Bus schedule to New Year's holidays. How will transport transport on New Year's Eve

IN new Year's Eve The time of operation of the routes of ground urban transport will change, including in the north of the capital. This is reported by contact center. Moscow transport.

In the Eastern Administrative District until 3:30, the routes of buses M3, M27, №3, 21, 86, 133, 214, 223, 247, 645, 664, 792, 872, Trolleybuses No. 64, 77, Trams No. 36, will operate 46. \u200b\u200bBus routes No. 52, 716, 841, 855 will work around the clock; Trolley buses №41 and trams №11, 24, 50.

Also maintains the work of the night routes of the N3 and H4 bus.

/ Thursday, December 28, 2017 /

topics: Public transport MCC New Year

Metro metro and MCC will work around the clock.

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The mode of operation of Moscow land transport routes will change on the night of December 31, 2017 as of January 1, 2018, the press service of the GUP reported "Mosgortrans".

"On the night of December 31, 2017, on January 1, 2018, the time of operation of the routes of ground urban transport is changed. So, in the Cao until 3:30, the routes of buses M1, M2, M3,", " m6 ", M10, M27, T3, T13, T79, №101, 158, 608, 904 and trams No. 9, 35, 46. Also in the round-the-clock mode, the routes of buses M5, T18, T71, Trolleybuses No. 20, 28, 41 will work, 54, 56, trams No. 24, 26, 50. At the same time, the work of the night routes of the N1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7 is preserved, " B ", №15, tram number 3 ", - said in the message.

It is specified that the routes of buses M2, M10, T3, T13, T79, No. 124, 185, 238, 685, and trams No. 9 will be operated in SWWO during this period until 3:30. Buses T18, No. 605, 696, 774, 836, Trolleybuses No. 56, 73, 76, and Trams No. 11, 73, 76 and Trams No. 11, 73, 76, and Trambuses No. 17, 73, 76 and Trams No. 11, 17. N6, No. also maintained . . . . .

Bus routes №29, 81, 89, 133, 242, 608, 623, 655, 669, 749, 623, 655, 669, 749 (to Kuryanovo), 728, 749, Trolley buses No. 38 and trams No. 24, 50 will work until 3:30 Night. In the round-the-clock mode, bus routes №209, 670 will work (to the Metro station "Kozhukhovskaya"), 841, trolley buses No. 74 and Tramvaev №24, . . . . .

In Yuao until 3:30, the routes of buses M1 will work, " m6 ", №158, 192, 217, 274, 289, 296, 608, 623, 680, 682, 738, 765, Trolleybuses No. 40, Trams No. 35. In the round-the-clock mode, the routes of buses M5, T71, №203, 220, 670 will be operated (Kuzhukhovskaya metro station), trolley buses №11K, 52, 72, trams No. 26. The work of the night route N1, N5 and Tramvaev No. 3 remains.

In Yuzao until 3:30, the routes of buses M1 will work, No. 103, 108, 202, 213, 227, 295, 577, 611, 636, 642, 720, 737, 767, 804, Trolleybuses No. 85. Routes of buses M5, №130, 224, 531, 752, 895, trolley buses No. 28, 34, 52, 72, trams No. 26 will work around the clock. The work of the night route N1 is maintained.

CJSC Up 3:30 Nights will operate bus routes M1, M3, M27, №11, 32, 42, 77, 103, 120, 157, 227, 507, 611, 642, 715, 720, 733, 767, 794, 810, 830. Bus routes T19, №127, 130, 224, 688, 752, 950, trolley buses №17, 28, 34 will work around the clock. . . . . .

In the SZAO to 3:30, the routes of buses M1 will work, " m6 ", №210, 266, 267, 268, 904, 400T, Trolley buses №70 and trams №21, 30. Bus routes T19, №2, 652, Trolleybuses No. 20, 43, 59, trams No. 6 will operate in 24-hour mode. 28.

