Tourism: interesting facts. Interesting facts about tourism Unknown facts about tourism

In other states, less than 50% of residents are also actively willing to spend money on exploring the area. For example, in China there are 48% of such inquisitive tourists, and in Germany - 47%.

Residents of the Netherlands were the most disinterested in excursions - 28%. At the same time, only 12% of travelers from Russia are ready to save on excursions - both last year and this year.

While in other countries, from 45% (Italy) to 63% (Spain) of respondents rely on the opinion of their significant other.

Among Russians, the majority of tourists were those who planned to spend their holidays at their dacha - 48%. Abroad, this holiday option was preferred by 7% (USA) to 37% (Turkey) of residents.

Even more often, Russian travelers chose the sea as a dacha - 63%. It is no coincidence that even in the New Year’s top 10 popular destinations among our tourists, the second place is occupied by Thailand, which is famous warm weather and sandy beaches.

Moreover, this country is usually present in the first lines Russian rating all year round. Only the Portuguese (65%) and Italians (65%) were planning to go to the beach more than Russians.

47% of Russians like to explore unexplored corners as part of an organized excursion group with a guide. This is the largest percentage compared to residents of other countries. This kind of love for excursion tours The Germans (32%) and the Portuguese (31%) also showed this.

More than such trips, our compatriots like only independent walking tours to the places chosen for recreation - 71% of Russians were in favor of this option of getting to know the sights.

49% Russian tourists of those who participated in momondo surveys are ready to save on evening entertainment while traveling, 43% on shopping, and 37% on renting a car. Among tourists from other countries, significantly fewer people agree to such restrictions. Only the same number of Portuguese prefer to refuse new things.

20% of Russians noted sports recreation as their preferred vacation activities, and 19% mentioned cycling. This higher interest for such active types of recreation compared to other countries.

It is noteworthy that access to the Internet is more important for Russians than for tourists from other countries. 49% of Russian travelers noted the availability of free Wi-Fi as one of the main amenities they need in a hotel during their vacation.

At the same time, the least important thing for Russians when planning a vacation is the original design of the hotel and differences from other hotels. Only 5% of our compatriots said that they are looking for a zest in housing.

It is interesting that, compared with residents of other countries, among Russians there were the largest number of travelers who, based on the results of their vacation, decide to change their place of residence within their city or country (14%) or even move to another state (14%). Most often, such desires appear among young people, but with age such impulses subside.

So, if among people aged 18-22 years old 19% and 23%, respectively, decided to change housing or host country, then among tourists 56-65 years old - only 10% and 1%. Abroad, Americans most often began to strive to move within their own country (13%), and the British (12%) began to strive to move outside its borders. The least number of those who would like to leave after a vacation motherland, turned out to be in Finland (2%).

According to the study, 38% of respondents from Russia are confident that Russians welcome guests in the best possible way. Although our country is not considered the most hospitable abroad. Russia managed to get a maximum of 9% of the votes - that is how much its cordiality was appreciated in Turkey and China.

Such a low rating for friendliness local residents may be due to the fact that few foreign tourists managed to visit the Russian expanses. In particular, due to serious visa requirements and high prices.

Italy won the ranking. Most people who found Italians the most attractive were in Spain (32%) and Portugal (39%). Russia took tenth place in the top 18, ahead of Denmark, the Netherlands, Japan, Thailand, Turkey, Finland, Portugal and China.

The majority of Russians (71%) shared in surveys that after a week-long or longer trip it is difficult for them to return to study, work and standard daily chores. Four out of ten Russian tourists are helped to escape from boredom by dreams of being on vacation again, and 32% by dreams of a new trip.

Moreover, our compatriots escape from a bad mood in this way more often than residents of other countries. Among tourists from abroad, significantly fewer respondents responded in a similar way - only in Germany, 32% of respondents reported desires to go on vacation again, and 31% reported dreams of future travel.

Abroad, they were overtaken only by residents of Portugal (29%), Great Britain (29%), the Netherlands (30%), Norway (33%), Italy (34%) and Turkey (37%).

“Curious and dreamy, independent and digital, organized and economical, active and easy-going... It’s nice that our tourists are distinguished by such qualities.

This combination, in my opinion, is the best fit for travelers,” comments Irina Ryabovol, representative of momondo travel metasearch in Russia.

If your family loves leisure, then you, of course, will not refuse a trip to nature. Regardless of where exactly you are going - to the lake, to the forest or to the mountains, you will discover a lot of new interesting things.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with a few facts about outdoor recreation. Which of them did you know before?

