Travel to Poland. How to go from Belarus to Poland? Independent holiday in Poland

Today, many are going to Poland, who is on vacation, and who just live in this country for a while. But with no long-time, this state entered the European Union. What should know touristwho decided to go on his long-awaited vacation to rest in Poland.

Before going to rest in this state, first need to worry about the documents. If there is no passport, then it means it is necessary to arrange it. In the event that this is the first trip abroad, the procedure can be somewhat delayed. Therefore, it is not worth doing this at the last moment. Now you need a visa to Poland.

There is a standard procedure in such cases here. It is necessary to come to the consulate, fill out a questionnaire, in which you must specify the purpose of the trip. At the same time, it is important to take into account the next moment that for a positive solution you need to make confirmation of the booking hotel And you need to make insurance. At the same time, it should be clarified in the consulate, which other documents may be needed. Most likely you will need a certificate of income. After filling in the questionnaire, you will be interviewed.

Despite the seeming suggestion of issues, it should be quite serious. Poles will want to be confident that you are not going to get settled in Poland to work, and you just want to relax there. If you already have schengen visa. Do not rely on the fact that the presence of it will allow you to enter any country of this zone. A visit to the representative office of this state is necessary in order for you to open a visa so that you can get to the territory of Poland. It must be done. Otherwise, customs officers can recognize your visa insufficient, and you will fly back to Russia .

If in Poland. You have relatives, talk to them, maybe they will help to simplify the procedure for obtaining a tourist visa. In this case, the cost of paperwork will be much cheaper. You will only need to pay insurance. And invitation to the country will greatly make it easier and will speed up the decision of your application in a positive side. Moreover, if you are going, at the invitation, then, in this case, all the costs of your content in Polish law takes on the receiving party. The failure of the failure is rare enough, but, nevertheless, they are also. It is better to foresee everything in advance than the closest flight to return home back.

Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!

My interactive guidebook
"Poland: Unknown Europe" published!

I live in Warsaw for the second year and, I admit honestly, for the first time in my life I feel that I really found my city and my country. I really want to show the beauty of Poland and you.

What kind of guide?

This is a system for people who want to travel interesting and independently, but do not have enough time or experience in preparing for the trip.

This includes:

1) a convenient and easiest description of the route with interests, a clear plan for every day,
2) Tags on the maps for the smartphone (everything works without the Internet!)
3) detailed instructions The technical side of the trip: the desired output from the subway, the right entrance to the building, luggage storage, buying a variety of tickets, etc.

I will say honestly I have long been looking for something like that. To take care of me, well and efficiently, not "for a tick." I have not drove into group tours for a long time, and there is no time for the preparation for individual trips. But I want not just just a trip, but something with a highlight!

We thought out really all: Picked up several hotels in which it is convenient and pleasant to stop, scheduled space for delicious dinners and dinners, made a plan for walking around the city and caused all the necessary labels on the card ... while there is no such hard schedule, as with group excursions: you can arrange a long lunch Or a very unhurried lift.

The Top3Travel publisher at the beginning of our cooperation has already created two guidebooks for this technology: " Gaudi. Architecture for life"(In Spain) and" Sheikh Zaed. How to create a miracle in the desert"(On the UAE). And when I saw the level of work, how much in them is all in detail and at the same time easily and clearly described how clearly and competently made a route, I even laughed a little: Will I be able to do the same in Poland?

However, the eyes are afraid, and the hands do

In the summer of 2016, I thought out the route and described it in detail and all technical details. In the fall, we completely passed on it, everyone checked, made the necessary edits. Now the route is fully ready for use.

For whom

For budget recreation Singles, couples and families of various ages. If you like to walk on beautiful cities and natural places - This is the perfect route for you.

Type of journey

This individual journey. You will have more detailed instructions and an accurate route in your smartphone available without internet. At the same time, you will be perfectly hung without knowing the English or Polish language, you will always see where you are, and definitely not get lost.


So you understand the budget: everything Three moving between cities, including one at 7 o'clock, will cost you 10-20 euros per person (depending on the date of purchase). Hotels that we recommend are 40-60 dollars per room per day. On the route we are planned several dinners in delicious, but very inexpensive places where local - a full dinner with meat on one thing is worth 5-7 euros. And you can spend the saved money on the water park, the museum or gifts is close.

Level of details

You will receive several files and video instructions. You will know exactly what excursions and moving should be purchased over the Internet before the trip, and what can be purchased in place. You will see a clear plan for all days and separately a very detailed plan for every day. At the same time, everything is read along the go, step by step - it turns out very convenient. Here are some screenshots.