In Sao until 3:30, the routes of buses M1 will work, " m6 ", M10, T3, T79, No. 65, 90, 101, 167, 677, 904, Trolleybuses No. 57, 70, trams No. 30. Th19, No. 70, 149, 200, 400, 857, 774, Trolleybuses No. 20, 43, 56, 58, 59, Trams No. 6, 56, 58, 59, Trams No. 6, 56, 58, 59, Trams No. 6, 27, 58, 59, Trams No. 6, 27, 28, will work around the clock.

In Zelao until 1:30, the routes of buses №11, 15. Up to 3:30 night will work the route of buses No. 400T. In the round-the-clock mode, bus routes №19, 400 will work.

Tinao up to 3:30 nights will work bus routes No. 32, 507,577, 611, 804. Bus routes No. 531, 863, 895, 950 will work around the clock mode.

Photo: Agency "Moscow" / Kiselev Sergey

IN new Year holidays In the center of the capital will be held in the midst of the Festival "Journey to Christmas", in connection with this, some routes will change public transport, and Some streets will not be available for motorists. And the metro and MCC, as in the past year, will work the whole New Year's Eve. All details read in the material of the portal Moscow 24.

Metro and MCC

All night from December 31, on January 1, the subway will be open. Trains will go with movement intervals from 3.5 to 15 minutes. By the way, the holiday was launched.

Photo: Moscow Agency / Kiselev Sergey

Moscow central Ring (MCC) will also work without a break on New Year. Movement intervals, as well as on the subway, will be from 3.5 to 15 minutes. As always, passengers within 90 minutes from the moment of the first pass will be able to transfer free from the metro on the MCC and vice versa.

In addition, on Christmas Eve - On the night of January 7, the metropolitan subway and MCC will be open for passengers for an hour longer - up to 2 o'clock in the morning.

Ground transport

On New Year's Eve, all night and most popular ground transport routes will be available for passengers. 59 routes and 11 night buses will work around the clock, 98 routes - until 3:30 am. Buses will run every 25-30 minutes.

In addition, in the Christmas night, 163 buses and trolleybuses will carry people to three o'clock in the morning. There will also be 11 night routes.

From December 29 to January 3, the routes of 16 buses will change due to the footage of the Festival "Travel to Christmas": A, M1, M2, M3, M5, M6, M10, M27, No. 15, No. 38, No. 101, No. 144, № 38 158, No. 904, H1 and H2.

  • M1 - from the street Kravchenko to the metro station "Library named after Lenin", then on the route M27 to the metro station "Park Victory";
  • M2 - from the "Fili" stop to the metro station "Library named after Lenin", then on the highway of buses m3 to the Sport Complex "Luzhniki";
  • M27 - on a plot from Karacharov overpass station to the metro station "Lubyanka" and from the metro station "Park Victory" to the metro station "Library named after Lenin", then on the route M1 to Kravchenko Street;
  • M3 - on the site from the metro station "Semenovskaya" to the metro station "Lubyanka", as well as from the Sport Complex "Luzhniki" to the metro station "Library named after Lenin", and then on the M2 route to the "Fili" route;
  • A - from "Luzhniki" to the metro station "Kropotkinskaya" instead of the metro station "Komsomolskaya";
  • No. 15 - when following the southern lobby of the VDNH, the route will be reduced to passionate boulevard. At another time, it stretches to the Novodevichy Monastery;
  • M6 - to the metro station "Nagatinskaya" will follow through the large Nikitskaya and the Moss Street in Nikitsky Boulevard and Street Zamenka. In the direction of the Silicate Plant, the buses from the metro station "Library named after Lenin" will go through the streets of Vozdvizhenka, New Arbat, then in the Garden Ring to Kudrinskaya Square and then its route;
  • M10 - instead of the Metro station "China-City" will be followed to the Metro Station "Mayakovskaya";
  • No. 101 - from the Palace of Sports "Megasport" to the Tver Shoppasya;
  • № 904 - from the 4th Mitina microdistrict to Tver Oblast.
  • № 144 - from the metro station " Teply Stan"Before the" Drummer "cinema.
From December 31 to January 3, the buses will follow:
  • M5 and No. 158 - to Balchug Street instead of the Lubyanka metro station;
  • No. 38 - from the Riga station to the metro station "Pipe" instead of "China-Cities".
From 29 to December 30 to the night for January 3, night buses will run:
  • H1 - in areas from the lake street to the cinema "Drummer" and from Sheremetyevo airport to Tverskaya oblast;
  • H2 - from Belovezhskaya Street to the metro station "Library named after Lenin" with a turn across the streets of Zamenka, a mossy Vozdvizhenka.

