Big cruise. The biggest cruise liners in the world

The greatest cruise ships have the most luxurious and impressive convenience. These are practically giant cities floating across the ocean. Below is a list with a photo of the ten largest cruise liners in the world.

Liberty of the Seas (Wolnica Seas) - Freedom Cruise Ship. Began regular flights in May 2007. This 15-deck liner can accommodate 4,370 passengers serving a team of 1,360 people. It was built for 18 months at the Aker Finnyards shipyard in Turku, Finland. It has a length of 338 m, a width of 56 m. The maximum speed of 21.6 nodes (40 km / h). Gross Capacity - 155,889 GT.

Norwegian Escape (Norwegian Escape) - a cruise liner, built on the shipyard Meyer Werft in Papenburg, Germany in just 17 months in October 2015. Its length - 325.9 m, width - 41.4 m, gross capacity - 165,300 GT. It can accommodate 4,266 passengers and 1,733 people crew. Figure on the housing. The work of the Jamaican artist and the defender of Nature of Guy Harvey.

Norwegian Joy (Norwegian joy) - a cruise liner, built on the shipyard Meyer Werft in Papenburg, Germany in 2017 specifically for the Chinese cruise market. It is unusual to the fact that he was given a godfather, the Chinese singer van Lyukh, and not as accepted by the godmother. "Joy" has a length - 333.46 meters, width of 41.40 m, gross capacity - 167 725 GT. Can accommodate 3,883 passengers and 1,700 carriages.

MS Ovation of the seas (ovation of the seas) - Cruise ship class Quantum. Located in the property of Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. and operated by the Operator Royal Caribbean International. Going under the flag Bahamas Islands With the port of the registry in Nassau. The vessel was laid on March 5, 2015 at the shipyer Werft shipyard in Papenburg, Germany. On February 18, 2016, the Chinese actress Fan Binbin became the descent on the water. His first flight took place on April 14, 2016 with Southampton (United Kingdom) in Tianjin. Liner length - 348 m, width - 48.9 m, gross capacity - 168,666 GT. Can accommodate 4 180 passengers.

MS Anthem of the Seas (anthem of the seas) - a cruise ship belonging to Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. It was laid on November 20, 2013 at the shipyer Werft shipyard in Papenburg, Germany. The water descent took place on February 20, 2015. 10 April 2015 The ship was commissioned. Interested it on April 20, 2015, the Great Mom became the British historian and the publicist Emma Wilby. The first flight liner was carried out on April 22, 2015 from Southampton to the coast of France and Spain. Gross capacity - 168,666 gt, length - 348 m, width - 49.4 m. Capacity - 4,180 people.

MS Quantum of the Seas (Quantum Quantum) - Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. cruise ship. August 2, 2013 was laid on the shipyer WerfT shipyard in Papenburg, Germany. Descent on the water took place on August 9, 2014. On October 28, 2014, the vessel was commissioned, and on October 31, the same year was transferred to the Fleet Service of the Customer Company. The first flight was carried out on November 2, 2014. The American actress Christine Chenovets became the godfather of the "quantum". His first flight took place on November 2, 2014 with New Jersey on the Atlantic Coast of the United States. Lenner liner - 348.1 m, width - 49.4 m. Gross capacity - 168,666 GT. Passenger capacity - 4 180 people.

MSC Meraviglia is a high-tech cruise ship, which was commissioned on June 3, 2017. Belongs to the Italian cruise company MSC Cruises. At the ceremony of his baptism in Havra, on June 3, 2017, the actor Patrick Brousel, Kids United Music Group and Gad Elmaleh Comedan. Sofa Mom became Sophie Lauren. On board a liner with a length of 315.83 m and gross capacity of 171,598 GT will be able to accommodate 5,700 passengers.

Oasis of the seas (oasis seas) is one of the largest cruise liners in the world. It was built on Norwegian shipyard to Turku - Stx Europe, commissioned by Royal Caribbean International in October 2009. The cost of its construction amounted to about $ 1.5 billion, which makes it the most expensive passenger ship in the history of civil society. Can carry 6,630 passengers and 2,160 crew members. Its length is 361.6 m, width - 47 m, gross capacity - 225,282 GT.

MS Harmony of the Seas (harmony of the seas) - a cruise ship built on the shipyard of Chantiers de L'Atlantique in Saint-Name, France in 2015. Belongs to the American company Royal Caribbean International. Shipped length - 362.12 m, width - 47.42 m and gross capacity - 226,963 GT has 2,744 passenger cabins. The maximum number of people on board is 6,360 passengers and 2,400 vessel team.

