Mexico's form of government. Mexico: form of government and territorial-state structure

Mexico is a country of unexpected discoveries. Everything you can dream of is here: amazing spiritual heritage that has more than three thousand years of history, amazing original culture, magnificent beaches, magical tropical nature, world-famous cuisine, as well as good-natured and hospitable people.

Origin of the country and its name

Mexico is a country with a thousand years of history. The first man stepped on its land 15 thousand years ago, but the first civilization - the Olmecs - arose here in the 2nd millennium BC. Then such ancient civilizations as the Maya and the Aztecs arose here.

In the 16th century, the state was colonized by the Spaniards, but after 300 years, having won independence in the war of liberation, Mexico became a monarchy. For almost 100 years, Mexico was moving towards democracy and became a real multi-party republic. It is generally accepted that the name "Mexico" comes from the name of the supreme god of the Aztecs - Mexitli.

Geographic location of Mexico

Mexico is located in the south of North America. It borders the United States to the north and Guatemala to the south. Mexico is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west and south, and the east coast is washed by the waters of the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico.

The total area of ​​Mexico is 1,972,550 km², including the islands in the Pacific Ocean. The largest city is Mexico City, the capital of the state, whose population is about 20 million people. But Guanajuato is deservedly called the most beautiful city, because there are simply no analogues to this city in the world. It can also be called the brightest and most colorful city in Mexico, and due to the fact that most of the inhabitants here are students, Guanajuato is fun day and night.


The climate in Mexico is tropical, and only in the north is subtropical. In summer, almost throughout the country, the temperature does not fall below + 30 ° C, in winter - about + 25 ° C, and only on the Caribbean coast is slightly lower. But in the northern part of Mexico, temperatures can reach 0°C in winter. From May to October, the rainy season continues here, with the greatest amount of precipitation falling in the south, but the northern regions are considered the driest. The best months to travel to Mexico are from January to April. At this time, both beach and sightseeing holidays will be pleasant.


The population of Mexico is about 130 million people, which makes it the 11th largest in the world in terms of population. The population of the country includes representatives of three main groups - Indians, mestizos (descendants of Europeans and Indians) and Africans. Also, about 150 thousand foreigners live in the country, among them the largest are Americans, Spaniards, Russians, Italians and Hispanics.

Mexicans are very friendly and cheerful, hospitable to foreigners. They are ardent patriots, and they also love holidays very much. Their distinguishing feature can be called an easy attitude to life and death, which came from the Aztecs.

State-political structure of the country

Mexico, officially the United Mexican States, is a federal republic with 31 states and one federal district.

The legislative body is the bicameral National Congress.

Executive power in Mexico belongs to the head of state - the president, who became Enrique Nieto in 2012. He is a representative of the Institutional Revolutionary Party, which has been in power since 1929 without change. The main law of Mexico is the Constitution, adopted back in 1917.


The Mexican peso is the official currency of Mexico. 1 peso is made up of 100 centavos. However, coins are not often used here.

If you go to Mexico, you can safely take dollars with you - they are accepted without problems in all cities of Mexico, and change is given in pesos at the rate of the central bank.

Traditions and religion

More than 75% of Mexicans profess Catholicism, approximately 7% are Protestants. In the depths of the country, paganism is often found among the local Indians. Representatives of Judaism and Islam also live here, supporters of Lamaism, Buddhism and Sikhism meet in large cities, and in the north there are communities of Mormons and Mennonites.

In Mexico, it is widely customary to celebrate the days of the patrons of the city, which even the smallest villages have. In honor of the holidays, magnificent feasts are arranged, which are accompanied by fun and, of course, dancing. Each locality must have its own "mariachi" - a musical orchestra that accompanies all folk festivals. The traditional Spanish dance "jarabe tapatio", which appeared in the 17th century. Some of the favorite holidays of Mexicans are Christmas, Independence Day, Day of the Dead, and before Lent, the whole country celebrates Carnival Week.

National cuisine

The cuisine of Mexico is original and unique, it mixes the traditions of many Indian tribes, as well as the influence of French and Spanish cultures.

The main place in the cuisine of Mexico is corn, it is eaten here boiled or fried, with sauce or grated cheese, with meat, in the form of flour or drink. A traditional corn dish is a baked corn tortilla with various fillings such as tacos, nachos or quesadillas.

Another hallmark of Mexico is hot peppers. More than 100 types of different sauces are made from it, they are added to salads and, of course, to corn.

Mexicans also love meat. Favorite meat dishes include "picadillo" - fried minced meat with tomatoes, "chipile" - pork with vegetables, "enchilada" - meat rolls stuffed with cheese and eggs.

As for vegetables and fruits, their choice is extremely diverse. In the first place are beans, from which more than 100 types of dishes are prepared. Especially popular is "chayote" - a local fruit that is consumed in stewed, fried, boiled, baked form.

And of course, do not forget that Mexico is the birthplace of tequila, which brought world fame to the country. It is made from the juice of the agave core. Now there are more than 300 types of this drink.

Useful data for tourists about Mexico, cities and resorts of the country. As well as information about the population, the currency of Mexico, the cuisine, the features of visa and customs restrictions in Mexico.

