Hell on the Paradise Islands: How the strongest eruption of the volcano changes Hawaii. "To say that the country is beggar - not to say anything"

Exactly 40 years ago, March 27, 1977, at the Los Rodeos airport in the Spanish resort island of Tenerife, the largest catastrophe in the history of world aviation occurred. Due to the collision of two Boeing 747 airliners who belonged to the Dutch airline KLM and American Pan American, both aircraft burned down, while 583 people were killed out of 644 ones on their sides.

To such a terrible tragedy, mutual misunderstanding of the crews of both aircraft and air traffic police, imposed on difficult weather conditions. It all started with the fact that Boeing KLM took the starting position at the end of the take-off band, and the American Boeing moved from the opposite to him, who received a disposal in about the middle of the way to turn on the side taxiway number 3. However, the crew commander did not understand the dispatcher who spoke with a strong Spanish accent, and decided that he had to turn to the next track number 4, located much further. Instead of recriting, he continued movement in a straight line.

Meanwhile, the commander of the Dutch crew requested the permission to take off. The dispatcher in response gave instructions for a set of height and subsequent an air corridor. The pilots took it as a team to take off. The commander answered the manager "We're At Take Off". The Spaniard thought that this phrase means "We - on the starting position" and answered "OK". However, the pilot meant "we take off!", And "OK" he obviously understood as a confirmation. Deciding that the American "has already freed the band, the crew transferred the engines to the floors, released the brakes and put forward the flap. A huge machine started overclocking. Rolling directly on her American "Boeing" Pilots have not seen, because a thick fog was standing over the airfield.

The crews of airliners noticed each other only when the calcination between them was reduced to 700 meters. At this point, it was too late to interrupt the run. The American pilot sharply turned to the left to move from the concrete, and the Dutch - he tried to "undermine" the car and jump through the obstacle, who crawled the steering wheel on himself. But the speed was still insufficient.

"Boeing" KLM only "bounced" by one and a half dozen meters up, rushing on the fuselage of Pan American liner with engines and released chassis engines, and the head of the left console - cutting off his keel. From the blow, the engines caught fire and the flame instantly shutdled to the fuel tanks filled "under the string". Flying a hundred meters of meters, burning "Boeing" handed over to the strip in terms of the strip, demolished the chassis and "put up" on the belly another 300 meters, turning into a huge bonfire. Of the 234 passengers and 14 crew members, no one survived, all burned alive.

Protaranny American "Boeing" retired Burning kerosene and he also flared. 326 passengers and nine crew members died when they hit or burned, failing to get out of the fuselage fuselage, but 61 people who got places in the nose salon, they were still able to escape while jumping through the front doors and emergency hatches.

The investigation laid the main guilt for the crew of the Dutch "Boeing" who had fallen in full at full speed, obliging KLM airline to pay compensation to the families of all victims of the aircraft crash.

The tragedies of this scale no longer happened in the airports or in the air, since the probability of simultaneous death of two superliner overwhelmed passengers is extremely low. However, collisions and drops of aircraft have repeatedly happened in the future. Of course, it is not this reason to give up flights, just need to remember that you will not leave fate, but there are no completely safe types of transport.

"Boeing 747" Airlines KLM, who died 27.03.77 at El Rheleos airport when a collision with a single-type American machine.

The remains of the burnt American "Boeing".

Coffins with bodies of dead passengers and crew members.

American film actress and fashion model Yves Meyer is one of the victims of a plane crash in Tenerife.

1946. Hawaiian Islands. On April 1, at the bottom of the so-called Aleutian alady in Pacific, a giant earthquake occurred, which threatened the monster. The very deadly waves, which, broke into the paradise beaches of Hawaii, rushed further, rapidly washing, as the newspapers wrote, the fire ring of hell.

British seismologist Wood Gatri, who studied tidal anomalies on the deserted sandy sandy fellows and miraculously saved, thanks to the powerful Motor of the Jeep-Westess, a year later noted: "In the sand of the beach, a rafts were formed. Part of the equipment unfolded by me in removal from the tide was like a vacuum cleaner, absorbed and lost irretrievably. Waters, similar to the needles of the dickery, were noticed by me from published. Realizing that the delay of death is like, I jumped into a jeep and five minutes later was on top of the nearest hill. From there, I watched as yellow-green waves, with red, penetrated by sunlight crests, drove ashore and, suspended, slightly fallen. I was sure that their heights are enough to cover the hill, where I was covered under the thin iron of the car.

