Bridge to Russian island description. Five years of the Russian bridge: history, technology and myths about the Vladivostok construction of the century

In Vladivostok, a bridge connecting the mainland with Russky Island sagged and deformed several stays. Drivers were the first to notice the fault on the new bridge on Wednesday. See the damage on high altitude, especially from a passing car, is not easy, but the townspeople managed to do it before the specialists. One of the drivers, moving to Russky Island, in particular, saw that the second shroud from the beginning of the bridge and the fourth on the left sagged and took on a wave-like shape.

Checking this information, the correspondent of the edition went to the bridge and counted that nine red guys have a wave-like shape.

The regional administration stated that the bridge to Russky Island is operating normally, changes in the outer shell of the cables do not affect the quality and safety of the operation of the bridge, and that USK MOST OJSC, which maintains the bridge, continuously monitors it. According to the company's specialists, the sagging of the cables is due to weather conditions and is a regular situation - this happens often, and "bridgers know about it."

USK MOST said on Thursday that the bridge's design was affected by the weather. “Deformation of the outer shell of the cables of the Russian Bridge occurred as a result of a change in the temperature regime of the environment,” said Aleksey Skorobogatko, head of the company’s press service. “However, this absolutely does not affect the reliability, durability and safety of operation of the bridge. Due to the temperature difference and free space, the deformation of the shell can be observed with the naked eye, but it performs only a protective and decorative function.

The cable-stayed bridge to Russky Island was built for the APEC summit in 2012 and holds the world record for the length of the central span, which was 1,104 m, and for the height of the pylons, 324 m. 32.5 billion rubles were spent on its construction.

The stays were manufactured and supplied for the construction of the bridge by the French company Freyssinet (Freyssinet International and Company), which eventually acted as a consultant to the Russian contractor. In January of this year, about the disappearance at the bridge construction a large number scrap metal in the amount of 96 million rubles.

In KU "Federal Administration highways“The Far East (FKU “Dalupravtodor”) stated: “No violations in the operation of the cable-stayed system on the bridge across the Eastern Bosphorus Strait in Vladivostok have been identified.” “In accordance with the contract for the maintenance of the bridge, the cable-stayed system as part of other structures of the bridge is subject to daily inspection,” says the report received by the editors of Gazeta.Ru. - The light wavy surface of the shells of guys No. 2 and No. 6 is their design feature and does not affect the strength, reliability and durability of the guys, as well as other structures of the bridge crossing. The entire cable-stayed system was put into operation without any comments or deviations from the requirements of the project documentation.”

Igor Kolyushev, general designer of the entire facility, general director of ZAO Institute Giprostroymost St. Petersburg, earlier on a specialized resource Rosmost described similar movements of the guys:

“Fatigue phenomena in the stiffening beam and guys have not been studied enough. The probabilistic wind, combined with live loads, can affect the design of the bridge in the most unpredictable way.”

Bridge experts who erected the nearby bridge in Vladivostok believe that the sagging of the cables is unlikely to threaten disaster. “The bridge is a flexible structure, the span can walk, and the tension of the cables can change, so some change in the shape of the cables visible to the eye may not be something dangerous,” Alexander, deputy director for technical issues at CJSC, told Gazeta.Ru TMK, which built another cable-stayed bridge in Vladivostok. “The state of the guys is strictly monitored by the sensors of the monitoring system, so if something really out of the ordinary happened, the bridge would already be closed and specialists would work to fix the problem.”

However, the bridge builder added that so far nothing of the sort has happened to the neighboring bridge across the Golden Horn Bay, also built for the APEC summit. “In general, if some shroud sags, it will simply be pulled up,” Lebedev reassured.

Traffic on the bridge to Russky Island was officially opened by the Prime Minister on July 2, but a few days after the head of government left, the bridge was closed and reopened only in August. However, after just a few weeks, on August 25, traffic for ordinary motorists was again closed due to preparations for the summit and the event itself.

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Due to theft and design errors, the bridge is gradually being destroyed.

« grand building humanity”, “a masterpiece of design” - this is only a small fraction of the enthusiastic epithets that accompanied the construction of the bridge from Vladivostok to Russky Island. Officials and builders patriotically exclaimed: “Finally, we'll piss off all these Chinese and Americans. Our bridge will be the largest, the most beautiful, and it will be built using innovative technologies (which ones and what they are, however, were not specified).

The largest, most modern

This bridge, without exaggeration, can be called the "construction of the century." For example, during its construction, a unique inclined formwork was used to build a pylon grillage, the length of which was 320 m. The pylon grillage itself was divided into three sections, in each of which a complete concreting cycle took place. The volume of one such site was 9,000 cubic meters of concrete, which in terms of scale is equal to the construction of six monolithic houses with 10 floors. And in terms of the volume of material used, the foundation of the pylon on the island is equal to the whole microdistrict, while the width of the span (steel structure) is 21 m, and the clearance under the bridge is 70 m.