Crickets can detect temperature

In order to determine how cold it is outside the window, you don’t have to buy expensive gadgets. In spring and summer, all you need to do is listen to the chirping of crickets.

Just count the number of sounds you hear in 14 seconds, add 40 to that number and get the air temperature in Fahrenheit.

Lyme disease is no joke

With Lyme disease, a person experiences unpleasant symptoms that do not appear immediately. This disease is transmitted through the bite of an infected Ixodid tick. Under no circumstances should the disease be ignored or left untreated.

In order for a tick to infect a person, it needs to be attached to the body for up to 36 hours. Every time you return from an outdoor vacation, carefully check yourself and your loved ones for tick bites. If you find it, you should consult a doctor.

Appearances are deceptive

Often, while relaxing in nature, you can meet its inhabitants. Many of them look very cute, but to be safe, do not underestimate them.

For example, raccoons are very cute creatures that can also purr just like cats, but you should not approach them in the wild. Do not forget that despite their harmless appearance, they are not tame animals.

Raccoons can steal your food and, in some cases, even carry diseases. In order to protect yourself from an unpleasant encounter, it is better to hide food and not leave trash open.

Outdoor recreation is your salvation

Many people believe that being active outdoors is good for your health. This is true, but it can also improve your emotional state and lift your mood.

During relaxation and simply being in nature, the body receives a much larger amount of oxygen, serotonin and melanin than indoors, which is why the stress level is noticeably reduced. In addition, it is not easy to remain serious and depressed for a long time when you are relaxing in a pleasant environment in the fresh air.

Outdoor recreation is the best thing we can provide to our body, mind and soul.

Beware of insects

In addition to crickets, there are a huge number of different types of insects that live in nature, which can turn your vacation into a real test. Despite the fact that many of them do not pose a danger, being close to them can cause discomfort.

To protect yourself from these annoying little creatures, use insect repellent sprays and wear light-colored, calm clothing - mosquitoes and midges are clearly visible on them, and it will be easier for you to find them and get rid of them.

Don't forget to rest

If you like long hikes with tents, remember not to exhaust yourself. Stop when you feel tired. Sleep is very important in order to replenish lost energy, because without it you will not be able to continue your journey.

To sleep peacefully and comfortably, choose tents that suit the season and don’t forget to bring a pillow.

What can you eat

Eating at least a few times a day is very important, which is why you can take a variety of nuts, bars, jerky or soup and canned beans with you on your hike.

These products are stored for a long time and will perfectly replenish your energy supply for a long time.

Be careful with fire

As children, we were all taught not to play with matches; when hiking and outdoor recreation, we should be guided by this important advice. Fire lights our way and warms us on long cold nights, but we should be extremely careful.

Before starting a fire, make sure that there is water or any other means of fighting the fire within walking distance. Use it immediately if the fire gets out of control.

Manage your finances correctly

Try to spend money on things you really need – don’t skimp on a tent, food, clothing or equipment. Be sure to buy a flashlight and stock up on quality and nutritious food.

If your budget allows, purchase various little things that you think you might need.

How to dress

The best option is to wear several layers. If it’s cool outside or the weather is changeable, you shouldn’t wear one warm thing.

It would be much more advisable to wear something light, a warmer thing on top, and so on, so that if it warms up, one of the resulting layers can be removed.

Don't rely on yourself

Even if you think that you are perfectly oriented by natural markers and surroundings, you should not be overconfident. It’s worth being on the safe side, as anything can happen.

A compass or map in your backpack will not take up much space, but will never be superfluous.

Things to do

Many people in modern world depend on gadgets and cannot imagine life without them. However, you can have a useful and fun time without them.

On a hike or while relaxing in the fresh air, you can find a lot of interesting activities, such as fishing, hiking, photography, bird and animal watching. This is what makes our life truly beautiful and fills it with bright colors.

Vacationing with children - remember a few simple rules

You shouldn’t take your children on long hikes right away – start small. Arrange a short trip where you teach children how to set up a tent, cook food and navigate the area.

You can select several interesting games to entertain children on a hike or a walk, because a game is The best way instill in your child an interest and love for anything.

It would also be a good idea to explain to your children how important it is to pick up trash after yourself, put out the fire, and leave the chosen place in the same clean condition as before you arrived.

Many people cannot imagine life without travel. It’s so interesting to visit new countries and cities, learn the culture and traditions of other peoples, and just change the scenery and take your mind off everyday problems! Traveling gives us the opportunity to expand our horizons and experience unforgettable emotions.

