Tibet mysteries and secrets. What secrets does Tibet keep? The Invisible City of Kitezh

In the mountains of Tibet in China, about 200 kilometers from the Nepalese border, Mount Kailash (Kailash) is located. Neither by geological indicators nor by location does it belong to the Himalayas, although it is located in close proximity, covered by this mountain range.

Scientists believe that Mount Kailash first rose from the depths of the ocean, and then water and wind over the course of many years gave it a unique, regular pyramidal shape. The mountain, like the Egyptian pyramids, looks at all four cardinal directions at the same time.

Some scientists believe that Kailash is not actually a mountain at all, but a real pyramid, built man-made by someone unknown and for an unknown purpose, and all the mountains adjacent to the main one are also pyramids, so this is not a simple mountain range, but a real pyramid system! On the southern side of the mountain there is a large vertical crack, intersected by a similar, but horizontal one. When a shadow falls on the mountain, the cracks darken and form a giant swastika - a symbol of life, the Sun, movement. It looks really very impressive.

For many millennia, this mountain was considered sacred among the peoples living in the surrounding area. Any person who professes Hinduism will consider it a blessing to see her at least once in his life. The ancient Indian scriptures - the Vedas - say that all the Himalayas are the abode of the gods, but Kailash is favorite place Shiva, who is revered among Hindus as the master of destroying illusions and cleansing bad karma. The top of the mountain is shrouded in a dense veil of fog, among which you can sometimes see bright flashes of unknown origin. In these flashes, people allegedly notice a multi-armed creature. Hindus believe that it is Shiva who reveals himself to the world. Many people spent years meditating here in search of truth. Even today you can find people here who have spent quite a lot of time in meditation. Such people are very easy to spot: their views are filled with love and peace, as if they knew more than everyone else alive. It’s easy and pleasant to be around such people, and you don’t want to leave them at all.

Buddhists believe that if you walk around Mount Kailash with the right intentions and thoughts, you can clear your karma accumulated over several previous lives. Buddhists from Tibet consider this mountain to be the abode of the deity Chakrasamvara. At the foot of the mountain there are many Buddhist temples, which receive pilgrims during the kora (circumvention of the shrine). Temples are located on places of power, places of meditation of the Great Teachers of the past. To this day, you can see stones there with imprints of their hands and feet, left to us as a reminder of their strength of spirit and perseverance.

The mountain keeps its mysteries well. The very first secret is that the height of Mount Kailash is 6,666 meters. It sounds a little ominous, but then the miracles continue. The mountain is located... 6,666 kilometers away from the well-known ancient complex Stonehenge! If we measure the distance from Kailash to the North Pole, we will get the same number. The mountain is 13,332 kilometers from the South Pole, which is twice as far as 6,666. Famous Island Easter, by the way, is located exactly opposite the mountain, only on the other side of the planet. He himself is known throughout the world for his secrets and riddles, so this is hardly a mere coincidence.

Not far from Mount Kailash, two lakes are located close to each other, separated by a thin strip of land. However, the water in these lakes is completely different in its chemical composition! In addition, in one lake it is clean and fresh, you can drink it without fear and cook food on it, but in the second it is salty and dead. The first lake is always quiet and calm, while the second is stormy, shaken by constant storms, although the wind here always blows the same.

Near the mountain, even time changes its course, accelerating. According to eyewitnesses, a day here is equal to approximately 20-25 days “outwardly.” This is noticeable in the accelerated growth of nails and hair. In eastern cosmology, Mount Kailash is considered the place through which the axis of the universe passes, the center of the world, perhaps that is why it was so cleverly hidden from prying eyes. It is believed that the mountain is a place where enormous energy is concentrated. A unique fact is that near the mountain there are stone structures, polished by sand and winds to the state of mirrors. The genius scientist Nikolai Kozyrev came up with a kind of analogue of a time machine, which was a system of mirrors with a person inside. In his opinion, such a system seems to reflect physical time, as a result of which it begins to go faster for the person inside. The results of the experiment stunned everyone: not only did time speed up, but people also became... different. They began to see something inexplicable and gained the ability to read each other's thoughts. In one of the experiments, subjects were asked to convey information about ancient tablets from Stonehenge to other people. As a result, the subjects were not only able to do this (even though they had not been there before!), but also added some unknown tablets, which would be an impossible task for a person to invent. How is this related to Mount Kailash? Imagine exactly the same system of mirrors, working real miracles, only enlarged several times. It is not surprising that the strangest ideas come to mind here, and some even begin to hear the voices of the dead or see the future.

