach river goes down to the sea with two terraces and ends with an unbreakable beach.

The described coast compared to the Karelian and Pomeranian bay shores is small; Only a few lips are being given to it, the largest of which are the lips of Summer Galotia, Konyukhov, Pushlacht, Ukhta and Kyandskaya. Islands near the shore; All of them, with the exception of the island of Zhizhgin, are small, lie in the southern part of the bay and in front of the entrance at the mouth of the Ongi River.

Onega Bay coast compared to Pomeranian more inferior and bore a much smaller number of dangers. For this reason, swimming on ships with a large sediment is made mainly along this shore, and the entrance to the bay is carried out according to the Eastern Solovetskaya Salma strait. The depths near the Onega shore are quite large, especially in the northern part of it. Morustea isobate 20 m bottom relatively smooth, separately underlying hazards. Crossing an exorbitant 20 m should be careful because there is a lot of dangers between it and the shore. Soil along the coast predominantly stone and sand with a stone; Away from the shore Il and Sand are found.

Anchor can be the islands of Zhizhgin and Forest Osinka (64 ° 09 "N, 37 ° 09" E), in the lips of Summer Galotia, Konyukhov and Pushlacht, in the Moshov Summer Orlov and Chesmets, before the mouth of the Lyamtsa River. Depending on the direction of the wind and the sediment, the vessel can be anchored and other caves.

Note points. When swimming along the front of the Bay of the Bay of the Bay, the landmarks can be: Island Zhizhgin, Yellow Sandcloths in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mouth of the Golotian River, Cape Summer Orlov and Chesmesky, as well as the islands of the Blond (64 ° 14 "N, 37 ° 03" E), Forest Osinka and Purlud (64 ° 14 "N, 37 ° 21" E).

From Cape Gorboluksky to Cape Ukhnololok

From Cape Gorboluksky to Cape Ukhnololok Shore, stretching for 5 miles to WSW, is cut little. It is bored with shallow depths less than 50 M wide up to 7 miles, on which the islands, rocks and banks are scattered with depths of 0.4-19 m.

2.5 miles to NNW from Cape Ukhginas lies Island Zhizhginsky, separated from the bank of the mainland by the Strait Zhizhginsky Salma.

Cape Gorboluksky (MYS GORBOLUKSKIY) (65 ° 10 "N, 37 ° 02" E) is the eastern input cape of the Onega Gulf. Cape is noticeable thanks to the hill covered on it located on it. Cape is gentle and rocky. The border of the forest in the area of \u200b\u200bCape runs about 5 CBT from the coastline; Western forest gradually approaching the shore.

Cape drying has about 1 CBT width.

Cape Ukhnolok (MYS UKHTNAVOLOK), low and covered with forest, is 4.5 miles to WSW from Cape Gorboluksky. The tip of Cape Ukhnolok is a narrow sandstone-stony braid, elongated by 2.5 KBT to the north in the Strait of the Zhizhginsky Salm. Directly south of the cape rises mountain (65 ° 08 "N, 36 ° 51" E); The top of the mountain is rounded, and the slopes facing the sea, detached. On the bank of 2.7 KBT to S and at 1.5 miles to e of the cape there are buildings.

Zhizhgin Island (Ostrov Zhizhginskiy) (65 ° 12 "N, 36 ° 49" E). The shores of the island are sandy-stony. Mountain rises in the middle; The north, Western and oriental slopes of this mountain are cool, and the southern - slotted. Thanks to Mount Island is easily recognized. The slopes of the mountain and the low sections of the island have gripped by shrub. Upon approach from the West and East, the island has a wedge-shaped form.

On the eastern shore of the island are built, most of which are in a dilapidated condition; Separate buildings are available on the north shore. The eastern shore of the island is 2.1 kBT to WSW from Cape Livteikha (Mys Livteikha) (65 ° 12 "N, 36 ° 50" E) is equipped with a pier. Pier's width is 12.5 m. The length of the pier of the pier is 33.5 m, the depths along it is 1.2-1.5 m. With the beginning of the casting courts standing at the pier, you should move away to anchor location located on the branch of the aquifer (65 ° 11.8 "N, 36 ° 48.8" E).

In the shores of the island there are several white bays. From the narrow cape Paletsky (Mys Paletskiy), which is the northeastern tip of the island, for 1 mile to NNE stretches the white-haul stony stuffed braza (Churnavolokskaya Kosa), on the tip of which is a rocky churnavolok island (Ostrovok Churnavolok).

Island Okimillennillee with depths less than 5 m, on which stones and banks are scattered. The coastal part of the screams beveling, and the North and Eastern shores, the drying has a width of up to 2.5 KBT.

Tidal flows. At the island, Zhigginsky tidal flow is directed to SW; From the south-west side of the island, it follows to the bay at a rate of about 1 bonds, and from the north-west side - at a speed of 1.5-2 tons. Near the island the flow rate of Mala. Change flow occurs clockwise. The taming flow from the east side of the island is directed to NNE and NE and has 1-1.5 ultrasound from the shore.

Lighthouse Zhizhginsky (Zhizhginskiy Lighthouse) (65 ° 12.2 "N, 36 ° 49.1" E) installed on a mountain (closer to its northern slope) in the middle of the island Zhizhgin. When approaching the island from the north, the beacon seems to stand in the middle of a flat, but broad, with steep mountains of the mountain.

The lighthouse has a radio beacon and a sound signaling.

Light sign Zhizhgin (Zhizhginskiy Light-Beacon) is installed on the North-West shore of the island of 1.3 KBT to NW from Lighthouse Zhizgin. Light Sign, Zhizhgin, forms a target with Lighthouse Zhizhgin (the direction of the stem 312.9 ° -132,9 °). The fire of the luminous sign shines in the direction of the stem.

Light sign stuffnasolock Churnavolokskiy Light-Beacon) installed on the island of Churnavaol.

Bank With a depth of 10.6 m lies in 2.5 miles to Ne from the island of Churnowlock. Shurnavolokskiy Light-Buoy (Churnavolokskiy Light-Buoy) is set to 1.4 miles to the NNW from the island of Churnowlock.

Ringing Signs Water Signs (Vodonosnyy Leading Lights) installed near the Lake Water Sound (Ozero Vodonosnoye) on the eastern shore of Zhizhgin Island to 4 KBT to N from Cape Chernyaevsky (Mys Chernyayevskiy), the southern tip of the island Zhizhgin, leads to the island from the east to intersection with the Rentastic; The direction of the stem is 95.8 ° -275.8 °.

The target of the shining signs (Pristanskiy Leading Lights) installed on the eastern shore of Zhizhgin Island in 2 CBT to WSW from Livteiha Cape, leads to the pier from the branch of aquifer; The direction of the science is 130.9 ° - 310.9 °.

Buoy The 2.4 KBT is set to S from the Livteiha Cape at the point of intersection of the bodies of the aquifer and Protestan.

Anchor places. With storm winds from N, ne and e trips, the South, South-Western and West Coast of the Island Zhizhginsky can be estimated, and in the winds from W and NW - the eastern shore of the island. When approaching the island, caution should always be taken.

When setting anchor from the North-West shore of the island, you need to make sure that you do not give an anchor on the steep coastal slope, since west of the depth of the depth is increasing. It should be borne in mind that with the approach to the island of depths decrease sharply.

The South and Eastern Coast of the island has large vessels should anchor so that with the wind variety you can quickly play with anchor and go out into the sea. The courts standing at anchor at the southern shore of the island, with the change of wind on SW and the courts standing at the East Coast, with the change of wind on NE to play with anchor and go out into the sea is difficult.

Courts with precipitate no more than 3 m can anchor at the island of Zhizhgin everywhere, with the exception of the area located north of the island, where you can lose anchor among the many pitfalls. For the loading and unloading of the court, they are anchored by the eastern shore of the island on the line of the bore, leaving for ne bank of Corga Livteiha (Banka Korga Livteikha), to SW korg-Dinker (Banka Korga Obedenka). The depths here about 10 m.

To an anchor place, located at the North-West Bank of the island, leads the target of the luminous sign Zhizginsky with Lighthouse Zhizhgin; The direction of the stem 312.9 ° -132.9 °.

Milestone North-West shores Zhizhgin Island in 6 KBT to W from Cape Quick (Mys Bystryy) (65 ° 13 "N, 36 ° 49" E).

Strait Zhizhginskaya Salma (Pruliv Zhizhginskaya Salma) separates Zhizhgin Island from the bank of the mainland. Despite the relatively large width of the Strait, its fairway, narrowed with shames, very narrow and tortuous. Farvater is available for ships with precipitate to 5.4 m.

In the dark, the spiring swimming is not recommended. The tidal current is directed to the Strait of the Zhizhgin Salma with NE 30 on SW; The speed of its 1.5-2 bonds.

Farwater Strait Zhizhginskaya Salma is equipped with stems of signs, luminous sign and is protected by milestones.

Warning. When swimming on the Strait, Zhizhginskaya Salm should go strictly in the stems, since there are dangers around the fairway.

Flame sign Pulkorg (Pulkorga Light-Beacon) (65 ° 09.9 "n, 36 ° 51.1" E) is installed on a rocky Pulkorga's rocky island (Ostrovok Pulkorga). The sign was destroyed (1995).

Installation for swimming in the Strait Zhizhginsky Salm. Going to the Strait of the Zhizhginsky Salma from the East, you need to lie on first targets (Pervyy leading beacons) (65 ° 09.9 "n, 36 ° 51.1" e) (direction of the crystal 14,4 ° -194,4 °) and go to point 65 ° 10.4 "n, 36 ° 51 , 4 "E. At this point, it is necessary to go on a course of 228 ° and go between shafts with depths of less than 5 m, which protrudes to N from the Cape of Ukhnololok and to SE from the island of Zhizhginsky, leaving to NW milestone (65 ° 10.4" N, 36 ° 51.4 "E). Come on the target of the third ondrykovsky entrance (Tretiy OnDrikovskiy Entrance Leading Beacons) (65 ° 09.7 "N, 36 ° 57.6" E) (the direction of the scroll 277.8 °-97.8 °), it is necessary to go to this target, bringing it along the feed, and Leaving to n milestone (65 ° 10.4 "N, 36 ° 48.0" E), which enhances with W a can with a depth of 2.8 m. After this mileage comes to the traverse, you must pass 1 more mile and then go to the course depending on the destination.

Following the bay on the Strait of the Zhizhginskaya Salma, it is necessary to place courses in the reverse order, i.e., first go to the course of 97.8 ° in accordance with the third ondrykovsky input to the point 65 ° 10.1 "N, 36 ° 50.8" e, this point is for the course of 48 ° and go to the point 65 ° 10.4 "n, 36 ° 51.1" e; From here, going to the target the first and leading it by the stern, follow this stem for the exit from the strait.

From Cape Ukhnolok to Cape Summer Orlov

From Cape Ukhnolok to Cape Summer Orlov The shore extends 17 miles to SW; The northern part of the coast is slightly cut, in the southern part of the lips of Summer Galotia and Konyukhov.

Mountains in the area of \u200b\u200bCape Ukhnololok are close to the shore, and then retreat deep into the mainland and the wavy ridges stretch south. Between Cape Ukhnololok and Lip Summer Golden, the shore gradually drops from the north to south; In places it is bordered by a narrow sandy beach. Next west to Cape Summer Orlov Coast low, sandy-stony. This sector of the shore is a thick forest, which comes close to the coastline.

The shore is almost all over the entire exterminated drying, which places have a width of up to 4 kBT. Within 1.5 miles from the coast there are separate dangers.

Callielich's Callih (Mys Kostylikha), low and rocky, crumpled grass, located 2 miles to SSW from Cape Ukhnolol. To the Campie of the Kostilich rises covered with a forest hill with gentle slopes. Cape is inclusive. Near Cape is standing.

From the northern side of Cape is a cochochka available for ships with precipitate to 1 m.

The south of the cape scattered a lot of white stones, over which drums are formed.

Lip Summer Galotia (Guba Letnyaya Zolotitsa) goes to the shore between the low and swirling Mysh Pyartnavolok (65 ° 00 "N, 36 ° 49" E) and located 3.7 miles to Satanskiy Satanskiy (Mys Satanskiy ). The lip is recognized from 12-13 miles along a wide yellow sandy hollow of the arcuate shape and the settlements of the village of Summer Galotia (64 ° 57 "N, 36 ° 50" E) located on the right bank of the Golotian River.

The shores of the lips are bordered with a sandy-stony drying width to 1 kBT.

The bottom of the lips is smooth, the depths increase from the shore gradually. Depths in the entrance to the lip of 7-20 m, in the middle part 11-17 m; There were no dangers here. From the Cape Pyatnasolok 2 miles to W and from Cape Satanian 2 miles to N protrude with depths of less than 10 m, on which there are separate dangers. The lip is protected from winds that blow from ENE to SSW.

Tools of navigation equipment. On the lip of a summer golden leader leads a fairway equipped with a glowing sign. Some dangers are protected by milestones.

Bank Stony with a depth of 8.4 m lies with 1.5 miles to NW from the cape Pyatnascol.

Bank With a depth of 5.6 m lies in 1.1 miles to W from the Cape Pyatnascol.

Banks Satanian Corgai (Banki Satanskiye Korgi) Stony with depths 0.2-3.8 m are located on shames with depths less than 10 m to NW from Cape Sathansky. In the area of \u200b\u200b1.2 miles to NW from Cape Satanian there are separate beauty stones.

River Golden. (Reka Zolotitsa) flows into the top of a summer golden lip in 1.6 miles to ENE from Cape Satanian. River's shores for 2.7 kBT above the mouth is bordered by a sand-and-stony drying width of 10-20 m; The bottom of the river in the mouth is sandy-stony.

Before entering the river there is a bar. At the bar in 1 CBT from the mouth there is a small sandy dryer, which is clearly visible when approaching the mouth into small water. The depths at the bar 0.1-0.9 m. With winds from W and NW over the bar, drums are observed. Small ships with precipitate can be found in the river in full water to 1.2 m.

Up from the mouth parallel to the right bank of the river stretches a narrow pit with a length of 350 m and a width of 15-35 m; The depths here are 1-3 m, the ground is a stone and the sand. In the middle of the pit runs the passage leading to anchor place and to the pier located at the right bank of the river at 0.8 KBT above the mouth.

The flow rate in the river 1 UZ. The tide in it applies to 1.6 KBT above the mouth. The speed of tidal flow at the mouth of the river is weak, the speed of the output flow reaches 3.5 tons.

Pier Equipped with the right bank of the river at 0.8 KBT above the mouth at the sunken ship. The length of the pier 30 m, width 10 m, the depth along it is 0.8 m.

Summer Summer Galotia (Letnyaya Zolotitsa) is located on the right bank of the Galotian River in 4.2 KBT above the mouth. There is a bakery, medplex and mail.

Air cable They shift through the Galotian river at an altitude of 15 m in 4.4 kBT above the mouth.

Anchor places. In the lip of summer golden, anchor places are located to NW from the mouth of the Galotian River in the Svetne-Zolotitsky area. The depths of 7-9 kBT from the mouth of the river 14-16 m, in 5 kBT from the mouth of 9-14 m, in 4 KBT from the mouth of 5-10 m. Soil is a small sand.

Anchor places are well protected from winds that blow from ENE to SSW.

Anchor place in the Golotian River is located on the pit against the berth at 0.8 KBT to SE from her mouth. Depths here are 1-2 m; Soil - or sand. Anchor place is protected from winds of all directions.

Milestone Exhibited in an anchor area of \u200b\u200b5.9 kBT to NW from the mouth of the Golotian River.

Guide to enter the lip of summer Golden and the Golden River. Courts following the lip of a summer golden, having encouraged from the North Zhizhgin Island, on the parallels of Lighthouse Zhizhgini should lie down to the course with the calculation to pass a pyatnascolound in 2 miles. Not reaching the parallel of the Cape Pyatnascol, you need to identify the mouth of the Golotian river and the target of the luminous signs of summer-golden (Letne-Zolotitskiy LEADING Lights) (64 ° 57.4 "N, 36 ° 49.3" E); The direction of the stem 310.2 ° -130.2 °. Come on this target, you need to lie on it and follow the anchor place.

Walking on the lip of a summer golden from Cape Summer Orlov and saving cans Satan Corgi, should not approach the seashore area between capes thick Corgi (Mys Tolstyye Korgi) (64 ° 56 "N, 36 ° 40" E) and Satansky for a distance less than 2 miles . A milestone, protecting the bank of Satan Corgi, need to be turned out with N. Identifying the signs of the scholars, it should be inserted into the lip of the summer-Zolotitsky.

It should also be extinguished from the lip in the design, saving the cans of Satan corves and the dangers lying on the northeast side of the entrance.

When followed from the lip, a summer golden to Cape Summer Orlov can not be located on the rate of 270 ° until the cape of Sathansky arrives at the 180 ° pendant, and Cape Tolsti Corgi - on Beleng 217 °. When following the island of Zhizhgin, it is impossible to turn to the right earlier than Cape Tolsti Cuga will come to the bearing 217 °, and the milestone, the enhancement banks of Satan Corgi will remain to S or even to SE.

Courts included in the river should be 1 hour before the full water in the river from the anchor site (64 ° 57.9 "N, 36 ° 47.9" E) to go to the course of 154 ° and go to the river, focusing on buildings, Located on the right bank of the mouth of the river, leaving the right 25 m sandy drying, lying in 1 CBT to NW from the mouth.

Locals enter the river in local landmarks.

Guba Konyukhova (Guba Konyukhova) goes to the shore of 4 miles to WSW from Cata Sathansky. The eastern input cape of the lip is Cape Tolsti Corgi. Low sandy sandstandy shores of the lips completely sworn with a coniferous forest, approaching the coastline.

The shores of the lip is almost all over the entire drainage, the width of which does not exceed 1 CBT.

From the middle of the southern shore of the lip is a small cape Pushlakhotski (Mys Pushlakhotskiye Korgi) (64 ° 54.0 "N, 36 ° 35.8" E).

In the middle part of the lip and at the entrance to it, a depth of 10-14 m. The ground in the lip mostly, as well as fine sand and stone.

Between the shore and the 10 m, there are a number of cans with depths of 1-5 m, there are underwater and beauty stones and a white sandy bank.