Geography of Mexico

The United Mexican States is a state in North America, bordering the United States in the north, Belize and Guatemala in the southeast, and is washed by the waters of the Gulf of California (Pacific Ocean), the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea.

Mexico owns a number of islands in the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean.

Most of the country is occupied by the ridges of the Mexican Highlands, the Sierra Madre and the Transverse Volcanic Sierra with many active volcanoes (about 350), including the highest point of the country - Orizaba (5700 m.), Popocatepetl - (5452 m.), etc. Volcanic activity is quite high, and earthquakes are also frequent.


State structure

Federal Republic. The head of state is the president. The legislature is the bicameral National Congress (the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies).


Official language: Spanish

Local ethnic groups speak their native languages ​​(Nahuatl, Maya, Otomi, Zapotec, etc.). English is widely spoken.


Catholics (89%), Protestants (6%).


International name: MXP

The Mexican peso is equal to 100 centavos (cents). In circulation there are banknotes of 500, 200, 100, 50, 20 and 10 pesos and coins of 50, 20, 10 and 5 centavos.

Currency exchange can be done at banks, large hotels, airports (usually the best rate) or specialized exchange offices "casas de cambio". Often there are difficulties with the exchange of shabby banknotes or banknotes of the old series.

Most hotels, restaurants, shops and travel agencies accept world leading credit cards and travelers checks (preferably in US dollars). The resort areas have a well-developed network of ATMs.

US dollars are also accepted almost everywhere (the exchange rate is not the most profitable). When exchanging, care should be taken - there are attempts to shortchange.

History of Mexico

The appearance of man in Mexican lands dates back to the 20th millennium BC and is caused by the constant migration of the population. In the 10th century, the Mayan people came from the north to the Yucatan Peninsula, colliding here with the already existing more ancient civilization of city-states.

Another people, the Aztecs, founded Tenochtitlan (Mexico City) at the beginning of the 2nd millennium AD, and in the 15th century they already controlled the entire territory of Central Mexico. Irrigation was widely used in their economy, they owned weaving and pottery. The city of Tenochtitlan in the XV-XVI centuries became one of the largest cities in the world. It numbered up to 300 thousand inhabitants and 65 thousand houses, was equipped with a complex system of dams and canals that ensured its water supply. The Aztecs, who owned a huge Mexican territory, laid the foundations of a state organization here, and the city of Tenochtitlan was the capital of the Aztec state. The Aztec leader had at least a hundred thousand troops, which, however, did not know firearms and horses. According to their worldview, the Aztecs were pagans and brought human sacrifices to the gods.

The further development of these centers of statehood was stopped by the invasion in 1517 of the Spanish conquerors. They captured the capital of the Aztecs, killed the Aztec emperor Montezuma, took possession of his golden treasures and, in the end, established Spanish rule and established Christianity (Catholicism) throughout the country. As a result, very original ancient American civilizations were destroyed and then forgotten.

By the end of the 16th century, the conquest of the Mexican plateau was completed. On the occupied lands, the vice-kingdom of New Spain was formed, transferring all power to the feudal landowners who arrived here. Numerous attempts by the Indians in the 17th-18th centuries to free themselves from the colonialists did not lead to success. The power of the metropolis was able to collapse only at the beginning of the 19th century, thanks to the weakening of Spain caused by the Napoleonic conquest. And although two uprisings that unfolded in 1810-1813 were suppressed, Mexico gained independence in 1821. In 1823, a republic was established in the country, declaring equal rights for all before the law.

The economic backwardness of the young state, its advantageous strategic position and aggravated internal instability turned the eyes of the United States here. In 1845, they annexed Texas, and the following year opened a series of wars of conquest, capturing half of the Mexican lands by 1854. The unsatisfactory actions of the government led to a social explosion, which turned into a civil war in 1857. By 1867, the fighting had ceased. It was chiefly the republican-landlord circles that gained a foothold in power. The feudal vestiges they conserved became the cause of the revolution of 1910-1917. Her victory weakened the position of the landowners and strengthened the political role of the industrialists. The danger of a Japanese invasion forced the cabinet of ministers in 1941 to declare war on the fascist bloc. In the post-war period, progressive democratic reforms were somewhat delayed, but nevertheless contributed to the further development of this Latin American state.

The appearance of man in Mexican lands dates back to the 20th millennium BC and is caused by the constant migration of the population. In the 10th century, the Mayan people came from the north to the Yucatan Peninsula, colliding here with the already existing more ancient civilization of city-states....

Popular Attractions

Mexico Tourism

Where to stay

Mexico, which is the cradle of the ancient Mayan and Aztec civilizations, a country of outlandish nature with many paradises and hospitable people, has long won the love of tourists from all over the world. Thousands of kilometers of wonderful sea coast, tropical forests, a large number of architectural monuments create all conditions for active and family recreation.

In addition to a huge number of attractions, Mexico has a fairly high level of service and developed tourist infrastructure. Here you will find any accommodation, depending on your financial capabilities. The range of hotels in Mexico is diverse and has a standard five-star classification, which is strictly controlled at the state level.