Warsaw (2 nights)
Krakow (2 or 3 nights)
Zakopane (recommend from 4 nights)
Everywhere there is something to do in winter, and in the summer!

Detailed program

The first day. Evening in Warsaw. View of the city from height

You will be in a small, but very interesting museum, which is almost not in guidebooks, party in the popular restaurant of Polish cuisine, look at the city from a height of 114 meters and walk through the evening pedestrian street. By the way, Warsaw is not only old, but also very modern cityYou will see too.

Second day. Heart Warsaw

You walk through the most beautiful streets of the city, learn what is so different Old city Warsaw from other similar, look at the embankment, and in the warm season - and in Botanical Garden On the roof of the library is the most real highlight of the city. And again we will tell you where to eat and relax.

Day Three. Moving and walk through Krakow

The Poles themselves call the Krakow of Poland's soul. It is here that the largest central square is in all of Europe. A couple of years ago, dungeons were opened for tourists - with a unique multimedia museum and an unusual atmosphere inside. Who has not been under the central square - be sure to visit!

Day four. Royal Castle in Krakow and Salt Card for Great

Get ready - you are waiting for saturated emotions And the impressions of the day! You will be able to watch not only the royal chambers, but also a weapon and treasury, see the place, as significant for Poland, like the Kremlin for Russia, will look at the dragon cave ... In the afternoon, we will be waiting for a trip to Village - to the Grand Underground Halls, which Just impossible to skip!

Bonus day in Krakow

If you decide to stay in Krakow for another day, you can take advantage of our additional prompts and take a walk in the artistic quarter Kazimierzh, see the largest aviation museum of Poland (about 150 units of equipment!) And visit the Schindler Factory Museum.

Fifth day. Moving to Zakopane and walk around the city

And again, we all painted in detail detail: the departure platform, arrival, check-in options, celebrated useful points in the city ... On this day we walk through the cozy streets of this resort town, we will admire the houses that have been for more than 100 years and climb the mountain Glutalwing, where there are some pretty unusual entertainment

Day sixth. Lift to Mount Kasprov

My favorite day! You will see gorgeous landscapes, put on the mountain air and clean your head from the garbage! It is impossible to describe it, it only needs to see! There are several options for lifting and descent, all of them are described in the guidebook, and you can easily choose the one that best matches your physical training.

Seventh day. Walk to Lake Morsco Oko

it mountain Lake The right is considered one of the most beautiful in Europe. Unrealistic color water, scenic stones and trees around, silence and calm ... What is nice, so this is what the road to it is very simple, although quite long (2-3 hours in one direction). However, there is always the opportunity to drive on horseback. You are waiting for a gorgeous walk along the forest, and after - along the lake.

The Polish visa should be done only if this country is the place of your main stay or country entry with an equal number of days in all countries.

The Schengen visa to Poland is independently done in the following ways:

  • In the consular department of the Embassy in Moscow;
  • Through the visa center;
  • Through the tourist company accredited at the embassy. This option is suitable for those who have already passed biometrics in one of the countries of the Schengen zone over the past 5 years.

The Polish Schengen visa can have several categories and species that differ depending on the travel purposes.

Note: For Russians who fly transit through Poland with a transplantation to another aircraft up to 24 hours, no visa required. With you, you need to have tickets and a visa (if required) to the third country. However, to enter the city, it is necessary to have a valid Schengen.

  • Category C is the most common short-term visa. It can be located in Schengen up to 90 days in the half year (-180 days are counted from the date of the current entry).
  • Category D - Long-term National Visa. It can be live in Poland for more than 90 days, and ride for other countries with transit zone (up to 90 days).
  • Visas for transit purposes - earlier than called category A and B, now they are more often issued with category with and marking "Transit".
  • C01 - Specifies less than 30 days.
  • C02 - 6 months.
  • C03 - visa for a year in Poland.
  • C04 - Duration 2, 3 or 5 years.

The C1 and C2 categories are most often issued, especially if the passport is empty. Annual visa to Poland (Schengen) is issued only to active travelers: those who have already been in Europe over the past 3 years and did not violate the rules.

In addition, visas are divided into the number of uses (entrances / trips): there is a one-time, double and multiple visa to Poland.

At the same time, do not confuse the corridor of the visa action with the maximum length of staying inside the zone, even the limit will be superimposed on the C4 as possible.

How to get a visa to Poland

  • Step 1: Collect a package of necessary documents that may differ depending on the purpose of the trip. Start the execution no earlier than 3 months before the trip.
  • Step 2 :. For the Consulate of Poland, only registered and completed on the site questionnaires is permissible. No questionnaire filled in electronic form documents will not accept! After filling out the questionnaire, it will be possible to choose a date and make an appointment in the consulate. When submitting documents to the visa center to fill out an online questionnaire optional, you can use the form and fill out the questionnaire on a computer or by hand.
    Check out the printing sample online questionnaire for a visa to Poland (s).
    Save the completed questionnaire on your computer and print it along with the barcode issued and the number. Put your personal signature and date.
  • Step 3: Collect a package of confirmation documents. It is necessary to prove the purpose of the trip, financial security, the availability of transport and place of residence.
  • Step 4: On the appointed day, come with the questionnaire and the rest of the documents to the embassy, \u200b\u200bor on any business day contact the VFS.Global visa center. You can also receive additional services in the visa center: order delivery of documents, take photos, insurance. The visa and service fee is paid during the application of the application and are not returned even in case of refusal. The status of your documents when contacting the MC can be tracked on this page.
  • Step 5: At the designated day, come and take a passport with a ready-made visa.

Required documents for visa to Poland

  • Filled and printed questionnaire for a visa to Poland with a personal signature of the applicant.
    An application for a visa to Poland is done through the official website. To do this, select the country and region, and then in the left menu, click on the "Schengen Visa - Register a blank" link to select a free reception date. Enter the protective code in the picture, select the appropriate date for you and fill out the profile on the site. Please note that registration for a visa to Poland is available on the site, so if everything is busy - better contact the visa center or try later. If you want to simply fill out a questionnaire without writing to a consulate, for example, to give it to the visa center, then you need to follow the link "Schengen Visa - fill out the form." You can also take advantage of the questionnaire to a Polish visa.
  • Original passport (new or old sample, + copy pages with a photo).
    The passport must have 2 free pages and act another 3 months after the planned end of the trip.
  • Internal passport of the Russian Federation + copy of all filled pages.
  • Old passport with visas in Schengen (only for 3 recent years, if there is). Their presence will allow you to open a visa to Poland for a longer period.
  • Two photos of the passport type made no more than six months ago.
    Photo size - 3.5 * 4.5 centimeters, about 75% of the picture must occupy face. Face features should be clearly visible: without hats and dark glasses, a clear shot with a normal skin color, etc.
  • Confirmation of income is a certificate of work with an indication of s / n and post, extract from the current, credit or savings account or confirming its income and a copy of the passport. At least 60 euros for each person for every day.
  • .
    Poland must be made to the entire trip and act in all countries of the agreement. It should cover any medical treatment, the transportation of the patient or the deceased. The insured coating must be at least 30,000 euros.
  • Confirm route.
    If you fly by plane, train or bus:
    • Printout tickets.
    • Plan of visits to cities (route).

    If you go on a car:

    • Russian or international driver's license.
    • Certificate of registration of the vehicle.
    • International car insurance (green card).
    • Plan of the route in writing and free form, with dates and names of hotels.
    • If you are traveling on someone else's car, you need to provide a rental contract or general power of attorney, in which a separate line will be allowed to leave abroad.
  • Documents confirming the purpose of the trip and availability.
    Registration of a Polish visa for a tourist purpose:

    Sample help from work

    • Housing Confirmation - Fax, Printout or Original Hotel Booking (suitable booking confirmation with, Apartments for rent, or property ownership in Poland.
    • Confirmation of the route - Printout of route cavitation (tickets), a plan of movement in writing or voucher (voucher) from travel agency.

    To visit relatives, you need a visa to Poland at an invitation:

    • Invitation compiled by an individual and certified in the notary. In it should be your data (surname, name, date of birth, passport details of both parties, deadlines, purpose and travel destination).
    • Documents on the legality of the stay of the inviting person in Poland and a copy of his passport.
    • A copy of the document confirming the relationship.
    • Finance confirmation: Help from work, extract from the bank or sponsorship.

    Business trip:

    • Invitation from a legal entity or other confirmation of the goal of the trip, for example, an invitation card to the conference.
    • Help from work, confirmation of income, posts and providing holidays / business trips with the preservation of position, or another document that will prove the availability of funds and your interest in returning back.
    • For individual entrepreneurs:
      • Tax Declaration of 3DFL or Help 2DFL;
      • OGRNIP.


    • A document from the European Medical Organization on the need to provide you with medical services. It should contain approximate terms and cost of treatment.
    • Confirmation of funds for the trip and payment honey. Services.

    Training (for schoolchildren, students and their teachers):

    • Certificate of enrollment in the educational institution.
    • If financial guarantees are not specified in the certificate, you need to attach a separate document to confirm them (certificate from a bank account, sponsorship letter), as well as payment for learning.

Visa for children

For children, you need to collect a separate set of documents, fill out the questionnaire and make your passport. Signatures for a minor puts his legal representative (parent or guardian). Documents can be obtained even without the presence of a child.

If the child is entered into the passport of the parent and does not have a personal passport, he will receive his visa, but it will be incurred to the parental passport.

Additionally need:

  • Original and a copy of the birth certificate.
  • If a minor rides without both parents, you need notarized consent to departure from each of the parents.
  • If a child is accompanied by a child, one parent is accompanied - consent only from the second. It should be really for the entire travel time, it is indicated by countries and travel time.
  • Copy of tickets and visa accompanying person if he filed documents at another time.

MPP for residents of Kaliningrad

The local cross-border movement, operating from 2012 to 2014, allowed persons living in Kaliningrad, to attend some areas of Poland without a visa. Residents Kaliningrad region Could be in the border area up to 90 days in the half year. The first permission of the MPP was issued for 2 years.

Required documents for cross-border visa:

  • Documentary confirmation of accommodation in the Kaliningrad region at least 3 years. A passport of the Russian Federation with a stamp of registration is suitable.
  • Application for obtaining the permission of the MPP filled online through the site according to data from the passport.
  • Acting passport.
  • Written justification for the causes of frequent trips to Poland.
  • Color photo 3.5 * 4.5 cm.

Consular fee for registration - 20 euros.

But since 2014, this agreement has been temporarily suspended unilaterally on the initiative of the Polish side for an unknown period. And so far, no decisions are not accepted.

Questions and answers

Q: What is the price of visa collection?

A: The consular fee is 35 euros, a fixed collection regardless of the period of visas. Paid during the application. When submitting documents is not in the consulate, and in the Visa Center Poland, the service fee is additionally paid.

Q: Where can I make a visa to Poland cheap?

A: Cheaper than just - directly in the consular department of the embassy. There is only a consular fee. The visa center is additionally charged with a service collection of about 20 euros, but it does not need to be recorded, it is easier to get into the regions. It is more expensive and the easiest way to travel agency, but it should have accreditation at the Russian Embassy.

Q: How much is registration on a Polish visa?

A: In normal mode, documents will be ready in 5-10 business days after the filing. Urgent visa to Poland is made in 3 days.

Q: How much is a visa to Poland urgently?

Oh: For urgent design it will be necessary to pay a double consular fee - that is 70 euros. Visa to Poland is rapidly done in embassies, but not in all visa centers there is such an opportunity due to the transfer of documents.

Q: I plan to visit some more Schengen countries except Poland for the trip. Where to submit documents?

A: The application is submitted to the mainstream of stay, in time or goals of the visit. If it can not be determined - in the first country crossing the border.

September 21, 2016


We go abroad for various reasons: someone wants to look at the beauty of other countries, someone just loves to relax with comfort, and many crosses the border in order to make purchases. But, no matter how purpose we were guided, always want to save and travel cheaper as much as possible. How to reduce travel transportation costs from Belarus to Poland, read in this article.

The most economical options

Those who traveled a lot and with pleasure, and at the same time used various ways for this, know: there is nothing cheaper than the highway. And indeed: traveling on the travelers, you can not just save, but you can travel anywhere for free. That's just a great risk of getting into an unpleasant story, and comforts such trips, to put it mildly, do not add. The most accessible options are of reasonable to get to the border - of course, electric trains and buses.

We are going through Brest - Terespol (Terespol)

Perhaps the most convenient point for crossing the border. Before that, the CAT on the Belarusian-Polish border is cheaper from Minsk to two receptions. The cost of a trip to the electric train Minsk - Brest, to which we sit down at first, will be about 8 rubles in new Belarusian. However, there is one nuance: go at night (and cheap trains Most often, it is at night here) better by the company, because in general cars anywhere happens. We add that the trip to Brest on the train will take about 8 hours.

However, Brest is not the ultimate goal of our journey, and now you need to get to the border. To do this, we transplant in Brest on the train Brest - Terespol, a trip to which we will cost us about 9 rubles. By time from Brest to Terespol on the train - approximately 15-20 minutes. It could be less (not more than 10 km), but do not forget about border control (about this, as well as how else can you drive to Poland - in a separate chapter below). Total trip abroad on trains will cost approximately 17 rubles (back-back, respectively, 34 rubles).

Actual train schedule Brest - Terespol and Terespol - Brest You can check on RW.BY or ROZKLAD-PKP.PL

From other options, we immediately exclude the aircraft, as it is not obviously economical, and nothing flies in Terespol. There is a fast train, a bus (minibus) and a taxi economy. The bus journey only one way from Minsk to Terespol will cost 15-20 rubles, and back, respectively, it will cost 30-40 rubles, which is comparable to trainers. The same cost of the trip and on the minibus. On the other hand, it is apparently more comfortable to go than two electricals, although it largely depends on personal preferences.

If you have to go on a fast train, you have to pay more than 30 rubles only in one direction (the total price for the trip back is 60 rubles), which, of course, is absolutely not profitable. In addition, this is the cost of a trip to second-class car, and to book places, you need to buy tickets in advance. And much more expensive than a taxi, which will cost you 200 rubles in one direction even on the economy class machine, and even then only to Brest.

We are going through Grodno (Brugs) - Kuznica (Kuźnica)

Another sufficiently conveniently located gearbox, which is located near the other major city, Grodno is a broch. However, it will not be necessary to drive specifically before breaks, since in most cases you need to get to Grodno, and then from there, bypassing breaks, you will reach Polish border social Point. From here, by the way, you can quickly get to Belostok - a rather large administrative center. Now about the specific versions of the trip.

By train From Minsk, it will have to get with a transplant, because you first need to take an electrician of interregional lines to Grodno, then transfer to the train or bus. In August 2016, Railway communication from Grodno to Bialystok was resumed. Below are presented prices for euros for tickets from Grodno to other Polish cities. By the way, the special price of 4 euros on the segment of Grodno is valid for the owners of the Pole cardholders.

In time, it might take us about 6.5 hours: 5 hours to Grodno and another one and a half - to the forge (to Belostok, it will have to drive about 2.5 hours, and everything from Minsk is 7.5 hours), but there is one nuance - Customs passage, so the trip takes more time. The cost of a trip from Minsk to the forge to one way, taking into account the transplant - about 11 rubles, to Belostok - about 20 rubles. In principle, prices are comparable to the trip through Brest, but there is one advantage here - you can immediately get into a large Polish city.

Buses Follow from Minsk to the Bialystok, and the approximate cost of the trip is about 30 rubles (you can find a little cheaper). Thus, this method is one and a half times more expensive than the previous version, but you are driving without transfers. Conveniently? Of course. Economically? Not really. In time, however, it turns out a little faster (about 7 hours), if the Customs schedule does not spoil.

What concerns taxiHere it is possible to travel an option only to Grodno - no taxi driver will take you across the border. Therefore, then you have to get by bus. The cost of taxi to Grodno from Minsk is about 160 rubles, which significantly exceeds the amount of all previous options taken together.

We are going through other gearbox

There are also three other checkpoints that share Belarus and Poland: this is Berestovitsa - Bobrovniki (Bobrowniki), Sandstone - Polovtsy (Poolowce) and Domachevo - Slavyc (Slawatycze). However, the location of the last two allows you to easily get to them except that in our own transport, as well as they are very popular among truckers. In any case, for those who want to save as much as possible, the passage through these gearbox is not the best option. As for the PPC Berestovitsa - Bobrovnik, then the route of some buses heading to the Bialystok and then in Warsaw, and the cost of a bus by bus through this checkpoint is approximately the same as in the case of a trip through Grodno.

Shopping Beads - Is it worth going?

Another method favorable in the material plan of the border crossing is a trip for purchases to Poland on a special bus - the so-called shopping bus.

Shopping to make, of course, no one obliges you, moreover, the obvious advantages of this method undoubtedly belong low price (You can go about one and a half times cheaper than usual), as well as the delivery of passengers at home upon completion of the reverse trip. But this method has its own minuses: first, a longer passage of customs, and secondly, on shopping buss, it will be necessary to go back, and at a particularly definite time - the trips to one direction in such cases are not provided. However, for those who go to Poland, mainly for purchases or just stroll, shopping bus - almost the perfect option in terms of cost, and they will also take home.