I was lucky. The rounding of the most powerful shaft, like a bucket, dreamed the deepest pit for ten meters from me. The Savior Hill was cut off the northern side as a razor. And in the pit it was a small boat of coast guard. When the waves rumbled in my rear, I am happy to be mixed with horror, I saw that five sailors were pale, but entirely, perepping, chosen on the deck of their sudine. "

The duty meteorologist of the town of Hilouge Angela Veil shared observations no less amazing: "Already at night we were informed that the focus of the earthquake, fraught with tsunami in our region, is at a distance of three thousand seven hundred kilometers. At seven o'clock in the morning, we are not without inner trembling watched as a fifteen meter wave of dirty, mixed with bottom algae water, covered the nearest bungalows. Waves with the frequency of the swinging pendulum retreated and occurred. And then we saw corpses that are fascinated by them. Almost no one saved. Died, did not have time to wake up from sleep. Those who scored on palm trees also waited for an unenviable fate. They died from electric shock when the power lines were collapsed. We were saved, because on time it climbed onto the tower, where appliances are installed for measuring wind speed, air conductor, launch of meteosonds.

The ocean swore a few more days. Russed strange. In some places, his surface got up, almost on the edge. Water rustled, like crumpled newspaper paper, and twilight shone brightly, as if, in the depths, someone rotated fiery wheels. With the sunlight on a small distance from the coast, a coal-black, pop-up ripples was viewed, occasionally serving drums, crowned with thick yellow foam.

However, these natural anomalies were interested in only scientists who arrived from all over America from Canada, Mexico. A multi-volume squad of volunteers armed with a variety of technical means was completely different. Restore the energy and water supply systems, built a new housing, conducted work on landscaping.

In order to no longer happen again, the latest stations of early and current alerts were commissioned. "The equipment is insanely expensive, and, perhaps, will be able to tell when the legs should be damaged," the chief specialist of the Crocus electronic company "Crocus" engaged in the testing of Hans Stadlt grimly. The equipment, fortunately, did not give the alarms. But it may be possible at any time. Nowadays, tied with the artificial satellites of the Earth into the system of global seismic monitoring, it hears and sees very well. Despite this, the paradise of the Hawaiian Islands can easily become hell.

The highest is declared - red - the level of anxiety, write vesti.ru. The US Geological Service warns that the activity of the volcano may increase at any time. This is fraught with new hens and lava emissions, explosions near the crater and the formation of volcanic cracks.

There are already 19 volcanic cracks on the island. To the edge of the ocean at a speed of 20 kilometers per hour the narrow stream of lava flows. On Saturday, on May 12, three new deep cracks opened near the crater, the height of the rags of frozen lava reaches the height of the four-storey house. The eruption is accompanied by emissions of poisonous gases.

Pune County, next to which the volcano is located, declared a disaster zone, 2,000 people were evacuated from there, the team was also given a team about the start of the complete evacuation of the Eastern coast of the biggest Hawaiian Island. Large plants started draining flammable liquids for security purposes.

Donald Trump made a statement in which he warned about a possible national danger, since neighboring islands also began to be covered by a network of cracks from which Magma is eructed.

Hawaii are located in the so-called Pacific Fire Ring: Another 12 volcanoes are connected with Kilauea, which can start erupting. One of these volcanoes in the chain is Saint Helens, which is located in the American state of Washington. On May 18, 1980, dozens of people became his victims.

Once, my friend who visited several dozen countries, convinced me:

- You know, each country has its own highlight. Even in the most backward countries, people rejoice in life, having fun, hope for the best ...

- And even in Haiti? - I asked.

The interlocutor stuck, and then cut off:

- Not. Haiti is full ...

"To say that the country is beggar - not to say anything"

The last word, unfortunately, will not miss censorship. But it appears in the story of Haitis absolutely from all travelers.

In 2014, the famous Russian blogger Ilya Varlamovwho visited this country wrote like this: "How to cook Haiti? Recipe. We take the basis of the Somali destroy from Mogadishu and mix it with Kabul mud. Add a pinch of the Indian Smrade, two handfuls of Congolese wildness from Kinshasa, a little anger from Côte d'Ivoire. Now add Nigerian traffic jams. We decorate the dish with painted buses from Pakistan, a couple of droplets of Russian corruption ... now we put on a slow fire and water the sauce of endless natural disasters, hunger and government coups. Mm-Mmm! You see? We get Haiti! "

If you take a geographical reference book of thirty years ago and what they write about Haiti today, then and there, and there will be said: "Haiti is one of the poorest countries of the world." The poverty of Haiti is not an economic crisis, this is a state in which many generations of people in this country live stably.

