History. History Forged lattice of the Mikhailovsky Garden

In the last cruise post we anni_LJ. went on. And in this post we are the next morning after this very excursion, we start the second day of our parking lot in St. Petersburg - we are going to the Mikhailovsky garden.

One of my favorite poems about hometown - This is Miron Levin:

Mikhailovsky Castle at the Summer Garden,
Chestnuts and Circus and Mikhailovsky Garden.
Here is what I need. I no longer need.
Return to me the city and the castle back.

Initially in the territories of the current summer and Mikhailovsky gardens, the garden around the engineering lock and engineering square were located rural settlements, as well as the estate and hunting grounds of the Swedish Rothmistra Conoa - this is evidenced by the plan 1698 in 1716-1717. Architect J.-B. Leblon by order of Peter I fulfilled the master plan for three summer gardens. The first and second gardens were in the territory of the currently existing summer garden. The third was the garden where the Palace of Catherine I. The territory on which the Mikhailovsky Garden is now located in the third summer garden and was called the Swedish Garden.

The lattice of the Mikhailovsky Garden with a floral ornament was erected simultaneously with the Cathedral on the project of architect A. Parkland.

Very beautiful, no analogues

cast iron lace

Gate in the garden

The garden fence was renovated in 2002, and the gate and lanterns in 2006. From the site of the restorer: "Work on the restoration of the forged gates of the Mikhailovskaya fence began with the search for archival documents. In the archive of the Russian Museum, the negative was found on which the Venezel Alexander III was found. , two lamps on the pylons and large wrought-iron leaves in the center of the composition. Based on these photographic materials, a project restoration of the monument was made.<...> All parts of the gate and lamps are knocked down by hot hand forging on old technologies. Decorative protection of glass ceiling mesh is made of stainless steel. Glass plaffones are made by the plant "Goose Crystal".

Tiered Maitolik, who decorated once pillars of the fence, was lost almost completely. 25 testers of five species returned to the place. The technological process for the manufacture of majolica tiles is complex, time-consuming, multi-step - starting from the manufacture of the model and ending with the installation of the tie. The tile is sampled manually, and after applying each color separately the root is required.

We came a little earlier time, the garden gates are still closed. The garden is washed and worshiped before meeting with us:

Garden Plan:

The first crossing of the tracks at the entrance to the Mikhailovsky Garden was the name "Krug Rossi" in honor of the famous architect, which in 1826 restored the landing of trees in a circle during redevelopment of the Mikhailovsky Garden. At this place in the XVIII century there was a round site, the main entrance to the third summer garden on the project FB Shot.

According to the project Zh. B. Leblona in 1717, Lipa sat down along the spell and was subjected to a constant haircut. From the 1920s, sites, stage appeared on the site of the alley, the courts were built in the 1970s. Trees on the alley have not been preserved.

In 2003, during the reconstruction of the Mikhailovsky Garden, the young trees of Linden Melo-Choir were planted along the edge of the former round site on historical placesoh.

Shady alley - I really love the garden in May, when it is transparent and air, with delicate foliage, glowing in the sun. But in July, with already mature foliage, he is good:

Large meadow in front of the Russian Museum

But the photo of 2008, when we were in St. Petersburg - and, of course, came to the Mikhailovsky garden. Leu 8 years:

and Ruham is 6 years old:

Bust A.A. Ivanova (1860 according to the original L. Gulelmn) is located at Pavilion Rossi.

Pavilion Rossi (from the sink).

Let's go along the wash, along the washing,
At the stredy linden in sight
Swallowed and resistant
Gasoline avgar on the go
Between Mars and Garden
Mikhailovsky, past being
Stables, wide girth
Kept horses dashing.
Let's go! The more names,
The verse is reliable,
On it from lattices and buildings
The shadow is so flawless.
With Tynanovsk accurate tip
Let's go along the walls and columns,
With lexical bright color
From these names ... (A. Kushner)

In 1823-1824, a granite pier and pavilion was arranged in the Mikhailovsk garden on the shore of the sink. Pavilion developed the architect Karl Ivanovich Russia. On July 26, 1823, Emperor Alexander I approved a pavilion plan with a pier and lattices. Preserved inventory, compiled on October 10, 1825, which gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe appearance and decoration of the building.