For reference: the bridge to Russky Island is the largest cable-stayed bridge in the world. Traffic on it was opened on August 1, 2012. The bridge was built for the APEC summit, which took place in September 2012, and connects mainland Vladivostok with Russky Island across the East Bosporus Strait. The central span of the bridge with a length of 1104 m is a record in the world practice. The total length of the crossing is 3.1 km, the height above the water level is 70 m.

Metal was stolen by the tons

However, one should not forget that a bridge was being built in Primorye, and in those parts governors and high-ranking officials are often imprisoned for bribes. So at the “construction site of the century”, cunning people decently “warmed up their hands”. Only 4 months have passed since the opening of the bridge, and it turned out that more than 96 million rubles worth of metal structures were stolen during its construction. The suspect is a security officer of the company "Mostovik" Rafael Javadov. He created an organized group, which included workers from the checkpoint, who freely passed certain vehicles, and storekeepers who had free access to the metal. Javadov even purchased special equipment for the removal of the stolen person and appointed a city resident previously convicted of kidnapping as a driver. The stolen goods were handed over to metal collection points in Vladivostok.

The bridge rests on parole

Less than a month passed, and it turned out that due to weather conditions, the outer shell of the bridge guy had "sagged". However, the administration of Primorye, citing specialists, states that these changes will not affect the safety of the facility.

Meanwhile former deputy head Rosprirodnadzor Oleg Mitvol admitted that the bridge guys sagged too much, which corresponds to the 40th or 50th year of operation, that is, "so they could sag in half a century."

Oleg Mitvol believes that initially, at the design stage, the wrong constructive decision was made. He calls for the designers of these structures to be held criminally liable and to reimburse the budgetary costs. “True, I don’t know how they will reimburse the multibillion-dollar costs. In a good way, it needs to be taken apart and redone. It's a disgrace," he says. Oleg Mitvol. And many builders agree with him. They insist that it is necessary to change the approach to construction, especially for such large objects as bridges.

The general contractor was not allowed to the project

Here is how, for example, construction is carried out abroad. First, a project is developed on paper, graphs, in technologies, everything is calculated, and only then we are talking about cash injections. And we first get funding (as a rule, it is state), while the "beaters" often do not even have project documentation, working drawings. When the first funds arrive, an agency is selected to draw the details, the concept, for example, how long the overpass will be, etc. After a bridge is “built” on paper, it is necessary to pass an examination. It is usually formal. Specialists who would understand the subtleties of construction and technology are not present there. Therefore, no one usually thinks about how to build spans, beams, felons. In order to pass the examination, you need to lay down the approximate cost of the project (it is usually greatly underestimated and does not include the cost of technology). When the examination is passed, the work of the designer begins. Moreover, general contractors and contractors do not take any part in the project. They are given a ready-made solution. The contractor starts working on it, and then various “blunders and shortcomings” emerge, for which he is now responsible. And such a "mutual responsibility" exists only in our country, even our neighbors in the CIS do not have such lawlessness.

"Sprinkled with stability"

Vladivostok knows firsthand what such serious errors lead to in the construction of such large facilities. So, in June last year, the site new route Sedanka - Patroclus began to crumble. Stones and soil collapsed onto the garages below. According to investigators, the total damage amounted to almost 1.8 million rubles. And 2 months later, as a result of a landslide, a section of a retaining concrete wall collapsed onto the same route, which leads to the bridge to Russky Island.

“Don’t be afraid, it’s just that we were sprinkled with a little stability,” they joked locals.

A landslide hit the Sedanka - Patrokl highway

The culprits were quickly found - CJSC Pacific Bridge Construction Company, which is also building a bridge across the Golden Horn Bay in Vladivostok, blamed the designers. Chief project engineer of the road department of the Khabarovsk branch of GiprodorNII Alexey Mikhailov stated that the builders did not make the drainage system, which was in the plan. The designers determined its absence only by looking at the track after the collapse.

They built, built ... and for whom did they build?

The bridge was built, the summit was held - and what's next? It was supposed to open a federal university on the island. But who will study there? Youth and teachers are in no hurry to leave the mainland. “There is not even drinking water there, it is not known in what conditions we will live,” one of the students complains.

Really, drinking water brought to the island in canisters. And it is still unclear when a water pipeline will be built on Russky. In the meantime, water for technical needs is produced by a distiller.

Residents of the island say that heating has not been supplied to some buildings of the future university, it is not even provided for in the project. For example, they jokingly call building No. 7 a “float”, since it was erected at the site of groundwater outlet and its foundation is constantly flooded.

Civilization smells bad

Not so long ago, a representative office of the prosecutor's office was opened on the island in order to simplify the acceptance of applications from disgruntled builders. And the outraged inhabitants of the island do not seem to be heard. They are trying to convince the Crocus company, which built the FEFU buildings, to change the sewerage scheme. According to the project, all sewage discharges after cleaning will fall into the closed Novik Bay, located in the middle of the island. For environmentalists and hydrologists, it is obvious that, given the volume of discharge, in a couple of years, fresh water will replace sea water. The fauna of the bay will die first - fish, delicacy mollusks, holothurians, then algae, seaweed. And then the bay will turn into a swamp.