Journalist "Arguments and Facts" Georgy Zotovwho had dubious pleasure to visit Haiti, on his page in Facebook writes: "In 2008, I entered the whole white man's burden. Well, to say that the country is beggar - not to say anything. It's just (the very word that cannot be placed in the material - approx. Ayf.ru). Whoever says that Cuba suffers under the Communists, I recommend going to the port-O-Prince, in order to see how people are flourishing. You go to the hotel's balcony with a cocktail, and you see, as below, people in the landfills are growing and for smashes fight, and in the next park, the crowds of homeless on the grass are sleeping. The beauty is omnimacy, in general: no wonder the republic is considered a large friend of the United States. "

Christophore, who called you here?

The island of Haiti is the second largest from the group of large Antille Islands in West Indies, in the Caribbean Sea. The luxurious climate and the picturesque nature of the island were the first to appreciate its indigenous inhabitants, the Indians.

Following them, Haiti liked the navigator named Christopher Columbus, Which on December 6, 1492, pierced to the shores of the island and narently his "Espanyola". The first Spanish Colony of La Navidad was created on Haiti.

The arrived Spaniards dreamed of inconspicuous treasures, and local "savages" perceived at best as servants. When the Indians tried to resist, their methodical extermination began. Murders, the slave exploitation of captured, and most importantly, the diseases made from Europe did their job - the indigenous inhabitants of Haiti simply disappeared.

In addition to Spain, colonizers from other countries claimed in the island. Most succeeded by the French, who entrenched in the west of the island. Under the contract of 1697, Spain gave way to France by the Western third of the island, where the French colony of San Domingo was created.

Christopher Columbus landed on the island of Espanyola, 1492. Source: Public Domain

"Pearl", created later and blood

By the middle of the XVIII century, Saint-Domingo became the most prosperous overseas ownership of France, the "pearl of the Antille Islands". The flourishing of the colony was associated with sugar cane plantations, in which, by the time of the beginning of the Great French Revolution, 1789 provided production of 86 thousand tons per year. Colonial goods from Saint-Domingo amounted to a third of French exports.

The work on sugar cane plantations was incredibly heavy, and, as you can guess, the French colonialists did not burn with the desire to do. The "economic miracle" of Saint-Domingo was based on the operation of black slaves, which began to deliver to Haiti after the extermination of the Indians. By the end of the XVIII century, a third of the entire transatlantic trade in slaves was associated with Saint-Domingo.

By 1789, the population was divided into three groups: 36 thousand whites, 28 thousand free mulatto and about 500 thousand black slaves.

Under the influence of the revolution in France, Moutients began to demand an equation in rights with white, which resulted in an armed uprising. Black slaves joined him, although Mulati did not speak for the abolition of slavery.

The confrontation stretched for 14 years ended in 1804 by the victory of the rebels and the creation of a new state that received the old Indian name "Haiti."

We found freedom! It's time to cut all white

The first republic in the world of the former slaves who dropped their chains - sounds beautiful and romantic. But in practice, everything was not so rosy. The winners began with the fact that they learned the mass massage of the White Population - those who did not have time to escape and did not die before. Since the beginning of February to April 22, 1804, about 5,000 men, women and children were exterminated.

The massacre of 1804 for a long time spoiled the reputation of Haiti and complicated the international situation of the Young Republic - most countries did not want to deal with Haitians. In addition, the recognition of Independence of Haiti France fucked with payment of compensation in the amount of 90 million gold francs. This gigantic sum of the Republic of Haiti paid up to the middle of the 20th century.

Founder of Haiti Jean-Jacques Dessalin, proclaiming the new Republic of the "country only for black" and who gave an order for the extermination of the white population, in the fall of 1804 proclaimed himself with the emperor. He ruled it for a short time - on October 17, 1806 he was killed during the new state coup.

Since then, an endless series of government coups, conspiracy, murders, which accompanies the whole history of Haiti has been renowned. In 1844, the eastern part of the island, the former Spanish possessions, separated, declaring the creation of an independent Dominican Republic. In this republic, however, there was also no political or economic stability.

