The most mysterious pyramids in the world. Great mysteries of the world

Ancient pyramids never cease to amaze us with new sensations. It turns out that the pyramids currently known to us are far from the only ones of their kind. IN last years, thanks to the latest technology, scientists continue to find new giant pyramids, not only in Egypt, but throughout the world! We will tell you about the most significant and interesting finds.


Of course, Egypt remains the leader in newly discovered pyramids. In this ancient land new pyramidal structures are discovered with enviable regularity, and this happens thanks to the study of satellite images.

In May 2011, the commonwealth Egyptian pyramids added as many as 17 objects! The previously unknown pyramids were discovered using infrared satellite imaging, which makes visible objects located under a layer of river silt or sand. Thanks to this study of the Nile floodplain, scientists discovered 17 pyramids, more than a thousand burials and about three thousand ancient settlements, which are located relatively shallow under a layer of silt and are not visible to the naked eye. Excavations are currently underway in the area, and the existence of two of the 17 pyramids has already been confirmed.

Another discovery was made quite recently - in August 2012. Thanks to satellite images, two pyramid complexes were spotted in the Abu Sidum area at a distance of 145 km from each other. The discovery was made by archaeologist Angela Micol, who spent several years studying photographs of the Earth's surface. In the first complex, several mounds and a gigantic triangular-shaped object, 200 m wide, are clearly visible.

If it is confirmed that this is indeed a pyramid, then it will become a new sensation, because its dimensions are larger than the famous pyramid of Cheops. The second proposed complex consists of a 42 m wide pyramid and three mounds standing diagonally, as in the Giza complex.

Until now, all the pyramids known to us were located near Cairo, and if studies of the area confirm the discoveries of Angela Micol, it will truly become a sensation. An expedition led by Angela and Egyptologist Nabil will soon set off to study these objects.


In 2005, independent researcher Semir Osmanagic stated that Mount Visocica, located near the town of Visoko, is actually a pyramid and is of artificial origin. Soil studies confirmed this theory, and since then the whole world has been talking about the Bosnian pyramids.

Further geodetic studies showed that the Pyramid of the Sun, as it was later called, has a clear orientation to the cardinal points, like the Egyptian pyramids. Its northern side faces North Star. The angles formed by the faces of the pyramid are absolutely straight and equal. In addition, around the pyramid, on all its sides, during excavations, massive stone slabs were found, clearly not of natural origin. Analysis of these slabs showed that they were made of a substance similar to concrete, the composition of which is unknown to us.

Subsequently, not far from the first pyramid, four more were discovered, next to which the same concrete blocks and many other artifacts were invariably found. Excavations in the Visočica area are still ongoing. Many world experts who have visited there confirm that all these finds are of man-made origin. It is assumed that the age of these pyramids is 10-12 thousand years.


A similar story happened recently in Indonesia, where German scientists discovered that the long-known local residents Mount Sedakhurip has a clearly visible pyramid shape. The pyramid is located in the west of the island of Java and is estimated to be about the same age as the Bosnian pyramids - about 10 thousand years. Mount Sedehurip clearly stands out in shape from all the surrounding hills.

During the excavations, stone slabs with unfamiliar inscriptions and images were discovered. The height of the pyramid is 200 meters, and according to scientists, the discovery of this pyramid is no less important than the discovery of the pyramids in Bosnia. Simir Osmanagic himself spoke quite positively about this: “Pyramids have been discovered in Bosnia, Egypt, Central America, China - they are on every continent, in all parts of the world - who said that they cannot be in Indonesia?!”

It is assumed that the pyramid was built by the ancient Sandanis civilization, which lived in these territories. So far, excavations have just begun, but scientists assume that many artifacts will be found that will confirm the relationship of the Bosnian pyramids and the Sedehuri pyramid. On this moment About 1,000 people are working on pyramid research, but no significant results have yet been published. In the near future, scientists plan to use satellite and geo-electrical technology to study the pyramid.


Now let's move closer to our realities, to the territory of the Crimean peninsula. In one of the districts of Sevastopol, while searching for underground reserves of thermal waters, at a depth of 10 meters, drillers stumbled upon a real pyramid. The drilling site was initially chosen on the basis that there was an epicenter of powerful microwave radiation with a radius of 100 m. Now the nature of this radiation has become clear.