Representatives of the Crocus company, in their defense, put forward an argument, they say, there used to be a desert here, and we built it up and brought civilization to these desert lands. But local residents do not need such progress. They want to breathe clean air, not… you know what.


Ten years ago, no one could have even thought that the bridge to Russky Island was not a dream of local science fiction writers, but a distant reality. For almost 44 months, Russian builders erected a giant structure over the Eastern Bosporus Strait, which became a record holder in several interconnected indicators at once. Before that, no one in the world had built bridge pylons of such a height (324 meters), no one had installed cables of such a length (580 meters) and no one had created a main span of 1104 meters in length. Read about the story connected with one of the new symbols of Vladivostok in the material of PrimaMedia Information Agency.

Castles in the air

The first mention of bridges across the Golden Horn and the Eastern Bosporus dates back to 2007, when a government commission, together with the leadership of Primorye (then headed by Sergey Darkin), decided to hold the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit in Vladivostok in 2012.

It was decided to hold it not on the basis of some All-Russian Center "Ocean" or the most fashionable Hyundai hotel at that time, but on Russian Island, where not only decent hotels - there was not a single asphalt road. To get to the island, according to Vladimir Putin, it will be possible to use "a bridge, or maybe two."

It is not surprising that at that time many local residents took the whole idea as a joke: “You can also say, the bridge goes all the way to the Russian Island. Yes, even until 2012. They went completely crazy there in their Moscow,” this was the collective opinion about the project, which the seasiders often spoke out.

Meanwhile, the head of the Ministry of Regional Development (there was such a thing) Dmitry Kozak is already announcing that an unprecedented amount of 15 billion rubles has been allocated for the construction of the bridge. This is about a third of all the region's own income for the year. The Omsk association "Mostovik" was entrusted with taking on the ambitious project, which the Taiwanese company T.Y.LIN International wanted to compete with, promising to build a bridge to Russky Island for only 10 billion rubles.

“How, in general, without having a finished project in hand, can you give an objective assessment of the cost of construction and installation work?” Oleg Shishov, the general director of the Russian enterprise, was indignant at the time. “If Taiwanese builders have such a project, a logical question arises: were the strongest wind loads, high seismic activity, complex geology, low temperatures, possible impact on the supports of loads from bulk ships with a displacement of up to one hundred thousand tons, ice thickness up to eighty centimeters? it is necessary not only the cost of the bridge, but also the cost of the entire bridge crossing in the complex, including overpasses on the approaches to the bridge, the construction of roads as part of the bridge crossing, the arrangement and reconstruction of architectural monuments, the resettlement of residents of individual houses that are subject to demolition, and a host of other very important nuances ".

As a result, NPO "Mostovik" developed a project and "USK MOST" was chosen as the general contractor for the construction. The subcontractors were "SK Most" and the same "Mostovik".

The complexity of the task at hand could not be overestimated. Even experienced builders doubted the success of the enterprise. A colleague and competitor of the Omsk association, the general director of the Pacific Bridge Construction Company (TMK), which then undertook the construction of a bridge across the Golden Horn, Viktor Grebnev, was sure that this was simply impossible.

"I am determined myself and constantly tell my employees that the bridge across the Golden Horn should be built for the APEC Summit. There is no turning back for us, this is our Russian image. It will not be said to reproach the builders of the bridge to Russky Island, but to build it by 2012 technologically impossible," Viktor Grebnev said.

The beginning of construction, the first town. Photo: official website of NPO "Mostovik"

Indeed, there were enough difficulties. From the very beginning of the exploration work, the builders faced the well-known problem of military lands on Russky Island. “Today we have everything ready to start its construction - the necessary human resources are concentrated, modern equipment has been prepared. It remains only to obtain a formal permit to start construction work,” said the Governor of the Primorsky Territory, Sergei Darkin, in 2008, when it was already time to start.

Although in reality, at that time, work was already underway, in fact illegally. It was only in 2009 that the land under the Russian Bridge was finally dealt with.

Construction of the century: piles

It all started with the dumping of special sites in the strait, on which the pylons were subsequently located, and with the drilling of the bottom. Under each pylon of the bridge, it was necessary to make 120 bored piles with a diameter of 2 meters - they are also called the roots of the bridge. The depth of these roots reached 77 meters. Offshore drilling is a technology that has not been used in Russia before.

But drilling is only half the battle. It is also necessary to concrete, and also on the high seas. Salty water is not known to mix well with steel and concrete. Therefore, a special mixture and technology for underwater concreting was developed specifically for this task.

Backfilling of the peninsula for pylons. Photo: official website of NPO "Mostovik"

Backfilling of the peninsula for pylons. Photo: official website of NPO "Mostovik"

Backfilling of the peninsula for pylons. Photo: official website of NPO "Mostovik"

Foundation hammering. Photo: official website of NPO "Mostovik"

Under normal conditions, the pouring of piles would take place in stages, as the laid portions of concrete gain the necessary strength. But here it was the opposite. At the entire depth of the pile (inside the pile pipe), a mixture supply pipe was immersed with a small gap for its exit at the bottom. Concrete lay down on the bottom and pushed the water up. Everything happened in a continuous cycle, and then the column cover that was in contact with water was simply cut off.

