Interesting facts about Bali. Bali: Interesting Facts Interesting Facts about Bali Island

Paradise Island Bali is very popular with tourists, thirsty exotic holiday In hot tropics. And it is not surprising - there are few where you can see such wonders of nature, while not overpaying for vacation of huge money. Of course, Balinese hotels are not too cheaply, but in any case you can relax here much cheaper than, for example, in Maldives or in Canaries. Yes, and see here definitely have something.

  1. Contrary to common among russian tourists Pronunciation, emphasis in the word "Bali" is placed on the first syllable, and not the last.
  2. The population of Moscow is three times in terms of the population of Bali.
  3. Even in the rainy rain season there is no. The rains are usually short, and go almost always only at night.
  4. More than 80% of Balinese profess their own religion based on Hinduism, despite the fact that Indonesia, which is owned by the Islestation - Muslim state (see).
  5. Shamans U. local population Enjoy a great authority than doctors. That is why there are few pharmacies and hospitals - due to lack of clientele.
  6. There are no wallpapers in Bali houses. The walls are just painting, and even without plaster. And the windows are very small, and are often located under the most ceiling.
  7. Cutlery Here, too, not in honor - Balinese usually eat hands.
  8. The religious ceremony in his native village on Bali is a significant reason to not go to work.
  9. Increased voice to Bali is categorically not accepted. Who screams - that a priori is wrong. Like in Thailand (see).
  10. Public transport The island is developed extremely bad. The best way Movement for a tourist who does not want to overpay for a taxi - rent a motorbike. If, of course, he knows how to drive him and is not afraid of a chaotic local movement on the roads.
  11. For Bali more than 20 thousand temples, including many "home". Official temples here are just over 6 thousand.
  12. The word "Bali" translated from Sanskrit means "hero".
  13. The traditional Balinese villages still have a ban on the search for a spouse or spouse from another village. You can only from yours.
  14. Here in the go, the custom system, as in India, however, is not so tough (see).
  15. Not a single important effect on Bali is made without rituals associated with him. They are more here than in any other country of the world.
  16. On the island many volcanoes. For obvious reasons, in perspective, it is rather dangerous.
  17. In Bali language there are three different levels, and the desired is determined, based on who you are talking to. An error may be regarded as an insult.
  18. Huge popularity of Bali, as in the Philippines, enjoy the roasting battles (see).
  19. The Bible was first translated into Balinese in 1990.
  20. On Bali there are practically no buildings above two floors.
  21. Died here cremat, and do not bury, as in most other countries.
  22. Balinese enjoy three calendars at once. Gigorian usual us is needed mainly to communicate with tourists.
  23. In local cigarettes, tobacco is sometimes mixed with carnation.
  24. At the beginning of the 20th century, the women on Bali went topless, but with the arrival of Europeans it began to be considered indecent.
  25. Men became "working force" here only a few decades ago. Prior to that, all the main works, including heavy, on Bali were produced by women. And now it is noticeable that they work mostly women, while men sit in front of the TV or relax in the shade of palm trees.
  26. In 1906, the Dutch fleet occupied the island. The royal family, as well as representatives of many local noble families, preferred suicide.
  27. White, black, red and yellow colors on Bali are considered sacred.
  28. The name of the Balinese speak directly about his belonging to a particular caste. Shudr, work caste, which is about 80% of Bali's population, there is no difference between women's or male names.

The small island of Bali, which is part of Indonesia, is perfectly known worldwide as a first-class resort. Every year, millions of tourists are visited, and seek to return to positive emotions in the future. The island is striking with its excellent nature, beautiful beaches and numerous entertainment.

What interesting lies in this island?
In the local language his name is Pulau Kahyangan, which is translated as the island of the gods.

Each Balian at the same time exists in a pair of worlds. SEKALA is a visible environment around a person. The invisible world of Niskala - you can feel only during the commission of national rites that have a centuries-old history.