Researchers V.A. Goh and V. Taran, having received a certificate of scientific discovery and carried out accessible excavations, discovered that the pyramid was filled to the top as a result of the flood. This is evidenced by the fact that pebbles, silt and loams were found during the excavations. After this discovery, researchers using geoholography and geohydrodiagnostics discovered 30 more supposed pyramids.

It was also found that the faces of the excavated pyramid contain gypsum, lead and liquid glass, as well as cuprous oxide. As you know, the Egyptian pyramids have the same composition in their outer layer.

Goh and Taran suggest that the Crimean pyramids were built at the same time as the Egyptian ones. However, archaeologists are in no hurry to acknowledge the discoveries of enthusiasts, and therefore do not plan professional excavations in this area. Indeed, according to their theory, during the times ancient egypt there was a sea on the territory of Crimea.


And finally, the most controversial peak, fighting for the right to be called a pyramid, is the famous Tibetan Mount Kailash. Its pyramidal shape is also clearly visible, and its edges are oriented to the cardinal points. The mountain is the most high peak in her area, and she has not yet been conquered. In the ancient religions of Nepal and China, Kailash is considered sacred, and numerous pilgrims protest against its conquest. In religious texts about the mountain, the following is written: “No mortal dares to climb the mountain where the gods live; whoever sees the faces of the gods must die.”

Traveler and explorer Ernst Muldashev, who made an expedition to Mount Kailash, noticed that if you draw an imaginary straight line through Kailash to the center of the Earth, it will cross Easter Island. And besides, Kailash is located on the same meridian as Easter Island and the Egyptian pyramids. In his opinion, all the smaller mountains surrounding Kailash are also ancient pyramids. According to the famous ophthalmologist-traveler, the entire Earth is covered with a network of pyramids, which were built by ancient civilization according to strictly defined rules and lines.

Of course, Muldashev’s research is not recognized by the scientific world and is considered pseudo-scientific, but who knows, perhaps further discoveries of pyramids previously unknown to us will confirm this theory?

But we invite you not to wait for scientific minds to argue about the mysterious pyramidal structures and for them to understand their true purpose, but to find the answers yourself. This is much easier to do than it seems - you can find unique ancient knowledge, published for the first time, in the amazing books of Anastasia Novykh “Sensei”. You will have access to not only explanations of many mysteries of human civilization, but also ancient prophecies regarding the future of Humanity! You can download all books completely free of charge from our website!

Read more about this in the books of Anastasia Novykh

(click on the quote to download the entire book for free):

And by the way, this spiritual practice was not limited only to Ancient Egypt. Many artificially created pyramids that modern people have discovered today, and those that have not yet been “unsealed” and have not yet been found, are far from chaotic structures. Although they were built in different time, their location was in strictly defined coordinates, with strict orientation during construction to certain stars. On a global scale, it is a kind of map. The initiators of the creation of such pyramids were people with this knowledge. Among them was Imhotep. He received this information about a global architectural project on a world scale (which was developed long before the time of Imhotep) from the Sokrovennik at the end of many years of study with him, along with other knowledge.

Anastasia NOVIKH Sensei IV

World Travel


24.09.15 10:48

Even a child will tell you what makes her famous Egyptian Giza– the mysterious statue of the reclining Sphinx and famous pyramids. The 139-meter pyramid of Cheops (all that remains of the Seven Wonders of the World) was erected dozens of centuries before our era. But there are other pyramids on Earth - large and simply huge, ancient and not so ancient. Even ancient Russian (and Chinese) mounds somewhat resemble the outlines of pyramids. Many people believe that pyramids have magical properties due to their unique shape. They're probably right! Let's remember the most famous pyramids on the planet.

The most famous pyramids in the world

Small, but a lot!

It may seem that since Egypt and Sudan are neighboring countries, it means that the pyramids of Giza and the pyramids of Meroe have the same “authorship”. This is wrong. Sudanese cultural monuments, buried in the sands, although they are royal tombs, they were erected by residents ancient state Kush in the 7th-6th centuries BC. Almost fifty pyramids - large and small - are the resting places of rulers and their subjects who held high positions under the king. And, of course, the pyramids of Meroe, included in the UNESCO Heritage List, are not at all similar to the Egyptian ones.