Bank With a depth of 1.6 m lies in 5 KBT to NW from Cape Thick Cuggs.

Anchor places. Guba Konyukhova is convenient for anchor parking during storm winds from E to SW. In the lip conveniently settled while ice from the Gulf of Ice. However, it should be borne in mind that when biling and nordic winds are stuffed with ice.

Courts with sedimentation up to 6 m can be safely standing at anchor at the southeast or southern shore of the lip, without entering the west of Meridian Cape Pushlahot Corgi.

Courts with sediment 4-6 m should not be found at a depth of less than 10 m, as closer to the shores of depth decrease sharply. For the same reason, the courts with sediment 2-3 m are not recommended to go to depth less than 5 m.

Installation to enter the grub Konyukhov. Following the Lip Konyukhov with NE, the Cape Satansky should be left at a distance of at least 2 miles to the south, and the Tolsti Corgi will not get closer to the caulation than 1 mile, saving the dangers speaking to NW. When Cape Pushlahotsk Corgi will come to the 180 ° field, you need to lie on the course of 180 ° and enter the lip, measuring depth. When aroused by the south-west shore, the lips should beware of underwater and white stones lying to NW from Cape Pushlahot Corgi. To set an anchor in the south-eastern shore, the lips should go with a course of 180 ° until the Cape Tolsti Corge comes to traverse, and then lie on the course of 135 ° and approach the shore.

Following the Grub Konyukhov with NW, the banks of the summer-Oryol (64 ° 57 "N, 36 ° 30" e) should beware. Western input cape lips of the cluster, it can be held in 5 kBT. When applying for an anchor, this Cape should be borne in mind that the depths here decrease to the shore very sharply.

It is necessary to approach the lip by a course of 135 °, and enter it a course of 180 °, when the vessel comes to the Meridian Cape Pushlahot Corgi.

It is necessary to go out of the lips by courses, reverse the above, and it is impossible to rotate to NW until the pendant of 297 ° is passed on the Western entrance of the lip. When following from the lip of Konyukhov in the lip, the summer golden turn to ne It is impossible until the bearing of 110 ° caught the Cape Tolsti Corgi.

Summer-Orlovskaya Bank (Banka Letne-Orlovskaya) with a smallest depth of 7.2 m lies with 4.5 miles to WNW from Cape Thick Corgi.

From Cape Summer Orlov to Chesmensky Cape

From Cape Summer Orlov to Chesmensky Cape (64 ° 43 "N, 36 ° 32" E) Beach, stretching by 12.8 miles to S, low and stony. In 5 miles south of Cape Summer Orlov on the beach, Pushlacht's lip. Between Cape Summer Orlov and Pushlacht Pushlacht, the hills are suitable for the distance 0.5-1 miles. 2-2.5 miles from the shore are pretty high gentle forest hills that stretch from the north to the Pushlacht lip.

The shore between the capes Summer Orlov and Chesmesky bore shallow with depths less than 5 M wide up to 1.5 miles. The coastal part of the shames blew. There are many cans and white stones lying on the shames, so it is not recommended to cross it from Batu. The northern part of this sector lies an extensive Pushlahotian stranded.

Note points. When swimming along the shore, the landmarks can serve: Mount Schishche (Gora Sechishche) (64 ° 54 "N, 36 ° 31" E); Mount Malinnitsa (Gora Malinnitsa), located 9 miles to ESE from the mountain of Cisch, and the valley of Pushlacht's lips.

Cape Summer Orlov (MYS Letniy Orlov) (64 ° 55 "N, 36 ° 27" E), low and stony, barking with shallow depths less than 20 M wide up to 2.3 miles. On shames scattered banks with depths of 3.6-9.6 m.

When approaching from the north and south, the cape opens as an island. It is not recommended to approach the caulation for a distance of less than 1.5 miles.

Svetne-Orlovsky Lighthouse (Letne-Orlovskiy Lighthouse) installed on Cape Summer Orlov. With the lighthouse there is a sound signal.

Lotsmansk station There is a summer-Orlovsky lighthouse. The pilot station is mothing.

Place of meeting Lotsmanov (65 ° 03.1 "N, 36 ° 32.0" E) for vessels with displacement up to 100 thousand tons of 8 miles north of Cape Summer Orlov. Lotsmann delivery is carried out by a pilot boat from the port of Onega.

Light buoy summer Orlovsky (Letne-Orlovskiy Light-Buoy) is set to 9 CBT to W from Cape Summer Orlov. Way protects the dangers speaking from Cape Summer Orlov.

With fresh winds from S, SW and W it is more convenient to act as an anchor to N or NE from Cape Summer Orlov, but when approaching, caution should be taken and measured depths, since on bars with depths less than 10 m are banks.

Pushlahot Mel. (Pushlakhotskaya Mel ") lies in the middle of extensive shames with depths of less than 20 m, which performs 10 miles to NW from the seashore site between Pushlacht and Cape Cape Cheszynsky. The banks are scattered with depths of 3.6-9.4 m, some depths on Banks are unreliable. Soil in the area of \u200b\u200bMeli Yellow sand, Il and a small stone. Pushlahot stranded is protected by luminous and unreasonable buoyes and milestones.

Pushlacht's lip (Guba Pushlakhta) is located 5 miles to SSE from Cape Summer Orlov. From the south, the entrance to the lip is limited to narrow, deprived of vegetation with rocky cape thin (MYS Tonkiy) (64 ° 49 "N, 36 ° 30" E).

The northeast coast of lips hooked, covered with grass and cropped forest. South-West shore is low and also crouched by the forest, with the exception of Cape thin.

From both input seizures of the lips protrude shalles, dyed with hazards; From Cape Thin on 9 CBT to NW stretches the braid with a depth of less than 5 m. The addiction of the Spit is set to the milestone.

In the middle part of the lip, its northeastern shores are two deprived vegetation of rocky island: Western Sea island (Ostrovok Zapadnyy Morskoy) (64 ° 49.5 "N, 36 ° 31.4" E) and in 1 CBT to ESE from It is the island of East Sea (Ostrovok Vostochnyy Morskoy).

A shallow water river (REKA Pushka) flows into the top of the lip. The village of Pushlacht's village (Pushlakhta), located on the elevation of the left shore of the mouth of the river, are clearly visible in clear weather, when the sun is in the western half of the horizon.

The lip serves as good shelter from the wind and excitement from NNW through N to W. With winds from W waves, the waves are broken on the white spit serving to WNW from the Cape thin.

Depths In the middle of the entrance to the lip of 5-8 m. In the middle part of the lip, the south of the islands of the Western marine and eastern sea depth 3-4 m; Next to the top and shores, they gradually decrease. From the entrance to the lip on the NW stretches in the depths of more than 8 m.

Tidal flows. The tidal current is directed from the Cape Summer Orlov on SSE; The speed of it is up to 1.3 bonds. This course presses the court to underwater rocky shames with depths of less than 5 m, protruding from the Cape thin on 9 CBT to NW. Then the flow is divided into two jets: one jet is directed to the Pushlacht's lip by its Farvatera on SE, the other - on S along the shore to Chesmers. The taming flow should be in the opposite direction at the same speed.

Ice regime. Ice of the lip is covered in approximately early November. With strong North-Western winds, the ice at the entrance to the lip is wedged and applied to coastal shames; When casting ice is taken out into the sea. When bilted and winds from W and NW, ice is stuck in the lip.

The lip is opened in the first days, and sometimes in mid-May.

Tools of navigation equipment. Farvater, leading to the lip of Pushlacht, equipped with a glow of luminous signs.

Anchor places. Anchor is recommended to become 5 kBT to NW from the island of Western Sea. Depths here 7-8 m; Soil - Il. When parking, you should start with the stern of the Verp. During fresh winds from NW, the parking lot here is unsafe, as a big wave comes into the lip.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthis anchor place, Bui Pushlahotsky (Pushlak-Hotskiy Buoy) (64 ° 49.8 "N, 36 ° 30.5" E) is exhibited.

Courts with precipitate no more than 3 m can anchor in 2 KBT on the 55 ° field on the northern tip of the Eastern Sea island. Depths here about 4.5 m; Soil - IL and Sand.

Admission to enter the lip of Pushlacht. Being 3 miles 347 ° from Lighthouse Zhizginsky, it is necessary to lie on a course of 209 °, passing in 2 miles of the west of Cape Summer Orlov, and to go to them until the Summer-Orlovsky can come to the beacon of 96.5 °. Next, you need to lie on the course of 165 ° and to go along the northeastern edge of the Pushlahotsk region in the depths of at least 8.6 m.

Light buoy Pushlahotsky (PushLakhotSkiy Light-Buoy) (64 ° 51.6 "N, 36 ° 23.4" E) should remain about 1 kBT to SW. Reached luminous signs of Pushlahotsky (PushLakhotSkiy Leading Lights) (64 ° 49.5 "N, 36 ° 31,3" E) (direction of the crystal 302.9 ° -122,9 °), you need to lie on it and enter the lip.

When leaving the pashlacht's lip, the Western Sea island from the south should be overtakely in a distance of at least 1 KBT. Having come to the target Pushlahotsky, it should lead it along the stern. If you need to go to the port of Onega, you must follow the stem until the Summer-Orlovsky beacon arrives at 14 ° bearing, then go to the course of 188 ° and go to Chesmes. Depths in this course more than 5.8 m.

When followed from the lip of Pushlacht to the pool of the sea, it is necessary to go through courses, reverse themes that were recommended to enter the lip.

Bank Shidrovskaya (Banka shidrovskaya) with a depth of 4.4 m lies in 2.2 miles to WSW from Cape thin. The bank is surrounded by depths of 7-9 m. To SW from the banner of the milestone.

Chapter 4 of the White Sea location also contains the description of the coast from Chesmes to the Onega River, which is not given here.

River Onega

The Onega River (Reka Onega), multi-water and deep in the lower current, flows into the top of the Onega Gulf. The mouth of the river is between Pihnemsky's cape (Mys Pikhnemskiy) (63 ° 57 "N, 38 ° 00" E) and located 1.3 miles to 5 SSW from it Cape Pilsky (Mys Pil "Skiy). The mouth of the river is not recognized from the sea. Due to low wetlands, smoking grass and forest shores, but is well recognized when switching from the shining signs of Pikhnevsky No. 1 (PikhnemSkiy No. 1 Leading Lights) (63 ° 57.8 "N, 38 ° 02.0" E) on the target Luminous signs Pikhnevsky No. 2 (Pikhnemskiy No. 2 Leading Lights) (63 ° 56.4 "N, 38 ° 00.7" E) for forest-exporting communals (Timber Export Berths) (63 ° 56 "N, 38 ° 01" E) At the right bank of the river and pipe (63 ° 55.9 "N, 38 ° 02.0" e), as well as by the dark forest strip, extending on the Pomeranian shore from Cape Pilsk to the village of Vorzogora (63 ° 54 "N, 37 ° 41 "E). For details, see the location of the White Sea.

Port rules

Below are excerpts from mandatory decisions on the sea trading port of Onega, the port item of Solovki ed. 2003, whose instance can be obtained upon arrival at the port. Due to the fact that mandatory rulings change periodically and may differ from those shown here.

1.2. The requirements of "mandatory decrees" apply to all Russian and foreign courts located in the water area of \u200b\u200bthe port, port paragraph, on their shipowners, as well as on all legal entities and individuals, regardless of departmental affiliation and forms of ownership, carrying out production or other activities in the port of the port, port paragraph and / or in the territory adjacent to it.

1.9. The entry of ships to the port and exit from the port is carried out around the clock, except when the movement of vessels on the port of the port for any reason is prohibited (complex hydrometeorological conditions, the elimination of accidents or their consequences, the production of underwater and technical works, the conduct of water and sports holidays and Similar cases when the safety of vessels in the port of port or movement of vessels is not ensured, creates a threat to the safety of certain works on it).

The entrance of the ships in the Solovki portway and the yield from it is carried out in the daytime.

1.10. The port, the port item accepts courts with dimensions, according to the table:

1.10.1. When swimming through the channels of the port of the port, the port paragraph of the sediment of the courts should not exceed the following values:

1) from the receiving bu № 1 to berths No. 1-4 - 5.3 m.
2) from the berths of OAO OJSC to the city raid - 4 m.
3) from the city raid to the pier of the port - 2.5 m.
4) from the receiving buoy to the pier Tamarin, the port point of the Solovki is 5.5 m.
5) From the pier Tamarin to the berths of Hetta and the monastic, the port point of the Solovki is 3 m.
6) Raid oilfovering complex - 18 m.

1.14. All vessels on the water area of \u200b\u200bthe port, port item must bear their national flags.
1.14.1. When driving the vessel, regardless of time, the flag rises on the feed flagpole or on the buzzer feed mast.
1.14.2. During the parking lot at the pier or on the raid, the flag must be held on the feed flagpole from 8 hours before sunset, from April 20 to August 20 - from 8 to 20 hours.
1.14.3. Foreign vessels for the entire time spent in the port must keep the most prominent place of the Russian Federation on the Fock or other.

2. Swimming of vessels in the area of \u200b\u200bmandatory regulations. Swimulation rules.

2.1.5. When choosing a speed of movement on the port of the port, the captains of ships should be guided by the recommendations of the pilot, but with all favorable conditions of swimming, the speed of maritime courts should be: When follows from the Angarsk burden of the port point of the Solovki to the berth of Tamarin and further to the seachers of Heta and Monastic - up to 8 tons.

Rules for swimming vessels in ice

2.1.28. Swimming of vessels in ice conditions begins with the moment of appearance on the water area of \u200b\u200bthe port, the port point of the primary, ice forms (the end of October - the beginning of November) and before the freezing of the water area. Depending on the ice environment in the White Sea and on the port of the port, as well as the presence of icebreaking funds, the port Captain establishes the category of ice amplification and the power of SEU for vessels, following the port of Onega, the port point of the Solovki or making swimming on its water area, which is declared in the solders And communicates to the attention of shipowners and / or maritime agents of ships. Ships that do not have ice amplification, swimming on the port of the port, the port point of the Solovki is prohibited.

2.2. Lotsmann services

2.2.1. Under the pilot wiring (pilot operation), any transition of the vessel in the port of the port, the port point of the Solovki with Lotsmann on board, as well as the wiring of the vessel in the Kilwater after another vessel on which there is a pilots (wiring by the leading method). Expportant wiring of vessels from anchor parking on the Karelian raid (63 ° 59.2 "N, 37 ° 33.7" E) to the first place of the vessel parking (berth, raid) when entering the sea or from the last place of the vessel parking (pier , raid) to anchor parking on the Karelian raid when leaving the sea. Internal wiring - a pilot operation on the port of the port, the port point of the Solovki when the ship is moving from one pier to another, not adjacent to the first, within one cargo district; When changing an anchor parking within one raid, as well as when the vessel is permutation (a drawing), along the front of the adjacent berths at a distance of more than 50 m. The length of extraport posting from the Karelian raid to the forest-export raid (Timber Export Road) 13.1 miles, to the city raid 15.6 miles. Expportant posting length in the port point of the Solovki from the place of the meeting of Lotsmanov (64 ° 54.8 "N, 35 ° 43.5" E) to a reversal basin 10.1 miles, to anchor parking at the island of Pezia Luda 8 miles. The pilot wiring of ships (tankers) with displacement of up to 100 thousand tons is mandatory, the length of the wiring is 74.2 miles.

From the place of meeting Lotsmanov (65 ° 03.6 "N, 36 ° 32.0" e): a course of 209 ° 2.6 miles to a point 65 ° 01.3 "N, 36 ° 29.2" E; course 233 ° 10 mph to point 64 ° 55.3 "n, 36 ° 10.2" e; a course of 205 ° 6.2 miles to a point 64 ° 49.6 "N, 36 ° 04.0" E; course 138 ° 22.2 miles to point 64 ° 33.1 "N, 36 ° 39.8" E; Course 145 ° 14.7 miles to point 64 ° 20.8 "N, 36 ° 58.5" E; course 175 ° 3.3 miles to point 64 ° 17.6 "n, 36 ° 59.3" e; course 133 ° 12.2 miles to point 64 ° 09.3 "n, 37 ° 19.6" e; Course 148.5 ° 3 miles to point 64 ° 06.8 "N, 37 ° 23.2" E (anchor place of the RPK Osinka).

2.2.2. Lotsmanskaya wiring on the port of the port, the port point of the Solovki is required:

  • for all foreign vessels, regardless of their gross capacity;
  • for all Russian courts gross capacity 500 reg. T and more.

2.2.4. Applications for pilot services are submitted by captains of vessels directly or through maritime agents to the pilot service (telephone 2-16-54, to VHF, channel 16, working channel 9, call sign "Onega-Radio-5") or IPC duty officer writing or to VHF , channel 16 (working channel 9), around the clock at the address: 164840, Ong, etc. Kirov, 107, on the following dates: When following in the port from the sea for 48 and 24 hours, followed by a refinement for 6 hours. When in port for all types of pilot services in 12 hours, followed by a refinement for 6 hours. The application must contain the following data: the name of the vessel, the shipowner and the marine agent, the flag of the vessel, the maximum sizes of the court on (length, width, the height of the side), the sediment to the nose and the feed, the time to which the pilot must arrive at the ship.

2.2.5. In cases of transferring the time of the start of work or refusal from pilot services, the Captain of the vessel should notify the pilot service or IPC no later than 2 hours before the initial stated period. In case of non-fulfillment of this condition, the Captain of the vessel is obliged to sign the pilot receipt for the next time for the previously announced time to recover the collection for a vain challenge.