Hotels in the country, the level of which is two stars, include responsive staff, excellent service, private pools. Hotels, the level of which starts from three stars, offer vacationers round-the-clock room service, their own bars and restaurants, snow-white beaches with clear water, picturesque pools, jacuzzis with waterfalls, saunas. For outdoor enthusiasts, there will be an opportunity to go in for windsurfing, diving, yachting and other entertainment.

In addition to these hotels in Mexico, there are hotels of the Granturismo category, which are separate complexes that have everything you need for a comfortable stay - from their own shops to helipads. Another category of such hotels is Special, which, in addition to a set of services of Granturismo class complexes, offer their guests some kind of exclusive service, for example, a free diving tour to their own island.

For admirers of inexpensive travel in Mexico, small family and budget hotels, hunting lodges, hostels with inexpensive spacious rooms and good Mexican cuisine offer their services.

Popular hotels

Excursions and attractions in Mexico

Mexico is an amazing country with a rich historical and cultural heritage, as well as stunning natural landscapes. The famous archaeological sites of the ancient Mayan and Aztec tribes, magnificent colonial architecture, excellent museums, tropical forests, snow-capped volcanoes, luxurious beaches, and, of course, traditional Mexican cuisine create a unique atmosphere and special flavor. Traveling to Mexico will leave an indelible impression in your memory and bring a lot of pleasure.

The most famous sights of Mexico, of course, are the magnificent buildings of ancient civilizations. Among the most interesting places, it is worth highlighting the abandoned city of Teotihuacan with the pyramids of the Sun and the Moon, which have been perfectly preserved to this day, as well as the Temple of the Feathered Serpent (Quetzalcoatl). Of particular interest is the pyramid in Cholula, which is considered the largest such structure in the world, surpassing the famous Pyramid of Cheops in size (unfortunately, most of it is now destroyed). The sacred city of Chichen Itza, the archaeological complex of Monte Alban in the Oaxaca Valley, the ancient capital of the Toltecs Tula, Tahin (El Tajin), as well as Uxmal, Tulum, Palenque, Mitla and Mayapan are priceless monuments of ancient civilizations.

The capital of Mexico Mexico City is the cultural, economic and political center of the country. This huge metropolis is considered to be one of the most colorful cities in the world. Here you will find a lot of interesting places and attractions. You should definitely visit the Cathedral, the National Palace, Constitution Square, Chapultepec Palace, the Palace of Fine Arts, Alameda Park, the Basilica of the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe, the National Anthropological Museum, Xochimilco and the Three Cultures Square. No less interesting are the Mayor Tower, the House and Studio of Luis Barragan, the Azulezos House, the National Historical Museum, the Caricature Museum, the Frida Kahlo House Museum, the Poliforum Museum of Contemporary Art and the world's largest bullring. In Mexico City, you will also see many beautiful churches that were built in the XVII-XVIII centuries. Not far from the capital are the charming colonial-style town of Taxco, which is famous for its silversmiths, and the "city of eternal spring" - Cuernavaca.

Of particular popularity among tourists are the famous "night capital" of Mexico - Acapulco, the picturesque city of Guadalajara, Campeche, the resort area of ​​Cancun (one of the best resorts in the world) and, of course, the paradise for divers, the island of Cozumel. Among the magnificent Mexican resorts, it is necessary to note such places as Manzanillo, Puerto Vallarta, Playa del Carmen (Riviera Maya) and Los Cabos.

Great pleasure and a lot of impressions will also be delivered by the magnificent Shel-Ha National Park - a natural aquarium in a mountain cave, Copper Canyon, the "crocodile park" Crocotown, La Molinche and Pico de Orizaba parks, the Basaseachi waterfall, the Celestum rare bird reserve and Xcaret Ecopark .

Mexican Cuisine

Mexican cuisine is famous for its culinary traditions all over the world. Some dishes may seem a little spicy at first, but you will still appreciate their taste. As a rule, national dishes are not complete without at least one of three typical components: tortillas (corn tortillas), beans and hot chili peppers.

Appetizers are ingenious, as everything is simple. Actually, most of the popular snacks - nachos, quesadillas, tacos, tostados, chimichangas - are all the same unleavened corn tortillas (not only from corn, but also from wheat "imported" by the Spaniards) with fillings from corn, beans, peppers, cheeses, meat minced meat with tomatoes, for example, picadillo.

Soups with seafood, legumes, and spices are common. Salt, chili and tortillas must be on the table.

Hot dishes are prepared from several types of meat, goulash olla podrida, fried beef ribbons with bean garnish, carne asado, and even the famous chili con carne, which are held in real championships, are popular. Again, hot cakes with fillings: empanadas reminiscent of our dumplings or kulebyaki, which were once a simple omelette, and then turned into a kind of enchiladas rolls, burritos, thick as packs on the back of a donkey. Well, for lovers of antiquity - fragrant tamales, steamed pieces of corn dough, wrapped in a leaf of corn on the cob and poured over with a sauce of your choice.

The most famous Mexican dessert is the sweet royal bread rosca de reyes, the core of which is filled with dried fruit, and a chrysalis is placed inside, symbolizing the Christ child and the onset of the fiesta.

