Colony of Roanok: the real story of the disappearance. Ranok's missing colony - late John White Missing Colony in America Island Roanok

For the United States of Roanok - as Dyatlov Pass for Russia: a little accredited place, where something terrible happened to the group of people once, but what exactly was the cause of the tragedy - no one knows and never knows how at least because the direct participants of the events have long been not with us. Understanding, leaving solid questions without answers, worries the imagination of descendants. And let the lack of reliable evidence and the overall lack of information about the "cases of the long-lasting days" make any attempts of serious investigations, there are advantages: Hollywood plots, catching firing, the strongest growing greatly grow on this material that they are involved in "real events".

The main story of the sixth season American history horrors "revolves around Shelby and Matt - interracial couple, tired of the rampant crime in big cities And deciding to begin new life In the outback. Bought by them house in the forest of North Carolina turns out dangerous MozWhere at night there are crowds of sinister personalities in medieval clothes. They are put on the threshold of dead pigs, climb into the house, scare its owners, etc. A couple will first sin on local bikers who have decided to play strangers, but then begins to suspect some paranormal interference. Even the surrounding forest gives the impression of a living organism: the trees are swinging in it without wind, and the Earth moves, as if breathing ... In general, the authors of the series do not borrow.

Of course, Showranner Ryan Murphy did not want the audience to learn ahead of the time that the plot of the new season is related to Roanoca, so the subtitle, in which it appears this word, contrary to the tradition not to the premiere itself. But now, when Ginn is released from a bottle, no one prevents us from clarifying what exactly the scenarios were inspired, and maybe even having studied the facts to find the key explaining what would happen next with Shelby and Matt. The real story associated with Roanok, of course, is not an example more friendly than Hollywood horror, but in their own way it is quite entertaining.


At the end of the 16th century Sir Walter Railey - English State Affairs, Admiral, Scientist, Poet, Polyglot, a close friend of Shakespeare, one of the favorites of Queen Elizabeth I - was to organize the first permanent British settlement in North America. From the first days at the court of a young careerist, quickly became one of the richest people in England, looking for opportunities to distinguish itself, making a pleasant to his aging patronage; To this end, it has equipped with an expedition in America in 1584, from which his messengers brought tobacco, corn and potatoes. Railey immediately decided to deepen success and reconciled a new expedition - now in order to consolidate the English presence in the new light.

And the queen who issued Rayley an exclusive ten-year right to the foundation of the colony, and her favorite himself converged in order: Elizabeth needed a naval base to contain the Spaniards who actively engaged in the colonization of North America, Walter was especially interested in the history of local Indians about gold reserves hidden under Earth.

Despite the fact that the contemporaries believed Railey Nahal and the attachment, today he is revered as the first British colonizer of America and the founder of American civilization in general. Unfortunately, the pioneers are not always accompanied by luck: both colonies organized by Walter did not live and several years. However, the difficulties associated with their functioning had to be worn out, but to other people, as Railey was too busy at home and did not swim anywhere.

At first everything went well. The first attempt to organize the colony immediately after the first expedition, during which he led her Philip Amaades and Arthur Barlowa was studied the mainland coast, established relations with Spanish colonists and local tribes Sex and Croatoan. But the next expedition organized in the summer of 1585 and led by the famous maritime commander Sir Richard Genville (friend and relative Railey) was far from so lucky: Although Granville chose a good place for a colony on the island of Roanok and quickly built there a small fort, he He managed to overradize with the root inhabitants, accusing them to theft of the Silver Cup and cut out a whole village. The rude temple of the Corsary, glorified by the ability to smash in the wrath of glasses and kill the enemies with one punch strike, was extremely far from diplomatic delights. In addition, one of his ships got stranded, and to free it, the sailors had to throw away almost all reserves of edible.

In these circumstances, Granville walked home, promising to return in the spring of 1586 with a bench, but the colonists did not stand the harsh tests: almost without food, surrounded by the native natives, they quickly bored themselves in their native places. Since the promised reinforcement did not appear in April, nor in May, and the aborigines have repeatedly tried to attack the fort, its inhabitants have come off back to England at the very first opportunity (on Francis Drake ships, just returned from the hike in the Caribbean). In the way, they burned out with Genville, who arrived on the Roanok in just two weeks. Finding the fort left, 400 new colonists suspected that this is a bad place, and also did not want to stay there. Almost all of them turned home, only 15 people were left in Fort, the minimum quantity that was allowed to say that Raile's colony nominally functions.

Such a shameful state of affairs of the royal favorite was not satisfied: he had already spent 2 years, there was another 8, after which the right to the colonization of North America and the development of her wealth would have passed to someone more successful. It should be hurried, and in 1587 Railey equipped with a new expedition led by his friend, by the artist John White. Togo already had the experience of the development of Roanoca, as he participated in both past trips. White manifested himself as well in organizing a campaign that Railey appointed him to the island's governor. But arriving at the place, the Englishman again found the empty fort. The Indians of the tribe of Croatoan - the only one, with which the palenitsa still did not have time to quarrel, "they said that someone from the enemies attacked the village, turning the colonists to escape. Of the 15 soldiers allegedly survived Nintero - they managed to float on the boat down the river Roanok, but where they went after that, no one knows.

In fact, White intended to build another, more reliable fort in the Chesapeake Gulf area, and on Roanok only briefly on the way to this point. But the Portuguese navigator Simon Fernandez, with whom the captain immediately did not ask relations, considered the humiliative to obey "some kind of artist" and insisted that the ships remain in Roanoc. As soon it turned out, it was not the best idea.

Attempts to make up with the local did not give anything: deciding that new colonists are no better than old, Indian tribes flatly refused to come into contact. When someone from the aliens happened to fight back from their comrades, they were ruthlessly destroyed. The British were angry and wanted to take advantage of the tested means - to return home, but Fernandez, he said, was an order to deliver people only one way, so they were not allowed back to ships. Whita's objection he ignored, so in fact it was self-government and the rebellion.

