Registration of fairy-tale heroes or a fabulous map of Russia. The best fabulous museums for the children of the estate and museums of fabulous heroes

For several years there is a project to create an unusual - a fabulous map of Russia
Representatives of the Moscow Association of Farms became the authors of the project; The author of the map is Alexey Kozlovsky.

And it is correct, if there is a political map, then why not be fabulous. It would be good to create a fabulous globe. To learn the geography of kids is much increasing.
It would be good to create a fabulous globe. It is much more interesting to teach the geography of kids much more interesting.
On a fabulous map of Russia, many fabulous heroes have already gained their registration, but many more wander in search of the nearest. Almost no huge Siberia and the Far East, did not find a nest of the bird of Sirin, wandered without permanent resolon with Lesus ... Although, according to rumors, the house will soon marry the kimor and go to live with her in Kirov.

Here are those who have already settled on a fabulous map:

Alesha Popovich - City of Rostov.

King Berendea - City of Pereslavl-Zalessky.
The king is located in the park "Berendevka", where on the shore of two ponds there are fabulous hut Berendeva Kingdom.

Water - Poshekhonye, \u200b\u200bYaroslavl region.

Bird - Gamayun - City of Yukhnov, Kaluga region.

Snake Gorynych - Village Village (Gadovo), Kimra district, Tver region.

Danila Master and Mistress of the Copper Mountain - City of Syver, Sverdlovsk region.

Nikitich - City Ryazan

Emelya and Pike - The city of Rostov Great, Yaroslavl region.
In the summer, holidays are held regularly here. Become celebrations from bell tongues. Then, from the Cathedral Square to the City Park, the march of the chapter is sent, of course, with the Emes themselves, traveling, as it should be, on the furnace.

Firebird - City Palekh, Ivanovo region.

Fun Putyathic - City Ryazan

Gold fish - Bolt Boldino village, Nizhny Novgorod region.
Residents of the Nizhny Novgorod region consider fish with their talisman.

Ivan the Fool - Kenozerier, Plesetsky district, Arkhangelsk region.
Every year there is an exhibition of children's drawings and letters Ivanushka "Favorite fabulous hero". On the day of Ivan, Kenozers invite everyone to the Holiday "Kenozerskaya Foolkovina".

Ilya Muromets - City of Murom, Vladimir region.
In the center of the city of Bogatyry has a bronze monument. And in the local local history museum, the famous countryman dedicated a whole section.

KimikoraVyatka - the city of Kirov.
At the Kikimor Mountain, the kimor's house recently appeared. This lady invites everyone to celebrate the New Year, and in the summer he will hold a tour of the swamps.

Kolobok - City of Ulyanovsk.

The Little Humpbacked Horse - The city of Ishim, Tyumen region.

Koschei the Deathless - Staritsa village, Tver region.
In 2006, archaeologists near the city found a cave of Koschery. In the fairy tale, the Staritsky shoemaker met this evil hero in the cave.

Digger Ryaba- Village Ermakovo, Yaroslavl region.
In August, the holidays of chicken rush are held here. The village works the same name. Here Ryaba appears in different things: both with a golden egg, and illustration in a book, and a nursing chicken. The museum you can learn about the subjects of life and crafts that existed in Russia.

Leftless- Tula city
The city has a monument to Master.
An international competition is held on the graphic design of logos and trademarks "Golden Bloch".

Mistress of the North - Louchi. - Look district, Karelia

Mikhailo Ivanovich Toptygin- Simply a closing bear - the city of Yaroslavl.

Santa Claus - Great Ustyug, Vologda region.
The Office of Santa Claus is opened in Veliky Ustyug, which includes a throne room, a museum, workshops, mail and souvenir shop.
Entertainment center "Issues of Santa Claus" includes a range of services: food, life, masquerade and sports equipment, horses riding,
snow motorcycles, skiing, skating, sleigh - winter; pleasure boats, water bikes - in summer.

Mouse - Nirushka - City of Myshkin, Yaroslavl region.

Young frost Package - City of Olonets, Karelia

Sadko - Village Selo, Novgorod region.
Not far from this village was still one - the satine, his name and gave the nicknamed the folk hero. In historical documents, he is listed as Senko Sient. According to Legend, Sadko argued with Novgorod merchants that a fish with "golden feathers" are found in Ilmen Lake. The dispute he won with the help of a water king, and it helped him to start trading with which he and rich. Entrepreneurs still travel to the guests for luck.