It was possible to install and concrete all the piles by the summer of 2009. In the meantime, workers' camps have already grown up around the construction sites with their concrete plants, reinforcement and welding shops, quality control laboratories, metalwork and carpentry workshops, canteens and houses for workers.

Construction of the century: pylons

In August 2009, the construction of bridge overpasses on the island and the mainland begins, and in 2010, the creation of the main pillars of the entire facility, the world's highest 324-meter pylons. Their tasks include not only holding the central span, but also resistance to adverse weather conditions in the form of storm winds and temperature changes.

Everyone knows that the pylons are hollow inside, but few people know that the thickness of the walls of these giants is not the same on different heights. At the pylons of the Russian Bridge, this value varies from 2 meters near the water itself to 70 cm at the top. In addition, the design involves changing the angle of inclination of the bridge supports in the area of ​​the cofferdam.

Bridge supports. Photo: official website of NPO "Mostovik"

Construction of a bridge to Russian. Photo: IA PrimaMedia

Construction of a bridge to Russian. Photo: IA PrimaMedia

Construction of a bridge to Russian. Photo: IA PrimaMedia

Construction of a bridge to Russian. Photo: IA PrimaMedia

In order to concrete such a geometrically complex object, it was necessary to constantly change the design of the formwork. In total, with the help of self-elevating structures (the same blue and yellow tops familiar to all local construction observers), workers completed 72 pouring cycles.

In order to ensure that the pylons correspond to each other in this almost manual mode of operation, an error of 2 mm deviation was introduced. The surveyors constantly checked the control lengths between the points.

But at a distance from the target of more than 80 meters, it was impossible to achieve the necessary accuracy by optical methods. To solve this problem, two satellite navigation systems had to be used at once - GLONASS and GPS. Only their combined use made it possible to correctly position all structural elements, so that in the end the bridge converged exactly in the middle of the strait.

By the way, in 2010, the legendary satirist Mikhail Zhvanetsky visited Vladivostok, who did not miss the opportunity to wander around the construction site of the summit. Having spoken many pleasant words about the growing and developing city, Mikhail Mikhailovich left, and it was decided to consider his visit a "blessing" of the builders for further hard work.

Construction of the century: span

The total length of the metal span of the bridge is 1248 meters, and the weight is 23 thousand tons. The superstructure consists of separate sections of an aerodynamic shape. The length and width of each panel are the same: 12 and 26 meters, respectively. But the weight, oddly enough, varies from 185 to 380 tons.

Flight section. Photo: official website of NPO "Mostovik"

These panels were created different cities Russia, but were assembled from spare parts in Vladivostok and Nakhodka. Lighter panels were even docked immediately on the ground to speed up construction.

On May 12, 2011, the first panels of the central span were delivered by sea from Nakhodka. All the quality control they came even before sending. It was necessary to raise them to a height of 70 meters with the help of special lifts and the Grigorich ram, named after one of the veteran bridge builders.

It was "Grigorich", with the help of three tugboats, tirelessly over the next year that brought the next sections to the lifts by water. The docking of the two sides was originally scheduled for April 11. But due to weather conditions, it was decided to move it to the next day, or rather the night. When the wind died down, and the air temperature stopped fluctuating, "Grigorich" went for the last time to the Eastern Bosporus Strait with the final section of the flight on board.

A little-known fact, but in order for the last piece to fall into place, the entire bridge had to be pulled in different directions so that the gap between the edges of the panel on each side was 10 cm, and then let go so that the bridge itself "clamped" the last section in the middle.

Bridge docking. Photo: Anton Balashov, IA PrimaMedia

Bridge docking. Photo: Anton Balashov, IA PrimaMedia

Bridge docking. Photo: Anton Balashov, IA PrimaMedia

Bridge docking. Photo: Anton Balashov, IA PrimaMedia

Rumors and predictions

When even skeptics recognized the inevitability of creating a bridge to Russian, a lot of new rumors appeared around him. If earlier experts of various industries and competencies were discussing what exactly the builders would not have time to do by the opening of the summit and which element of the bridge would fly into the waters of the strait first, now it was fashionable to give approximate prices for travel from the continent to the island.

Citizens' fears that they would be charged money for using bridges reached such a degree that it was not for anyone else to refute them, but for First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov. "Of course, free of charge. Someone launched a duck. This is an ordinary duck," he said, answering a direct question from a journalist about the toll on the bridges. “They are being built for this – to make it convenient for citizens to move from different parts of the city,” the First Deputy Prime Minister added.

But the famous Russian astrologer Alexander Rempel in 2011, after consulting the stars, predicted a delay in the completion of both bridges.