Not a single person has yet been able to conquer this mountain, although it is not the highest. For some reason, climbers suddenly change their minds about reaching the summit, change routes, and leave. They say that the mountain throws off daredevils who dare to conquer it, and those who touch the mountain sometimes develop permanent ulcers. Perhaps this is connected with another legend, which says that in the caves inside the mountain the best of all mankind are waiting in the wings - Krishna, Buddha, Jesus Christ and other sages sent to the world throughout its existence, so not a single mortal is allowed to see them until until they again reveal themselves to the world, awakening from their age-old sleep... In fact, the famous sarcophagus of Nandu is adjacent to Mount Kailash. It turns out that there are indeed some cavities inside it, just like inside the mountain itself. And after this, how can one not believe in the legends that Kailash is the refuge of the gods?

Mount Kailash is perhaps one of the most little-studied and mysterious places on our planet. This is a place where not only all kinds of secrets and mysteries are concentrated, but also ancient wisdom and amazing energy. Maybe we shouldn't try to solve all the mysteries that are hidden here? We may accidentally destroy something that is beyond our understanding. Who can know where this will lead us?

In 1998-1999, several expeditions to the Himalayas were carried out, organized by the weekly "AiF", the All-Russian Center for Eye and Plastic Surgery of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and CJSC "Oiltrademarket". Their result was somewhat sensational: “living” and “dead” water was found in the mountains and pyramid complexes were discovered. This overview, including mirrors, the city of the gods and the valley of death, is based on several interviews with the expedition leader E.R. MULDASHEV- published in AiF.

Living and dead water.

- So, you knew that there was living water somewhere, and you purposefully looked for it?

- You can say so. Firstly, based on a number of experiments, it turned out that water is capable of transmitting information. Secondly, after we developed “Alloplant”, which is now used as a basis for recreating various parts of the body, a new version about the properties of water has appeared. The fact is that the polysaccharides included in Alloplant (they stimulate the growth of human tissue) work under the influence of the special properties of water, because polysaccharides consist of 99% water.

We were finally convinced of the existence of living and dead water by electron microscopic studies of “water a”. It turned out that water collects around “bad” cells (affected by cancer, various microbes and viruses), activating the “death gene” in them, that is, destroying them. Water collects around “good” (healthy) cells, activating the “life gene”, promoting their better functioning. If this mechanism is disrupted and a sufficient amount of dead water is not produced around the diseased cell, the person becomes ill.

Why did you look for living and dead water in the Himalayas?

In the Himalayas, the phenomenon of Somati was discovered - when yogis enter a state of self-preservation (deep sleep) and then come to life. A member of our expedition, Valentina Yakovleva, suggests that the Somati mechanism is based precisely on the transition of water in the body into a fourth state not yet known to science.

If we accept this version, we can assume that in the body entering the state of Somati, dead water is intensively produced, and it destroys “bad” cells. It also turned out that yogis, in order to make it easier for themselves to enter the state of Somati, find secret lakes high in the mountains and drink water from them.

Yogis are also brought out of the state of Somati with the help of water, which is given to them to drink and rub. This water is also taken from the mountains; it flows straight out of the rocks in the area of ​​those very secret lakes. We assume that this is natural living water.

- Why did the yogis keep the secret of the lakes for centuries, and suddenly they gave it to you?

To obtain such information, we have enlisted the support of the most authoritative people. It also played a role that we honestly admitted: we came for new knowledge, because we consider India, Nepal and Tibet to be the centers of world spiritual science. We have also performed several free eye surgeries in India.

Gradually, step by step, we reached the swami (the highest hierarchy for an ascetic or monk in Hinduism) Shidda-nanda. We were told that he knows where the living and dead water is. This man amazed me. He finished the sentence I started for me. It seemed like he was reading my thoughts.

Shidda-nanda said that he knew three lakes with dead water. He showed us two of them, and we calculated the third ourselves. However, due to the threat of avalanches, we were only able to get to the second lake.

And what did you find there?

The lake is located at an altitude of 5000 meters. In the summer, there are guards on the approaches to it - militant Sikhs. Taking water from the lake is the privilege of yogis and “enlightened” people. But we came in winter, so, having overcome an almost vertical climb of 4000 meters, we not only reached the lake, but were also able to take water samples from various depths. We also found a rock with a “living” waterfall and took samples as well. Our colleague Valery Lobankov, using special equipment, examined the “glow” of these waters; it is obvious that they are completely different

- Do yogis use the same terminology when talking about water as you do?

No. They call dead water “wild” and living water “solid” water. By the way, they said that not all the water in the lake has wonderful properties, but only the deep water. To get it, yogis dive to a depth of 30 meters with a cloth sash in their hands. Deep water is denser, so it can be easily retained in this fabric. They squeeze out the water and drink it to cleanse themselves of negative energies and diseased cells. Then they climb up the rock and drink living water, which, in their opinion, rejuvenates the body.

