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Look for and make up optimal routes for you. public transport From its location to the desired street or at home, as well as automobile, cycling and hiking routes For walking.

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Public transport by car Bike on foot

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Route on the map of the city.

Ask, what can be reached or how to get to a certain street or at home in Moscow? We answer - very simple, find your best route around the city with a travel scheduler on our website. Our service will find for you up to 3 travel options in city Moscow from your address and to the destination. On the scheme with routes, click More (starting the beginning icon) and go to detailed description travel options. For all routes, travel time will be shown taking into account traffic jams, bus services, minibuses and other public transport.

Popular routes:

  • From: Moscow, Metro Vykhino - up: Moscow, Mozhayskoye highway, 45a;
  • From: Moscow, Leningrad Station - up: Moscow, Youth Street;
  • From: Moscow, Pervomayskaya Street, 5 - to: Moscow, Moscow Prospect;
  • From: Moscow, Lublin-Dmitrovskaya line, Metro Lublin - to: Moscow, Moscow Central Ring, Baltic Station;
  • From: Moscow, Street Artamonova, 7K1 - to: Moscow, Mosfilmovskaya 1 Art 28;

Users of our site are often asked, for example: "How to get from the bus station to the hospital?" etc. We decided to facilitate the search for the optimal route for all needy.

Movement on a predetermined route is a way to eliminate the problems that may arise in an unfamiliar area, and to quickly overcome the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe road. Do not miss the details, specify in advance by the direction of movement on the road and turns.

Using the travel planning service, you just need to enter the start and end of the route, then click the "Show route on the map" button and you will receive several routes options. Choose the most suitable and start moving. Possible four modes of the route is possible - on urban public transport (including route taxi), by car, cycling or on foot.

Consider an important topic for our capital - public transport and all the nuances relating to.

What kind of modes of transport can be used in Moscow? Selection is great: ground transport (buses, trolleybuses, trams, route taxis), underground metro and above-ground monorails, railroad train And even there is a variant of moving along the water, however, it is used only with an entertaining goal.

It is also important to note that there is division on urban and suburban transport, and since the first serves Moscow, and the second, respectively, the area should be remembered that the tariff is dependent and the payment method.

Now Read more!


Quickly and accessible

The most common and indispensable option to move in Moscow. By the way, the Moscow metro is also considered one of the most beautiful in the world! In addition, the length of it is very large (333.5 km in total) and it continues to increase. So under Earth it is quite possible to spend two hours, getting from different points of the city. And this is the fastest option from available!

Metro is hardly able to pass by the entrance, except for the bright red big letter "M", your attention will attract a huge passenger traffic.

Get confused here. The metro scheme is clear and is available in many ways due to the annular line, which combines all other branches among themselves.

When moving and entering the city, you should only read the signs that are located literally everywhere, including the floor and the ceiling.

The undoubted plus of the Moscow metro is free Wi-Fi. So, if you urgently need to connect to the Internet, boldly descend to the subway. If you need long access - the annular branch at your disposal;)

Opening hours

Works metro from 5:30 to 1:30. Each station has its own opening time. It varies in the half an eye. Log in to the subway and have time to make a transplantation on the desired branch follows to the o'clock in the night, since at this time all doors on the entrance are closed, and the last train is sent from each end station.


In order to descend in the subway, it is easiest to buy a "single" ticket. It is called so, because it allows you to make trips not only in the subway, but also on buses, trolley buses and trams, which, no doubt, very comfortable!

A ticket for one trip, which can be purchased both at the box office and in automata, will cost you 50 rubles, two - twice as expensive. You can spend them within 5 days, then the card will become invalid. And then the other pleasant system is already included: the more trips you buy, the cheaper the passage is! True, the next digit is only 20 trips. But if you often use transport and stay in the capital at least a week, about such a purchase it is worth thinking. You can ride on it 90 days, and it is worth 650 rubles. So one trip comes to 32.5 rubles! Explicit savings.

But how to be if 20 trips do not care for sure, but I want to save? Take the "Troika"! Buy a card at the checkout, leaving the mortgage cost of 50 rubles, you can replenish it in any machine. And, voila, your passage in the subway and on Monglels costs 32 rubles, and on all ground transport (except commercial) - 31! When you leave, rent a map back to the box office and get your 50 rubles collateral. But if you take the "Troika" with you with a positive balance, then within 5 years you can still scold the whole balance of the following visits to the capital!