Opened at the end of the twentieth century

Canary Islands - it seems that this paradise should have long ago become a Mecca for tourists, however, they also have untrodden paths and mysterious corners. Just a quarter of a century ago great traveler Thor Heyerdahl discovered a sextet of pyramids on one of the islands - Tenerife. Residents of the village of Guimar did not pay attention to these bulky structures, not suspecting that the pyramids were a monument of ancient architecture. Now a park called the “Pyramids of Guimar” has been opened around the giants made of volcanic rocks. Heyerdahl himself expressed the opinion that the ancient islanders (Guanches) built the pyramids. And other scientists discovered: their location and shape are not accidental: the edges of each pyramid from these six are oriented in a special way.

Dedicated to the “dancing god”

The main dome of the Indian Brihadeshvara Temple is made in the shape of a pyramid. Its height is about 60 meters. The construction of this sanctuary, dedicated to Shiva, began at the end of the 10th century and took only 25 years. For such magnificence - just a record time! Despite the fact that crowds of pilgrims and tourists flock here every year, the entrance to the temple treasury is closed - for centuries it has been accumulating offerings from the rich to the “dancing god”.

Half an hour from Mexico City

The Pyramid of the Sun is the name given to this 64-meter-tall colossus by the Aztecs, who discovered it in the abandoned ancient city of Teotihuacan at the beginning of the 13th century. This attraction is located near Mexico City (just a little over 40 kilometers away), its base is only 3% inferior to the Cheops Pyramid, which puts it in third place (largest) in the list of all known pyramids in the world. The pyramid was subjected to thorough research in the 20th century and it was found that its construction began at the beginning of the 2nd century AD.

In the impenetrable jungle

Located in Guatemala ancient city Mayan (according to scientists, the largest that once existed), El Mirador. It was inhabited in the 6th century BC and completely abandoned in the 9th century. The ruins of this once majestic metropolis were discovered relatively recently - in 1926 (the fact is that the ruins are located in the impenetrable jungle). The local group of pyramids differs from its “sisters” in that it looks like a huge green mountain, completely covered with vegetation. One pyramid (El Tigre) reaches 51 m in height, the other (La Danta) - 72 m.

Las Vegas gigantomania

There is also a modern one on our list of the most famous pyramids on the planet - this is the Luxor Hotel, impressive in its size (1.228 million cubic meters of volume) and amenities. This sparkling pyramid rises in the Nevada desert - it was built in just a year and a half. The luxurious 110-meter hotel opened its doors to tourists in 1993, when the authorities of Las Vegas became “sick” of gigantomania. If the Sphinx of Las Vegas is larger than the original, then this copy is inferior to its ancient counterpart in terms of parameters. But the hotel is bustling with life: more than 2.5 thousand rooms, a luxurious casino, many halls, restaurants, cafes and a disco club.

They were ordered by the founder of the “pyramid builders” dynasty.

TO ancient pyramids, preserved to this day, is another Egyptian pyramid, built in the 26th century BC in Dahshur. The limestone giant is slightly worn out - its original height reached almost 105 m, now it is 101.1 m. It received its name (Broken Pyramid) for its unusual shape - it is assumed that the builders changed the angle of inclination of the walls after the accident. In addition, this pyramid has two entrances - not only in the north, but also a “spare” one in the west.

The customer of the so-called Pink Pyramid was the same pharaoh who ordered the construction of Broken Pyramid - the great Snefru. It was he who laid the foundation for a dynasty that went down in history as the “builders of the pyramids” (according to the number it was IV). According to various sources, he headed the state from a quarter of a century to 29 years. The pink one is the largest in the Dahshur necropolis (sometimes it is also called the Red one). The base of the wonder reaches 220 m, and the height is 104 m (originally it was 109 meters). Due to the fact that the white limestone cladding was removed for other purposes, the underlying layer, which has a pink tint, became visible.

Like a grandiose children's construction set

The first place in the world in terms of volume (but not in height - in this it is inferior to the Cheops pyramid) is occupied by the Great Pyramid of Cholula. Because of amazing The colossus’ 4.45 million cubic meters of “internal space” was included in the Guinness Book of Records. But when they began to conduct a detailed study, they discovered: this is not one pyramid, but a whole ensemble: new parts were gradually attached to the base, as if in a children's construction set. This unusual pyramid stands in the Mexican town of Cholula and resembles a picturesque mountain, on the top of which a temple is perched. It is unknown who is the author of such a powerful architectural miracle; scientists have only found out that these places were inhabited around the 3rd century BC.

