Coloric India. India's live bridges - amazing and unique

Facts about India.
As a gesture "Yes" (instead of the nodding, as we have), the Indians shake their heads to the parties, like our I-Ai-ah. The first time subconsciously arose a feeling that they would scarcely swing their heads in response to the question, they say "Well, you have a question, white." Also at the meeting - often begin to chat heads from side aside, like non-masses, very funny))

The movement here is a left-sided, such a concept as traffic rules if there is something very conditionally, the main rule on the road is a beep. Moreover, as opposed to the example from the signpost, the beep is rather a warning character, i.e. I broke and immediately starts the turn, and if I did not give up - your problems, you warned you \u003d) Especially mad movement in major cities - Delhi, Chennai, Calcuta, handled the incredible number of Tuk-Tukov, drunk here and there - the hum of signals there does not stop there Never for a minute.

There is close friendship among men, to such an extent that here it is often possible to meet them, walking by hand or hugging. We were first surprised, but then I read that it was just such a friendship, without sexual subtext.

Indian cuisine, especially southern, very sharp, with lots of spices. Requests "No Spicy", "No Chilly" rarely lead to the expected result, despite the zili of the waiter's head. There is a certain set of dishes, initially not very sharp - they can be eaten with the full rejection of acute food.

In most cases, the Word Hotel is used to designate a place where you can eat. At the same time, most hotels are called LODGE, but some, especially large also in the title use the Hotel.

The most common fruits are papaya, pineapples, tangerines and bananas, and the latter, a huge amount of varieties are large and small, thick and thin, yellow, red and green. Apples are also sold, but incredibly expensive.

Many products have MRP labeling (Maximum Retail Price) - the maximum retail price for which this product can be sold. This is especially noticeable on bottled water, which is sold at every corner and costs almost everywhere 15 rupees per 1 liter both in stores and in a cafe.

In many small local restaurants there is no menu - people come and ordered the dishes known for them.

Dishes for different meals are usually clearly divided for breakfast (up to 11), lunch (from 12 to 15) and dinner (from 19 to 21). The time, however, is quite conditional and can vary, but order something day from the Breakfast menu, and during the day from Dinner it will not happen. Moreover, from 15 to 18-19, part of the cafes are generally closed.
The most common dinner among not strongly secured residents is "Meals": Mount Rice, as a rule on a banana sheet (very convenient, free disposable dishes, and even more profitable for waste disposal) with several sauces and seasonings in bowls. Most often it is a dish without restrictions - sauces poured almost always, sometimes rice is placed, cheap and angry. Meals are more popular in southern India.
Tips in the cafes are customary to leave at will from 3-10%, but most often it is 10-20 rupees.

There is no alcohol in free sale. those. He is not prohibited, but it is not particularly welcome - you can only buy in specially rejected places. In most cafes, it is also officially not officially (sometimes they sell "from under the floors"), there are only in restaurants.

Personnel in guesthouses and cafes, especially inexpensive, is rarely friendly. They are not aggressive, but they talk, as if they had this work in the liver sits, perhaps it was. Moreover, local residents are often very smiling and friendly.
Rickshaw and other "helpers" for the client's drive to the hotel usually receive a fixed amount, and for each night, conducted by the client in this hotel. So from the room for 250 rupees Rickshaw 50 rupees, and for 300 already 75 and so on. Each city has its own fees. By this secretly, the owner of the guesthouse in Allepi shared the owner \u003d)

There is no central hot water supply anywhere. There is no hot water in the cheapest guesthouses in principle, in some it is brought in the morning in the tank (sometimes for extra money), there are boilers in more advanced.

Hindus do not use toilet paper, instead of advanced places near the toilet, a small soul is hanging, and in places simpler - a crane with water and a bucket.

Hindu temples start working at 5 am and this is usually accompanied by loud upwards (prayer) into the microphone on the entire district, huge speakers are exhibited outside)) Especially fun if such a temptel turns out under the bischus windows \u003d)

Most Hindus are very devout, believers. In the temples everywhere, there are many pilgrims everywhere and, as a result, business is widely developed for the sale of offering - as a rule it is a set of flowers and fruits (bananas, coconuts). Some even at home have a small prayer room with Altar and Deities, visiting one of the Kauratsurfers witnessed the evening prayer of his daughter - called the bell and swung with chopsticks with incenses.
In most of the Hindu temples or in separate prayer parts, the entrance is allowed only Hindi, despite the fact that the Indian "Pop" can also bless the Europeans (put the point on the forehead, washed by holy water), if only money paid)

Apparently due to heat, here most people get up in 5-6 in the morning. So at 7 am of the usual weekday, we witnessed the pussy on the beach - the local played football, volleyball and just sat with a handful or walked, the same thing in the evening - after 5 hours.