Personal cars

On New Year's holidays, part of the streets in the center of Moscow will block for motorists and will make them pedestrian because of the festival "Journey to Christmas". Restrictions will be valid for five days - from December 30 to January 3. These days will close the Tverskaya Street from Mayakovskaya to the Okhotny series, moss from Vozdvizhenka to Tver and Street Okhotny Ryad Fully.

Also because of the festival, Petrovsky Lines, Rakhmanovsky Lane, Neglinnaya Street, Krapyvensky Lane, Ilyinka Streets, Barbarka and Moskvoretskaya, Bolshaya Moskvoretsky Bridge and Vasilyevsky Square.

In addition, the sections of the following streets will be blocked:

  • Passionate boulevard from Tverskaya Street to Street Big Dmitrovka;
  • Big Nestsovsky Alley from Tverskaya Street to House 7;
  • Small Nestovskiy Lane from Tverskaya Street to Great Nestovsky Lane;
  • Leontyevsky lane from Tverskaya Street to Great Nestovsky Lane;
  • Tverskaya travel in the area of \u200b\u200bthe house 8, building 1, Tverskaya Street;
  • Bruces Lane from Tverskaya Street to House 21;
  • Newspaper alley from Tverskaya Street to House 5;
  • Nikitsky lane from Tverskaya Street to House 7, Building 1;
  • Georgievsky lane from Tverskaya Street to House 1, Building 1;
  • street Mokhovaya from Tverskaya Street to House 1, Building 1, and from Vozdvizhenka Street to Street Bolshaya Nikitskaya;
  • street Big Dmitrovka in the area of \u200b\u200bhouse 1/30;
  • Theatrical passage from the street Big Dmitrovka to Neglinnaya Street;
  • petrovka Street from theatrical passage to Dmitrovsky Lane.
At the same time, all paid parking lots will be free for motorists. Paying for stay only on those where there are barriers. They are in the city about 80, the cost varies from 50 to 200 rubles per hour or at the price of a monthly subscription. However, it is not worth violating the rules of parking, since the evacuation service will not rest these days.


Photo: The portal of the mayor and the government of Moscow

New Year holidays will also change the schedule of motion suburban train. The time of movement of the suburban train in the New Year and Christmas night will extend to 2:00 hours. Trains "Aeroexpress" will work as usual.

From December 30 to January 7 suburban trains Will follow the schedule of Saturday, January 8 - on Sunday schedule. And on January 9, the train will return to the usual schedule of the working day.

All will be canceled by 24 trains of the CPS, and 15 electric trains of the company will be sent later at night on January 1 and 7. Most changes will occur in the express schedule Yaroslavl destination railway.

For example, Daily Train No. 6059 Pushkino - Moscow will go on January 1 at night later for 40 minutes (at 0:27). And the train No. 6676 Moscow - Monino 1 and 7 January - later for 1 hour 40 minutes (at 1:50). Express number 6677 Monino - Moscow on New Year's Eve will be released at 0:09 - 58 minutes later than the rest of the day.

The third year in a row, the Metro, Moscow Central Ring (ICC), as well as the most sought-after routes of ground urban transportation, will operate the entire New Year's Eve in the capital. On the night of December 31, on January 1, transport will run on 172 routes. 13 of them Night, 60 - round-the-clock, 99 will work until 03:30.

Maxim Liksutov, head of the Moscow Department of Transport and Development of the Road Transport Infrastructure, Head of Transport and Development of the Road Transport Infrastructure, is told at the meeting of the Presidium of the Government of Moscow, the official website of the Mayor of Moscow reports.