They are talking about themselves, but have you noticed anything unusual in their condition?

We measured the auras of these yogis (modern technology allows us to do this). The age of the yogis ranged from 63 to 83 years, and the intensity and width of the aura glow was greater than that of young and healthy Russians.

Living and dead water is only available to a select few or can local residents drink it too?

Local residents believe that only high-ranking yogis can use dead water in order to make sure that “their body will be like a dead one, stone-motionless.” They themselves drink mostly living water and are treated with it if they are sick. By the way, this water does not spoil, so it can be stored at home.

The local pharmacist gradually moved away from using medicines in his practice; he believes that water brought from the rocks stimulates the functions of healthy cells in the body and those, in turn, suppress diseased cells. “It was thanks to the use of “solid” water from the rocks that only one case of cancer occurred here in 20 years,” said a local doctor. People, he said, worship this water so much that they believe it is better to be born as a frog on the banks of the Ganges in the Himalayas than to be a king in any other country.

-Have you tried living water yourself?

Certainly. True, we don’t yet know the required dosages, so we drank a little. Aura and well-being have improved significantly.

Pyramids of Tibet.

- Ernst Rifgatovich, what is the main result of the last Tibetan expedition?

We have come to believe that the largest group of pyramids in the world exists in Tibet. The Tibetan group is connected by a strict mathematical pattern with the Egyptian and Mexican pyramids, as well as Easter Island, the ancient monument of Stonehenge and the North Pole.

We were able to count more than 100 pyramids and various monuments, clearly oriented to the cardinal directions and located around the main pyramid with a height of 6714 meters (the sacred Mount Kailash). The huge variety of shapes and sizes of the pyramids was amazing. According to rough estimates, their height from the foot to the top ranged from 100-1800 meters (for comparison, the Cheops pyramid is 146 meters).

Eastern Pyramid complex in the Kailash region

This entire pyramidal complex is very ancient, and therefore largely destroyed. But upon careful examination, it is possible to reveal fairly clear outlines of the pyramids.

Against their background, stone structures with concave or flat surfaces, which we called “mirrors,” especially stand out. Their role, as it turned out during the processing of scientific material, is extremely interesting. We also discovered rock formations, very similar to huge statues of people.

Thus, we have a well-founded impression that in Tibet there is a complex of ancient monuments, consisting mainly of pyramids.

- Don’t you think that you could confuse the Tibetan mountains, bizarrely changed by time, with the pyramids?

This thought did not leave us until the processing of all photographs, sketches and video materials was completed. To avoid mistakes, we used the method of outlining the mountains. To do this, we entered images of pyramids and mountains into the computer, after which we “blindly” outlined their main contours. At the same time, it became clearly visible whether it was a pyramid or a natural mountain.

We are accustomed to associating the concept of "pyramid" with the view Egyptian pyramid Cheops. But, for example, the Mexican pyramids or the lesser-known Egyptian pyramid of Josser have a stepped nature. Here in Tibet we found mostly step pyramids. Moreover, the surrounding natural mountains around have no layered structure, which could cause confusion when identifying the pyramids.

Southern complex of the Pyramids of Kailash

The sketches of the pyramids that I made during the expedition helped a lot. The fact is that a drawing can depict the volume of a pyramidal structure, which is difficult to achieve when photographing or video filming. In order to examine each pyramid in more detail, it was necessary to constantly climb the slope, then move to the next one, then go down, after which a drawing was made. And all this at an altitude of 5000-5600 meters. Many pyramidal formations were combined into complexes. Some pyramids were well preserved, others were badly destroyed. But gradually we understood the fundamental distinctive features of pyramidal structures and began to navigate more easily.

- It must have been very difficult to move along the slopes at such a height?

Yes, sure. Moreover, in the area of ​​the pyramids our appetite disappeared. They ate sugar through force. After leaving the pyramid zone, my appetite was restored.

City of the Gods and Death Valley

From the ancient Tibetan legend (by the way, consistent with the Old Testament) it is clear that in those distant times, when there was no Flood and the North Pole was located in a different place, the “Sons of the Gods” appeared on Earth, who, using the power of the five elements, built a city, had a huge impact on earthly life.

We followed in the footsteps of this legend, collecting information bit by bit and trying to localize the location of the hypothetical “City of the Gods.” In Eastern religions and in Helena Blavatsky, we found references to the fact that before the Flood, the North Pole was located in the region of Tibet and the Himalayas, and also that the North Pole was considered the abode of the “Sons of the Gods.”

