How to celebrate New Year in Yalta: a complete program of events. New Year in Yalta! We invite you to celebrate New Year at the Yalta Hotel "Boulevard"

Man-in Low season Average season High season
Maintenance Extra. Places 11.01 - 23.04
01.11 - 24.12
11.05 - 30.06
01.10 - 31.10
24.04 - 10.05
01.07 - 30.09
25.12 - 10.01
2 1 4500 5000 5700
2 1 4900 5400 6100
2 1 5900 6400 6800
2 1 6800 7100 7700
2 2 6800 7100 7700
8400 8700 9300
2 2 8000 8900 9800
9600 10500 11400

The cost of living in the Boutique Hotel "Boulevard" for 2020 per room per day (rub).

  • The cost of accommodation at the hotel of children up to 2 (two) years is free.
  • The cost of placement of children from 2 (two) to 6 (six) years - 600 rubles.
  • The cost of placement of children over 6 (six) and adults on an extra bed (sofa or Euro bed) - 800 rubles.

Pets and pets are strictly prohibited.

Time settling at the hotel - 14:00.
Eviction time - 12:00.

If necessary, guests are provided with an early arrival service and late check-out. Check in Early 6:00 in the morning is paid in the amount of the cost of 1 full day of accommodation, from 6:00 to 14:00 - 50% of the cost. When evicting from 14:00 to 20:00, the late check-out of 50% of the cost per day, later - the full cost of the day is paid.

What is the price of rest in the hotels of Yalta depend on?

Yalta - large resort townwho annually takes thousands of tourists coming with different corners Not only our country, but also around the world. In a certain sense, Yalta has already become an international resort. But along with such a rapid development of the city, there is still a division among objects of accommodation at the cost of rest in them. A tourist with any income level can afford to relax in the sun capital Southern Shore Crimea. They are the most demanded on the entire Peninsula and offer the most extensive choice of housing. You can stay in both a large hotel complex and a small private mini-hotel. It all depends on your desire and financial opportunities. On vacation in Yalta, prices are trying to keep at the affordable level both during the year and the season for the season.

The cost of living in Yalta depends on many factors:

  • First of all, Yalta hotels Prices 2020 are formed depending on the time of year. Most high prices observed during the summer and most popular holidays ( New Year, May holidays, christmas and others). The peak of the summer season and, accordingly, prices fall on July-August.
  • In addition, each hotel in Yalta all year round depends on the economic situation in the country as a whole, as well as from the currency rate. This particularly affects the price level in large hotels, which exhibit the score in the currency, as foreign and important guests are often accepted (politicians, artists, cultural and artists).
  • Also, prices at the Yalta Hotel are directly dependent on the class of hotel and the level of service in it.

Many of you have already begun to build plans for the next year and it will be interesting for them to find out that many hotels in Yalta 2020 have already been approved and put up for everyone to see, so you can safely make your choice and book rooms in advance.

What prices are waiting for you on vacation in Yalta 2020

Yalta City can offer a lot of interesting things: excursions to local attractions, entertainment, attractions for every taste and age. Recreation prices in Yalta have always been considered high. And it is not surprising, since this resort has always been in demand among tourists.

Before going on a journey, you should find out in advance what prices 2020 offers Yalta.

  • Prices for products

Products in this South Coast resort are in different ways. The closer to the embankment, the more expensive they are. However, here you can find shops and markets where you can buy at democratic prices.

  • Powered in cafe

Food in the cafe will cost, of course, cheaper than in the restaurant. Here you can taste delicious European and oriental dishes.

  • Prices for holidays in the hotels of Yalta

If you are interested in holiday in the hotels of Yalta, accommodation prices in them can be very different. This fairly expensive resort is not only accommodation for wealthy tourists. Holidaymakers with a limited budget will also be able to find decent accommodation in Yalta in their pocket.

  • Entertainment in Yalta

What kind of rest can do without entertainment. Prices 2020 in Yalta on attractions are not very different from last season. They are at an affordable level, so each tourist will be able to have fun and get a lot of positive emotions.

If you want to make holidays unforgettable, you just need to book hotels in Yalta for the new year 2017 and you will not need to deal with the organization of the holiday, all this will make the staff of your chosen accommodation. Comfortable 5-star hotel for the new year in Yalta will provide you with an excellent opportunity to relax and just spend time in a family circle and close friends. In order to book a hotel Yalta under the New Year 2017, you just have to go to the website of the Internet service and using a convenient filter to choose the option that will suit you by location, category and list of services provided. We recommend our customers such hotels as a boutique hotel on Timiryazev, Bristol, Mriya Resort & Spa. The cost depends on many factors, but be sure we offer only the most profitable offers in the hotel market and offer prices from 350 rubles per night.

Want to meet the new year 2020 in the Crimea? In Yalta? For you - all accommodation options for the new year in Yalta 2020. Festive Yalta is waiting for guests!

A lot of accommodation options - choose the one that you like. For instance:

You can choose the appropriate option using our proposals catalogs. Meet the New Year in Yalta - relax for holidays with us. Information and tourist service Yalta Rent will help you comfortably stay on holiday in Yalta for the period of the New Year holidays.

Yalta New Year 2020 - accommodation and recreation

This is already coming to the end this for someone is not easy, for someone, on the contrary, flying like an instant old 2019. Behind a different kind of vital tests, successes, achievements and losses.

The labor results of the year are already bought up, the annual reports are completed, students and schoolchildren are the end of the study half. Soon the holiday, tree, champagne, gifts and it's time to think about who and where to celebrate the new 2019 year.

To whom where, and we are with you - in Crimea, in Yalta! New Year in the Crimea, New Year in Yalta - it's just a dream in reality! Only in Yalta, it is possible to simultaneously warm up with a soul and body, running away from the stunted jewelry and slush of megacities, and at the same time feel the real winter with snowdrifts on the belt in the mountainous surroundings.

Time before the New Year remains less and less, while hotel trap offers more and more. It is time to decide on the booking of hotels in Crimea for the new year 2018. We made a selection of hotel complexes with the brightest new Year program. It remains to choose - what topic is close to you?

Crimea hotels with a classic program

This section we called the "Soviet evening" in an incredibly cozy atmosphere. Suitable couples, families with children and friendly companies.

Hotel "Villa Elena" (Yalta)

Guests are offered evening to music in the style of Jazz, Soul, Blues. The name of the program sounds delicious: "Music for gourmets". And if you add here to the dishes of author's cuisine and the luxurious interior of Villa Elena, then you will get an unforgettable New Year in the Crimea 2018!

Resort Club "Datchi" (Alushta)

Where to celebrate the New Year in the Crimea? Resort Club "Datchi"

The "Datchi" club is an opportunity to combine the sea, the mountains and the most favorite holiday of childhood. By the way, the hotel has prepared an extensive children's program, all kinds of contests, quests, master classes. And for the smallest - all the symbols of the new year. Gifts and excellent cuisine are guaranteed!

Boutique Hotel "Muscatel" (Gurzuf)

Muscattel - Warm New Year in a cozy hotel

In Gurzuf, they offer to spend the evening by the fireplace in a family circle or in a warm company. For their part, they guarantee a delicious food, barbecue, good firewood for fireplace and warm plaids, and even their own pool. In a beautiful cozy hotel, it is advantageous to meet the New Year - he promises to be successful!

Disco Style Evening

Dancing, contests, prizes and show programs involving stars. If the New Year party in the style of disco is consonant with your mood, these hotels will give you your shower.

"Mriya Resort & Spa" (landslide)

Hotels S. best Program - Mriya Resort & Spa

The flagship Hotel Mriya Resort & SPA has prepared a new year 2018 meeting program in one of the first. Bet on home comfort, good kitchen, impeccable service, humor and light star accent always justifies yourself. The speeches of the group Yuzefa and the Dance Theater Vadim Elizarova are waiting for guests.

Hotel "Yalta Intourist" (Yalta)

Yalta Intourist prepared one of the best programs!

Popular hotel Crimea B. new Year's Eve Will am surprised. The festive program starts on December 31st from the debut show "Back to the Future" - the stars of projects "Voice" and "Surprise Me" will take part in it. Fun will continue until January 15. It will be unforgettable: rock and roll until the morning, Christmas ball, thematic evenings "Disco 80s", "Back to the USSR", "Hawaiian Party", "Cuba La Vivre" and much more.

Premier Hotel "Oreanda" (Yalta)

The legendary Yalta Hotel has prepared the entertainment program "All this jazz!". Guests are waiting for the evening in the Renthime Rhythm, Jazz Modern and Stepa - for the most clowns. The highlight of the evening will be surprises from the chef and jazz hits.

Eco Hotel "Levant" (Yalta)

In this hotel, Crimea awaits you incendiary and sparkling New Year's party "Disco Party". Interesting contests, prizes and unusual shows are guaranteed. Wear bright outfits, make stunning hairstyles, invite friends - New Year's meeting at the Hotel Levant will be remembered!

Carnival Night

New Year's reincarnation, thematic costumes, new exciting dating. What could be more exciting on New Year's Eve?

Hotel "Palmira Palace" (Livadia)

All those who decide to book a room at the Palmira Palace Hotel, waiting for a luxurious night in the style of Paris "Moulin Rouge". Frank outfits, shocking, invited stars, show program, contests and prizes - New Year's meeting will plunge into the world of chic, luxury, burlesque!

Spa Hotel "Livady" (Livadia)

We found another classroom as an alternative to Palmira Palace and Moulin Rouge. This is a carnival night in the style of the Great Gatsby. The Livadian Spa Hotel guarantees the presence of the best jazz musicians of the peninsula. This is one of better hotels Crimea for meeting New Year 2018 with a bright program.

Villa "Oneiro" (Alupka)

Mafia never sleeps - It will not be bored and at the Villa "Oneiro"

For all fans of the legendary game Mafia at Villa "Oneiro" in the village of Alupka prepared one of the most exciting programs for meeting the New Year 2018 in the Crimea. Glowing passions, danger, the atmosphere of Chicago 30s, excitement, and still sounds of jazz and the aroma of Cuban cigars. We are already anticipating!

"Silence Mode"

Our special section for those who were overworthy in the outgoing year and dreams of silence. Cozy rooms, sea, mountains, high-quality service and hiking will help to relax.

Eco-Village "Alpine Valley" (Alushta)

This is a real escape from the bustle of Nature. In the "Alpine Valley" have been created all the conditions so that you forget about everything in the world and celebrated the new year 2018 with a light heart. Nevertheless, there will be a New Year's fireworks, and dinner in the coastal restaurant, and Santa Claus for the most young guests!

Hotel "APGEY" (Evpatoria)

Know-how from Evpatoria "Apogiya" - the program "APGETY OF TISHINES". Spacious room with a comfortable bed, a minimum of New Year's tinsel, maximum TV channels, the possibility of ordering a New Year's dinner. For stays of more than 4 days - an excursion in Evpatoria as a gift!

Crimea hotels for the new year - more options!

Want to see more offers and prices - use the search yourself. Many hotels in Crimea with the program may be ignored. In the search results you will see the best options from, Agoda, Ozon.Travel and other booking systems.

It will be left to choose minimum price And pay the number (we recall that before the new year there are two weeks left!).

Best - prices 2019., as well as. Instruction of Sevastopol.

Rest in Yalta is good at any time of the year. However, in the high season, many experienced tourists avoid coming here. Crowds of tourists, bitch filled beaches and larger prices like not everyone. The reasons to choose rest in Yalta in the no-season are several.

First, undoubtedly low prices. After a tourist peak, some hotels for a while stopped working, while others significantly reduce the cost of their services in order not to work at a loss. Tours in December in Yalta - an excellent choice for those who like to save.

Hotels in Yalta - excellent class, there are representatives of world limies. In hotels, there are sometimes animators with a program for children and those who are older.

Secondly, a pleasant atmosphere of relaxation. There are no noisy crowd of tourists, queues to monuments and museums, streets are almost empty - you can relax and relax with the body and soul in solitude.

Thirdly, entertainment. Rare cities in the no-season are completely "dying", they become foci of cultural life. Yalta in December is no exception. Various festivals, concerts, exhibitions are held. Museums and attractions also work according to the schedule. Tour in Yalta in December especially like youth.