Haiti cutter 1804 years. Source: Public Domain

Occupation period

In 1915, in order to protect the interests of the United States corporations by order uS President Woodrow Wilson In the capital of Haiti Port-O-Prince, 330 marines landed. So the 19-year occupation of Haiti by the United States began.

The occupation caused mass protests of Haitians, and Charleman Peralt Raised the armed uprising, which was suppressed by Americans who destroyed about 13 thousand residents of Haiti.

In 1934, the American occupation was officially completed, but the influence of the United States did not stop at Haiti.

Her political elite was a personnel brought up by the Americans. One of them was Francois Duvaliewho was destined to determine the history of Haiti for several decades ahead.

Duvalia, being by profession, with a physician, played a considerable role in the fight against typhus, thanks to which he created a good reputation.

The fact that good doctor dreams of unlimited power, few people guess.

Francois Duvalia. Photo: www.globallookpress.com.

Good doctor comes to power

In 1956, after a new series of coups, in Haiti, which was already trying to return to building a state on the principles of democracy.

Four candidates claimed to the presidential post: senator Louis Dezhua, lawyer Cleman Jumel, Mathematics teacher Daniel Finole And Dr. Francois Duval.

The doctor who was considered an outsider proposed to prevent the "Civil War" to be appointed by the temporary president of Daniel Finole. Phignole accepted the proposal of a competitor and on May 25, 1957, became a temporary chapter of Haiti.

Meanwhile, Duvalie was able to attract to his side general Antonio Kebro.which engaged in the formation and preparation of combat detachments from the supporters of the doctor.

Finola, who formed the government of National Unity, was appointed General Kebro by the head of the General Staff. Thus, he himself launched the mechanism of his own overthrow.

In just 19 days, General Kebro right at the government meeting arrested the president and sent him together with his family from Haiti.

When the perturbed supporters of Finole came out to the streets, they met military units and militants prepared by General Kebro. During the overclocking of protests, about a thousand people were killed.

The Military Hunt formed by Kebro declared loyalty to the ideals of democracy, saying that on October 22, 1957, new presidential elections will be held. On them, as expected, Francois Duvali won.

Francois Duvalia (left). Photo: www.globallookpress.com.

Hut "Pope Dock": how blood pressure was built on earth

The era of the Board of Francois Duvalia, who received the nickname "Pope Doc" is the worst of nightmares in the midst of the nightmare of Haiti.

Duvalie did not just plundered the state budget and suppressed the opposition. "Papa Dok" declared himself a sorcerer Voodoo and leader the dead, causing a truly mystical fear from a low-fledged population. He relied on Tonton Makutov - voluntary formations, which, in return for the right to rob and kill, destroyed anyone who was noticed in political unreliability. Tonton-Makuta burned people alive, scored by stones, exposing the remains of victims in public places in order to intimidate.

At the very "dock dock" in the presidential palace was his own torture chamber, where, among other things, there was a "man showing" - a box, covered with blades, in which they closed the victim and gradually squeezed, exposing painful death.

"Pope Dok" did not disdain the racket - all businessmen of the island had to pay "voluntary donations" to his foundation. Citizens of Haiti were obliged to buy a book of the best spokes of Duval.

Even the blood of compatriots "Pope Doc" turned into income - 2-20 liters of donor blood sent twice a month in the United States from Haiti. Of course, the population handed over it extremely voluntarily. Those who did not want, helpful tonthon makuts helped to pass all the blood at once.

Master Voodoo, or why John Kennedy died

In Washington, Duvali's arts were well aware. But since "Sukin Son" was faithful to America, he provided all sorts of support using Kastrovskaya Cuba as a counterweight. In addition, Pope DOK has created ideal conditions for American companies that have gone out from Haiti everything that can be downloaded.

In the time of Castro in Cuba, Soviet specialists actually created medicine from scratch, built industrial enterprises, hospitals, schools, prepared in the Soviet institutions of Cuban specialists.

Nothing like Americans on Haiti did not do - such a charity is not at all in their style.

Were, of course, both squeamish - John KennedyUnlike other representatives of the American authorities, the delight from Duval was not tested and unequivocally made it clear that the dock was not going to tolerate.

In response, Duvali built a voodoo doll and became publicly picked up her needle, promising a terrible death to the American president. They laughed over the "dad dock" until John Kennedy was shot in Dallas. After that, the influence of Duvali to fellow citizens has grown significantly.

Before and after Duval

In 1971, Pope Doc died, but it did not change in principle on Haiti, because the son of the deceased, 19-year-old became the new president Jean-Claude Duval, known as "Baby Dok".