Mexican cuisine is famous for its culinary traditions all over the world. Some dishes may seem a little spicy at first, but you will still appreciate their taste. As a rule, national dishes are not complete without at least one of the three typical ingredients: tortillas (corn tortillas), beans and hot chili peppers....


It is customary to leave in restaurants, bars, porters, taxi drivers, etc. - 10% of the total bill.


Office Hours

Banks are open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays (some bank branches are even open until 24 a.m. or 1 a.m.), and from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday. Sunday is a day off. Some bank branches in resort areas are also open from 16:00 to 18:00, on Saturday - from 10:00 to 13:30 and from 16:00 to 18:00, and on Sunday - from 10:00 to 13:30.

Shops are usually open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., with a traditional siesta break from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., the day off is Sunday.

The day off in museums, archaeological sites and theaters is usually on Monday.


VAT (IVA) is 15% and is usually included in all prices and bills, but in some expensive hotels the prices do not include tax. VAT is also levied on telephone conversations, housing rent, etc.

The medicine

No special vaccinations are required, but malaria prophylaxis, vaccination against hepatitis A and B, and international health insurance are recommended.

Medical care is paid and quite expensive. The purchase of some drugs is possible only with a doctor's prescription, so the necessary long-term drugs should be brought with you (with mandatory documentary evidence of the indication for their use).


In Mexico, there is a high level of crime, in the first place - pickpocketing and robbery. It is recommended to travel by car, bus and train only during the day. Taxis are recommended only from official stations ("sitios"), otherwise the chance of becoming a victim of a robbery is quite high. It is recommended to order a taxi by phone, be sure to get the car number and taxi driver's license number from the dispatcher. At Mexico City Airport, only yellow airport taxis (with airport symbols on the door) should be hired, after paying for the call in advance at the appropriate "Transportacion Terrestre" kiosk in the airport lobby.

Try to drive on toll roads ("cuota") - they are safer. It is also recommended to avoid solo trips in provincial areas, and often use hitchhiking. There are known cases of extortion of money by people in uniform.

Emergency Phones

Police, ambulance, fire brigade and other emergencies - 06.

Questions and opinions about Mexico

Question answer

Tijuana - Q&A

Puebla - Q&A

Question answer

Question answer

Television has shaped the image of Mexico as a very poor country, where drug cartels are constantly at war with each other. But in fact, this is not at all the case. Every year, more than 20 million foreign tourists come to this country to see the unique monuments and pyramids of the Maya and Aztec Indians, ancient Spanish forts, colonial palaces, try unforgettable Mexican cuisine, and, of course, relax in Mexican beach resorts, among which "shine » Acapulco and Cancun.

Geography Mexico

Mexico is located in the south of North America. Mexico borders the United States to the north and Guatemala and Belize to the southeast. In the southeast, the country is washed by the Caribbean Sea, in the east by the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, and in the south and west by the waters of the Pacific Ocean.

Mexico consists of several islands in the Pacific Ocean, including the Revilla Gigedo group of islands and the island of Guadalupe. The total area of ​​this state, including the islands, is 1,972,550 sq. km., and the total length of the state border is 4,353 km.

From north to south, the Sierra Madre Occidental and Sierra Madre Occidental mountain ranges stretch across Mexico, located between the Mexican Highlands. In the south, the mountain system Sierra Madre South dominates. The highest local peak is Mount Orizaba, whose height reaches 5,700 meters.

Seismic activity is quite high in Mexico. In addition, there are many volcanoes, some of which are still active (for example, Colima and Paricutin).

The largest Mexican rivers are Usumacinta (560 km), Grijalva (480 km), Papaloapan (534 km), Coatzacoalcos (282 km).

Capital of Mexico

Mexico City is the capital of Mexico. More than 9 million people now live in this city. Historians claim that Mexico City was founded by the Aztec Indians in 1325.

Official language

In Mexico, one official language is Spanish.


More than 82% of the inhabitants are Catholics, about 9% are Protestants.

State structure

According to the current Constitution, Mexico is a presidential republic in which the head of state is the President (he is elected by popular vote for 6 years).

The bicameral Mexican parliament is called the Congress, it consists of the Senate (128 senators, elected for 6 years) and the Chamber of Deputies (500 deputies, elected for 3 years).

The main political parties are the Institutional Revolutionary Party, the National Action Party, the Democratic Revolution Party, the Green Party and the Labor Party.

Administratively, Mexico is divided into 31 states and one federal district, centered on Mexico City.

Climate and weather

The climate is tropical and temperate, depending on the region and altitude in relation to sea level. On the Yucatan Peninsula, the average annual air temperature is + 26-30C.

The rainy season lasts from May to October. During the rest of the year, it also rains, but much less frequently. In general, you can relax in Mexico all year round, but it depends on the destinations where tourists want to go (some destinations are better to choose in certain months).

Average air temperature in Cancun (Caribbean coast):

  1. January – +23C
  2. February - +23C
  3. March - +25C
  4. April - +26С
  5. May - +27C
  6. June - +28С
  7. July - +28С
  8. August – +28C
  9. september - +28C
  10. october - +27C
  11. November - +25С
  12. december - +24C

Seas and oceans of Mexico

In the southeast, the country is washed by the Caribbean Sea, and in the south and west by the waters of the Pacific Ocean. The total length of the coastline is 9,330 km.