MS Symphony of the Seas (Symphony of the Seas) - OASIS Cruise Ship, built on the shipyard Chantiers de L'Atlantique in Saint-Nazaire, France from October 2015 to March 2018. It is owned by Royal Caribbean Cruise Line. As of June 2017, the largest passenger ship in the world. It has a length - 362 m, width - 65.68 m and gross capacity - 228,081 GT. Can accommodate 5,518 passengers, as well as the crew of 2,200 people.

Imagine the Las Vegas Quarter, which sails from the city to the city. Imagine a ship at 7,500 people, of which 2500 are employees and staff. Add to them ice rink, volleyball and basketball courts, golf course, bowling room, climbing wall, fitness center, spa, endless pools and you get the largest cruise liner in the world - Allure of the seas.

The cruise liner is, in fact, somewhat independent of the enterprises. One team is engaged in navigating, the other hotel and accommodation, the third feeds daily thousands of people, the fourth suits and holds entertainment and so on. The vital activity of such a marine monster is very complex and interesting. I want to tell about this in today's post ...

It was my 15th or 16th cruise. I remember, even on big ships, I sometimes darkened me. There is no feeling that you are in the open sea. Mahina is so huge that no pitch is not felt. We walked into the six-box storm, the waves were 4.2 meters high. The ship was immobile, as if the Egyptian pyramid:


On each floor and in each lobby there are original schemes and pointers. All that is allocated white - hotel, purple zones - public:


Upper deck:


Public places are a lot. It is impossible to get around everything:


The liner is two parallel homes, interconnected by jumpers - in front and rear. Between them empty space with a green zone. On the roofs of "houses" pools and sun beds:


The pools are a lot, for every taste and color. There are adults, children, with slides, fountains, jacuzzi, etc.:


Mini golf:


Basketball and volleyball court:


There are several zones with tables for ping pong:


Zip Line - high-speed cable descent on one side of the ship to another:


There are two "waves" on which you can ride on the sep. One for beginners, the other for more or less advanced:



On the upper deck there are "wings", which come from the liner housing to the sides. In the wings of 2 large jacuzzi. You are in warm water at an 18th floor altitude over the sea, and you look at the waves under you. Very cool:


Ship's nose. Several decks are given under public zones. The design of the canopies is such that the maximum protects against the wind, while maintaining the feeling of open space:


On the nose of the ship three pools:



Now let's see what is located between the "houses" of this liner. On the stern there is a carousel, bar, park, distance the cinema:


In the evening, the cinema is acting acrobats like a circus du Soleil. Very cool. I thought to go and make a couple of photos for the report, but I was able to open the mouth to the end of the show:


In the other side of Central Park - open space with trees and plants at 8 floors:


The green area is separated by a jumper into two sections:


Let's go down to the 8th floor:


Glass roofs are provided for a pleasure zone, which is located three floors below. There are streets, birds sing - the full feeling that you walk in the city:


In this zone are well-known international restaurants and shops. We will back to them back in the following post:


Feed ship. There are two walls for climbing. Mountaineering, Karl!


Bars in Central Park:




The deck at the level of the fifth floor goes to rescue boats. She goes throughout Lainee, and here withdraw people with freelance situations. So that the place does not disappear in vain, it is used as a treadmill. So often the passengers of large ships come, but only here they specifically stated tracks for running and sports walking. It is consistent even the direction in order not to face each other. Full range of 700 meters:


The ship's nose is engaged in the helicopter platform, passengers do not let go there. Planning the scene from the "Titanic" will not work:


Fifth floor under Central Park. Shops, bars with karaoke, even Starbax:


Rarity car to give the space of chic and luxury:


The fourth floor is casino and nightclubs. Gambling places are open only when the liner leaves the territorial water of a state or another. The port does not work:


Central Hall for Show and Concerts:


There is no excursion to the captain's bridge, but I was lucky to sail along with the group of Spanish journalists. Their visit was agreed and I managed to fit the company. The captain's bridge looks empty. A huge area, but the controls occupy only a small plot of the center:


The ship is controlled by a captain, but the first officer. He spent a tour. Officer name is Gennady. He is from Odessa. Our cotton.