In general, judging by the records in the captain's diary, transmitting the details of the permanent conflicts of the captain with the navigator, Fernandez was the same type. Refusing to obey the orders of the Chief, he with his team did everything possible to bring the expedition to failure. The professional of his case, when it was about the technique and navigation, in all the rest, he turned out to be completely unbearable, unmanaged and obviously harmful for a common cause - no wonder the sailors called it between themselves as a "pig". It is not known for now why he behaved so brazenly, although some historians believe that the Minister of Intelligence and Counterintelligence of Francis Wallsingham was told to sabotage the expedition, which was blunting "Railey Jumping". Favorita Elizabeth followed the loser, thoring his colonial plans. And the former Pirate Fernandez was simply unable to see from a delicate order, because he was obliged to his patron life: Thanks to the intercession of Walsinham, he once managed to avoid hanging for the murder of seven Portuguese sailors, and now it was probably paid with him "service for the service". According to another version, he and the team hoped to be boring on the way back the oncoming ships, and did not want the colonists to prevent at that time under their feet.

Anyway, in England, only White returned to England, whom the colonists were asked to talk to Railey and explain that life on Roanoches is too dangerous for Europeans. White was not sure that this argument would help, but still he believed that she was going to England not in vain - a colony needed to replenish the rapid stocks of provisions. And in the event that something really bad happened to the settlers, they promised to cut a conditional sign on the tree - the Maltese cross.

For White, departure home in August 1587 was not a flight: he really wanted a colony to grow and fastened, and was not afraid of difficulties. In Fort, his family remained, which he expected to see again, and the fort, when the case will be introduced, finally transfer to a more comfortable place. But with the return, difficulties arose: first, none of the captains wanted to swim in New World In view of the emergence of winter, and by winter the Anglo-Spanish war flared out, and the queen demanded that all the available English ships in it. In March 1588, the Maritime Commander Richard Granville planned a new swimming in the new light to unexpectedly hit the Spanish flotilla in the Caribbean, and at the same time throw the supplies on the rookers, but the trip was canceled - instead, Granville was seconded to fight "Unbeatable Armada" to the English area Plymouth.

And when a month later, White still managed to send two ships to the colony, their captains turned out to be irresponsible people and decided to rob in the French "colleagues greeted into the sea." As a result, they lost the fight and lost all the goods, it did not make sense to America with empty hands, so White returned to England (among other things, he got wounded and needed treatment). The English crown, occupied by the War with the Spaniards, at that time little concerned the fate of the colony left in the new light, so for the first three years, her chapter could not get back to Roanok and did not have any news from there.

I managed to swim to the island only in August 1590 - without my own ship, on the rights of an ordinary passenger, which a private caper ship sent to the caribbean to Roanoka. In the road, White worried, not knowing, he will find colonists alive or dead. But in the end I did not find any or more - more precisely, he did not find anyone at all. There was not even the Fort itself, from which only frequisites remained around the perimeter.

The situation was not amenable to unambiguous decoding. 90 men, 17 women and 11 children, among whom was born on the island of the granddaughter of White himself, disappeared without a trace - there were neither things left or bodies (not counting two nameless graves not far from the settlement). The territory of the village did not look like that, as if someone had fought for her life. The houses were not destroyed: judging by the absence of fragments or traces of the ashes, they were simply neatly disassembled and carried out. The Maltese cross on the conventional tree was absent, which could talk about the non-violent nature of resettlement. White, just in case, investigated all the trees in the district, but found only Cro lettering, carved on one of the trunks. About the wrong inscription could mean, he guessed when his assistants were found on the fence post a search word scratched entirely - Croatoan. And that's it. No other traces of their colonists of Wight, who crossed the nearby territory with the team of their few assistants, failed to detect.

It made sense to chat with Croatoans, since the name of their tribe (coinciding with the name of the island, located next door), someone pressed on the fence, but it was no longer there was no time - and the bravery too. Approached the storm, and the team of the ship Topila White, wanting to sail quickly. John's assistants did not see sense to stay on the island, and even more so climb looking far into the departure of the territory where non-microgenic aborigines could wait. White seriously suspected that the migrants could go to the island of Croatoan, and they probably did not have to warn him about the inscription, but did not have time to test this guessed: the ship could float without him, and the governor did not smile at all on the governor alone. The artist never grabbed credibility in conversations with the military, so the next day he left the island with everyone, and without finding out the fate of 120 colonists.

If you believe in the theory that the crime actions of the navigator of Fernandez, acting on the baptism of the Chief of the British special services, led to the colony collapse, then in a broad sense, it turns out that the unfortunate colonists fell victim to palace intrigues. Railey, of course, did not forgive the navigator of the pork behavior in the campaign and did so that he did not swim anymore through the Atlantik. But this was not enough to save the colony. John White never learned that it became with his family, and the continued war put the cross on further search. Three years later, John died, and without waiting for her endings.

In addition, Rayley's court career, sponsored by the colonialism, structued.

In 1592, one of the Royal Freilin became pregnant from Railey, and he was forced to marry him secretly. He himself tried to flush on the ship to America. Having learned that her favorite was twisted the shrine behind her, and he also left the country without demand, Elizabeth exploded and sent a whole flotilla behind him. Railey returned back and arrested, but by the time the queen managed to calm down slightly, so as a result, the ex-favorite was released with the world. But in "access to the body", he was immediately denied.

Having bored in his estate, he soon waved his hand to North America and went through the Spanish way: he became interested in the search for the mythical country of Eldorado. In the following years, Railey could not think about anything, except for South American gold, for which in 1895 even chosen independently in a half-year expedition to the territory of today's Venezuela. But I did not find anything, and gold mines in those places were divided only two and a half centuries later. In the North America, the former Royal Favorite never visited.


After 400 years, the answer to the question of what was with the second colony was not received. But there are several versions.

1. The first version is associated with weather conditions. According to the archaeologists who have studied annual rings on the cuts of the oldest trees of North Carolina, just in 1587 on East Coast The most cruel drought has collapsed for the last 700 years. For colonists with a minimum of provisions that replenished stocks of products mainly through trade with local, it would be the worst of the scenarios, because drought would lead to widespread exhaustion of fresh water reserves, the impossibility of raising a crop on his farm and the full collapse of trade - after all, the Indians would be hungry too . And behind the arid summer would come even more hungry winter. Perspective to die from hunger could force the colonists to go to another place (for example, to the Chesapeake Bay, where White intended to build a new, more protected, practically autonomous fort). The death of immigrants on the road would not be amazing: as the story showed the story of later colonies, in the dry years, mortality among immigrants sharply prompted. However, the locals themselves, who never fed to strangers of a special pitue could be driven by them, - with the onset of drought they could recognize them with "superfluous" and forced to get away to their gathering and hunting without excess competition.