Average sea temperature off the coast of Cancun (Caribbean coast):

  1. January – +26C
  2. February - +26С
  3. March - +26C
  4. April - +27C
  5. May - +28C
  6. June - +29С
  7. july - +29C
  8. August – +29С
  9. september - +29C
  10. october - +29C
  11. November - +28С
  12. december - +27C

Rivers and lakes

Several fairly large rivers flow through Mexico - Usumacinta (560 km), Grijalva (480 km), Papaloapan (534 km), Coatzacoalcos (282 km). In the state of Guadalajara, at an altitude of 1524 meters above sea level, there is a freshwater lake Chapala, with an area of ​​1,100 square meters. km, the largest in this country.

History of Mexico

People settled on the territory of modern Mexico several thousand years ago. In the early centuries of our century, several Indian tribes lived there, including the famous Maya, who created hieroglyphic writing, a calendar and grandiose pyramids. Around the 12th century, the Aztecs arrived there.

At the beginning of the 16th century, Spanish conquistadors arrived in Mexico, led by Hernandez de Cordoba, Juan de Grijalva and Hernan Cortes. After some time, Mexico became part of the Viceroyalty of New Spain, and remained a Spanish colony until 1821.

In 1823, after a long war of independence, the Republic of Mexico was proclaimed. Throughout the 19th century, bloody wars took place on the territory of this country, as a result of which the Mexican states of Texas, New Mexico, and Upper California ceded to the United States.

Not without wars for Mexico and the beginning of the XX century. From 1910 to 1917, the civil war continued there. As a result, the dictatorship of Porfirio Diaz was overthrown, and a Constitution was adopted that guaranteed the separation of church and state, agrarian reform, the creation of trade unions, etc.

Since the 1950s, in Mexico, where there are very large oil reserves, an economic recovery begins. In the mid-1980s, oil prices fall and Mexico begins an economic and political crisis. Now this country is still experiencing economic problems, but the situation is quite stable.


The culture of Mexico was formed on the basis of the traditions of the Indians, and then the Spaniards had a strong influence on it. Every Mexican city or town has its own festival in honor of a saint.

At the end of February, a grandiose Carnival takes place in Mexico City, which usually lasts 5 days. All these 5 days, colorful processions with music and dances pass through the streets of the Mexican capital.

December 12 in Mexico City and in some other Mexican cities celebrate the Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe, with a lot of different events. In the capital's Basilica de Guadalupe square, colorful performances take place on this day.

September 16 marks the most revered national Mexican holiday - Independence Day.


Mexican cuisine is famous all over the world. The staple foods are corn, beans, rice and vegetables. Important ingredients for preparing Mexican dishes are spices and hot chili peppers.

The diet of the Mayan Indians once upon a time consisted mainly of corn and some vegetables, spices, herbs and chili were used in the preparation of dishes. After the Spaniards arrived in Mexico, the diet of the Indians was replenished with animal meat and fish. Thanks to the fusion of the culinary traditions of the Indians and the Spaniards, modern Mexican cuisine was formed.

In the south of the country, dishes are spicier than in the north. By the way, in the south of meat dishes, tourists are usually offered chicken, and beef is more common in the north. In general, each region or city has its own special dish - "cochinita pibil" (Yucatan) and "huevos rancheros" (Sonora).

We recommend that tourists first ask what this or that dish is prepared from, because. some of them may seem very exotic to Europeans. For example, for lunch you can be served "Chapulines" (fried grasshoppers).

  1. "Guacamole" - sauce with fried pieces of tortilla;
  2. "Tacos Tortillas" - cakes with different fillings (most often meat filling);
  3. "Pozole" - chicken or pork soup with corn and spices;
  4. "Carnitas" - fried pork;
  5. "Chilaquiles" - fried potatoes with tomatoes;
  6. "Sopes" - cornmeal patty with chicken, cheese and spicy sauce;
  7. "Tostados" - tortilla with chicken, beans, tomatoes, onions, cream, cheese and hot sauce;
  8. "Huachinango" - perch;
  9. "Ceviche" - raw fish with lime juice (it is added to the salad).
  10. "Pollo Pibil" - grilled chicken marinated in spices and wrapped in banana leaves.

Traditional alcoholic drinks are beer, tequila, "tepache" (made from pineapple), "tuba" (fermented coconut palm juice) and "pulque" (fermented agave juice with a strength of 5-8 °).

Landmarks of Mexico

In Mexico, there are now several thousand archaeological, historical and architectural sites. The most famous of them are, of course, the Mayan and Aztec pyramids. But this country also has many medieval Spanish forts, churches and palaces. The top ten Mexican attractions, in our opinion, include the following:

  • Pyramid of the Sun
  • Pyramid of the Moon
  • Pyramid in Cholula
  • Pyramids of Mitle and Monte Alban
  • Mayan city of Chichen Itza
  • Cathedral in Mexico City
  • Palace of the Cortes in Mexico City
  • National Palace in Mexico City
  • Mayan city of Uxmal
  • Mayan city of Palenque

Cities and resorts

The largest cities are Tijuana, Puebla, Ecatepec de Morelos, León, Ciudad Juarez, Monterrey, Zapopan, and, of course, Mexico City.