When, on a Himalayan expedition in 1998, an Indian monk showed us photographs sacred mountain Kailash, located in Tibet, I exclaimed: “This is not a mountain, this is a huge pyramid!” The resemblance was so striking. We assumed that the legendary “City of the Gods” is located in the area of ​​Mount Kailash. Moreover, Nepalese and Tibetan lamas told us that in this area there is an area of ​​action of the so-called tantric forces. And access to this zone is allowed only to “initiated” people. The so-called Death Valley is also located here.

-Have you been to Death Valley?

Yes. We passed it. But we did not deviate a single step from the path that the lamas showed us.

"Death Valley", located at an altitude of 5680 m and located north of Mount Kailash. Yogis come to this valley to die. One of the entrances to Death Valley is located in the area small mountain northwest of Kailash. This mountain has a very ominous glory. It is with her that they associate ancient name Tibet - Titapuri, which translated from Tibetan means “abode of the hungry devil.” They say that staying in the “Valley of Death” is truly deadly - under the influence of subtle energy, the so-called death gene can be activated in the body.

There are no white spots left on Earth. Probably, people have already visited the area of ​​Tibet where you were. Why has no one seen the pyramids before you?

Mount Kailash (6714 m) and Little Kailash (Strelka)

The area of ​​the sacred Mount Kailash, despite the remoteness and high altitude conditions, is quite often visited by pilgrims from India, Nepal, Bhutan and even European countries. Some of them get here just to look at the mountain, others try to walk a circle around Kailash, and others - those who are stronger - try to crawl this circle more than 60 km long. Representatives of the Hindu and Buddhist religions have the right to walk the sacred circle in a clockwise direction, representatives oldest religion Bonpo - against. It is believed that a person who has completed a full circle is freed from sins, and if he completes this circle 108 times, he becomes a saint.

Pilgrims have a specific psychology, which is based on deepening into oneself when encountering something sacred. These people, overcoming hardships and difficulties, try to reach holy places so that there, next to the divine, they can voluptuously indulge in meditation. Scientific awareness of reality is alien and unacceptable to them. Moreover, it is Kailash that is considered eastern countries the most sacred place peace. Therefore, one can imagine the state of the pilgrims.

We did not find any information that there were scientific expeditions in this area. Nicholas Roerich sought to reach the region of Mount Kailash, but he failed. By the way, with great difficulty we obtained permission from the Chinese authorities to conduct a scientific expedition.

But even if there were people in this area who were inclined to scientific analysis, the harsh high mountain conditions and dust storms could leave their mark. We previously underwent serious acclimatization in the Himalayas.

And what is written about sacred mountain Kailash in famous Tibetan texts? Were you able to obtain permission to study them?

- With great difficulty, we were still allowed to study some of them. They say that Mount Kailash and the surrounding mountains were built using the power of the five elements. The Bonpo Lama we met explained that the power of the five elements (air, water, wind, fire) must be understood as psychic energy.

It is known that those people who climbed to the top of the Cheops pyramid experienced strange sensations comparable to a deep psychological trance. At the same time, flat, as if cut off tops Mexican pyramids visited by many people, and nothing happens to them. Have you tried to climb to the top of at least one of the Tibetan pyramids?

The Tibetan lamas strongly recommended that we not deviate from the path along the sacred circle, explaining that beyond the path we find ourselves in the zone of action of tantric forces. To be honest, we periodically walked away from the path, up and down, sketching the pyramids. And we were even at the foot of two of them, but in principle we fulfilled the lamas’ behest. We did not climb to the top of the pyramids.

In addition, we have information about the strange death of four climbers who climbed one of the mountains in the Kailash region. All of them died from various diseases (while quickly aging) within 1-2 years after the ascent.

Now, after the passage of time, we are glad that we did not disobey the lamas. After processing all the material, we realized that the Tibetan pyramids are associated with huge stone “mirrors”, the effect of which, in our opinion, extends to changing the characteristics of time.

Stone mirrors

Giant stone mirrors. South side of the House of the Lucky Stone

Ernst Rifgatovich, there are many pyramids in the world. In Egypt, for example, there are 34 pyramids, in Latin America there are 16 of them. And in Tibet, in a relatively small area, you discovered more than 100. How do Tibetan pyramids differ from others?

I was able to visit the Egyptian and Mexican pyramid complexes several times. The Tibetan pyramids, first of all, are incomparably larger (they are simply huge!) and, in our opinion, were built in much more ancient times. But the main difference is that most Tibetan pyramids are associated with concave, semicircular and flat stone structures of various sizes, which we figuratively called “mirrors”. There is no such thing anywhere.

