Transparent sightseeing bridge in the mountains. Chinese designers decided a bridge cracking underfoot was fun

Modern architectural possibilities allow you to create amazing buildings. One of them is "China's heavenly trail", which has been exciting the minds of its visitors for several years in a row!

Where is the glass bridge in China?

The world's longest glass bridge is located in a picturesque place - the Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon. This place for construction was not chosen by chance. The canyon will be able to surprise all tourists with incredible sunset and sunrise views. The height of the bridge, 300 meters, can be seen through the transparent floor of the architectural wonder! This creates an optical illusion, as if you are walking on air - taking the first step can be very difficult and scary.

Zhangjiajie District - Avatar movie in the real world. This mountainous region will be able to remind you of landscapes from the fantastic, fictional planet "Pandora", which exists in the cinema universe of the movie "Avatar".

From the glass bridge you can observe the adjacent nature reserves and the Tianmen mountain system. These areas are among the first nature reserves in the world, which will allow tourists to enjoy the amazing nature that has been preserved from the early periods of the formation of the state of China.

Description of the glass bridge

Knowing how amazing and diverse China can be, a glass bridge in the mountains does not seem to be something amazing at all, but there is something to be surprised about:

  • Transparent bridge height: 300 meters;

It has convenient viewing platforms and places for an extreme type of recreation (you can jump from it with bungee jumping).

  • Passage width: 6 meters.

This width does not introduce any difficulties when moving across the bridge, and creates the feeling of no sidewalls - you just walk "on the air" and nothing more.

"The glass sky of China" - this is also sometimes called this architectural building century. This name is associated with the mythology of China. In Chinese myths, the sky is a symbol of divinity and power. The one who walks in the sky has incredible magical powers.

When was it opened?

The "glass attraction" (as the Chinese sometimes call it) was opened on August 20, 2016. At first, the bridge was opened in test mode - no more than 600 tourists a day and by pre-ordering a ticket, but later - this measure was canceled and the bridge operates in standard mode (800 tourists at a time).

The construction took over 5 years. Several workers died during the construction. Several mountains are named after them (they had no name before), which are visible from the observation deck. Climbing the stairs to the bridge, you can find out the biographies of these workers - they are written on special memorial plaques. The staircase has convenient handrails and a container with first aid equipment, which is located every 300 meters.

At the opening ceremony, the head of the Zhangjiajie urban district solemnly cut the ribbon - this event became a national holiday for the whole country, and in Beijing a personalized postage stamp was issued in honor of the completion of construction.

Length of the bridge

The length is:

  • 430 meters.

Nearly half a kilometer in the Zhangjiajie area, a glass bridge connects two hiking trails... Walking on it itself is an attraction that causes surprise and an unusual feeling of freedom.

Along the entire length, tourists can photograph themselves "soaring in the air" over the abyss.

Who built it and how?

The chilling suspension bridge was commissioned by the Chinese government. The order value was $ 3.4 million. The completed project set 10 world records at once!

The construction began with the installation of special (architectural) support pillars, which visually look very light - this was specially conceived by the architects. This solution made it possible to once again emphasize the effect of "floating above the ground" for tourists.

The transparent bridge has a steel frame base. This frame was fitted with 120 walking glass panels (instead of the traditional asphalt). The material for making such panels can be called "glass" only conditionally - the material is much stronger, but has a similar transparency to glass.

At the same time, the glass bridge in China is cracking. The fact is that several screens were recently installed in it, which imitate glass. When passing through them, holographic cracks form under the feet of tourists and a pre-recorded sound of broken glass is heard. The guide may not warn his "wards" about this, which causes real, genuine emotions of shock, but this is only part of the attraction to entertain visitors. In order for the bridge to truly crack - human efforts are not enough, for it to crack - (if you set yourself such a task) you need to use special tools.

The thickness of the durable transparent coating of the bridge is 15 centimeters and is not inferior in strength to concrete. Walking with your feet on such a surface over an abyss is permitted.

Architecturally, the "heavenlyness" of the creation is emphasized by the decorative and functional elements of the suspension of the steel frame, which makes appearance, and further adds to the strength of the entire structure.

Security measures

The security measures on the glass bridge are the same as on the regular bridge, with a few exceptions:

  • It is forbidden to use selfie sticks;

This precaution is caused by several cases of their loss. Tourists, for beautiful photos, pushed them out of the sides, the gusty wind carried such "photo tools" away from their owners under the bridge.

  • Take heavy luggage with you;

Before passing, the weight of your luggage will be weighed on special scales and asked to put heavy objects. After the end of the tourist trip - items are returned to their owners. Also, this is due to the fact that in 2015, a missed thermos filled with liquid was able to make a microcrack at the junction of two panels. Technically, this was not exactly a crack, but only a peeling of one of the composite parts of the panel, which did not pose a threat to the lives of visitors. However, it was decided to ban heavy carry-on luggage.

  • You cannot walk with a cane.

Small stones can clog the tip of the reed. The durability of such stones (quartz) is extremely high - they can leave abrasions and scratches.

How to get to the architectural masterpiece?

You can get there in several ways and in several stages - these are:

  • By plane:

Chinese airlines carry out regular flights from cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xian, Changsha, Shenyang,.

  • By train;

Trains of the usual type go from any city. It is recommended, for a faster journey, to calculate your route so as to travel the maximum distance on a high-speed train, and then change to a regular train - this way faster.

Purchase a ticket to the Grand Canyon at the Zhangjiajie bus station. The buses are equipped with air conditioning and tourist programs from the guides.

Purchase a ticket at the box office or present a pre-purchased ticket to enter the tourist area, which includes the "heavenly sky".

Landmarks myths and facts

  • The Chinese authorities are hiding the number of people who fell off the bridge.

It can not be true. Since the longest bridge in the world is the pride of the Chinese nation, all tourists are counted. This is done in order to increase safety and identify (at an early stage) possible design problems. Any interested journalist, using the journalist's right to information, can obtain this data at the very first request to the authorities.

  • China Air Trail shakes when walking.

It's true. This was done deliberately in order to reduce the load on the steel frame. Some say that it is from this that the "scary" suspension bridge is cracking, but this is not entirely accurate. Tremor - cushioning, which allows the bridge to be more resistant to winds and possible changes in the geological features of the terrain (distance between supports).

In the province of Hunan, China, on the sheer cliff of Tianmen with a height of 1430 meters, a glass observation bridge was built. Tourists are offered to enjoy the beauty of the National Forest Park while experiencing the thrill of walking on glass.

The bridge is just one of the attractions for attracting tourists to these Beautiful places... Walking through the structure creates the feeling of walking through the air, because the bridge is 60 meters long and about a meter wide, located so high that visitors can look at the peaks of the mountain peaks below.

Tourists are given cloth galoshes to walk on a 2.5-inch glass walkway.

Mount Tianmen takes its name from a huge natural cave that looks like a giant stone mouth. There is one of the longest cable cars to help tourists get around the national park.

Interestingly, the Chinese Glass Bridge is just a prelude to what tourists will see a little later. V national park Hunan province has a very long cable car which allows visitors to fully enjoy the local views. And, perhaps, cure the fear of heights.

In the southeastern part of China, in the Hunan province is the city of Zhangjiajie, considered one of the most stunning and amazing places China. The surroundings of the city are botanical and geological reserve national level, and with this natural zoo. Quartzite rocks are known all over the world, reaching a height of eight hundred meters. The number of such rocks in Zhangjiajie exceeds three thousand.

The Zhangjiajie Mountains have a unique feature that is not repeated anywhere else. If other mountain ranges are usually chains or clusters, then Zhangjiajie look completely different - the sharpest peaks are separated by evergreens pine forests, which gives them a distinct look and further emphasizes the rare beauty of this area.

A combination of rivers, waterfalls and mountains, traditional for Chinese landscapes, is in Zhangjiajie. The most beautiful is the Jinbianxi Stream or the Golden Scourge. The stream flows in a deep canyon stretching for seven and a half kilometers. Special lighting mountain gorge gives the water a jade color, and the slow flow of the stream further enhances this impression. There are several waterfalls along the path of the stream of the most transparent stream. Trees of valuable species grow along the banks, and many rare species of animals live in the gorge.

The highest peak in Zhangjiajie is Tianzishan Rock or Son of Heaven Mountain. There is such an attraction as the "first bridge of the Middle Kingdom". Here, on iron chains, are carved with hieroglyphs parting words and wishes for everyone who has visited. Many locals will tell you that under the natural stone bridge, the creator of which is nature, there is an abyss that has no bottom. According to tradition, locks are hung on a chain with hieroglyphs, and the keys to them are thrown into the abyss. Thus, the desire for happiness, peace and love is symbolized.

Zhangjiajie will be interesting not only for lovers of natural landscapes. About twenty ethnic groups of small nations live here, the largest of which are Miao, Tujia and Bo. In Zhangjiajie, these peoples were able to fully preserve their culture, language, customs and traditions.

Since 1992, the Wulingyuan landscape region has been included in the UNESCO world register of the most important natural heritage sites. At the same time, the entire Zhangjiajie was included in the UNESCO register of world geological parks. In addition, the Wulingyuan cliffs are part of one of the largest national parks China, which includes four territories - Sanzhi, Zhangjiajie, Tianzishan, Xuosiyu.

But I don’t know this bridge, is it from there?

And this is how this road was most likely built. Let's look at the example of another similar track.

Mount Shifou in China, kamikaze workers are paving the way. The footpath should be 3 kilometers long. And they build it on a sheer wall. They drive pins into stone and concrete ... This will be the longest sightseeing road in China.

One of the workers, forty-eight-year-old Yu Zhi, who has been building high-altitude projects for ten years, says: "Young guys do not want to go to this job because we have to be far in the mountains for many months, sometimes even years."

It is Yu Ji's responsibility to do the hardest and most dangerous part of the job - he drills holes into which the beams are driven into which the road is anchored.

The construction of a walking excursion road on Mount Shifu is complicated by the fact that the mountain rises absolutely vertically at an angle of 90 degrees, there are no niches or recesses in it.

More recently in Chinese social networks a video appeared in which the floor suddenly cracked under the feet of a man walking across a glass bridge. The man crawls away in horror, because under him is an abyss with a depth of 1180 meters!

The action took place on the famous glass passage located along the Taihanshan Mountain (China). Every year hundreds of thousands of tourists go there to test their nerves. But the administration of this attraction thought that people were moving too calmly on the transparent glass, and they decided to "add" the thrill of sensations.

A touch panel was installed on a 430 meter long glass section, which simulates glass cracking. When you click on it, sensors are triggered, and an image of cracks appears. Transparent panels alternate with matte ones, so it's not clear which one is the trick.

After installing the touch panel, none of the tourists was warned, so the first one who stepped on the "unreliable" glass was shocked, and the crackling sound was too loud.

To prevent anyone from getting a heart attack from fright in the future, the administration released a video in which the guide showed a group of tourists that the crackle of the glass was not real.

The Chinese love to surprise with rides that will take your breath away. They built . From gusts of wind, this structure even sways a little, so thrill-seekers can safely go there.

China has many beautiful provinces with national parks and forests, striking picturesque natural landscapes. Rare plants grow here and representatives of the animal world, listed in the Red Book, live. In terms of the number of tourists, the Celestial Empire ranks 3rd in the world, and tourism is an important, rapidly developing branch of the country's economy. Moreover, guests come here not only to appreciate and enjoy the beauty, but also to get a lot of new sensations. After all, here are some of the scariest entertainments in the world, namely the largest glass bridges, observation platforms and paths that allow you to walk along the very edge of the abyss.

Chinese attractions

In the southeast of the Middle Kingdom, the province of Hunan is located with the most unusual corners in the world. This is a real pearl of nature - National park Zhangjiajie, which is both a botanical and a geological reserve. Among the attractions are the high cliffs of Wulingyuan, Tianmen Mountain, Lake Shiyan, the Grand Canyon and, of course, amazing glass structures.

Several glass paths are located almost at the top of Tianmen Mountain. Previously, there was a wooden building here, but the administration of the national park decided to install transparent panels in some places to tickle the nerves of everyone. The first structure, about 150 cm wide and 6 cm thick, was built at an altitude of 1400 m above sea level back in 2011. At that time, it was the tallest glass bridge in China.

To enhance the sensations, special LCD screens were installed on some panels, which, when stepping on this section of the transparent floor, imitated the destruction of glass, which caused a violent reaction from visitors.

Wriggling dragon

This was the name of the third trail, officially opened here in August 2016. Its length is 100 m, and the only support of the structure is a sheer cliff. Only a low side separates from the abyss, and it seems that if you move carelessly, you can break down. Even the caretakers claim that there are frequent cases when visitors overestimate their capabilities. As a result, the "daredevils", having stepped on the structure, are afraid to look down, try to grab onto a rather smooth rock, or simply faint in the middle of the attraction. Only a few people decide to come close to the transparent fence.

Challenge for heroes

In China, another great test of courage was an ambitious 2015 project designed to increase the flow of tourists to the country. This structure of reinforced three-layer glass was erected instead of an old dilapidated wooden structure in the territory of an eco-friendly park at an altitude of about 150 m between the islands of Lake Shiyan. For the construction, panels were used with a thickness of 3 cm, while each can withstand a weight of 6 tons. The total length of the glass bridge is 300 m, and the glass spans are 200 m. According to the test results, the structure is reliable and safe. There can be 1,200 visitors at the same time.

Road in the clouds

One of the longest and tallest glass bridges in the world, built at an altitude of about 300 m between mountain cliffs above the Zhangjiajie canyon, in September 2016 set 10 world records at once. It has a length of 430 m and a width of 6 m. The structure consists of steel cables, a fence and a floor consisting of 99 plates 5 cm thick. The project was designed by Israeli architect Haim Dotan, and the construction cost $ 3.4 million. At the same time, up to 600 people can stand on a heavy-duty glazed structure, and about 8,000 can visit a day, although there are so many who wish that it is advisable to book a ticket in advance.

The developers have conducted tests for strength, safety and claim that the structure can withstand strong gusts of wind and vibration. At the grand opening, in confirmation of the reliability of the structure, they were beaten with sledgehammers, and even a car weighing 2 tons drove by. A platform for bungee-japing will be opened here.

In another Chinese tourist area in 2015, a large glass platform was opened at an altitude of 1,120 m above sea level, while the depth of the gorge reaches 700 m.The length of the structure is almost 27 m.At the construction, about 200 visitors can simultaneously admire the scenery from any angle ...

Although the creators guarantee that the glass structure can withstand up to 800 kg per 1 m², the bridge in the Yongtaishan Mountains still crashed.

Aerial trail

In the Yuntai Mountains, a U-shaped glass trail was opened several years ago at an altitude of over 1,000 meters. An unpleasant incident occurred here. One of the tourists, who dropped the steel thermos, caused the glass floor to crack. All visitors were urgently evacuated, so no one was hurt.

Observation deck

In 2016, on the territory of the famous Shilin stone forest, which is considered one of the wonders of the world, a glass structure in the form of an observation deck was located at an altitude of 400 m above the ground. total area structures - 415 m², width about 3 m and length about 50 m. Beautiful views the valleys and the opportunity to take a unique selfie attract thousands of thrill seekers.

Longest glass structure

The engineers did not stop there and at the end of 2017 presented to the world the longest today, a glass bridge built between two sheer cliffs at an altitude of 218 m in Hebei province. The structure, 488 m long and 2 m wide, took 1.5 years to build. It consists of 1,077 panels 4 cm thick. The length is 218 m, and the total weight is about 70 tons. Up to 3,000 people can stay here at one time, but so far no more than 500-600 visitors are allowed to visit it. The architects ensure that the structure is resistant to storms (12 points) and earthquakes (6 points). The building opens beautiful view and when people walk in the center, it sways slightly, causing an unforgettable experience. This is undeniably something breathtaking.

Glass bridges of the world

But not only China is famous for its amazing glass buildings. So, in the very heart of the capital of Great Britain, in the pedestrian part of the famous Tower Bridge, erected back in 1894, at a height of 44 meters, glass panels are mounted in the floor sections through which beautiful panoramas open up.

In the 21st century, the first glazed bridge was built in the Austrian capital. This structure consists of 2x5 m panels and a steel frame. Thanks to the connection with the help of invisible fasteners, the feeling is created that a single structure, transparent from all sides, is floating in the air. Inside there is a restaurant, which is illuminated with blue light in the evening.

In the United States, David Ginopadus and Mark Ross Johnson in northwestern Arizona over one of the deepest canyons the "Heavenly Trail" site was installed in the world. Initially, it was planned to install a simple rectangular path, but as a result, the horseshoe-shaped structure was removed from the edge of the mountain by 20 m. The height under the transparent floor 10 cm thick is more than 1,200 m. The width is about 3 m, and the length of the site is 20 m. Reliable the structure can withstand loads up to 70 tons, wind up to 160 km / h and earthquakes up to 8 points. 120 and more visitors to Sky Walk can enjoy the beauty Grand Canyon and the Colorado River.

Glass and spectacular lighting are increasingly used in contemporary architectural creations around the world. So, in the UAE, a Formula 1 track was built, and a hotel was erected nearby. The roofs of the two buildings were connected by a glass canopy with built-in diode lamps, and the hulls were connected by a small bridge under which the racing track runs. In Tbilisi, the Bridge of Peace, lined with glass panels, with a large canopy roof was also erected. It has become a prominent landmark in Georgia.

Glass bridges in Moscow

The Soaring Bridge has recently appeared in the capital of Russia. A V-shaped structure with a transparent fence was erected over the Moskva River in Zaryadye Park. Its length is 244 m, the outreach of the cantilever part is 70 m. It rises 15 m above the water. At the same time, up to 4,000 people can stand on the building, which can withstand a load of more than 240 tons. The unique architectural structure is one of the best observation platforms in the capital.

In the south of China, another eerie glass bridge has opened over the cliff, along which only the most daring and courageous tourists walk along the cliff to the mountain slope indented by caves.

The Wriggling Dragon Bridge, which leads to Mount Tianmen, opened to the public on August 1. The length of the glass path is 100 meters, the width is just over one and a half meters. A truly dizzying view of the valley on the other side of the mountain range opens before the eyes of tourists. The bridge hangs at an altitude of 1500 meters above the ground. This is the third such bridge on the same mountain. More recently, it was just an ordinary wooden path.

This mountainous area is very popular with tourists for its incredible natural scenery, as well as a relatively new attraction - glass bridges.

The pictures show how the first visitors to the opened bridge carefully walk along the mountain, holding on to the wall, some try not to look down through the transparent floor and over the railing.

The first glass bridge in the mountains of Zhangjiajie National Forest Park opened in November 2011 and since then has invariably attracted tourists who want to try what it is like to walk along the very edge of the abyss. The glass floor was then only 2.5 inches (6 cm) thick, and visitors were clearly nervous when stepping on it.

The second glass bridge across the canyon in the national park opened in May this year. Its construction is reported to have cost approximately $ 3.5 million.

For those who want a sharper sensation, here you can also jump into the abyss from the bungee.

Glass bridges are now a popular trend in China. Usually local authorities perceive them as an opportunity to increase the influx of tourists. These ambitious projects typically include bridges, cliff paths or observation decks.

Below are the five most popular glass bottom designs in China.

An observation deck with a glass floor is located in the famous Shilin stone forest, 70 kilometers from Beijing. Its height is 400 meters above the ground, and its area is 415 square meters. It was opened in May 2016.

Glass bridge at an altitude of 300 meters above the Zhangjiajie Canyon in Hunan province was supposed to open in July 2016. Its length is 430 meters, its height is about 300 meters.

"Hero's Bridge" runs 180 meters above the ground and is located in Shinyuzhai National Park in Hunan province. It was opened last autumn.

The 260-meter long Yuntai Mountain Trail runs over 1000 meters above the ground. It also opened in September 2015.

Glass observation deck Yunduan is located over 700 meters above the ground. It opened in the summer of 2015.

Here is a short video about how tourists manage to walk over such bridges. Spoiler alert: They're a little worried.