Pyramids are certainly one of the most mysterious structures on our planet. Perhaps nothing compares with their grandeur and the precision of their execution. But only today comes the understanding that the meaning of these places of worship extends far beyond the concepts of official science - such as tombs, “grain storage barns” or even religious temples.

Many scientists agree that these buildings are the oldest receivers and transmitters of information. And there is obviously some part of truth in this. But most likely not all of it. The real possibilities and goals of creating these structures are much broader and more functional. It seems that these were also excellent power plants - accumulating and generating electricity. energy due to their design and the material from which they were mainly built. Granite, marble, concrete slabs of silicon sand - served as resonators with external vibrations of the Planet and Space. A g linen, limestone, brick - were used as insulating materials. If we delve deeper, then, of course, at first a difference was created in the potential of more subtle energy plays - called high-frequency static / direct current. And only then, through transformer devices (which are depicted in large numbers on the interior walls of some of the pyramids), they were supplied to various technical devices for domestic and industrial purposes - from lighting lamps to electrolytic devices and sawmill and grinding equipment...

By the way, at that time there was no need to use special wires for transporting electricity. energy. Transmitting and receiving resonators were used - based on the same internal structure of the substance and external shape. Substance - identical content + exact proportions metal alloys. Shapes - spheres, crosses, cubes, etc. - including pyramidal shapes. But that's another story. Which we'll talk about another time.

In the meantime, let's return to the topic of the pyramids themselves and their purpose.

So, according to another version, the pyramids were built as pyramidal lenses - to concentrate the output/input of energy from/from the Earth and Space. And they were not built randomly - but strictly along certain energy lines and the intersections of their nodes.

So if we consider the Earth itself as a crystal, then the pyramids were built on the “tops” of the corners of this crystal. For example:

Simply put, the pyramids were built to stabilize the Earth's magnetic field. All pyramids were located at certain points on the Earth in order to change the electromagnetic flow passing through them. In other words, the pyramid itself is nothing more than an ordinary lens that modulates the flows passing through it. Feeding the energy fields of the Earth and preventing the movement of the lithosphere.

Although, to be absolutely precise, the pyramids did not change the electromagnetic flow itself, but the gravitational and its adjacent levels - being like a funnel with the wide part facing downwards to capture the gravitational radiation of the Earth and concentrate the radiation at the top. Physical interactions take place here, which are still little understood by modern science. Academic scientists have yet to tackle this issue, since in the scientific world it is customary to ignore facts if they cannot yet be explained. And, by the way, the pyramids were not necessarily built from beginning to end. Often a suitable hill was used, which was covered with the necessary construction and installation material - giving it the desired pyramidal shape.

And it is worth SEPARATELY EMPHASIZING A VERY IMPORTANT POINT: most of the pyramid complexes are absolutely precisely tied to the main “reference points” of the Orion constellation (most often to the Orion belt). And this gives some researchers reason to insist on the theory of “Orion enslavement of the Earth.” And already in this version, the theory of a Planet unbalanced by pyramids comes into conflict with the opinion of those who insist on the stabilizing role of these same pyramids.

As always, the Truth seems to be somewhere in the middle. That is, the pyramids were built. in its various forms, for all purposes - at the same time: and as capacitors-power stations-energy transmitters; and as receivers and transmitters of information - both within the Earth and near and far Space; and as stations for body rejuvenation and organ regeneration; and as teleportation stations for objects and bodies of people/gods themselves. And this was a widespread phenomenon in ancient times.

Therefore, pyramids were built not only in Egypt. They were built and survived to varying degrees throughout the world. Both on the surface, and underground, and under water. And even on other planets and their satellites.

And to confirm all of the above, I will provide photos of specific objects-artifacts - pyramids - on different continents- V different countries world:

Let’s begin our journey through the countries of the world:

As expected, the already well-known pyramids of Egypt are aperitif:

Pyramids in Numibia (Sudan):

Many other images of pyramids in Egypt and Africa

Pyramids in Teotihuacan, Mexico

"State of the City of Snakes" - Kalamkul pyramids in Mexico

Altun Ha Pyramid - Belize + Temple of the Great Jaguar - Honduras

Grand Pyramid + pyramidal complex of Machu Picchu in Peru...