Sagan Ubugun - city Ulan -ude, Buryatia

Squa Burk - Oryol Region.

Snowman - City of Arkhangelsk.

Snow Maiden - City of Kostroma.
Snow Maiden was born in the village of Schelike, which belonged to the famous playwright A.N. Ostrovsky, writing a fairy tale about Cold Beauty. Terem Snow Maiden open all year round.

Nightingale robber - Birch village, Kursk region.
The place is shrouded in many legends and legends. One of the most common things about the base of the village. They say, the peasant who settled here, for the first time put three birch trees, from here and the name of the village. And in the epics about the nightingale-robber there is a fragment where he argues about these birch.

Princess Frog - Rostov region.

Cheburashka - Moscow city.

Baba Yaga - Cook village, Yaroslavl region.
Today in the village there is a fairy tale museum, where Baba Yaga is the main puppet character. It works for tourists and tea jagi, where they treat famous sophoboic cakes. On the last Saturday of July (at the same time with the holiday of the village of the village) everyone is invited to Baba Yaga's birthday.

The capital of fabulous Russia recognized Yaroslavl.

// December 14, 2011 // Views: 17 083

An amazing and fabulous place must be visited by every parent who will come to the capital with his child. And if you are a resident of Moscow and still have not visited the Museum of Pinocchio-Pinocchio, then it is not constable at all. Here you can plunge into amazing, the fantastic world of this all known history.

Visiting Buratino

Having come to the Museum of Pinocchio-Pinocchio, you can wander in the amazing world, in which these heroes lived, or order excursions. They are thematic, for every taste - "Dad Carlo and his dolls", "Buratino and Malvina meet friends."

With the help of the Museum staff, you will actually visit the country of Pinocratic. From such a proposal, few people refuse. You can stroll through a narrow Italian street, which now lives the famous carpenter of Papa Carlo in his camork. Be sure to go to visit it. Or try to independently find the cherished golden key in the pond, in which the turtle tortilet lives.

The guys will tell you in detail about Pinocchio, the ancestor of Buratino, who came up with the Italian storyteller Carlo Collodi in 1883. And also about his Russian analogue of Pinocchio, which Alexey Tolstoy wrote in 1936.

Surprisingly and children, and adults, that not only in Russia, the fairy tales were imitated by a college. There are similar stories, for example, in German fabulous literature, this is Zefel Kern at Otto Birbaum. This and much more about your favorite heroes from childhood can be found if you come to the Museum of Pinocchio-Pinocchio.

Pinocchio and his friends

Together with her friends, the main character of the fairy tale is ready to spend a variety of excursions for visitors.

In the new program of the Museum, the guys will be able to meet with the Beauty of Malvina, which will traine a restless Pinocchio and all the children who came to visit him the main rules of etiquette. For example, how to behave at the table, in the theater, away, how politely communicate with each other. So this excursion will not only be interesting, but also informative.

The main thing is that they advise everyone who decided to visit the House-Museum of Pinocchio-Pinocchio, - to carefully read the fairy tale in advance. Then it will be even more interesting and more fun.

How to get?

Pinocchio Museum is located in Moscow. To get to it, the easiest way to sit on the subway, to the Arbatsky-Pokrovskaya line. You will need to go to the station "Izmailovskaya". It is between "May Day" and "partisan".

Fail is completely simple Museum of Pinocchio. 2nd Park Street, House 18. If you are traveling from the center, then it is best to go out of the last car. So you will immediately find yourself on the street 2nd parking lot. You can walk to the museum from the subway. It will take no more than 5-7 minutes with a walking step.

The museum works every day, without days off. Opened at 10 am and works until half the sixth evening. You need to visit it by appointment, so you definitely inform your visit. Also more than one nuance - you need to have interchangeable shoes to visit the Pinocchio Museum. After all, you will go straight to visit the fabulous heroes, and on a visit to go. Well, or walk in pure boots.

Ticket price will be 600 rubles. If a collective visit, for example, a whole class came to visit Malvin, ranging from 15 people, then they will be given a 10 percent discount.

Also for 100 rubles, children from large families will pay less, even if they come to an individual excursion.

For organizers visiting children from boarding schools and there is a pleasant news. They do not have to pay for a ticket at all.