It is no time to work on the island, since annually there are 230 days a week.

The religion of the locals is called "Agama Hinda Dharma" and is an amazing mixture of Buddhist and Hindu beliefs, funny with the pagan views about the world and faith in a variety of perfume.

The laws of Bali allowed polygamy, while the maximum number of wives is limited to four. It is curious that a man can re-marry can only after receiving the written permission of the first of his wives.

One of the local traditions implies tooth feeding. Make it with young people who have reached 16-18 years. It is believed that such a procedure allows you to calm the six main spiritual sins in a person (lust, greed and so on). By the way, if you are interested in this and other traditions on Bali, the company conducts excursions on the island with a Russian-speaking guide, as well as organizes wedding ceremonies. Wedding ceremonies from - will be an unforgettable moment in your life together. Believe it is worth it.

The house of Balinese is a full-fledged living being. The role of the head plays the temple, necessarily unfolded in the direction of the Agung volcano. At the place of the hands there are accommodation, and the kitchen and household buildings are located instead of legs.

There are three calendar at once on Bali. The first - accepted worldwide and used in everyday life. The second is called Pavon and is a calendar of the Javanese-Balinese peoples. The third is called Saka and is common to all Hindus.

If you proceed from the Saka calendar from the calendar, today Bali Island lives in 1936.

For any Balinese, the right hand is sacred. Only she can transmit any things to each other.

Language features of the island provide division into three castes, the indication of which is necessarily when contacting a person.

Vulcan Gunung-Agung - the highest point Bali, his peak is at the level of 3142 meters. The foot is located Pura Besakikh, most revered among the local residents of the temple.

Rice is the most common product on the island. Residents consider his food gods, so you can meet the dishes from it at any celebration.

From the entertainment do not have equal in popularity of the roasting battles. For fighting birds care as our own children.

Curiously, but when divorced, children stay with her father, and a woman picks up with them only things that she had before marriage.

Pain can be characterized in different ways. She whines, rolling, permeates, presses, cuts, drill, drives crazy. But at the same time without pain there is no life. Remember the old anecdote: if you woke up in the morning, and you do not hurt anything, it means you died.

Below are the most interesting Facts About pain:

1. The figures were calculated that every day every Homo Sapiens experience more than one hundred pain attacks, just consciousness fixes not all of them. In our brain, there is a so-called "center of pain", which controls pain impulses and discarding the weakest. It is called this plot of insuls, and it is deep between the brain hemispheres. Sometimes the "Center of Pain" gives a failure, and then a person can experience asymptomatic pain all the time. The variety of this problem is called fibromyalgia, or "bats".

2. on globe Approximately 500 people live, which never experience pain. But do not hurry to envy them. No pain is a rare disease called Siringomyelia. This disease can be inherited or arose due to severe cerebral injury. At the same time, a person does not have the sensitivity of nerve endings. Usually these people rarely live up to 40 years. After all, the absence of pain does not mean the absence of injuries. Just imagine how many these people are damaged, without feeling it. Infectedness to pain makes their body much less protected.

3. Despite the fact that the brain takes signals about pain from all parts of our body, this is the only body that is not able to feel it, since completely deprived of the nerve painful receptors.

4. Psychoic pain is a symptom of depression. For example, it seems to be a person that his heart is hurting, then the head, then the stomach, and during the examination he does not find any diseases. 68% of people suffering from psychogenic pains begin to experience pain for the middle or by the end of the working day, and 19% from early morning. Moreover, no analgesics help them to get rid of pain. But the lattice and Validol are perfectly coping with this task.

5. Women have a higher pain threshold than men. This is due to the fact that estrogens are female sex hormones, possess a natural analgesic effect. In men, the hormone of stress is responsible for the suppression of pain - adrenaline. That is why the man is able to receive, for example, in a fight, mortal injury, but at the same time continue to fight. However, in a peaceful life, it can dump an innocent collapse from the feet.