Indians in the main mass do not like to swim in the sea, prefer lakes with fresh water and without waves. Women never bathe at least in public places.

Often local, mostly young people, from not tourist areas ask to take pictures with us. Children simply greet and make hands or ask them to photograph. People aged also willingly positive in front of the lens, and then with innocent eyes are asked for "Mani Mani".

A typical acquaintance procedure from local consists of two questions "HIV Country?, Nim?". Sometimes they just ask "Neum?" And satisfied with go further.
Children, envy us, often asking "sculpen". At first they did not understand, and then disassembled - School Pen (school handle), apparently tourists often give them.

The most common clothing among women is a sari, young men walk in jeans and T-shirts, and the older pod often prefers Lunga - a rag wound around the legs, wounds on a naked body.

In trains, in common wagons (GENERAL class), if there are no free places, people can safely go on the luggage shelves. Tested on its own experience - up to 3 people are placed on the luggage shelf + baggage \u003d)
In the wagons of the Sleeper class on two side shelves, up to 5 people can be located - two on the top, 3 on the bottom, and in a placentar where our four people go in Russia, here 6 shelves are sleeping and sitting on them not six, but 9-10 people And sleeping a bunch, they also sleep in the aisles right on the floor and in Tamburas at toilets and inputs. In each car on 2 types of toilets - Western style (toilet) and Indian (hole in the floor).

Prices for visiting various parks, palaces, nature reserves are often different for local and for foreign tourists as a rule in 10, and sometimes 15 times, for example, 10 and 150 rupees.

Yoga and Ayurveda are two big myths about India. In Russia, many believe that in India, all Hindus are engaged in yoga and are treated with Ayurveda, but also more common to India, and here is popular mainly among tourists.

India is a colorful country that trains tourists with their mysteries. In addition to beautiful temples and cultural monuments, there is a huge amount of natural designs, they were created dozens of years and serve as a subject of admiration for all tourists. In the northeast of India, at an altitude of 1300 meters above sea level, inquisitive travelers can see unusually beautiful and mysterious "live" bridges. These natural structures are built by local residents of the Indian state of Meghala - Khaxy. The climate is warm there, high humidity, all this contributes to the active growth and development of rubber ficuses. From the roots of these plants and the most live bridges are obtained. There are no such structures anywhere in the world.

How do live bridges grow?

Khaxy has long noticed that the roots of the ficus have a secondary root system and can grow out. So, live bridges were created, which many centuries later attract the attention of tourists from all over the world. For 500 years, a huge number of bridges were formed.

The technology of growing such a bridge is incredibly complex - for one bridge takes 10-15 years of work. Roots of rubber plants grow along the banks of the rivers, then they are placed in the exhausted trunks of the beta palm tree. This is how the necessary direction of growth of the plant is created.

The time comes when flexible and massive roots grow up to the opposite bank of the river, then they are rooted there with huge boulders. This is thus the strong natural crossing is created - safe and environmentally friendly.

With every year, the live bridge is becoming more reliable and stronger, it is explained by the fact that the roots continue to grow, they are becoming wider and thicker. The result is a bridge that is able to withstand up to 50 adults at the same time. Now there is a mass of tourists, all of them are affected by the talented invention of the residents of the town of Cherapundy.

As for the sizes, the length of the live crossing reaches 30 meters. And the most interesting thing is that the design does not need to spend money. The bridge does not require repair, and it looks great, because the construction is completely natural and merges with nature.

How do rubbing bridges look in india

In India, rubber bridges are popular, even for local residents, they are the subject of pride. Although Khai and see bridges every day, they are something magical for them. The most rainy place on the planet is the city of Cherapundy, there are live bridges here. Once they decided to replace with iron, but, according to the result, natural crossings remain safe and preservation.

Not far from the city there is a tourist resort, his owner persuaded the management of the administration and all locals in the fact that the bridges are real centuries-old relics. They are a reflection of the life of ancient ancestors, evidence of their hardworking and skill. In addition, the city will lose its former appearance, it becomes uninteresting for tourists and travelers. Live bridges are what needs to be preserved and multiply.

In addition to all this, travelers and guests of India always seek to visit these unique live bridges. Human hands were created literally works of art, there are no more such bridges in the world. The local population earns on the influx of tourists, so bridges are an important and vital item for them. The population not only protects bridges from destruction, but also create the same new, modernized crossings - more durable and beautiful. Any tourist in India can enjoy the views of the living bridges, go through them and bring cool photos from vacation. We hope that nothing happens with unique crossings.

India is one of the most colorful and distinctive countries of Asia. Over those who assure that everything knows about her, for example, on Goa, you can only laugh. After all, India's heart is not very beautiful beaches, and messing caves, where you can meditate for hours, an exciting golden triangle, a luxurious Taj Mahal.

Attractions of India

Attractions in India are even more than beaches. The route for the so-called Golden Triangle is most popular among inquisitive tourists. During such a trip, you can see the sights of Old Delhi, and the Taj Mahal, located in the fairy-tale city of Agra, and the ancient Jaipur, where you can get acquainted with the traditional Indian culture that has established thousands of years ago. It is these three cities that are the "vertices" of the golden triangle.

India, Taj Mahal.

If you deviate from the usual route and go to explore other corners of India, you can also find a lot of interesting things. On the border with Pakistan, one of the most beautiful attractions of India is the fortress Jaisalmer. Especially impressively her yellow walls from sandstone look at sunset. Due to the remoteness from the usual tourist routes, guests here are not too much, which makes a visit to the fortress even more tempting.

India, Jaisalmer Fortress.

India is one of the most interesting countries whose history is full of riddles. Here, according to historians, there is the most ancient city of the world - Varanasi. Today, pilgrims come here to swim in the waters of the Gang River and worship the shrines stored in local temples.

Searches for truth in the mountains

India is not only sights and beaches. Many come here in search of truth and in hopes to know the highest mind. Yoga tours are becoming increasingly popular, moreover, not only in Russia, but throughout the world. The best place for this is the center of the country with numerous caves and the mountainous part is mysterious and even a bit mysterious. It is worth keeping in mind that Yoga tour can be purchased in Russia as an independent trip, but you can order a short-term program during your holiday in India.

Beaches of India

Of course, despite the abundance of landmarks, the first, with which India is associated with tourists is the beaches. The most popular region from this point of view is Goa. By the way, many mistakenly believe that it is an island in the Indian Ocean. In fact, only a small state located on the coast. It is conditionally divided into two parts: southern and north. The first is more suitable for a quiet and relaxing holiday, which, albeit with the stretch, can be called elite. The second is endless open-air parties, nightclubs and bars, famous for the whole world of DJs per console. In general, a place for those who are not used to sleep at night.

On the beach in India.

Having decided to spend vacation on Goa beaches, many of which are reminded by a picture from Bounty advertising, it is worth considering that the level of many hotels leaves much to be desired. Before the announced stars, most of them do not reach. But prices please - they are quite democratic, which makes India a popular beach direction after the closure of all the favorite Turkey and Egypt.

India is a wise and colorful country, where each traveler will find out his own. Everything comes here: Secured and not very, party members and sacred truth seekers, fans of a measured rest on snow-white beaches and tourists who are thirsting to ride on elephants.

Beach rest

A huge number of beach holiday lovers arrives in India, because there are some of the best and picturesque beaches of the world. Around the world, the beaches located on the territory of Goa are famous. The southern coast choose the adherents of a civilized recreation. It is here that comfortable hotels and the best water sports centers in India. The most incerent parties pass on mumbai beaches. Not only representatives of the local elite flock are flown here, but also the well-known personalities of Europe.

In the northern part of the state, tourists are stopped, preferring "light" budgetary holidays. Lovers of loneliness and wildlife choose the beaches of Laksvip Islands. It is believed that this is the best place in India for the study of the underwater world. The state of Kerala offers not only beach entertainment, but also rest on domestic rivers and lakes, where you can make a close acquaintance with the exotic nature of India.

Excursions and sights

The man who came to India for the first time, is worth a tour of the Golden Triangle, which covers the most famous and largest sights of the country. Delhi, Agra, Jaipur is cities that are vertices of a triangle. Also, the tourist will be able to get acquainted with other items located on the way to each of the cities.

Jaipur- The city where it is possible to enjoy an ancient Indian culture and architecture. Here the tourist route runs through the wind palace - a unique place that was built in the form of honeycomb on a special order of Sheikh. For more than half of the day, it is assigned to a tour of the museums of the city palace complex. There you can see reduced copies of Indian monuments, musical instruments of all times, national clothes of Hindus and much more.

Delhi- One of the most modern cities of the country, where you can not only enjoy the original culture of old India, but also to get acquainted with new streets and buildings. Jama Masjid Mosque, Chatta Choek Market, Fort Museum, Modern Square Connauta is just a small list of interesting places Delhi. At the end of January, the festival of folk songs and dances is held here, which flows lovers of ethnic music both India and other states.

Agra, one more point of the "golden triangle" is famous for the famous Taj Mahal. Everyone wants to look at the cleaner of the empress, made of white marble, supplemented with precious stones and patterns of black marble. 22 Dome located above the gate symbolize the time spent on the construction of this architecture masterpiece.

India - a multifaceted country, which involves a lot of different types of recreation and excursion programs. In order not to confuse among this magnificence and diversity, it is better to decide in advance what you are waiting for from India and decide on the route.