Recipes of elixirs of immortality. Elixir immortality who sells eternal youth elixir

"... this unusual story that happened today in Syria, I accidentally found out from Alexandra Loginova, the fifth year of the fifoxy Nasty Mount of Athos in the Greek Monastery. At this monastery, the Orthodox Medic, Greek by nationality, the pathologist, who is one Time worked in the medical commission created in the UN. He met with the elders of the monastery. According to this medic, the commission was engaged in a study of a unique case - in the literal sense of the resurrection of a person from the dead. Initially, the victims of the victim conducted local doctors in Damascus, and then joined the case and US military doctors. The American side eventually concluded that the result was the consequence of the "UFO intervention", and secked this information. "And our crossed and said:" And thank God! " - Alexander told ...
The story is. The one who, actually, is talking about, - Some S.D., - was a rich Arab sheikh from Saudi Arabia. And his spouse was a faithful Muslim from a wealthy noble kind. This Arabian family could be called happy if ... they had children. Years went and, despite all the efforts and significant medical expenses and treatment with all sorts of luminaries, they remained childless. Men's parents advised him to marry another woman, since the local law allows you to make up to four marriages at the same time.

The tired, concerned and lost hope, a man did not accept the Council of his parents, and went on vacation with his wife to Syria. Arriving there, they took the car along with the driver to accompany them as a guide in Syria. During the journey, the driver noticed that Saudi couple was saddened and concerned. And, since they managed to get closer, he asked why they were unhappy, maybe because they are not happy, how does he spend excursions?

And the couple told about her misfortune. Being also a Muslim, the driver said that they have Christians in Syria - and it is from Christians of Orthodox - there is a Panaghia Saidnaya monastery (the name consists of a Greek word meaning "Miss-" and one Arabic - "Our Mistress"), and that many people who can not have children go to the life-giving icon of this monastery. In the monastery they are given to taste oils from the lamp, burning in front of the life-giving icon of Our Lady, and "Maria" Christian gives them what they wish, "according to their faith.

Inspired by what they found out, spouses from Saudi Arabia asked the driver to bring them to the monastery "Saidnaya" - "Mrs. Christians", promising that if they had a child, they will give him $ 20,000, the monastery will donate 80,000. dollars.

Having traveled to the monastery, they did exactly as they said. Then returned home, and after some time a woman got pregnant, and after the last period gave birth to a wonderful boy. It was the true miracle of our Most Holy Virgin.

After his wife gave birth, a man from Saudi Arabia returned to Syria to fulfill the promise. He called the driver and asked to pick it up from the airport in Damascus. But the driver, being a cunning and evil, has taken the two friends to go along with him to the airport to steal a rich man from Saudi Arabia, take away his money and kill him. On the way, the man promised to each of the driver's friends of 10,000 US dollars.

It seemed to them a little, they turned off the road leading to the monastery, to the desert place, where he killed him, cut off her head and the whole body (arms and legs) were chosen on the part. With a clouded reason from the deed, they put the remains of a man in the trunk of the car, instead of leave them there. After he took the money, the clock and everything he had, went to seek another deserted place so that you could leave the remains.

At one of the national auto accounts, the car suddenly stalled, and they stopped in the middle of the road. All three came out to see what happened to the engine. Some passersogue stopped to help them, but they abandoned help, afraid that their terrible crime was revealed. The motorcyclist managed to notice that blood dries from the trunk of the car, and caused the police, because the whole scene and those three seemed suspicious to him. The policemen came and, seeing blood under the car and on the asphalt, ordered to open the trunk.

And when they opened it, Saudi man suddenly got on his feet - alive and disadvantaged, saying: "Right now, this Panaghia finished sewing the neck, right here (and showed it an apple's Adam's zone), after he sewed the rest of the body." Having seen this, three criminals immediately lost the reason - literally went crazy. Police put on them handcuffs, and on the way to a psychiatric hospital, they did not stop shouting: there can be no such thing to be that the man who they killed is a decapitation and cutting it into pieces, "survivors.