2.2.6. Delivery of Lotsmanov on ships and removal from the courts are provided:

  • on the Karelian raid, in the port point of Solovki in the summer period of navigation - the pilot courts "Captain Mityagin" and "Alexander Kuchin", the permanent parking place of which the port of the port; For other periods of navigation - a port tug or icebreaker. The vessel performing the functions of the pilot vessel carries a constant watch to the VHF, channel 16, call sign - the name of the vessel;
  • on the rest of the water area of \u200b\u200bthe port - by car, pilot vessels or port trains declared by the vessel for the merchant of mooring or other operation.
3. Entrance of ships to the port and exit port

3.1. Information about the approach

3.1.1. The captains of the courts following the port of Onega, the portion of Solovki from the sea are obliged through the shipowners or representatives of the agent firm to give the checkpoint of the port of Onega (KKP "Onega") and Onega Customs primary information about the estimated approach time to the border of the port of the port 48 h, recently in 24 hours, followed by a refinement for 6 hours. Captains of vessels arriving from abroad in cases of detection on board foreign citizens or asylum seekers in the Russian Federation, as well as Russian citizens who are not members of the ship crew or passengers are obliged immediately through the shipowner or the maritime agent to report About this KKP "Onega" and give information the latter about the approach of the vessel to the border of the port of the port in terms of the time indicated in Art. 3.1.1.

3.1.2. In primary information about the approach, the Captain reports the following information:

  • vessel name;
  • from where the ship is coming (port, portaltown of the last navigation);
  • goal of entering the port (unloading, loading, equipment, repair);
  • name and amount of cargo and / or passengers;
  • the presence on board the persons mentioned in Art.;
  • the name of the consignee;
  • the name of the shipper, if the vessel is only under loading or fitting;
  • septure with nose and feed on marine and fresh water. The captains of tankers in addition to the information specified in this article, report the number of ballast on board (isolated, clean, dirty) and the presence of unduated cargo tanks.

3.1.3. If the ship visits the port for the first time, then in the primary information to the port of Captain port in addition to Art. 3.1.2 The following information is reported:

  • flag and port of vessel registry;
  • shipowner and his address;
  • call sign and IMO identification number;
  • gross and net register capacity;
  • the greatest length, the width of the vessel and the height of the side;
  • the sediment of the vessel on the summer truck on marine and fresh water.

3.1.4. The vessel with the object on the tug (lighter, float, camp, etc.) informs the information and the towed object.

3.1.5. The captain of the vessel arriving at the port in emergency independently or in a towing, as well as the vessel that carries out the emergency object is obliged, in addition to the specified in Art. 3.1.2, 3.1.3 of information, give data on the nature of the damage, the value of the roll and the differential, the state of stability, the maneuverable qualities of the emergency vessel, taking into account damage; The needs of the tugboards necessary for towing the vessel along the water area and the other, at the discretion of the captain, information on the state of the vessel affecting its nautical qualities.

3.1.6. Captains of ships arriving from abroad are obliged no later than 6 hours before the approach to the port of the port, report through the maritime agent (shipowner) to sanitary bodies on the presence on board patients or suspicious persons on quarantine diseases, about the case of rodents and other information According to the Maritime Medical and Sanitary Declaration in accordance with the rules for sanitary protection of the territory of the Russian Federation.

3.1.7. In the case of the forwarding of the vessel, the captain is obliged through the shipowner or a maritime agent to notify the captain of the port and other addressees specified in Art. 3.1.1, and cancellations submitted to their address.

3.2. Registration of arrival

3.2.1. All vessels arriving at the port from abroad, and foreign vessels and in the case of coming from another Russian port, are obliged to undergo border, customs and sanitary control at berths or on raids.

Agencies serving arriving at the expense of the Court must agree in advance with the authorities carrying out the above control, the place of its holding and inform the captains of the courts and IPC.

In turn, the captains of the courts when approaching the port borders, it is necessary to directly contact their maritime agent and clarify the place of passage of these formalities.

3.2.2. All vessels arriving at the port, the portion of Solovki from the sea, are obliged to issue an arrival within 24 hours from the date of the pier or anchor on one of the internal raids in IPCs or can transfer the captain's testimony, a common declaration, a ship role through maritime agents, serving Russian and foreign courts in IGPC (Ong, PR. Kirov, 107, tel. 2-16-54) (Solovki, ul. North, 13) around the clock.

3.2.3. For registration of the arrival in IPC, the general declaration is presented (for ships arriving from abroad) or the testimony of the captain on the arrival (for all other courts); Ships role; Certificate for the right of swimming under the flag of the state of the port of the registry; Certificate of ownership; Certificate of minimum crew ensuring the safety of the vessel; Originals of documents issued by the Russian Technical Supervision Authority and Classification of Ships (Maritime and River Register), or another Russian technical supervision authority, or foreign classification society confirming that the vessel meets the requirements of the safety of navigation and environmental protection, and a copy of the cargo manifesta (Cargo Deklaration ).

Russian vessels should additionally present a copy of the license for the right to perform this or that transport activities of their shipowner or directly by this ship.

3.2.4. If an accident occurred in a vessel with a vessel, the captain of the vessel on arrival in writing in writing about this captain of the port in the general declaration or testimony of the captain on the parish, and also submits an emergency application.

3.3. Outlet design

3.3.1. The captains of all vessels intending to go beyond the maritime border of the port of the port (see Art. 1.8), they must receive permission to enter the sea in IPC (raising). The captains of the courts should inform the IPC about the upcoming exit to the sea at least 12 hours before the expected shooting time from the mooring (anchor) and agree with it the procedure for issuing waste (independently in IPC or its representative aboard the ship). The decision on the place of waste registration takes the Senior State Inspector IPC, which he informs the captain of the vessel no later than 6 hours before the estimated estimated shooting time from the mooring or anchor. Captains of the courts, the design of the waste by which will be carried out on board, are obliged not later than in 4 hours to clarify in the IPC time of the ship's readiness to verify the representative of the IPC. In the case of transferring the time of waste or failure, the vessel's captain must notify the IPC about it no later than 2 hours before the initial stated term. In case of non-fulfillment of this condition, the Captain of the vessel is obliged to sign the Inspector of the IPC in the previously announced time on the recovery of the collection for a vain challenge.

3.3.3. The captains of the courts, following the border, and foreign courts and in cases of following in the other Russian port, are obliged to inform the relevant authorities for 12 hours on the estimated vessel presentation for border, customs control, followed by a refinement for 4 and 2 h.

3.3.4. The captains of all Russian courts before making a waste in IPCs should make the vessel of the Sanitary-Quarantine Department (SBE) of the StatePidnadzor. Applications for the presentation of the vessel doctors are accepted from 9 to 15 hours for the current day and during the working day - to the next one.

Address sk: Oktyabrsky Ave., 129, tel. 2-36-14.

3.3.5. When the ship parking is parking less than 24 hours, all the information and applications provided for in Art. 3.3.2-3.3.4, are given immediately upon arrival of the vessel in the port.

3.3.6. If the vessel cannot be prepared for the declared date for the design of certain port formalities for the departure, the captain is obliged not later than 2 hours before the initially stated sentence to inform the relevant services and bodies about this, indicate another vessel's readiness time or fully cancel the application.

3.3.7. For registration of waste in IPC, it is: a common declaration (for vessels going abroad) or the statement of the captain for the right of waste (for all other vessels); Certificate of safe laying and fixing the cargo or act of acceptance of work on the installation of cargo; Fire and sanitary certificate (for Russian courts); two copies of the ship role; Diplomas and qualifying evidence of the crew, as well as the ship documents listed in Art. 3.2.3.

3.3.8. The captain of the towed vessel (if there is a crew on the ship) draws out the waste independently. In addition to the documents listed in Art. 3.3.7, you should present in IGPC instructions for ensuring the safety of maritime towing, approved by a register or other classification society.

In addition to the documents listed in Article 3.3.7, the captain of the towing in Article 3.3.7 should present the IPC transition plan, instructions for ensuring the safety of maritime towing, and if there is no crew on the towing object, or there is no graduate seal specialists on it, then present an inspection certificate of this object Before towing a towing commission commission.

3.3.13. Permission to exit in the sea issued by IGPC is valid for 24 hours.

3.3.14. If, after registration in the IPC, the vessel for some reason was delayed in the port of more than 24 hours or from the moment of waste design, changes occurred as part of the crew, the captain of the vessel was obliged to report this in IPC and coordinate the procedure for reissuing waste.

3.3.15. Captains of vessels held on the waters of the port, the port point from the sea and anchored at an anchor at the external raid for the design of borderline formalities, shelter from the storm, passing the patient, reception (surrender) of the towed object, the supply of supply, should be issued the arrival and departure through the shipowner or maritime Agent by transfer to the captain of the port of information about the vessel provided for in Art. 3.1.2 and 3.1.3, indicating the final point of the vessel.

3.3.18. Despite the captain of the port decorated in IPC, it has the right to delay the ship's yield into the sea in cases:

  • submitting to the vessel of claims and requirements from the border and customs authorities;
  • changes in navigation or hydrometeorological environment that impede the shipping of the vessel from the port;
  • presentation of the vessel in the prescribed manner of property claims by any enterprises of the city;
  • if it is found that the vessel has a roll over 5 ° or its nautical qualities worsened, which creates a threat to shipping on the port of the port.
4. Parking of vessels in the port

4.1. Parking of ships on raids

4.1.1. The vessel can anchor on one or another raid as agreed with IPC or on its direct instruction.

4.1.2. The statement of foreign and Russian courts for an anchor for the border and customs control is allowed on the Karelian raid, a forest-export raid, at an anchor place of the RPK Osinka and to the ports of the port.

4.1.3. All vessels are forbidden to become anchored:

  • at flooding velocity of more than 3 bonds;
  • with the strength of the wind more than 6 points (wind speed more than 12 m / s)
  • at a distance less than 200 m from the place of production of diving work; in the security zones of cables, underwater pipelines and water intakes;
  • on fairways and near them, with the exception of cases provided for in Art. 2.1.15.

4.3. Mooring vessels

4.3.1. Captains of vessels intending to approach the berth, despite the previously received information about the readiness of the berth for the reception of the vessel, must independently or through the maritime agent (shipowner) to obtain permission from the owner of the pier on the approach to it.

4.3.2. Before the approach to the pier or to another ship standing at the pier, the captain of the vessel must report in the IPC on the presence or absence of towing and requesting permission to approach.

  • there is no permission to approach from the owner of the pier;
  • IPC banned the approach, regardless of the resolution of the owner of the pier;
  • foreign and arrived due to the border by Russian courts have not received permission from border and customs authorities; The approach of other vessels to these vessels or to the pier near (less than 30 m) from the place of their parking is also prohibited;
  • there are no mooring on the pier;
  • the adjacent pier produces a mooring operation another vessel.

Note. The landing from the vessel on the pier crew members for the reception or return of the mooring is prohibited.

4.3.5. The approach of the courts to the communions should be carried out, as a rule, the nose against the tidal flow currently acting at this moment.

4.3.6. The captains of the sea courts when setting up to the pier or to another ship and during the departure from them are obliged to use port tugs and (or) icebreaking agents. The application for a tug in the port is submitted no later than 4 hours before the operation on the IPC at the IPC, channel 16, and in the port point of Solovki - IPC duty officer for 48 hours, followed by confirmation in 24 hours.

4.3.7. To prevent damage to the underwater part of the hull of the vessel and the berth approach to the berth of vessels having a roll of more than 5 ° to the outer (river) side is prohibited.

4.3.8. Courts with a nasal bouillumn must approach the pier with the help of tugs, and when touching the pier, the housing must be excluded from the berth bouffron.

4.3.9. Upon the approach of the vessel to the berth or to another vessel, all protruding items and ship devices must be removed in a timely manner inwards.

4.3.10. If an anchorage was used when performing a mooring operation, then after its end, the latter should be raised to the place and are fixed with tape and screw stoppers.

4.5. Change places of parking

4.5.1. On the time of the beginning of the start-up or permutation of the vessel and the end of cargo and auxiliary works, the dispatch service of the owner of the pier or a stevedoring enterprise is obliged to prevent the captain of the vessel directly or through the maritime agent no later than 4 hours, followed by a refinement for 2 hours.

If the specified actions are planned for the evening or night time, then the Captain of the vessel must be warned about it up to 17 hours of current day.

4.5.2. To obtain the above-mentioned information, the vessel's captain directly or through the maritime agent should give an application for movement in IGPC, and the captains of foreign and Russian foreign accidents - to give information and obtain permission to replace the parking lot from the border and customs authorities.

4.5.3. The vessel should be fully prepared for the period of time and the transition and the transition and, if necessary, should be ordered by Lotsman and towing.

4.5.5. The transition of the vessel with the edited engine or the steering device from one port area to another, as well as the ships permutation from one pier to another within the same area, is allowed after agreement with the Captain of the port to ensure the safety of the vessel when performing these works.

4.5.7. Hauling of vessels within one pier or to the adjacent pier on mooring cables with deck mechanisms is allowed only for ships up to 100 m long. A ships from 100 to 130 m long with the specified hats must have main engines in the readiness and, if necessary, to earn up with them by the smallest move.

In the wind, more than 5 points (wind speed more than 10 m / s) should be ordered towing to ensure safety. When the vessels takes place more than 130 m long, the readiness of the main engines to work and towing support is mandatory for any hydrometeorological conditions.

4.5.8. The hauling of all vessels along adjacent berths by more than 100 m, as well as the permutation from one pier to another, not adjacent to the first, is considered an intra-port transition, in which for the ships specified in Art. 2.2.2, the presence of lotsmann and towing support is necessary.

4.6. Cargo operations and towing vessels in port, port paragraph

4.6.1. For the production of loading and unloading work on ships of the headplanny and coaster in the port, there are berths belonging to various owners:

  • forest-exporting berths № 1-4 for lifting lumber;
  • pear port for loading and unloading general cargo;
  • urban raid (floors) for loading round forest with water;
  • cargo-passenger jacket Tamarin (Solovki portion);
  • cargo pier Heta (Solovki portion);
  • passenger pier monastic (Solovki portion).

About bunkering courts

4.6.19. The bunkers of the vessels standing at the berths are allowed only with the consent of their owners and after fulfilling the requirements for ensuring fire safety and prevent pollution of the pier and adjacent to the water area.

4.6.20. Bunkers of vessels having dangerous goods on board are allowed only on the raid from a special permission of fire supervision organs. The place of anchor parking for performing this operation determines the captain of the port.

4.6.22. The above requirements refer to the implementation of operations to supply vessels by oils and other types of supply containing hazardous substances, as well as by passing waters, contaminated with substances, harmful to human health and the environment.

4.7. Actions with storm

4.7.3. Captains of sea ships and ship fleet courts with a storm warning are obliged to take all measures to ensure the safe parking lot during the storm weather (to have additional mooring, give the second anchor, prepare the engine and so on. Down until the place of the parking place).

4.7.4. With a storm warning, sea vessels, intended or equipped for emergency rescue work, regardless of the departmental accessories and forms of ownership, should be given a permanent readiness for the exit to the sea to perform work on the rescue of people or to assist courts that endure disaster.

These vessels can be attracted by the port captain to perform the above works and on the port of the port.

4.9. Prevent pollution of the environmental environment

4.9.1. All Russian and foreign vessels, ship, river, river and small fleets, as well as all legal entities who carry out any activity in the port area are required to comply with the requirements of the International Convention for the Prevention of Sea pollution from ships (Marpol 73/78), the Law of the Russian The Federation of Environmental Protection of 19.12.91, instructions to prevent pollution from ships (RD 31.04.23-94) and other regulations (rules, instructions, instructions, etc.), published on their basis.

Pomeranian Bay

From the lips of Sokhskaya to the port of Kem

From the lips of Sokhskaya to the port of Kem The shore extends 22 miles to NNW. The shore is low and rocky, all over the arms with numerous lips and coves, most of which are shallow and partially or completely dry. The greatest are the lips of Shieetskaya (64 ° 47 "N, 34 ° 55" E) and K.S. (64 ° 58 "N, 34 ° 45" E). This section of the shore is bored by a variety of islands, islets and dangers that form the southern part of Komkov Schcher; The outer edge of Schcher is removed from the shore to a distance of up to 10 miles. Due to the large number of dangers and shallow water, swimming here is possible on boats and ships with a small sediment. Courts with a large sediment when swimming in the area should be kicked by Kits Schhers from the East. Among the external islands of the middle part of the Kemski Schcher, the body of the Favorter (Kuzovskiy Fairway), according to which ships are sometimes suited to the village of Workersto Dour Service; This fairway leads from the southeast from the island of Tupichiha (64 ° 54 "n, 35 ° 08" e) to Pyllouds (65 ° 00 "N, 34 ° 56" E) to the shipholder.

Note points. When swimming from the lip, Sokhskaya to the port of Kem benchmarks can serve: the riveted mountain of the rude (Gora Revyazh "Ya) (64 ° 51" N, 34 ° 55 "E); Russian body island (64 ° 56" N, 35 ° 08 " E), opening from 25-28 miles, and the island of the German body (64 ° 57 "N, 35 ° 10" E), opening up from about 30 miles.

Tools of navigation equipment. Some dangers are protected by luminous buoy and milestones.

The lip goes to the shore of 4 miles to N from Croan Cant. The entrance to the lip is possible in full water on small vessels when knowledge of local swimming conditions. The shores of the lips are low. 1.5 miles from the coastline the area is somewhat rising; The coast here has row shrub and forest.

From the north of the lip is limited to the southern shore of the island of Shuostrov. In the depths of this island there are gender hills, crouched by forest. Schuostrov Island (Ostrov Shuyostrov) is separated from the bank of the mainland with a narrow beauty of the Soroka Salma.

The described lip of shallow water; The depths in it are less than 5 m. The shores of the lips are bordered by drying, in its vertex having a width of up to 3 miles.

In the lip and in front of the entrance, it lies many islands, surface and pitfalls and cans. Most islands are covered with forest and have german shores. The largest of the islands is the island of Medvezhiy (Ostrov Medvezhiy), which is 5.8 miles to N from Causa Crawl. In 1.2 miles to ne from the island of Bear, the Islands of Sosnovtsy are located (Ostrova Sosnovtsy), which have low stony shores covered with meadow vegetation and forest.

The Morissey are the islands of the sailing, lying in front of the entrance to the lip of 4 miles to Ne from Causa Crawl. When swimming in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lip should not cross the exhibition of 10 m.

Large Jumpoi Islands and Small Jump (Ostrova Bol "Shoy Zhuzhmuy, Malyy Zhuzhmuy) (64 ° 37" N, 35 ° 40 "E) are located in the middle of the bay.