Fabulous map of Russia:
1. Fabulous clubs and evening
2. Fabulous museums and estates of the heroes of Russian folk fairy tales
3. Places of Natural Power Rus

1. Fabulous evening all over Russia!

Rus wakes up with funny dancing, beautiful rounds and good fairy tales! Find your own!

Join the fabulous clubs and evenings !!!

Fabulous evenings across Russia!

2. Fabulous museums and manors

Baba Yaga - Cook

Babu Yagu was settled in the village of Cook (2-3 hours drive from Yaroslavl) in 2004 and built a hut on the bitter legs there. From a long time, the Yaroslavl legend has reached the mysterious, nameless old-standing old woman. She lived in the depths of deaf dense forests, rarely who managed to see her. By the way, the image of a dark character, local residents corrected somewhat. In the process of "registration" of the famous old woman there were serious problems: the fact is that the village of Cook is famous for many temples and churches, and the priests were categorically against the settlement of the Devils. But despite this, everything was allowed safely, and Baba Yaga corrected: now she helps the needy, although from time to time and continues to hooligan. If you decide to go to the residence of Baba Yagi, then do not be surprised that first you will be lucky in the temple in order to buy holy water and candles. Only with such armament you can safely go into the hut. Also in the possessions of Baba Yagi, tea is waiting for tea with famous sofic cakes, contests and more. On the last Saturday of July everyone is invited to Baba Yagi's birthday.

King Berendia - Pereslavl-Zalessky

According to one of the legends, Berendei lived in the Pereslavl Territory, which in the service of Russian princes lived. The rules of them are a fair and kind king of Berende. In the Pereslavl-Zalessky, Yaroslavl region, "House Berendeya" was established - the Center for the Conservation and Development of People's Traditions and People's Art Fields. Those who wish can visit the Chamber of King Berendeya, see his throne and hear the story about the ancient berendies from him. The house is located solar Polyana, on which the king of Berendia with his bearer conducts fun folklore holidays.

Kyimnets and Tales Vasnetsova - Kirov region

In Kirov, a house of Kimors built on Kikimor Mountain. And now she invites all tourists to visit. In the theme park "Tales Reserve" you can wander through the museum of fairy tales, solve the riddles of the house and play with other characters. Details - on the site of the center of active recreation "Flying Ship". #

And then you can go to the village of Ryabovo (about 2.5 hours by bus from Kirov) - there was a "magic trail" on the motives of Vasnetsov's fairy tales: with a hut on the courier legs, a labyrinth of Kashna and, of course, Alyonushka.

Ivan Tsarevich in the Reserve Tales

Goldfish - Big Boldino

A large Boldino of the Nizhny Novgorod region was recognized as an exact place of "birth" of the Golden Fish, where there are no rivers, but where Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin and wrote a famous "fairy tale about fisherman and fish." There they were written even more than fifty well-known works. To attract tourists in the Tarboldsky district, they are going to build the "City of Pushkin Fairy Tales" with a complex of attractions based on the works of the classics, the children's theater and the water park "Golden Fish".

However, "possessions of goldfish" are in the village of Lipin Bor of the Vologda region. This is due to the name of the district - Vashkinsky. In the area widespread fish "Vascal", which translated from Vepsky points to a peculiar copper or gold color of the fish. In the village there is a children's park located in Pine Bor near the White Lake. Mushroom Borovik live here, mischievous silver fish - girlfriends golden fish, an old man with his old woman, and of course, the sovereign of the fish. The stay includes a subscription "Visiting Grandma Fedora" in the district museum. Here guests will be prompted to ignite the coal samovar; To participate in folk games and fun, showing on traditional Russian swings and take part in the tea ceremony with delicious rustic cakes. Having visited the District House of Crafts, you can buy souvenir products, participate in the master class, and make a fish from Berestov with your own hands. There is also a house of fish and fisheries. Read more on the website of the Vashkinsky municipal district about

Kolobok - New Bedoney Village

At first, the Ulyanovsk region tried to "stroke" on a fabulous map name Cheburashka, leading to the reference in the Dala dictionary, but the creator of the image of Cheburashka, Edward Uspensky, spoke decisively against. In the meantime, most fabulous characters disassembled other cities, and Ulyanovsk was only a bun. Fortunately, the foundations are more or less strong: Edge Sergey Petrov found the character's symbirsk roots in connection with the fluid, the Simbirsk Kolobkom. According to Dalya, the fluid in the Ulyanovsk province was called bread from the remains of the dough. This is a bun, the flour for which they scraped the slaves.