6. Our body has "painful memory". This is evidenced by phantom pain. When a person deprives legs or hands, the brain on the subconscious level refuses to perceive it and is looking for a lost limb, irritating it with the help of already non-existent nerve endings.

7. It turns out that you can feel someone else's pain. True, this does not guarantee that you can relieve it. For example, you can feel the same pain that another person feels, however, in a mirror reflection. This is due to the fact that the "Pain Center" processes the visual signal and projects it to your body. This is called the phenomenon of empathy, and only people can test it.

8. Burning pepper can help get rid of pain. Scientists found in it a substance of capsiacin, which is a blocker of pain impulses. Also, capsiacin is contained in mustard and hell. Doctors recommend eating these products to people with chronic pain syndromes (arthrosis and neuralgia). Recently, scientists are actively working on the creation of an anesthetic with capsiacin molecules.

9. There are a number of products annoying nervous endings. For example, Parmesan cheese, vinegar, smoked meat, chocolate and products containing sodium glutamate (sausages, canned food, soluble soups) are capable of causing bouts of headaches.

10. Get rid of chronic pain help precious stones. There is even a technique called lithotherapy (from Latin Litas - stone). Of course, psychotherapy plays here a far from a latter role. Nevertheless, Topaz and Malachite help to get rid of pain in the kidneys and joints, sapphire and amber - from headache, emerald - from pain in the heart, and making a fadel syndrome will help the decoration with amethyst.

Finally, there was a time to finish the article I started writing, still in Indonesia. As a result, it turned out a whole list of 25 interesting facts, observations and advice that I collected for six months of life in this wonderful country. This article will be especially useful for those who are going on a journey to Bali or other Islands of Indonesia. Enjoy!

  1. Indonesia is the largest island and densely populated state in the world. The whole country consists of 17,800 islands.
  2. The main religion of Indonesia is Islam, 86% of the population is adhered. 9% - Christians, 3% - Hindus and the remaining 2% - Buddhists and others. But on Bali a completely different picture. Nearly 90% of the local population island.
  3. Good can be rented in just 500,000 rupees per month ($ 52) or for 35,000 rupees per day (3.6 $).
  4. In Indonesia, very cheap fuel - the price of one liter of gasoline costs 4.500 rupees (0.46 $).
  5. Volcano Agung (3142 meters) on Bali is considered the most sacred place on the island. In his direction all the temples of the island and all the Balians try to sleep heads towards this volcano.
  6. The most reliable and cheap telephone in Indonesia - Telkomsel Simpati.
  7. Almost all major cities Indonesia can easily find free housing through and thereby get acquainted with local youth.
  8. In almost all local eaters (Varunga), you can eat tightly for 15.000 rupees (1.5 $).
  9. On the main island of Java local residents You will constantly ask you to take a picture with them. "Hello Mister, CAN I Take Picture with You?" - Standard phrase. By the way, even if you are a girl, you will still be called "Mr.".
  10. Prices for food and housing on the main island of Java sometimes two or three times cheaper than Bali.
  11. In the markets and in stores where there are no price tags, you can safely bargain and throw off the stated price of two or three times.
  12. In the jungle on Bali you can meet wild monkeys.
  13. At Bali Ubud - the city of Yogov, Kuta - the city of Tusovers.
  14. In the first place among tourists to Bali - Australians, on the second, the Japanese and the third are the Chinese.
  15. Parking scooter or car near tourist places And large stores are usually worth 1,000-2,000 rupees.
  16. The maximum bribe, which is worth paying a policeman for riding a scooter without a helmet and right - 50.000 rupees. No longer let's, even if you are frightened by a big fine and police station.
  17. Each second Balinese is Vyan (regardless of the floor).
  18. On the island of Komodo, Varana live - they are dinosaurs or dragons.
  19. The maximum amount that can be removed from an ATM in Indonesia - 3.000.000 rupees ($ 312).
  20. Indonesia used to be a Dutch colony and it greatly affects the architecture of many cities.
  21. In Indonesia left-sided road traffic, as in Thailand.
  22. The maximum period of stay in Indonesia without exit - 6 months (this requires a social visa). After this period, you need to go to the neighboring country, make a new visa and re-enter Indonesia.
  23. Balinese celebrate New Year Very unusual way - in full silence. Within 24 hours, no one comes out of the house. All restaurants, offices, schools and shops are closed.
  24. Prices for housing for Bali in budget guesthouses - from 100.000 ($ 10) to 200,000 rupees ($ 20), with a long time lease (week, month) - cheaper. We, for example, rented the whole for only $ 450 per month.
  25. In Indonesia, full of tropical fruits: snake fruit, pineapples, strawberries, apples, bananas of various varieties, tangerines, papaya, mangostes, rambutans, wood apple, Durian, Maracuy,. All this can be found almost on any fruit market.