The ship has no steering wheel. Three engine screws rotate 360 \u200b\u200bdegrees, they are set either manually using three rotates (in the foreground of the photo), or using a computer. The system monitors the course and infants:






The command headquarters is located near and can be corrected from the captain of the partition. All air management bodies are duplicated here:


When the ship mooring in the port, the officer uses exits on "wings" to the left and right:


There is also a control system too:


Hence, the side of the liner is perfectly visible and it allows you to "park" without incidents:


In the next post, I will tell you what on the ship there are restaurants, shows and entertainment. Let's look closer. Stay Tuned!

Traveling over the ocean on a snow-white giant ship - a dream millions. For a comfortable stay of passengers, shipbuilding companies create truly masterpieces. There are dozens of liners in the world, which are at times superior to their fellows in size. On this gigner dreams of swimming every amateur of the sea breeze.

To attract more visitors, designers create "impossible". Frequent phenomenon on such ships - tennis courts, large pools and restaurants, gym and spa salons, cinemas, libraries and, even botanical gardens with their own water parks.

One of the largest and most expensive passenger cruise liners built by Royal Caribbean International. At the time of launch was the largest in the world. Since 2009, he glances travelers with their own and comfortable interior.

The new generation of GENESIS courts has become an embodiment of comfort, safety and high-tech equipment with luxury notes.


  • The liner consists of 16 decks and 2704 cabins for 6880 passengers and a 2,200 crew;
  • Length 360 m, waterliner width 47 m, and the maximum height is 72 m;
  • Diesel engines, WARTSILA - 3 pieces 12V46D and 3 pcs - 16V46D, with a total power of 132 thousand horsepower;
  • Maximum speed of 42 km / h;
  • Displacement 225282 BRT.

All this luxury resulted in the owners of the vessel in a rather, 1.24 billion dollars. But also a ticket for a ten-day cruise costs from 1,500 euros.

"Oasis" broke the previous record, which for a long time remained behind the Queen Mary II passenger liner. The dimensions of the queen Mary are two times less. Also a modern record holder is 5 times more than the infamous Titanic.


The entertainment program is provided and thought out for passengers of various wealth, interests and age. Here they will find classes in the shower and millionaires, and ordinary people. For amateurs of active recreation, sports fields are provided - basketball, volleyball, for climbing and golf, ice rink.

The domain of "oasis" is an open-air amphitheater on the water, which accommodates 750 spectators. It is located on the stern of the giant ship and repeats the appearance of an ancient Greek fellow. The theater in the room is designed for 1300 visitors, is at the other end of the ship.

For adherents of a quiet and measured recreation, it is offered to choose a dozen pools, including children's zones, equipped with slides and other entertainment.

Surf lovers can find an exercise on the upper deck in the form of a water branch with artificial waves. To create their creation, powerful pumps are working continuously, pumping thousands of liters of water per minute.

To provide food on the ship, cafes and restaurants are functioning. Dishes are prepared by 300 chefs on a large galley. Each chooses its maintenance - orders for menu or buffet. There are also stored in stocks of raw materials for a total amount of about 2 million dollars. To continuously cook food, 14,000 meats and products from it are immediately loaded on the ship, 22,000 kilograms of potatoes and the same incredible volumes of other products. After full loading, the ship gives a significant sediment.

To protect health on board, a group of doctors and medium medical personnel is provided. There is even a private morgue, in case of the death of someone from passengers.


In the evening, tens of thousands of lamps light up, illuminating the cruise liner, entertainment begin on all venues. The big property of the ship is the program of the famous Cirque du Soleil. Acrobats please visit visitors with complex tricks.

At the ice rink, the ideas, exciting spirit, are played in the ice rink. Luxurious recreation lovers can spend the evening in the restaurant from 20 to choose from. On board there are 37 bars, karaoke and nightclubs.

Technical innovations and rules

Another novelty in the field of IT technologies is the keys-identifiers in the form of bracelets, connecting to iPhones that are loaded detailed map liner. Thus, a person can unmistakably find the lost friend or find out where the child is. If you wish, you can send a signal to such a bracelet, which will reach the addressee on WiFi network, and he will begin to vibrate.

Technological innovation is popular on board the ship, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich several thousand hectares is not only among the passengers, but also in personnel. After all, if you need to find a person without a similar device, you will have to spend at least a few hours.

For the memorable recreation of passengers on board, about 2500 people are running, who every minute provide security and comfort. The staff is forbidden to move freely in places allotted for the cruise guests.