The northwestern part of the island of Big Jumpuy is significantly higher than its middle and south-eastern parts. In the area of \u200b\u200bCape Svetka - the western tip of the island is high. In the direction of the Mys Sennoy (64 ° 39 "N, 35 ° 35" E) - the southern tip of the island - the area gradually decreases and goes into lowlands. Poros Island Forest, which comes close to water on the southwest bank, and on the northeast begins in 2-3 KBT from the coastline.

The island of small bugs is significantly lower than the island of Big Jump. The northern part of the island is small buggy higher than the southern, and gradually falls into the southeast. Poros Island Forest.

The islands of the Big Juhmai and the Small Jumpuy lie on one general shallow water. The shores of the islands, with the exception of the northern shores of the island of Big Jumpi, born with drying. From the southeastern tip of the island of Big Juhmui by 1.5 miles to SE, there is a white-drying sandpaper, on which there are three plated shrubs; Between this shallow and drying, the buddling of the northern tip of the island is small bugs, there is a spilling width of 1-5 KBT.

Within 7 miles to SW from Cape Svetka scattered banks with depths of 5-19.4 m.

Within 4 miles to SW and SE from Cape New Dining Corga (Mys Novaya Obedennaya Korga) (64 ° 36 "N, 35 ° 42" E), Southeast Eastern Taste of Small Juzhmai, scattered banks with depths 5,6-10 m.

To approach the island of small bugs is dangerous due to the set of pitfalls lying on shames with depths of less than 5 m. The southern tip of this island should be rude within a distance of at least 2.5 miles.

Lighthouse Zhuzmussian (Zhuzhmuyskiy Lighthouse) (64 ° 40.7 "N, 35 ° 33.6" e) installed in the middle part of the island of large bumps on an extensive chamber of the plain, gradually dropping into the east and southeast.

Buildings with lighthouse are visible in the sector from 0 ° to 115 °.

With the beacon there is a radio beacon.

Sign of bhuzhmisk (ZhuzhmuYSKIY Beacon) (64 ° 41.0 "N, 35 ° 34.2" E) is installed on the northeast coast of the Big Jump.

The target of this sign with Lighthouse Jujmaisky leads to an anchor location from the northeast coast of the island of Big Jump.

Light Sign Small Jump (Malyy Zhuzhmuy Light-Beacon) is installed on the southeastern tip of the island of Small Jump.

Bank Zhuzmuyskaya (Banka Zhuzhmuyskaya) with a smallest depth of 1.2 m is 1.8 miles to NNE from Cape Svetka. With the northern, western and southern sides of the Bang of the Vychlub.

Bank With the smallest depth of 6.2 m lies with 3.4 miles to WNW from Cape Svetka.

Loud Bullet Island (Ostrovok Pulaya-Luda) is located at 7.5 KBT to SW from Cape Svetka. Within 3 KBT to WSW, there are dangers from this deprived vegetation of the granite island.

Islet Probr. (Ostrovok Pechak), sandy-stony and notable, lies on a drying, serving from the West Bank of the island of a small bugger in 8 KBT to SW from its northern tip.

Anchor places For ships with a large sediment, there are on the raids at the island of Big Jump. Under the winds from Ne and e, it is possible to anchor on a south-west raid of 1-1.3 miles to SW from the mid-South-West shore of the island of Big Jump. Depths here 12-20 m; Soil - IL and Sand.

Courts with precipitation up to 4 m can anchor at the point of intersection of the bells 0 ° to the cape Svetka and 270 ° on the island of bullet-loud. Depths here 6-7 m; Soil - IL and Sand. With the northern and partly of the North-Western winds of the Court with precipitation up to 4 m can anchor in 4-5 KBT at 235 ° from the Cape of the Sennaya. The depths here are 6-7 m. It is not recommended to approach the shore to the depth of less than 5 m.

Under the winds from S, W and SW, you can anchor on the northeast raid in 3-4 KBT to NE from the Zhuzmaisian sign. Depths here are 11-14 m; Soil - Il, sand and stone. To approach this anchor place should be a course of 220.2 ° in the burden of the Zhuhmisian sign with the Zhuhmian Lighthouse; The direction of the crystal is 40.2 ° - 220.2 °. The smallest depth on the axis of the stem (the moorish of the anchor place) is 7 m.

From southeastern winds can be hiding in the northwestern raid from the North-West shore of the island of Big Juhmai. It should be borne in mind that the depths here from 5 m increase dramatically to 30 m or more; Soil - Il and small stone.

Islands Large Sennuha and Small Sennuha (Ostrovki Bol "Shaya Sen-Nukha, Malaya Sennukha) lie in 8 miles to N from the island of Big Jump.

Large Sennuha island with a height of 27.5 m, rocky and coated peat. Cool granite shores island, devoid of vegetation, have a light color. In the late spring and at the beginning of summer, thanks to the growing on it in abundance, the cloudberry island is a large Sennukha has a red-yellow color.

The island of Small Sennuha is low, rocky and devoid of vegetation.

Strait between the islands of Large Sennuha and Malaya Sennuha undaxed. The shores of both islets, especially the island of Large Sennuha, Prigubo, however, approach is no longer recommended for a distance of less than 1 mile, since there are very small depths.

Tidal flows Pass in the islands area Large Sennuha and Malaya Sennuha with two branches. One branch follows from the eastern side of the Solovetsky Islands, and the other with Western from the throne. These branches, merging, form the current, which even with weak winds contributes to the rapid occurrence of significant excitement.

Light sign Sennuha (Sennukha Light-Beacon) is installed on the island of Large Sennuha.

Bank Waterloo (Banka Vaterlolo) with the smallest depth of 3 m lies in 2 miles to SSE from the island of Large Sennuha. It is located on the line of the codel. Shallow Sennuha with Solovetsky Lighthouse. The bank is surrounded by large depths.

Bank East Sennuha (Banka Vostochnaya Sennukha) with a smallest depth of 4.4 m lies with 3.5 miles to Ne from the island of Large Sennuha. From this bank, about 10 miles in the NW direction to the tops of the tops, the almost continuous chain of cans with depths of 3.6-9.4 m reaches.

Bank West Sennuha (Banka Zapadnaya Sennukha) with a depth of 1.6 m located 1.9 miles to N from the island of Large Sennuha.

Bank With the smallest depth of 7.4 m lies in 2.3 miles to W from the island of Large Sennuha.

Islands of warbarluda (Ostrova Varbarludy) are located 8.7 miles to NNE from Cavroat Cape. Northern Islands of Varbarluda is called Kentovy Island (Ostrov Kentovyy).

Within 1.5 miles to NE, banks with depths of 1.2-8.8 m are scattered from the island of Kenty.

The bank with the smallest depth of 5.4 m lies with 3.7 miles to e from the island of Kenty. Smint on a jar small stone.

Ostrov Rovnyazhiy Island (Ostrov Rovnyazhiy) (64 ° 48 "N, 35 ° 15" E) Granite, peat-covered, has pretty cool rotten shores.

Light sign of Rowjey Rovnyazhiy Light-Beacon) is installed on the island of Rowjali.

Bank Rovnyazya (Banka Rovnyazh "Ya) with a smallest depth of 3.6 m is 3.4 miles to SE from the island of Rowjali. The bank is surrounded by depths 12-18 m.

Islet Sennuha (Ostrovok Sennukha) The granite, coated peat, lies in 2.1 KBT to N from the island of Rowjali. The shores of the island of Sennuha Vigub.

Bank of Razbaya (Banka Revyazh "Ya) with a distinctive depth of 3.6 m lies in 1 CBT to W from the island of Sennuha.

Bank With the smallest depth of 4.8 m located in 8 KBT to NNE from the island of Sennuha.

Islet Unnamed Luda (Ostrovok Bezymyannaya Luda) The granite, coated peat, lies with 2.3 miles to W from the island of Rovneji. The shores of the island are fristed by drying.

Islands Nochkaluda (Ostrova Nokhkaludy) - Two Islands: Big Nochkaluda and Small Nochkaluda and two low granite island, devoid of vegetation, are located in 9 KBT to NW from the island Unnamed Luda.

Island Big Nochkaluda (Ostrov Bol "Shaya Nokhkaluda) with a height of 53.5 m - the Eastern and the largest of Nochkaluda Islands. It is stony, covered with peat and has breakwiched shores. On the island, two hills are rising, which are divided by a shallow saddle, notable with N and S. Western Hill Above the eastern. The shores of the island is a big nuccaluda prieness. The depths of 10 m places are nearly close to the shores of the island.

Malaya Nochkaluda Island (Ostrov Malaya Nokhkaluda) lies with 2.5 KBT to NW from the island of big nochkaluda.

Shuietskaya Guba (Shuyeetskaya Guba) goes to the Pomeranian Bay Bay between Cape Buyanavolok (Mys Buynavolok) (64 ° 45 "N, 35 ° 01" E) and located 5.5 miles to the NNW of Cape Poltamkorga (MYS POLTAMKORGA). From the south of the lip is limited to the Island of Shuyostrov.

In the southeastern shore of the lips rose hills with gentle slopes covered with mixed forest. From the north-west side of the lips in some places, the mountains approach the coastline.

The peak of the lip is shallow and affordable in full water for boats and small vessels when knowledge of local living conditions of the Swiya River (Reka Shuya); On the banks of the river in 2 miles above her mouth there is a great village of Shuyeetskoye.

In the lip and in front of the entrance, it lies many islands, surface and pitfalls and other hazards forming the southern part of Komkov Schher.

The shores of the lips are bold by drying. From the southeastern shore of his lip, Oshka performs approximately 3.5 miles to N, filling almost entirely the external and middle part of the lip; A large number of islands are scattered on drying.

There is a narrow strait of Shuisian Salma (Pruliv Shuyskaya Salma) between the north-west coast of his lip and drying. Its width between the edges of drying 2-5 kBT. From the eastern entrance (64 ° 49.6 "N, 34 ° 58.4" e) the Schui Salma leads on SW along the north-west shore of the lip to the Baru River Baru. In front of the river bar from the Schui Salva Salva, Sorokh Salma (ProLIV Sorokskaya Salma) is born.

The depths in the lip less than 10 m.

Ravada Island (Ostrov Ravluda) is located 2 miles to ESE from Poltamkig Cape. Between this Cape and Ravada Island lies a lot of dangers. In 4 CBT to W from the island of Ravada, the Granite Islands of Rudki Ludges (Ostrova Stvornyye Ludki) are located.

Pier 30 m long is located at Cape Pannaol (MYS PANNAVOLOK) (64 ° 48.9 "N, 34 ° 56.6" E). The depth along the berth is 0.3 m. In full water with quiet weather, the boat with precipitate to 1.5 m can be approached by the pier.

Establing for swimming from Lip Soroka to Shieetskoy lips. Following the bureau of Belomorsky, it is necessary when the lightning sign of Osinka will come to the bearing of 168 °, go to the course of 2 °, having paving it in 3 miles to e from the largest of the islands of warbarluda and 4 KBT to W from the island of Rvalliy.

Following the course of 2 °, the depth should be measured, especially when the cans (64 ° 45 "N, 35 ° 15" E) are held with a depth of 5.4 m and located 1.5 miles to N from it can be caught with a depth of 6.6 m . When the level of the Rowjan will come to the bearing of 39 °, you should lie on the course of 270 ° and go to the lice of Shieetskaya, the entrance to which requires special caution and knowledge of local swimming conditions.

Island Belogusikha (Ostrov Beloguzikha) (64 ° 51.6 "N, 35 ° 05.4" E) 35.2 m height is rocky has two divided saddles of the vertex. The smooth surface of the island is covered with a low forest and shrub; The shores of the island are climbers, priers; The depths of about 10 m in some places come up to its shores. From the southern tip of the island by 1.5 KBT to WSW protrudes, on which the island lies.

Island of big rivet (Ostrov Bol "Shoy Revyazhiy), covered with meadow vegetation and forest, is located on the white-drying bolted in 2 miles to NNW from the cape of half assembling. Between the cape of the Poltamkig and the island of Great Tims on the Wholes, there are still some islets covered with forest and a lot of surface and pitfalls.

Sadelle islands (Ostrova sedel "Nyye) - a group of two islands, near which there are several rocky islets, deprived of vegetation, and beauty stones are located 1.6 miles to N from the island of Beloguzich.

Northern, more from the islands of the saddle has a height of 44.4 m and a stony surface with three separate hills. Islands and saddle valleys between the hills of the forest and shrub. The shores of the island of Rockily-stony. It is above the southern island, devoid of vegetation and a peat-covered.

Islands Saddle bordered shallow water; The shed between them is uncomfortable.

In the strait between the islands, strong tidal flows are observed.

On the islands saddle nest gags.

The island of tupichikha (Ostrov Tupichikha) with a height of 45.6 m lies in 1 nail to e from the islands of the saddle. This small rocky island is covered with peat and tundra vegetation. In the southern shore, a deciduous shrub is growing. The shores of the island of the priest. 10 m depths fit almost close to the North and South shores. In 1 CBT to W from the island of a stupid is a rocky island, deprived of vegetation.

The islands of Domnin (Ostrova Domniny) are located in 6 KBT to NW from the island of Tupichiha. These granite islands are coated with peat; The coasts of their climbers and berth. On 6 KBT to N from Western of the islands of Domnin, there is a shallow depths of less than 15 m, on which there are rocky banks with depths of 1.8-7.4 m and rocky drying.

There are strong tidal flows between the dominna islands. Swimming in the area of \u200b\u200bthe islands is dangerous due to white-haired stones located in 1 CBT south of them.

Bank With a depth of 1.6 m, it is located in 1 KBT to SW from the middle of the eastern of the islands of the Domnna.

Kurichya Nilax Island (Ostrov Kurich "Ya Nilaksa) with a height of 48.8 m lies in 8.4 KBT to N from the island of stupid. The shores of the island of Kurichya Nilax, devoid of vegetation, cool and rotten.

Island It is located in 5 CBT to SE from the island of Kuricha Nilax. In 0.5 kBT to NE from the island lies the bank with a depth of 1.2 m.

Island Low rocky, deprived of vegetation, lies in 2.8 KBT to NW from the island of Kurich Nilax. With strong wind, waves rolled through the island.

Lodeynoye Island (Ostrov Lodeynyy) 65.4 M height is rocky, covered with tundra vegetation, located in 8 KBT to E from the island of Kuricha Nilax. The shores of the island of Lodeynoye Polrowes and Bigs. The southwestern slopes of the island of stepped-climbish, rocky. On the eastern side of the island in the middle part there is a hollow, which crushed the coniferous forest, the Western slopes of the flap are covered with deciduous shrubs.

From the south side of the island there is a bay protected from the northern winds.

Russian Body Island (Ostrov Russkiy Kuzov) (64 ° 56 "N, 35 ° 08" E) 123.2 M height is one of the highest islands of Kemsky Schher. The slopes of the northern of the hills are smooth, rounded and from all sides covered with mixed forest; To the top of the forest radiates, and the peak itself is almost completely devoid of vegetation. The remaining hills located in the southern part of the island are deprived of vegetation and are separated from the hill of the lowland wood and swampy valley mentioned above, stretching in the direction of 70 ° -250 °.

The shores of the island are low and only at the northern tip and in the southern hills area are quite cool down to the sea.

Drain off the coast of the island has a width of no more than 1 kBT. Depths in the aisles between the island of Russian body and the islands of the Kurichya Nilax and Lodeynin 5-11.6 m. The passage between the islands of the Nilax Curicha and the Russian body is available for ships with a sediment 3-4 m; In this pass, strong tidal flows are observed.

Bay (64 ° 55 "N, 35 ° 09" E) goes to the southern bank of the Russian body island. The bay serves as shelter for small vessels from the northern, northwestern and northeastern winds. The shores of the bay of gentle, bordered by a wide sandy-stony drying. Depths in the entrance to the bay of 3-5 m.

Ostrov islands, upper, medium and residential (Ostrova Setnoy, Verkhniy, Sredniy, Zhiloy) are located, respectively, 5.3 KBT, 1.2 miles, 1.6 miles and 2.4 miles to E from the Russian body island. These islands are rocky, the shores of their priers. Islands are covered with tundra vegetation and peat. At 0.7; 1.2 and 4.5 kBT to N from the island of residential are appropriately surface, underwater stones and rocky island.

German Body Island (Ostrov Nemetskiy Kuzov) Height of 118.2 m, Folded from Granite, lies in 2 KBT to NE from the northern part of the eastern shore of the Russian Body Island. On the island of the German body rise two devoid of hill vegetation. East Hill is significantly higher than Western; Its southern slope is fringe, almost drunk. On the south side of the island in pre-Linas, the forest is growing. The northern slope of the island is gentle and deprived of vegetation.

From the East and West, the island has the appearance of a huge blue cliff, which gradually rises to the south and, reaching the greatest height, almost vertically bursts. From the north of approximately 15-20 miles, the island also has the form of a huge bluish rock with a flat surface and with the edges that are almost vertically vertically and the east, and the western edge is more flat, the East.

North and Western shores of the island of the German Body of Prigub. In the passage between the islands of the German body and the Russian body depth of 7-31 m; Soil is a stone. The southern part of the passage is blocked by banks with depths of 1.2-3.6 m, crushed by 5 m. The passage is usually not used.

In 1 CBT to N from the northeastern tip of the island, the German body lies a rocky, peat-covered island Chernetsky (Ostrov Chernetskiy), and at 0.6 KBT to N, the surface stone is lying.

Islands Voronene (Ostrova Voron "I) - three hilly islands covered with tundra vegetation - lie in 0.5 kBT to e from the eastern shore of the island of the German body. The southeastern slopes of the islands of the islands, at the foot of the cliffs on narrow terraces are located stones. Terraces on Two large out of the islands of the mixed forest.

The strait between the islands of the Voronene and the island of the German body is available for boats with a small sediment.

Tidal flows in the southern part of the islands of the Voronene and in the beauty of the sheds between them are very strong.

Anchor places For ships with sediment to 1.5 m are:

in 4 KBT to S from the southeastern tip of the island of the German body. It is protected from all winds except southern. Depth here is 6.2 m; Soil - Sand and Il;

in 4 KBT to SE from the southeastern tip of the island of the German body. It is available for boats and protected from all winds, except southern and southeastern. Depths here 3-8 m; Soil - Il and stone.