But it was not always so. Mass tourism appeared only in 1841; before that, only very wealthy people could afford to travel. Now almost everyone can go on a trip; there are a huge number of services that allow you to save on tickets and hotels. Even the opportunity to go to nearby town- this is already a journey.

Like any other industry, tourism has developed and continues to develop. Tourism has a long history and many interesting facts. I will write about some of them below.

Thomas Cook

Thomas Cook can easily be called the founder of tourism. And there are several reasons for this:

  • On July 5, 1841, Thomas Cook organized the first trip for 570 workers, and Cook himself earned absolutely nothing on this trip. He received his first income only in 1845, by organizing an excursion to the city of Liverpool. Thomas organized trips mainly around Great Britain, and only in 1855 the first trip abroad was organized, to the city of Paris;
  • Thomas Cook also organized the first circumnavigation of the world. The journey lasted 222 days;
  • Thomas Cook was the founder of the first tour operator, which continues to operate successfully to this day;
  • The first tourism magazine, The Excursionist, was published under the direction and editorship of Thomas Cook.

Comfortable tourism

You won’t believe who was the first to decide to create the most comfortable conditions for relaxation. This is... Adolf Hitler, who believed that in order to increase stress resistance and performance, a person needs to rest in comfortable conditions.

The most expensive tourist trip in the world

The most expensive tour was bought by Denis Tito, a businessman from America, in 2001. The cost of the tour was $20 million. It was a tour into space, to the International Space Station.

City with the longest name in the world

Krung Tep Maha Nakorn Amon Rattanakosin Mahanindra Ayutthaya Mahadilok Pop Noprarat Ratchatani Burirom Udomratniwet Amonpiman Avatansatip Sapkakatiya Visanukkampasit (and this is a slightly shortened version), which translated means City of Angels, great city, residence emerald buddha, an impregnable city, the great capital of the world, endowed with nine ancient stones, replete with huge royal palaces, resembling a heavenly abode, from which the personification of God rules, the city presented by Indra, built by Wissanukam. The name of this city is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest name settlement in the world. And so that tourists, and indeed all people in general, do not suffer when pronouncing the long name of the city, it was shortened. This is for everyone famous city Bangkok.

How Thailand became a popular holiday destination

Thailand began to gain popularity after the Vietnam War. The country was the home front and resting place for American soldiers. The soldiers really liked the nature of Thailand, and low prices holidays at the resort have become popular.

The largest swimming pool in the world

The largest pool is located, no, not V UAE, as many people think, but V San Alfonso del Mar is a resort in Chile. Pool depth 35 meters, and the length is 1 kilometer, in pool sea water.

The most "leaning tower"

And this is not Pisa, whose inclination angle is 4 degrees. And the tower, the inclination of which is 12 degrees, is located in Suizhong County.

The most dangerous excursion

The most interesting and at the same time the most dangerous excursion in the world, according to many travel publications, including Forbes magazine, is an excursion to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant zone.

In Mexico, at the Eco Alberto holiday park, you can book a night excursion where you can feel like a Mexican migrant trying to cross the border into America. A night full of adventure awaits you: you will have to run a lot, crawl and hide, and overcome various obstacles.

Buy a whole state

For just $80,000 (price indicated at the beginning of 2017) you can buy the entire state of Liechtenstein. You will receive the keys to the state and will be able to have a dinner party in the palace. The whole state will be yours, but only for 24 hours.

"For memory"

We all bring from our travels various souvenirs, magnets, local delicacies, seashells or stones that are part of ancient structures. For example, in Athens the authorities are very concerned about the fate of the Parthenon. The authorities are afraid that the architectural monument will be taken away piece by piece, and have decided to hire special workers who scatter marble stones around the temple at night.

Forgotten things

Tourists often forget various things in hotels, most often clothes. IN English city A Peterborough maid discovered an urn containing ashes. To the most unusual forgotten things also include: a whole suitcase stuffed with Marvel comics, a huge stuffed parrot, an Olympic torch.

Australia and Austria

Quite often tourists confuse the names of these two countries, and this is not surprising, because they are very similar. In Austria there is even road signs, on which it is written/drawn “There are no kangaroos here”. They also sell a lot of souvenirs with the same logo.

Traveling Dwarves

In the 80s appeared in the West interesting tradition. Travelers “borrowed” garden gnomes, and in their place they left a note “I want to see the world.” They took the gnomes on a trip, took a photo of the gnome against the backdrop of landmarks, and then returned it with an attached photo from the place where they were.