IN Lately Information about the so-called “Kozyrev mirrors” began to appear in the press. Russian scientist Nikolai Kozyrev invented semicircular and other shaped metal “mirrors”, inside of which, according to the results of his research, the passage of time changes. Are there any analogies between the Tibetan “stone mirrors” and the “Kozyrev mirrors”?

In our opinion, there is an analogy. According to Kozyrev, time is energy that can be concentrated (“time is compressed”) or distributed (“time is stretched”). In "Kozyrev's mirrors" the effect of time compression was achieved. Therefore, one can think that the “stone mirrors” of Tibet can compress time. Isn’t this related to the strange death of four climbers, who seemed to have aged within a year - perhaps they fell under the influence of “mirrors”? Is it for this reason that the lamas strongly recommended that we not deviate from the sacred path?!

To this we must add that, according to many scientists, pyramids are capable of concentrating subtle types of energies, and their combination with “mirrors of time” can have a strong influence on the space-time continuum. Expedition member Sergei Seliverstov even called the Kailash complex a “time machine.”

- What are the dimensions of Tibetan “stone mirrors”?

- In most cases they are huge. Take, for example, the “mirror structure” that the lamas call the “House of the Lucky Stone”; the height of its concave “mirror” (photo 1), according to rough estimates, is 800 meters, which is almost 3 times more than a 100-story skyscraper. Adjacent to this “mirror” from the north is a semicircular “mirror” approximately 350 meters high - almost a copy of the “Kozyrev mirrors”. The southern side of the “House of the Lucky Stone” is presented in the form of a huge plane, which is connected at right angles to another huge concave “mirror” about 700 meters high (photo 2).

It is curious that people who have been inside “Kozyrev’s mirrors” report dizziness, fear, see flying saucers, see themselves as children, and so on. And the height of the “Kozyrev mirrors” is only 2-3 meters. It is difficult to imagine what will happen to a person if he is placed in the space of the “stone mirrors” of Tibet. In this regard, it cannot be considered a complete fantasy that these places were intended for transition to parallel worlds, which is now seriously discussed by such prominent scientists as academician V. Koznacheev, professors A. Trofimov, A. Timashev and others.

But the largest mirrors are the western and northern slopes of the main pyramid - Mount Kailash. These slopes have a clear flat-concave shape. The height of these “mirrors” is approximately 1800 meters (7 skyscrapers with 100 floors).

There are also many smaller “stone mirrors” that have a variety of shapes.

Or maybe these “stone mirrors” serve not only as a “time machine”, but also screen the flows of various energies, distributing them?

Mirror structure on top of a hill

Without a doubt, yes. Many pyramidal structures in Tibet have additional flat “stone mirrors”, which, quite possibly, screen the energies “collected” by the pyramid, and combine them with energy flows from other pyramids and “mirrors”. When examining such “mirror-pyramidal” structures, one gets the impression that the flat “mirrors” were made separately and, as it were, attached to the pyramid. But how these huge stone planes were raised remains unclear.

Some mirror designs have a completely unusual shape. Sometimes on the tops of ordinary Tibetan mountains there are free-standing “mirror structures” (photo 3). Apparently, subtle energies are so diverse that a variety of stone structures were used to shield and control them.

Unfortunately, modern science has only just begun to realize the fact of the existence of such energies; there are still no serious instruments for studying them, etc. But those who built the “mirror-pyramid complex of Kailasa” (City of the Gods) knew the laws of subtle energies and time and learned to control them. These energies are apparently “formotropic”, i.e. depend on the shape of the building. That is why stone stones are so diverse

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In 1962, the German magazine "Vegetarian Universe" published a note about the mysterious 716 tablets with writings from Tibet. They were like gramophone discs, 30 cm in diameter and 8 mm thick, with a hole in the center and a double spiral groove. The tablets were carved from granite and contained hieroglyphs on their surface.

This the mystery of Tibet became known as follows. In 1937-1938 in Qinghai province on the border of Tibet and China on the Bayan-Kara-Ula ridge, a group of archaeologists explored a difficult-to-reach area. Suddenly they discovered a rock in which there were blackened niches that turned out to be burial places. Of the many secrets of Tibet, this mystery stands apart. Scientists faced a serious problem when they discovered the remains of buried people whose height did not exceed 130 centimeters. Their bodies had disproportionately large skulls and thin limbs. Archaeologists could not find a single inscription on the walls of the crypts - only a series of drawings reminiscent of constellations, the Sun and the Moon, connected by dotted dots the size of a pea and mysterious stone disks with incomprehensible hieroglyphs.