In 1986, the United States considered that Washington began to receive more problems from Family, rather than the benefits, and Baby Dock overthrew as a result of the state coup. Duvalie Jr. escaped, taking hundreds of millions of dollars with him.

During the reign of the family, Duvalie was destroyed at least 50 thousand opponents of the regime, more than 300 thousand were forced to emigrate.

The economy was destroyed, and it was necessary to restore it with almost scratch.

But it turned out no one. Toncro-Makuta, who lived terror and robbery, did not refuse their habits. Citizens who accredited from the dictatorship, following the examples of the ancestors who committed the revolution of 1804, considered that freedom was an excellent reason to overeat or burn live supporters of the former power, and at the same time they rob them. Those who were more politically visible took up the weapons and began to find out who was the most democratic.

In 1991, President Haiti was elected Jean-Bertrand Aristid, priest who seemed to the international community by a progressive figure. In Haiti, he was famous for taught his supporters to burn political opponents with the help of a tire gasoline, bowed to the sacrifice - Aristide's fans called this "necklace".

The priest soon overthrow as a result of another coup, but the Americans returned it to power with the help of military force. The Aristide - Non Aristide game lasted until 2004, when all the same Americans, tired of the fact that their goldenman was mired in corruption and repression, forcibly sent him to the Central African Republic.

Subsequently, the Aristide refused from political career returned to his homeland, and was soon planted for home arrest on corruption charges.

Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Photo: www.globallookpress.com / Peggy Peattie

No exit. And there will be no

In 2010, Haiti suffered a new big trouble - but now the inhabitants were already at what. As a result of a powerful earthquake, over 220 thousand people were killed, more than 300 thousand were injured, 3 million people were left without bed. Material damage, according to the most modest estimated, amounted to 5.6 billion euros.

For a poor country with a 10 millionth population, such a catastrophe was a real "end of the world".

Representatives of 50 countries have promised that the restoration of Haiti will be allocated a total of about $ 10 billion.

The money was really standing out, but miraculously disappeared, as everything disappears in Haiti. Even the buildings of government agencies in the capital even restored, what to say about the rest.

Haiti today is a country of slums, garbage, which is present everywhere, crime and begging. The latter are absolutely all - from the authorities who begging for the international community to ordinary residents who beg for careless tourists or each other. Haitians are accustomed to humanitarian aid, the distribution of which also became a source of corruption.

The Elite Haiti today is those associated with the distribution of all kinds of international assistance. In criminal schemes, according to journalists, even representatives of the UN are involved. Perfectly feels in Haiti organized crime, in particular, groupings involved in smuggling and drug trafficking.

It is hardly the main article of the income of Haiti - translations of the former compatriots who managed to get a job in other countries, primarily the United States. Such, according to the calculations of sociologists, about 1 million. Return home, as you guess, they do not have the slightest desire.

In the Republic of Haiti, today there are all imaginable and inconceivable problems at the same time. How to solve them - no one really understands. The international community continues to supply Haitians with humanitarian aid, which allows them not to die, but does not answer the question of what to do with all this?

From a long time, the image of the island lost in the distant seas, struggled imagination. Not in vain, it was on the islands to be a paradise bush - an ancient Greek Elizium, Celtic Avalon, Chinese Penglay. Thomas Mor, creating a cloud of utopia, also decided to put it on the island - as well as Vasily Aksenov, who invented the White Guard Paradise "Island of Crimea". Let's estimate the island fantasies of artists.

In the Ducian Alcove

When the Middle Ages ended, it's time to remember about the islands in the same perspective, in which ancient Greeks thought about them. Take Andros - he, too, in the Aegean Sea, is not so far from Patmos. But inhabited it, judging by the paintings, people are a completely different way of life! Great Titian wrote this to the canvas for the personal chambers of the Ferrarsky Duke, so that the nudity could not be shy.

Titian. "Vakhanalia on Andros Island." 1523-1526 National Museum Prado

The picture shows a holiday, arranged in honor of God Vakha. This patron of winemaking and wine-making from minute to minute arrives at the island, along with his bride Ariadna - Sails of the ship can be seen near the shores. It is amazing that this is not just a personal variation of Titian an antique theme, what a lot happened to the Renaissance era. Everything is much more serious: Titian took the book of an ancient Greek writer Philostrata of the Athenian "Pictures", which described 65 works of antique artists. Opened the 25th chapter and tried to reproduce the image on the verbal description. Unprecedented example of virtual painting.