Foundations, base, stairs about 8 steps and terrace between the premises are made of Putilovsky stone. The stone of this (Putilovsky limestone) was mined in a quarry from the village of Putilovo, not far from Ladoga Lake. Locals said: "On the Putilovskoye slab it is the entire Petersburg". It was used in the construction of a Smolny Monastery, Nikolsky Maritime and Kazan Cathedrals, a large living room and other famous buildings.

The pavilion consisted of two symmetrical premises with a similar decor and decoration. They differed only in the color of the walls and the corresponding color of the furniture upholstery.

The pavilion was used as a resting place during walks and shelter from bad weather or heat. During water walks It was possible to stop in the garden to relax or play cards.

In the premises were placed in furniture of a red tree with an upholstery of the corresponding wall decoration: chairs, tables, sofas and wall mirrors. The windows were hanging on the windows with pods, jambs and festons, decorated with gap cords, brushes and fringe.

In 2002-2003, the Russian Museum renovated the facades of Pavilion Rossi and limestone steps.

Cast iron bridge Rossi.

Through the duct between the two ponds, which existed since the XVIII century and the newly restored in 2003 during the reconstruction of the Mikhailovsky Garden, an openwork cast-iron bridge, built on the project of architect K.I. Russia is on the site of an old wooden bridge. The exact information about the construction of the bridge has not yet been found. Only one architectural drawing signed by K.I. Rossi, dated 1826

At the end of the XIX century, a small pond, located along the cast-iron garden fence along with the bridge, were covered. The grounds and supporting structures with decorative elements were almost completely hidden by the Earth. During the 100-year operation of the garden, a part of the decorative elements remaining on the surface was lost.

In 2002, archaeological work began on the opening of the bridge. Genuine cast iron parts are preserved thanks to the construction trash that the pond was covered and the bridge itself. Therefore, in the process of reconstruction of the Mikhailovsky Garden, when reconstructeding a small, filled pond, it was possible to fulfill the complex restoration of the bridge of Rossi.

The bridge consists of brick mains, lined with limestone blocks, five cast-iron lattice farms made by casting, and a parapet cast-iron fencing fixed on the couches with decorative elements.

Today, Russia's bridge is the only one in St. Petersburg with a bridge construction with genuine cast-iron arched structures and cast-iron elements (only a small number of lost decor details are redistributed on the analogue of the preserved).

Pond, covered in 1902 - is now restored:

The garden looks very landscaped. Pointers

benches for trawn visitors

Many information stands and explanatory tablets

And take a little walk around the Mikhailovsky Garden. Swan jackets

and the bottom Lebiazhiy Bridge over the swan groove

Photo on the bridge for memory

2nd garden bridge over the river washing

and hexagon lanterns on lamps from crossed copies framing the bridge

Mikhailovsky Castle:

A. Kushner

A. V. Kulagin

If you still have to stay in the city,
For a trip, let's say in Italy, there is no money,
Or old age came - and in all its long experience
Traveling more than others tired you plot

Or are you alone - and you do not want one
Travel, without smoldering with anyone
Or you never know what, let's say, shadow is dragging you
The wrong misfortune, pouring the feet of lead, -

To the castle, go to the castle that on the one hand the Fontanka,
And with the other by Nurgrudooy, the wascohol is bordered.
To the castle, to the castle, with English in charge of his Osanko,
Brenna was an Italian, and yet he romantic

In the castle, in the castle, in the courtyard of his inner, is something strange
You will see, this, which did not see anywhere, -
Closed space faceted, eight-marched,
Nothing like it is on another star,

And, delivered on the side, in the burning gold,
Spire, - how did the architect thought so that he stood so?
Someone asked: Your favorite place in the town?
I did not want to talk to anyone, and now I said.

1st garden bridge over washing

And a little about restoration work in the Mikhailovsky Garden. Mikhailovsky Garden was transferred to the Russian Museum in 1999. And in 2001, the State Institute of Architecture of St. Petersburg has completed work on the project of reconstruction of the Mikhailovsky Garden. The purpose of the project is the return of the Garden of the historical meaning of the ensemble Mikhailovsky Palace - Mikhailovsky Garden. The renovation is based on the perimeter of the Garden of regular French layout, and in its center - landscape English style.