To get to the center of Moscow to take part in the festive festivals, get to the most interesting sites of the Festival "Journey to Christmas" and visitors close to this new year will be easier: For the convenience of Muscovites on the first night of 2019, the Metro, Moscow Central Ring (ICC), ground transport And suburban trains will work according to a special schedule.

  • How does the metro work on New Year's Eve

The work of the subway and the ICC will last the entire New Year's Eve. From December 31, on January 1, all stations and subway transitions will work without a break. Train intervals will be from 3.5 to 15 minutes.

The round-the-clock mode of operation is introduced in the capital not for the first time. So, last year, more than 500 thousand passengers took advantage of land transport, metro and MCC. At the same time, 35 thousand people met a holiday directly in the wagons and at the metro stations.

  • Ground transport

From December 31, on January 1, the time of operation of land transport will also extend. It will affect routes most sought after citizens. Buses at 99 of them will go to 03:30, by 60 - around the clock. Also, passengers will be able to use 13 nightlife.

Bus traffic interval will be from 25 to 30 minutes. You can see the schedule and plan the trip in advance on the website of the Mosgortrans and the Portal "Moscow Transport".

In addition, for the audience of New Year's shows, which will be held on the territory of the Olympic complex "Luzhniki" and in the Palace of Sports "Megasport", launched additional routes. So, the bus l runs from the "Luzhniki" to the metro station "Sports" with an additional stop at the turbulent brothers circus. On December 31, he will work from 09:00 to 19:40, and January 1 - from 14:00 to 22:40.

The bus officer goes from the Arena Palace of Sports Megasport to Dynamo Metro Station. The time of his work on December 31 - from 11:00 to 17:30. Bus stops are located on Leningradsky Avenue in the area of \u200b\u200bintersection with theatrical avenue and at the Khodynsky Boulevard near the stop "Metro" CSKA ".

  • Electrics

The new year will extend the time of operation of 22 trains in all directions of the Moscow transport hub. You can find out the schedule on the website of the central suburban passenger company and the Moscow-Tver suburban passenger company.

In addition, four additional electric trains will be appointed on New Year's Eve: No. 6487 Moscow - Nara (departure at 02:35) and No. 6488 Nara - Moscow (departure at 00:42) in the Kiev direction; No. 6792 Lviv - Tsaritsyno (Departure at 00:50) and No. 6791 Tsaritsyno - Podolsk (Departure at 02:55) at the Kursk direction.

You can get acquainted with the actual schedule of movement of electric trains railway stations and stopping points. In addition, the skill schedule will be available in the mobile application "Schedule and TsPPK tickets".

From December 30 to January 8, the schedule of trains on the Leningrad direction of the October Railway also changed the schedule. All ordinary electric trains and "swallows" on the Moscow - Tver (Konakovo) will go on a schedule of weekend. Specify actual schedule Trains in this direction can be at the information stands of the stations, on the website of Russian Railways and in the mobile application "Russian Railways".

According to the site " Komsomolskaya Pravda", Lose revenue shopping centers do not plan, especially since Muscovites themselves will resort at the last moment to buy a dress, shoes, gifts. Nevertheless, before the new year, the shopping center will close a few hours earlier.

"Until December 30, we extend the time of work for an hour - until 23.00. The shopping center will work on December 31 - from 10.00 to 19.00, but on January 1, the day off. From January 2, we go to the usual regime - from 10.00 to 22.00, "they told in mall "Okhotny Ryad".

For an hour longer on New Year's days, GUM will work on Red Square - from 10.00 to 23.00. GUM is closed on January 1, and from January 2 he has been working from 10.00 to 22.00.

"We will work on December 31 from 10.00 to 19.00, on January 1, we have a day off, and from January 2 as usual mode - from 10.00 to 22.00," they say in the European shopping center.

December 31, food stores with essential goods, such as bread, meat, butter, eggs, potatoes, the authorities are recommended to close not earlier than 20.00; Shopping with products and industrialists - no earlier than 19.00.

On January 1, food stores with essential goods are recommended to open no later than 10.00.