"According to my calculations, the bridges will be completed after the summit. Although they can solemnly cut the ribbon and report on the surrender much earlier. This is accepted by us and, most likely, it will be like this about two to three months before the opening of the summit. But I I'm talking about the readiness of bridges for safe operation.The bridge across the Golden Horn - the Silver Dragon Bridge - must be built before February 11, 2013. And the bridge to the Russky Island, which Chinese Feng Shui experts called 150 years ago the Tail of the White Tiger, must be built until January 12, 2013. Of course, it is very difficult to indicate the exact day the construction was completed, and the indicated dates are more symbolic than practical, and there may be fluctuations of several weeks in one direction or another, but still this is 2013, "- Rempel assured.


The pylons, unique in their height, began to attract the attention of extreme sports enthusiasts. Toward the end of the construction, a group of roofers put the construction site guards in an uncomfortable position, arranging a game of catch-up with them until the FSB officers brought the hooligans out.

Roofers at the top. Photo: Vitaly Raskalov

The violators later posted a photo report of their adventures on the Internet. “Recently, I have completely ceased to please you with interesting and unusual posts, in connection with work I practically don’t go anywhere. the May holidays I was lucky enough to fly to Vladivostok and make a real commotion there, climbing without insurance and permission to the top of the 220- and 350-meter pylons of bridges that are being built across the Golden Horn Bay and to Russky Island," wrote roofer Vitaly Raskalov.

He also admitted that they promised the FSB and the Interior Ministry not to appear on the bridges again. But the deputy general director of CJSC "TMK" Alexander Yakovlev condemned extreme people.

"It's just a terrible incident. After all, if something happened to the guys, all responsibility would fall on the builders. There are enough guards on the bridges, unless you keep track of those who deliberately decided to do this. With their behavior, troublemakers cause a lot of trouble to the builders themselves, because the construction is not over yet," Yakovlev commented on the incident.

Bridge opening

In 2012, just in time for the birthday of Vladivostok, the bridge to Russkiy Ostrov is opened for the movement of construction equipment. For the sake of such an event, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev also came to the capital of Primorye, who thanked the builders for their selfless work

"This bridge will serve a huge number of people. Both the residents of the Primorsky Territory, and those who come here from other regions of our country, or foreigners. And it will simply be a very beautiful building that embodies the genius of engineering and architectural thought," the prime minister said.

Before opening it to everyone, the bridge was specially checked by columns of simultaneously braking trucks. The design overcame the test with loaded dump trucks with excellent marks.

And by the evening it was quite difficult to drive, because hundreds of cars stood on the sides of the bridge crossing wishing to feel the bridge to Russky Island with their own hands and feet, as if they could not believe their eyes. By the way, traffic police officers did not fine violators on the first day, but they warned that they would not allow this in the future.

Today, the bridge to Russky Island has become for Vladivostok residents something taken for granted, an engineering structure immanently inherent in the city. It is simply impossible to imagine Vladivostok without this giant now. About a dozen regular buses run along it, and lovers wild recreation every weekend they get on it to the island beaches. If you believe the promises of the builders, then the shelf life of the Russian Bridge is 100-120 years, that is, a whole century. So technically it could be called "eternal".

I quote an article in the newspaper "Khabarovsk Express". It turns out that the astronomical sums allocated for the Potemkin village were stupidly plundered, and the built miracle bridge and other mirages will collapse, burying thousands of people. The question arises: is the situation with the Olympic construction in Sochi the same? The conditions, in principle, are the same: a lot of money and a lot of crooks.

From the editor.

The author of the article has previously raised the topic of security in Khabarovsk Express unique bridges. I applied to Rosavtodor, Rostekhnadzor, the Prosecutor General's Office, to the embassy, ​​to the President of the Russian Federation. In response, having made a bureaucratic circle, complacent replies came. The unreliability and technical neglect of the main objects of the APEC summit was emphasized two years ago by the suicide of engineer Vyacheslav Polyanskikh. He committed suicide right in the bay where he was building a bridge. A suicide note remained: “The bridge is being built with gross violations. I don’t want to be extreme when the bridge collapses and there will be a lot of victims ... "

Khabarovsk Express, No. 43, 10/26/11

APEC Summit Bridges: Russian Roulette

Gross violations of the norms for designing and building bridges to Russky Island and across the Golden Horn Bay in Vladivostok, bordering on a crime, have already been described in many of my publications. The facts published by me, which are officially documented in the reports on monitoring the quality of work, convincingly prove that the reliability of the foundations of bridges and the durability of concrete are not ensured. To put it simply, the monitoring materials are a sentence: according to the law, bridges cannot be put into operation and traffic can not be opened on them - they can collapse at any moment!

One of the reasons for this state of the bridges, I believe, is that the office of the presidential envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District evaded control over the implementation of urban planning legislation on bridges, instructing the customer to control himself, and this is prohibited by Part 6 of Article 8 of Federal Law No. 59.

