The world's largest fountain: name, description. The largest fountains in the world where the largest singing fountain is

The biggest fountain in the world Located in United Arab Emirates. He decorates the exotic city of Dubai. This fountain began to function in 2010. It is a real miracle of hydraulic engineering. He was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records before the end of construction work, the Fountain project was so grande.

What is the difference between Dubai Fountain

The construction is very complex. This is a whole system from fountains of different sizes and artificial lake. Hydrotechnics used the latest technology to achieve multistage and multifunctional filtering. The system of powerful pumps creates a strong pressure in pipes, which ensures an incredible rise of water jets. Installation creates a stunning effect!

The musical fountain in Dubai rises to 310 m, and it is comparable to height Eiffel Tower. At the exit, the water speed is 400 km per hour. In the period from 18 to 23 hours in the city there is a fantastic aquatic extravagania. The striking fountain sings, glows, murmur and overflow.

800 million dirhams or 218 million dollars were spent on the construction of this masterpiece. This includes the cost of building a fountain, reservoir, backlight and cleaning systems. Dubai Fountain was built in a prestigious place, next to the famous Dubai Mall shopping center for the whole world - in the Burj Dubai area.

The beginning of construction of a giant fountain announced Wet Design. At the same time a competition was held beautiful name Fountain. The winners were 15 people who offered the name Dubai Fountain. They divided the prize among themselves - 28 thousand dollars. Grand Construction It is considered the biggest fountain in the world. In addition, it is also the most expensive fountain. His greatness amazes guests and residents of the UAE. It raises in the air over 80 thousand liters of fluid on an area of \u200b\u200babout 300 m.
The picturesque fountain has 6600 multi-colored light bulbs that create backlight in the dark. In the evening, 25 spotlights create different shades are also included.

The amazing show takes place under beautiful musical compositions, which are around 20. Among them there is a stunning song of Sarah Brightman "Time to Say Good Bye". In the process of representing the jet, leaning on the parties, raise, straighten up and fall from a high height into the lake. The backlight simulates rainbow flowers, a yacht running around the waves and other images.

Magic fountain It is capable of forming more than 1000 beautiful shapes with jets. All this happens synchronously with music. Such an unmatched picture attracts a lot of tourists to the fountain who experience pleasant amazement. The spectacle can be observed even at a distance of 300 km from the fountain. There are data according to which the biggest fountain in the world Viden from space. It is the brightest point in East Asia.

Fountain Fahda

The Dubai Fountain's competitor is the Founton of Fahd, equal to him height. His built in Saudi Arabia (City of Jeddah) in the 80s. This fountain was named after King Fahd Ibn Abdel Aziz Al Saud. It works in the afternoon and night, without a break, throwing two powerful jets high into the sky.

The height of the jets reaches 312 m, so the fountain is noticeable from anywhere major city. The base of the structure is a bowl that is made in the form of a smoking room for incense. This bowl is installed in the coastal zone of the sea, so the fountain uses sea water.

Fountain Moon Raduga

Another famous fountain is located in Seoul ( South Korea). He is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records, like the longest bridge fountain on the planet. Its length is 1140 m. The jets beat the lobby, and not up. They form water arches, riding on the sides of the BPPU bridge.

Illumination creates visibility of dancing jets. The length of each water jet is 20 m.

The bridge is equipped with large pumps and multi-colored lanterns, and the water in the system comes from the Hangan River. The colorful shows are constantly passing here. Previously, the BPPP bridge was completely ordinary and unpretentious. But in 2008 the authorities decided to change the situation and turned it into a real miracle.

Today it is the most beautiful and largest fountain-bridge in the world. At night, it overflows with multi-colored lights, creating an incredible sight. With the light of the Moon, the bridge becomes like a fairy tale.

This time we will talk about the next miracle of the world - about the highest Fountain Fountain in Jedda, which in Saudi Arabia.

Where is the Fountain of the King Fahd

He is located in the city of Jeddah - west Side Saudi Arabia. Water with force "knocks out" from the ground and streams rushes to the sky. Looking from afar, I want to say:

And Won Geyser whisked himself! Again throws the jet of water into the air.

You will not find such analogues, even having committed trip around the world. This is the only fountain whose water is continuously thrown into an incredible height - 312 meters. Spirit captures!