For the hidden movement of the crew in the depths of the vessel along its entire length, a system of secret moves was developed for which employees freely and quickly fall to the destination.

On the passenger liner there are zones in which it is strictly forbidden to enter the rest and even personnel who do not have access. For example, galley - in order to avoid possible distribution of infection by the ship. Also on the captain's bridge and in the technical compartment only "Favorites" members of the crew, which are involved in the management of the ocean giant. These objects are the most protected.


  • Length - 362 m;
  • Height - 70 m;
  • Displacement - 227 thousand tons;
  • Capacity - 6780 passengers and 2100 crew members.

The cruise giant consists of 18 decks, on which entertainment is located for every taste. Visitors are invited to relax in a unique bionic bar, where drinks serve mechanized robots. There is an unusual flying bar that smoothly moves between a few decks, while people can relax to relax, watching the environment.

The attraction of water giganis, which distinguishes it from other liners of the company, water park. Here are the longest and high slidesWhile taking the height of ten decks. For children there is a small water park.

By the type of oasis on harmony there is an ice skating rink, in which incredible shows occur every night with the participation of acrobats, artists and skaters. In the deep basin, visitors also entertain water shows with light special effects.

On a huge liner 2747 cabin of different layouts and interior. For rich customers, the choice offers rooms located immediately on two decks, as well as with long balconies overlooking the ocean. For people with a more modest sufficient, there are double cabins that are equipped with everything necessary. You can choose a room for recreation with or without windows, which will significantly affect the price of the ticket.

It has a casino, basketball court, water park, dozens of restaurants and bars, nightclubs and spa. Rest will be unforgettable even for spoiled and, who have seen a lot, guests.

On one of the decks, near the pool is provided for a sunbathing place under the sun, which is equipped with sun loungers and shading shields. The ship is divided into seven zones equipped under the different topics of the interests of visitors.

For lovers of extreme and active restCreated pools with artificial waves for swimming on the sepure, climbers. For children, there are their recreation areas with merry animators and entertainment.


The main part of the visitor to the charm of the seas is people at respectful age. To create for them an unforgettable and cozy holiday atmosphere, there is Starbax on the liner, where the thematic parties in the style of the 1930s are held every day.

Crystal Cerenity

At the time of descent to water in 2003 was the most fascinating ship of the luxury ship. Tickets for it could afford only people with sufficient above average. Later, other cruise liners were eclipsed, but crystal serenity continues to delight lovers of walks on the clean ocean air so far.


The vessel became the restoration and refinement several times, which cost the company on 16 million dollars. Now on a cruise liner with comfort, there are 550 cabins of 1070 passengers.

For entertainment, sports facilities with simulators are provided, tennis tables, a golf and cortex zone for large tennis. Spa centers, boutiques with fashionable clothing and accessories, open-air pools will definitely delight women. Men will prefer casino, bars with elite varieties of alcoholic beverages, slot machines.

Royal Caribbean International instructed the Finnish shipbuilders to build a completely new class passenger linerswhich will be able to keep the palm of championship for many years. So there was a cruise liner "Oasis of the Seas", which was laid on the water as the largest passenger ship in the world on October 28, 2009. In addition, the liner won the first place in another nomination, as the most expensive ship on the planet. 1.24 billion dollars was spent on its construction, the average cost of staying in the port of such a vessel will cost the owners of $ 2,000,000.

The new class "Genesis" chairlist "Oasis of the Seas" and the "Allure of the Seas" already under construction exceeded its predecessor "Freedom of the Seas" and steel 21 m longer, 8.5 meters wide and almost 43 percent heavier .

Passenger ships of the project "Genesis" became truly wonderful liners. It is a brave design, and a lot of innovations and technological advances in the conveniences for passengers, all this will now help attract new customers of unforgettable marine travel.

Liner "Oasis of the Seas" absorbed all the best that there is on the ships of Royal Caribbean International. Its first sailing on December 5, 2009 will be worse, including the most luxurious party in the sea. For his guests, this is an amazing sea trip, and for the cruise liner "Oasis of the Seas" is ready to withstand any threat: hurricanes, gigantic waves and even infectious diseases.

The ship was built by the shipbuilding company "STX EUROPE" specifically on request "Royal Caribbean International", the construction of the "oasis of the seas" cost at £ 855 million. The length of the vessel - 361 meters, width - 66, and its the highest point Roses above the water surface by 72 meters. Displacement of liner - 225 thousand tons. Oasis is 40% more than any other cruise ship in the world. The vessel is five times superior in terms of "Titanic", can accommodate at sixteen decks in 2704 cabins of 6360 passengers and a 2160 crew. By the way, a new liner is 2 times more than the previous record holder - Queen Mary II.

