Essay on my favorite place. Composition

Everyone has their own yard in which they grew up. Recently in class we learned to write essays about our favorite place in the city. Some of the works turned out to be extremely similar, some seemed interesting, open, kind and filled with love to me.
Imagine...October...The sun shines with slanting rays right into the students' notebooks...Leaves rustle quietly outside the window, cars hum in the distance...The noisy but very friendly 5th grade class is silent...everyone writes about their favorite place...

Osmanova Ravana:
I was born in Georgia. Georgia is very beautiful country, everything is interesting there. If you look at the streets from the window, you could see indescribable beauty. I especially liked looking at the evening street. Darkness slowly fell, but the street was still bustling with traffic and there was a lot of light. Cars drive along the roads, shops, trees, and even some houses are decorated with colorful lights. It became very festive. When you’re walking down the street and you’re freezing, you can go into any store or house - it’s always warm, cozy, beautiful and smells nice of baked goods. A lot of swings, horses, and other playgrounds have been made for children - all this creates comfort and makes the soul feel so joyful, so calm...

Yulia Rukosueva:
I love visiting my grandmother. She has a wonderful view from her window: you can see the stables, horses and railway. My little sister loves to look out the window when the train is coming. She starts waving and smiling, and our whole family laughs at her...

Petrova Maria:
I sat by the window and saw my neighbor Aunt Lyuba running from store to store, buying groceries. I heard the neighbor’s dog waiting for its owner, sometimes it would start whining at the door and I felt very sorry for it. I heard the breeze blowing through the windows and saw rays coming from the sun in different directions. There's mine on my street favorite place. There the sun shines brightly, the breeze blows quietly, the birds sing and the grass rustles as if in a whisper. This place has a playground that mesmerizes small children like a singing bird. I have a favorite tree there. It is located not far from my house and the windows of my room overlook it. Maybe that's why I love him so much? The wet leaves of this tree always give me a shine on my window. You can often see sparrows on a tree. They sing songs, and I sit quietly, hiding, so as not to scare them away. And I listen. When I ask my mother about my yard, she says that before there was nothing in it except this tree. And now a lot has changed, they built a playground and made a slide for the kids, but my tree still brings joy to everyone with its life. I love my yard!

Talai Bogdan:
I was born in Medvezhyegorsk. There was a playground next to my house, and next to it stood a large wooden ship. My friend Maxim and I loved going to an abandoned building. There were two floors and there were a lot of different old military things lying around. One time we found four gas masks. We also had a swing near our house. I loved to sit and read a book...

Bugaeva Nastya:
The street of my childhood.
When I was little, my grandmother took me to the sandbox. One day I found a ring with a blue stone there.
View from the window.
My house has nine floors. There are three windows facing out of my apartment. I like the view from the window in my room. I love to sit and look out the window. One day I saw a boy helping his grandmother get home.
From my window you can see a birch tree. In autumn she is beautiful, she seems to have yellow earrings.
I'm listening to my city.
One day in the summer I heard the rustling of leaves as if saying to me: “Hello!” I looked down, but there was no one there. I was surprised. Has autumn come?
Panorama of my hometown.
Once I went to the city center, there were a lot of people there, my whole family went to the zoo. I saw a bear and other wild animals in cages. There are always a lot of shops in the city center. There are also good people there. I was even treated to ice cream. It was nice.

Tuyusova Vlada:
I live in a city with the wonderful name Petrozavodsk. There are many different situations happening in our city, both sad and funny. There are many beautiful and indescribable places in Petrozavodsk, which could be listed day and night. But I'll tell you about one of my favorite places. This is my yard. I live on Antonov Street. The view from my window always makes me happy. I always want to jump when I see my friends from the window. My yard now looks like this: beautiful flying leaves, a soft blue sky with light cotton-like clouds, an interesting playground. There are always a lot of guys there...

In life, every person has favorite places to which he periodically returns, regardless of his employment and opportunity. I also have such places. Each of these places is associated with something very important in my life, which I will never dare to cross out. In my hometown St. Petersburg

I have a favorite place - the Summer Garden.

St. Petersburg is always good, in any weather and at any time of the year. But every corner of it, every monument has its own favorite time, when it fully reveals itself to us. For the Summer Garden such a happy time is the golden days of autumn. Colored with its ceremonial colors, it is solemnly thoughtful and majestic.

I love walking around St. Petersburg, and the Summer Garden, in my opinion, is one of the best and most beautiful places in our city. This is the impression I got when I first visited it. The Summer Garden is at its most beautiful in autumn. The leaves of the trees echo the gilded

The ornaments of the fence, the spreading crowns of trees glow hotly in the transparent air. Pale yellow, amber, purple leaves fall on the naked marble shoulders of statues, on granite pedestals, caught by the wind, dancing in the alleys, rustling pleasantly underfoot.

Also in the Summer Garden I really like the Summer House of Peter I. Peter I really loved his Summer Palace. In this cozy, comfortable house, not intended for official celebrations and receptions, the king usually lived from April to October-November. Most of the alleys of the Summer Garden are our history. The statue of the god of time Saturn standing on the main alley seems to remind those entering the garden of the passing centuries. Straight, linearly drawn alleys are fenced with dense green walls. In the squares and rectangles between the alleys there are even rows of strange trees: instead of spreading fluffy crowns, the tree trunks are crowned with balls, cubes, and pyramids. From the outside it looks very impressive and beautiful.

I walk among the shady alleys,

And the leaves fall, swirling.

In your radiant arms

Passion burns more intensely.

I love your piers so much

Cathedrals, parks and gardens,

I meet love in your eyes.

My glorious city! It's you!