On the wall of the church

The Christian Paradise is described in the Old Testament - a book, invented by nomads and cattle. Therefore, for us, Eden is a beautiful garden with full-flow rivers, fertile land and many birds and animals. No islands. However, in the New Testament there was a place for the island, and very important.

Master of women's semi-imaging. "Saint John on Patmos". About 1540 London National Gallery

The link to Patmos is a small block of land in the Aegean Sea, the Romans sent the Apostle John. It was there that there was such inspiration, such amazing visions that their echoes catch up with us so far. We are talking about the book "Apocalypse" written by him, where the four riders come from, and the Babylonian harmnica. Artists constantly wrote Saint John on Patmos, Sushi Block in the middle of green waves. And often in heaven, you can see the vision of the Holy - Red Dragon-Satan and his wife clothed in the sun.

In the Academy Hall

For centuries, while romance and pre-faeylitis have not introduced fashion on Scandinavian and Celtic mythology, art continued to eat ancient Greek legends. This masterpiece of the Rococo era depicts the Aegean Sea and the island of Cefera, where the sanctuary of Aphrodite was. But, of course, Watto is already a frank game, Carnival - court versals do not even bother to dress up in ancient costumes, but only follow the ancient custom of free love.

Antoine Watto. "Pilgrimage to the island of Ceferu." 1717 Louvre

Working on the picture, Watto was inspired not only by the description of how Paraidic pilgrims floated to the Temple of Aphrodites. But also the motive from the popular comedy "three cousins", where he told about the wonderful island, from which no girl returns alone. By the way, this is a truly innovative canvas - Watto managed to change the above-mentioned rules that prevailed in the French Academy of Arts, and get the title of academician not for the plot with the gods and heroes, and behind the image of real people, their contemporaries. Real life began to invade art even more.

In an ordinary house

An amazing thing, but the landscape as an independent genre appeared very late, somewhere by the end of the revival. Prior to this, artists had to write in the picture more than either saints or mythical characters - to justify its creation. And only in the XVII-XVIII centuries it became possible to simply enjoy the species of nature, without any excuse. Landscape Brush Guard, depicting views of the Venetian Island of San George Maggiore, is one of these pictures.

Francesco Guard. "View of San George Maggiore." Around 1760 Art Gallery and Kelvingrove Museum

Venetian artists among the first began to create purely landscape species. However, what is amazing here? Their city spread in the lagoon is more beautiful than many non-homework wonders of nature. Another important aspect to increase the popularity of such urban species is the tourist industry. For some Englishman, who took this cloth home, depicted by the Venetian Island was the likeness of Sunny Paradise.

As a gift mom

Sometimes the islands are just islands. For example, the famous Poentelist George Siera's canvas portrays Sela and the beach in the suburb of Paris on the island of Grand Zhant. Parisians with a full parade, in the cylinders and tournurries ... Contemporaries of the artist, first seeing the picture at the exhibition, saw a lot of meanings in it.

Georges Syra. "Sunday day on the island of Grand-Zhatt." 1884-1886 Institute of Arts, Chicago

For some, it was a cheerful crowd on Sunday day (including for the author who presented the work of his mother). Others in it embodied boredom, spiritual poverty, visual display of thoughts about suicide. So, although the island is clearly not a paradise, but maybe this purification or hell? At least there is clearly very hot and very crowded.

In any journal

Industrialization of society and the constant growth of the crowd lead to an escapherm, to the shoots from reality. One of the first ways of such care in the art of the modern period was the symbolism. In this artistic course, everything was full of mystical, spiritual, mysterious. The key work of the symbolism was the "Island of the Dead" Beclin - the image of rocks with dark trees, to which the boat sails, which looks like a coffin. The canvas used enjoyed popularity, at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, the reproductions could be found in every cultural house. Beclin himself seems to be tired of this popularity - a few years later, he wrote a "island of living", where the couple of lovers of Tritons and Nymph bathes in the waves, and people in ancient chitona are having fun on the shore. (Note, and then do not do without the ancient Greeks).

Arnold Becklin. "Living Island." 1888. Museum of Fine Arts, Basel

But the picture, despite its positive promise, did not receive the same popularity. Spectators, on the contrary, pulled to the downtime, to the gloomy. A pair of world wars will be needed so that people understand: after all, the island must be a symbol of happiness. The recipe is simple: the sea, the sun, and a comfortable plane.