Initially, it was assumed that these were burials of extinct species of monkeys, and that the disks and drawings belonged to a later culture. But this idea was clearly ridiculous. How did monkeys bury their relatives in strict order? In addition, when the top layer was removed from the disks, it turned out that they contained high percent cobalt and other metals. And when examining the disk on an oscilloscope, a special rhythm of oscillations appeared. This indicated that these disks may have once been “charged” or served as a conductor of electricity. However, the questions did not end there.

In 1962, a partial translation of the hieroglyphs from the granite disks was completed. According to the deciphered hieroglyphs, this amazing secret of Tibet was of extraterrestrial origin, since an alien spaceship crashed in the Bayan-Kara-Ula mountains 12 thousand years ago! Here is an excerpt from the translation: “The Dropa descended to the ground from behind the clouds in their airships. Ten times men, women and children local tribe ahem hid in caves until sunrise. Finally they understood: this time the dropas came in peace.” It follows from the text that humanoids flew to Bayan-Kara-Ula more than once, and their appearance was not always peaceful. However, as one would expect, a refutation of this story soon followed, since the professor who made this discovery allegedly did not exist.

This second life unsolved mystery received in 1974. Austrian journalist Peter Krassa, who was working on historical mysteries related to aliens from outer space, once met engineer Ernst Wegerer, who in 1974 visited China with his wife and saw something resembling granite disks.

The Wegerer couple were passing through one of the oldest cities in China - the city of Xi'an. There is the Banno Museum, built on the site of a village where archaeologists excavated a Stone Age settlement. While looking at the museum's exhibition, the guests from Austria suddenly froze when they saw two disks with holes in the middle in the glass display case. On their surface, in addition to concentric circles, spiral grooves were visible running from the center. When asked if these exhibits could be photographed, the woman, the director of the museum, did not object. However, she responded to the request to tell us about the origin of the disks with some delay. In her opinion, the objects have cult significance and are made of clay, since only ceramic products are exhibited in the museum. But the discs clearly did not resemble ceramics. Wegerer asked permission to hold them in his hands. The discs turned out to be heavy. According to the engineer, the material from which they were made was a stone of a greenish-gray color and had the hardness of granite. The director did not know how these items got into the museum.

In the spring of 1994, Peter Krassa visited China and the Banpo Museum, but he did not find the granite disks photographed twenty years ago by engineer Wegerer. For some reason, the headmistress was recalled from here, and her current fate is unknown. Museum director Professor Wang Zhijun explained that the discs were removed from the exhibition and no one else saw them. When asked where they are now, the professor replied: “The exhibits you are interested in do not exist, and, being recognized as foreign components of the exhibition, they were moved (?).” How can a non-existent exhibit be moved? Someone wanted not to disclose this secret of Tibet.

Naturally, Crassus was not satisfied with such a strange answer, and he continued to ask questions about the Bayan-Khara-Ula disks. Finally, the Chinese led the guests into the service room of the museum and showed them a Chinese textbook on archeology. Flipping through the pages dotted with hieroglyphs, one of the owners of the office showed a drawing. It depicted a disk with holes in the center, from which arched grooves stretch along the edges. This disc was similar to the one shot by Wegerer and completely corresponded to the descriptions of the Bayan-Khara-Ula discs!

Thus, this secret of Tibet was still known to Chinese archaeologists. Local traditions and legends contain references to yellow-skinned dwarfs descending from the heavens and distinguished by their extremely repulsive appearance. According to legend, they were hunted by people similar to the Mongols. They killed many dwarves, but some of them managed to survive. In the English archives there is a mention of Dr. Caryl Robin-Evans, who visited the Bayan-Kara-Ula mountains in 1947. The scientist discovered a tribe there, whose representatives called themselves Dzopa. Representatives of this tribe were no more than 120 cm tall, and practically did not communicate with the outside world. Robin-Evans lived with them for six months. During this time, he learned their language, learned their history and studied their traditions. The most interesting discovery The scientist discovered a legend about the origin of this tribe. Their ancestors flew to Earth from the star Sirius, but were unable to fly back and remained forever in the Bayan-Kara-Ula mountains.

According to the Associated Press, in 1995, on the border with Tibet in Chinese province In Sichuan, a previously unknown tribe of about 120 people was discovered. Their most noticeable feature is their exceptionally small height, not exceeding 115-120 cm. Perhaps these are the descendants of those very “dzopas” associated with the mystery of the granite disks of Tibet - so far unsolved...

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The Invisible City of Kitezh

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Participants in the last scientific expedition in 1999 discovered that if you draw an axis from main mountain Tibet Kailash on the opposite side of the globe, you can go straight to Easter Island, where there are stone statues unknown origin. If we connect this island with the Mexican pyramids with an imaginary line and continue it further, we will run into... exactly Mount Kailash, in Tibet.