January 1 - January 8 Food and non-food shops work according to their usual weekend regime. This does not concern those outlets for which the working day is appointed by the Administration of the Store. At the same time, the schedule of round-the-clock stores will not change.

  • Centers State Service.

On the eve of the New Year on December 31, district MFCs accept visitors from 8.00 to 20.00, flagship offices - from 10.00 to 20.00, Palace of public service at VDNH - from 10.00 to 22.00;

- From January 2 to January 8 (inclusive) - the duty centers of public services are working, in which the state registration of death can be issued (the full list is on the MFC website). Birth can be registered only in the center of the State Service of the Matushkino district and in the Tsao flagship office in the shopping center "Afimoll" in Moscow-City. Public services duty centers are open from 11.00 to 20.00. But on January 7, these MFCs do not work.

  • Payment of pensions

According to the management of the Pension Fund in Moscow and the Moscow region, due to the New Year's holidays, pensions and social benefits in the capital in January 2019 will be paid through the post office on such a schedule:

In old Moscow

In new Moscow

Changes are waiting for motorists at the time of the festival "Travel to Christmas".

  1. From 0.01 December 28 to 0.01 December 29, partially closed to movement: Tverskaya Street from Pushkin Square to the streets of the Okhotny row, as well as the street Mokhovaya from the street Vozdvenik to Tver Street. The movement will be carried out on one highlighted band alternately in both directions.
  2. From 0.01 December 29 to 18.00 January 3, the plot of Street Tverskaya from Pushkinsky Square is completely blocked to the streets of Okhotny row, a plot of Mokhovah's street from Vyvizhenka Street to Tverskaya Street, a plot of theatrical location from the street Big Dmitrovka to Petrovka Street.
  3. From 0.01 December 29 to 21.00 January 3, a movement was closed on the Big Nestsovsky, Leontyevsky, Kozitsky, Glinishevsky, Newspaper, Bryusov, Eliseevsky and Nikitsky Lane.
  4. From 14.00 on December 30 to 8.00 January 3, traffic was closed along the streets of Ilyinka, the large and small Cherkasy Lane.
  5. From 0.01 December 30 to 8.00 on January 3, a movement was closed along Barvarka Street.

At the time of the festive fireworks in honor of the New Year will be completely blocked for the movement of cars, three parts of the roads.

  1. From 14.00 December 31 to 2.00 January 1 - the Big Moskvoretsky Bridge.
  2. From 23.50 December 31 to 0.10 January 1 - a plot of Moskvoretsky embankment to intersection with the Kittle Passage.
  3. From 0.50 to October 1, January 1 - passage on Fedosyino Street from 10 to 19th.

Media news

News partners

All urban public transport Capital will work the whole New Year's Eve. This was reported in the press service of the mayor and the government of Moscow at the end of the meeting of the Presidium of the city government.

From December 31, on January 1, the metro station, ICC, as well as all the night and most sought-after routes of ground urban transportation will be operated in Moscow. A 172 route will be released on the line, including 60 routes - around the clock, 99 routes - until 03:30, 13 nightlife. Metro and MCC trains will walk with traffic intervals from 3.5 to 15 minutes. Bus traffic interval will be 25-30 minutes.

In Christmas night - from January 6 to January 7 - the mode of operation of the Metro and MCC will be extended to 2:00 in the morning, and the terrestrial urban passenger transport - until 3:00 Night plus 13 night routes.

In addition, the time of movement of the suburban ties in the New Year and Christmas night will be extended - until 2:00 hours.

Among the most popular seats Meetings of the New Year - Moscow Street. Yes, and then, in new Year's vacation Few people stay at home. Muscovites are walking at the Festival "Travel to Christmas", ice skating on the giant rims and rollers for tubing, skiing and sledding ... Helps them in motion around the city public transport, which works these days on a special holiday schedule. What it represents and where not to drive by car, found out "RG".