2. Another version depicts the British victims of a hurricane, erased their village from the face of the Earth. True, this version is powerless to explain why the fence remained intact and why the debris of the village did not dissipate through the forest for kilometers around. At least some recognizable sins were to survive?

3. For another version, the weather has nothing to do with it. The colonists ended trally to provisions, and they had to look for a new home among those who are more adapted to life in wild places, that is, among the Indians. Many researchers believe that the British simply scattered through the native villages, where they remained to live (for which, in particular, the statements of some Indians are indicated that "the blood of palenolic blood flows in their veins" - such stories were registered for the next 150 years and supported the fact that the storyteors owned English and had light gray eyes). Of course, the colonists could try to join the indigenous Americans - at least in order to reach the arrival of help, but judging by the fact that more than a hundred people were dissolved without visible traces, their plan failed. This version has opponents pointing to a fairly obvious fact: given the information about the stretched relations of the aliens with the natives, they had more chances to get an arrow in the eye, than to join the Indian society.

4. The colonists could rob, kill and bury the Indians themselves (perhaps luring them first under some kind of pretext to another place with all the belongings or dismantling the village buildings on their own). The White has reflected in his report, Indian traces found by them in the vicinity of Fort. As an option, immigrants could sink and sell into slavery than actively some mainland tribes were active. Even the tribe of Croatoan, adhered to neutrality, at some point it could consider the colonists for the curb or a threat, and even eat on the remnants of their reserves. Especially if the drought really happened, led to competition for food ...

5. There is also a version that the British could kill Spanish settlers who knew about the existence of a colony and, of course, who did not welcomed the emergence of the naval base among the British. Still, the war went, and these two people were entrusted. Indeed, the Spaniards would be happy to defeat competitors (in those years they regularly have a French baseline), but in this case they failed the lack of information: judging by the preserved records, the Spanish attempts to find the Fort never crowned with success. The non-profit of Spaniards says the fact that they did not leave attempts to find an English village even 10 years after in England they put a cross.

6. It is necessary to give the Word and the Indians himself: if you believe the American newspaper note 1885, in which the Croatoan citizenship is cited by the palenitis arrived from England, their colony did not dither, but simply moved. When the British ended in provisions, the Indians advised them to leave the island and move into the mainland's depths that those allegedly did. An indirect confirmation of this can serve as observations of colonists from new expeditions organized in the first decade of the XVII century and led to the formation of the town of Jamestown. New immigrants were looking for any information about their missing predecessors and this is what accumulated: In one source, they are reported on their meetings with the Indians who have already known the English languages \u200b\u200band have been addressed to Christianity, there are rumors about several British groups, allegedly held in Indian villages on the mainland as slaves and workflowers of copper. These rumors were recorded in 1610, but all the search groups sent by the colonists of Jamestown to check them were killed (according to another version, people not only did not look for, but also a rumor about slaves from the population of the Jamestown colony, which was enough for stress) . And to check their authenticity today, hundreds of years later, of course, it is already impossible. But it is worth noting that Briton William Strei, who wrote in the 1612nd book about his life in a new colony, mentioned in it that in some Indian settlements, his colleagues met two-story stone houses, clearly built on European technology. There is something to think about, right?

7. An option for the previous hypothesis can be considered a version that the colony moved to the mainland, but did not dissipate in different tribes, but joined one of them and was later destroyed by competitors. In any case, there exists a documented statement of the leader of the Tuchatan (he also Waunsunakok, the father of the legendary Pokeshtas), which attributed to the destruction of the English colonists, who allegedly settled in the Village of the Chanpan tribe. After they were insulted in a fear of refusing to move under the patronage of one of his tribes, the outraged leader ordered to cut the entire village. The puhatan even demonstrated to the interlocutors a few captured iron trophies - tools of labor with English stimuli. But where he actually took them, remains in question.

Frame from the series "American Horror History"

8. There is also a hypothesis that the British who remained without food tried to return home on their remaining small ships, not intended for transatlantic transitions, and drowned during the storm. Such a swimming, of course, it would be a pure madness - at least therefore it did not take place: judging by the information of White, although the British village disappeared, all ships remained in the bay.

9. The most perhaps an exotic version is a hypothesis of hypnotic of Indian shamans, under the influence of which the colonists themselves went ashore and drowned themselves in water. The fans of this version assure that under certain conditions it does not even need hypnosis, because people who live in solitude, sometimes develop a special form of hysteria called measurement. In other words, they go crazy, which is expressed in an inexplicable pull to copying other people's words and actions either to fulfill orders from the outside. Moreover, in some cases, this phenomenon may be massive. Psychologists lead examples of such behavior, seen from the northern peoples, Asian tribes and American Indians. This version is too similar to the story of the Himelnian rats, to consider it seriously, but lovers of the series "Secret Materials" from it are delighted. And try to prove that everything really was!

Of course, these 9 versions exclude mystics and try to explain more or less reasonably what happened to the colonists. But in mystical explanations, there is no shortage, since science science sciences (Stephen King, Harlan Ellison, Ding Kuntz, etc.), and for them and Hollywood directors took the story of the missing colony in turn and actively build the plots of their works around it. And the mysterious word "Croatoan" became a popular china "with a deep meaning": to shove it under some pretext in mystical horror was a sign of good tone.

Fate colonizer

As for Sir Rayley, it is not for nothing that it is called the founder of American civilization: with America, it turned out to be connected not only by the flourishing of his career, but also the final of his life. The only attempt to find out the fate of the missing colony Railey was taken in 1602, having bought a ship specifically for this and paying a good team in exchange for a promise not to be distracted by the robbery of Spanish courts. Return money spent on the expedition, he counted, stacking in a new light of aromatic wood. But before the island, the ship did not get - spoiled the weather forced him to turn back.

And Walter's houses soon waited for a shock: Queen Elizabeth died, and her successor, Scot, Yakov I stewart, accused Railey in organizing a palace conspiracy and state treason, ordered him to beheaded, complaining and fourth. The sentence was unheard of wild and cruel; For Walter, there were so many people (including half of the jury) that the execution postponed, replacing the conclusion in Tower, where Railey spent the next 13 years with sufficient comfort. In the chamber, he wrote the books, put the chemical experiments in the mini-laboratory organized by him, took the surname guests, he shouted with his younger son's wife. But still, as a result, he was so tired of sitting in four walls, that in 1617 he decided on a new adventure, promising the king to bring from South America Gold mountains.