It seems to me that the Summer Garden is one of the most beautiful places in the world. And I will hope that over time it will not lose its beauty and elegance. I want it to always remain as beautiful and thereby attract people from all over the world. Every time the Summer Garden leaves pleasant memories in my memory. And I think that in the future he will leave a global mark on the history of mankind.

Essays on topics:

  1. Every person, regardless of his age, must have a hobby. Each of us should have something like this...
  2. I love all animals, but most of all I like dogs. A dog is a man's faithful friend. I can completely agree...
  3. The greatest Russian poet in the entire history of Russian literature, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, is loved by readers from all over the world. His work is remarkable and...


In life, every person has favorite places to which he periodically returns, regardless of his employment and opportunity. I also have such places. Each of these places is associated with something very important in my life, which I will never dare to cross out. In my native St. Petersburg, I have a favorite place - the Summer Garden.

St. Petersburg is always good, in any weather and at any time of the year. But every corner of it, every monument has its own favorite time, when it fully reveals itself to us. For the Summer Garden such a happy time is the golden days of autumn. Colored with its ceremonial colors, it is solemnly thoughtful and majestic.

I love walking around St. Petersburg, and the Summer Garden, in my opinion, is one of the best and most beautiful places in our city. This is the impression I got when I first visited it. The Summer Garden is at its most beautiful in autumn. The leaves of the trees echo the gilded ornaments of the fence, the spreading crowns of the trees burn hotly in the transparent air. Pale yellow, amber, purple leaves fall on the naked marble shoulders of statues, on granite pedestals, caught by the wind, dancing in the alleys, rustling pleasantly underfoot.

Also in the Summer Garden, I really like the Summer House of Peter I. Peter I really loved his Summer Palace. In this cozy, comfortable house, not intended for official celebrations and receptions, the king usually lived from April to October-November. Most of the alleys of the Summer Garden are our history. The statue of the god of time Saturn standing on the main alley seems to remind those entering the garden of the passing centuries. Straight, linearly drawn alleys are fenced with dense green walls. In the squares and rectangles between the alleys there are even rows of strange trees: instead of spreading fluffy crowns, the tree trunks are crowned with balls, cubes, and pyramids. From the outside it looks very impressive and beautiful.

I walk among the shady alleys,

And the leaves fall, swirling.

In your radiant arms

Passion burns more intensely.

I love your piers so much

Cathedrals, parks and gardens,

I meet love in your eyes.

My glorious city! It's you!

It seems to me that the Summer Garden is one of the most beautiful places in the world. And I will hope that over time it will not lose its beauty and elegance. I want it to always remain as beautiful and thereby attract people from all over the world. Every time the Summer Garden leaves pleasant memories in my memory. And I think that in the future he will leave a global mark on the history of mankind.

My favorite place in the city is our local park. In this park I often walk with friends, celebrate holidays and just stroll through places familiar to me. This park has many attractions that you can ride on, and here you can also buy cotton candy, hot corn, a glass of popcorn and many other goodies.

My favorite place in the city is our local park. In this park I often walk with friends, celebrate holidays and just stroll through places familiar to me. This park has many attractions that you can ride on, and here you can also buy cotton candy, hot corn, a glass of popcorn and many other goodies. There is also a cinema next to the park, which we like to go to with friends on weekends.

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My favorite place in the city is our local park. In this park I often walk with friends, celebrate holidays and just stroll around places that are familiar to me. This park has many attractions that you can ride on, and here you can also buy cotton candy, hot corn, a glass of popcorn and many other goodies.
There is also a cinema next to the park, which we like to go to with friends on weekends.

In our wonderful city of Kostroma there are many beautiful places. But my favorite place in Kostroma is Ostrovsky’s gazebo. This place has a special energy. It gives visitors a feeling of peace and tranquility. Rising to the gazebo, you can admire the views of the magnificent Russian nature from there. You can stand here for hours and watch the beauty and grandeur of the Volga. By the way, this gazebo was filmed in a movie, it was the film “Cruel Romance”. Many guests of our city want to visit this particular attraction.

Consider how to competently write a creative work describing your favorite place in the city.

Features of the essay-description of the place

A descriptive essay can be devoted to various topics. So, the author can talk about the book he read, his family members, his favorite season, etc. If we are faced with the task of describing our favorite place in the city, it is worth mentioning the following points in the essay:

  1. What memories are associated with this place?
  2. Why does it seem special?
  3. When is the best time to visit this place?
  4. What is unusual and interesting there?

If something is described historical place, you can briefly talk about its significance. Always organic in such creative work personal stories associated with the object being described are looked at.

Essay on the topic “My favorite place in Kostroma”

My city Kostroma is very ancient and beautiful. There are many interesting places, where not only tourists love to go, but also local residents. It's nice to look at ancient temples, stroll around the city center or watch the sunset on the embankment. But my favorite place is Kostromskaya Sloboda.

For the first time I had the opportunity to visit the very famous museum our city even in preschool age. My parents and I went there for the folklore festival in honor of Maslenitsa. I still remember how I was amazed by the unusual wooden churches that you cannot find anywhere else in the city. But most of all I remember the ancient village, which was recreated right on the river bank. When I bury my eyes, I still see these peasant huts, so cozy and nice, as if they had stepped out of the pages of some fairy tale.

It’s nice to take a walk in Kostromskaya Sloboda at any time of the year. In winter, from here you can see the frozen river, the grandfather on which glistens in the sun. In the summer heat, you can hide in the shade of trees right next to the ancient churches. And how beautiful it is here during the September leaf fall and at the time of spring flowering!

I advise all guests of Kostroma and those who live in the city to visit this wonderful place to see with your own eyes all the beauty of Ancient Rus'.