And not so long ago, the plenipotentiary suddenly announced: “Unfortunately, the work schedules for some objects of the APEC 2012 summit do not quite take into account natural and climatic conditions - rain, fog, wind, so there is a slight lag. And if the bridge to Russky Island is not completed by the deadline, then there is no tragedy in this ... "

The Internet responded to the statement in different ways. “They are cunning in the embassy - most likely they realized that Ryazanov was right about the unreliability of the bridges. Continuing to violate, we would meet the deadlines ... ". “You don’t have to push. The task is not to have all sorts of officials drive Mercedes across the bridge, but to master new technologies and become a real bridge power.”

As for the "power" strong word! But the customer (Rosavtodor), starting with the survey, did little to ensure the reliability of these unique cable-stayed bridges (the largest span in the world, 1100 m). First of all, it concerns the bearing capacity of foundations, as well as the durability of concrete.

And the "specialists" (in quotation marks) who build these bridges believe that only one characteristic of concrete is sufficient to assess the reliability of structures - strength. And the fact that concrete should and can be guaranteed to be an eternal material, in the literal sense, they, it seems, “did not pass” at the university.

At one time, our country adopted the standards of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA), requiring a security of 0.95 material characteristics and 0.98 confidence probability for soils, taking into account possible changes during construction and operation.

The following publications were published: GOST “Reliability of building structures and foundations” (only 8 pages) and GOST “Concrete. Strength control rules” (total 20 pages). Links to them are given in my publications.

But, apparently, the “specialists” who build APEC bridges do not know these requirements. Here is their response on an Internet forum: “Have you ever seen or heard that Ryazanov? An old senile who stayed to live in the last century, denying modern achievements, arguing that the most reliable was in the 70-80s!”

The author of the venomous response was dubbed "a young senile" right there on the forum. Where could he see or hear something, if the last 30 years, using my inventions on all bridges Far East, designers, contrary to the law, did not refer to these inventions (more than 150 publications and books, including "Pillar foundations and bridge supports ..." - Khabarovsk, 2009, 452 p.). The "old senile" repeatedly descended into the wells under the pillars to a depth of 25 m, so that it was safe for young senile people who did not study the foundations to ride.

Such “bridge building amateurs” apparently do not understand the required standards (the class of concrete is the strength guaranteed in terms of uniformity). Having bought equipment, they illiterately adopt foreign technologies.

Obviously, they do not have enough education to understand the need for automatic dosage of the components of the concrete mixture - depending on the moisture content of crushed stone and sand (really, the rains, fogs and humidity of the seaside air mentioned by the plenipotentiary influence).

As monitoring of the quality of construction of bridges showed, with cast concrete mixtures, young senile people ignore the requirement of GOST to ensure the class of concrete "with a minimum consumption of cement." Those. they increase the strength of concrete due to the higher content of cement. But it is criminally dangerous - concrete becomes non-frost-resistant! Here after all not France and not Spain, and the severe Far East.

Let us give an example of the "professionalism" of a candidate of technical sciences - the head of the control department of the directorate for the construction of a bridge on Russky Island, as well as acting. head of another department (they say, "hereditary bridge builder", but with the formation of a general construction technical school).

In the certificate dated August 21, 2009, our monitoring group lists documented violations: “The composition of the concrete mixture was selected only by laboratory means - without checking the characteristics of the uniformity of concrete in terms of strength. There is no reason to evaluate the reliability of structures in accordance with GOST 27751-88 ... "

However, in their "Explanations" the heads of departments write: "We consider the absence of grounds to be far-fetched, because Concrete is accepted in accordance with clause 5.2 of GOST 18105-86, ... if the actual strength of the concrete is not lower than the required strength.

The head of the Department of State Construction Supervision of the Federal Service for Technical Supervision of Rostekhnadzor echoes this nonsense (letter dated December 15, 2010). It turns out that the GOST standards are “contrived”: the “required strength” is set in accordance with “its homogeneity achieved”.

Having taken up the design and construction, such "specialists" probably did not know that, taking into account the control of the frost resistance of concrete, a preparatory period would be required to select the optimal composition according to GOST 18105-86, and at least a year! They could speed things up by using computer programs for the rapid selection of the composition of the concrete mix. As far as I know it has not been used.

As if justifying such familiarity with GOST, CEO"USK MOST" - the general contractor for the bridge on Russky Island, introduces a new concept in the characteristics of the strength of concrete. Not a “brand” (it was used until 1985) and not a “class”, which the old seniles introduced in accordance with the CMEA standard, but a certain concept of a “class brand” - “B60 brand”. * Sorry for being direct, but this borders on sabotage.

"Class brand" abolishes the concept of "security", which characterizes the class of concrete in terms of strength. Control of uniformity of concrete strength is eliminated. The practice of correcting the laboratory selection of the composition of the concrete mix in production conditions is cancelled.

Finally, the concept of "concrete grade for frost resistance F - ... the number of freezing and thawing cycles of concrete samples tested according to the basic method" (GOST 100060.0-95) is swept aside. What else did the "old senile" want - after all, it takes half a year to control only one batch of concrete samples by the basic method! And we have APEC-2012 - deadlines!

Young senile, subverters of norms and standards, trumpet publicly that their bridges will stand forever. Fresh legend: such low-quality concrete will last a maximum of twenty years. And after the commissioning of the bridge, it will soon be necessary to put it on reconstruction.

In addition to the durability of concrete, the reliability of the bridge according to current standards can be ensured by calculating the foundations according to the characteristics of the soils, which were obtained in the course of surveys with a high confidence probability - in strength of 0.98 and deformation of 0.9. We also need reliable statistics of test results, at least six soil samples from each engineering-geological element (soil layer).

Meanwhile, on pylon No. 9 of the bridge across the Zolotoy Rog Bay, all exploration wells were located on the shore, outside the foundation! The characteristics of the rocks (for example, the weathering coefficient) were not determined at all - for all wells, chokhom, they were established by surveys at a depth of minus 10.5 m.

The distance between the pillars, on which the pylon (support) of the bridge rests, is allowed by the norms to be at least 1 m. Because the soil around the pillars, taking into account the methods of well development, decompresses and becomes loose. But on the pylons of the bridge across the Golden Horn in such unreliable soil, the project provides for a distance between the pillars of only 0.75 m. bridges, i.e. as for country sheds.

And what about the most dangerous - horizontal, lateral moments and loads? Any engineer familiar with the basics of structural mechanics will understand that without having the characteristics of the soil between the pillars, it is impossible to calculate the grillage (pylon base). The actual difference in the depth of the pillars turned out to be more than 13 meters - with an allowable standard of 25 cm! Deep pillars, being in an elastic medium, can be included in the work on horizontal loads only when the rigid short pillars, embedded in the rock, lose their stability - collapse.

Storm winds, at the upper points of the bridges, at a height of 200-300 m, reaching a speed of 95 m/s; temperature differences of subtropical summer and sharply continental winter; the braking force of the machines transmitted to the bridge deck - any factor can cause the poles to roll. And then even the most insignificant rolls will irreversibly lead to horizontal movements of the top of the pylons (the geometry in the volume high school), in connection with which the pylons can collapse at any time.

Hence the question: it is precisely such “modern achievements” of the unreliability of foundations, “the development of new technologies” to reduce the strength of concrete that will help us become a “real bridge power”?!

Cable-stayed bridge to Russky Island across the East Bosporus Strait- this is the largest cable-stayed bridge bridge currently built. The central channel span has a length of 1104 m, and the length of the cables is 580 m. The height above the water table (underbridge clearance) is 70 m.

Parameters of the cable-stayed bridge to Russky Island – stroyone

No. p / p Main technical parameters of a cable-stayed bridge
1 Bridge layout: 60+72+3x84+1104+3x84+72+60 m
2 The total length of the bridge is 1885 m
3 Total length with flyovers - 3100 m
4 The length of the central channel span is 1104 m
5 The total width of the carriageway - 21 m
6 Number of lanes - 4 (2 in each direction)
7 Underbridge clearance — 70 m
8 The height of the pylons is 324 m
9 Longest / shortest shroud - 579.83 / 135.771 m
10 Construction cost $1 billion

The new bridge will connect the mainland and island parts of Vladivostok and will become an important link transport system Primorsky region. The construction of the cable-stayed bridge crossing began in 2008 and ended in July 2012.

Climatic conditions

Builders worked in extreme weather conditions. Wind speed reaches 36 meters per second, storm wind raises waves up to six meters, ice thickness reaches 70 centimeters. The temperature in winter drops below minus 36 degrees, and in summer it rises to plus 37.

Technique in the construction of a cable-stayed bridge

About 320 modern units were involved in the construction of the bridge to Russky Island. For the construction of the pylons, unique Kroll tower cranes with a lifting capacity of 40 and 20 tons were used, capable of growing to a height of up to 340 meters.

During the installation of the channel span structure, Russian-made derrick cranes with a lifting capacity of up to 400 tons were used. To lift the first ten sections on Russky Island, it was mounted in record time.


The approaches to the bridge are overpasses with a total length of more than 900 meters. Trestle supports are rack-mounted, from 9 to 30 meters high. The superstructures are steel-reinforced concrete, consisting of metal boxes with inclined walls and a monolithic reinforced concrete slab.

bridge supports

Bridge supports M1 on the Nazimov Peninsula and M12 on Russky Island are among the most massive and complex in design. Their height is about 35 meters. "First" and "twelfth" perform the functions of transitional supports. They take on the horizontal load from the stiffening beam.

During the construction of bridge abutment grillages and pylons, the builders used B35 class self-compacting concrete on sulfate-resistant Portland cement. It provides protection of the foundation from the effects of an aggressive environment and protects the reinforcement from corrosion.
During the construction of bridge supports and pylons, a Geda high-speed passenger-and-freight elevator was used, which lifts up to two tons of cargo. The lift speed is 65 meters per minute.

Artificial peninsulas

For the construction of the M6 ​​pylon on the Nazimov Peninsula, an artificial peninsula was filled, from which wells were drilled for the supports. The construction of the pile foundation of the M7 pylon on Russky Island began with water on a temporary working metal island.