The man was a survey in the hospital, and the doctors confirmed that the seams were really imposed recently. The seams were really, and they can be seen now. When a man got out of the trunk of the car, being literally blinded again, he did not stop repeating that Panaghia restored his body and revived with his son.

Immediately after that, the man caused his relatives to Syria, and together they went to the Monastery of Panaghiei Saidnaya, ascending praises, glory and prayers, and instead of the initially promised amount of 80,000 US dollars sacrificed to the Virgin Moral Monastery 800.000 US dollars. Upon learning of what happened, shocked relatives and close to this person turned from Muslim in the Orthodox faith.
... In addition to the story of the Medica already mentioned by us, visited the Monastery of the Philofey, the news about the Mother of God's Mother in Syria recently sent the old man in Schirchimandrite Efrem from the Greek Monastery of St. Anthony of the Great in Arizona (USA), the student and the apartments of the elder Joseph Isihastan, Former before the igumen of the monastery of the Philofey. Schirchimandriter Ephraim, organized and bumping 21 orthodox monastery in North AmericaHe writes that for the first time he learned about this from Ignatia, the governor of the Orthodox Greek Monastery in Bethlehem.
At the same time, from official (Christian or Islamic) sources of documentary evidence of the authenticity of the Syrian miracle. In messages left in the Arab Internet forums, a link to the transfer passed on the first Syrian TV channel is given.
And further. The famous Serbian theologian, Lord of Athanasius (Evtich), was told about this wonderful case, when he spoke in front of the Sretensky Monastery and at the Church and ESKhatology conference in Moscow. The Lord of Athanasius was in Syria and heard this story from the bishop.
... add only that in the Synia Women's Monastery under Damascus the ancient miraculous image of the Blessed Virgin Mary was really kept, written by the Apostle Evangelist Luka in the first century AD. And the most different people in their prayers get healing from him - it is also documented. "

01.04.2016. 13:05

Indian elixir immortality. In the morning, put in a saucepan of enameled chopped cloves of 2 heads of garlic small. Fill 1 l. Milk, bring to a boil and boil on medium heat for 5-7 minutes, then remove from the fire, insist the hour in a warm place, then divide into 4 portions and eat during the day. Take 5 days to repeat every 3 months. (Garlic sharpness is removed by milk). In India, such a recipe is called the elixir of immortality.

Chinese tincture "Long Life"
Push the chopped garlic to the neck into the half-liter bottle, fill with two glasses of vodka and put in a dark cool place for 15 days. Add 1 ppm daily for dinner. Tincture in food.

Slavic drink "Hello"
Rosehip and rowan fruits in proportion 1: 1 Grind in a coffee grinder. Brewing a mixture of 1 tsp. On a glass of boiling water, insist 10 minutes in warm and drinking like tea 2 times a day.

Swedish rejuvenating drink "Viking"
Mix on a teaspoon of dry rose hips, nettle grass and disposal, pour a glass of boiling water and insist for 3 hours. Drink in the morning instead of tea.

Italian drink of cheerfulness and longevity.

2 st .ll mint pour 1 liter of boiling water to insist 5 minutes, strain. Add 1/2 lemon juice and 1 tbsp. Honey. Take on the night of 1 cup from February to April and from October to December.

Polish youth cocktails.

»Panie Valevskaya"
Mix 1 tbsp. Dry leaves of black currant, souls, 3 tbsp. Lovely blackberries and bounds. 1 tbsp. Mixtures pour 2 glasses of boiling water, insist in a thermos 20 minutes, strain and drink 1/2 cup after meals ..
2nd cocktail.
Mix at 2 tsp. Leaf of blueberries, herbs turn, hunter, leaves Kolyovnikov, 3 ppm Rosehip fruits, 1 pp. Raw 1 sec. Mixes on a glass of boiling water and drinking like tea.