How to create the highest fountain in the world King Fahd

The story of creating this miracle is not as simple and primitive. Dzhiddy's authorities wanted to make the main attraction of the Great and Developed City Fountain. And by 1980-1983 he was built. He, of course, was different from now existing, at least because the flow of water has risen towards the sky for only 120 meters. This was not surprised at all and did not impress the people and tourists of Saudi Arabia. I wanted something more powerful and cooler!

Therefore, it was decided to: improve the local attraction. And first of all - "closer" to the sky at least 180 meters.

This unique fountain was created during the reign of King Fahd Ibn Abdel Aziz Al Saud. That is why he is called the Fountain of Fakhda.

Features of the creation of the highest fountain of the King Fakhda

Of course, there would be nothing to talk here without a huge pumping station. At first, the whole design was in sight. It spoiled a bit and the overall impression, but later it was partially flooded. Fountain jumps out of the golden bowl.

At a huge height in the sky, 652 liters per second are thrown into the sky, and the speed is 375 kilometers per hour!

The most interesting thing is that the fountain works without stopping. And if you turn off, then in extremely extreme cases: when planned checking equipment and very strong wind from the south. Its condition is controlled using computer technology.

There are no laser backlights, do not suit light ShowBut this impression does not deteriorate. No wonder they say: "All ingenious is simple!"

Maybe someday he will fall into the Guinness Book of Records, but so far the official "championship" belongs to the fountain in Arizona, which raises water to height 171, 2 meters only 15 minutes a day. By the way, a.

Sometimes they admire the people who embody the idea, at first glance, seemingly impossible. There is such a statement:

Man is great in his plans, but he is unrefected in their implementation

So be great not only in plans, nor and in the implementation. And keep traveling with us and recognize a lot of interesting things about amazing corners globe!

Where is the highest Fountain of King Fakhda on the map

Fountain in the city is not only a way to refresh the citizens in hot summer daysBut also the way of magnificent decoration, the subject of pride and creative flight of thought. Naturally, we are talking about truly unusual, luxurious and impressive water facilities, which, thanks to their scale and the author's idea, managed to glorify not only in their own city or country, but also on the scale of the whole world!

So, today we will talk about the top ten of the most unusual fountains in the world, they are striking not only with their size, but also a complex architectural realization, to cope with which was only the best of the best architects.

The list naturally subjective, because at the expense of art you can argue with hours and still do not come to the general opinion. However, no one will definitely argue that each of the following participants in Top is truly magnificent and unique creatures of humanity.

Beautiful fountains of the world ... On the mandatory list of attractions of any country fountains occupy a special place. After all, it is not just water streams, but unique works of art with their unique "highlight" - color, design, scale, history and architecture.

Our journey will cover different cities And the countries of the world - from Vinnitsa to Rome, then we will move to Asia and even America! From the article you will learn in which countries you can see the best fountains of the world.

Fountain Bellagio (Las Vegas, USA)

The most famous world dancing fountain

Want to see a stunningly beautiful fountain and real miracle of engineering? Go to Las Vegas! It is here, in the area of \u200b\u200bone of the artificial lakes, not far from the 5-star hotel-casino called Bellagio, it is located. The fountain was opened in 1998, and its construction cost the city authorities of 40 million dollars. The design of the fountain is unique - it consists of 1,175 water jets, which reach the height of 80 meters and beat from the bottom of the lake.

In addition, the fountain is equipped with tens of speakers and thousands of light bulbs that create a fantastic show called "Dancing Fountain". Thousands of guests and residents of Las Vegas can observe the husiel beauty show near the fountain daily. In the daytime, the view is repeated through every half hour, and in the evening - every quarter of an hour.

Swarovski Crystal Head Fountain (Innsbruck, Austria)

The most picturesque fountain of the world

And we smoothly move to the city of Innsbruck. It is here that the well-known Austrian artist Andre Heller came up with a fountain in the form of a green man's head. Inside the construction is the Swarovski Museum. Swarovski Crystal Worlds - Park and Museum of Crystals, created in 1995 by the 100th anniversary of Swarovski. From "mouth" of this head flows water, and "eyes" are made of Swarovski glass.

The fountain does not cease to amaze so far. It was attended by a group of leading designers, sculptors and architects. At the same time, the design of the fountain is such that it is at the same time an entrance to the crystal museum. This is a truly miracle of contemporary art!