Now let's move to the other side of the world. Pyramids in Europe:

Bosnia. Mount Visocica - Pyramid of the Sun

Pyramids in Romania:

Pyramids in France:

And in many other places in Europe -

And few people know that there are ancient pyramids in Russia:


Altai, Sartyklay pyramid


Kamchatka... + Baikal

Chukotka + Kola Peninsula


And here is video evidence of the presence of ancient pyramids in Russia -

Now let's turn our attention to Asia and take a look at the pyramids here:

Tibet + India

Indonesia + Cambodia (Kampuchea)

What's under our water?

Underwater pyramids of Japan - Yonaguni...

Underwater Pyramids of the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea:

A little video on this topic:

Pyramids of Atlantis

Underwater pyramids of North America

Underwater pyramids of China


Well, and quite unexpectedly - pyramids in Antarctica:

VIDEO: Pyramids of Antarctica


And finally, let’s arm ourselves with a telescope and take a closer look at near space:

Lunar surface + zoom


VIDEO: Pyramid and remains of buildings on the Moon

VIDEO: Traces ancient civilization on the moon


And this is Mars:

Modern and ancient pyramids come in different shapes and sizes. To determine which of the pyramids is the largest pyramid, it would probably be correct to compare their heights. For example, the Transamerica Pyramid, with a height of 260 meters (85 feet), would undoubtedly be a strong candidate for the list of largest pyramids.

Many large pyramids, however, have a very large base, but not much greater height. But that doesn't make them smaller. The best indicator for comparison is therefore probably the volume of the pyramid. The volume of the pyramid can be calculated using the following formula:

Base length * Base width * Height * 1/3.

For example, for the Transamerica Pyramid, this is 54 x 54 x 260 x 1/3 = 252,720 m³, and this is not enough to be included in our list of the largest pyramids.

Many people think that using this formula it is not too difficult to determine the largest pyramids in the world. Unfortunately, it's not that simple. Many pyramids are not very regular pyramids, they do not have smooth sides, many of them are step pyramids. Another problem is that some of the largest pyramids on Earth have not yet been fully excavated.

8. La Danta, El Mirador (0.9 million m³)

The El Mirador complex is located in the north of the Guatemalan department of Peten, near the Guatemala-Mexico border, 13 km northwest of Nakbe. El Mirador was the main city of the Mayan Empire, which flourished from around the 6th century BC. and until the 1st century AD, reaching a peak population of more than 8,000 inhabitants by the 3rd century BC. After a break in construction of several centuries, construction was restored, further buildings were attempted, but by the end of the 9th century this construction was completely abandoned.
The ruins were discovered in 1926, but little attention was paid to excavations due to the remote location of the site, deep in the jungle of northern Guatemala. Today the site is still largely covered by tropical jungle and the two largest structures in the El Mirador complex: "El Tigre" and "La Danta" are two large hills.

The La Danta complex consists of several platforms. The lowest platform is a 310 x 590 meter (1,017 x 1,936 ft) structure, 7 meters (23 ft) high and containing a number of buildings. The next platform measures approximately 190 x 240 meters (623 x 787 ft) and rises another 7 meters. Above this is another platform about 21 meters high (69 feet), which tops a complex of three pyramids, the tallest of which is 21 meters. The La Danta complex (70 meters or 230 feet) is slightly higher than El Tigre (about 55 meters or 180 feet), although La Danta includes a low natural hill.

According to some La Danta sources, the complex has a total volume of 2,800,000 cubic meters, making it one of the largest structures in the world. The question, however, is how accurate this calculation is, and whether the entire complex can be considered one pyramid. It could be argued that part of the lower platform should be excluded from the calculation as it supports multiple buildings.

7. Pyramid of the Sun (1.2 million m³)

The Pyramid of the Sun is the largest building in Teotihuacán and one of the largest pyramids in Central America. But, according to researchers, only a tenth of the complex is now open. It is believed that the original height of the pyramid was about 71 meters (now 64.5 meters), and the perimeter of the base was about 900 meters.

The name of this pyramid comes from the Aztecs who visited the city of Teotihuacan centuries after it was abandoned. The pyramid was built in two stages. During the first phase of construction, around 100 AD. the pyramid was built to almost the size we see today. The second phase of construction completed the pyramid, measuring 225 meters (733 feet) across and 75 meters (246 feet) high.
The Pyramid of the Sun is perhaps not only the most famous, but also the most popular ancient monument in Mesoamerica. During the dry season on weekends, a whole line of people line up near it to get to its top and touch the life-giving flow of energy, which, as many believe, passes through the pyramid.