Kingdom of Bhutan

Despite the fact that many countries are fighting among themselves for every tourist attracted, there is a country that is against the development of mass tourism in its country. Until 1974, it was possible to enter this country only with an invitation from the royal family, that is, not at all.

Today you can visit Bhutan, but for no more than 15 days and subject to paying a daily tax, which, by the way, is quite large. You can purchase a tour to the kingdom from only a few tour operators that have a special license. In this way, rulers protect their culture and nature.

Summer has not gone well this year, and you can completely forget about swimming. The more you want to escape to the south, to the sea and sun. Most of us are sure that sea water and air are very beneficial. But not everyone knows how, when and to whom they are especially useful.

Swimming in sea water is very good for health. It is a fact!
Swimming in sea water:
enriches the body with oxygen and minerals. Sea water contains about 90 elements necessary for our body (iodine, calcium, potassium, silicon, sodium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, iron, nickel, copper, arsenic, oxygen, nitrogen, neon, helium and many other elements, etc.) It is especially useful iodine – it activates brain function and normalizes thyroid function.
improves the functioning of blood vessels and blood circulation, lowers blood pressure and normalizes heart rate
increases vitality, has a hardening effect, strengthens the immune system
cleanses the skin, can help with eczema, psoriasis and atopic dermatitis.
helps remove toxins from the body
...and not only for health, but also for beauty! This is also a fact
Intense swimming in sea water actively promotes weight loss and gives a light anti-cellulite massage effect. Sea water, rich in microelements, will replace both hair masks and nail baths - provided that you protect your hair from the sun.

Sea air is most beneficial after a storm. And that's a fact
The air near the sea after a storm is especially rich in oxygen and ozone and richly saturated with mineral salts and phytoncides of seaweed. This air is especially useful for respiratory diseases, and also moisturizes the skin and increases its elasticity.
The saltier the sea water, the healthier it is. Fact!
How saltier water in the sea, the higher the concentration of nutrients in it and the more intensely they are absorbed by the body.

Seaside holidays are useful for everyone without exception - but this is already a myth
It would seem that such a number of advantages should make a trip to the sea useful for everyone without exception. But, alas, there are exceptions. The sea and sun can be dangerous for patients with heart disease, cancer patients, severe hypertension, people suffering from allergies to iodine, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, as well as some skin and fungal diseases. If you are a regular patient of any doctor, you should consult with him whether the sea and hot climate will harm you.
The warmer the sea water, the more beneficial it is. And it's a myth
Warm water is preferable for a long and comfortable bath, especially for children. But the greatest health benefits come from water at a temperature of 20-24 degrees. Firstly, in such water you have to move intensively, which enhances its healing effect. Secondly, in sea water warmer than 24 degrees, pathogenic microorganisms actively multiply, so rinsing the nasopharynx with such water is no longer recommended.

It's better to swim in pools with sea ​​water or taking baths with sea salt than in a dirty sea with crowds of people and jellyfish. This is also a myth
Sea water extracted from its natural environment retains its beneficial features no more than 24 hours. Therefore, swimming in a pool with sea water can be equated in effectiveness to swimming in the sea only if the water in the pool is completely changed every day and is not chlorinated, killing many beneficial properties. And if you do not chlorinate the pool, then microbes will quickly multiply in a closed environment.
It only makes sense to take baths with sea salt at home, for lack of anything better - after all, tap water with the addition of sea salt correlates with natural sea water in about the same way as juice reconstituted from concentrate correlates with freshly squeezed juice.

Swim in the sea - stock up on health and beauty!

We all love to travel, but not all of us find the time or finances for it. But the facts below will help you change your mind about your vacation and find regular time to travel.