June 2, 2012 In the village of Novaya Bedoney, the official opening of the golly manor took place. The log house and the yard of the fairy-tale hero are cut down on all the canons of carpentry craft of the 19th century. The stove is posted in the hut - so that it has always been warm and smelled with pie. The courtyard of the kolobka is located in the picturesque area. Near the pedestal installed the sculpture of the owner of the house, nearby - wooden images of all the heroes of a fairy tale - a hare, a bear, wolf and foxes.

The manor will include a number of objects: "Kolobka's house", "Colobodrome", playground, as well as a production line "Simbirsk Koloboki". "Kolobka's house" will be an interactive donoplet cafe (with children's and adult halls) with a souvenir bench and a "alive" bolkom, the functions of which will naturally become an animator.

Ivan Tsarevich in the manor Kolobka

Ivanushka-fool - Kenozerier

Kenozerier is one of the first places (along with the Great Ustyug), "Booking" a fabulous hero in 2001, at the same time, the first holiday was held here - "Kenozerskaya Foolkovina". Every year there is an exhibition of children's drawings and letters Ivanushka "Favorite fabulous hero". Kenozerier is the birthplace of the famous scientist, writer, storyteller and folklorist Alexander Nechaeva (1902-1986), who prepared and published about 60 books of folk fairy tales and epic. On the day of Ivan, Kenozers invite everyone to the Holiday "Kenozerskaya Foolkovina".

Sadko - Gossess

Residents of the villagers of the Novgorod region are sincerely believe that Sadko is not just a fitted fairy tale, but a completely real person. A certain Sotko Syothini is indeed mentioned in the Novgorod Chronicles of 1167 as a builder of the Church of Boris and Gleb in the Novgorod Children. "A variety of fabulous motives are confined to the name of this person," such historians and linguists are written today. One of the legends about Sadko, we will remind, says that he decided to argue with merchants that in Lake Ilmen there is a fish with golden feathers. Winning the dispute helped him a water king. After that, Sadko successfully traded and soon got rich. According to this belief, businessmen and entrepreneurs and today come to the guests for good luck.

Koschey Immortal - Staritsa

Motherland Koschey is now considered the ancient town of Staritsa of the Tver region. In confirmation of this version, the Governor of the Tver Region Dmitry Zelenin leads to a legend, as one day an old shoemaker decided in local quarries of monster with burning eyes. "It is this way that appears in the Russian fairy tales of the misattles," explains Zelenin. In addition, on the ancient coat of arms, the old people depicts a humpback old woman with a keen. According to local local lores, this is "the same Baba Yaga, who helped Ivan Tsarevich to defeat Koschey." In the city it is planned to equip the cave of Koschey and even put a monument to him. In the meantime, the main attraction of the old man is the Holy Assumption Monastery. In Staritsa, the Fattern of John was born and raised, the first Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia; He died here. And knowledgeable Orthodox specifically come to the old man to see his tomb.

Solovy Robber - Birch

In the Kursk region there is a birch village, which is filled with legends and legends. Why is this village is the homeland nightingale-robber? There is a legend that, at the base of the village himself, the peasant was planted three birks, about which the nightingale robber ariates a lot in the eponym. Kursk registration of nightingale at one time confirmed even the famous archaeologist Yuri Lipking in the book "The distant past of the nightingale edge."

Mermaid - Pskov.

Most recently, Pskov Mermaid appeared on the "Fairy Map of Russia". The fact that it became a fabulous symbol of the Pskov region is explained simply: in the Pskov region there is a Museum-Reserve A.S. Pushkin "Mikhailovskoye", and Pushkin in Lukomorier on the branches of the oak green sits just mermaid. By the way, the residence of the mermaid will be located in the center of the countryside "Lukomorye", so everything is perfectly linked.

Rumor Rumor - Ermakovo

In August, in the village of Ermakovo, that in the Yaroslavl region, a holiday dedicated to the magic church is held annually. In addition, there is a museum of chicken rumby, visiting which you will not only see a fabulous navigation in different kinds, but also learn about the craft and life in Russia.

Emelya and Pike - Great Rostov

Rostov regularly hosts holidays "by whining kettling". The festival begins the contest of bell risks, continues with a solemn parade at the chapter, of course, with the Emes themselves, traveling, as it should be, on the furnace, and ends with mass dances, games and treating a whitish ear. This fish is the main attraction of the Rostov Lake Nero, because by legend it is here that the most magical pike lives here.

Water - Poshekhonye

Poshekhonye is not in vain called Yaroslavl Venice - after all, he stands at once on five rivers, there are ponds here and, of course, the Rybinsk reservoir. And therefore, the swords decided to settle in themselves. His official residence is located in the Children's Library. Water apartment is decorated with portraits of the owner, statues of cute friendly frogs, aquarium with small catches, water mill and other attributes of the aquatic kingdom. The idea of \u200b\u200bfastening the place of residence of the lord of the rivers and the lakes invented the library staff, who gathered the rich history of the owner of the rivers. Water in the folk ideas of Poshekhonya - a strong peasant of the middle-aged, with a beard and barefoot. It carries a red shirt and a straw hat. The main tourist holiday takes place here at the beginning of June and is called "the owner of the Poshekhonsky rivers". Interactive programs are conducted in the residence of water. Water gives different tips, the kimoro sings the songs and merge guests, and then everyone treats the ear.

Pinocchio - Zelenogradsk

June 13, 1999 Citizens of the resort town of Zelenogradsk Kaliningrad region gathered on the central square of the city and the special act was adopted by the "residents of the streetless, uncontrolled and snipely purcho." Residents of the city believe that the wooden boy was born exactly from them. And the argument leads: in Zelenogradsk there is a field of miracles - the most described in the "Golden Clavier". Do cash trees grow, come and make sure.

In early August, the Zelenogradtsy celebrate the day of their city. At this holiday, Pinocchio for each child will find some fun and funny business. But if suddenly you will not be able to get to Zelenogradsk for a holiday, do not worry! First, the sea, forest, sand and sun on the homeland of Pinocchio work around the clock. And secondly, in any weather, you will get in Camork Pope Carlo, where the most secret door behind the old canvas and the collection of golden keys (by the way, if you have an interesting key somewhere without needed - drive as a gift!). You will be held for memorial places associated with the extraordinary adventures of Pinocchio. You will see an oak with your own eyes, at which the night robbers hung out Pinocchin down his head, the bridge over the Tortinin pond, a pine, to which the beard was glued with Karabas Barabas, a copy of the lonely house of Malvina. And then you will play in the scene from the play about Pinocchio or in several Brathy games. And then you order in the Harchevna "Three Pescase" three crusts of bread. And then visit the Zelenograd Historical and Archaeological Museum, where unique exhibits about the past of this land are exhibited. It's very interesting!

Scarlet Flower - Ufa

Back in December 2010, in one of the parks of Ufa "blooming" a large forged alley flower, which became a popular attraction among the lovers. The basis for the choice of the capital of Bashkiria is the birthday of a scarlet flower was the well-known fact about the place of birth of the author of the tales of Sergei Aksakov in the genital estate near Ufa. In childhood, the writer heard this story from the keystiches of Pelagei, who told him the fairy tales, and later the writer created a book about the history of beauty and messengers, which was called "Scarlet Flower".

Ilya Muromets - Murom

In the center of Murom, that in the Vladimir region, a bronze monument is installed Bogatyr, and in the historical and local history museum there is an exposition dedicated to Bogatyr. In the courtyard of the museum is growing Oak, who remembers Ilya Murom, and from the springs, who appeared as a result of the blows of the hoofs of the Bogatyr horse, people and today are gaining holy water.

Dobrynya Nikitich - Shilovo

Despite the fact that there are at least nine probable prototypes from a popular epic hero, the residents of Shilovo's village in the Ryazan Region are confident that the best good-friendly Dobrynya is suitable for this role, which is not far from Sid Muromets Axes, playing, threw. Shilots were always confident that Dobrynya is their countryman. About this in the XIX century, the Ryazan press wrote as something of course about something. On the coat of arms of the district is a sword and a belt. In the hymn mentioned "Sword Sacred Ryazan Dobryni." In the Shilovsk Museum of Museum are kept the part of the combat equipment of the hero (pad on the belt), which was still found in the war during the excavations of Kurgan.

Alesha Popovich - Great Rostov

"We found a lot of facts that testify that the legendary hero of the Russian eponym of Alesha Popovich was born in Rostov in the XII century in the family of the priest," they say in the city administration. The program "Visiting Alesh Popovich" has already started. Alyosha Popovich accompanies tourists throughout the route in Rostov land. They not only recognize about the crafts, visit the Museum-Reserve, but also participate in the picnic on the shore of Lake Nero, in the rite of dedication to heroes, games. There is a merchant manor in the city with a Bogatyr Sovereign, where performances are arranged based on Russian folk tales and comic battles.

Left -shest - Tula.

Of all the attractions, only a monument to a modeled master can be accepted.

Mouse-Norushka - Myshkin

According to the legend, the city of Myshkin, Yaroslavl region, was built in the XIII century in place, where the mouse saved the Russian prince from death: he woke when the snake was approaching. They say to commemorate this significant event city and called. The city of Myshkin is a Russian record holder in the number of museums and exhibition halls. The main one, of course, the mouse museum is the only one in the world. In it - mice of all sizes: drawn, sharpened, flattened, glued and stitched from all imaginable and unthinkable materials and assembled not only in the cities and the weighs of the native country, but also in the set sent from abroad. The mouse brand is used as widely as much as the fantasy grabs: the complex "Myshkina Chambers" with entertainment for tourists, guests receive guests receiving the "Mousetral" restaurant, where the visitor plates are served in accordance with the spirit and letter. English proverbs about free cheese, which, as you know, is only a mousetrap. And the annual mouse festival is held in the summer. And in memory of the city, it is necessary to buy a walnut mouse - she lives in wallets and cares to make money in them.

Santa Claus - Great Ustyug

Motherland's Motherland became the Great Ustyug, located in northern latitudes, surrounded by the winter splendor of nature, the city of skillful wood masters and silver, carefully preserving the ancient traditions of the ancestors. The Office of Santa Claus is opened in Veliky Ustyug, which includes a throne room, a museum, workshops, mail and souvenir shop. Here you can talk and take pictures with Santa Claus in the Throne Hall, send festive cards and letters to relatives and friends with the seal and autograph of Santa Claus, rejected by a special stamp, purchase original souvenirs or independently make a craft in the workshop. 12 km from the Great Ustyuga in Pine Bor on the banks of the River Sukhoi is the entertainment center "Vasta Fog Claus", which includes a range of services: accommodation, meals, rolling of masquerade and sports equipment, horseback riding, snowy motorcycles, skiing, skating, Sanya - in winter, as well as pleasure boats, water bikes - in summer.

The official website of the project "Great Ustyug - Motherland of Santa Claus"

Site "The Votchiny of Santa Claus" -

Snow Maiden - Kostroma

Term Snow Maiden is in Kostroma. Together with her, houses, Domijah and the scientist cat Baun live in it. And in winter and in the summer it can be flooded here in the icy hall, watch a puppet show, take part in the game programs and chat with the Snow Maiden. Website Terema

Park of Jazz Bazhov

The Park of Skazzov is the first theme park on the Urals dedicated to the Bazhov, the Russian fairy tale and the traditional Urals folk culture. Park is located near Yekaterinburg in the Aramilian City District. Distance from Yekaterinburg 23 km, time on the way for about an hour.


The fabulous world of carved Russian teremkov, patterned turrets and painted "gingerbread houses" exists not only in cartoons! Junior guests of Izmailovsky Kremlin waiting for an excursion to the Museum of Russian toys and classes in art workshops, adults - Museum of Russian Vodka, Museum of Bread, Antique Market and Ethnic Souvenir Clauses.

Izmailovskoe sh., D. 73zh

Fabulous house owl, rabbit and cats in Gorky Park

In the park of Gorky there is a corner of the magic forest, in which, as it should be, fabulous characters live. The inhabitants of a log house resembling a hut on the courier legs - a wise owl, a rabbit and a cat - can "revive" under the action of special mechanisms and tell young guests entertaining stories.

ul. Crimean shaft, d.9

Children's Park Wonders

What to do children while parents make purchases in Retail Park shopping center? Of course, to visit the park of wonders - a fabulous Russian village in the middle of the metropolis! Here you can walk among carved terems with turrets and lines, play on the playground, feed goats, pigs and birds in a mini-zoo, take part in an animation presentation and learn to paint ceramic toys.

sh. Warsaw, D.97


The unusual house in the shape of Faberge's egg was built in 2002 and immediately turned into one of the bright attractions of the capital. On four floors of the original house, residential apartments, hall, sauna and exit to the underground garage are located. You can climb the attic on the screw staircase or on a special elevator.

ul. Mashkova, 1/11


House teremok is built in the style of "Russian Pattern", typical of medieval merchant and boyars. Carved platbands, eaves and turrets create a fabulous ensemble, which seemed to be transferred to the Moscow alley from distant episodes. However, the "relicity" of the house is only an external, inside its premises are equipped quite modern and equipped with all technical innovations of the XXI century.

1st tails per., D. 5

Sculpture "White Rabbit"

Meeting with a white rabbit from the famous Lewis Carolla's fairy tale has become the beginning of history, which led the girl Alice to the Wonderland. Muscovites are convinced that the magic bronze rabbit with a clock in her hands, settled in the ordinary metropolitan court, helps real romantics to implement the most cherished desires. To launch the "magic mechanism" of happiness and good luck, it is enough to touch the cane in his legs.

ul. Shcherbakovskaya, 54.

Literary courtyard "Basni Krylova"

The world of funny characters Basen Krylova actually exist! In a fabulous literary courtyard, located among Moscow high-rise buildings, the characters familiar from childhood: a crow with a piece of cheese in the beak, a fox curtain, a unlucky musical quartet from a goat, donkey, bears and martyrs, a greedy pig, ricking oak roots. Stone animals are the favorite "comrades" of children's games and a peculiar moral and philosophical reminder for adults.

ul. Open highway, d. 2

House merchant Igumnov

The Museum of the merchant Igumnova is famous not only by carved columns, turrets and tent domes in the style of Russian modern, but also abundance of legends and legends. It is known that in 1901, the magnificent secular ball was arranged in his terme, lipsticking the floors with gold worms. And it is still saying that in one of the walls of the fabulous castle, the former mistress of the owner was inspired, and her ghost wanders through the halls of the mansion so far ...

ul. Big Yakimanka, d. 43

Dragon House in the Moscow region

Pension in Pirogovo is created in the form of a mythical dragon, arguing among the trees. The ecological project of the famous architect Total Kuzebaeva does not violate the integrity of the natural natural landscape. The roof of the building smoothly passes into herbal lawn, panoramic windows and glass walls veranda allow you to feel ourselves an integral part of the environment.

Mytishchinsky district, village Klyazmin reservoir, house 3-A

Museum of Russian fairy tales "lived 0+

The Russian Fairy Tale Museum is a collection of wonderful and instructive stories who keep the folk wisdom of many centuries. On interactive excursions, children are apparent to Russian poppy costumes, immerse themselves into the atmosphere of magic and, helping fabulous heroes, learn to solve in practice not easy moral tasks. Events for children 3-12 years old can be visited by appointment.

sh. Izmailovskoe, d. 73zh, ul. 2nd Parkovaya, d. 18

Pinocchio Museum 0+

The Museum of the Guys is waiting for a meeting with a frivolous, but kind and brave wooden man of Pinocchio and his Italian twin brother Pinocchio, a wise cricket, a romantic girl with blue hair, a noble black Poodle Artya. Interactive view excursions introduce kids with the best fairy tales of the world and allow you to reincarnate in fabulous heroes that fight evil and protect the truth.

ul. 2nd Parkovaya, d. 18

Cheburashka Museum

Characters of the fairy tale Eduard Assumption Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena - Pets of many generations of Russian defensions. Bronze heroes of a popular fairy tale meet young guests on the site in front of a museum dedicated to the good magic animal with huge ears. The museum collected more than 100 images of Cheburashka, made from different materials - drawn, plasticine, ceramic, rag.

ul. Dmitrievsky, 3a, kindergarten №2550

Sculptural group "Give the way Ducklings"

A touching mother-duck with sank ducks appeared in the square opposite the Novodevichy Monastery in the distant 1991. The heroes of the popular American fairy tale "Let the Road Duck" were presented with Barbara Bush to children of the Soviet Union in love and friendship. Moscow Duck Family is an exact copy of the composition of the composition installed in Boston. According to reference, if you stroke the smallest duckling, it will bring you good luck.