It worked. Although the monarch put an end to almost 20-year war with Spain back in 1604, the country was still experiencing an economic crisis. It is not surprising that Yakov was delighted by Walter's crops and gave good to the expedition to Guiana. Both of them knew that the ex-favorite, whose verdict was delayed, but not canceled, literally risks his head, and this served as the best guarantee of his zeal. But alas - as the last time, Rayley did not find anything. He would be happy to stay in a new light forever, but the team rebelled and forced him to turn her home. Walter understood that he was not waiting for anything good there, and was right: said him in strictly prohibited skirmishes with the Spaniards. Rayley really failed to avoid conflict swimming, but this, of course, was a trifle compared to empty holds. It is believed that it was the deceived hopes that he insulted the king, causing revenge: from the second call, he still sent the former royal favorite on the scaffold.

If you consider it a payback for the lifetime at least 135 colonists, in the disappearance and the likely death of which on the island of Roanok, one way or another was represented by Rayley (in the end, he was the initiator and organizer of expeditions), then it can be said that justice trust.

By the way

People with good memory could see that the story of a colony from Roanok is mentioned in the "American Horror History" is not the first time. In the 11th series of the first season, the medium tells his version of the events: the colonists died, and then returned in the form of ghosts and did the local Indians, while those did not hold the rite of expulsion (for what the British things had to be burned). As far as can be understood from the first episodes of the sixth season, the screenwriters decided to act in line, in general, not contradictory this story. According to their versions, in Thomasina, John White's wife, who led the colony in his absence, once united a spirit, and she moved to the "dark side". After that, Tomasina decided to postpone the colony on the mainland, where immigrants in the end and overtook death.

So what did they still die from? This is probably not so important as the surprise that the creator of the series Ryan Murphy intends to present the audience in the sixth episode. All we will see before, he calls no more than a "star".

Frame from the series "American Horror History"

The most ardent fans ordered through a small sieve of all interviews of the project participants and already consider themselves morally prepared for the "template rupture". According to some reports, it will be like this: the main characters, static telling their stories on the camera in the studio realistic show "My Roanoksky Nightmare", at some point it will stop satisfied with the roles of "talking heads" and will begin to actively act (for no reason IMDB reports, That Lily Raib had in the last episode of the season there is a dubler-cascade. And then, maybe even break the "fourth wall" by entering contact with your twins. And even the show itself, judging by the hints of actors, it may not be at all that it is issued for.

We naturally suspect that we also suspect. And we will only be glad if Internet theorists are right. Hollywood pseudo-documentary stories about ghosts in "bad houses" covered with stamps so much that they are similar to each other as Chinese stamping - and the story of Shelby and Matt, at least half consisting of already paved moves, has every chance to replenish the sorrowful list of bulpotreb. It's time to pour into this story of real peppers.

For more than four centuries, the world wondered what fate had suffered a small colony of the British - men, women and children - sailing to the new light to establish a colony there. They disappeared without a trace in the wild forests of Virginia.
Ranok Colony, the fruit of the reflection of Sir Walter Rieli, was to become a brilliant example of the ingenuity and courage of people of the Renaissance, as well as a bold challenge to Spanish domination in America.
In 1587, 117 colonists sailed from Plymouth, intending to establish a new settlement. New earth They were proclaimed by paradise, "the most pleasant and fructive land, full of excellent cedars and other useful trees (grapes), flax and other things necessary for a person." About local residents said that they are "friendly, polite and faithful." They talked about the gold of the abundance of gold, and about the possibility of finding the northwest passage to the East, which will make all rich. Previous attempts to establish a colony in Virginia were unsuccessful. Sir Walter's consolidated brother died in the sea after a failed attempt to settle the land, which is now called Newfoundland. A similar attempt to two years ago, also near Roanok, did not lead to anything - the colonists left, and the handful of soldiers remained to protect the settlement, which then died.

However, the leaders of the colony had all the reasons to believe that the second expedition in Virginia would be successful. To lead the colony Sir Walter Raly offered her friend, the famous artist John White.
Governor White has already been in Virginia and had to become a "bold and enterprising" leader of the new colony. In the time of Ray, Virginia was called a fairly large territory, lying north of Florida belonging to the Spaniards. She was named after Elizabeth 1 - "Queen-Virgin" (Virgin Queen). The colony was supposed to become a base with which pioneers will look for a legendary passage on Far East. Those that came there earlier were hoping to find gold - like Spaniards in southern Mexico and South America. Gold would allow them to return to England rich. But instead of gold and passage in Pacific Ocean The settlers of the island of Roanok found heavy trials and death. Almost immediately began problems with Indians. The tribe of Croatanov led themselves quite friendly, but others disliked the pale invaders and eventually opposed them. In 1587, White sailed to Europe for fresh supplies. Among the remaining in America were his daughter with her husband and the newborn daughter Virginia Daire, - it is believed that this is the first child who was born from Europeans in a new light. Before leaving, the governor left the next order. If the remaining colonists have to leave the settlement in his absence, they must write down, where they went, "in a prominent place." Fate ordered so that the war was killed with the Spaniards and White was able to return only in three years. Upon arrival, he was waiting for a gloomy sight in Roanoc. The tiny settlement was looted and destroyed. People disappeared. The only hint of the location of the settlers was the word "Croatans", carved on the tree. Perhaps it meant that when the supplies were completely dried, people fled to the next island to the Indians of this tribe.