  1. The pilot and assistant pilot must eat different foods. It sounds quite strange, but on the other hand, if you know the reason, then everything is clear. There are only 2 pilots on the plane, and if one of them gets sick after he has eaten, the second one must replace him. In short, so as not to get food poisoning at the same time.
  2. Theoretically, the chances of getting into a plane crash are very small. On average, for every American, the risk of suffering a plane crash is only 1 in 11 million. Whereas for car owners this chance is 1 in 5 million.
  3. Everest (Chomolungma) is still growing. Yes, yes, the mountain continues to grow. Now its height is about 8850 meters. But every year it grows by another 4 mm, approximately. This is due to the movement of tectonic platforms.
  4. Mexico City (the capital of Mexico) is sinking at 10 cm per year. Due to the fact that the city is based on “fragile” land surrounded by waters. And construction regularly puts pressure on the city's land. By the way, Mexico City is sinking 10 times faster than Venice.
  5. Every year, airlines earn more than 640 billion dollars. By the way, there are only 600 companies in the United States, and they bring profit to their owners in the amount of 175 billion dollars. It turns out that ¼ of all global profits.
  6. The same food tastes different on the plane and on the ground. When the plane gains altitude, the taste buds change by about a third. This is why many passengers order bloody marys; Tomato juice then seems not so sour. Because of this, many airlines add salt and various spices to their menus.
  7. American Airlines once cut its costs by $40,000 by removing just one olive from its salad. In 1980, Robert Crandall, later the head of the company, removed one olive, which ultimately saved such a large amount.
  8. In 2003, a Boeing 727 disappeared and has not been found since. On May 25, 2003, the plane disappeared forever in flight. And to this day no one knows what happened to him. The pilot's sister says the plane crashed somewhere in Africa, in the heights.
  9. In the United States, one in eight jobs is related to travel and tourism. This is not difficult to imagine, given the fact that there are as many as 600 airlines located there.
  10. When you take a vacation, it lowers your risk of heart attack. According to studies, people on vacation have fewer heart attacks than those who are not on vacation.
  11. The white streak that a plane leaves behind in the sky can be used to predict the weather. By the thickness of this line you can determine whether the air humidity is high or low. A very thick line could mean a storm is approaching.
  12. There are special trophies that are given to pilots for very funny mistakes. There is a special museum in the USA that gives out awards to really funny pilots. So the nominees were: the pilot who hit the parked plane; a pilot who took off without checking the tank, and it was almost empty.
  13. Money spent on travel makes people happier than money spent on material goods. This is why heart attacks happen to those who travel less often.
  14. After the first day of travel, people's stress drops by 89%. While traveling, you forget about all your problems and your stress level decreases significantly.
  15. Travel is used in the treatment of depression. Psychologists use this method of treatment with patients suffering from depression.
  16. Couples who travel together report increased intimacy. Traveling brings people together and revives feelings for each other.
  17. Mercury on a plane is not good. Most aircraft are made using aluminum and it will be in your best interest not to spill mercury on board.
  18. You won't be able to open the door of a plane while it's in the air. Even if you manage to do this, you don't have to worry about everyone falling through the door (as we often see in movies). When the plane is at the top, the doors are made in such a way that air presses against them, and they are absolutely safe. Even several very strong people will not be able to open the door of an airplane.
  19. The United States is the only country in the world where there is no person entitled to paid vacation or holiday.
  20. Austrians are the most socially protected country in terms of recreation. The country guarantees every worker at least 22 paid vacation days and 13 paid holiday days every year.
  21. When you travel, you become more creative. According to research, people who travel regularly can find more creative approaches to solving a given problem.
  22. Those who travel become smarter. Everything is simple here, as with books, the more you read, the more you learn. Visual memory works the same way and you will learn a lot of new things during your holidays.
  23. The most popular country for tourists this is France. It is not difficult to understand that the most popular place this country is Paris.
  24. The most popular city In the world among tourists is Bangkok. This data is according to 2013.
  25. A commercial airplane averages 550-580 mph. During takeoff, the speed reaches 160-180 mph. And during landing - 150-160 mph.
  26. The busiest airport in the world is international Airport Hartsfield-Jackson in Atlanta, USA. 95.5 million passengers and 930 thousand flights are carried out at this airport every year. Is it true new airport Dubai will accommodate up to 160 million passengers, but it is not yet in great demand.
  27. The only place in the United States where there is a royal palace is the capital of Hawaii - Honolulu. Very a nice place in the Pacific Ocean.
  28. Russia produces greatest number oxygen.
  29. France has the largest number of time zones. Already 12.
  30. Canada has the largest number of lakes. There are about 3 million lakes in this country. But this is not very strange, because most of the country is not densely populated.
  31. Mongolia is the least densely populated country in the world. Only 4 people per square kilometer.
  32. Niger has the youngest nation. This African country has the youngest population in the world by average.
  33. The most densely populated country in the world is India. IN this moment has more than one and a half billion people.
  34. The Principality of Monaco is smaller than Central Park New York.
  35. The most multilingual country is Papua New Guinea.
  36. The most intelligent country is Canada. Here, more than 50% of the population has higher education.
  37. There are currently 61,000 people above the US skies. This is the average number of passengers on any day, at any time.