The vessel is equipped with 6 engines manufactured by Wärtsilä - three 12-cylinder and three 16-cylinder. In the aggregate, its power plants generate a power of 96 MW, which allows the ship to develop speeds of up to 22.6 sea nodes. The new owners of the vessel were very surprised, having learned that on the "oasis" on four on-board cabins more than planned.

New safety methods and design of absolutely new features for cruises made "Oasis of the Seas" one of the most anticipated cruise liners in history. The vessel has so-called telescopic pipes that can decrease if you have to swim under the bridge. The world's largest cruise liner "Oasis Sea" had to partially disassemble so that he could pass under the Danish Bridge "Great Belte". But even after the height of the pipes was reduced, the distance between the vessel and the construction structure was less than half a meter. For security reasons, movement on the bridge was blocked for 15 minutes. Hundreds of people gathered on both sides of the river to look at a brightly lit cruise liner, which towers above the water like a 20-storey house.

Entertainment here mass, and for ordinary people, and for millionaires. The ship is equipped with a water amphitheater, a carousel (made "in full-size"), a floating fleet, an ice roller, a golf course, 4 swimming pools, for which a total of 2300 tons of water, volleyball and basketball courts, wall for climbing and a children's zone from thematic parks and children's scientific laboratories. On it, among other things, there are 10 SPA-coupled and surfing simulators. The liner is so big that it is divided into "districts" with a special theme, including a tropical zone with palm trees and wines. In total, 12 thousand plants were planted on the ship and 56 trees - this is the world's first park on a ship of 2000 square meters. M, which became a kind of analogue of the Central Park in New York. Therefore, its passengers can relax in the park in the shade of real trees, listen to Broadway musicals and see the ice show.

Open amphitheater for 750 places in the open air is located on the stern and is made according to an ancient Greek amphitheater. The closed theater, located in another part of the ship, is designed for 1300 guests. Two-week cruise on the wonderful ship "Oasis of the Seas" will cost a rather modest amount: from £ 1300 for a place in the cheapest cabin. The construction of his twin vessel called "Allure of the Seas" is scheduled to be completed at the end of 2010.

Passengers like to celebrate all the time, but if the "premium class" cruise, and almost all people are wealthy, then on board the liner should be about 20,000 bottles of champagne, more than 14,000 kg of meat products, 44,000 fresh eggs, 6600 kg of salad, 3000 kg of bow, 22000 kg potatoes and this is only a small part of the food stock.

After the end of the loading, the cruise liner "Oasis of the Seas" goes to the first cruise swimming. And if you forgot, then alas, it's too late to correct errors. The liner left the Everglades port and the cruise began.

Oasis of the Seas cruise liners are hoping to avoid natural catastrophes of another type. If at least two people with viral disease passed on board the vessel, it will spread instantly, since everyone is in a closed space. The liner is equipped with disinfectants in all public places, especially before meals.

Liner cruises are usually a guarantee of first-class nutrition 24 hours a day. Especially during the festive cruises, when his staff arranges a real feast on board the liner. Restaurants serve the most sophisticated dishes.

A waste disposal is the most important part of the ship's internal device. On the "Oasis of the Seas" liner there is a waste waste recycling plant, where the whole garbage is carefully sorted. Tin jars are pressed, the glass is broken to prepare for processing, as well as all other solid waste are stored until they are thrown into a landfill in the nearest port, because the "Oasis of the Seas" cruise liner is an ecologically clean ship.

On board the vessel work over three hundred kokov. It is on a galley that are products that cost $ 2 million. Because of the strict rules of hygiene on the galley, the entrance to everything other than registered employees is prohibited. About 70,000 main dishes are served daily on the ship, of which 15000 desserts.

For all entertainment during the cruise, the director of the cruise is responsible. The most difficult part of his work: everything is done so that guests remain satisfied. He plans entertainment, communicates with guests and supports their good mood. On board there is own film studio. Her staff remove the daily material on board the liner, and then after mounting broadcast to the cabins, as a rule, in the evening.

No less amazing place On the cruise liner "Oasis of the Seas" is considered the "Royal Promenade", which is held in the center of the vessel. Here is a unique transparent illumination elevator. This place is concentrated so many stores and bars that it looks like a small town. On board the cruise liner "Oasis of the Seas" you can find a lot of entertainment.