Tourists come to Mexico mainly for a beach holiday, although there, of course, there are many historical sights left from the pre-Columbian era. The most popular Mexican beach resorts are Acapulco, Cancun, Puerto Vallarta, Cozumel, Los Cabos, Mazatlán, Costa Maya and Zihuatanejo. Acapulco and Cancun are very popular among foreigners.

Some of the best Mexican beaches are, in our opinion, the following:

  1. Cancun
  2. Playa del Carmen
  3. Puerto Vallarta
  4. Los Cabos
  5. Tulum
  6. Mazatlan
  7. Cozumel
  8. Huatulco


Souvenirs in Mexico ("reminder") are probably best bought at roadside stalls and rural markets. Tourists buy ceramics in this country, a Piñata toy (an ancient game of the Aztecs), dresses, blouses, handmade blankets and carpets, leather goods (purses, wallets, belts, sandals), silver and coral products, cigars, chocolate, vanilla, various Mexican sauces, and, of course, tequila.

Office Hours

Mon-Fri: 09:00-17:00
Some banks are open on Sundays as well.

The shops:
Mon-Sat: 09:30-20:00
Supermarkets in Mexico City are open 7 days a week, with some of them open 24 hours a day.


Ukrainians need a visa to visit Mexico.


Mexico City (capital of Mexico) mexico city(Méjico, México), the capital of Mexico, the most important economic, political and cultural center of the country. It is located in the southern part of the Mexican Highlands, in the intermountain basin, at an average altitude of 2240 m. The climate is subtropical. The average temperature in January is 11.6 °С, in July 16 °С, the warmest month (April) is 18 °С. Precipitation 757 mm per year. M. experiences difficulties in water supply, mainly underground waters are used. Disorderly consumption of them causes the subsidence of some parts of the city. Earthquakes are not uncommon in Moscow (the last one was in 1961). Population 7006 thousand people (1970). Within the Bolshoy M. agglomeration, there were about 8.6 million inhabitants (1970) (in 1900, without the federal district, 368,000 inhabitants; in 1950, 2,234,000 inhabitants; in 1967, 3,353,000 inhabitants).

City government. Mexico, together with the suburbs, forms a federal district, which is governed by a governor appointed by the president of Mexico.

History reference. M. was founded on the site of the city founded in 1325 by the Aztecs. Tenochtitlan after its destruction in 1521 by the Spanish conquerors. Became the capital of the New Spain colony. In 1624 and 1692 popular uprisings against colonial oppression took place in the city. Since September 28, 1821, M. has been the capital of independent Mexico. During the Mexican-American War of 1846-48 it was occupied by US troops (1847-1848), during the Mexican expedition of 1861-1867 - by French troops (June 1863 - February 1867). During the Mexican Revolution of 1910–17, Moscow was occupied in 1914 by peasant partisan detachments. In the 20th century the city becomes the most important economic and political center of the country. After World War II (1939–45), as a result of the emergence of new branches of industry, Moscow grew rapidly.

Economy. The growth of M. and its importance was facilitated by the central position in the system of the main transport routes of Mexico. M. junction of railways and highways, a major center of international air traffic. Despite the absence of a raw material and energy base, M.'s industry continues to develop. The share of the federal district in the number of employed is about 1/3, in the value of industrial output is about 2/5. 1/4 of state investments fall on M.. In industry, car assembly, electrical, textile, chemical, and food enterprises are of particular importance; conversion metallurgy, processing of oil and gas coming through pipelines from the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Moscow is one of the largest trading and banking centers in Latin America. Due to the excessive concentration of the population, industrial enterprises, vehicles, the deterioration of environmental conditions is sharply felt.