In 2002, the organization CJSC Soyuzstroy began restoration work, the purpose of which was the revival of the former species of the garden for the period of its greatest heyday in accordance with the KI project Russia is 1826. The requirements of modern life lead to the expansion of the functional use of the garden, making new elements of modern garden-park architecture, but, nevertheless, the historically established planning, the one-providing combination of regular and landscape began, was carefully preserved.

When restoring the historical layout and volume composition of the Mikhailovsky Garden for the period 1824-1826, ancient methods of restoration were used, exemplary technologies to preserve the historic landscape and the following works were performed:

Restoration of historical outlines coastline Pond, cleaning from bottom sediments, restoration and strengthening of historical paving bottom of the pond

Recreation of the second pair pond on historical plans, recovery ducts between ponds

Restoration of the cast-iron bridge of Russia and its stone ruins

Restoration of the three granite stairs terraces in front of the Mikhailovsky Palace

Restoration of the fence from Sadovaya Street

The device of two new fences along the southern border with the ethnography museum and the metal fence along the Mikhailov

Installation from the Pavilion of Russia Bronze Busts made from the originals of the XIX century

The device of small architectural forms (benches, urns made by historical materials)

Replacing the entire lighting system and the installation of lamps made in the style of the XIX century.

The device of the artistic illumination of groups of trees - as historical objects of gardening art

Demolition of patient trees, as well as trees who have lost decorativeness and imagined. Planting new trees.

Restoration of the historical linden alley of the XVIII century. along the western border of the garden

Landing decorative shrubs

The device of flower beds from perennial and bulbous plants

Landscaping of lawns and installation of lawn fences

Creating a system of automatic watering

Elimination of tracks and tennis court sites that appeared in the period from 1939 to 2000

Full replacement of the road surface design using granite rubble and dropout. Device drainage trays according to historical technology of paving moss.

Device of a new playground

Creating a complex of modern technical safety.

Restoration photos:

Located in Peter I, more than once, the Mikhailovsky garden is now restored according to the concept of architect Rossi, the most successful of all. Neighborhood with the most popular attractions of St. Petersburg attracts here those who want to relax in nature from the fuss of the metropolis. Rightly cut lawn, surrounded by green trees, is spread from the Mikhailovsky Palace.

A visual scheme depicting the Mikhailovsky Garden in its current appearance contains a number of historical information. On the tablete placed plans of the park complex of different years, starting from the foundation in 1717. Information is complemented by photographs of the reconstruction process made at the turn of the Millennium, after the Mikhailovsky Garden became a division of the Russian Museum.

Return to the ideas of Rossi is embodied in the planning, combining a regular garden of French type around the perimeter with an English landscape park in the central part. The pond and duct is restored, the dyspunities of water bodies are enhanced. Updated and small masterpieces of the Grand Architect - Pavilion Pier and the cast iron bridge through the duct between the ponds called him by name.

To consider how the Mikhailovsky garden with a green array looks against the background of urban attractions, no longer need to look for pictures from space. Modern technique managed with ground surfaceProvides beautiful view from a bird's eye view. The operator did snapshots from Marsov's fields, capturing the lens the most significant buildings in the surrounding area.

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The readers of the review without much difficulty will distinguish the Russian Museum, and the Temple of Savior Blood, and the Mikhailovsky Palace. Several pictures are quite enough to find the Mikhailovsky Garden among these noticeable buildings.

After his reconstruction, those who came to the Mikhailovsky Garden noted not only in facilities and water bodies. The park began to be much better viewed due to the harvesting of patients and old trees, the elimination of an unnecessary number of young plants of spontaneous reproduction.

The traditions of regular gardens involve maintaining such a look of plantations, do not allow uncontrolled square overgrowth. You can relate differently to this approach, but it corresponds to the original artistic design of the famous Rossi.

What changed Mikhailovsky Garden

Closer attention is now paid to the content of lunas and lawns, the grass is regularly cut, plants are planted, a variety of landscape. As an example - the use of perennials, earlier in our parks not found as a variety of hosts. At one of Alley, those who came to the Mikhailovsky garden are seen on the tree trunk and near it cuts of trees of different ages and size.

What denotes this selection, you can only guess, visible plates with explanations are not observed. It may be demonstrated by the dynamics of increasing the diameter of the stems by the years of the life of trees. Or close consideration of sections makes it possible to determine the cause of the elimination of patients with instances?

Some contradiction of the concept of a regular park is the placement here statues, especially wood. Previously, the Mikhailovsky garden was not an exhibition platform, and the sculptures did not lie in it. This comment in no way criticizes seen, especially since the statues clearly attract pictures of pictures on an unusual background - the grass is all sooptan.

Another group of figures is farther, these are flat silhouettes of caricature forms. It is possible that sculptures and silhouettes remained after one of the international festivals of the Imperial Gardens of Russia, which the Mikhailovsky Garden spends about a dozen years. Organizers of the event take to accommodate the most extravagant ideas in the field landscape design.

Our site will be grateful for a clarifying comment to be responsible in unclear questions, especially about the cuts of trees.

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Permanent visitors to the park also note the decrease in the number of garden benches on its alleys. Is it connected with convictions about a healthy lifestyle, propaganda hiking or other considerations - remains to guess.

Not lost attractiveness as a nature for artists, the Mikhailovsky Garden cannot provide all lovers of drawing landing places. Responsive painters acquired folding chairs and independently provide comfortable conditions for his beloved classes. Sometimes artists and their unexpected businesses become real finds for photographers plots.

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Artists are located not only in the park area, many paint the Mikhailovsky garden from the side from the opposite shore of the sink. Here they get comfortable with amenities on a river taxi, grabbing folding easels and other accessories with them.

Mikhailovsky Garden keeps Rossi's creation

The famous architect built among other works by the Mikhailovsky Palace for the Grand Prince, in which the first conspirators were killed Paul's first. They suggested to participate in the competition of projects of the temple on the site of the death of Emperor Alexander II (future ads on the blood), but the master was too busy. However, the design of the extensive territory between these buildings, including the art area, surrounding streets and Mikhailovsky Garden - the work of Karl Rossi.

He managed to create a wonderful ensemble, over time, the tragic events associated with these places in memory of people. Rossi determined the location of the Alley of the Park Complex, he also created a unique water circulation system. It included channels from the Mikhailovsky Palace, as well as ponds and docks of the Mikhailovsky Garden.

A unique building is a relatively small cast-iron bridge, converted through the duct between the ponds in the garden. In St. Petersburg, this is the only bridge with cast iron beams from cast iron, the same alloy is used for open-air parapet fence.

The coastal points of the bridge of Rossi are made of bricks and decorated limestone blocks, five beams of the lattice design are resting on them. Parapedes are fixed on several storms decorated with bas-reliefs on each side of the span. More than a century of the bridge design were covered with ground with a dummy and a pond, but again cast only a few secondary elements.

The authorship of Rossi belongs to the pier on the Moika River - Pavilion, ordered by the master by the imperial family for rest after water shots. Now the granite pier successfully serves as a pier for pleasure boats that reverse direction Have a much more modest pier.

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It should be noted that the movement of any vehicles on water left-sided, due to this tradition in England and cars are also moving. The pavilion consists of two rooms with end-to-end column between them and the overall overlap, and half-profile with a semicircular staircase comes to the Mikhailovsky garden.

Do not leave the Mikhailovsky Garden without inspection of the lattice

One of the bright attractions that adorn the Mikhailovsky Garden are considered a cast-iron grille from the Griboyedov Canal and the Savor of the Savior of the Blood. The project was completed by the architect of the Cathedral of Parland, who managed to achieve the harmony of fence with the picturesque temple-monument to the deceased emperor. Brick columns in the form of towers remotely resemble church elements are placed on the granite base.

A skillfully forged lattice in the form of a vegetable ornament seems to be hanging in the air, there are no ordinary guides in the form of vertical or horizontal branches. An excellent example of the handmade of Russian blacksmiths, which had a work of art from a heated metal. Satisfaction from a visit to a natural oasis in the central part of St. Petersburg can now be considered as possible, and the campaign will want to repeat.

Mikhailovsky Garden in St. Petersburg - one of the most amazing park areas architecture XVIII. century. The complex is unique in that it combines two styles of landscape and regular. The founder of the park is considered Peter the Great. The emperor gave him the name "Summer Garden". Today, the park area is 10 hectares.