Bali Island is a surfing and diving, religious, ecological and beach tourism. Bali is one of the most popular tourist destinations All over the world, but despite this, a lot of the lives of the local population is not known to the masses. Interesting facts about Bali will help you open and learn something new and even useful. Bali is part of the Islamic state of Indonesia. Bali on the world map is here.

Bali is Island of the Gods With a very diverse landscape: hills and mountains, beautiful coast and sand beaches, lush rice terraces and naked volcanic slopes.Surfing and diving, unique kitchen, a large number of Cultural, historical and archaeological attractions - Bali have something to offer the tourist market, and the market is a very offer very much.Bali Island boasts a large number of places interesting from a tourist point of view. You are waiting for a variety of excursions: review and thematic, exciting walks, tours on a yacht, and even culinary courses. Topical prices for excursions to Bali, as well as a list of private Russian-speaking guides, can be found on the site of a special project for tourists "Experts." -

  • It is believed that the very first settlers on Bali emigrated from China in 2500 BC.
  • It is noteworthy that in Indonesia, more than 88% of the population profess in Indonesia, while on the part of this state, Bali island - 83.5% of the population professes a special kind of Hinduism. That is why pork dishes can only be enjoyed on Bali, do not eat pork on Indonesia, since this food is prohibited in Islam.
  • Subak is irrigation systemrice fields Bali, was developed more than 1000 years ago. It is considered an objectUNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • Bali is only one of the more than 17,000 islands that make up Indonesia.
  • One of the most expensive varieties of coffee - Kopi Luwak is made on Bali.
  • Balinese believe that a newborn child is the reincarnation of one of the family ancestors, and therefore the child cannot touch the Earth to 3 months.
  • Child, regardless of its gender, is usually assigned one of these four names: Wayan, Made, Nyoman or Ketut. This can be translated as: Born first, Born the second, and so on. If you have more than four children, you just start moving away from Wayan. Descriptive nicknames help to avoid confusion. This rule is true for the lowest caste. Yes, there are 4 castes on Bali, like those in India.
  • Bali was the owner of the competitionMiss World 2013. . It was the first time when an international beauty contest took place in Indonesia.
  • The climate on the island is tropical, and is divided into two seasons.The dry season lasts from April to October, and the rainy season from October to April. Better time To visit, the dry season is considered, it is more crowded. For inspiration and peace, many are in the rainy season, when the tourist stream is insignificant.
  • Balinese menu make up: white rice, pork, spicy vegetables and exotic fruits.
  • One of the most sacred temples on Bali - Pura Ulu Watu, R possed high in the rocks on the southwestern tip of the island.
  • Seminyak - center of luxurious life on Bali. Hereyou will find boutiques, restaurants, cafes and fashion shows.
  • Ubud is the art heart of Bali, the center of spiritual life.The streets are filled with gallery, where artists of different generations make their work. There is an indescribable viewon rice terraces. Thisthe green landscape is often chosen as a better place for yoga and meditation.