Traditionally, the upper deck has a pool with an artificial wave. Its pumps are pumped to 112,000 liters of water per minute.

One of the most popular activities on the liner is a theater that accommodates about 2,000 people. The show on ice also collects a lot of viewers. So that everything went without falls, engineers include a vessel stabilization system.

February 24, 2010. - ROYAL CARRIBEAN has realized that the idea of \u200b\u200btracking one person to others can like many, and turned out to be right, the novelty quickly became very popular

At the largest cruise liner in the world of Oasis of the seas, the company Royal Carribean offers a novelty of IT technologies, bracelets identifiers and iPhone mobile phones so that people can find each other in countless giant liner premises. Bracelets are personal RFID personal radio frequency identifiers, although it may be not only bracelets, but also badges or clips. WiFi acts throughout the ship, the signal from the bracelet through WiFi goes to the Apple iPhone mobile phone, equipped with a detailed liner scheme, that is, at any time one person can know exactly where the other is located.

On the vessel, almost 1000 places where you can go to WiFi, and at first the company just wanted to do so that people could communicate with each other through mobile phones and not only communicate, through ship iPhone you can get one or other information, order a service, etc. n., But then realized that the idea of \u200b\u200btracking one person to others can like many, and turned out to be right, the novelty quickly became very popular. It is easy to guess that parents became the main consumers of identifiers. The liner is incredibly huge, there are plenty of places where the child can be lost, and this can be a problem not only for parents, but also for the entire crew, the search for a lost person on the ship is a nominous and extremely difficult operation, the public Avral, and preferably at this time All other passengers drive into cabins or public premises.

First, the Oasis of the Seas as an identifier was offered a betray, but then went further, and now offer bracelets, which is much more convenient, as they can serve as a kind of pagers. If you serve a signal from the iPhone, the bracelet begins to vibrate, and its owner will understand what they are looking for it. If this is a child, then okay, but teenagers such an IT surveillance can hardly like it. The young man met a disco with a girl and retired with her in place darling and puzzling, good on a gigantic liner of such places with excess, and the damned bracelets will suddenly begin to vibrate, what is it? But what grace parents ...

The device runs on the basis of the location location system in real-time RTLS company Ekahau, the signal from the identifier is processed by the Defi Royal Connect program and is issued to the destination server, and from there already falls on the iPhone, location accuracy is 3-3.5 meters. Bracelets work from rechargeable batteries, for a weekly charging cruise enough with excess. After the cruise is completed, the bracelets are surrendered by the administration and are charged again. Reviews, they say in Royal Carribean, while very good, but how and where it is possible to use this novelty, in addition to the surveillance, they do not yet know the data. During cruises, the electronic spy users are polled, and hope that the collected information will allow you to expand the scope of application Wi-Fi RFID identifiers.
Voitenko Mikhail

Some numbers:

5000 kilometers of electrical wiring

12,000 plants, among them and real trees, but plants will be installed and planted later, upon arrival of the liner in the US

7000 works of art will decorate the indoors of the liner or demonstrate in the halls of 90,000 square meters of carpet floors

525,000 square meters of steel - an area equivalent to 72 football fields left for the construction of a liner - Square

Do you know that ...

Screws for this giant will produce the Russian factory - OJSC Baltic Plant

Baltic Plant OJSC completed the manufacture of the first propeller designed for the world's largest ocean cruise liner in the world. A loader of 360 meters long is building a Norwegian company Aker Yards on his shipyard in Finland. The Baltic plant will equip a liner with two screws. The diameter of each product is more than 6 meters.
Contracts for the manufacture of screws for cruise liners Genesis, Super Star Libra, Celebrity and Hall, built at Finnish shipyard, OJSC Baltic Plant (St. Petersburg) and FSUE "Star" (Severodvinsk) concluded in 2007. According to the terms of the agreements, the St. Petersburg enterprise will put several dozen sets of blades, hubs and fairings, as well as zip kits for screws by the end of this year. The cost of contracts is more than 10 million euros.

The Baltic Plant is the only manufacturer of large rowing screws in Russia (weighing up to 70t., Diameter - up to 8m.) From bronze and brass. The company manufactures modern screws for all types of warships and submarines; large tankers and balkers; atomic and diesel-electric icebreakers; container ships and passenger ships; Small coastal, river and pleasure ships; Sports ships and boats.

In one of the evenings, the captain liner gives him a dinner to guests. Cruise recreation participants adore official events. Each of them tries to bring home the memory of the sea travel. For this, several professional photographers work on board the vessel. About 30,000 photos will be made per cruise.

Charm of anyone cruise travel It is that in the ports where the liner stops, passengers are waiting for the mass of new sensations.

On the liner, everything is done for customers, but passengers always come across, which do badly behave and interfere with others. Such people ask to leave the ship in the nearest port. But the worst thing is when some passenger dies on board. Then the whole team has to console his close people. The body is placed in their own morgue.

Crew members and service personnel are full of life, but fully isolated from guests. They are not allowed to use the main passages on board the liner without much need. All staff moves along a hidden system of service corridors and stairs. To do this, in the center of this labyrinth is the main passage, which goes along the entire length of the ship. He has an unofficial name E-95, on it members of the crew get to their cabins, where they can relax from guests. Laundry on such a ship is one of the most twisted among all types of ships. Workers of this plant work around the clock.

In nightclubs liner« Oasis of the seas»Your work is greatly performed by DJs. While they warm up the public, night falls on the ship and then most of 750000 lamps light up on the ship. Electricity on the cruise liner is produced by diesel generators made to order by the company " Wartsilla.».

The most protected room on the cruise liner engineering office. From here, they follow the weather atmosphere, control the operation of the power plant and manage all the vessel systems. This is the power center on the passenger ship, so the entrance is strictly prohibited.

On liner« Oasis of the seas»4500 km of electric cable were laid, so for the ship engineers the main thing is not bad weather, but a fire. Such linerconsumes an average of up to 11,000 kg of fuel per hour. Suddenly arose spark anywhere in a much more dangerous hurricane. Operational expenses are huge - even a minor deviation from the course may pour into a considerable amount.

During the weather and the impossibility is safe to go to the port, the court captain can give an order not to enter the port, and the director of the cruise immediately announces the changed plans to passengers. This adds work to the entertainment service, as everyone stays on board.

A cruise ship« Oasis of the seas"Began the first passenger ship in the world, on board which seven independent thematic areas are concentrated Central Park, Boardwalk, Royal Promenade, Pool and Sports Zone, Vitality SEA SPA. and Fitness Center, Entertainment Place and Youth Zone, Therefore, no one is sad.

The central park is located in the open air in the center of the ship and forms a public place with sidewalks, flowers and trees. Its platforms are for walking in the fresh air, street ideas and concerts. Above the surroundings of the park stretch in the height of the five-story house 334 cabins, 254 of which have balconies that come out in the park. The central park has a range of boutiques, a garden, a variety of arbors, a sculpture park, cafes, restaurants and a wine bar.

Despite the dimensions linerSome passengers suffer from sea disease. Although all staff retains a calm view, some have to solve many problems on board: from natural disasters to crime. For this case, the security service is taken in civilian clothes. At their disposal video surveillance cameras and the owner's own law enforcement agencies.

In case of evacuation on cruise linerthere is a modern system of rescue bots, as well as inflatable rescue rafts that are located in the strategic points of the ship. Solving security and security issues, guests' requirement. Even on such liners as " Oasis of the seas»With an excellent organization, people can sometimes be lost. Often they are late in ports, so on the liner always remind that the ship is sent exactly on the schedule.

The liner is a huge selection of cabins, which include luxury rooms and family rooms. 25 were 25 duplex numbers with balconies. Each of them covers an area of \u200b\u200b1524 square meters. m and designed for six people. The room has its own piano, bar, jacuzzi and library. Square of the balcony of 78 square meters. meters. All cabins are equipped with LCD TVs, bathrooms with many mirrors.

Length - 361 m;
Width - 66 m;
Height - 72 m;
Displacement - 225282 tons;
Power point- eight diesel engines " Wartsila»A capacity of 17500 hp each;
Driving installation- Three steering columns like "Azipod" with a capacity of 27,200 hp;
Speed \u200b\u200b- 22.6 knots;
Number of decks - 16;
The number of passengers is 6360 people;
The number of cabins - 2704;
Crew - 2100 people;

Here we can see the construction process

On the night of April 14-15, 1912, Titanic sank. At that time he was the biggest ocean liner in the world.

Today, "Titanic" would not enter the top 50 largest passenger ships. Modern liners are much larger and luxurious.