This garden in St. Petersburg was awarded a special status: a monument A created his famous architect of those times - Karl Rossi.

Historical reference

Three centuries ago on the territory of the Park of interest to us were the settlements of the peasants, as well as the hunting year of Rothmistra Kauha. But in 1716, the Great Emperor of Russia Peter I gave a decree on the construction of the master plan for three summer gardens to the town planner Jean-Batista Leblon. The first two fleets were on the lands of this summer garden. The third was the current garden of Mikhailovsky.

In fact, Leblon combined the plots in a giant garden and park complex. Peter the Great Planned Planned by him approved personally. The palace scheme was identical to 98% of the central part of the top of Peterhof. There were ate, gardeners gave them the shape of the pyramids. Alley of chestnuts led in a straight line to parter with pergola (telling arbor).

At the first time of existence in the south-west, the Mikhailovsky Garden in St. Petersburg was planned as regular. Experts have grown fruit trees, therapeutic herbs and useful roots. Garden and greenhouses and greenhouses were built on the garden, in which exotic plants and fruits grew.

Innovations Elizabeth - Peter's daughter

Emperor's daughter - Elizabeth Petrovna - in 1741 instructed the outstanding architect of the time, create new project On the lands of the Palace Catherine first. This project was prepared by architect by spring of 1743. Mikhailovsky Garden (SPB) was a Park Labyrinth, filled with fountains and sculptures.

The reverse side of the palace was planned by Rastrelli in the form of another garden, in whose territory the architect designed two ponds in the form of figures, and also posted a fountain and a flower bed in the form of patterned lace. Earths were planned taking into account the clarity of geometric forms, direct and intersecting alleys. And in the center, five rectangular ponds dug.

Mikhailovsky Palace

When the summer garden climbed on the Russian throne again underwent a lot of changes. In 1787, the Palace was demolished in the park. And by 1801, by order of Paul I, architects built the Mikhailovsky Palace.

This castle is an analogue of an impregnable fortress. He has adjustable bridges, the walls of the palace are surrounded by the Rips of three channels:

  • Resurrection.
  • Church.
  • Owlock.

At this time, the Summer Garden and received its modern new name - Mikhailovsky, or the upper summer garden. The layout did not change at that time. But after the death of Paul, the first family of the autocrat leaves the castle, and the parks and channels come to the launch. A few years later, in 1822, the palace was transferred to the Chief Engineering School.

Attractions nearby

As you already understood, the Mikhailovsky Garden in St. Petersburg is in historical center Northern capital. Therefore, plan your trip to the park carefully, because it is surrounded by museums, temples and monuments.

List of attractions near:

  • Russian Museum - 125 m.
  • Ethnographic Museum - 222 m.
  • Engineering lock - 241 m.
  • Savior-on-blood - 246 m.
  • Mikhailovsky Theater - 301 m.
  • Art Square (Monument to Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin) - 303 m.
  • Theatrical bridge - 306 m.
  • Monument to Peter Great from Rastrelli - 308 m.

Mikhailovsky Garden in St. Petersburg is an object cultural heritage Russian Federation. Awarded this status to the park for his centuries-old history. For the three centuries, he won a lot. Three hundred years ago there were hunting grounds that belonged to the Swedish Rotmist Canau. And the opening grille-fence park is another product of art. It is a weave of leaves and flowers of Modern style. It holds 36 columns decorated with top with urns and vases. During the Great Patriotic War on the territory of the park there were trenches, to hide from bullets not only soldiers, but also the sculptures of the Russian Museum. Today, the park complex is 10 hectares of flowering and fragrant lawns.

Come to St. Petersburg - place, decent attention!

View of Mikhailovsky Castle from Mikhailovsky Garden.

An excellent sample of garden-park art is one of the oldest and at the same time popular parks of the city. And it is clear - being surrounded by the most famous sights of St. Petersburg, Mikhailovsky Garden literally stands at the intersection of all roads. It is surprising, but in it harmoniously combined the central location and fascinating silence. During the long years of its existence, the garden changed the name several times, never changing his main purpose - to give rest and inspiration.