On Tver only on foot

"Journey to Christmas" collects thousands of people in the capital who are not afraid of nor frosts or slush. Dense crowd people go through Tver sidewars, moving from the site to the site, looking at light installations, deciding Moscow. Tverskaya - from the triumphal area to the Kremlin - give pedestrians for half of five days. Local overlaps on one lane will begin tomorrow, December 29th. And then the main street of the city, as well as the moss, icy row and almost all adjacent alleys will block completely - this will happen on the night on Saturday, the Thirtieth of December, and will open only the third January. On the last day of the old year, all the approaches to Red Square will be closed, including Barbage, Ilyinka, a large Moskvoretsky bridge. Machines back there too, only the third number will be empty.

Metro all night

Getting to the center in the New Year and on the days of overlaps, of course, the easiest way to subway. For the second time, the subway on December 31 will work all night, without a break. As the head of the Moscow Metro said, Viktor Kozlovsky, trains will go on the night of January 1 at intervals from 3.5 to 10 minutes. By the same graphics will work and the Moscow Central Ring. That is, having met the New Year and listening to the battle of the Kurats in the center of the capital, it will be easy to return home.

By the way, Gifts from the Metro Muscovites began to receive another week before the New Year. On the annular line launched two thematic trains.

It will be in the New Year to walk and land transport - only 168 routes will work until the morning.

But for Christmas, January 7, the trains of the metro will extend its working day to two nights, there will be 1,74 terrestrial transport routes.

Who is outside?

Adjusts under the New Year and train. Their schedule varies to all holidays, and since December 29th. According to the press service of the central suburban passenger company, due to the fact that passengers are becoming less, part of the trains are canceled on vacation. From December 30 to January 7, they will walk on Saturday's schedule, January 8 - on Sunday schedule, the ninth will return to the circles.

In addition, in the New Year's Eve in some directions, the last night trains will go from the station at an hour later.

In the Leningrad direction, which serves another carrier company - the Moscow-Tver suburban passenger, - from January 1 to January 8, all the train, and "swallows", and ordinary, will walk on a schedule of a day off. All changes are already uploaded to applications with schedules - "Electrics" and Yandex.electrics, you can also look at the Railways website.

Travel will rise in price, but slightly

Going on the trip, you should not forget - from the second January in Moscow, prices are changing for travel - a trip on Troika will rise in price by one ruble, instead of 35 rubles will have to give 36. For several tens of rubles, prices for subscriptions will be raised. But slightly - the maximum rise in price is 3.8 percent.

But the electric trains, as Maxim Dyakonov promised, the CPPC Executive Director, in the Next year it is most likely not. But in the first half of the year, the company is going to finally release an application through which one can buy one-time tickets for travel, which will save passengers from the need to run to the cashier every time - today 70 percent of tickets sold at the ticket and automata are one-time.

By the way

And on January first, in large buses with "accordion" will remove the turnstiles. In return, each door will appear according to the Validator. The city also promises to strengthen control. In total, according to the calculations of the Mosgortrans, 60 bus and 15 tram routes will work without turnstiles. Removing the turnstiles will accelerate the road to each passenger on average for 5 minutes.

Infographics: Infographics "RG" / Mikhail Shipov / Svetlana Batova

How will transport in other major cities

St. Petersburg

In St. Petersburg for the New Year and Christmas, the subway and land transport will work around the clock. True, it does not mean that all buses, trolley buses and trams will come to their usual routes. We are talking about night buses, which, if possible, duplicate the subway lines. Breeding B. winter time Bridges on the Neva are not bred due to the termination of navigation. However, Nevsky Prospect will still be blocked from nine evenings. The action will end in the city center only after three o'clock in the morning, when the festive firework will be launched into the sky. Note that in night regime public transport Northern capital It works only for cash, travel tickets do not work. The passage on Earth is 40 rubles in St. Petersburg, underground - 45.


In front of the winter holidays in Yekaterinburg, the excursion tram was decorated with garlands: you can watch the shoelars in the evening streets. In the New Year's Eve, the city metropolitan will work until o'clock in the night, and terrestrial public transport - buses, trolley buses and trams - until 22:30. On vacation days, carriers work according to the standard weekly schedule.