However, Croatans could not report anything about the colonists, as well as other tribes who lived in the surrounding area. The settlers simply disappeared. Heavy lost, in the face of the impending storm, the governor in sadness returned to England and was no longer returned to the new light. What happened in Roanoca? How could the whole colony disappear without a trace? Some researchers suggest that the British were captured or killed by Spanish soldiers who arrived from San Augustine on the sea or by sea in order to expel unwanted neighbors. Since the settlers boats also disappeared, a guess was expressed that they tried to float, but lost in the sea or fell victim to the pirates or the same Spaniards. However, the majority of scientists adhere to the opinion that the colonists fled to the mainstream and either joined the friendly Indians or died along the way. Anthropologist Charles Hudson from Georgia University also believes that Roanok settlers left for the mainland, where there were more food and water. They mixed with local Indians and eventually dissolved in the Indian people. The evidence of such an opportunity is found in some tribes along the Lubber River in North Carolina. For example, the Lambian Indians tell what happened from the forgotten white settlers, and many members of the tribe bright hair, blue eyes and light skin. In the XVIII century, the pioneers who went deep into the mainland along the Lubber River, were surprised to find English-speaking Indians who dressed as white people and lived in quite comfortable homes. Some even knew how to read and write and told that the white gods showed their ancestors, as "speak in books," - probably read. Maybe Indians Lambi and there are descendants of the lost colonists of Roanoca? In the 1930s, the President of Breno College in Georgia put forward new theory: A part of the colonists could move to Georgia. Dr. Haywood Pierce Jr. declares that the recently found stone from his collection bears the marks of the Elizavtian era, in particular - the initials Eleanor White Deir, the daughter of the Governor of White, which disappeared with others. When this fact became widely known, other stones with the initials of Eleonor have become widely known in Georgia and other places. Masonry, geologists and Specialists in Elizabethan English confirmed their authenticity. "I spent all scientific tests, which I know," said Dr. Pierce.

The team of historians under the leadership of Dr. Samuel Eliot Morison worked for several months with stones and came to the conclusion that "most evidence testify to the authenticity of the stones." However, in 1940, a journalist Saturday Evening Post found other evidence that they said that the stones were fake. Dr. Pierce, Dr. Morison and other researchers made believe that they are genuine. In particular, the geologist who explored the stones later, told reporters that they were noticed at least one of them is relatively recently left. Another specialist in Elizabethan English suggests that some words of the inscriptions, "probably," entered into English already later. But the last blow was what it turned out: one of the first people who found such stones was accused of making fakes and attempt to sell their museums. So was the mystery of the Mystery of Daire Stones, as they called them in the press. However, the fate of White's daughter, her family and about a hundred unfortunate colonists from Roanok is still a mystery. Their incomprehensible disappearance remains one of the greatest mysteries World. The Swanok Colony is an English colony on the island of the same name in Dair County (currently - North Carolina, USA), based on the means of Sir Walter Rayley, with Queen Elizabeth I in order to create the first permanent English settlement in North America. Attempts to organize the colony were several: the first group of colonists due to a distressed position left the island; Another 400 colonists who arrived as supported by the first group, having seen an abandoned settlement, went back to England, there were only 15 people. The second group number more than a hundred is considered missing. Her chapter, White, who went to England, did not find the colonists on return, but on the Pillars post there was scarcepano the word "CRO" (probably the initial letters of the CROATION). The popular story about the "disappeared colony", closely associated with the neighboring Indian tribe of the Cathone, served as the basis for a variety of artwork and films. The most common is the opinion that the colonists have been captured by local hostile tribes, or were removed from the island of the Spaniards. Prehistory In 1584 Walter Rieli handled an expedition for research on the coast of North America to search suitable place. The expedition was headed by Philippe Armaties and Arthur Varoow, who soon brought samples of flora and fauna (including potatoes) and two aborigines. The land-studied Armatians was called Virginia in honor of Elizabeth ("Queen-Virgin"). The touched queen gave Rieli permission to colonization. Decree Elizabeth I clarified that Rieli had 10 years on the basis of a colony in North America, otherwise he would lose his right to colonization. Rieli and Elizabeth I organized this enterprise, realizing that it would open the path to the wealth of a new world and the new colony will serve as a naval base for attacks on the fleet and American colonies of Spain.

The first group of settlers in April 1585 was sent by the first colonial expedition, consisting entirely of some men. Many of them were soldiers-veterans participating in the war in establishing an English influence in Ireland. The leader of the settlers Sir Richard Genville was ordered to additionally explore this area and return to England with a report on the success of the operation. July 29, the expedition arrived to the shores of America. At first, the base of the colony was postponed, perhaps because the majority of food colonists were destroyed when the leading vessel broke about shallow water. After the initial intelligence of the mainland coast and local Indian settlements, the British accused of the natives from the village of AquaCochok in the stealing of the silver cup. The village was destroyed and burned along with the tribe leader. Despite this incident and lack of food, Granville decided to leave Ralph Lane and about 75 men to create an English colony on the northern tip of the island of Roanok, promising to return in April 1586 with a large number of men and fresh materials. By April 1586, Lane organized an expedition that was engaged in the study of the Rhoanok River and, possibly, the search for the legendary "youth fountain". However, relations with neighboring tribes were so rooted that the Indians attacked the expedition headed by Lane. In response, the colonists attacked the Central Village of Aboriginal, where their leader of Vindzhina killed. After April, Fleet Granville was still not; The colony existed with difficulty due to lack of food and conflict. Fortunately, in June, the expedition of Sir Francis Drayek sailed in June, returning home from a successful hike to Caribbean. Drake offered the colonists to swim with him to England, they agreed. Genville's auxiliary fleet arrived two weeks after the departure of the colonists with Drake. Having found an abandoned colony, Granville decided to return to England, leaving only 15 people on the island to maintain the English presence and rights of Rieli to the colonization of Virginia.