Oleshin Island (Ostrov Oleshin) Altitude 31m, lying in 1 mile to ENE from the 30 northeastern tip of the German body, is the most memorable from the islands of Kemski Schcher. This rocky, with three hills covered with tundra vegetation, and with gentle rods aside Sadlovin island has steep shores. A shrub grows on the slopes of the hollow.

Northeast and South-West shores of Oleshin Priguba. 2.2 KBT to W from the northern tip of the island, Oleshin is the island of North Tupichikha (Ostrov Severnaya Tupichikha).

In 3 CBT to e from Oleshin Island, there are white stones. In the passage between the island and these stones, the ground - sand and il. Gags nest on the island.

Dariana Islands (Ostrova Dar "Iny) \u200b\u200blie at 1.5 miles to W from the northwestern tip of the Russian Body Island. East of these two islands above the western. The sandy surface of the islands islands, covered with tundra vegetation and shrub.

The shores of the islands of the Vigub. To the western coast of the East of the depth of the depth of about 10 m is suitable.

Islands South Covovar and Northern Kolovar (Ostrova Yuzhnyy Ko-Lovar, Severnyy Kolovar) lie accordingly at 7 KBT to WNW and 9.2 CBT to NW from Western Darian Islands.

The island of South Covovar is 68.5 M height of 68.5 M and consists of two sublime, forest-covered parts, interconnected by a narrow low curtail. The northern slopes of the hills are gentle and ends with a sandy lowland water, the southern - steep, oriental - incisive. The hollows and the slopes of the hills sworn with a coniferous forest. The tops of the hills are covered with tundra vegetation.

The island of North Kolovar, 58.7 m height, almost closely adjoins from the north to the island of South Kovovar and is separated from him only a narrow white strait. The slopes of the hills in the northern part of the field, in the southern - ripples; In the Western and Eastern parts there are hollows. On the slopes and in the dell, the coniferous forest is growing. The tops of the hills are covered with tundra vegetation. This rocky island places are covered with sand and peat; The southern part of the island of frozen forest. The shores of the island of the hollow go down to the water. Across the island in the direction of NE - SW extends a deep low span, covered by a low forest.

In the north-western shore of the island of North Kolovar, the cove chuck (64 ° 58 "N, 35 ° 00" E), accessible to small vessels.

In 1 KBT to NW from the island of Northern Kolovar, there is an Olkhov Island (Ostrov OL "Khovyy), the low shores of which were covered with forest and shrub. In 1.8 KBT to Ne from the northeastern tip of the island, South Kovovar is the island of Akuly (Ostrov Akul" Ya ). The granite island of Akuly has slopes; The slopes of the island are covered with tundra vegetation.

To the west and southwest of the islands, North Covovar and South Kovovar are the islands that extend chain to the bank of the mainland.

Olhich islands shores, Northern Kovovar and Bigwub Acouus from the North and East. Western shores of the islands of South Kovovar and Northern Kolovar Okmela; The bottom to the west of these islands is uneven.

Pasya Luda Island (Ostrov Pes "Ya Luda) (64 ° 58" N, 35 ° 05 "E) is covered with tundra vegetation. The shores of the island of sludges, bordered by a narrow strip of drying and prieuca; especially north-western coast.

Islet Luda-Vochlori (Ostrovok Luda-vodokhlebikha), lying in 4.5 KBT to W from the island of Pezia Luda, rocky and covered with tundra vegetation. The island of Vigub.

Lada Saltovka Islet (Ostrovok Luda-Saltykovka) - low granite rock, bored with drying, is 1.6 miles to ENE from the island of Pezia Luda. Priglub island; It can be safely held in a distance of 3 KBT.

The island is flat (Ostrov Ploskyy) rocky, covered with tundra vegetation and shrub, lies in 7.5 KBT to NW from the island of Pezia Luda. South Island Coast Flat Oversized, the rest - gentle. The shores of the island is quite priecr.

In 2 KBT to E from the island, the flat is a small rocky, covered with tundra vegetation is the island of thin Ludy (Ostrov Khudyye Ludy), whose shores are cliffs, and in 1 CBT to NNE from the island. Threat Luda is a rocky island small one (Ostrovok Malyy Setnoy).

0.2-0.5 KBT to W from the island is small one-sewing stones. Between the island is a small one or the island of flat, there are several surface and underwater stones and islets.

Bank With a depth of 3.6 m lies with 1.9 KBT to ESE from the island small one.

Taparuha Island (Ostrov Taparukha) is 45.7 m hot, covered with tundra vegetation, located 3.2 kBT to N from the island flat. North and West shores of Taparuha Taparuch Island. The southern part of the eastern shores of the island of Shallow island. From the middle of the eastern shore of the island is 0.3 kBT, white-hauling ovells. On the shores of the island there is an arm. In 1 CBT to e of the middle of the eastern shore, the island of Taparuha lies rocky drying.

Islet of Vorianya (Ostrovok Vorotnya), covered with tundra vegetation, with rocky shores lies with 0.5 KBT to SE from the southeastern taparuch island.

Bank With a distinctive depth of 4.2 m located in 1.6 KBT to SW from the south-western taparuch island.

Izbyanoy island (Ostrov Izbyanoy) lies at 3.6 KBT to E with the southeastern tip of the island of Taparuha. The southern and southwest shores of the flat, covered with the tundra vegetation of the stony island of the escaped and rotten; From the North and Eastern Coast of the island is an extensive rocky drying. On the shores of the island there is an arm. Gags nest here.

Island of the dasy (Ostrov Podvostochnyy), covered with tundrov vegetation, lies directly to the island of the island alone and is connected to it drying. Drain also serves to NW and N from the island of the POST. The southeastern tip of the island is fristed with a drying of a width of up to 1.5 KBT with a cooler of surface stones. Comparatively attached to the northeast coast of the island. The attack is also the southern tip of the island to which a narrow deep-water chute is suitable.

The Korozhny Island (Ostrov Korozhnyy), covered with tundra vegetation, lies with 1.5 KBT to N from the island alone and is connected to the islands of the self and the fat-sandy sandstanding dryer. In the western part of the island, the korozhnye rises the hill, the eastern slope of which is broken and the rocky; Eastern island lowland, wetlands. The shores of the island are stony and, with the exception of Western, shallow. They have a fin.

The eastern tip of the island is three low stony island.

Kemskaya Guba (Kemskaya Guba), shallow water and almost entirely white, goes into the Pomeranian Bay Bay between Pukhnavolok Cape (Mys Pukhnavolok) (64 ° 57 "N, 34 ° 46" E) and located in 1.2 miles to NNW Tashkatur (Mys Tashkatur).

The lip is available in complete water for ships with a sediment to 2.7 m. You can enter the lip on the prolife of Kemskaya Salma (Pruliv Kemskaya Salma) (64 ° 59 "N, 34 ° 48" E). To enter the lip, you need to know local swimming conditions.

The shores of the lip are predominantly low; Only on the north shore there are several hills. The southern seashore of the lip is partially stony, places are covered with meadow vegetation and shrub, and Northern Coast is mostly stony. South Africa lips Poros mixed forest.

The shores of the lips are cut by small, almost white lips and bays. At the entrance to the lip and in the lips itself lies a lot of islands, islets, pitfalls, yeas and cans.

The depths in the lip less than 5 m. The shores of the lips are bold with drying; Smart drying Il, liquid il and stone. On drying and in the lips almost to her middle grows her grass. The width of the strip of grasses of grass reaches 5-6 KBT.

At the top of the lip, the Kem's river flows, to which a narrow winding fairway is leading up to 1 kBT width; depths on it 1.4-7 m; Farwater begins at 8.5 KBT to NNE from Cape Poohavaol.

Ice regime. The lip freezes around the middle of November, and opened at the end of April or in early May.

Tools of navigation equipment. Farwater, leading to the top of a wardhouse, equipped with stems of signs that are rearranged depending on the change in the position of the Farviter.

Pier Equipped with Cape Schetnavolok (Mys Shatnavolok) (64 ° 57 "N, 34 ° 41" E), speaking from the southern shore of the lip. In full water to the berth can approach the ships with a precipitate to 2 m.

River Kem. (REKA KEM ") flows into the top of a worship lip with two sleeves. The river is thoroughly, for swimming inaccessible. The river produces an alloy of the forest. On the left bank of 1.3 miles above the mouth of the river is the city of Kem (Kem").

Port Kem.

The port of Kem (Port Kem ") (65 ° 00" N, 34 ° 49 "E) is equipped in the Pripolyva Kitsa Salma, dividing the islands of Popov and Yakostrov, lying on the northern side of the entrance to a Kemca lip. The territory of the port and his berths are located in the southern part The eastern shores of the island of Popov; the shock of the sawmill can be approached by sediment to 6.4 m. Between the arrows there are buckets in which towing vessels and lighters come. In the port of partially, the port authorities administration performs the administration of a Kemsky forestry industry. Plotsman wiring to port Kem must . The pilot wiring of the courts of the Northern Sea Shipping Company, exporting the products of the forestry industry, is carried out by Lotsmann, employed by the shipping company. Lotsmann rises on board the vessel and go from the ship to the port of Arkhangelsk.

Port Kem.

Solving the Kitsa Salma is deepoden and is available for ships with a draft of up to 5 m. In the middle of the Strait, a chute is running with depths of 10-12 m; Soil - IL and Sand.

You can enter the port of Kem by the ship farvatera, as well as the Body Farvatera, leading with SE between the islands of the middle part of Kemski Schcher from the island of Tupichi to Pyllouds (65 ° 00 N, 34 ° 56 "e), where it connects with the shipholder . For swimming in the body of the Farvatera requires knowledge of local conditions.

In addition, you can enter the port in the Karelian fairway, leading from the north of the student islands (65 ° 05 "n, 34 ° 50" e) along the coast to the northern tip of the island of Popov and then along the eastern shore of this island.

Farwater isolate, runs among many hazards and is available for ships with precipitation up to 4.7 m. For swimming in the Karelian Fatwater, knowledge of local conditions is required. Farvateter is used in exceptional cases when the ship carwater is clogged with ice. The description of the Karelian Farviter in the location is not given.

Winds. In the described area in March - June, northeaster winds are observed, in August - January and partially in February are celebrated southern, western and northwestern winds.

Tidal flows. The tidal flow is included in the sheds of a KSSKA C with N and NE at a speed of about 2 bonds. The differed flow has a reverse chargement and a slightly large speed.

Tools of navigation equipment. Swimming on the shipholder, as well as on the Strait, Kemskaya Salma and the port of Kem is provided by the stems of luminous and non-waving signs; Some dangers are protected by luminous buoy and milestones.

Message. The port of Kem is connected with the country's railway network.

Ship Farvater (Korabel "Nyy Fairway) begins at 3.5 KBT to SE from the island of South Rombak and goes to SSW. In 7 KBT to NNE from Taparuha Island, Farvater changes the direction to WSW, then goes to NW, ribbing the islands of Pyllouds from the north and then It stretches in two knees in the general direction on W to the northern entrance to the sheds of Kurskaya Salm. Near the Farwiter lies a lot of stamps, which are observed in northern winds.

Stamik taparow (Stamik Taparushnyy), extensive and rocky, with a distinctive depth of 1.4 m located 3.2 miles to ENE from the northern tipparuch island. The stamik is a monistine danger on the approach to the shipholder from the east.

From the north and east, the stanik is surrounded by large depths. Passing around the stancy follows with extreme caution. Within 1.5 miles to W and 5 KBT to S, the tapar-free jack lies several cans with depths of 1.8-5 m.

Stamik big rombaksky Stamik Bol "Shoy Rombakskiy), extensive and rocky, with a smallest depth of 2.4 m is 2.2 miles to NNE from the northern tip of the island of Taparuha. The stamik is a group of cans with depths of 2.4-5 m. The stanik is surrounded by large depths.

Stamik of the second rombaksky Stamik Vtoroy Rombakskiy) with a smallest depth of 8.2 m lies in 3 miles to NNE from the northern tipparuch island on the approach to the shipholder from the northeast.

Islands South Rombak and Northern Rombak Located on the northern side of the ship farvaterta 2.5 miles to n from the island of Taparuha.

Island of South Rombak (Ostrov Yuzhnyy Rombak) Rockal, covered with a layer of peat and tundra vegetation. 0.8 KBT to N from the southern tip of the island is the hill, western and southern slopes of which are broken; Another hill is located 2.2 KBT to NNW from the same tip of the island, the slopes of its gentle. The shores of the island are cool, southern coast of the prieff. The shores of the island are fristed with a rocky dryer wide up to 50 m.

North Rombak Island (Ostrov SEVERNYY ROMBAK) exalted, with three hills, rocky, peat-covered; Its shores of the berth and bonded with a rocky drying width to 0.3 kbt. In the passage separating the islands of South Rombak and Northern Rombak, depth 10-20 m; Soil - stone, solid sand and il. In the northern entrance to the passage lies the bank with a distinctive depth of 2 m, and at the coast of both islands on shallow depths of less than 5 m, many dangers scattered. From the north-western tip of the island, Northern Rombak is danger to the distance of up to 4 KBT to NW, and from the north shores of the island of South Rombak - by 2.5 KBT to N.

Rubbaksky Lighthouse Rombakskyy Lighthouse) is installed on the south cliff, the most sublime part of the island of South Rombak. With the lighthouse there is a sound signal.

Island Small Rombak (Ostrov Malyy Rombak) Rocky, covered with tundra vegetation, lies in 3 CBT to S from the island of South Rombak. The island is small rombas less and below the island of South Rombak. The island of small rombas has a gentle shore. The shores of the island are fristed with shallow depths of less than 5 m, on which there are dangers. On the island there is a fin.

Palllades Islands (Ostrova Pyalludy) - several stony, coated peat and the tundra vegetation of the islands - lie 2.2 miles to SW from the island of Small Rombas. The shores of the islands, rocky and stony, born with rocky-rocky dryers. The surface of the islands is flat; The coasts of their gerier.

Ship Farvater goes north of Pyal-Luda Ostrov (Ostrov Pyal-Luda) - Northeast of Palllades Islands. Northern, addressed to the Farvatera of this island of Vigub.

Lada-Voropty Islet (Ostrovok Luda-Vorotnya) (64 ° 59 "N, 34 ° 52" E) Low, rocky, covered with tundra vegetation. On 8 KBT to S and SW, the chain of numerous low and rocky islands stretches from this islets, some of which are connected by rocky and stony dryers. Passages between islands shallow, with plenty of surface and white stones.

Yakostrov Island (Ostrov Yakostrov) (64 ° 59 "N, 34 ° 50" E) restricts from the east of the sheds of Kemskaya Salm. This rocky sublime island Poros Forest and has a gentle shore. The West Bank of the island is quite priecr; Oven with depths less than 5 m. This shore has about 1 kBT width. East and southern shores of Omela Island and are born with numerous islands; From the southern shore, drying is at a distance of 1 mile to S.

Popov Island (Ostrov Popov) (65 ° 00 "N, 34 ° 48" E) Stony restricts the shedding of a Kemskaya Salm from the West. From the bank of the mainland, the island is separated by a narrow shallow water, drying in the southern part of the Stru's Popova Salma (ProLIV Popova Salma).

In the drying part of the Strait there is a dam connecting the island with the coast of the mainland. In full water in this strait can be found with sediment to 1 m.

The island's surface is relatively smooth, with separate hills, between which there are wetlands covered with mixed forest. The forest is almost everywhere fits close to the coastline.

The shores of the island, especially oriental, are cut off by a set of white bugs. Eastern His coast is comparatively attached; Shamel with depths less than 5 m. This shore has a width of up to 1 kBT.

Bank Workersostrovskaya (Banka Rabocheostrovskaya) with a smallest depth of 3 m located along the eastern coast of Popov Island in 7 KBT to NNE from its southern tip.

Pier No. 2 is located in the eastern shore of the southern part of the island of Popov. The pier is available for ships with sediment to 6.4 m. The length of the pier is 240 m; The depths along it is 6-7 m. At the berth, lifting sawn timber is performed.

Village Workersostrovsk (Rabocheostrovsk) is located in the southern part of the island of Popov. There is a sawmill in the village. The village is associated with the country's railway network.

Anchor places. Anchor can become all over the breakfast of the Kitsa Salma, but the best anchor place is the raid in the southern part of the strait to S and SSE from milestones (64 ° 59.2 "N, 34 ° 47.8" E). Depths here 5-11 m; Soil - Il. This anchor place is protected from all winds, except for winds from NE and S, which, although they blow with a lot of force, do not form a significant excitement here.

Instructions for swimming. Below are the instruction for swimming from the port of Belomorsk to the island of South Rombak and the instruction for swimming in the ship and body fixtures.

Establing for swimming from the port of Belomorsk to the island of South Rombak. From the port of Belomorsk to the island of South Rombak, you can go west or east of the island of Rowjaji (64 ° 48 "N, 35 ° 15" e). Initially, it is necessary to go along the bureau of Belomorsky until the lightning sign of Osinka does not come to the bearing of 168 °, then you need to lie on the course of 2 °, having rubbed it into 4 CBT to W from the island of Rowjali. On the parallel, the island of Sennukha should be treated for a course of 348 ° with the calculation of passing 1.3 miles to E from the island of stupid, having come to the target of the northern tip of the islands of the Domunin, it is necessary to lie on this target with a course of 287 ° and further follow the commissioning for swimming in the Body Farvatera.

If you need to go to the port of Kem on the ship factory, then, when I reach the course of 2 ° to the parallel of the island of Sennuha, you should lie on the course 13 °. Come on the middle of the island of Oleshin (64 ° 58 "n, 35 ° 13" E), it is necessary when the lighthouse tops come to the bearing 68 °, go to the course 335 ° and go to them until the vessel goes into the white sector 51.5 ° -98 ° Fire Lighthouse Rombaki. Having come to the parallel of this lighthouse, you should lie on the rate of 291 °, having a lighthouse top on the feed. Course 291 ° goes to luminous signs of Malorombak (MALOROM-BAKSKIY LEADING LIGHTS) (65 ° 01.2 "N, 35 ° 01.9" E) (the direction of the crystal 63.8 ° -243.8 °) and then follow the instructions for swimming on the ship carvarter.