And if we connect Mount Kailash with the Egyptian pyramids with such a meridian, then we again go to Easter Island! The distances from the Tibetan pyramids to the Egyptian ones and from Easter Island to the Mexican pyramids are absolutely the same. Today there is no doubt that the world pyramid system was once built by someone to connect our planet with space.

The Tibetan group of pyramids is the greatest Globe. Imagine hundreds of pyramids, which are located evenly, in strict mathematical dependence on the four cardinal directions, near the main pyramid - the sacred Mount Kailash. The height of this mountain is 6714 meters. All other pyramids of Tibet amaze with their diversity and shapes; their height ranges from 100 to 1800 meters. For comparison, the height of the Egyptian pyramid of Cheops is “only” 146 meters.

All the pyramids of the world are similar to each other, but only in Tibet among the pyramids there are interesting stone structures, which are called “mirrors” due to their flat or concave surface. An old Tibetan legend tells that once upon a time the Sons of the Gods descended to Earth from heaven. It was a long time ago. The sons possessed the amazing power of the five elements, with the help of which they built a giant city. It is in it, according to Eastern religions, that the North Pole was located before the Flood. In many eastern countries, Mount Kailash is considered the holiest place on planet Earth.

It and the surrounding mountains were built using the mighty power of the five elements: air, water, earth, wind and fire. In Tibet, this force is considered as the psychic energy of the Universe, as something inaccessible and unattainable for comprehension by the human mind! And here, at an altitude of 5680 meters, there is the famous “Valley of Death”, you can only pass through it along the sacred road. If you go off the road, you will fall into the zone of action of tantric power. And stone mirrors change the course of time so much for those people who got there that in a matter of years they turned into old people.

Stone mirrors

These unique stone structures have either a smooth or concave surface. The greatest mystery for science is the ability of stone mirrors to change time. “Time” is energy that can concentrate and spread. An example of the temporary effect of Tibetan mirrors is the mysterious death of four climbers who, during an expedition, descended from the indicated sacred road, and after returning within one year they grew old and died. Medicine could not determine the cause of their death. All stone mirrors have different shapes and different sizes. One of them, which has a height of 800m, is called “ Stone Palace happiness".

It is believed that it is a place of transition to other parallel worlds. The largest “mirrors” are the flat slopes of the western and northern sides of the main Kailash pyramid; they have a clearly concave shape. The height of each of them is 1800 m. Scientists claim that such huge planes have the ability to transmit energy that accumulates in the pyramids themselves, connecting it with the flows of other energy forces of the Universe. Mysterious builders The creators of the pyramids, without a doubt, knew the laws of subtle energies and knew how to control them. But who was it? There are many hypotheses.

Some people think that the pyramids were built by ordinary people. Others - the pyramids - are the result of interference in earthly affairs by aliens. On some structures there were traces of drawings similar to people’s faces. So, the pyramids could have been built by representatives of a highly developed civilization. The most developed civilization on earth was the Lemurians - a race that owned the energy of the Spirit. But they had big eyes and small noses, and those people in the pictures looked more like our contemporaries.

And on one stone there are four figures carved. Next to them is an oval with two passages, which resembles an Atlantean flying machine. The Atlanteans, as described in Tibetan documents, at a certain point in their existence gained access to the knowledge of the Lemurians, recorded on special gold plates. On one of the Tibetan peaks, as proof of this, a man sits, no, not alive, but a stone one.

Such a monument, as tall as a 16-story building. A man sits in Buddha pose, holding a large plate on his knees. His head is lowered down, as if she is reading. It is turned to the southeast, to where in the territory Pacific Ocean Once upon a time there was a legendary Lemuria. This monument is a symbol of the transfer of Lemurian knowledge to the Atlanteans.

But today no one can get to the reading figure, because it “sits” in the coverage area of ​​one of the Tibetan “mirrors”. Probably, the people of our civilization need to have a lot of patience and a large supply of spiritual purity in order to get to that secret knowledge that, perhaps, will change our entire future life for the better.

There are many fictitious stories known about Tibet. They talk about the lost lands located in it, such as Shangri-La, about Tibetan monks - lamas endowed with supernatural abilities. But the truth about Tibet turns out to be far more wonderful than fiction.

According to a long-standing Buddhist legend, somewhere in the center of the high-mountainous Tibetan kingdom there is a real Shangri-La - a world filled with sacred tranquility, called Shambhala. This is a blooming fertile valley, which is separated from us by mountains crowned with snow. Shambhala is a repository of esoteric knowledge, which is many times older than all existing civilizations. It was here that Buddha comprehended ancient wisdom.