The second group in 1587 Rai sent the second group of colonists. This group of 121 people was headed by John White, an artist and a friend of Rieli. New colonists set the task of finding 15 men left in Roanoche and settled on in the north, in the Chesapeake Bay; However, no tracks were found, except for bones (remains) of the only man. One local tribe, still friendly to the British, Croatan on the modern island of Hatter, reported that men were attacked, but nine survived and sailed on their coast in the boat. The settlers landed on the island of Roanok on July 22, 1587. On August 18, the daughter of White gave birth to the first English child born in America - Virginia Dair. Before her birth, White reiterated the relationship with the tribe of Croatan, and tried to establish relationships with the tribe, which a year before Ralph Lane was attacked. Insulting tribes refused to meet with new colonists. Soon after, the colonist named George Hou was killed by the natives at the moment when the crabs were alone in Albimeil Sound. Knowing what happened during the stay of Ralph Lane, who feared for their lives, the colonists convinced the head of the colony of White to return to England to explain the situation in the colony and ask for help. At the time of sending White to England on the island there were 116 colonists - 115 men, a woman and one girl (Virginia Dair). The intersection of the Atlantic at the end of the year was a risky enterprise. Fleet emergency assistance plans were held with a delay caused by captains to float back during the winter. Attempt by White Back to Roanok was torn by the insufficient sizes and greed of captains. Because of the war with Spain, White could not return to Roanok with a force for two years. On August 18, 1590, on the third birthday of his granddaughter, White finally arrived on the island, but found the settlement abandoned. He organized searches, but his people could not find any traces of the colonists. Approximately ninety men, seventeen women, and eleven children disappeared; There were no signs of struggle or battle. The only key was the word "CRO", carved on one of the trees not far from the fort. There were also two buried skeletons. All buildings and strengthening were disassembled. Before the colony disappeared, White ruled that if anything happens to them, they will have to portray the Maltese cross on the tree near them, indicating that their disappearance was forced. White on the basis of this believed that they moved deep into the island of Croatan. To continue the search seemed unthinkable: a strong storm was thrown and his people refused to go inside the island. The next day, White stood on the deck of his ship and watched helplessly, as his ship is forever removed from the shores of Roanok Island. The fate of the colony disappeared the basic hypothesis regarding the fate of the lost colony is that the settlers dispersed in the ground and were absorbed by local tribes. Personality of persons: similar legends argue that the indigenous Americans of the Persons of the Persons in North Carolina are descendants of the English colonists from the island of Roanok. Indeed, when subsequent settlers have encountered these Indians, they noted that these indigenous Americans have already talked to english language And they had a Christian religion. But many will depreciate these coincidences and classify the settlers of the people of persons as a branch of the Saponi tribe. Chespan: others put forward the hypothesis that this colony moved entirely, and was later destroyed. When Captain John Smith and Jamestown Colonists settled in Virginia in 1607, one of their main tasks was to determine the location of the colonists of Roanoca. Local population He told Smith about people living in the vicinity of Jamestown, who dress up and live as the British. Wahunsunakok's leader (a rapant's leader named after the leader) told Smith that he destroyed the colony of Roanoca, as they lived with the Chespan tribe and refused to join his tribes. To confirm their words, Pryukhantan demonstrated several iron tools of labor of English production. No bodies were found, although there were reports about the Indian gravestone hill on Pine Beach (now Norfolk), where it was possible to be the village of Chanpiana - Skioac. Death in the ocean: Nevertheless, others suggest that the colonists simply refused to wait, they tried to return to England and died during the attempted return. When White left the colony in 1587, there were Pinas and several small ships for the intelligence of the coast or moving the colony on the mainland. Spaniards: There are those who assume that the colony destroyed the Spaniards. At the beginning of the century, the Spaniards destroyed the French colony of Fort Charles in the south of South Carolina, and then killed residents of Fort Caroline - French colony in modern Florida. However, this version is unlikely, since the Spaniards still searched for the English colony in ten years after White discovered the disappearance of the colony.

The Swanok Colony is the English colony on the Isle of the same name in Dair district (currently - North Carolina, USA), based on the means of Sir Walter Rayley, with Queen Elizabeth I in order to create the first permanent English settlement in North America.

Attempts to establish the colony was somewhat. The first group of settlers had to survive a heavy time: unfamiliar territory, harsh winter, exhausting food reserves. In addition, the colonists were in close proximity to aggressive Indians, constantly reflecting their attacks.

Having live in the island of winter and spring, people decided to return to England. In June 1586, the colonists left Roanok, but after a few weeks after their departure to the island, a new group of bravests from fifteen people landed, fully supported the idea of \u200b\u200bspreading the power of England in a new light.

In 1587, Sir Rauli took another attempt to colonize the new world, sending the second group of settlers to America. He headed the group John White, who already visited Roanok Island. He received an indication to transfer the settlement from the island to the shore of the bay of Costa. But the sailors refused to carry people further than the island of Roanok, and when June 22, 1587, 150 colonists, including 11 children, landed on the island, but he met their coffin silence. 15 people left on the island a year ago, disappeared.

Located in a new place, the settlers have found an explicit lack of tools, food and other vital things. John White agreed to return to England for necessary equipment And in a week left the island. Because of a number of problems, he managed to return to Roanok only after 4 years.

The island was deserted. Another 150 people were missing. White discovered only the word "Croatoan" carved on the tree (on another version only "CRO" was written), the name of the island in 80 km south and populated by the Indians.

Before his sailing, John White agreed with the colonists that if they had to leave the island, they will cut the name of the site where they go. And in the case of any danger, called the new place of the colony, they will cut the cross. The cross under the cut out inscription was not.

Maybe the "symbol of the threat" did not have time to apply? But neither a drop of blood, no strands of hair, no flaps of clothing - no traces of fighting failed. It all said that there was no sudden attack on the colony. The search for the graves in the surrounding area also did not bring any results. Everything indicated that people left Roanok voluntarily.

The version that the colonists have come across the local tribes are absurd. Why did civilized people need to be joined to the Indian savages? Yes, and the English ships were attended by rhohanok for many years and explored the surrounding islands, as well as land on the mainland, trying to find traces of the colonists. Unsuccessfully.

Interesting and the fact that the Indians worshiped God Kroatanu (shower renouncement), from which the name of the island of Croatoan was happening, where they lived. The Indians believed that this disembodied creature was inhabited among them and could put it on any body. Once a year, Croatan was given an "helper", a strong warrior, which was placed in a locked hut with a ritual altar. When in the morning the hut was unscrewed - neither the warrior nor his traces found.

The history of the first English settlement in North America is tragic and mysterious. This colony was created on the island of the same name at the mouth of the Ranoka River. Queen Elizabeth instructed Walter Rieli to organize a settlement to start strengthening in North America, as the Spaniards already did. Decree Elizabeth I clarified that Rieli has 10 years on the basis of a colony in North America, otherwise he will lose its right to colonization.

In 1584, Rieli handled an expedition to research the coast of North America to search for a suitable place. She was headed by Philipp Armaties and Arthur Varoow, who soon brought samples of flora and fauna (including potatoes) and two aborigines. The land-studied land and Virginia was called Virginia in honor of Elizabeth ("Queen-Virgin").

In April 1585, the first colonial expedition was sent, consisting entirely of men. Many of them were soldiers-veterans participating in the war in establishing an English influence in Ireland. The settlers headed Sir Richard Granville.

July 29, the expedition arrived to the shores of America. But their flagship crashed in shallow water, and most of the food died. The colonists began to examine the coast. They did not want to establish peaceful relations with local residents or could not. By accusing the Indians from the settlement of aquatic in the stealing of the silver cup, killed the leader, and the village was burned.