Recipe for longevity.
The root of licorice or the infusion of licorice.
Powder pour a glass of boiling water, insist 2 hours, drinking 3-5 times to meat out the tablespoon. Excellent means when decaying forces and apathy. When herpes on lips, purulent pimples: Moisten a piece of paper napkin in the lotion and for 3-4 minutes impose on a painful area.
Make a stamp 4-5 times a day until the inflammation goes. Store lotion in the refrigerator.

Elixirs Bodright

When the body is exhausted, it is useful to apply the recommended folk
Medicine Stripping Recipes:

1. 500 g of chopped walnuts mix with 300 g of honey, 100 g of aloe juice, 50 g of powder from the roots of Pasternak sowing. Store in a dark place. Take 1 tbsp. A spoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

2. The washed berries of the black currant is broken and pour honey in a 1: 1 ratio, stir well. Store in a dark cooler place. Take 1 tbsp. A spoonful day 3 minutes before meals, drinking the rope from the root of the Rose radiol.

Eastern Elixir youth.

100 ml. Lemon juice.
200 g honey.
50 ml. olive oil.

Mix all the components and take an empty stomach one teaspoon.

In addition to using this tool, you will be young in your eyes (the complexion of the face will improve, the skin will be blissing, the skin will be disclosed), you get rid of constipation (if you suffer) and never know what sclerosis is.

Elixir youth-1
This tool is perfectly healing from shortness of breath, rejuvenates, cleanses blood. It is especially useful to use full, uncooled people.

400g garlic crowded, squeeze juice from 4 lemons, pour into a can with a wide throat. Juice and grinding garlic mix, close the can with a light linen cloth and put 24 days in a dark place. When taking shabby. Take once a day before bedtime 1 tsp. Mixtures on a half-table of water. After 10-12 days you will feel the lack of fatigue, a strong dream will be installed.

Elixir youth-2
The proposed elixir of youth will help in cleansing vessels, and also will get rid of shortness of breath. For its preparation, you will need 1 liter of May Honey, the juice 10 of the lemons and 10 garlic heads. All components are well confused, and leave for a week in a closed jar. Take 1 tsp. In the morning an empty stomach, not missing a single day. Medications should be enough for 2 months.
Elixir 3.
The effect is amazing: the vision is noticeably improved, it becomes smooth skin, the gray disappears, the hair becomes thicker and grow dark. And the means is such.
- 200 g of linen oil (sold in a pharmacy),
- 4 lemon,
- 3 small garlic heads,
- 1 kg of honey.
Purchased garlic cloves in the meat grinder, 2 purified lemon, 2 lemon in the peel. All declared products mix, shiver in a glass jar with a lid and store in the refrigerator.
Take one tablespoon (wooden) half an hour before meals. It is desirable 3 times a day, but you can and 1 time (it is better than in any way).

Elixirs of immortality, live water, recipes for eternal youth - this is a favorite theme of myths, legends, historical and archaeological investigations, scientific papers. We decided to figure out the topic and find out what ultimately managed to make humanity towards immortality.

Where and how did I find immortality?

Expedition Xu Fu in search of Elixir immortality

The elixir of youth and immortality is mentioned in the legends and legends of many peoples of the world as the food of the gods. Gods Ancient Greece They knocked the ambrosia, the gods of ancient India - Amrita, the Iranian gods - Homa, the gods of ancient Egypt drank water immortality. The search for immortality is devoted to one of the tears of "Epos on Gilgamesh" - the oldest work of the literature of the Ancient East, created almost 5000 years ago. Alchemists of different countries tried to recreate the recipes described in the ancient books of miraculous drinks on the order of the rulers.

Particularly obsessed with the search for immortality recipes were Chinese emperors. So, the emperor of China Qin Shi Huandhi pathologically was afraid to die and desperately wanted to find the elixir of immortality, which, according to Chinese mythology, will provide eternal life on three sacred Mountains In the middle of the sea. During his reign, he equipped two expeditions for the magic drink: in 219 and 210 to n. e. For the first time, he sent people towards the Sacred Mountains, where, according to legend, were immortal. Izvestia about the hike did not follow. Therefore, Qin organized the second expedition, which included four magicians, including the court despirator at the court of Xu Fu. Upon return, Fu told the emperor about unsuccessful searches and gigantic fish, which prevented achieving the magical island of Penglay. He also showed the magic text in which the fall of the Qin dynasty was reported due to the invasion of the barbarians. It is described that the fleet Xu Fu consisted of 60 ships with a team of 5,000 sailors, there were 3,000 girls and boys and artisans with different skills on the ships. For the third time, Xu Fu took on a trip more and archers to destroy fish, and never returned back: researchers suggest that he is donkey in Japan, adopting a Japanese Mountain Fuji for the mythical mountain. Soon, the 39-year-old emperor took the pills of the elixir of the immortality, custom, and died, because they were kept mercury. He was buried in the well-built huge mausoleum: 700,000 workers and artisans were erected, the perimeter of the external burial wall was equal to 6 km.

Such searches were engaged in the subsequent emperor U-di: he paid the magicians and costers, and those who were crossed in charcolation, executed. From the elixir of immortality died and another Chinese emperor - Xuan-Zong, ruled in the XIX century. It is known that the elixir was prepared by Taoist monks in a special way - boiled during the year. The 49-year-old emperor saw a drink for a month and, ironically, was not rejected, but died.

What made elixirs from?

Founded jugs with VCG elixir

Find out the recipe for Chinese live water - the task is subject to scientist. In early March of this year, Chinese archaeologists discovered 3.5 liters of the oldest elixir of immortality. The Nakhodka was made in the province of Henan in the city of Luoyang during the excavations of the tomb of 210 m², dated Empire, Western Han (202 BC. E. - 8 years old). Archaeologists removed the ancient jug and at the opening noted the smell of alcohol. The results of the laboratory fluid analysis showed that the content is a mixture of potassium and alunite nitrate (aluminum). According to scientists, it corresponds to the recipe for the elixir of immortality, which is known from the dailast texts.

"This is the first case when the mythical medicines of immortality were found in China," said Shi Jezhen, head of the institute of cultural relics and archeology in Luoyang.

In other ancient civilizations, recipes differed from Chinese. For example, ambrosia - ancient Greek divine drink - people replaced with olive oil and fat. Another elixir of immortality in antiquity was Lammer-Vine - a concentrate of an unknown composition in which amber dissolved.

European alchemists believed that the eternal substance should be present in the composition - for example, gold. One of the recipes for the elixir of immortality belongs to the Pope's personal doctor Boniface XIII: He offered to mix in crushed gold, pearls, sapphires, emeralds, topaz, white and red corals, elephant bone, sandalwood, deer heart, aloe root, musk and ambru.

The most common elements of elixirs - gold, jade, mercury, arsenic, as well as many other substances with toxic properties. It is not surprising that the use of such liquids often led to poisoning and death.

Extending life in scientific

Japanese Ashitaba plant

Nowadays, the searches of the elixir of immortality continue: gerontologists are looking for ways to extend the youth and human life, research and experiments are being conducted. So, in the United States near San Francisco opened the center "Ambrozia", \u200b\u200bwhere the elderly patients overflow the blood of young donors. In the first stage of a large-scale study, about 600 people were treated, who agreed to pay $ 8,000 for the possibility of rejuvenated: for two days they are transferred to plasma from donors under 25 years. In total, the subjects receive about 1.5 liters of young plasma.

The very idea of \u200b\u200bblood transfusion for rejuvenation is not Nova - she was still expressed by Robert Boyle in the XVII century, and only now came to the implementation. At first, the test passed on mice. In 2012, Dr. Robin Franklin from the University of Cambridge proved that the blood of young mice is good for the elderly: they have improved memory, learning ability and other indicators. Conversely, the transfusion of the old blood young individuals worsen the state of the latter.

An experiment at the elderly Americans holds 32-year-old Dr. Jesse Carmazin, and he already reports positive results for patients: the level of proteins responsible for the development of cancer and Alzheimer's disease, fell by 20%, improved sleep, mood, cognitive abilities, muscular tone and even appearance. In fairness it is worth noting that the Scientific Community of Kosos looks at these experiments and advises all volunteers to refuse to conduct experiments.

Another modern elixir of youth opened Australian scientists: they gave animals to the Japanese Ashitaba plant and noticed that with regular use, the life of individuals increased by 20%. According to researchers, the aging of the body comes from an oversupply of food, which leads to the accumulation of various mutations in the cells of the body. Ashitaba produces a substance that causes the cells of the body to recycle "Biological garbage". It is this feature of the plant prolongs the body youth and, as a result, life.

The recipe for longevity from Australian scientists looks like this: moderate starvation (disadvantage of food activates and speeds up the process of destruction of incorrectly rolled proteins and damaged mitochondria), balanced power in combination with a slight use of agitabust extract and moderate physically loads - in motion the body is getting rid of heavy metals and other toxic formations.

At all times, people dreamed of becoming immortal. How many hunters for life without death were looking for the formula of the cherished elixir on the loss pages of the oldest folios. The endless race for eternal life was becoming a curse and intrusive idea of \u200b\u200bmany seekers, pushed them into monstrous crimes.

It is believed that the elixir of immortality is a fabulous magic agent that can rejuvenate the human body and make a human life endless.

The elixir of immortality is often mentioned in the myths, legends and legends of many peoples as "food" of the gods. For example, the gods of ancient India knocked Amrita, ancient Greece - Ambrosia, ancient Egypt - the water of immortality, the Iranian deities - Homa.

The desire to acquire an immortal life was the most desirable and seductive goal. But no one can say with confidence that anyone managed to find an immortal life - this is still a mystery.

Each person is confident that his life released is very short. How many tools to find an infinite life was! And every time they gave hope to extend the life! It is possible that some people still managed to some people ....

In the ancient Indian epic, "Mahabharata" speaks of the juice of a kind of plant extending human life up to 10 thousand years. But where to find this wonderful plant is not said. But the ancient Greek sources are narrated about the fruit of the "tree of life", capable of returning youth to man. In Russian epics, it is often possible to meet a mention of "living water", the source of which is located on the island of Buyan.

At the time of the discoveries of Christopher Columbus, many believed that the lands were found on which there are sources of eternal life. So, the companion of Columbus This is what Pope Lerl X: "To the north of Espanyola between other islands there is one island at a distance of three hundred twenty miles from her, as they say those who found it, on the island beats an inexhaustible key of running water such a wonderful property that The old man who will drink it, observing the certain diet, after a while will turn into a young man. I beg your holiness, do not think that I say it out of frivolry or Naobum: This rumor was really established at the court as a certain truth, and not only a simple people, but many of those that stand above the crowd in their mind or wealth, too Believe him. "

Many seekers spent their life in search of the island with a mysterious source. As a result, many unknown land were discovered, but no one found the source of immortality.

But the recipes of Elixir immortality are known many. For example, a Tibetan recipe: put into a glass jar of stones - rhinestone, smoky and pink quartz, amethyst, carnelian, kaholong and pour water, then put it for 10 hours in the sun. As a result of the effects of sunlight on this solution, a rejuvenating drink is obtained, significantly increasing the vital tone. This drink is taken inside, wash it, make compresses with cuts, bruises and burns.

Or here is another fairly simple recipe for the preparation of the rejuvenating infusion - it is known to many as a means found by Tibetan monks. From the herbs of daisies, immortals and birch kidney in equal amounts are prepared by infusion and take on a half package with honey. The course lasts 45 days, but it can be repeated only in five years.

The recipe for the elixir of youth, which is described in the ancient Indian legends, is also quite simple. The crushed two heads of garlic need to be welded in 1 liter of milk, and then insisted at least 1 hour. You need to drink this infusion on 1 tablespoon three times a day. This giving fluid contributes to the purification of vessels and contributes to improving immunity.

Many researchers argue that in their time Cleopatra allegedly drank the drink, giving immortality. However, since after a while she committed suicide, it is impossible to judge the success of experience.

There is also an interesting case that occurred with the Chinese emperor Xuan-Jun (VIII century). The court zone alchemist prepared a beverage of immortality for his ruler. The drug was preparing for a year. But in a month, after the reception "Beverage of immortality", the emperor died.

They say that a 75-year-old woman lived in the small provincial Japanese town of Fukuoka named Sayengon. Perhaps her fate would have formed, as with millions of women of its age, if not a mistake of medical staff. She received an excess dose of the hormonal drug. The result stunned everyone - she, like a child, anew teeth rose, the sidin and wrinkles disappeared. The rejected Japanese was not only married, but also gave birth to a child. After that, many older people rushed to take hormonal drugs, but none of them did not achieve the desired result.

To date, many theories explaining aging, but none of them is a universal means and the basis for combating this phenomenon.

According to the Bible, initially, the human life was eternal. However, the fall of Eve and Adam led to punishment, which was deprived of the gift of immortality. However, there is no rules without exception - it is known that the Lord presented to one of the ancestors of Nov. Mafusailel the opportunity to live to 969 years old. Since then, there has become a winged expression "Mafusail Age".

The legendary Hippocrates believed that a decaring man could include a rejuvenation process thanks to sexual contacts with young girls. It was this method that the famous king David enjoyed, thereby pulling the time of his squabble.

It should be noted that today the life and immortality of Count Caliostro is quite a lot - some consider it a charlatan and a rift, others - a person who has been known for the secret of the philosophical stone.

It should be noted that interest in the philosophical stone arose in the middle of the 10th century and lasts to the present day. The philosophical stone - the mythical substance is considered to be the beginning of all began. He can give his owner immortality, knowledge and eternal youth. But not only these properties attracted the alchemists of the whole world. The main reason for the search for this mythical substance was that the philosophical stone was able to pay any metal into gold.

Modern science does not deny the possibility of turning one chemical element in another. In addition, I must say that today there are many legends on the transformation of metals in gold. For example, they say that Ramunda Lulley on the order of the English king Eduard II paid about 60 thousand pounds of gold from tin, mercury and lead. And this gold was the highest sample. Minced coins made from this gold, still stored in English museums.

Or after the death of Emperor Rudolph II (1552-1612) remained in the treasury a large number of Gold and silver in the ingots (approximately 8 and 6 tons, respectively). No one could understand where he could take such a number of precious metal, and most importantly, it was such a high sample that did not contain impurities at all. And this fact was most struck by the researchers, since at that time it was impossible to technically obtain a precious metal of this quality.

But let's go back to the legends of immortality. They say the legendary Genghis Khan, feeling that his strength declines and the old age, gathered sorcerers from all his lands, sanguars, wise men and drugs, who argued that they knew the secret of the elixir of youth and immortality. He ordered everyone to prepare the elixir. The test was simple - after the meaning was drunk his potion, he cut off his head. If a severed head has not grown, attached to the body, the test passed the following zochar. This "fun" of Genghis Khan would continue long enough if one stray sage did not tell him: "Great Khan, I lived on this light for many years and has long lost your bill for my days. I read a lot of wise ancient books, and I know a lot of secret secrets. But there is no elixir of immortality, you are doing a useless thing and in vain spend the days let me. The immortality of the barrage body does not exist. Only the deceased man and his spirit are immortal. After releasing the wise old man, the great conqueror ordered to prepare for a new campaign to conquer the whole world. According to the legend, the death found Genghis Khan during a hike to the tangut state in 1227.

In India, you will tell you about Raja Tapasviji, who lived 186 years old (1770-1956) and this is evident documented. At 50, he retired in Himalayas and became a hermit. Considering spiritual practices and yoga, he reached perfection in managing his body (state of samadhi). Tapasviji spoke about his meeting with an old-hermit, who spoke only in the language of ancient India - Sanskrit and claimed that he lives about 5 thousand years. This old man told Tapasviji about the elixir of immortality. Drink must be taken more than once every 10 years. After the death of Tapasviji, his dwelling was carefully investigated for the search for Elixir immortality, but the search was unsuccessful.

Scientists believe that some multicellular organisms that exist on Earth are potentially immortal or capable of existing for a long time if this existence will not be interrupted by some accident. Such organisms include freshwater hydrais, marine acts, some types of fish and reptiles. It is possible that this quality contributes to the low energy level of the exchange of these organisms, so they are significantly slowing the speed of aging.

At the same time, it gives hope of contemporary scientists that science is able to solve the problem with an increase in the life of a person. In this regard, genetic engineering, stem cell technology, transplantology, hormone therapy and many other industries are actively developing. Very promising development in the field of cryonobiology and artificial intelligence.

American Physicist R. Feynman said: "If a person had decided to build an eternal engine, he would face a ban in the form of a physical law. In contrast to this situation in biology there is no law that would affirm the mandatory limb of the life of each individual. "

Immortality for a long time there was a "intrusive idea" of mankind - who only he was looking for him ... mankind wanted to believe that this is possible - that someone has already reached it. Among those of the Emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire of Friedrich Barbarossa, who did not die, and sleeps in the underground hall, so that he always rises to return - and his long beard grows everything, Graph Saint-Germen - the famous Alchemist of the XVIII century, whose servant claimed he works from him " Total »Three hundred years ... Alas, the circumstances of the death of Friedrich are known: in the third crusade, the emperor fell from the horse while crossing the Selif River and choke in the water, and Count Saint-Germain himself said that his father was prince of Transylvania Racuation II, who lived on The turn of the XVII-XVIII, the Count in 1784 died in 1784. Life, of course, is more than 90 years old - but it clearly does not seem to "elixir immortality" ...

Does it exist elixir immortality and youth elixir?

However, one Chinese emperor tried to do without Elixir - took and ordered himself to consider himself to be immortal! And it was not accepted to argue with the emperor, so when he still died due to natural reasons, the subjects were in front of the dilemma: what priority is the sacred will of the emperor or the real state of affairs? All the same, the first one: the body of the emperor was hoisted on the throne, the dignitaries approached him with the reports, listened to the orders (who was always to determine the content of orders - was always) - and so it continued until the exposition of the corpse did not go far enough ...

But this, of course, from a series of historical curiors. And if seriously ... According to the Bible, the man was originally created by the immortal (and has lost this condition as a result of the fall) - and will again become such (those who delete) after the resurrection of the dead The second coming Jesus Christ ... Neither, no other condition, of course, is not available for scientific research (and "by definition" cannot be achieved here and now) - so let's see what we have to date.

First you need to figure out why we are dying at all. As a rule, from diseases (heart attack, stroke, hypertension, etc.). But there are people with "Iron health", Which remain vigorous to old age. They do not suffer in last years Life from pain, it is impossible to do without any assistance, etc., they die without much suffering - but still dying! Yes, and their long life is just a long old age - no 100-year-old long-lived looks 20-year-old young men in his half a century anniversary ... Why is it going on?

The secret is "built-in" in the DNA molecule. Each of its plot encodes the synthesis of one or another protein - and only the end site does not do it ... Why is it needed? In 1971, our compatriot A.Odovnikov suggested, and after 15 years, English researcher G.Kuk proved that this site, named telomer, Codifies the age of the cell: with each division, it is shortened - when the "limit" turns out to be exhausted, the cell dies. True, there are cells in which this does not happen - sex, stem and cancer, in all three works a special enzyme - telomerase, it is also "does not give" to the telomeres to shorten.

In 1997, the United States (University of Colorado) was allocated for the synthesis of telomerase, and in 1998, researchers from Texas University in Dallas (USA) built it in cells, where it usually does not work (skin, vascular epithelium) - immortal These cells, however, did not become, but their lives lengthened one and a half times. Enthusiasts - even from among scientists - they spoke about the tablet of immortality, which will be able to create in the next 50 years (and maybe even 10) ... Hurray!

But do not rush to rejoice. Remember, we said in which cells of telomerase operates under normal conditions - and among them called cancer (that is why cancer is so difficult, and often it is impossible to win). So No one can guarantee that such a "pill of immortality" will not cause cancer. Yes, and with the aging mechanism itself, not everything is so simple: in an adult, the nerve cells do not share - nevertheless, they are aging and dying, therefore, in addition to shorting, the telomer is still some kind of aging and death mechanism ... What? There is no answer - and therefore, it is too early to talk about overcoming it.

But suppose, the "tablet" of immortality will be invented ... Do we get wrong? Well, at least those politicians and "cash bags", which it will be available?

... On the way to Golgotha, Jesus Christ, exhausted under the severity of the cross, stopped relaxed for a minute, leaning against the wall of the house. The owner of this house - Jew named Agasfer - pushed him with a cry: "Go, what you are too much!". "And you will forever go," Savior replied. - And you will not have peace or death. " And still walks on the ground the unfortunate damn Agasfer, waiting for the second coming of the Savior - because only it will save him from the unbearable tinsel of eternal life ...

This legend is far from the only example and in folklore, and in the literature, when immortality acts as a curse and even punishment. Typically, the heroes of such works - starting with Agasfer and ending with Jack Harkness, the hero of the English fantastic series "Torchwood" - they suffer from the fact that all those whom they have time to love (including their own children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc.), die - and they continue to live, over again surviving the pain of new losses. So that immortality brings happiness - this should be immortality universal? What awaits us if such a "recipe" is found (of course, provided that immortal life There will be also I. eternal youth)?

First of all, you will have to refuse once and for all. Of course it will be " paradise"For adherents of the movement of the Childfrey - but they, fortunately, do not make up the majority. In addition, such mankind once will stop in its development once and will forever: the new generation does not come to put forward new ideas ... Do we need such a "stopped" life?

Until now, we talked about the immortality of the physical ... But there is also an idea of immortality of the soul. It always existed - how much does humanity remember. Of course, there were always philosophers who denied it (for example, epicuris) - but in one way or another it is present in all religions - the exception is perhaps Jehovah's Witnesses and the Seventh Day Adventists ... The latter justify their denial of the posthumous existence of the soul very original: in their Brochure I got a selection of quotation from the Bible, where death is compared with sleep, equipped with a note - "In a dream, any activity stops, the time for the sleeping passes unnoticed." Of course, for such conclusions it is necessary to absolutely not to know or psychology or history science and art, where there are a lot of examples when, in a dream, people made discoveries and created masterpieces - and, probably, never to see dreams ... But one way or another - it is precisely exceptions, and so - even in Christian Symbol of faith It is not said "I believe in the immortality of the soul" is so much of course that it does not require "making a separate item."

But faith faith - what about scientific evidence?

There was talking about the evidence when the medicine was in his disposal technology. Many people who survived clinical death told about the same thing: flew along the dark tunnel, saw the light at his end - then the stories vary, but this detail is present almost always - they could not decide all patients in different countries The world to negotiate, in fact! Yes, and in religious doctors, no mention of "at the end of the tunnel" is not so that it can be written off this for self-sucking ... So, is it worth something real?

Obviously, it is worth - but it is unlikely that the afterlife. The fact is that indeed "from that light" nobody returned - to revive the dead medicine does not know how! Clinical death is not death as such: the flow of oxygen and nutrients ceases to the cells - but they still live, therefore, a person in a state of clinical death is a man rather dying than the dead, in some way - still alive, so talk about Illuminant life is still early. Of course, in this state, the work of the brain is broken - so the images may arise anything. Including the perception of signals from the outside world (so, according to scientists, the notorious "light at the end of the tunnel" is nothing more than its own pupil, which is only in such a state and can see).

So, how do we deal with immortality?

Immortal physical is currently not available, in the foreseeable future Not foreseen - and it is unlikely that it is necessary at all.

In the immortality of the soul - as in all centuries - can be trusted or not to believe, its existence is not proven - and it is unlikely that at all proves (in any case, the means of modern science).