In addition, there is a system of unlimited travel everything on the same "one". For a day, the cost of a ticket - 210 rubles, for 3 days - 400, in general, you can take at least a year for 18200. Again, the question of the benefit.

There is another tricky system. It is called "90 minutes". Allows you to make one trip on the subway and an unlimited number of transfers on land transport. One trip costs 60 rubles, two - 120.

In general, all these tariffs you can carefully examine each cashier!

  • Since the outputs from the subway are usually a few, in advance what car from the center you need is the first or last. Santa to the desired car, you will find yourself closer to your exit;
  • Remember the wagons from which you closer to enter the city or it is more convenient to make a transplant, if you use one route. It will significantly save your time;
  • I still advise you to avoid "Hour Peak"! Perhaps there is both the one who likes to feel all the power of our people, who smoothly contributes to you and takes out of the car, even when you do not need it, but I suppose such units. So it is better to postpone the trip at an earlier or later time, if you suddenly understand what you get for the period "Vakhanlia". Namely: the morning hours of everyday life - about 7 to 10, and evening - from 6 to 8. This Council concerns the entire transport in general. Well, if you still have blood out of my nose at this time, it is necessary to be somewhere, then we use either the subway or by train - here the least chances are stuck in traffic;
  • Male voice announces the station towards the center, female - from the center. On the ring line, a male voice sounds when driving clockwise, and female against. These knowledge will help you to navigate, if suddenly you were sharply on the train, without looking, where it is accurately moving;
  • And, of course, take care of your things! Pocket thefts are such a common phenomenon that, it would seem, it is not necessary to repeat about it, but they happen with enviable regularity. Of course, in each to see a potential thief, it is not necessary, but it does not hurt a little more vigilant.

Ground transport

Buses, trolley buses and trams

I combine these three types of transport is not for nothing, because, despite the presence or absence of "horns", the essence of them in this case is one and payment too :)

When landing a ticket for one trip can be taken directly from the driver for 50 rubles. Or use the "single" bought at the Metro checkout. You can also purchase a ticket at the bus stop in the kiosk (if there is any), which will be very prudent on your part, as the entrance is carried out only through the front door and everything, who have to take tickets from the driver, are significantly delayed forever in a hurry.

In the cabin declared every stop, so it will not pass by. I especially like how it happens on Berezhkovskaya Embankment (this is not far from the Kiev station) - intonation with which announcements are pronounced, causes many positive emotions! By the way, if there is time, I advise you to visit those edges. Pleasant place. You can be there if you want to visit the Novodevichi Monastery or, deciding to take a tour of Mosfilm!

Night routes

In Moscow, there are 11 nightlife of ground urban transport.

Night Ring Trolleybuses No. "BC" and "BC" (passes through the districts: Basmannaya, Tagansky, Zamoskvorechye, Yakimanka, Khamovniki, Arbat, Presnensky, Tverskaya, Meshchansky, Krasnoselsky) We run every 15 minutes, the rest of the night routes work with 30-minute intervals .
For the convenience of passengers in the city center, buses of radial directions and trolleybus No. 63 arrive at the stop at Lubyanskaya Square, where you can make a transplant.
The fare does not differ from tariffs during the daytime. The time of work is approximately one - from 23:30 to 5:30, or around the clock.

Bus Moscow region

And here is your own system! Tariffs are absolutely different and depend on how far you are driving. You can clarify the cost of the conductor, which will serve you in the cabin and the desired stop will tell you! City payment cards (Troika, "Unified") on these routes do not work! In addition, there is its own travel map "Arrow". It costs 200 rubles, of which the collateral value is 80, and 120 go to you on the map. Replenish it most convenient through bank card Right in the appendix "Arrow" on the smartphone (in the kiosks at stopping points, there is sometimes no such service). If necessary, it can also be passed and obtained the mortgage cost back, however, you will have to provide a check or a printout from the site confirming the fact that you have replenished balance no earlier than this month. In general, troubles with a suburban "arrow" more than with the Moscow Troika, but she will save your finances significantly.

Route taxi

When I just arrived in Moscow, I was very surprised why the drivers of minibuses so Troo climb passengers. After all, if I'm not on the way, I will not go for sure with him. And then I understood - they have high competition. With both similar routes and city buses.

A clear plus, perhaps, is that this is the fastest land commercial type of transport. And on the money within the city, travel will cost 25-35 rubles, that is, not higher than the one-time purchase of the bus. For the city you will be taken by other tariffs. This is usually around 40-70 rubles.

On the routes, both old low Gazelks and modern wide Fords are driving. And the wheel is invariably those to whom the place on Formula 1, so the calm road is not waiting. But I repeat - but quickly :)

Opening hours

Again, it all depends on the specific route, but from 6:00 to 00:00you can leave any day at a very different point of the city.

All routes in your pocket

As for the routes themselves, I strongly advise you to establish an application on your smartphone. Yandex-transport, If you have not done this yet. The program allows you to keep track of the movement of transport online and is valid not only in Moscow.

Honestly, the first 10 minutes, as I installed this program, I watched with wild delight, as the circles with numbers are moving around the screen and then this trolleybus / bus / tram / bus will be swept past me!

Very convenient when there is no accurate schedule at the stop! By the way, in general, at many stops there is a scoreboard, where the bus / trolley busement is written and the number of minutes before it arrives at the stop.

This app is building various options for routes that can be maintained for the future.

In general, an extremely indispensable assistant for any passenger!

Overhead transport, or Monorails

Moscow Monorailsova transport system - This is an overpack over the earth, which slowly slides a rare train. It consists of only one branch and obeys the metro, so that the same "Troika", "one" and all cards, as on the usual metro.

This is a wonderful "metro on the contrary" is located in the television center area, so if you are planning a tour of the Ostankino Tower, walk through the ICC or simply somewhere in the area of \u200b\u200bTimiryazevskaya station, I advise you to ride on this unique transport! Impressions will be mass, that's for sure! Especially in the evening, it's great to pass by the sparkling cosmos hotel and admire the sky the main tower our country! Moreover, all the way will take you from the ultimate to the final maximum of 20 minutes.

Monorail stations are open for passenger entry from 6:50 to 23:00.


Here are really great railway transport! Saved me repeatedly in different situations. For example, electric trains run almost around the clock (sometimes you can sit on it and at three o'clock in the morning, but, mostly, they go around 5 in the morning to the o'clock at night). Another joyful difference of this type of transport is the student discount on the passage of 50%.

Take advantage of the train is not only when you need to overcome a long distance outside the city, but also to make a path within the city, especially if there are stations in the point A and in the point B of your trip.

Step-by-step instruction

Be that as it may, there are many nuances that you should know. Consider all the way in order.


The ticket can be bought at the box office or independently purchase in the machine. There are no rare platforms in the field of cash desks because of the low passenger traffic, in this case you buy a ticket from the controller on the train, calling the station from which you are going.

It is important to notice that if you know the time of the desired train, it is better to come to the station in advance, because there may be a queue in the cash register. Moreover, if you are a student - cashiers love to look at the student ticket for a long time.

In the received ticket, the main bottom of the bottom with the barcode! In any case, it cannot be soak or matted, otherwise you will not be able to go through the turnstiles installed at the entrance to the platform and exit from it. So bought ticket, we passed the turnstile and accustomed carefully in the most reliable pocket. If you have to make it a controller to be presented. The main thing is not to throw a ticket earlier than you pass through the turnstile at the output of the station you need! Otherwise, you will have to pay the amount in two, or even three times more to just buy a ticket to the exit.

The ticket itself gives you the right to travel from the station to the station during the day. By time he is not tied. Therefore, you can take a ticket immediately on the way back.


If it is the station, then there will be many ways there. But before each there is a scoreboard, where the time of departure and the final stop of the train is written, as well as the list of stations that the train will continue without stopping. Last worth paying special attention. In addition, all trains are constantly declared. So there is information everywhere, the main thing to perceive it.

If this is an ordinary station, then the ways are at least two and each also has a scoreboard with the specified direction. But I usually clarify at the checkout, on which platform I should go.

A train

And here you are already in a cozy orange or blue (someone as lucky) salon. Before departure, the final stop and the station will be announced, on which the train will not stop, so that when I error there is still a chance to run out of the electric train :)

The stations are announced, however, sometimes very quiet or illegible, so keep your ear eld.

The controllers are followed. All they need is to see your ticket. In some directions, they are rare guests, and in some places you will have to demonstrate a ticket and three times.


Now in Moscow, they are actively fighting with "hares" and already almost at each station there are cash registers and turnstiles, but if you still have a magical way in the train without a ticket, here's the advice on the game "Suggest from the controller" ;)

  • sit down not to the extreme wagons to be able to go to several cars forward from the impending danger;
  • the most faithful sign that the danger of this is too close is the long strip of youth, marginalov and other representatives of the "Hare Clan", moving from the neighboring car towards the direction of the right-minded controllers. You should join their ranks and go to such a number of cars forward to the chase to do not have time to catch up to your station;
  • if the controllers are "driven" into the last car, then many make a dangerous trick: while stopping at the station, he moves from this car to the previous one, which has already been tested by controllers. I do not advise this, because it is really dangerous. True, the driver in this game for survival is always on the side of the Zaitsev - let a better negligent shortage minus a fine than cares for the train, so he will not close the doors before his nose;
  • extreme case. By missed all the opportunities to escape from them, the controller asks you to make a ticket. Sometimes the number with brazenly demonstrated old ticket will be held. Personally, I did it two times and both swollen times :) otherwise you just have to pay for the full fare. For a refusal of the controllers for some reason, Zaitsev is launched into the last car, there seems to be planted (why exactly through the last car - I do not know). One way or another, in the case of a short-tie travel, a fine threatens, which is calculated depending on the kilometers and type / class of the car. Therefore, it is better not to accumulate on controllers, and even better buy a ticket in advance.

I will give a couple of lines to another plus of trains: the presence of a toilet in the first car, which can sometimes be very useful! Also on a ticket purchased at the train station, you can go for free in the public toilet in the station building.

How to get to the airport

If the trains come to the stations located on the metro annular line, then all three airports of Moscow are located outside the city.


The most common and reliable option. It will come out from the center until the airport itself for half an hour (or a little more - depends on the airport, but the time is fixed), and since this is a kind of railway transport, no traffic jams are threatened. Very comfortable, quickly, clearly in time, but quite expensive - 470 rubles (420 when buying on the site or through a mobile application), and a children's ticket will be released at 130 rubles. When traveling with children, you must have a copy of the child's birth certificate confirming its age.

They go every half an hour from 5:30 am to 1:00 am. But there are breaks per hour, so better clarify in advance so as not to get into a very unpleasant situation and urgently look for other ways, as it was with me.

Vnukovo Airport can be reached from Kiev Station, to Sheremetyevo from Belorussky, and Domodedovo from Paveletsky. Each of these stations have specialized cash registers, waiting rooms and platforms. How to go to this zone will be prompted by pointers (even in the subway).


And now the little lifehak - few people know that Domodedovo Airport can be reached from the same Paveletsky railway station on the usual train! And in comfort you do not lose anything, only in time - the train overcomes the same distance per hour with a little. But the price of a ticket only 123 rubles! And if you are a student, then at all 61,5! These electric trains go from half the fifth morning, and the latter leaves about 11 pm. So this is the best option in case you need to get into Domodedovo. It is a pity, however, in Vnukovo and Sheremetyevo, it will not be possible to take the same way.

Route taxi and buses

They have one obvious minus - the probability of getting into the plug. However, you can safely use this transport during the daytime on weekdays and on weekends.

The buses have a schedule, but there are also many planned stops, which is why time on the way can delay. But in some places the usual city payment system operates (I somehow traveled to Sheremetyevo for "Unified").

But the minibus will take you much faster than the bus, so if you do not have in stock of time car with a small trolley, better go on a taxi route! For this with you will be taken from 70 to 150 rubles.

Work time just about from 4:30 in the morning to 00:30 night. Without traffic jams on a minibus can be reached in half an hour.

  • Going to Sheremetyevo, you should sit on the minister of the River Station: No. 949, the first car from the center, or on the plander: No. 948, the first car from the center. Outdoor outdoor. Opposite the exit are stopping buses and route taxi.
  • Domodedovo will be taken from Domodedovskaya station: No. 308. Last wagon from the center. In the underground transition to the right to the end of the tunnel. If you climb the stairs and look back, you can immediately see the bus stop.
  • In Vnukovo, the bus starts mainly from the southwest: No. 45, the first car from the center, in the underground transition to the right, from the transition to the top - on the left staircase. Stop near the exit from the subway. You can still get from the new stations: one way out to Salaryevo. Stops urban buses №611The locations 15 meters from the subway. Travel to the metro station Troparlyvo - exit from the last car, to the underground transition to the right, then right on the stairs and right along the street. Stops of urban buses No. 611K are located 10 meters from the output from the subway. From Rumyantsevo - exit from the last car. Stops urban buses No. 611 located 15 meters from the exit.

In addition, the signs in the form of stickers at the station will help you from the metro to the stop.

Past minibuses again will not pass - the maximum expressive name of the airport will be born on the windshield, and next to you will see an actively visiting driver. You can only get comfortable in the salon and wait for the departure that is filling.

Those who still go wrong on the taxi, but on the bus - their stops are there in the same place.


Very expensive and ineffective, because no one is insured from the plugs.

If you decide to use the taxi driver's services, then prepare thousands of our domestic rubles. Even if you are geographically near the airport and you have to take a maximum of 15 minutes, give you anyway at least 800 rubles - I tried.

Water transport

As I said at the very beginning, it is used only in entertainment purposes, but stroll through the Moscow River on the ship is always nice, so we consider this type of transport.

Boats from April to October and have fixed routes.

In the center of Moscow:

  • Kiev station - the Ustinsky Bridge - Kiev station;
  • Vorobyev Mountains - Pottery Embankment - Vorobyev Mountains;
  • Culture Park - Krasnokholmsky Bridge - Park of Culture;
  • Tretyakovsky's pier - the Kremlin - Pierce Tretyakovsky.

Local routes:

  • Route Kolomenskoye - Brateevo - Maryino. Actively used to deliver residents of the same name to the recreation area and the historical complex Kolomenskoye. Only circular flights from the pier Kolomna duration 1 hour.
  • Trinity-Lykovo routes - Strogino and around Silver Bora..
  • Route to the Recreation Zero "Bay of Joy" on the Klyazmin reservoir on the "Rocket" heaters from the North River Station.
  • Route in the Khimki reservoir without landing on the shore.
  • And in a circular route in the Moscow River, you can go from the pier at the Ukraine Hotel.

There are unusual views of walks with lunch or dinner, excursion programsAnd also the ability to celebrate other holidays on board the ship!


  • Ticket for a walk to any pier in one direction: The price for an adult is 550 rubles, for a child from 6 to 13 years old - 400 rubles, children under 6 years old - free.
  • A whole day ticket with the ability to take a walk throughout the day with an unlimited landing and disembarks: the price for an adult is 900 rubles, for a child from 6 to 14 years old - 500 rubles, children under 6 years old - free.
  • Two-hour ticket circular route Kiev station - Kiev station: The price for an adult is 650 rubles, for a child from 6 to 14 years old - 450 rubles, children under 6 years old - free.

Tickets can be bought at the box office on the marins on the day of departure. Guides for a walk with stops of 1.5 hours are sent every 25 minutes from the Kiev Station - from 12-00 to 20-00, OT. Novospassian Bridge - from 11-30 to 19-50. There are changes in the work schedule due to weather conditions or for technical reasons.

By the way, on Sparrow Mountains in summer beautiful girls A good discount on a ticket from the cavaliers from the staff from the ship can be expected to be quite unexpectedly, just to gain passengers and, of course, give you pleasure!

Well, perhaps, with this knowledge luggage you will not be difficult to move comfortably in Moscow and competently plan your time and routes! ;)

The Moscow Metro is open daily from early morning to late night. Trains do not go only a few hours a day due to regulatory technological work at stations and in tunnels. The duration of the intervals of the movement of the composition varies depending on the days of the week and the time of day. In the peak hours, the frequency of trains on some lines does not exceed 90 seconds.

With a detailed schedule of stations, you can find signs at the entrance to the lobby, as well as on the official website of the Moscow Metro. Here you can also familiarize yourself with the schedule of sending the first and last trains from each station.

Moscow Metro lines scheme can be viewed in the lobby and at the metro stations, railway and bus stations, in the Metro Metro application, as well as on the official metro site and on the portal.

The Moscow Monorail Transport System is part of the metro. The route Monorass is lying from the Timiryazevskaya station to the "Street of Sergey Eisenstein". With the Montorls Train schedule you can find on the portal.

2. Scheme, work time and train schedule MCC

Trains in Moscow central Ring (MCC) go from 05:30 to 01:00. At the ICC stations, transport and transplant nodes are organized that bind the metro, and.

You can pay for the passage to the MCC by any urban ticket ("one", "90 minutes", "Troika") on the metro rates. You can also use all the benefits on social cards.

When transplanting from the metro on the MCC and back within 90 minutes, an additional trip is not written off.

3. Routes and timetable of urban land transport

The city's terrestrial public transport of Moscow is working daily from early morning to late night. Row of routes. You can get acquainted with the schedule of bus travel, electricians, trolley buses and trams can be at all stops, as well as on the site. The schedules of private carriers are also available on the portal. In October 2016, a new network of ground transport "Mainer" was launched in Moscow. New bus routes, trolley buses and trams are held in the center of Moscow and the main transport paths. Discover detailed information You can at the new transport network "Magistral", its routes and timetables.

You can also familiarize yourself with the ground transportation scheme in the center of Moscow and express routes that provide high-speed transport links between remote areas and the city center.

Build a route trip to destination depending on the schedule of public transport and workload road roads It is possible using an interactive service on the main page of the portal, and you can learn about the current fares in ground urban public transport on the official website of the Moscow City Musetric website.

4. Night routes of public transport

Night routes are formed in such a way as to cover transport traffic From the city center all administrative districts.

Night ground transport works from 01:00 am to 05:30 in the morning, and routes B and M10 - around the clock. Movement interval - 30 minutes. All night routes, besides B, start from the Metro station "China-City": here every half hour, starting from 01:00, at the same time 11 night routes come, expect 5-10 minutes and go through their routes.

5. Routes of international and intercity buses

Get acquainted with the bus routes of the International, Intercity (between Moscow and large cities Other areas) messages can be connected to bus stations and bus station, from where buses walk, as well as on the official website of Rosavtotrans.

Between Moscow and the cities of the Moscow region operates a network of bus routes and route taxis. They are departed from bus stations and bus station located near the metro stations. Get acquainted with the movement scheme suburban buses and route taxis, as well as a list of routes, you can at departure points and on.

Most bus routesconnecting Moscow with cities and large settlements The Moscow region is serviced by the GUP MO "MOSTRANSAVTO". You can learn more about the list of routes, as well as a possible transfers in the suburbs on the territory of the Moscow region on the official website of the carrier.

6. Motion Scheme and timetables and long-distance trains

The schedule of suburban electric trains, ruling between Moscow and the Moscow region, is designed in such a way that the first formulations from the field came to the capital to the opening of the metro stations. The latest formulations are sent to the Moscow region around midnight to ensure the transport of citizens working in the evening shift. Suburban electric trains run on 11 directions originating at all Moscow railway stations.

You can get acquainted with the scheme of routes and the schedule of suburban electric trains at stations, stations and stopping points of the metropolitan region, in the wagons directly in the following way, as well as on the official sites of the central suburban passenger company, which ensures the movement of electric trains in all areas, except Leningrad, and Moscow-Tver suburban passenger company operating in the Leningrad direction.

At suburban railway transport on weekdays, there is a technological break required for conducting work on the verification and the current repair of the path and the concomitant infrastructure.

For travel in suburban electricians of the Moscow region, there are three categories of one-time tickets: full, preferential and children's. When follows within the city of Moscow, the fare in the train is fixed and does not depend on the distance of the trip.

When followed from Moscow to stations in the Moscow region and back the fare is calculated by More details with the borders of the tariff zones on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region, you can in the ticket office at train stations and stations, as well as on the site, in other destinations.

"\u003e tariff zones.

Also for the convenience of passengers using suburban electricians Daily, developed several species With a list of subscription tickets operating in all directions, except Leningrad, can be found on the website. OJSC "Central Suburban Passenger Company". List of subscription tickets on the Leningrad Direction Electrics is presented on the siteOJSC Moscow-Tver Suburban Passenger Company.

"\u003e subscription tickets, varying by the number of trips, days of the week and travel distance. You can use the tariff calculator to select the most optimal view of the subscription ticket.

With the rules of travel in suburban electric trains, cruising in Moscow and the Moscow region, can be found in the official websites of carriers operating on the metropolitan railway unit: