Bounty Island is a heavenly delight for tourists. Six divine beaches of Thailand in the style of "bounty"

Advertising of a chocolate bar, periodically appearing, then disappearing from large screens, is familiar to everyone, if not from childhood, then from ancient times. Bounty Island has always been associated with a lost piece of land somewhere in the heavenly warm waters of the ocean, where sultry brunettes in white flying dresses walk under the palm trees. Many will be surprised to learn that this heaven on Earth exists, moreover, it was there that the commercial for "Bounty" was filmed.

However, if you try to find Bounty Island on a Google map, it will give you several similar names - to the disappointment of chocolate fans, this is a fairly common name for tropical islands, which means “generosity”, “gifts” in English. Indeed, for tourists, each island is a real gift of fate, whether it is located in the Dominican Republic or closer to Thailand.

That Bounty Island

First of all, we are interested in the places where the coconut bar commercial was filmed - and they are called Ko Samet, and for amateurs in Thai notation - Bounty Island in Thailand. This is how tourists indicate the direction, expressing the desire to go there. The island is located not far from Pattaya and Bangkok, so upon arrival in these competing capital cities, you will be taken to the island on a regular boat.

But there will be no adventures of Robinson Crusoe: enterprising agents and local businessmen equipped the island, building up the lion's share of the coastal strip with hotels - there are about 20 of them, half of them are five-star hotels.

And how else to evaluate a quiet, gentle bay, so beloved by tourists all year round?

The climate that Bounty Island has allows you to swim in the ocean and sunbathe 300 days a year - the rest of the days the monsoons are so strong that they provoke a storm. But the shallow shelf and the transparent bottom attract with children in the hope of rebuilding their nest, preserving vivid sensations for life.

Bounty Island is an authentic toponym

Where did the archipelago get its name from? Certainly not out of the generosity of the gifts of nature: in 1788, the Bounty ship stumbled upon it. Since the sailors became the discoverers, it was decided to assign this name to the island. Is there a fatal glory here? After all, just a couple of months after the opening, a mutiny broke out on the ship, and the captain with a team of like-minded people was launched in a boat and sent on a journey through the waters of the ocean.

An interesting fact: the climate on the island is far from paradise, the coldest time of the year here is the end of summer, August, the temperature can drop to zero. However, thanks to the amazing landscape and wildlife, Bounty Island is today a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Beach "Bounty", (Feodosia, Russia) - location, description, opening hours, entertainment and infrastructure. Helpful Hints and practical information from "The Subtleties of Tourism".

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The enchanting name "Bounty" in itself sets you up for a paradise vacation on soft sand under an emerald palm tree lazily swaying in the ocean breeze. And it is quite similar to the truth when applied to Feodosia: there are, however, no palm trees on the beach, and it is quite crowded during the season ... Otherwise, the Second Bounty City Beach will delight visitors with almost advertising sand, calm sea. Entrance to the beach is free, but if you are looking for more comfort than lying on the sand on your own towel, get ready to open your wallet. This is one of the widest beaches in Feodosia with excellent recreational opportunities for tourists of all ages.


The Bounty Beach is located within the city limits, which will be very convenient for those who travel by public transport- you do not need to go anywhere, from the surrounding areas (Aivazovskaya station and neighboring ones) it is easy to walk to the beach. "Bounty" is located immediately after the Dynamo beach and is actually the second part of the Second City Beach, sharing it with Zhemchuzhny. The infrastructure here is almost the same, and the differences in coastline almost not.

The width of the Bounty beach is from 40 to 50 meters, it stretches for almost 600 meters in length.

Features of the beach "Bounty"

In addition to its convenient location, Bounty Beach attracts vacationers with fine golden sand, a wide coastline and umbrellas, sunbeds, mattresses and other pleasant little things about a beach holiday.

The width of the Bounty beach is from 40 to 50 meters, it stretches for almost 600 meters in length. The entrance to the water is very gentle, fairly long, with a large area of ​​shallow water. At the same time, rocks at the bottom, stones and boulders are completely absent, so there is a real expanse for children. The sea is relatively clean, as far as possible for the city limits. It is important that the beach is closely monitored: accumulations of algae and household garbage are removed.


Entrance to the Bounty Beach is free, only additional amenities are paid. Those who want to save money can be recommended to sit "savage" on their own towels right on the soft sand, but in this case you will rest behind three rows of umbrellas that lined the coastline. Sun loungers with umbrellas, separate sunbeds and trestle beds under a canopy are rented - all for the corresponding cost. The cabanas on the beach are free, while fresh water showers and toilets are available for a fee. The beach is guarded, there is a rescue station.


There is a station near Bounty Beach aquatic species sports, where you can book a boat trip, catamaran or scooter. It offers vacationers "bananas", "pills" and other inflatable devices that cause squeals. Here you can also fly on a parachute behind a boat or rush on water skis. On the beach there is a cafe-bar with light snacks and soft drinks.

Those who wish can have a massage session in massage tents, decorated in the spirit of Caribbean huts with a wicker roof and curtains as walls.

If you are asked to remember the Bounty advertisement, the blue surface of the ocean immediately appears before your eyes, hot White sand and tropical palms, near which a swarthy beauty rests, languidly eating chocolate. The bright picture beckons, you also want to be in this heavenly place and forget about problems, business and slushy weather. Where are these beauties of nature? Does it really exist Mysterious Island Bounty?

A little excursion into geography

In fact, the Bounty is not just one island. , and the whole archipelago, consisting of 13 tropical islands. Geographically, they are located in the Pacific Ocean, southeast of. These islands were discovered in 1788. They were noticed by the sailors of an English ship passing by, which was called the Bounty. It was in his honor that the open archipelago was named. As Wikipedia says, total area islands is only 1.35 square meters. kilometers.

Advertisers borrowed only a sonorous name from this archipelago. Appearance any island that is part of the Bounty has nothing to do with the picture captured in the video. Bare rocks with seals, albatrosses and penguins living on them meet not vacationers at their shores, but scientific expeditions studying the life of these creatures in natural conditions. A century ago, these places aroused professional interest among hunters. Today, because of the unique fauna, the islands of the Bounty archipelago are taken under the protection of UNESCO. These places are not inhabited by people.

Video release date

A luxurious picture of heavenly life, released by local television companies, was seen by residents of Tver, Novosibirsk, Volgograd, Ufa, Chelyabinsk and other megacities. The main character of the video, like the viewers, does not quite separate reality from fantasy, but the fact that she experiences "heavenly pleasure" is beyond doubt.

Filming Locations

So where was the colorful video about the paradise island actually filmed? After all, it was not a props, which means that such an island should be! You may be surprised, but for the filming was involved not one tropical island, but six. And all - one is more beautiful than the other:

  • Crete (Greece);
  • Phuket (Thailand);
  • Samui (Thailand);
  • Saona (Dominican Republic);
  • Rarotonga (Cook Islands).

Keep this list in mind, maybe you will be able to fulfill your dream and be in a fairy tale, even if not for long.

What do these resorts offer?

Maldives unite about 1200 coral islands, each of which is part of the state. But only 200 of them can be called inhabited. Local beaches are characterized by a secluded atmosphere. This perfect place for people who are tired of civilization, craving peace, romance and unity with nature - the real Bounty beaches.

Crete differs from other fabulous places by the presence of a developed infrastructure. Young couples and families with children can have a great rest here. Everyone will find for himself what he needs. In its favor is the mild climate, a large number of hotels, sandy and pebbly beach areas. It's well organized here. leisure: you can ride horses. to fish or hunt. If you look for the minuses of this place, then the only one will be its crowdedness.

A very diverse audience arrives. Serious mothers with children and cheerful bachelors in search of sexual adventures - you will not meet anyone here. Phuket is famous for its pristine beaches. Tired of passive rest, it is quite possible to dilute it with an excursion program.

Koh Samui embodies dreams of relaxation and the most serene atmosphere. It is here that most of the commercials with advertising are filmed: "bounty is a heavenly delight." Four decades ago, the island was completely untouched. Now at your service here is how modern hotels and bungalows.

Saona - most large island Dominican Republic. Fishermen's settlements are concentrated in the center of the island, the rest of it remains deserted. Here it is quite possible to give yourself a secluded vacation, or at least come here on an unforgettable excursion, as well as take dozens of amazing photos as a keepsake and remember this vacation on winter evenings.

Rarotonga is the central island of all the Cook Islands. wildlife combined with the original Polynesian culture, it will strike you to the very heart and you will definitely want to come back here again. Local population it is very friendly to tourists and is ready to share with them the joys of quiet fishing and other available pleasures.

A riot of tropical greenery, the purest sandy beach, bathed in the rays of the hot sun blue Lagoon- that's what instantly rises before your eyes at the mention of the Bounty. The island, famous in the advertising of the chocolate bars of the same name, looks like a true corner of paradise on earth. However, few people know that the famous videos were actually filmed in different places that have little in common with the group of islands that officially bear this name. But where, then, to look for Bounty - an island of tropical paradise? And is there such a thing?

The geographical location of the Bounty archipelago

The island, or rather the Bounty archipelago, consisting of 13 islands, is a real-life geographical feature. It is located in the water Pacific Ocean southeast of the coast of New Zealand (they are separated by about 650 kilometers).

The time of its opening was 1788. The English ship, the first to pass by the archipelago, was called the Bounty. Subsequently, it was assigned to this group of islands.

The Bounty Archipelago: A Legend Crashed on the Rocks

The real Bounty Islands have nothing to do with the vivid picture of the "tropical dream" that has taken root in the mass consciousness thanks to television advertising. The climate on them is quite severe, the vegetation is extremely sparse, and the steep banks are indented with rocks, making it difficult to disembark from the ship.

There are no human settlements on the islands. But scientific expeditions often visit here to study penguins, albatrosses and seals, whose populations on the Bounty Islands are under the protection of UNESCO.

Thai "bounty island": where is the fairy tale?

Koh Samui, or Elephant Island, is the third largest among the islands of Thailand. It is located in the Gulf of Thailand, surrounded by many other, smaller islands. Its feature, which annually attracts many tourists from all over the world, is coral reefs and sandy beaches amazing cleanliness surrounded by luxurious coconut palms. It is believed that it was on this island that the most advertising videos were filmed, promising "heavenly delight" from chocolate.

"Bounty Island" in Thailand became a resort not so long ago - only about forty years ago. Despite the fact that now the infrastructure on it is actively developing, there are still many secluded and quiet places allowing you to be one with nature. An expensive hotel, a gourmet dinner at a fish restaurant, the whirl of lights of bars and discos or a bungalow on the coast itself, the quiet rustle of sand under your feet and the serene expanse of the ocean… In any case, the choice is up to the tourist.

Saona - national reserve of the Dominican Republic

Another country that can boast of having its own "bounty island" is the Dominican Republic. Saona is the largest of all the islands in the Dominican Republic. The unique charm of this marvelous corner of the earth, surrounded by the purest water, the government of the country decided to keep in its original form.

Currently, Saona has the status national reserve. The construction of hotels and villas is prohibited on its territory. Tourists living on other islands come here exclusively for short one-day excursions.

However, the stream of those wishing to walk with a guide through the territory of the reserve, which contains more than five hundred species of tropical plants and many exotic birds, does not dry out. In addition, visiting the Saonian caves, where local Indians once lived, is also popular, as well as exploring the underwater secrets of the turquoise lagoon with a mask and snorkel, the depth of which near the coast is no more than one meter.

Rarotonga - a paradise in Polynesia

Another contender for the Bounty nickname is Rarotonga Island from the Polynesian Cook Islands. This is the most densely populated part of the archipelago, at the same time being its administrative center. Tourists here expect a rich selection of entertainment and excursion programs. They are offered a tour throughout the island, scuba diving in the waters of the lagoon and fishing in the ocean, helicopter flights and hiking in the rainforest.

Rarotonga is famous for its exceptionally diverse vegetation. Here, coconut and other palm trees grow in abundance, there are rich groves of citrus fruits and extensive fern thickets. And the sandy beaches of the island of Rarotonga are traditionally considered one of the best in Polynesia.

The charm of the Maldives

The mesmerizing Maldives is an amazing archipelago where Bounty Island should be easily found in every corner. A wondrous country in the middle indian ocean managed to achieve, at first glance, the impossible: to fully preserve the unique wealth of nature and provide numerous tourists with the highest quality service.

Of the almost one thousand two hundred coral islands that make up the state, only two hundred are inhabited. Small but exceptionally picturesque stretches of land, surrounded by turquoise ocean waters, are the true embodiment of a tropical paradise on earth. beach holiday here is ideal for those who are looking for peace and solitude, romantic atmosphere and enjoyment of the pristine beauty of nature around.

The most popular resorts Maldives used by newlyweds and couples in love. For them, they are able to organize any event here: from a fascinating walk for two on the ocean or a night spent on a desert island, to a wedding ceremony in an exotic setting. Undoubtedly, such an event is destined to become truly unforgettable!

Remember the colorful advertisement for the Bounty bar? To the sounds of a relaxing melody and under the gentle rays of the sun beautiful girl enjoys delicious chocolate, and it immediately becomes clear to everyone that such a life is truly a heavenly delight! But the main "chip" of this advertisement is not music, not a girl, and not even chocolate.

The main thing here is the scene, a beautiful tropical island that embodies paradise on earth. It is not for nothing that many tourists, coming to travel agencies, set only one clear task for their employees: to organize a trip exactly where the Bounty advertisement was filmed!

Managers of travel agencies often hear the request: “I want to go where they shot ads for the bounty”

So what is this magical place with white beaches, clear blue water and green palm trees? Is there really a Bounty Island where you will not care about anything but a great vacation and a complete renovation vitality and is it possible to get there?

In fact, there is no clear answer to this question, because representatives of every tropical country unanimously swear that they filmed a wonderful advertisement with beautiful landscapes. If you look at the map, you will not be able to find the island called Bounty, but you will see a whole archipelago of thirteen islands under this official name - it is located a little south of New Zealand. But they definitely didn’t shoot ads for chocolate there, if only because of the cold and windy climate - after all, the archipelago is very close to Antarctica, so paradise here can only be for penguins and seals.

It will not be easy to find one specific location for filming a sensational advertisement, because in fact the video sequence consists of several clips. They were filmed in different places, among which there are the Dominican Republic, and Bali, and Hawaii, and Crete, and Mauritius. But the main location of filming, according to most sources, is, nevertheless, one of the islands of Thailand - fabulous Koh Samui. It is this heavenly place that deserves special mention in connection with the advertising of Bounty chocolate.

Koh Samui is the third largest island in Thailand, belonging to the province of Surat Thani. Despite its rather modest size (its area is only 229 square kilometers), the island is always popular among tourists. This is not surprising, because the local paradise beaches, gentle warm water and good weather create a serene atmosphere of privacy, which many residents of big cities aspire to.

Increasingly, tourists prefer to rest on Koh Samui

In terms of tourism, Koh Samui is a rather “young” island, because just a few decades ago there were only impenetrable jungles and no signs of modern civilization. Only since the end of the seventies of the last century, tourists began to visit the island more and more often, which led to the beginning of the formation of the corresponding infrastructure.

Today Koh Samui is an actively developing tourist mecca, because this destination is becoming more and more popular among travelers. The Thai authorities annually invest billions of dollars in the island - modern roads are being laid here, the area is being developed, five-star hotels and recreation centers are being built for every taste. But, despite such an active development of the island, its main feature, for which thousands of tourists come here, is an incredible atmosphere of isolation and a sense of remoteness from the bustling outside world.

If you would like to dive into Magic world paradise island, then today this is not a problem - tours to Koh Samui are offered by almost all tour operators. You can also organize your holiday by yourself, having previously booked accommodation and flight tickets via the Internet. The airport, located on the island, receives more than 20 planes daily, so there should be no problems with the road.

In addition to a secluded and relaxed holiday, Koh Samui will also delight you with interesting sights: you can visit the Magic Buddha Garden, the Butterfly Garden, the Serpentine and Crocodile farm. Also there are many religious buildings that convey the specific atmosphere of Buddhism - these are temples, and Buddha statues, there is even a mummified monk! In general, if you wish, you can provide yourself with a rich cultural program with a lot of vivid impressions.

One of the many temples on Koh Samui

Go to fairy island Koh Samui, and let your stay there be truly a heavenly delight!

Heavenly bliss - the girl just tried Bounty for the first time!