If you are looking for ideas for vacation, we suggest to think about the sea cruise. We prepared the top of the biggest and more steep cruise ships in the world.

Queen Mary 2.

Length: 345 meters
Capacity: 2620 passengers
Year of release: 2004
Cost: 900 million $
Cruise cost: 380 - 95 $ 149

Queen Mary 2 is the oldest ship in our list. It was built in 2004, and in 2016 we updated, spending $ 117 million for repairs.

On board Queen Mary 2 fifteen restaurants and bars, five pools, casinos, theater, cinema, the world's first marine planetarium and the largest sea dance hall. A strict dress code operates on the ship: it is possible to stay in swimsuits only by pools.

The company's website offers more than two hundred cruises on Queen Mary 2: from two-day trip On the route Southampton - Hamburg to travel around the world for 113 days.

Freedom of the Seas

Length: 338 meters
Capacity: 4370 passengers
Year of release: 2006
Cost: 800 million $
Current cost: 520 - 41,926 $

From 2006 to 2008, Freedom of the seas was the largest passenger ship in the world. In 2007 and 2008, two two more were built: Liberty of the Seas and Independence of the Seas. The title of the biggest these three ships were kept until 2009.

On Freedom of The Seas there is a rink, boxing ring, water park, climbing wall, surfing wave simulator and a 120-meter trading area with shops, bars, restaurants and slot machines. A distinctive feature of such ships - pools with a transparent bottom, which come from the vehicle body and hang over the water.

The most popular area - cruises for 3-7 days in the Caribbean sea and bagamam. There are two-week cruises in the Mediterranean and Travel norwegian fjordam For 8 nights.

Disney Dream

Length: 339 meters
Capacity: 4000 passengers
Year of release: 2011
Cost: 900 million $
Current cost: 1516 - 59 $ 500

Disney Dream is the first of the two most large cruise liners of the Disney Cruise Line, which is included in the Empire The Walt Disney Company. In 2012, another such such ship was built - Disney Fantasy.

These ships have a mini-golf course, sports simulators, a full-fledged basketball court, which can be transformed into a football field, volleyball and tennis sites. Disney Dream - the world's first ship where a water slide was built. This attraction is called Aquaduck - a slide of 233 meters long and a five-storey house height.

Both ships are based in Florida and swim through the Caribbean Sea and Bahamas. Cruises last from three days before the week.


Length: 348 meters
Capacity: 4905 passengers
Year of release: 2014
Cost: $ 935 million
Cruise cost: 549 - $ 14,746

The first of the three twin ships, which gave the name of the Quantum series. In 2015, they built Anthem of the Seas, and in 2016 - Ovation of the Seas.

The Quantum of the Seas has a unique attraction - North Star. Observation deck In the form of a glass bowl for 14 people rises by 91 meters above sea level - this is like a 30-storey house in height. Quantum of the Seas is the first ship on which the vertical aerodynamic tube was installed is a free fall simulator. On board there is a rollerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrian, table tennis and billiards, the theater in which the Broadway production, and casino play.

In the inner cabins, which do not go to the ocean, are established large - on the floor to the ceiling - the screens where the view overboard is broadcast. They are called "Virtual Balconies".

Ships fulfill flights to Asia and Australia. There are five-day cruises in China and Japan, and more prolonged, for two weeks, in New Zealand and Australia. There is also quite exotic - 11 days in Alaska.

Symphony of the seas

Length: 362 meters
Capacity: 6680 passengers
Year of release: 2017
Cost: 1.35 billion $
Current cost: 308 - 11 082 $

Now Symphony of the SEA is the largest passenger ship in the world. There are still three of the same SEAS Series Ship: Oasis of the Seas, Allure of the Seas and Harmony of the Seas. But Symphony of the Seas still surpasses its twin brothers in size, albeit slightly.

These ships are the most elegant of existing ones. They have tropical parks and two-story cabins on board, and there are still platforms for volleyball, basketball, two climbers, ice rink, carousel, bowling and theater - that is, all possible entertainment.

Casino Royale on Oasis of The Seas is one of the largest marine casinos in the world. Allure of the seas opened the world's first Starbucks in the sea. And on Harmony of the seas built a water slide with a tall with a 10-storey house.

ROYAL CARIBBEAN has many directions, but the most popular of them are three-day cruises for baggams and Europe, weekly - by Caribbean islands, and a two-week cruise from Florida in Barcelona.

If sea cruises are not yours, read other articles from our travel cycle: