Saint-Bartelemy from A to Z: Rest in Saint-Bartelev, maps, visas, tours, resorts, hotels and reviews. Saint Bartelemie - the most glamorous island in the Caribbean Sea Saint Bartelemi

Never carefully do not prepare for travel. I do not want to form any stereotypical expectations so that it is not to compare with them reality, but just absorb.

This time I was especially glad that I was flying absolutely not prepared. How do you like this phrase from a neighbor in the plane: "Do you know what St. Barts Airport is the most dangerous in the world?" And seeing my rounded eyes, added: "What, really not watched the video on YouTube?".

Already at the hotel I looked. And you look.

But at that moment I was not ready for such impressions.

Twenty-winged plane with pilots sitting almost next to you, after several aggregates, sharply picks up the height of absolutely vertically before the mountain itself, envelopes it and also vertically starts drop down. It is a fall, because smoothly sits on a short strip, resting directly into the snow-white beach and the ocean, it is impossible. It was necessary to climb, but natural curiosity did not give. It was the most exotic landing in my life. Then I learned that every day hundreds of vacationers specially come to this beach look at the landing show of a regular flight. I also came.

The first who arrived at Saint-Barts by the aircraft was the Dutch smuggler Remi de Hegen, the future mayor of the capital of Gustavia Island. He also invited the first VIP guests - David Rockefeller, Greta Garbo and Rudolph Nuriev. They became the first of the world's turn of the world seboribritis in loved in St. Barts.

Breakfast in the port of the capital of Gustavia Island in a circle of local elite - Governor, Ministers. Yes, they have fun there in full with public Administration. All elitism attributes are also evident: a tuple, which is unrealized to deploy on three two hundred dollar streets, a state yacht, a state cottage and much more.

By the way, about yachts. You can watch clocks as a team of tanned young sailors Millimeter for a millimeter, all four decks of multimillion ocean beauties are supervised. At this moment you understand that it is better to have a friend with a yacht than a yacht. An excellent option, for example, to have Roma Abramovich in friends.

With his Russian Wathago of oligarchs, he chose St. Barts, bought a land and rumored and even on bright notes in the local Russian-speaking glamor magazine periodically rolls noisy parties on her yacht or at the villa. They say that they are not at all difficult. It is just necessary to refer to the name of a common cap familiar. And doors on the party in the style of the Great Gatsby are open.

Why is everything in white pajamas? Not, well, not very pajamas, but the dress code is very specific - thin, translucent cotton or linen tunics barely cover the very beginning of the legs in the ladies, mostly model appearance, and spacious trousers or Bermuda shorts with shirts, respectively, also snow-white for Men of Hollywood type. Probably do not want to spoil the harmony of paints with other flowers.

Turquoise ocean, sand ivory, emerald greens, red roofs of villas and hotels, boiling on white clothes. But if the color does not make it possible to play the creative of designers, the finish completely compensates for it: lace, embossing, pearl threads. In general, all that can reflect the personality of the owner in this "simple village" for billionaires. Tags with loud names of designers "by chance" displayed ones are also welcome.

I decided to immerse yourself in the life of the island. The choice between an open jeep and retro-bicycle m with a picnic basket is folded ahead, but learning the distances between the attractions of the Nostia (from 500 meters to three kilometers), he decided on a two-wheeled friend.

As you know, a woman cannot be placed before choosing. And he arose at every step. For example, on which out of 22 luxury beaches to go? I decided to conquer a few who will meet along the way and will attract attention. So I did not alone. On the third beach, I saw one pair, which also poked in search of my most beloved place on the ocean. Having learned each other on the third beach, you could not have been dating. A couple, about 40, the French and Parisians in such a knee that I think their great-grandfather was watching Napoleon's acts. He is a shoe designer, she is the pool architect. She was just given an order for the design of the pool on one of the villas of St. Barts and the guys decided to combine work with vacation. In my opinion, many do here.

The third day is on the island, and there are already talking about selling something from Paris real estate and settling on this "nice island". Well, to work remotely or fly to customers. So here, too, many. Many of those who have visited and can afford.

The administration of the island is very critical refers to the origin, the status and financial condition of the new settlers. Very watching only cream. Those who moved to the island are not idle. Someone opens the restaurant. As a result, on such a tiny island, their more than a hundred.

Someone makes decorations from handmade seashells from 100 euros per bracelet.

Walking in the evening, hour 10, on one of the central streets, looked into ajar blinds of one of the boutiques. There, the tanned man is very aristocratic species sewed suede moccasins. On the shop window they were exhibited even without a price. I am sure that the moccasins, stitched on St. Barts, the hands of the aristocrat in the tenth knee are simply priceless ... such diligence does not see everywhere.

On the fourth beach, I stopped near the famous Eden Rock hotel. In the Rock Stars villa, belonging to this hotel and equipped with a full-fledged recording studio, the Beetles hits were born.

I stopped not because of Bitleania, but for the sake of a magnificent restaurant on the rock. You know, this is when you look at some kind and already aware that the years will pass, but the picture will be alive in memory. The kitchen also did not disappoint. True, I was first surprised that there was one in the restaurant. But, the smiling waiter explained to me that there would be no free places closer to eight in the evening.

And in general - the nightlife on the island is active. In one of the nightclubs, eighty-year-old Americans, again in white pajamas, danced in the tables, often applied to the neck of five-liter bottles with champagne. The model classes flew through the dance floor, and fireworks were continuously exploded on the street. It was even difficult to imagine that during the day this island is half and low.

In general, I found my formula of an ideal village: a pure ocean, ideal weather, magic beaches, unobtrusive hotels and the same service, open people, clearly understand the word "tact." Ah, yes. I almost forgot about white pajamas from the finest flax.

Saint-Bartelemie Island is the overseas ownership of France in the Caribbean. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe island is only 25 square meters. KM, about 9 thousand people live here. Senbelhemie lies near the island of Saint-Martin and 200 kilometers from Guadeloupe. The capital is the city of Gustavia, was founded by migrants from Sweden back in the 18th century. Most of the population make up Europeans, in addition to them, metis, negros and mulatts live.

Saint-Bartelemy on the world map

This small island has volcanic origin, it is surrounded by small reefs and small islets. The shores of the island of rocky, but there are plots with good beaches. There are no water on the island, there are no rivers and streams.
Saint-Bartelev lies in a tropical climate area, here is hot and sunny weather almost all year. The climate is arid, most of the territory of the island is a desert, overgrown with the cacti of the Earth. The island has become famous only thanks to its wonderful beaches.

The island is fully focused on tourism, the oligarchs and celebrities come here from all over the world. It created all the conditions for the recreation and sport of the highest class. This is a very expensive resort.
The main advantage of the island is its snow-white beaches, picturesque bays And excellent conditions for diving, golf, fishing and walking on yachts. Wonderful beach rest You can combine with rusting horse rows and a comfortable stay in luxury hotels and villas.

Saint-Bartelemy Map in Russian

On the island of about 30 hotels with beautiful restaurants offering expensive sophisticated meals Italian, French and Asian cuisine for every taste. it favorite place Recreation of millionaires and Hollywood stars, entertainment and cultural life on the island continue all year round.
Of the twenty-two beautiful beaches you can choose any of your taste, in coastal waters all conditions for diving, surfing, scuba diving and active sea rest. Excursions are held by helicopter. You can visit Colombier's colorful village, visit the Mongbar Grotto, where pirated treasures are hidden according to legend.
In the Museum of Engineering - Magras is a unique collection of shells, the art gallery will delight with its exhibits. Many attend the ancient estate of Flashor and climb on the picturesque Morne-visa mountain. Here all year round are carried out bright and colorful events, carnivals and festivals, shows with fireworks and concerts with the participation of famous singers and musicians.

We continue the series of caribbean reports.

So, you were on Saint-Martin, and not on cruise liner, Light day term, and honestly - coming on the plane. Most likely you have in reserve at least a week that you need to spend correctly, agree. The option is to lie all week on the beach, Maho Beach is welcome, but it is much more interesting to visit the surrounding islands. In the vicinity you can find three sufficiently large and inhabited islands - Saba (territory of the Netherlands), Angila (United Kingdom) and Saint-Bart (France). And here it all depends - what a visa in your passport. On Saint-Martin, they usually fly with the French or Dutch visa of overseas territories, I recommend immediately drawing up French, because with this visa you can visit the most interesting Island From the above - Island Saint-Bartelev, so it is called officially. France particle on the caribbean. Dream Island.

2. So, on the road. You can get to Saint-Bart in two ways - a short flight on a small airplane, or a clock sea walk on a modern shuttle catamaran. If you decide to fly by plane, especially in season, take tickets in advance, it's difficult to take a day, disassemble. For this reason, we decided to go to the island by the sea. Ferries go from Marigo and from Phillipsburg, and from the first capital there are new catamarans, Voyager ( The first flight is at 9.15 in the morning, back - at 17.15, which is certainly early, here it is better to fly by plane, an extreme evening flight. The cost of the ticket back-trip 67 euros, the time of the flight is an hour - an hour fifteen. On the way it will be seriously downloaded if the sea transitions are not your rustle, be sure to assemble the remedy from the damp, as the version - the French Hepatoum Mercalm, is checked - it helps perfectly.

So, early morning, the first February 2013. Our path lies on the other end of the island, in the town of Marigo, the capital of the French part of the island. It is from there that the ferries selected by us are departed. An hour - and we have the office of the company. Easy to find - if you enter Marigot from the north, then immediately after the pier for the yachts, on the right, on the corner a small office, do not get lost.

3. Tickets are better to booked in advance via the Internet or by phone. Well, or, if you're lucky, buy in place before sailing. We were lucky:)

4. They took the beer-ice cream, loaded on board, pre-passing passport control. Strange, but the fact is to stamp into the passport, and the territory of Guadeloupe.
Catamaran, turning the feed, turned on a pen and rushed into the sea. In Caribbean, Yeah.

5. The ferry is quite comfortable, there are two open decks, two halls. There is a business class salon.

6. On the open deck is more fun, the splashes in the face are not allowed to bother :)

7. A light drinks are offered in the path of the steward, and when the ferry goes to the open sea and the main fun begins - the wrist Menthol stuff begins to everyone - helps from the tech, slightly. Who does not help - the packages :) Full Svervis. But we kept well done, which demonstrates the next picture - Estay and Togan enjoy the marine species.

8. Around the boat and yachts, straight mosquito fleet! But one of these villas on the hill is our week :)

10. On the way, many uninhabited islands and reefs come across

11. Distance to Saint-Bart - kilometers 30, and here we are already approaching Gustavia, the capital of the island. On the mountain - ancient fort.

12. Here is the port of Gustavia

13. Divided into solid land, hugged her, and began to reconnect the terrain. Immediately made a mistake - noise to seek the office of rolling cars elsewhere. Public transport? She, did not hear, millionaires on minibuses do not go. There is a taxi, but prices are broken where Paris is there. So, see the left of a man in a T-shirt with the Herz emblem? Catch it, it is he who is the main on the plates. I then saw him in the photo. While we clicked the kerats, all the cars were praised and we were offered to walk to the airport, there is another rolling office.

14. Not deceived. In the holder missed a lonely Frenchman, revived at the sight of such wonderful customers. Initially, there was a thought to take such a mad stool.

15. But they decided that this hybrid of the scooter and Lamborghini looks too suspiciously, and the Bolivar does not endure four, and two are unreasonable. Therefore, they stopped on the form of the BMW convertible - as the most appropriate moment.

Roller surprised - did not even block the funds on the map, all on trust. Moreover, I got the card and described in detail, where it is better to go and more interesting to swim. About dinner, learning that we want to visit Eden Rock, just rolled his eyes and informed that we would hardly find a table there. As a flood has shown, I was wrong.

16. Well, okay. On the road, explore the island! The main driver was self-visited Alimzhan (although I then chased a little on serpents)

17. So, actually the whole island. The population lives all - about 9,000 rich. Well, a third, perhaps, this is the service personnel, but in any case, the level of millionaires per unit area rolls. Island - resort for them. In the Internet, different glamorous reports about the stars on the island perfectly go. Well, for understanding is a map.

18. First of all - airplanes, as usual. And then the airport is under the side

19. Go down to the beach, Baie de St. Bay. Jean.

20. The band is not fenced on the sides, smoothly rolls to the beach and dives into the sea

21. Amazing trust in the rest!

23. Very convenient to shoot airplanes. This, of course, is not a neighboring Saint Martin, there is no large linersBut your beauty is here. Pilots are not spoiled here :)

24. However, the take-off airplanes from the end to shoot a little extreme - the complete feeling that the lens will come to the belly now :) At this picture, the board took off normally, and after him, the pilot probably stretched out until the end of the band :)

25. The beach itself is also worthy of attention - white, clean, like, however, the rest of the beaches here. On that day, the Windsurfing Championship was held.

26. Dozens of bright sails flooded the lagoon

27. Removed here not only we

28. While we splashed in the waves Caribbean, I came up with lunch time. Well, check Eden Rock? They say it will be used to dine star magnitude stars. Some Abramovich No - no, he cares here from his villa

29. This is not just a restaurant, it is a six-star bungalow complex. On Saint-Barte, in principle, very few hotels, mostly remove the villas here, and for a long time. In Eden Rock, the price tag begins from 480 euros, the rest of the hotels are few cheaper. Now you understand that it makes sense to come here for a day, well, or take a tent with him :) Although, again, it all depends on you

30. View from the hotel's balcony

31. Actually restaurant. High french cuisine in its best manifestation. In fact, everything is very tasty! Prices, which are surprising, in Trans have not been introduced, all within reason. The service at the highest level, as indicated in the glamor report on the above link - here is not Paris, it is not humbling here :)

32. Ceboribritis (in the word!) It was not observed. Although, who knows him, can and sat at the next table Hollywood actor, and on the beach heard the heiress of millions ... In the face I still do not know them :)

33. Stayed, went on, conquer highest vertex Islands. The roads are quite good, and how the Viness noticed in his reporting correctly, there are no black jigs, who loving standing in the middle of the road on his ride and cute to talk with his friend. We note, there are practically no blacks here, expensive-s. There is also no, respectively, the Negro towns, so surprising me on Martin. Here everything is about one level - expensive and cool, there is no poverty at all. But the roads are narrow :)

34. Climbed up, sightseeing

35. Raised upstairs and breath captures from beauty!

36. Rocks are interspersed with small and very cozy beaches.

37. Parapet is painted - which and which side rises above sea level

38. The yacht is resting in a quiet lagoon. Modest and tasteful :)

39. Mean of the islands and time slide ships

40. What is not a postcard from exotic countries? :)

41. Beaches, by the way, are very different. From large and equipped with all the benefits of civilization

42. To small, home

43. But with nature here, everything is as in Saint-Martin, the main plant is a variety of cacti

45. Pyhzh Gutener. It is clear why this collection of cans is hanging at the entrance?

46. \u200b\u200bNot equipped with nothing, only the sea, sand, rocks around the edges. But all this - the highest quality

47. People on the beach are very little, rest - I do not want! Pure, notice! No janitors, no rescuers, there are only secondary French and surprisingly civilized Americans

48. There are also nudist beaches, we did not go there. I had enough experience in Saint-Martin, from where we fastened the fastest Lani :) But also the French customs reign. Pourquoi Pas?

49. Evaluated this beach, Gorrosh! And what are the waves here! But time is running, the sun has long passed for noon, and as many things! Rush further. I am behind the navigator, we bring our crew on the paper card (GPS on the hundred and decided to temporarily refuse). I drove into the very heart of the island, loved by the valley and pond named after the Comrade of Holy Jacques, stood even in a mini traffic jam

50. And suddenly left again to the airport. Well, as suddenly, Spotters, or not SPOTTERS :) This time - the upper part of it. Here everything is strict!

51. Airport as a palm!

52. Planes enter right above the head and sharply dive down, to the strip! This photo, for some time, is displayed in the rapid search for pictures in Google on request Saint-Bart, among the first :) Vasta Hi!

53. The landings are not always successful, it happens (the video is not mine)

54. And here's a view from the pilot (again, video from the network)

55. Remove the aircraft, the French and Creoles on Motorols are rushed by

Island in the Caribbean Sea, French Overseas Territory: Saint-Bart Island

Saint-Bart or completely Saint-Bartelmy | Saint-Bartelemi - who mocks french: Saint Barthelemy
Saint-Bart Island in the Caribbean Sea.

Beaches on Saint-Bart.
Saint-Bart photos.
Feedback on Saint-Bart highlighted from the topic

A small island 28 km south of the island Saint Martin. (Saint-Martin), which is a gate to this paradise Island Since a small airport Gustavia. (Saint-Bart's capitals) takes only light brewing aircraft.
Another way of getting to Saint Bart - a ferry from Marigo (Marigot) of the capital of the French part of Saint-Martin Island. The French part of Saint-Martin - Marigo.
Business card of the city: Fountain "Filmed Birds"

This is a view of Marigi from the waterfront.
Down below shopping center, everything is very beautiful in style.

Tickets to Saint-Bart

Ticket from Saint-Mainene to Saint-Bart there is $ 80 when booking in advance by phone in Voyager:
Time on the way for 1 hour 15 minutes.
Ferry: new catamaran with two air-conditioned salons and two open decks (top and bottom).
The ferry makes several flights a day. Schedule is on the site


In the morning the first flight from Saint Marten at 9:15
In the evening the last from the island of Saint-Bart at 17:00 from Filipsburg Also walk ferries, but smaller in size, older in age and not catamarans.
To the sea will swing stronger.


There is another company carrier from Marigo: West Indian Co., But the steamer is old and will chat in the sea - I am sure.
Get on Saint-Bart is simple:
- We booked two tickets a day before the trip.
- In the morning came to Marigo and threw the car on free parking in the Marina Fort Louis area - there are several and places there are there.
- bought tickets: paid $ 80 per ticket back back (all dachshunds include)
"After passing a passport control (the same overseas French visa acts on Saint Barta, as well as on Saint Martine) and sat on board catamaran.

Ferry departs from the shore and goes all western Islands, then goes in a straight line 28 km and here we are in the marina of the capital Saint Barta, the city Gustavia.. Small and cute town.
Very similar to any town of the Azure Beach of France or Northern Lake Italy: Direct streets flowing to the mountain and three prospectuses parallel to Marina (place of mooring and parking lots of expensive yachts).
I laughed about Gustavia: a miniature island himself, like everything here.

Gustavia - Capital of Saint-Bart

The first thing that rushes into the eye is: the abundance of shops and boutiques of expensive marks. Electric vehicles and buggy, mini convertible and well-looking people.
Very little black.
Most of the inhabitants: Americans, Europeans and speak Russian.
After the Roman Abramovich built a orphanage here on a plot in a few hectares in the area of \u200b\u200bGutener (about him below) and renovated the football stadium, the small oligarchs of all the masters were revealed.
It is said that in a percentage of the American and Russian Land Lords make up the ratio of 80 to 20. We are in place.

We go a little lost, for there is no information about this island other than idiotic essays of tourism and some ladies in search of glamor.
We go on the road along Marina where there are beautiful and expensive yachts and stumble upon Rent Car.

Car rental on Saint-Bart

It is not difficult to find it:
Coming out from the ferry and turning right to go along the street Rue De La Republique and then on Rue de General de Gaulle.
Past good shops with expensive clock, costumes, jewelry ...
After crossing your Ryu de Lafayette, you will see standing quad bikes and buggies.

The RENT CAR sign is not noticeable, but the office does not miss.
What can be rented: ATV or on our quad bike. I see even bugs, as I have in the country in the garage, only blue. You can take a scooter. And you can car. Since it rains rain, we decide to take the car. The small hunta on the machine for a day costs 48 euros. For rental need driving license and banking plastic card. It is frozen a deposit of 1000 euros, which immediately returns to the account upon delivery of the car. We are on the wheels.
We have a map of the island and the marks that the owner did the office: what to see on Saint-Bart.

Saint-Bart Airport

The first point we have an airport: the upper point with which he is visible as on the palm and can be observed as the aircraft take off and sit down on the first round movement after leaving the city to the north, towards the village of Flamands
We stop and I make several frames: Under us, a green valley with a crossed gray line of the planting strip resting in the yellow spot of the beach, and then ... then the seac of the sea merging with the blue sky in that distant point called the horizon ...
Very nice.
I recommend to visit.

Hotel on Saint-Bart

Further go down, past a tiny airport, the road turns to the right and on the right there will be a parking lot, where you can put the car and then walk along the fence that protects the territory of the take-off band. But we drive further and park parking the hotel - restaurant Eden Rock
Well, just a very beautiful restaurant and hotel.
While I dig up, opening the door of the car with things that you need to take with you to the beach, the guy is suitable:

  • Do you come to eat?
  • No, just see
  • Then please do not close the car and leave the keys in the ignition lock

We leave on the track made of deck flooring on the beach: Beauty. White sand, small sea of \u200b\u200bazurea color and section of villas leaving facing the sea. The sections are not limited to anything, just a rattan chairs of different colors.
People are resting.
Immediately striking: well-groomed, tightened, not an old gomochemia.

We pass along the beach towards the runway of the airfield. It is limited symbolically: bugs on the water, so that the kakers do not make their snakes on the airplane screw and the sign on the shore.
After the take-off strip section on the beach, his wild part begins, where you can lie on the towel.

The place is good and beautiful: opposite two islands. Sea clean but northern part On this day was windy, so there was a little herb on the shore. Small waves. I recommend to visit.
Airplanes fly screw.

Take off somewhere 300 meters from the beach. This is not at St. Martine, but here there is also some kind of buzz: there is no of the number of tourists running with cameras behind each plane, everything is smoothly and lazy. As in the village.
I ran with the camera only one.

Beaches on Saint-Bart

Did not noted that the first beach is called Baie De St Jean. The beach is good.
Long, but some cozy homely.

With difficulty you understand that this is the center of the island - airport, a football field, which was renovated Abramovich (his house nearby) ...
By the way, the second point of our stay on the island of Saint Bart is just that the most football field: a Frenchman who passed the car to roluit in Gustavia talked about the novel Abramovich.
The end suggested to come to visit him and knock himself into a gate ...
The house we did not find, and the football field here it is:

Once again, the Edem Rock Hotel Edem Rock is very beautiful. The staff is thrown.
Not many hotels on the island of Saint Bart. Basically here cottages, villas and rental real estate in the long-term lease.
Real estate is beautiful and adapted to the mountainous relief. I did not leave the feeling during the ride on the island that I am in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Como in Italy - very similar to the style of roads and the relief, as well as estates

Going further east on the roads of the island.
Good quality roads. Movement energetic, like people inhabiting this island. They did not meet Negril on the wrecks, like on Saint Martin, koi love to get up in the middle of the road and scream out of the window with the koreas. Not public transport and minibuses. All go smoothly and quickly. Small sedans, Cabrio Mini, small jeeps, ATV and Buggy.

The quality of the road is excellent, very pleased with the lack of lying police - an amusant invention, which is excess to the next Saint Martin.

Next beach beach Anse de Grand Cul de Sac I did not like. Although it was recommended by the Frenchman. It is possible that the wine was surf because today the north wind blew and a lot of herbs nailed to the shore, so that the water acquired a brown shade.

But the restaurant on the shore was not bad, as well as Tartar from Maha Mach. Strange, I thought it was Taitian Fenka, or export from other French territories or in the Caribbean Sea she was found, but the fish was not ice cream. Svezhak.

Top of my favorite beaches begins. After a trip to the Saint-Bart Beach on Sanblas (Panama) Mert. But first we come to an incomprehensible place at first sight named Anse de Grande Saline. Saline - so in french Provence Call limans. In this place there are a pair of salted lakes. Next to the parking lot. I do not understand humor and I want to turn around and leave.

The path and pointer to be afraid. We go along the path, we climb up the stones and thoughts in the rumor: what if there is a gomocheer and naked as on the Sen Martin?
What to do, let's go back ...

Showing a piece of pictures with turquoise sea. People. There are people on the beach.

  • Look, there are naked?
  • Hooray! On the beach ordinary vacationers-sunburning

The beach is good.
He's wild: everyone brings then what is much: umbrellas, seats ...
But the bulk is lying on towels. The beach is wide and enough space to enjoy the sea and the sun

Sand clean. Water ... the water is so ... some kind of special. She envelops your body. She caresses. She is soft so that it is just nice to lie. Water is purest and turquoise. Rare and solid waves.

I call the waves solid when they do not make and do not beat you in Harus when you float the brass from the coast. They allow you to climb on yourself and sliding down. They are baking and swing so that you can just fall asleep in their arms

It reminds me of Early in Thailand, until I wrote about him and this information was not published in Lonely Planet and after that the mass invasion of the Chinese and, accordingly, the entire Hippace-Dicar charm was disappeared ...
Highly a good place. I essentially recommended for visiting.
Beach number 2 in my rating

Next along the clockwise arrow in the direction of traveling on the island of Saint-Bart, beach Gouverneur.
This is some kind of special beach. Small, homely, from all sides surrounded by mountains. On the slopes of the mountains about 10 villas, including the estate of Abramovich, and that's it.

Water is so clean that I can safely compare with water in the pool. Sunset is pleasant, immediately deeply. The bottom can be seen with the naked eye: so clear water that swimming you see fish below, meters at 7 below. There are almost no waves.

The people are resting on towels or brought with deck chairs. Very calmly and quiet. There are no squeezing kids with milf, no taking pictures. Very similar to earlier to the lip, again. The people read, sunbathing, bathes

Pure beach. Perhaps I am in this appeal at the entrance to the beaches of the southern part of the Island of Saint-Bart do not shipe at home. On the table below the appeal hangs empty jars from under the soda. They are used as ashtrays on the beach, and when they go - hang in place. For the first time I see it and I really like it. People here understand that they have been resting here for one year, as well as their children and grandchildren, so everything is in order with the cleanliness

The result of seven hours spent on Saint-Bart: During this time, it is really to investigate the island and find our places on this beautiful and calm area of \u200b\u200bsushi, it seems to be no specially outstanding: bushes and cacti on the slopes of the mountains.
To do this, you will need a means of movement because it is not enough to have anything on foot, although it is possible a taxi, but I used to steer yourself:

Rent is at the end of Marina, on the second street from her. Near the car disassembly, you will not be mistaken. The island is small, everything is close and very compact. The trip was spent 5 liters of gasoline that was counted for 1 euro. Total cost of the trip came out 53 euros. I consider the normal fee for the pleasure of researcher of new lands and beaches.

I begin to think about what is not such a bad option for independent travelers to explore new lands.

# TourynaSentbarteleviem# New Yearstores # RestsAnterBarethemie # Tours # Wedding Tours # Sentbatemi # Cariza # Santur #Suntour

And probably, the most glamorous on our planet at all. On the island is the only city (which and the city is difficult to call). On all other space, the island will bring only comfortable hotels and fashionable villas. And of course the boutiques leading world brands. It is no coincidence that Saint Bart is called " paradise For millionaires, "although it would be more accurate to call it a" children's playground for millionaires. " Here is all the same. The richest and most famous vacationers. And their favorite toys: the most expensive villas, the most gorgeous yachts and the most beautiful women. In restaurants the most delicious food, and St. Bart's beaches, of course, the most white and the most sandy.

Get here not so simple. Usually fly from the neighboring Saint Martin a quarter of an hour with a small airplane providing beautiful, fascinating views during the flight to the porthole, or directly from the pilot's cabin! Alternatively, from the same Saint Marthen, a 45-minute walk on the boat. Well, or, like some, on your own yacht. Despite the fact that the island was opened by Columbus already in 1493 (and named the Great Seaflorer in honor of his brother Bartalomeo), because of his small size, he remained unclaimed. Neither the Spaniards nor the pirates attended him. The shorter and easier the story is the happier people. This expression is entirely able to forward to St. Bart. Amazing story for the Caribbean. Neither plantations of coffee or sugar cane, nor the import of black slaves from Africa, nor large collisions of colonial powers. There is also a unique fragment for the region - the basing of the Swedish West Indian campaign here.

Calm, luxury, serenity ... These words are only a small tolik of those praise that come to mind who conceived to appreciate Saint-Bartelemi. All the surrounding is the embodiment of perfection or at least approaching perfection as far as possible.

Thus, in fact, in fact a neutral territory, the island served all the other players on the Caribbean map, as a place of replenishment of stocks and conducting trade, due to which his prosperity began. At the present story of Saint-Bart, it can be said, started only in the middle of the last century. He was first appreciated by David Rockefeller, David Rockefeller, who rebuilt the villa on an infavailable north-west coast, a little higher than the beach by Kolomba, who since then began to call Rockefeller. Further, as if to keep up with Rockefeller, on the opposite side of the island, in the bay of La Gutener, the real estate Edmon de Rothschild appeared. Soon the ownership of Fords appeared, and then pulled up all the others.

Of our compatriots, the first on the island settled, who arrived from all of the same France, the famous balletmaster and the "non-return" Rudolph Nuriev. Despite the fact that the outstanding choreographer died, and the hosts of the house had long changed, his dwelling was also known on Saint-Bart, as "La Maison de Noureev". The island is also unique in the fact that he would seek not there on the world map. By the atmosphere and your mood, Saint-Bart reminiscent most French RivieraAs somehow took someone and cutting her piece, threw it ten thousand kilometers, to another edge of the ocean.

Saint-Bart is a French territory, or rather the overseas community of France. Unlike other Antille Islands, the entire population here is the descendants of the Europeans, which for the region can be considered an ethnographic courier. The population of the island is constantly increasing, no one emigrates in the direction of the United States in search best LifeAs in many countries around. On the contrary, in the past few decades, the population of Saint-Bart has grown twice. Basically, it is added - world celebrities, members of their families and just rich people are usually from continental France. The level of literacy and welfare respectively - both in Europe, and, perhaps, even higher. After all, it will not be possible to meet at least one low-income! Well, and even a compete with a French cooking sauce that fell under the gracious Caribbean sauce, it will certainly be difficult for any other kitchen of the world! On a very small (21 square kilometer) island, about seven dozens of the most sophisticated restaurants are found. Each of them will be a real discovery for gourmets, possessing its own dishes from the freshest products and some kind of gastronomic customs. Well, of course, the stellar composition of regular visitors. There are no special architectural and historical attractions.

The only city and the capital of Gustavia (whose name refers just to the era of the Swedish presence) can be circumvented in half an hour, with all its churches and historical dilapidated forts. This is if you, of course, do not delay in some of the numerous boutiques. But the main attraction of the capital will be her beach Shell Beach. As can be seen from the name - this is the only island's unpretentious beach, which is entirely consisting of the smallest white seashells, let outwardly from white sand and not distinguishable. The souvenir here is not at all necessary to buy, you can, for example, weigh yourself the beads directly from the foot. However, it is white beaches and their guests that are the main attraction not only Gustavia, but also the whole islands. Actively develops, like everywhere in the Caribbean, diving, snorkeling, surfing and fishing. And of course, massage, water and spa treatments for those who came to just relax.

Saint-Bart, no doubt, is considered the most prestigious and expensive place Recreation in the Caribbean. From glamorous magazines and similar news, almost everyone knows about the island, but really to visit there a very few wishing. For a long time, due to the high cost and popularity of the strengths of this, reserve a room in Saint-Bartov hotel was not a simple task. Especially on the eve of Christmas and New Year holidays. All hotels had their regular customers. Basically, coming trying to take themselves with a villa, but they are surrendered to those no less than 6-7 days, and on holidays are not less than 10.

What every time somehow deal with the reservation, it's easier to buy this villa! This is exactly what our compatriot Roman Abramovich, who acquired villa in the same area, where Rothschilds - next to the Bay of La Gutener. For the Roman Arkadyevich, here it stretches for the New Year holidays of his friends, as well as numerous representatives of the domestic and global show business. Our oligarch has committed a significant contribution to the tourist attraction of the island! Recently, the situation has become simpler, the number of hotels and numbers increased in them, and for many it became possible to carry out their dream - to get on the fabulous glamor Island Saint-Bartelemi!

How to choose a tour on Saint-Bartelemi

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