6. Luxor Hotel (1228 million m³)

The Luxor Hotel Pyramid was one of the first in a decade-long wave of new mega hotels to spring up on the Las Vegas Strip in the 1990s. Luxor Hotel opened in 1993, after just eighteen months of construction, and was renovated in 2006.

The hotel is an Egyptian-style complex consisting of three pyramid buildings and is the second largest in the United States. The top of the thirty-story black glass pyramid lights up every night, making it the world's largest floodlight. At the entrance, guests are greeted by a huge sphinx.

The Luxor Hotel debuted as a complex containing 2,526 rooms, a giant casino area, an exhibition hall, restaurants and entertainment centers on the 2nd floor. The rooms are also decorated in Egyptian motifs, with beautiful panoramic views of the city from the windows of the rooms on the upper floors.

With a base 183 meters (600 feet) long and 110 meters (350 feet) high, the Luxor Hotel pyramid is significantly smaller than its famous model, the Great Pyramid of Giza.

5. Bent Pyramid (1237 million m³)

Bent Pyramid is located in Dashur, and is the second pyramid built by Pharaoh Snofru. The Bent Pyramid, created by Pharaoh Snofru of the 4th Dynasty of the Old Kingdom, dates back to around 2600 BC.

It is interesting that the pyramid first rises above the desert at an angle of 55 degrees, and then suddenly changes its elevation angle to 43 degrees. One theory is that due to the steepness of the starting angle, the internal chambers and passages became too large, forcing builders to accept a smaller angle. This is a unique example of the first real pyramid, not a step one. It is also unique in that the only burial complex of its kind was created around it.

The base of the pyramid is 188.6 meters (619 feet) and the height is 101.1 meters (332 feet).

4. Red Pyramid (1.69 million m³)

The Northern Pyramid (or Red Pyramid) is one of the largest pyramids in Egypt and ranks third in height among all Egyptian pyramids. This pyramid is located on the territory of the Dahshur necropolis.

Built by Pharaoh Snefru, the Red Pyramid represents the world's first successful attempt at building a truly regular pyramid. If we talk about the name of the pyramid, it is associated with the unique color of the stone blocks from which it was built.
The pyramid has base dimensions of 220 by 220 meters (722 ft) and 104 meters (341 ft) in height. It was the most great pyramid in Egypt before the construction of the pyramids of Giza.

What really makes the Red Pyramid special today is the absence of the crowds that are always present on the Giza Plateau and the relatively unregulated access to the interior.

3. Great Pyramid of Cholula (1.8 million m³)

The Great Pyramid of Cholula is located in Mexico and appears to be a natural hill topped by a Catholic church. This is the church “Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de los Remedios”, which was built in 1594 on the site of a temple.

It is worth noting that the Pyramid in Cholula is the largest in the world in terms of volume, it surpasses even the Pyramid of Cheops. Today, most of the pyramid at Cholula has been destroyed. Inside the presented pyramid there is simply a huge tunnel, the length of which is almost eight kilometers. All the giant slabs from which this pyramid is built are covered with amazing carvings.

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, this pyramid is actually the largest pyramid ever built anywhere in the world, with a total volume of over 4,450 thousand m³. This is based on a size of 450 to 450 meters (1,476 × 1,476 ft) and a height of 66 m (217 ft).

The complex consists of several buildings built on top of each other, dating from the 3rd century BC to the 9th century AD. The pyramid at Chochul is the last stage of construction, which was carried out between 200 and 400 AD. IN colonial period This pyramid was used as a cure for various diseases.

2. Pyramid of Khafre (2.21 million m³)

The Pyramid of Khafre is the second largest pyramid in Egypt and is located next to the Great Sphinx. These two structures can be considered together, since, most likely, they were built as a single composition. It was built to last forty years later the pyramids Cheops. Khafre was the son of Khufu (Cheops), therefore his pyramid is located not far from Great Pyramid his father. However, the pyramid of Khafre surpasses the pyramid of Cheops in its inaccessibility. It will take a group of experienced climbers at least an hour to reach its peak.