Architecture. In the Old Town, located on the site of the ancient capital of the Aztecs, with a rectangular network of streets, there are: on the Plaza de la Constitución, or Zocalo, - the cathedral (1563-1667, architect C. de Arsignega, A. Peresres de Castañeda and others; completed in late 18th - early 19th centuries; a combination of baroque and classicism), the baroque church of Sagrario Metropolitano (1749-68, architect L. Rodriguez) and the National Palace (1692-99, architect D. de Valverde, completed in 1929); hospital Jesus Nazareno (1524-35, architect P. Vazquez; completed in the 20th century), numerous monasteries of the 17th century. In the Gustavo Madero area - the Basilica of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe (1695-1709, architect P. de Arrieta). On the outskirts of Cuicuilco (now the urban area of ​​Tlalpan), an ancient pyramid (about 450 BC) has been preserved, and on the northern outskirts (Tenayuca) - an Aztec pyramid. In the 18th century M. became the largest city in America; replanned since 1737; in 1750 a plan was drawn up for a new district in the east; Numerous churches, Jesuit colleges, richly decorated mansions were built. In the 19th - early 20th centuries. M. is growing rapidly. Parade streets are being laid (Paseo de la Reforma, etc.); A business center with avenues and a park is being built to the west, and the western and southwestern bourgeois districts and the northern and eastern industrial and working districts are being built up. In urban architecture, classicism of the 1st half of the 19th century. (Mining school, 1797-1813, architect M. Tolsa) is replaced by eclecticism of the 2nd half of the 19th - early 20th centuries. (Palace of Fine Arts, 1904-34, architect A. Boari). In the 1st half of the 20th century. work is underway to reconstruct Moscow (the laying of Insurhentes Avenue, 1924; the development of a general plan since 1932; the construction of a number of residential areas since 1948). Skyscrapers (hotels, banks, shopping centers) are being built in the central, business part. A university, a stadium, and areas of new development are being created in the south, and new industrial zones are being created in the north, the inhabitants of which (1.5 million migrants from the countryside) are deprived of the necessary amenities. Among the buildings of the 20-40s. the buildings of the architect C. Obregon Santasilla (Ministry of Health, 1926-29), J. Villagran Garcia (hygiene, 1925-26; National Cardiology Institute, 1939-43), E. Yanes (building of the trade union of electricians, 1938-40), M Pani (National Conservatory, 1945). The largest building of the 20th century. in M. - University campus. In the 50-60s. high-rise buildings and residential complexes (Miguel Aleman, Benito Juarez, and others) are being built in M., and new urban districts are being built up (Pedregal. Nonoalco-Tlatelolco, with the Plaza of the Three Cultures, and others). ), the Ruta Amistad ring highway is being laid; especially many projects were carried out by architects P. Ramirez Vazquez (National Auditorium, mid-60s; Azteca Stadium, 1968), L. Barragan (villas in the Pedregal area), J. O "Gorman (numerous mansions), F. Candela (Church of La Virgen Milagrosa, 1954; Palace of Sports, 1968), M. Goeritz [towers at the entrance to Ciudad Satellite (satellite city), 1957-58]. Significant works of monumental and decorative art are the murals of D. Rivera, X . C. Orozco, D. Siqueiros at the National Preparatory School and the Palace of Fine Arts, mosaics of Siqueiros, Rivera, J. Chavez Morado, O "Gorman on the facades of the buildings of the University campus. Sculptural monuments: Charles IV (bronze, 1803, M. Tolsa), Kuautemok (bronze, 1878-87, M. Noreña). Monument to the Revolution (1933-38, architect C. Obregon Santacilla).

Educational institutions, scientific and cultural institutions. The largest universities of the country are located in M. - the National Autonomous University and the National Polytechnic Institute, as well as the Workers' University, the Women's University, the American, Iberoamerican, Anahuac universities, the University of La Salle de Mexico, the Higher School of Engineers, the National Conservatory, the School of Theater Arts at the National Institute arts. National School of Agriculture, National School of History and Anthropology, National School of Plastic Arts, School of Medicine and Public Health, and many others; scientific institutions - the National Academy of Sciences, the Mexican Academy of Language, the Mexican Academy of History, the Mexican Academy of Law and Legislation, the National Mexican Academy of Medicine, the National Astronomical Observatory, and a number of others; there are more than 20 large libraries, including the National Library (over 800,000 volumes), the Library of the National Academy of Sciences (over 250,000 volumes), etc.; 13 museums, including the National Museum of Anthropology, the National Museum of History; Gallery of Modern and Ancient Art, San Carlos Gallery of Painting and Sculpture, Museum of Modern Art, Museum of Religious Art, Museum of Mexican Flora and Fauna, etc.

Worked in 1972: the National Opera, the National Symphony Orchestra, the Choir of the Music Department of the National Institute of Arts; theater and concert halls - "Del Bosque", "Manuel M. Ponce", "Ferrocarilero"; drama theaters - Jimenez Rueda, Hola, Hidalgo, Reforma, Insurgentes, Tepeyak, Del Granero, etc. There is a Theater for Children, a puppet theater Guignol.

Lit.: Vargas Martinez U., La ciudad de México (1325-1960), Mex., 1961; Marrociui J, M., La ciudad de México, v. 1-3, Méch., 1900-03; Romero Flores J., Mexico. Historia de una gran ciudad, Méch., 1953.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

See what "Mexico City (capital of Mexico)" is in other dictionaries:

    Capital of Mexico. The city was founded by the Aztecs in 1325 under the name Tenochtitlan, the place of the cactus rock. But since in this city there were temples in honor of the Aztecs, the god of war, Mehitli, the second name of Mexico City (ko suffix of the place) was also in use. Exactly this… … Geographic Encyclopedia Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary - I Mexico City (Méjico, México) state in Central Mexico. The area is 21.5 thousand km2. Population 3.8 million (1970). The administrative center of Toluca. Most of the territory is mountainous (height up to 4373 m). Agriculture is dominated by... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    mexico city- Mexico City. Schematic plan. Mexico City (México, Méjico), the capital of Mexico, the main political, economic and cultural center of the country. Located in the southern part of the Mexican Highlands, in a fertile alpine basin at an altitude of 2240 m, not far from ... ... Encyclopedic reference book "Latin America"

Mexico (officially the United Mexican States) is a state in North America, the northernmost country in Latin America. The state administration of Mexico completely repeats the state administration of the United States. The capital of Mexico is Mexico City.

The official currency of Mexico is the Mexican peso. It can be obtained at any exchange office or ATM.

The official language is Spanish, spoken by 96% of the population. The remaining 4% speak Indian languages. English is spoken only in the capital, and not everyone speaks it. Therefore, when going to Mexico (especially to small cities), I advise you to take care of the language in advance and learn a few phrases on duty that will allow you not to be hungry on the trip.

Tourists should pay special attention to safety in this country. The central states are considered the least dangerous. The most dangerous states where I would not advise you to go are the northern ones bordering the USA - Tijuana, Loredo, Ciudad Juarez. The criminogenic situation in the country began to increase since 2006, when conflicts between unofficial drug trafficking organizations intensified. This process was dubbed by the press as the “drug war in Mexico”. When traveling in Mexico, it is not recommended to use unofficial taxis, going out for a walk to put on expensive jewelry. Also, tourists are advised to move only along the most visited central streets and return to the hotel after midnight. The local population is quite friendly to tourists. But the dark streets are to be feared.

The nature of Mexico is very diverse. In one country you will find volcanoes, snow-capped mountain peaks, tropical resorts with white sand and blue oceans, waterfalls, caves filled with stalactites and stalagnites, and much more. Of particular interest are underground decks - cenotes. This is a paradise for divers. Cenotes are found only on the Yucatan Island. There are more than 6,000 of them here. Some cenotes are equipped for bathing tourists, others have not been studied at all. The water in the cenotes is crystal clear. The most popular of them are Ik-Kil (located 3 km from Chichen Itza), Iks-Kanche, Sachi cenotes, Shkeken (6.5 km from Valladoltda).

Mexico is not only a country with beautiful nature. Do not forget that a huge heritage of the Indians is concentrated here. Going to Mexico, take a couple of days to visit the pyramids. There are several historical zones in the country in which entire pyramid complexes are located. One of these zones is located near the capital of Mexico City - Teotiucan. Here you will get acquainted with the majestic buildings of the Incas and plunge into the mysterious city, founded before our era. Mexico is home to the second largest pyramid in the world, the Pyramids of Cholula. In diameter, it forms almost 1.5 kilometers! It has been partially excavated. Almost the entire pyramid is covered with earth; on its top there is a Catholic church built by the Spaniards during the conquest of the country. Archaeologists decided not to dig out the pyramid completely, so as not to destroy the historical temple and part of the city that was already built on it. This creation is worth a look!

Temascal is another attraction in Mexico. These are Indian dry baths. They are small clay houses, round in shape. Inside, in the center of the house, there is usually a stone of volcanic origin, which gives steam. These baths are considered healing. Often they were visited by shamans during their rituals.

Holidays in Mexico

Bullfight (bullfight) . It is especially popular in the north of Mexico and in Veracruz. If you want to go to a bullfight, I advise you to visit the country between November and April.

mariachi performances - take place throughout the year. Mariachis are small musical groups dressed in national costumes. They usually play traditional Mexican or country music. They can be found on city squares, on large avenues or in cafes. Often such groups are ordered for a wedding or birthday. If desired, they can order their favorite song for a fee. Mariachi can be found not only in Mexico, but also in other regions of Latin America.

The day of the Dead - perhaps the most extraordinary, but at the same time the brightest and most widely celebrated holiday in the country. It is celebrated on the first two days of November. On this day, Mexicans remember all the dead. According to legend, on this day the souls of the dead visit the house. To receive them properly, people decorate the house with photographs of the dead, flowers, candles. On this day, you can find skeleton statues, sugar skulls in stores. This is a joyful holiday, often accompanied by carnivals.

Carnivals - in different regions of Mexico, they take place at different times, from February to March. People dress up in different costumes, put on masks, which, according to legend, should scare away bad spirits, and march through the streets of the city, while dancing.

Mexican Cuisine

Mexicans are a very fiery people. They usually use hot spices, chili peppers or sauces in their dishes. If you are not a fan of spicy, you should immediately say “no picanto” when buying food. Even if the dish is declared as ordinary in its spiciness, it will definitely be with chili peppers. Pepper is everywhere: in soups, in corn, in cereals. Mexican cuisine and drinks are very diverse and very different from what our stomachs are used to. It's worth trying a little of everything.

National dishes of Mexico:

tortilla - a thin, usually corn tortilla, which in Mexico is eaten instead of bread. Meat is often wrapped in it (it turns out another dish - burrito ) or vegetables.

Quesadilla - tortilla with melted cheese.

Fajita - grilled beef with slices of tomatoes, peppers and onions.

Arraccheru - beef meat with rice or beans.

Tamale - cornmeal pies stuffed with meat, cheese, pepper, wrapped in corn leaves.

corn on the cob - sold everywhere. Corn comes in three varieties: yellow, white and black. Usually, corn is boiled and rubbed with salt, lime, mayonnaise, pepper or sprinkled with cheese at the request of the buyer. It turns out very tasty!


Tequila, pulque, mezcal, beer, chelada (beer with salt and lime juice) and michelada (beer with salt, lime and pepper).

Also, one of the Mexican delicacies is dried grasshoppers. They are usually consumed with beer, before which they are abundantly poured with lime juice. I'll tell you the taste for an amateur, but it's worth a try.

Mexico is a country with an interesting culture and color. Here you will not have time to get bored. And what exactly to see in Mexico and where to go - read further in this section.