The artificial peninsula was backfilled after the construction of bored piles and sheet piling. It is designed to protect against bulk ships with a displacement of up to 66,000 tons, ice shifts and wave action.

The total volume of rocky and loose soil moved during the construction of technological sites on Russky Island and the Nazimov Peninsula is 1.5 million cubic meters.

Pylon foundation

Pile foundation pylon

Drilling and concreting of piles from water in marine conditions was performed for the first time in the practice of Russian bridge building. Depths in the area of ​​work at various sites ranged from 14 to 20 meters.

At the base of each pylon there are 120 bored piles with a diameter of two meters. Piles with a non-removable metal shell under the M7 pylon go deep to the level of 46 meters. On the Nazimov Peninsula maximum depth occurrence of reinforced concrete piles - 77 meters

Rostverk pylons

For the construction of each pylon grillage, approximately 20,000 cubic meters of concrete and about 3,000 tons of metal structures were required. This is the most time-consuming and responsible operation in the construction of the bridge. Tensor sensors are mounted in the body of the grillage to monitor the state of this colossal foundation.

Self-climbing formwork

Concreting of the body of the pylons was carried out using individual self-climbing formwork. Seven working levels with a total height of 19 meters allow simultaneous preparation of the working joint, reinforcement, concreting, concrete care and finishing on three grips of 4.5 meters each.

The formwork moves independently due to the hydraulic movement of the modular elements. The use of self-climbing formwork made it possible to reduce the construction time of monolithic reinforced concrete structures by one and a half times. With a total volume of concrete per pylon of more than 20,000 cubic meters, this is a significant gain in time.

The superstructure of the cable-stayed bridge Russky Bridge

Reinforced concrete stiffening beam

The anchor parts of the cable-stayed bridge span are located symmetrically with respect to the central span and pylons, and have a length of 316 meters. The span of a continuous structure is made of prestressed monolithic reinforced concrete with a volume of about 21,000 cubic meters.

In the process of reinforcement, in addition to conventional reinforcement, plastic ducts were laid. Steel bundles with high tensile strength are stretched through them.

After the concrete has gained strength, the reinforcing beams are stretched using jacks with a force of 300 to 370 tons. Then the voids in the channel formers are injected with a special cement mortar.

Metal reinforcement beam

The stiffening beam of the central navigable span of the bridge to Russky Island is all-metal. It is a single box for the entire cross section with a lower and upper orthotropic plate and a system of transverse diaphragms.

The metal stiffening beam consists of 103 panels 12 meters long and 26 meters wide and two transition panels 6 meters long. The total weight of the panels is 23,000 tons. The length of the stiffening beam is 1248 meters.

Pre-assembly of panels

The pre-assembly of the panels was carried out on the territory of the production base on the Nazimov Peninsula and in Nakhodka. At the same time, additional operations of fitting multi-ton panels during installation, which was carried out under conditions of strong wind action at a height of 70 meters above the strait, were completely excluded.

Taking into account the fact that more than 30 kilometers of butt welds of the first category, subject to ultrasonic control, were welded in total, the gain in time was very significant.

Panel lifting

The panels were delivered to the installation site by barges and then lifted by a crane to a height of 70 meters. Positioning of the barge under the assembly unit was carried out using the Russian GLONASS satellite navigation system.

To speed up the construction of the metal stiffening beam, after the twentieth section was lifted, already double panels 24 meters long were submitted to the installation.

Mounting the lock panel

On the night of April 11-12, 2012, an event took place, to which bridge builders had been going for three and a half years. The last panel of the metal stiffening beam was lifted from the Grigorich pontoon. The castle section connected two 546-meter cantilevers of the channel span over the East Bosporus Strait, and the bridge crossing connected Russky Island with mainland cities.

The next day, April 13, a video conference was held by Vladimir Putin, during which he congratulated the bridge workers on the completion of the installation work and thanked them for high quality work. “I’ll be honest, I can’t wait to drive over the bridge myself,” he admitted during a live broadcast. Then the command was given - and the builders under the lenses of TV cameras welded the last, "golden" seam.

On the bridge across the Eastern Bosphorus Strait, an improved system of cables with a denser arrangement of strands in the shell is used. The weight of the cable system is 3720 tons, the total length of the cables is more than 54 kilometers.

The shrouds consist of parallel, individually corrosion-protected strands ranging in number from 13 to 85. Each such strand consists of seven galvanized wires sheathed in high-density polyethylene.

The compact configuration of the stay cables with the use of a shell of a smaller diameter helps to reduce the wind load by 25–30%. At the same time, the cost of materials for the pylon, stiffening beams and foundations is reduced by 35–40%.

Guy shell

The shroud shell is made of two layers: the inner one is black, made of high-density polyethylene, the outer one is thinner, painted in the colors of the Russian flag. The decorative shell is also equipped with a spiral collar designed to protect against vibrations generated by the combined effects of rain and wind.

Comprehensive mechanical protection and monitoring of the manufacturing quality of all cable elements provide high strength, endurance and corrosion resistance. The estimated service life of the shrouds is at least 100 years.