Despite the difficult position, Granville decided to leave Ralph Lane and about 75 people to create an English colony on the northern tip of the island of Roanok, promising to return in April 1586 with replenishment and supplies. Lane organized an expedition to explore the river Roanok, but the Indians attacked travelers. The answer was another destroyed village, another killed leader named Vinge. The situation was heated, and Granville delayed. But in June, the ships of Francis Drake approached the shore, who returned home from a successful hike to the Caribbean Sea. Drake suggested to colonists to take them to England, and those willingly agreed.

Two weeks later, Granville returned to the abandoned island. He did not want to accept the failure and to consolidate the English presence in these places and to preserve the rights of Rieli to the colonization of Virginia, left fifteen people on a rooke. In 1587, Sir Walter Rali sent the second group of settlers to America. She was headed by the artist John White. Thanks to his paintings, you can now imagine those events. He was instructed to postpone the settlement from the island of Roanok to Chesapeake Bay. On the journey White went with the son-in-law and a daughter who expected a child.

June 22, 1 587 1 21 Colonist, including 11 children, landed on the island. But the people of Granville did not turn out there. The arrivals found only one skeleton. Indians from the neighboring Island of Krotan (Hatter) said that the village of British was attacked, but nine people survived and got to them on the boat. Further fate is unknown. White tried to establish relations with other Indian tribes, but in vain. Soon after, the colonist named George Hou went alone to catch crabs and was killed by the Indians. White began to persuade back to England for help. He did it with a heavy heart - August 18, the daughter of Elizabeth Dair gave him the granddaughter, which was called Virginia. It was the first English child who was born on the American Earth.

White sailed to England, hoping to return to winter. However, in England, at this time they were preparing for the reflection of the "invincible Armada", and no one - no Rieli, nor Dreyk, nor Queen - could not yet engage in a small colony. But the governor still managed to find two ships. In April 1588, they sailed to America, but soon dismissed from the course, and fifty miles from Madeira came across two French ships. The British took on boarding and robbed. I had to return home. And there all vessels - both trade, and the military - were mobilized to fight the Spaniards. In the summer of the same year, "invincible Armada" was defeated, but a year and a half before White was able to go on the road. True, no supplies, nor settlers, no weapons governor arrived. He just joined the organized expedition rali to the West India, which was to first make a stop at Roanok.

John White landed on Roanoca three years after departure, namely, on August 15, 1590, the governor and sailors searched the whole island. They found only a frequency, which surrounded the place of the former settlement, the remains of fortification fortifications and other evidence that people lived here. However, all houses were demolished, and no balances or weapons were found. Did not find sailors and remains or burials of white people. Only on one of the trees was cut out the inscription "Croatoan" and with a re-examination of the island in one of the channels found five chests with the belongings of the governor, which he left with his hasty departure.

The key to the search for the disappeared settlers could give the word "Croatoan", then the island of Hatter was called. White explained the expedition to Skiper, which he agreed before his sailing from the island with his advisers about the conditional signs in case they are forced to leave their settlement. But next to the inscription there was no sign of the disaster. Yes, and the settlers were not going to move from the island of miles to thirty deep into the country. So it is necessary to urgently organize the search for missing colonists. But Skiper Watts had other instructions. The expedition turned to West-India, and in October 1,590 returned to England. The search for the missing colonists was no longer John White, but completely different people.

Later, English ships have repeatedly visited the island of Roanok and explored the surrounding islands, as well as land on the mainland, but no traces of the settlers could not be found. Then, for a colony in a new world, they found a place in the Chesapeake Bay area, the search temporarily stopped and resumed at the end of the XVII century, but too much time passed, so that they were unsuccessful. So the mystery was born the disappearance of settlers from the island of Roanok.

According to one of the versions, the settlers tried to move to another place, the descendant that they had boats. However, during the storm, everyone drowned. The second version is inclined to the fact that the Spaniards who learned about the settlement on the island of Roanok, destroyed all the settlers or taken them into their colonies. But no traces of punitive expedition on Roanoches were found, and the export of 119 people to other colonies would be difficult to maintain in a strict mystery.

According to the third version, some of the settlers joined local tribes. Historian John Lawson in 1709 communicated with the Indians of the Hatteras tribe (Croatanov), which one time lived on the island of Roanok, and then they often visited it. Among the Indians were serious people. They argued that their ancestors were white people and read the Bible.

In 1607, Captain John Smith was landed in Virginia with a large group of colonists and founded the colony of Jamestown. He also tried to find out the fate of the settlers of Roanoca. The Indians told him that some kind of English people live in the surrounding area, and the leader named Wauchansunakok reported that he destroyed the inhabitants of Roanoca, because they settled at the tribe Czechik and refused to join his tribe. The leader showed Smith several iron guns of English production. Later, new colonists heard that the leader named Jackponokan holds the British from the island of Roanok - "four men, two boys" and "one young girl." But nothing more to know. More than three hundred years have passed, and in 1937 in 60 miles from Roanoka in the swamp found a fragment of a stone on which a scratched inscription was discovered. She was deciphering as a letter Elizabeth Dair to his father, where she reported that the colonists fled from Roanok after the attack of the Indians.

Of course, the colonists could seek help to Hatteras-Croatans and gradually assimilate with them. But why, sobering and bringing down at home, capturing with him all up to utensils and weapons, they did not take personal belongings of the governor? And they did not leave clear instructions on the spot, why and where do they go? There is no answer to this question.

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Perhaps you will be interested:

The mystery of the disappearance of the whole colony of settlers from the island Roanoc Until now, it remains not disclosed. "They could not disappear just that there was not even a trace left. They may have taken away the devil, "said the English search squad subsequently. Some of the mysterious loss of more than 117 people binds to the bloody deity of Indians - Croatoom.

Colonous discovers were scientists and travelers. At the end of the sixteenth century on roanok Island A ship arrived, rich in various kinds of provincial and equipment for studying the island. About a hundred people led by Ralph leiningstarted research. In addition, the purpose of their expedition was the colonization of the island with the subsequent relocation of the people England.