Fenugreek inhabited by a race of enlightened supermen and hidden from the view of most mortals. You cannot see it even if you fly over it in an airplane; but the Potala, the palace of the Dalai Lama, is connected to the wonderful valley of secret underground passages.

However, some researchers - following some eastern myths - believe that Shambhala is not located in the center of T Ibeta, and behind him. Thai mythology, for example, calls this mysterious country Te-bu and places it somewhere between Tibet and Sichuan. Historian Geoffrey Ash, after studying Central Asian and Greek texts, stated that Shamba-la is located much further north, in the distant Altai Mountains separating southern Russia and northwestern Mongolia.

To Madame Helena Blavatsky, the founder of the Theosophical Society, the Gobi Desert in the south of Mongolia seems most likely, and the Hungarian philologist Koshma de Keres prefers to look for Shambhala in the west, in Kazakhstan, in the Syr Darya region.

Some experts on the problem argue that Shambhala does not have a physical embodiment on earth, that it belongs to another dimension or a higher level of consciousness, so that it cannot be comprehended by the senses, but only by the mind and spirit.

Related to the legends about Shambhala is the myth about the vast underground world Agharti, connected by underground passages to all continents and supposedly located near Tibet or somewhere else in Asia. Alec McLellan in his work “The Lost World of Agharti” retells the claims according to which Agharti is the abode of an ancient “super race” that hides from the world earth's surface, but tries to control it with the help of a mysterious and unusually powerful force called the “vril power.”

The author took a lot from the strange book of the English occultist Edward Balver-Lytton, “The Coming Race,” published in 1871, about which it is still debated whether it is pure fiction or a story based on facts. But who most believed the story about a mysterious underground people endowed with mysterious powers was Adolf Hitler. As McLellan writes, Hitler was obsessed with the idea of ​​mastering the secret power of the Aghartians, which, he had no doubt, would ensure the success of his grandiose plans for world domination and the establishment of the Thousand-Year Reich. “The Vril Society” was the name of the main society of occultists in Nazi Germany, and Hitler equipped several scientific expeditions to search for the underground country, which, however, did not find anything.

They also say that Buddhist monks from Tibet, capable of superhuman achievements that Western science cannot yet explain, could not do without the help of mysterious forces. One of their most amazing talents is tumo: they are able to raise their own body temperature to such degrees that they can spend an entire winter in an open cave covered with snow, wearing only their thin monastic robe or even naked.

One aspect of Tibetan Buddhism is the belief that the human soul undergoes several reincarnations before its final liberation. This is what is depicted on the tank or “Wheel of Life” held by the demon-tempter Mara.

The skill of tumo is achieved through persistent yoga training, and the exam determining whether a monk has mastered this esoteric skill to a sufficient extent is more than convincing. The “student” must sit naked on the ice all night mountain lake, but that’s not all: he must also, using his body temperature alone, dry a shirt that is immersed in the ice hole. As soon as the shirt dries, it is again immersed in ice water and put it on the subject - and so on until dawn breaks.

In 1981, Dr. Herbert Benson of Harvard Medical School attached special thermometers to the bodies of Tibetan monks undergoing testing and found that some of them could raise the temperature of their toes and hands to 8 degrees C, and the results on other parts of the body were lower. He concluded that this skill involved the dilation of blood vessels in the skin, a reaction opposite to the body's normal response to cold.

Dalai Lama. They say that secret underground passages connect his Potala palace with the magical land of Shambhala.

No less amazing is another ability of the monks - lung-gom, a method of training, as a result of which lamas can develop unimaginable speed while running in the snow. Obviously, this occurs through reduction of body weight and intense, prolonged concentration. Western researchers cite astonishing figures: up to 19 kilometers in 20 minutes. In the book “Mystics and Magicians of Tibet,” researcher Alexandra David-Neal, who studied in Tibet for 14 years, says that once she saw such a runner, she wanted to question him and photograph him. Accompanying her local I strictly forbade her to do this. According to him, any intervention can abruptly bring the llama out of a state of deep concentration and thereby kill him on the spot.

And finally, the last secret of Tibet is set out in another very strange book - “Sun Gods in Exile”. It states that the Tibetan people, called "Zopa", are in fact physically degenerate descendants of aliens from the Sirius star system; their spaceship crashed in Tibet in 1017 BC, and they gradually mixed with local population. A strange metal disk was found among the Dzopa people, now known as the “Lol-ladoff” disk and covered with writings that cannot be deciphered. By order, it can become lighter or heavier. The book is believed to have been written by the strange Oxford scholar Caryl Robin-Evans, who was in Tibet in 1947 and died in 1974, and edited by David Egamon. Some researchers have recognized this book as reliable, others are much more skeptical. At the very least, the ideas in this book lead too far away from the land of Shangri-La