Historical reference

Before Russia won the land from Sweden, where the Mikhailovsky Garden was now spread, there were hunting grounds of one of the Swedish landowners. Therefore, the first time after Peter the Great presented his wife Catherine this territory, the site was called the Swedish garden. Starting his landscaping - the first thing began to drain the terrain. To this end, the moat joined two rivers, Mui (now washing) and a krymushus (on the site of which the Griboedov canal is now).

Shortly before that, nearby was laid, which at that time was divided into two parts: the first and second summer. For a long time, no time, the former Swedish garden was renamed the third summer.

Soon there was a house crowned with a gold spire for the queen, who immediately dubbed the "golden horrors". Accordingly, the garden began to call the garden of Her Majesty or just a queen.

After that, the arrangement of the park area began to gain momentum. In those years, the garden was much more and stretched almost to. South of the "Golden Choir", the ponds, in which they began to breed the fish, were east of the celler for the storage of edible supplies and wines. Along the shores of washing and fountains, trails were laid for walking, shrubs and fruit trees began to plant. The highlight of the rocky garden became Nightingale. They brought them here for settlement from the best "nightingale" places of Moscow, Novgorod and Pskov provinces.

From 1718, at the order of Peter I, the gardening of the garden was instructed by Hannover Gardener Gaspar Fokhta, who had already established himself with work on the laying of the pharmaceutical garden, the first and second summer gardens. With him, his whole family arrived, as well as a number of seedlings: Roses, Gorokhobovnik, Tollga, Green. He also ordered Swedish apple trees, Kiev graphs, Solikami cedar. Soon the estate surrounded the luxurious landscape park in English style. In terms of sorries, a greenhouse were built, and the stables (stables, Ambaru, the house of the gardener) were laid by alleys, who had the kind of green corridors.

In the 40s of the XVIII century, the garden had a new mistress, Elizabeth Petrovna. According to her field, part of the garden did in French fashion - that is, regular. Here, the curly ponds were additionally dug, along Alley put the sculptures, there were the right shape of the flower beds and elegant pavilions.

Since the 20s of the XIX century, the garden changes again. After the construction of the Mikhailovsky Palace, the garden is assigned his current name. Also, the familiar style of the English park is partially returned to it. By the end of the century, following how in the building of the palace settled, the garden becomes publicly available.

The illiterate use of the park led to the fact that by the end of the twentieth century he largely lost his original luxurious look. With the advent of the new century, work began on his reconstruction in the Mikhailovsky Garden. Everything possible was done to restore wonderful landscapes that the park was always famous.

Mikhailovsky Garden: Our Days

Currently, we can enjoy the amazing species that Mikhailovsky Garden gives us. Restored by 9.4 hectares Square Park today looks almost the same as 180 years ago. The first thing the park was returned to the pond, which was once covered. After that, the unique openwork cast-iron bridge was reconstructed - he was recreated according to the drawing, at which the autograph of the Grand Architect Rossi was preserved. By the way, some fragments of this bridge, who considered completely lost, found when they slipped the pond. Now bridge Rossi is the only one in St. Petersburg, having genuine cast iron structures and arched elements.

Mikhailovsky Garden.

Also on the waterfront washing restored Pavilion Rossi. It consists of two square rooms connected by elegant colonnade. The semi-colonges located on the side parts visually lengthen the construction.

Its typical benches and fences returned to the garden. Benches were recreated in old drawings. A unique fence of the Mikhailovsky Garden was completely renovated - recognizable and beautiful. Unique appearance She is given curly columns from lightly red decorative bricks and a wrought lattice with a floral ornament. On one of the fragments of the fence, approximately in the place where an attempt was made to Emperor Alexander II, there is a memorial plaque that reminds of this event. The splendor of the park began to illumine the installed new lamps, also performed in the spirit of the previous times, and some trees began to highlight.

Then she came to restore the luxurious English meadow and vegetation Park as a whole: new flowerbeds were broken in the garden, missing trees and shrubs were planted. It was planted about 3,000 bushes, preferably flowering species. The area of \u200b\u200bnew flower beds amounted to almost 2 hectares. Some of the landings that were strongly injured, I had to remove, the same of the old trees that were able to preserve - to be treated. Many of them have reached the age of 200 years. According to historical documents in the reconstructed garden, in the western part of it, restored a lipovo alley.

Now there are more than 1,200 trees in the park. The prevailing species are Lipa, Ostroland, Oak and Elm Clay. There are also chestnuts, larchs, rowan, casualties and manchuric nuts - every kind of about ten copies. In addition, in the garden you can meet birch, cherry and apple tree. There are two types of IV (white and goat) and three more types of kleov: Tatar, ashenoense and saharyst.

For some time, the Mikhailovsky Garden has become the most "spring" fleet of St. Petersburg. In his flower beds, the many first spring colors are broken annually. Whole glads from primroses bloom here: crocuses, muskari, daffodils, tulips. Some of them are planted on neat flowerbeds, while others - just buoy among the lawn!

At any time of the year, an extensive lawn looks solemnly and magnifier, which adjoins the Russian museum. In order for him to acquire all the qualities of this English - several types of herbs are sown on it, which complement each other.

Mikhailovsky Garden has now become one of the most well-kept parks of the Northern Capital. Every summer in it is carried out by the Festival "Imperial Gardens of Russia", in which the landscape design masters are divided by their ideas. Since the park itself is arranged in English style, has become a tradition to invite members of the British royal family to festivals.

Where is and how to get

  • Usually get to Mikhailovsky Garden from the metro station "Nevsky Prospect". Then the path to it will run through Mikhailovskaya Street and then through Mikhailovsky Square.
  • Either again from the Metro "Nevsky Prospect" along the Embankment of the Griboyedov Canal, you can get to the park from the Savor of the Savior of the Blood.
  • Also, from the metro station "Seating courtyard" you can walk to the Mikhailovsky Garden of Sadovaya Street and enter it from the pond.

Mikhailovsky Garden is hardly the most famous park of the central part of St. Petersburg, and to compete in popularity with him, probably, just located nearby the Summer Garden. The Mikhailovsky Garden leads its history from Petrovsky times, and participation in his device received the most famous masters of garden-park architecture - Bartolomeo Carlo Rastrelli and Karl Ivanovich Rossi.

How to get

The nearest metro station is "Nevsky Prospect" and "Seating Yard". We recommend going to "Nevsky Prospect" to walk along the embankment of Griboyedov Canal and admire the beautiful temple of the rescue on the blood, built in memory of the emperor Alexandra II.


In the Swedish time in the territory of the Mikhailovsky Garden there were various agricultural buildings, estate and hunting grounds. In 1712, the construction of a palace for Spouse Peter I, Catherine began here. The palace was on the site of the current Pavilion Rossi.

In 1716-1717, Peter I ordered the creation of a plan for three summer gardens. The first two were located on the territory of the modern summer garden, and the third was located on the site of the Palace of Catherine. Just part of him and there was a modern Mikhailovsky garden.

In 1741, Rastrelli began to build a palace on the site of a modern engineering castle. But already in 1796 Paul I ordered to demolish the palace and build a new one. Vasily Ivanovich Bazhenov, famous for the design of the ensemble of the Moscow Imperial Residence "Tsaritsyno", was appointed architect. In 1800, Mikhailovsky (engineering) castle was consecrated.

In 1819, Karl Rossi embarks on the construction of the Mikhailovsky Palace, a large-scale redevelopment was also carried out in the architect in the garden. At the same time, a pavilion was built on the banks of the washing river, now called the name of the Grand Architect.

In the 20th century, the garden has been chaotic building and has been changed beyond recognition. The territory of the park was reduced in 1902 due to the construction of the temple of the rescue on the blood. Since 1922, the Mikhailovsky garden was called the "Garden of Mopra" (international organization of assistance to the fighters of the revolution). There was a platform for speeches and exhibitions, playgrounds and even tennis court.
In the 2000s, the garden was under great renewal and recovery on the project Karl Rossi 1826. Now the park refers to the state Russian museum.

Not far from the Mikhailovsky Garden are the famous St. Petersburg sights - Summer Garden, Marso Field, an engineering castle and, of course, the main highway of the city is Nevsky Prospect.

If briefly, in general:

  • Great place for calm holiday;
  • the ability to combine inspection with a visit to other historical places;
  • It is impossible to drive a bike to the park, but there is cycling for the security booth.