First cases moved well during the first six months. But then the food reserves began to dry out, and the indigenous people of the island, the Indians were unhappy with the actions of researchers. Scientists waited for a ship that was supposed to come from homeland and bring food reserves. And even after a long time, the ship did not come. Francis Dreyk Accidentally ended up on the island. He returned to B. England After skimming with the Spaniards. The navigator without any problems allowed compatriots to join his ship and return home.

"Golden Lan" - Francis Drake ship

After a couple of weeks after the first British joined the island, the long-awaited ship with the products and the first settlers arrives at Roanoc. Unfortunately, they had to do everything again. And the ship went back after other people.

In the end of April 1587 The year the ship with more than one hundred people and their governor arrives on the island. But the situation is Roanoke They didn't like them at all. Not only are all the strengthening of the island erased from the face of the earth, there is no one else. Most likely, the Indians simply decided to destroy people encroaching on their territory. Of those immigrants, who remained on the island, did not find anyone. Only part of the body of one of them were found in the ravine.

Of course, it was necessary to gather and leave with islands. But it was decided: here you need to stay. More than one hundred people again begin to master the island, and the ship floats to their homeland for the products. In this expedition, people were much more difficult for people to survive. They no longer have time to sow wheat, and it was almost impossible to exchange any things with the Indians.

The governor promised to settlers, which will come back in eight months. But this was prevented by War with Spain, which was safely won. Thus, the head of the colonists returned to the island in three years, violating the promise. He was in full shock when he discovered Roanoc completely empty. They disappeared more than a hundred people. No one could find any traces confirming that the colonists were killed. The only hook was an abbreviation "CRO"Carved on a tree. It could only mean one thing - Croateon. This island located nearby. But even there I could not find the missing people.

Only a decade later it was decided to find out what happened to the colony. Samuel Mais - Chapter of the next expedition on Roanoc. It is different from others that the ship belonged to one famous person who promised to pay wages Sailors, which, of course, strengthened the interests of navigators. But because of a strong storm, the ship never stumbled to the island. It was decided to return home, in England. Upon arrival, the head of the expedition was arrested, which spoke only about one thing - no one else will go to the island.

August 18, 1590. years, on the third birthday of his granddaughter, White Finally arrived on the island, but found a settlement abandoned. He organized searches, but his people could not find any traces of the colonists. Approximately 90 men, 17 women and 11 children disappeared; There were no signs of struggle or battle.

The only key was the letters "CRO"carved on one of the trees not far from the fort, and on the palingo around the village was the word "Croatoan". There were also two buried skeletons. All buildings and strengthening were disassembled, which meant that the settlers were not forced to quickly leave. Before the colony disappeared, White ruled that if anything happens to them, they will have to portray the Maltese cross on the tree near them; That would mean that they were forced to leave. There was no cross, and White Based on this, it believed that they moved deep into the island Croatan. It seemed unthinkable to continue the search: a strong storm was put out, and his people refused to go further. The next day they left the island.

Croatoan (eng. Sroatoan, SCU. Sroaton.Also sometimes Croatan, Croateon) - The name of the Indian tribe who lived during the time of European colonization of North America on the island adjacent to the island adjacent to the island Roanoc In the current state of North Carolina.

Versions of disappearance

The world walks a huge variety of versions of what happened. Starting with suddenly, no terrible disease, the attacks of pirates and ending with the "black hole" in time.

There is also a version that people simply left the camp in search of food, and subsequently mixed with local tribes. But the question arises why the settlers have so hastily and suddenly left their parking lot? And most importantly, why didn't they try to contact their compatriots or leave elementary entries about the route of their trip?

The most popular version of the disappearance of the colonists is associated with the island Indians. Croatoan. Local residents worshiped their chief divine Croatoanathat translated means "Soul Reaper", Hence the name of the island. The Indians believed that his spirit lived among people and could freely alter into any body.

With title "Croatoan" Located popularized Stephen King. The story of the "lost colony" Sir Walter Rieli.. British colonists who were supposed to be on the island of Roanok, disappeared between 1587 and 1590 years. There were no trace of struggle, only on one of the trunks of the tree, grew up in the center of the settlement, the word "CRO" was cut out, which is considered by the initial letters of the word "Croatoan". Check the finding of them on the island Croatoan, with the inhabitants of which the colonists were in friendship, failed. Neither bodies nor any traces have not found.

Their beliefs were filled with mystics. For example, there was a rite: once a year in "Assistants" Croatoana S sent the strongest and beautiful warrior. In the evening he was locked in a hut, and the next morning the man disappeared without a trace.

After the mysterious disappearance of the second colony, memories of the barbaric act of the first surfaced to the surface. Everyone began to talk about the retaliation of local Indians or even the most cruel Croatana.

The descendants of the Indian tribe still keep the legend on how the patron of Aboriginal was united to one of the bodies of the British and hypnotized the colonists. After that, all the settlers were unquestioned in the exciting sea in order to burn in the sea underlying. Reminds the folk history about Gamelnsky rats, right? True, this or fiction - it is now difficult to say.

Some scientists say that the colonists were simply resettled, and all the buildings were destroyed. The leader on the island told that the destruction of the colony lies on his shoulders. He did it for one simple reason - people who arrived on island, refused to have friendly connections with the indigenous population.

The next version states that those who arrived colonists were not able to wait for the ship with food, so they tried to go home on their own on their own, in England. The attempt failed - all died.

In art:

The whole season (6) is devoted to the lost colony. Pretty atmospheric and bloody series.

Also in the 11th series of the first season "American Horror History" The medium tells his version of the events: the colonists died and then returned in the form of ghosts and did the local Indians, while they did not hold the rite of expulsion (for which all the things were burned). As far as can be understood from the first episodes of the sixth season, the screenwriters decided to act in line, in general, not contradictory this story. According to their version, in Thomasina, wife John WhiteHe govering a cant colony in his absence, once a certain spirit united, and she moved to the "dark side". Then Thomasina I decided to transfer the colony on the mainland, where immigrants in the end and overtook death.

IN "St Centkey" Stephen King. Croatoan- The name of the ancient magazine, which was able to master the mind of people, and in such a way to make suicide forgoing people. According to the plan King., Residents of the village Roanoc They disappeared because they did not want to voluntarily give one of their children a magician.

Also in the series "Supernatural" mentioned virus Croaton - a deadly demonic virus, carried through blood. This virus reduces people crazy and makes them perform aggressive actions, right up to the brainide. (Episode numbers: 5.04, 5.20, 2.09).