Courts with a large sediment must pass east of the island of Rowjärd. At first, it is necessary to go along the bureau of Belomorsky until the lightning sign of the Octopka comes to the bearing of 168 °, then you need to lie down for a course of 23 ° with the calculation to pass in the middle between the bank (64 ° 42 "N, 35 ° 23" E) with the smallest depth 6.2 m and the bank of the roll. When the luminous sign of the Rusty will come to the left traverse, it is necessary to lie down on the course 347 ° and go through this course until the lighthouse will come to the beam 68 °. Next, it is necessary to approach the shipholder according to the above mention.

When approaching the islands, South Rombak and Small Rombak should be borne in mind that tidal flows in the area have a significant speed and demolish the courts respectively to the south or north.

Establishing for swimming for ship factory. Coming out on the target Malorombaki, it is necessary to lie on it and go leaving to the s milestone (65 ° 01.5 "N, 35 ° 04.0" e), enclosing the stancy of a large rombaki with N. Leaving on northern Luminous Tapar (Taparakha N Leading Lights) (64 ° 59.4 "N, 35 ° 01.8" E) (the direction of the crystal 11.4 ° -191,4 °), should be turned left, go to this target and follow to point 65 ° 00.2 "N, 35 ° 02.2" E. Then you need to turn to the right, leaving a light buoy to SSE (65 ° 00.0 "N, 35 ° 02.5" E), enclosing a can with a distinctive depth 2 m, lie on the rate of 252 ° and follow western Tapar Luminous Signs (Taparakha W Leading Lights) (64 ° 59.4 "N, 35 ° 01.7" E) (the direction of the stem 302.7 ° -122.7 °), leaving to S light buoy (64 ° 59.8 "n , 34 ° 59.9 "E). According to the Taparuha, the Western must follow before luminous signs of Pyhladowsky swivel (Pyalludskiy Turning LEADING LIGHTS) (65 ° 00.2 "N, 34 ° 57.0" E) (Direction 10.6 ° -190.6 °), then lie on the course 227 ° and go to luminous signs of Pyhladsky №2 Western (Pylldskiy №2 W Leading Lights) (65 ° 00.2 "N, 34 ° 57.0" E) (the direction of the crystal 261.2 ° -81.2 °); Light buoy (65 ° 00.5 "N, 34 ° 57.1" E) is set to the south of the point of rotation), which encloses with N a can with a distinctive depth of 6.6 m.

Going out on the target of Pyhladsky No. 2 Western, it is necessary to lie on this target and leaving the bank (65 ° 00 "n, 34 ° 54" e) with a distinctive depth of 4.8 m and a jar with a depth of 3 m, and to S - Fencing with NNE governor's bank (Banka Gubernatorskaya) with a distinctive depth of 0.8 m Light buoy (65 ° 00.0 "N, 34 ° 54.3" E), a jar (65 ° 00 "N, 34 ° 54" E) with a distinctive depth of 1, 2 m and a jar with a distinctive depth of 1.6 m.

Coming by the target of the luminous signs Workersproofrovsky number 1 (Rabocheostrovskiy No. 1 Leading Lights) (65 ° 00.1 "N, 34 ° 48.7" E) (the direction of the crystal is 106.6 ° -286.6 °), should be treated for this target. Place of rotation from the scholars of Pyhladsky number 2 Western on the target Workstation Oblostrovsky number 1 indicates rotary Laddle Molds (Luda-Vorotnya Turning Leading Beacons) (64 ° 59.4 "N, 34 ° 51.9" E) (Direction of the Sver 336.9 ° -156,9 °); South of the point of rotation, a light buoy is exhibited (64 ° 59.8 "N, 34 ° 51.5" E), which protects with a NW can with a depth of 2.4 m.

Overlooking station No. 1, it is necessary to go to the northern entrance to the sheds of Kurskaya Salm, leaving north to the bank (65 ° 00 "N, 34 ° 51" E) with a depth of 3 m. Without the flow of 2 KBT to the forefront of this scholars, that is . As soon as the luminous buoy (65 ° 00.0 "N, 34 ° 49.2" E) is passed, enclosing a can with a depth of 2.2 m, it is necessary to turn to the left cool, go to the course 210 ° and go in the midst of the strait KSSKA Salma is equal to removal from his shores, leaving the bank with a depth of 2.2 m and to the W Bank Worker Moscow. When the pipes (64 ° 59.1 "N, 44 ° 47.4" E), towering in the village of Workersproofrovsk, will be on the right traverse, it should be anchored to S from milestones (64 ° 59.2 "N, 34 ° 47 , 8 "E).

Courts with precipitation up to 4.7 m can go on the work of Workersproception No. 1 to luminous signs of monastic (Monastyrskiy Leading Lights) (64 ° 59.7 "N, 34 ° 48.0" E) (the direction of the stem 77.3 ° -257.3 °) and then in this stem. Not reaching 3.5 KBT to the front sign of this scholars, i.e., when the Salive Salma opens, you should lie on the course 210 ° and go in the middle of the strait.

For the approach to the berth number 2, it is necessary for a course of 210 ° in the middle of the Strait of Kitsa Salma to sVETS-PRESTANCK (Kemskiy-Pristanskiy Leading Lights) (64 ° 59.4 "N, 34 ° 47.7" E) (the direction of the crystal 70.1 ° -250.1 °) and further follow this unit to the pier No. 2.

At night, when swimming on the ship factory, caution must be taken, especially when the islands are the islands of Pyhlanda, as well as in the following, the work of Overlooking No. Therefore, at night, it is preferable to go along the whole monastery, since in this case there will be no steep turns.

The entrance to the port of Kem at night is hampered by a large number of lights opening already when approaching the island of South Rombak. Usually, besides the firehouse of Rombaki lighthouse, the lights of the Galorombaksky and lights on the island of Popov are visible.

Establishing for swimming in the body of the Farvatera. Having come to a point located in 1.3 miles to E from the island of Tupichiha (64 ° 54 "N, 35 ° 07" E), it should be poured by a course of 287 ° on the target of the northern tips of the dominne islands.

When the western tip of the island of Tupichih will come to the left traverse and at the same time, the island lying in 6 CBTs to NNE from the island of Tupichiha, will fall off the north-western tip of the island of Lodeynoye and with the southern tip of the island one, it should immediately turn right and lie on the course 314 °, having a little on the right at the rate of the south-west tip of the islands of Darian. This course leads between the south-western tip of the island of Nilax, and the onion of the stone (64 ° 55.0 "N, 35 ° 05.1" E) with a depth of 7.4 m.

Having reached the course of 314 ° to the western tip of the Western of the Domnna Islands with the eastern tip of the island, located in 1.2 KBT to E with the eastern tip of the northern of the Sadelle Islands, should be treated for a course of 352 ° towards the south-western tip of the island of Pezia Luda. On the parallels of the southern tip of the east of the islands of Darian, it should be turned left and lie on the course 324 °, leading in the middle of the passage between the islands of Northern Covovar and Olch in the southwest and the islands of flat and taparuha in the northeast. To the shores of these islands you can safely approach the distance to 1 CBT; The only danger in the specified passage is the bank (64 ° 58.7 "N, 35 ° 01.1" E) with a distinctive depth of 4.2 m. Approaching the course of 324 ° to the island of Pyllow, you need to go to the target of the Western tapar. The above instruction for sailing on the shipholder.

From the port of Kem to Markavolok Cape The Karelian coast of the bay shouted by the forest stretches for 9 miles to NNW. The southern part of the shore described is low, and the north - sublime, and in places the rocky shore is cut here sharply to the sea.

Against the southern part of the described shore lie the islands of the northern edge of Kemskoy Schcher, the most memorial of which is the island of Ryavolud (65 ° 04 "N, 35 ° 02" E), removed from the shore to a distance of about 6 miles. The area between the islands is shallow and replete with islets, surface and pitfalls and banks. Most of the islands are composed of granite and covered with a layer of peat. The bottom in the area of \u200b\u200bthe northern edge of Komkov Schcher is uneven. Swimming is difficult here, so this area is not visited even by ships with a small draft. The moorish of the specified area runs the strait of Western Solovetskaya Salma.

From the port of Kem to Markavolok Cape

Against the northern part of the shore described, there are also several islands and many islands, but their edge is removed from the shore for a much smaller distance than the edge of Kemsky Schcher. Coast here is more inferior; The depths of about 20 m are approaching it to a distance of up to 2 miles, but to cross the exorbitant 20 m with the approach to the shore is dangerous, as the depths closer to the shore are sharply reduced.

Terroych Island (Ostrov Terroikha) 22.5 m height granite, covered with tundra vegetation, lies in 9 CBT to NW from the island of South Rombak. Northeast Coast of Terroych Island Prigub. The island is fristed with a rocky and rocky drying width to 0.3 kBT; On the island there is a fin.

4.1 KBT to NW from the West Bank of the island is low, rocky and covered with tundra vegetation island. On the island there is a fin.

Ryavoluda Island (Ostrov Ryavoluda) 18.4 m height rocky, covered with tundra vegetation, is 1.5 miles to NNE from the northern tip of the island of terroych.

The shores of the island of Ryvolud Rocky and Stony. North and West shores gentle, oriental and southern - enormous. In 1.7 KBT to N from the island there is a low rocky island. From the north and south, this island is bonded by a rocky and rocky drying width to 0.3 kBT.

The vessels following the Western Solovetskaya Salma strait, adhere to the islands of Ryvolud in order to rendress the dangerous stamps of the South Kommic and North Kemsky.

Satam island (Ostrov Satam) with a height of 37.1 m, rocky and covered with tundra vegetation, located 1.6 miles to W from the island of Ryvolud. Northern, Western and Eastern shores of Island Satoms Pologi, South - cool. The Western and North Shores of the island are frozen rocky, and the eastern and southern - rocky dryer with a width of up to 0.3 kbt.

The relief island island, along its middle part there is a hollow, separating the island into two parts. The slopes of the flashes of a german towards the Western and Eastern shores of the island.

In 3 CBTs to S and 2.5 KBT to SW from the southern shores of the island Satam, there are two low stony island, bonded by a rocky drying width up to 0.3 kBT.

1 miles to SW from the island Satam are the islands of the burner (Ostrova Gorelyye) - a group of islands and islands with a height of 5.2-21.8 m.

There are many drying and underwater hazards between the islands of Satam and Terroych, and there are several cans between the islands Satam and Ryvolud and north of them.

Islands student (Ostrova Studentsy) lie 2.8 miles to W from Satz Island. The largest student islands, the north-western bank of which is steep, poros mixed forest; The southern part of the island is smooth, and the north - hilly, the slopes of the hills of gentle.

To the west and south of the largest islands of the student are low, the island's mixed forest, and east - the rocky islands covered with tundra vegetation. In 1.1 miles to W from the northern tip of the larger of the student islands lies the island of the storage room 2nd (Ostrov Kladovyy Vtoroy), covered with tundra vegetation.

The islands of the student lie on one common drying and separated from the bank of the mainland with a narrow shallow water, partially with a drying strait, in which many stones.

Kamostrov Island (Ostrov Kamostrov) (65 ° 07 "N, 34 ° 42" E) 6.1 M height rocky pore coniferous forest. The shores of the island are low, northwest shore above others.

Cape Smelnostrov MYS MYAGMIOSTROV) is the northeastern tip of the island of Kamostrov.

Podtybolskaya Guba (Podtaybol "Skaya Guba) (65 ° 06.7" N, 34 ° 40.7 "E) Shallow water goes to the Karelian Bay Coast.

The lip is available for boats with precipitate to 0.8 m in full water. It can serve as a convenient parking site for small vessels. The western shore of the lip is low, only in the southwestern part of its site there are hills. The south-western part of the lip is dry; Drain here is ironsight, viscous.

Depths at the entrance to the lip 3-4 m, in the central part 2 m.

Cape Yudin (MYS Yudin) (65 ° 07 "N, 34 ° 41" E) Low, overgrown with forest, bordered with a stony dry dye up to 0.2 kBT.

Svetronetskaya Guba (Letneretskaya Guba) goes to the shore between Yudin's Cape and 1.7 miles who are 1.7 miles to N Cape Marknavolok (Mys MarkNavolok).

The lip is available in complete water for boats and precipitation boats up to 0.9 m with knowledge of local swimming conditions.

The shores of the lips are low, seats are stony and cropped forest. In the peak of the lip falls uncomfortable river Summer (Reka Letnaya). On the right bank of the river near the mouth is located the village of Summer River (Letnaya Reka).

There are several coves in the shore of the lips. At the entrance to the lip and in it, there are several islands and many surface and pitfalls.

The depths in the lip mostly less than 5 m; The bottom is uneven, and among dangerous shallow orders there are pits with depths up to 10 m or more.

At the approaches to the lip lies a lot of dangers.

Note points. Landmarks when approaching the Legents Lip can serve: Lesky Island of Kegoostrov, or UNDOSTROV (Ostrov Kegostrov, Yendostrov), 8.7 m height and island of Endostrovskaya Luda (Ostrovok Yendos-Trovskaya Luda) 3.3 m height, located respectively in 3 KBT to N and 5.5 kBT to NNE from Cape Yudin; Yulmyuki Island (Ostrov Yul "Myuki), located in 3 KBT to NNE from Markavaol's Cape, and the island of Green Luda (65 ° 09" N, 34 ° 48 "E).

Tidal flows. The tidal flow is included in the NNE lentry lip. The taming flow has the opposite direction.

Green Loud Island (Ostrov Zelyonaya Luda) 23 m The granite, covered with a layer of peat and moss, is located 2.6 miles to the Markavolok Cape. On the south-western tip of the island is the fraternal grave.

Bank With a distinctive depth of 2 m lies in 1.4 miles to SSW from the southwestern tip of the island of the Green Luda.

0.3 KBT to NNE from the bank is a stone with a depth of 1.4 m.

Planting signs Svetranetsky first (LetnereTskiy Pervyy Leading Beacons) (65 ° 07.6 "N, 34 ° 43.7" E) leads from the sea to the entrance to the summer lip. The front sign of the stem is set at a low rocky island Long Louda (Ostrov Dolgaya Luda).

Oven With depths less than 5 m, they advocate each other by 1.2 miles to the WSW from the south-western tip of the island of the green Luda and 4.8 KBT to 35 NE from the northern tip of the island of Long Loud. There is the most narrow place of passage to the lip; Depths 1.2-1.6 m are located herein in close proximity to W from the middle of the passage.

Anchor places. An anchor place for ships with drafts up to 5.4 m is at the external summer raid (Vneshniy Letneretskiy Road), which is located in 8 KBT to SE from Yulmyuki Island. Depths here 7-11 m; Soil - Il, stone and sand. Near raids scattered banks with depths of 0.2-5 m.

In full water ships with precipitation up to 0.7 m can enter the summer river and become anchored against the village of the summer river. Depths here are 1-2 m; Soil - Il and stone. Local small vessels are pulled out in winter ashore at the village of Summer River.

Establishing for the entrance to the Lertron Lip. When following the external summer raid from the Strait, the Western Solovetskaya Salma is supplied from a point located approximately 1 mile to E from the island of Ryvolud, to go for a course of 303 °, having a green Luda island right on the nose. Having reached the stem, the Legenetsky first (direction of the stem 99.8 ° -279.8 °), should be treated for this target. When the distance to the island, the Long Luda is 1.1 miles, it should be turned on to the right and follow the external summer raid, saving the above-described blesses protruding from the islands of the green Luda and the long Loudy, and cans with depths of 1.4-5.2 m. Apparently To the island of Yulmyuki by 5-6 KBT, you can anchor. Depths in anchor place 7-11 m.

When following the external summer raid with NE from the pool of the White Sea, it is necessary to leave the green Luda island in a distance of at least 2 miles to 10 W and NW and, after going to the target, the first one, guided by the above mention.

Going out from the raid follows the reverse course.

To help navigators we place scanned sea maps of the White Sea. Card files in GIF format, you can independently be binding for the OZI Explorer program, or print maps on a widescreen printer. Our information is familiarized and make a solution for using these cards every captain must independently. Nevertheless, we hope that we will help these maritime cards on the network. We will help many who are planning fascinating marine hikes in the White Sea. In conditions of deficiency and high cost of paper cards, we believe that we will have invaluable help to travelers when planning a campaign. Once again, we note that the marine seaside collection maps are posted for familiarization and binding of cards in the navigation program you need to do yourself.

Download sea maps of the White Sea:

From Cape Holy Nose to Cape Canin Nose 12003 Download

Northern approaches to the throat of the White Sea and the Mezen Bay 12005 download

Approaches to the Kandalakschsky and Onega Bay of the White Sea 12008 download

Kandalaksha Bay of White Sea 12010 Download

South of the Kandalaksha Bay of White Sea 14020 download

Approaches to the port of Belomorsk Onega Bay of the White Sea 16013 download

Solovetsky Islands Onega Bay White Sea

Posted Thu, 09/04/2015 - 22:41 by Cap

If you want to see a miracle, it is easiest to make a fusion on the Karelian River Keret with access to the White Sea! The spectacle is indescribable when you skip the last flames and are slowly entering the lip of the chup! There was a long northern sunset, the water was calm and very transparent. Tried water from the oars - the real marine, salty!
Suddenly, they saw sea jellyfish in the thicker! We shouted the white seagulls over us, and the islands extended the endless sea!
Ahead stood Keret Island, where we had to tumble, and around the sea, islands, shores and a near-hour sun with thousands of reflections!
So the moorings got acquainted with the White Sea!

When we sailed through the White Sea on the boat - there was a real kmar above the sea. The little rained rained, the fog rose, and we sat in the cabin, networks on bad weather, and no decent photos could not do ...

But a miracle happened - only we began to approach Solovkov, as in a fairy tale, the sky was opened, the sun's rays shone on the sea water, and so far the Solovetsky Kremlin flashed.

Zasia in all its glory! He squeezed the domes, spread off the naval naval gave, began to play with the Middle Islands!

We got out to the deck and happily welcomed our views!

Until the early XVIII century, most Russian trading routes took place through the White Sea, but it was not very convenient, since the white sea is covered with ice more than six months. After the founding of St. Petersburg, the flow of goods has decreased significantly, the main maritime trading paths moved to the Baltic Sea. Since the 1920s, most of the shipments were distracted from the White Sea to the non-freezing port of Murmansk, located on the shore of the Barents Sea.

Wammer flag on the White Sea

Reflection in art
On the adventures of two boys on the White Sea told in his story "Skeletons in the fog" Valery Gusev, from a series of children's detectives black kitten.
The action of Pavel Lungin's "Island" is happening in the monastery on the islands of the White Sea.
Soviet cartoon film "Laughter and Mountain of Sea of \u200b\u200bSea" on the fairy tales of Boris Shergin and Stepana Pisakov.
The life of the birds and animals of the White Sea is described in the children's fairy tale "flying to the north" ecologist Vadim Fedorova

cape Holy Nose, Border of White and Barents Seas

Cape Holy Nose - on the border of the two seas
Holy Nose - Cape on the Eastern, shares the Barents and the White Sea, as well as the Murmansk and Thair shore. Located on a small peninsula, also the name of the holy nose. On the peninsula there is the same village and the Svyprooksky Lighthouse. Toponym Holy Nose is widespread on the coast of the Arctic Ocean, on the assumption of the Swedish Researcher of the Arctic Adolf Eric Nordenchelda, such a name for Pomorov received cautions that are very walking in the sea and difficult to overcome in coastal swimming.
Peninsula with a length of about 15 km and width up to 3 km. The height is up to 179 m. On the peninsula there are several small lakes and flow a few streams, including long and falconies. In the peninsula, the lips of the lad and long seas and the lip of the Lopskoye becomes of the Svyfosky Bay are crashed. Capes of falconies and Nataliy pillow are located. Earlier on the peninsula was the village of Svynonosskaya Siren.

lighthouse at Cape Holy Nose White Sea

Initially, the cape called the Teress Cape or TERSK. Later, the contemporary name was secured later. European cartographers identified Cape on their maps back in the XVI century. Norwegians Cape was called Veseptad - from the Norwegian language of the Path pillar or a traveling rock. The name went from the fact that reaching this coast point was needed to change the course.
Russian ambassador to Denmark and Dyack Grigory Istoma, while traveling in 1496 wrote:
Holy nose is a huge rock, coming into the sea, like the nose; Under it is visible a water-airing cave, which absorbs water every six hours and with great noise, it takes back this punching back. Some said that it was the middle of the sea, others - what is Haribda. ... the power of this puchin is so great that it attracts ships and other items located nearby, turns them and absorbs and that they have never been to greater danger. For when the paunch suddenly and strongly began to attract the ship on which they were driving, they barely saved with great difficulties, they had all the forces on the oars.
Pets have a saying "where the fish goes, and the holy nose does not pass." According to the legend, Cape had huge worms, turning the boat, but the Saint Varlaam Keretsky deprived them of such strength. Through the peninsula from the lip of the Volkova to the lip of the lap becoming industrialists dragged their vessels.

Workstrovsk, Solovki White Sea

Geography of the White Sea
Basic physico-geographical features. Located on the northern outskirts of the European part of our country, the White Sea takes the space between 68 ° 40 'and 63 ° 48' s. sh., and 32 ° 00 'and 44 ° 30' in. D. And is entirely located in the USSR. By nature, it belongs to the seas of the Northern Ocean, but this is the only one of the Arctic seas, which is almost entirely south of the polar circle, only the most northern areas of the sea go beyond the limits of this circle.
The bizarre in the form of the white sea is deeply embedded into the continent, almost everywhere it has natural land borders and only from the Barents Sea separates it the conditional boundary - the line m. Holy nose - m. Kanin nose. Almost on all sides, the White Sea surrounded by land refers to the inner seas. Size is one of the smallest of our seas. Its area is equal to 90 thousand km2, the volume of 6 thousand km3, the average depth of 67 m, the highest depth of 350 m. Miscellaneous for external forms and landscapes. Modern shores of the White Sea have their geographical names and belong to various geomorphological types of coast (Fig. 17) .

It is uneven and folded the relief of the sea. The deepest areas of the sea - the pool and the Kandalaksha bay, in the outer part of which the maximum depth is marked. Pretty smoothly decreases depth from the mouth to the top of the Dvinsky Bay. A somewhat raised above the pool bowl of the bottom of the shallow water bay. The bottom of the sea throat is a submarine gutter with a depth of 50 m, elongated along the strait somewhat closer to the Thair shore. The northern part of the sea is the most shallow. Its depths do not exceed 50 m. The bottom is very uneven here, especially in the cana shore and the entrance to the Mezen Bay. This area is littered with a lot of cans, which are distributed to several ridges and are known as the Nordic Cats.

The shallow content of the northern part and the throat compared to the pool makes it difficult for its water exchange with the Barents Sea, which is reflected on the hydrological conditions of the White Sea. The position of this sea in the north of the moderate belt and partly behind the polar circle, belonging to the Arctic Ocean, the proximity of the Atlantic Ocean and the almost solid ring of surrounding it is caused by both sea and continental features in the climate of the sea, which makes the White Sea climate transition from the oceanic to Mainland. The influence of the ocean and sushi is more or less manifested at all times of the year. Winter on the White Sea long and harsh. At this time, an extensive anticyclone is installed over the northern part of the European Union, and intensive cyclonic activity is developed over the Barents Sea. In this regard, the White Sea blows mainly south-west winds at a speed of 4-8 m / s. They carry cold cloudy weather with snowfall. In February, the average monthly air temperature is almost over the entire sea - 14-15 ° and only in the northern part it rises to -9 °, as the sweeping effect of the Atlantic Ocean affects. With significant invasions of relatively warm air from the Atlantic, south-west winds are observed and the air temperature rises to -6-7 °. The displacement to the area of \u200b\u200bthe White Sea of \u200b\u200bAnticyclone from the Arctic causes northeastern winds, clarification and cooling to -24-26 °, and sometimes very strong frosts.

Borshovy Islands White Sea

Summer is cool and moderately humid. At this time, the anticyclone is usually installed over the Barents Sea, and intensive cyclonic activity develops to the south and south-east of the White Sea. With such a synoptic setting over the sea, the northeastern winds of 2-3 points are dominated over the sea. The sky is covered with solid clouds, strong rains often fall out. The air temperature in July is equal to an average of 8-10 °. Cyclones passing over the Barents Sea change the direction of the wind over the White Sea to the Western and South-West and cause an increase in air temperature to 12-13 °. When anticyclone is installed over Northeastern Europe, southeastern winds and clear sunny weather prevail over the sea. The air temperature rises an average to 17-19 °, and in some cases it can reach 30 ° in the southern part of the sea. However, in the summer, overcast and cool weather prevails. Thus, on the White Sea for almost the entire total of a year there is no longer sustainable weather, and the seasonal change of prevailing winds is monsime. These are important climatic features that significantly affect the hydrological conditions of the sea.

Hydrological characteristic. The White Sea is one of the cold Arctic seas, which is associated not only with its position in high latitudes, but also the hydrological processes in it. The distribution of water temperature on the surface and in the thickness of the sea is characterized by a large variety of places to place and significant seasonal variability. In winter, the water temperature on the surface is equal to the freezing temperature and has order -0.5-0.7 ° in the bays, up to -1.3 ° in the pool and up to -1.9 ° in the throat and northern part of the sea. These differences are explained by the unequal salinity in different parts of the sea.

In the spring after the release of the sea, the ice is rapidly heating the surface of the water. In the summer, the surface is best free to the surface of relatively shallow bays (Fig. 18). The temperature of the water on the surface of the Kandalaksha Bay in August is equal to average 14-15 °, in the pool 12-13 °. The lowest temperature on the surface is observed in a funnel and throat, where strong mixing cools surface water to 7-8 °. In the fall there is a rapid cooling of the sea and spatial differences in temperature are smoothed.

The change in the temperature of the water with depth occurs differently from the season to the season in different parts of the sea. In winter, the temperature close to the surface covers the layer of 30-45 m, then it follows it to some increase to the horizon of 75-100 m. This is a warm intermediate layer - the remainder of summer warming. The temperature is below its temperature, and from the horizons 130-140 m and to the bottom becomes -1.4 °. Spring surface of the sea begins to warm. Warming extends to 20 m. Hence the temperature sharply decreases to negative values \u200b\u200bon the horizon 50-60 m.

In the fall, cooling the surface of the sea is distributed to the horizons 15-20 m and levels the temperature in this layer. Hence the horizons 90-100 m, the water temperature is slightly higher than in the surface layer, since the heat-surface (20-100 m) horizons are still preserved heat accumulated over the summer. Next, the temperature is again reduced from the horizons 130-140 m and to the bottom is -1.4 °.

In some areas of the basin, the vertical distribution of water temperature has its own characteristics. The river flowing into the White Sea annually pour into it about 215 km3 of fresh water. More than 3/4 of all runoff falls on the share of rivers flowing into Onega, Dvinsky and Mezen's bay. Mesten 38.5 km3, Onega 27.0 km3 water per year. Plugging on the west coast, Kem gives 12.5 km3 and the gain 11.5 km3 of water a year. The rest of the rivers give only 9% of the drain. Large unevenness is characterized by the intra-year distribution of the flow of rivers flowing into these bays, which spring is reset 60-70% water. Due to the natural regulation of the lakes of many rivers, the distribution of their flow during the year occurs more or less evenly. The maximum of the runoff is observed in the spring and is 40% of the annual flow. In the rivers flowing from the south-east, the spring flood is sharper. For the sea, in general, the maximum flow falls on May, minimal for February-March.

Freshwater entering the White Sea increase the water level in it, as a result of this, the excess water flows through the throat in the Barents Sea, which contributes to the predominance of winter southwestern winds. Due to the difference in the densities of white and Barents Seas, the flow of the Barents Sea arises. There is an exchange of waters between these seas. True, the White Sea brand is separated from the Barents underwater threshold located at the exit of the throat. Its largest depths of 40 m, which makes it difficult to exchange deep waters between these seas. From the White Sea annually flows about 2,200 km3 water, and about 2,000 km3 / year flows into it. Consequently, for the year significantly more than 2/3 of the entire mass of the deep (below 50 m) of the White Sea water is renewed.

In principle, the water temperature vertically in the throat is fundamentally distributed. Due to the good mixing, seasonal differences are to change the temperature of the entire mass of water, and not in the nature of its change with depth. Unlike the pool here, external thermal exposure perceives all the mass of water as one, and not from the layer to the layer.

Kandalaksha Bay White Sea

Solness of the sea
The salinity of the White Sea is below the average salinity of the ocean. Its values \u200b\u200bare unevenly distributed on the surface of the sea, which is due to the peculiarities of the placement of the river flow, half of which the flow of water from the Barents Sea, the transfer of water by marine currents. Saltivity values \u200b\u200busually increase from the tops of the bays to the central part of the pool and depth, although in each season there are features of salinity distribution.

In winter, salinity on the surface is everywhere. In the throat and funnel it is equal to 29.0-30.0, and in the pool 27.5-28.0. The most desalinated mouthing areas of rivers. In the pool, the size of the surface salinity is traced to the horizons of 30-40 m, from where they are at first sharply, and then smoothly increase the bottom.

In the spring, surface waters are significantly desisted (up to 23.0 ‰, and in the Dvina bay to 10.0-12.0) in the East and much less (up to 26.0-27.0) in the West. This is due to the concentration of the main part of the river runoff in the East, as well as the removal of ice from the west, where they are formed, but do not melt, therefore they do not have an extrusion effect. The reduced salinity is observed in a layer of 5-10 m below it increases dramatically to the horizons 20-30 m, and then smoothly rises to the bottom.

In summer, salinity on the surface is lowered and changeable in space. A characteristic example of the distribution of salinity values \u200b\u200bon the surface is shown in Fig. 20. The range of salinity values \u200b\u200bis quite significant. In the pool, the desalination spreads to the horizons 10-20 m, from here salinity first sharply and then smoothly increases to the bottom (Fig. 21). In the bays, the desalination covers only the upper 5-meter layer, which is associated with compensation flows that indicate waters of the water supply endowed with stock surface flows. A. N. Pantyulin noted that due to the difference in the thickness of the layer of reduced salinity in the bays and in the basin, the maximum descent is timed to the latter, obtained by counting the integral in the depths of salinity. This means that the central part of the pool is a kind of drive relative to the collapsible waters coming from Dvina and Kandalaksch bays. This is a kind of hydrological trait of the White Sea.

In the fall, salinity on the surface increases due to the reduction of the river flow and the beginning of the ice formation. In the pool, it is approximately the same than the same values \u200b\u200bare observed to the horizons of 30-40 m, from here they increase to the bottom. In the throat, Onega and Mezen Bay, tidal mixing makes the vertical saline distribution more monotonous throughout the year. The density of the water of the White Sea primarily determines the salinity. The greatest density is observed in the funnel, throat and central part of the pool in the fall and winter. In summer, the density is lowered. The density values \u200b\u200bare quite dramatically increasing with a depth in accordance with the vertical saline distribution, which creates stable water stratification. It makes it difficult to wind stirring, the depth of which with strong autumn-winter storms is equal to about 15-20 m, and in the spring-summer season is limited by the horizons 10-12 m.


Ice formation at sea
Despite the strong cooling in the fall and winter and intensive ice formation, the water velocity allows you to spread convection to most of the sea only to 50-60 m horizons. Some deeper (80-100 m) Winter vertical circulation penetrates near the throat, where intensive turbulence associated with this with strong tidal currents. Limited depth of distribution of autumn-winter convection is a characteristic hydrological trait of the White Sea. However, its depth and bottom waters do not remain in a stagnant state or extremely slow refreshment in the conditions of their difficult exchange with Barentsomors. The deep water of the pool is formed annually in the winter as a result of mixing surface waters entering a funnel from the Barents Sea and from the throat of the White Sea. When glance formation salinity and density of water mixed here increase and they slide on the slopes of the bottom of the throat into the root horizons of the pool. The constancy of the temperature and salinity of the deep water of the pool is not a congestion, but a consequence of monotonous conditions for the formation of these waters.

The structure of the water of the White Sea is formed mainly under the influence of desalination with the mainland and water exchange with the Barents Sea, as well as tidal mixing, especially in the throat and the mesen bay and winter vertical circulation. Based on the analysis of the curves of the vertical distribution of oceanic characteristics of V. V. Timonov (1950), allocated the following types of waters in the White Sea: Barentsomora (in pure form are represented only in a funnel), desalinated water of the tops of the bays, water of the upper layers of the pool, the deep waters of the pool, water Throat.

The horizontal circulation of the water of the White Sea folds under the aggregate effect of wind, river flow, tides, compensation streams, so it is diverse and complex in detail. The resulting movement is formed counterclockwise moving water, characteristic of the seas of the northern hemisphere (Fig. 22).

Due to the concentration of river flow, it is mainly in the tops of the bays here there is a sedimentary, directed into the open part of the pool. Under the influence of the Coriolis force, moving water is pressed against the right bank and from the Dvina Gulf goes along the winter shore in the throat. The Kola shore passes the flow of throat in the Kandalaksha Bay, from which water moves along the Karelian coast to the Onega Bay and flow from it from his right bank. Before the entrance from the bays in the pool, weak cyclonic cycles are created, arising between water moving in opposite directions. These cyphans cause an anticyclonal movement of water between them. Water movement is traced clockwise. The speed of constant currents is small and usually equal to 10-15 cm / s, in the narrowness and in the capes they reach 30-40 cm / s. Much high speeds in some areas have tidal flows. In the throat and Mezen Gulf, they reach 250 cm / s, in Kandalaksksky - 30-35 cm / s and ongoing bay - 80-100 cm / s. In the pool, tidal flow rates are approximately equal to constant. White Sea

Tides and flow
In the White Sea, tides are well expressed (see Fig. 22). A progressive tidal wave from the Barents Sea spreads along the axis of the funnel to the vertices of the Mezen Bay. Passing across the entrance to the throat, it causes the waves passing through the throat into the pool, where they are reflected from summer and. The addition of plants reflected from the shores and incoming waves creates a standing wave, which creates rings in the throat and pool of the White Sea. They have a proper semitting character. Thanks to the configuration of the shores and nature of the bottom relief, the largest magnitude of the tide (about 7.0 m) is observed in the Mezen Gulf, the cana shore, funnels and O. Sosnowiec, in Kandalaksha Gulf, it is somewhat higher than 3 m. In the central areas of the pool, Dvinsky and Onega bays are less than.

Tidal wave extends to long distances up rivers. In Northern Dvina, for example, tide is noticeable 120 km from the mouth. At the same time, the movement of the tidal wave the water level in the river rises, but suddenly it suspends its increase or even slightly decreases, and then continues to rise again. Such a process is called "Manich" and is explained by the influence of various tidal waves.

In widely open to the sea. The mouth of the meadow tide holds the river flow and forms a high wave, which, like a water wall, moves up the river, its height is sometimes a few meters. This phenomenon here is called "Nakata", on Ganges - Bor, and on Seine - "Mascar".

The white sea belongs to the number of stormy seas. The strongest excitement is observed in October-November from the northern part and the throat of the sea. At this time, the excitement is observed mainly 4-5 points and more. However, small sizes of the reservoir do not allow to develop large waves. In the White Sea, the waves are dominated by a height of up to 1 m. Occasionally reach a height of 3 m and as an exception to 5 m. The most calm the sea in the second half of summer, in July-August. At this time, the excitement of 1-3 points is prevailing. The level of the White Sea is experiencing periodic semi-sufficient tidal oscillations and non-periodic salaries. The greatest arrivals are observed in the autumn-winter season at the North-Western and Northeast winds. Lifting level can reach 75-90 cm. The strongest Signs are marked in winter and spring with southwestern winds. The level at this time drops by 50-75 cm. The seasonal course of the level is characterized by its low position in winter, some increase in spring by summer and relatively rapid growth from summer to autumn. In October, he reaches the highest position, followed by its decline.

In the wellhead sections of large rivers, seasonal level fluctuations are determined mainly by the distribution of river runoff during the year. Every winter, the white sea is covered with ice, which completely disappears in the spring, so it refers to seas with seasonal ice cover (Fig. 23). Previously, the ice appears at the mouth of mesen, and later (in January) at the Tereg and Horrel. White sea ice at 90% floating. All the sea is covered with ice, but it is not solid cover, but constantly drifting ice, in places condensed, and in some places damaged under the influence of winds and flows. A very significant feature of the White Sea ice regime is a permanent ending of ice in the Barents Sea. It is connected to the worms that are constantly generated among winter, which are quickly tightened with young ice.

Thus, in the sea, the Ice formation prevails over melting, which is reflected in the heat condition of the sea. As a rule, the floating ice has a thickness of 35-40 cm, but in harsh winters can reach 135 and even 150 cm. Space in the White Sea occupies a very small area. The width does not exceed 1 km. Previously, all (at the end of March), ice disappear in the funnel. By the end of May, the whole sea is usually exempt from ice, but sometimes the full cleansing of the sea occurs only in mid-June.

Hydrochemical conditions. The water of the White Sea is richly saturated with dissolved oxygen. At the beginning of the summer, the surface layers are observed with oxygen, constituting 110-117%. By the end of this season, under the influence of the rapid development of zooplankton, the oxygen content decreases. In the deep layers, the amount of dissolved oxygen is 70-80% saturation during the year.

For nutrient regime, it is characterized by stratifying stratification all year round. The number of phosphates increases to the bottom. The increased content of nitrates is noted in the field of the Pole of the Cold. In the spring and summer, it is usually observed to exhaust biogenic salts in the photosynthesis zone. In a layer of 0-25 cm, there are almost no biogenic elements from June to September. In winter, on the contrary, they reach their maximum values. A feature of the hydrochemistry of the water of the White Sea is the exceptional wealth of their silicates, which is associated with a rich river drain, with which many silicon falls into the sea.

Economic use.
Economic activities on the White Sea are currently related to the use of its biological resources and the work of sea transport. This sea is characterized by a variety of organic wealth mined for household needs. Here are developed fish farming, the fishery of the marine beast and algae. In the species composition of fish catches prevail Navaga, White Sea herring, born, cod, salmon. In recent years, the fishery of the Greenlandic seal on the Ice of the White Sea continues, the mining of a collected nerve and bite continues. The extraction of algae, processed on the Arkhangelsk and Belomorsky algae plant, is carried out.

In the future, the use of tidal energy and construction of PES in the Mezen Gulf has been planned. The White Sea is an important transport pool of the country with a significant amount of freight. The structure of cargo flows predominate forests and timber exported through Arkhangelsk - the largest port on the White Sea. In addition, building materials are transported, various equipment, fish and fish products, chemical goods, etc. There is a significant place for the carriage of passengers on internal lines and maintenance of marine tourism.

A small size, but diverse and difficult in natural conditions, the White Sea is still not fully studied and there are many diverse problems for its further study. The most important hydrological problems should include the overall circulation of water, primarily drawing up clear ideas about constant flows, their distribution and characteristics. It is very important to find out the ratio of wind, tidal and convective mixing in different parts of the sea, especially in the border area of \u200b\u200bthe throat - the pool, which will specify the available information about the formation and ventilation of the depths of the sea. A significant question is the study of the ice balance of the sea, since its thermal and ice conditions are connected with it. The deepening of hydrological and hydrochemical studies will allow to successfully solve issues on the prevention of pollution of the sea, which is the current task of our time.

Body Archipelago White Sea

Places of power and legends of the White Sea

On the waters of the White Sea washed from the southeast, in Kandalaksha, there is a legend of a wonderful bell, sunken in the Taiga River Niva. On her shores, the sanctuations were still in the distant pagan era, ascending, perhaps, to the stone century. The ringing of hidden, the bells do not hear sinners. But, as the legend says, someday and they will hear this ringing. Then the original-paradise state of the local land, the fragments of the legendary hyperborei will be completed. On the map of Herard Mercator reproduced the outlines of the disappeared northern earth. The inscription on the map reports that it is based on the evidence of the King Arthur king, seekers of the secret shrines, as well as on the data of polar travelers. Mercator notes that they all reached the farthest limits of the polar land "by magic art."

If you look at the outlining of the "Scandinavian" part of the hyperborei on the Mercator map and impose on the map of modern Scandinavia, then amazing conformations are found: the mountain range going along Norway and coincides with the mountains of the hyperborei; And the hyperborean river, which flows from these mountains, repeats the outlines of the combat bay in the northern part of the Baltic Sea. It turns out that, perhaps, the southern border of Hyperborea took place through the Ladoga and Onega Lakes, through the Valaam and turned to the north to the spurs of the Middle Range of the Kola Peninsula, that is, where the ancient destroyed mountains of the mountains are towering over the Kandalaksha Light of the White Sea.

Thus, the shrines of the Russian North are in hyperborea - if the Kola Peninsula and the White Sea cannot really consider it to be preserved. And the magic cliffs of Valaam were once the islands in the ocean bay off the coast of Hyperborei. It can be seen, no wonder mystical feeling of northern Inok found them different sacred names: New Jerusalem - for the harsh Solovetsky Islands and North Athos - for the innermost Valaam. It was the new Jerusalem, a hail that was tested by the upcoming centuries, the Solovetsky Monastery of Inok Ipathia in the breeding vision back in 1667 - shortly before the start of the tragic "Solovetsky Seating". The next act of northern mystery is the phenomenon of the Old Believers of the Avigant Desert (also on the ancient hyperborean coast). Uporopation died, under the "Zybuchi Mkhami" which was placed the poet Nikolai Klyuev underground "Cathedral of the Holy Fathers". "Let our North seem to be the poorest of other land, - wrote N.K. Roerich, - let his ancient lyric closed. Let people know little about him about him. The fairy tale of the north is deep and captivating. Northern winds Bodra and merry. Northern Lake Pensive. Northern rivers silver. Dark forest wise forests. Green hills are experienced. Gray stones in circles wonders are full ... "Gray stones in circles - labyrinths - and other ancient megalithic facilities, located on the shores of the White Sea and on the Islands of the Solovetsky Archipelago, are the greatest riddle of the North.

White Nights on the White Sea

The White Sea is the sacred sea of \u200b\u200bthe north, storing a lot of secrets. It is possible that the initial meaning of his name, known only to a little, is related to the sphere of heaven, as in the semantics "white" color is heavenly, divine. At first glance, the name is white it could get from the color of snow and ice covering it in winter.

But it is equally fair to any North Sea and therefore it sounds not particularly convincing according to Murmansk Toponymist A.A. Minkina, for its history, the White Sea changed 15 titles! Let's try and we figure out why it is called white. The peoples of the East have long existed a color symbolism of orientation, where the north corresponded to the black color. And the Slavic peoples of the North were indicated by white, and south - blue. Therefore, the Russians are long before the invasion of the Tatar called the Caspian Sea - blue. It can be assumed that according to color symbols and the White Sea is the North Sea.

In the Novgorod diplomas of the XIII -XV centuries, the White Sea was simply called the sea, and in the "humble diploma of the Great Novgorod of the XV century it is indicated as the sea of \u200b\u200bOkyyan. Pomor was called the White Sea of \u200b\u200bStuden "According to the natural property", and this name was most common both in the chronicles and in folklore. For the first time on the map, under the name of the White Sea (Mare Alburn), he defeated Peter Plaitiona in 1592. In May 1553, on the ship "Eduard Bonaventur", under the command, Barrow in the White Sea first included the British, who quit an anchor at the mouth of the Northern Dvina. The team was a cartographer, which a year after a second swimming in the White Sea made up a handwritten map of the sea, without giving him any name. In 1617, the column world was concluded between Sweden and Russia, in a special "clarification" to which the "Conditions of fishing" in the Severka Sea were agreed by both countries. So in this case, the white sea is named.

Speaking about the White Sea, it is impossible to bypass the northern Northern Canal of Russia, which connected the White and Baltic Sea. Back in the XVI century, the two British conceived to join the channel of the river rivers and the river. Everything is as usual, it remains only on paper. In the XVI - XVIII centuries, there was a pathway, passing through the belts and Sumy Posad and leading to the shrines of the Solovetsky Monastery. Over the summer, along this path, up to 25,000 Bogomol residents traveled to the monastery on the lungs of lakes and rivers, and sometimes in full swing. At the beginning of the XVIII century, in this place, thousands of Russian men laid the famous "Falling Road", according to which Peter I dragged his ships, spent the army and defeated the Swedes under the Fortress of Noteburg.

In the XIX century, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe construction of the canal was treated three times in Pavel I, then in the 30s and 50s of the same century. Interestingly, in 1900, at the Paris exhibition for the project of the channel, Professor V.E. Timanov received a gold medal. However, the brilliant project was laid "under the Sukno". But the First World War proved the need for a canal for the Russian fleet, which was locked in the Baltic Sea. February 18, 1931 The Council of Labor and Defense of the Union of the SSR decided to start the construction of the canal. In October 1931, the Channel construction began at once all over the entire highway: from the pit to Belomorsk. According to archival data, 679 thousand prisoners and exile fists were sent to the construction of Whiteorkanal, White Baltlag became one of the largest camps in the OGPU system. In 1933, a channel, a length of 227 kilometers, was included in the number of existing internal tract of the USSR. It was built in just 20 Mesians. A very short time, especially if you consider that the 164-kilometer Suez canal was built in 10 years, and twice the smaller (81 kilometer) Panaman canal was built 12 years.

On all - all - antiquity and modernity mixed. Many archaic layers of North Culture to this day remain unattainable for researchers, including the secret Pomeranian knowledge and legends transmitted from the mouth to the mouth of the Father to the Son and from him the following generations. Exactly the same tales and legends of the time of centuries existed in the Urals. At the end of the 30s of the 20th century, their literary treatment managed to publish the well-known Ural writer Pavel Petrovich Bazhov (1879-1950). The story of the creation of the Bazhovsky tales is striking and instructive. It happened to a certain extent accidental. In 1939, friends and close Bazhov began a wave of mass repressions: several people from his family and journalistic environment were arrested. The logic of events suggested: it will be next. Then the bazows, no longer thinking, disappeared from the editorial board of the newspaper, where it was then worked, and hid in a secluded hut at some kind of relative and lived there by the recovery for several months. From nothing to do, in order to somehow take time, he began to remember and record the tales on paper, who subsequently, the classic compilation of the Malachite Casket. Time passed, those who hunted over the Bazhov, they themselves were arrested, and the writer returned to everyday classes and decided to publish written during the forced "idle time." To his own surprise, the publication of the Urals tales caused tremendous interest, and the Bazhov overnight became incredibly popular and famous.

Similar tales existed at Pomorro. Unfortunately, they were not recorded - especially sacred part of them. Separate hints are contained in the poetry and prose Nikolai Klyuev (1884 - 1937) - Northerner by origin and in spirit, chasing in his verses and poems, including Belomih. He wrote about himself in autobiographical materials:
"... The conifer lips of Pomerania spun me into Moscow.<...>
From the Norwegian shores to Ust-Tsylma,
From Solovkov to Persian oasis familiar to me the gouring paths. Plavery of the Ice Ocean, Solovetsky Debresses and the forests of Belarus opened me rafts of the People's Spirit: words, songs and prayers. I knew that the invisible People's Jerusalem was not a fairy tale, but I knew that besides the visible device of life of the Russian people as a state or general human society there is a secret hidden from proud hierarchy, the Church of the Invisible - Holy Rus .. . "
Most importantly, the most important thing - the Northern Fortress of Faith and the Hyperborean Spirit brought with you. (That the poet owned a hyperborean topic, testifies to his letter from the Tomsk reference to the Moscow actress N.F. Christform-Sadomova dated April 5, 1937 (six months later he was shot), in which he reports about the wrongness of what the fate of it Berevian book with reference to hyperbore:
"... I'm reading an amazing book now. She is written on a steaming birch [from the word "berish". - V.D.] Chinese ink. The book is the reader of the Japeta. This is nothing like Rus on the 12th century to the Mongols.
The great idea of \u200b\u200bHoly Rus as a map of the Church of the Heavenly on Earth. After all, this is theity that Gogol served in the purest dreams, and in particular he is the only of worldly people. It is curious that the 12th century forty was taught to speak and kept in the cells in Teremes as the current parrots that the current cellites were taken out of hyperborev, that is, from Iceland by King Olaf Norwegian, the son-in-law of Vladimir Monomakh. They were hot in the Kiev Earth, and they were released in Kolyvan - the current Vyatka Territories, and first kept under the Kiev yard as exotic. And many more beautiful and unexpected is contained in this Persnet.
And how many such wonderful scrolls died on the sheats and secret chapels in the boundless Siberian Taiga?! " Here each phrase is precious. Let even the lost manuscript of the XII century rewritten in a later date - but what are the surprising details, and about the training of forty, and about the import of northern foreigners to the court of Vladimir Monomakh (as later, the Spaniards brought from the new Light Indians to show their kings). But the main thing is the preserved memory of the hyperborelore (it does not matter how she was actually called and as agreed with a memorable Iceland - the historical Arctic-hyperbore was covered by Iceland).

Body archipelago.

Sacred place of ancient people
Sacred place of the village of Religion
Energetically active place

The Body Archipelago is located in the White Sea at a distance of approximately 30 km from Worker Ostrovsk. It includes 16 uninhabited islands, the largest of which is the Russian body, a German body and island oleshin. The islands when looking from water, have an original spherical shape, and a huge stone balls are similar to almost completely immersed in water. The islands are mainly posed by tundra, in some places covered with spruce forests. The name of the body, according to most researchers, comes from the Finnish word "KUUSEN", i.e. "spruce". The tops of the islands of the German body (140 m.) And the Russian body (123 m) rise above the entire nearby water area and attract the attention of a person for a long time.
The body is considered to be one of the most mysterious places in the territory of these deserted and harsh spaces found a huge number of evidence of the religious activities of the ancient people. According to estimates of the historians of the structures, approximately 2-2.5 thousand years ago with ancient Saami, who lived on the shores of the White Sea. According to estimates, about 800 structures from a stone with a relation to the pagan cult, which worshiped the inhabitants of this harsh edge were discovered on the archipelago. A small distance from the mainland allowed the Saamam to swim freely or coming on the ice to make their rituals. And at the same time, contributed to the privacy and preservation of sacred halo. There were no permanent residence of a person on the islands. Perhaps therefore, it is here that a huge number of sacred stones are found - "Seides" and unique stone idols. Objects located on the territory of the archipelago are included in the list of protected historical objects.
The largest is the Russian body island. At one of his vertices, Mount Lysoy is a major sanctuary, in the center of which is located a vertically delivered granite stone (Mengir), who received the nickname "Stone Baba". It is believed that this stone symbolized one of the supreme deities of the ancient Sami. He was brought by victims by hunters and fishermen who left or returned from the fishery. In addition, several burials laid out inside the stone and belonging, apparently important members of the tribe.
An even larger sanctuary is located on the top of the highest point of the Great German Body. There found a whole pantheon of the Sami deities. Unfortunately, not everything has been preserved to this day, but what remains, allows to draw conclusions that it was the central sanctuary of the ancient Sami. It was here that the main religious events of the pagan shamans were committed. The mountain is simply littered with "Seidami" and sticking vertically idols. There is a legend explaining such a large concentration and has real historical events that took place in the 17th century. As they say, a squad of the Swedes (called in the old days simply "the Germans"), decided to make a robbery attack on the Solovetsky monastery, but because of the storm began, was forced to hide on the island of the German body. Send from this island, they were not destined. The divine anger defended the Holy Solovetsky abode, turning the Swedish robbers in the stonestorms. With good imagination, you can imagine how "petrified Germans" have been sitting around the invisible fire on top and are waiting for them to be ready for their meal. The basis of the legend, apparently, served as the size of the sizes and some external similarity of idols and human figures.
Unfortunately, it was not possible to visit, the most amazing and most mysterious of the Islands of the archipelago - Oleshin Island. As they say, there are not only seids and sanctuations, as well as two ancient labyrinths are small and large.
Both are located on a flat rocky surface approximately at an altitude of 20 meters above sea level (which, by the way, eliminates the possibility of using them like fish traps). Small (diameter of about 6 meters) is practically not visible and only guessed in dense vegetation tundra. Nearby is a large labyrinth, surprisingly well preserved, and having a size of 10x12 meters. For its construction, at least 1000 boulders and the total length of the "path" is about 190 meters. Both labyrinth are considered sacred. According to researchers, they were used to initiate or to communicate shamans with the highest forces.

Address:, White Sea, Body Archipelago, 15 km west from WorkershipoStrovsk
Coordinates: 64 ° 57 "52" N 35 ° 12 "19" E (Oleshin Island)
Coordinates: 64 ° 57 "04" N 35 ° 09 "56" E (German Body Island)
Coordinates: 64 ° 56 "08" N 35 ° 08 "18" E (Russian Body Island)


Source of information and photo:
Social team
White Sea // Kola Encyclopedia. In 4 tons. T. 1. A - D / GL. ed. A. A. Kiselev. - St. Petersburg: IP; Apatity: KNC RAS, 2008. - P. 306.
Prok L.Z. Wind dictionary. - L.: Hydrometeoisdat, 1983. - p. 46. - 28,000 copies.
Ways A. I., White Sea // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 tons and 4 add.). - St. Petersburg., 1890-1907.
The closuit of the White Sea. 1913 / ed. Chapters. Hydrograph. UPR. Mor. M-Wa. - Petrograd: Typography of the Maritime Ministry, 1915. - 1035 p.
Leonov A. K. Regional Oceanography. L.: Hydrometeoisdat, 1960.
Shamraev Yu. I., Shishkin L. A. Okeanology. L.: Hydrometeoizdat, 1980.
Flora and the fauna of the White Sea: Illustrated Atlas / Ed. Zetlin A. B., Jadan A. E., Marfenin N. N. - M.: T-in Scientific Editions of the KMK, 2010-471 S.: 1580 IL. ISBN 978-5-87317-672-4
Naumov A. D., Fedyakov V. V. Eternally Living White Sea - C-Pb.: Ed. C-PB. Urban Palace of Young Creativity, 1993. ISBN 5-88494-064-5
White Sea closuit (1964)
Map of the Tekhogo Beach of the White Sea
White Sea in the book: A. D. Dobrovolsky, B. S. Zavodin. Sea of \u200b\u200bthe USSR. Publishing House Mosk. University, 1982.
Photo: V. Zhal, A. Petrus, S. Gasnikov, L. Yakovlev, A.Bobretsov.


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