What is noteworthy, the museum itself is located under Earth. This design allows the fountain to be the only ground construction of the Swarovski complex. After reconstruction, since May 2015, the Swarovski Museum is reopened for visitors.

Fountain Dubai Fountain (Dubai, UAE)

The most expensive and largest fountain of the world

Dubai authorities love to hit the imagination of tourists. This fountain, and more precisely the fountain complex on the artificial lake was opened in 2009.

The musical fountain in Dubai is located next to another landmark - the highest skyscraper of Burj Khalif (163 floors, 828 meters in height). This fountain is one of the biggest and high in the world, because his height of his jets reaches 150 meters, which is equal to the height of the 50-storey house! Fountain highlights 50 color spotlights and 6000 other light sources. Every second, he can raise up to 83,000 liters of water into the air!

Guests are offered 10 musical compositions. You can see a unique show of the "Dancing Fountain" every 20 minutes from 6 to 10 pm on weekdays and from 6 to 11 pm on weekends. Near shopping center Thousands of tourists gather Dubai, because it is from this point that the fountain looks like the most impressive. True pleasure for aesthetes!

Trevi Fountain (Rome, Italy)

The most refined and visited by tourists fountain of the world

Rome has the title of "King Fontanov", but the palm of the championship among all fountains of the city firmly entrenched behind the Fontan Trevi (ITal. Fontana Di Trevi). It is one of the main attractions of the Italian capital, as well as one of the most visited fountains in the world. His impressive composition was created in the period from 1732 to 1762 by the architect Nikola Salvi. The construction of the fountain occupied as many as 30 years: from 1732 to 1762.

There are several versions of the origin of the source name: the most popular - Latin specialists argue that the Italian "Trevi" actually happened to the distortion of the Latin TRIVIUM, that is, "three-way." In addition, a number of belts are associated with a fountain of Trevi. Thus, throwing one coin in him necessarily waiting for a return to Rome. Two - a love meeting. Three - wedding. Four - wealth. Five - separation. The city's treasury of the city is full of € 700,000 every year, due to the fact that tourists throw coins in the fountain!

Agree that this large-scale and spectacular attraction rather resembles a scene from an antique play, made in stone, rather than a source of pure water.

Fountain "Moon Rainbow" (Seoul, South Korea)

The longest fountain on the bridge

Fountain and beautiful bridge - a combination is not quite ordinary. Until 2008, the Seoul Bridge Bridge, connecting the banks of the Khan River, did not differ much from others. But with the advent of the unusual fountain "Moon Raduga", he immediately became one of the main city attractions. The idea to turn the bridge to the fountain came to the authorities of the South Korean capital not by chance (while the bridge did not lose its main function - crossing the Khan River to another).

This was done as part of a large-scale project designed to revive the attractiveness of Seoul in the eyes of tourists. The fountain jets beat on both sides of the BNO bridge, throwing 190 tons of water in one minute. In addition, 10,000 LED lamps paint jets in all the colors of the rainbow. The fountain "Moonward Road" is different and environmental "friendliness": the water fence comes from the river, where it is then returned to the cleaned one.

Fountain in Vinnitsa (Ukraine)

The biggest fountain in Europe

The fountain opened in 2011 next to Lake Kemp on the South Bug River and became a symbol of Vinnitsa. You can enjoy this wonderful fountain on any day from 14.00 to 22.00, on Saturday and Sunday from 12.00-22.00, but only in the spring-autumn period. After all, the fountain is open in season - from April 25 to October 18 annually. The most beautiful, of course, evening shows with music and light effects starting from 20.15 pm.

Vinnitsa Fountain is the largest in Europe, and experts are among the top ten of the best and spectacular fountains of the world. The height of the central jet fountain reaches 65-70 m, the size of the water projection screen is approximately 16 m in the height and 45 meters wide, and the frontal jet of water beats at a height of 140 meters.

A great place to start exploring the "singing" fountains!

Montjuic Fountain (Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain)

The most aristocratic fountain of the world

This magnificent fountain is located on Mount Mountain Monzhak and is one of the most famous sights of Barcelona. Built in honor of holding a Great World Exhibition in Barcelona in 1929, Magic Fountain Montjuic is canvas for colorful light and sound representations. Water cascades and fountains begin in two venetian towers at the Speach Plates and smoothly go to the Museum of Catalonia.

The fountain uses recycled water, you can safely drink it straight from the pool. It is one of the favorite attractions of tourists from all over the world, a great way to relax in the evening and feel the unique atmosphere of the Catalan capital. About 2.5 million tourists visits the fountain annually!

Interesting fact: For the construction of the Fountain, Montjuic was involved more than 3,000 workers, the work was completed in just 10 months. Incredibly, as for the beginning of the twentieth century!

The show begins with music of the 70s and 1980s and ends with classic and modern music. The entrance to the magic fountains is free. In December, the show give the christmas atmosphere. Presentation takes place on Fridays and Saturdays, as well as on December 25th and January 1, from 19.00 to 21.00.

"Fountain of Wealth" (Singapore)

Fountain built on Feng Shui

It is also called the "Basketball Ring" or "Bublik on the legs". Which nicknames did not come up with this famous fountain, listed in 1998 in the Guinness Book of Records, as the biggest fountain in the world. Of course, over time, the fountain lost this honorary title.

The design of the fountain of wealth is very symbolic. Four fountain supports correspond to the four peoples and four main religions of Singapore. The ring embodies the Indian sacred symbol of the mandala and means unity and peace. As a material, the architect chose bronze, because according to the Chinese reference, the combination of bronze with water paves the way to success. Singapurts believe that if you get around the small fountain three times clockwise, dropping one hand into the water, it will bring good luck and well-being. By the way, especially for everyone to do this, three times a day of the large fountain jet turn off.

Fountain Jet D'Eau (Geneva, Switzerland)

The most eco-friendly fountain in the world

Jet d'Eau (Zhet-d'O) is the largest fountain in Geneva, built at the end of the 18th century. He is considered one of the main symbols of the city, but few people remember the prose history of the fountain. Zhet-d'O built not at all with a decorative goal, but as an additional structure of the local hydraulic factory. His task was to discharge excess water in the lake accumulating at the weekend and in the evening in the hydraulic system. Initially, the height of the fountain was only 30 meters, but in this form he really liked the residents. Therefore, by the end of the 19th century, the municipality was converted to the fountain and equipped it with a beautiful decorative illumination.

In the 20th century, it was equipped with modern technical innovations. He "shoots" with water to a height of 140 m, and through its pipes flows 500 liters of water per second. Today, the fountain is part of the image not only the city, but also the whole country. The most important political and cultural events are accompanied by symbols depicting a large fountain.

Be sure to admire the beauty of the fountain on the background of the Swiss Alps!

Crown Fountain Fountain (Chicago, USA)

The most creative fountain in the world

In 2004, an unusual art facility was opened in the Millennium Chicago Park, which united the interactive fountain and the video church. The author of the project was the Catalan artist Zhauma pleasing, according to which the fountain was made in the form of two 15 meter towers coated with liquid crystal screens, which are projected by images of chicago residents.

Showers of ordinary citizens were decided not by chance, but to demonstrate the "diversity of the city." For this, 75 public and religious organizations presented their candidates whose images and were used in the work of the fountain. Interestingly, from time to time, the lips on the face of one or another citizen are folded with a tube, and a portion of water is spoiled on the audience. At first, the fountain of the "Crown" was called the most controversial design of the Millennium Park, but over time it was accustomed to him, and even loved him.

Aquanura Fountain (Tilburg, Netherlands)

The newest "singing" fountain in the world

Aquanura (Akvanura) - the so-called system of fountains and the Water Show itself thematic Park Efenceng in the Netherlands, which was open on May 31, 2012, in honor of the 60th anniversary of the park. These fountains are the largest in Europe and the third largest in the world. They are located in the pond near fabulous city Fata Morgana. Composition of 200 fountains and 900 lights is a real water show and attracts 6,500 spectators per day.

Last year, the world-famous DJ TIESTO especially for Aquanur recorded a mix of classical melodies in modern processing. See the aquanura water show to the music of Tiso is not every day. Usually, musical fountains in the fleet of Efenceng include during various events and holidays, although they can work in the days of opening or closing the park, in spring vacation Or on Saturdays during the Summer Festival.

Fountain Fahda, Saudi Arabia

real engineering masterpiece

The next unusual fountain is located in the city of Jedda, from which he, by the way, received his second name. On the this moment It is the highest in the world: just think about the water jet shoots a height of 312 meters, which is comparable to the height of the Eiffel Tower, for example, the truth, without an antenna. By the way, initially the flow of water was shot at 120 meters, but after reconstruction and refinement managed to achieve such an impressive result.

Fountains in Si'an, China

Most musical fountains

Another fascinating spectacle is singing fountains that are located near the pagoda of wild geese. He rightfully claims the title of the most huge singing fountain in all Asia, which is decorated with the longest illumination. The design provides 22 types of different splashes, every evening thousands of tourists gather here and local residentswho want to admire the unusual show

Peterhof Fountains, St. Petersburg

The most luxurious fountains

The fountain complex, built by the orders of Peter I, rightfully occupies a place in the lists of one of the most beautiful and extraordinary creations of humanity. The complex was raised over hundreds of years, during which time it was decorated with 176 fountains and 255 unique sculptures, luxury and splendor of which awarded their world glory and fame. Today this place is called the "capital of fountains".

Farming Fountains, Japan

The most unusual fountains

Air structures that are as if soaring in the air only by pushing the power of water, have already celebrated their fifty-year-old anniversary, but from this, they do not become less impressive. Their discovery was timed to the scientific exhibition in Japan, which had to show something completely new, as a result of which these soaring cubes appeared on the pillars of water. True, the strength of attraction to scientists did not manage to win: the whole secret is that the transparent support is hidden under water, and the impression is created that the design holds literally in the air.

Mercut Fountain, Barcelona

The most dangerous fountain

It is difficult to call the most majestic or most beautiful, but the fact that he is the most unusual and, by the way, is very poisonous, that's for sure. This unique creation was first demonstrated at the Paris exhibition in 1937, and after that was postponed to Barcelona. For a long time, no precautionary measures were taken, and only in the 50s it was proved by his poisonousness: the design was placed under glass sarcophagus, so today its inspection does not provide any danger to others.

Trevi Fountain, Rome

The most legendary fountain

One of the most famous and legendary world fountains, which firmly consolidated the title of the most visited attractions of the Italian capital. In the center of an impressive composition - King Neptune in the sea sink, which is harnessed by triton. Many believes are associated with Trevi, in addition, it became an object and even a full-fledged member of the multitude of world cinema film.

Just the other day, we told you about the highest building, which is the Burj Khalif Tower, located in the city of Dubai. As it turned out, a fountain is located directly next to the skyscraper, simultaneously being the largest and most expensive in the world among himself.

Its length is as much as 275 meters, while in the air it can at one moment can raise up to 83,000 liters of water at a height of 150 meters! True, the maximum height is available only when using powerful airpower devices, which are rarely used even at various holidays, because in order to earn, it is required to raise pressure in the system, and it takes enough long time period.

The system uses 6000 light sources, including 25 color spotlights. In addition, the fountain can create a variety of combinations of water jets, thereby constituting various figures. The rays of light can be seen in a few tens of kilometers from the very presentation.

The construction of the facility began in 2008. His designer was engaged in the famous American Wet Studio, and the construction lay on the shoulders of the local investment company Emaar Properties. The total cost of the project is estimated at $ 218 million. Less than a year later, his official discovery took place.

Currently, the presentation of the fountain can be seen both on weekdays and on weekends. The spectacle is very beautiful, so certainly collects the crowd of zoo. Interestingly, the jet of water practically always accompany the musical compositions, which are about 20 pieces.

By the way, they say that this fountain is visible even from space.

"Rainbow Fountain" is another record holder, it is considered the longest bridge-fountain in the world, its length is 1140 meters. By the way, entered into the Guinness Book of Records. It is one of the main attractions of Seoul.

Water flows on both sides of the bridge, the length of which is 570 meters. Thus, the overall length of the fountain is 1140 m. The jet would not be up, and the lobby, as if forming the arch. You can go down the tier below and to be inside almost the real waterfall!

Thanks to a special program and a special illumination, the effect of dancing jets is created, the length of each of which is about 20 m. Here periodically pass spectacular shows, so many powerful pumps and a huge number of multi-colored lanterns are installed on the bridge. Water itself is taken directly from the Hangan River. What of this it turns out, you can see in photos just below.

This building is part of the project to revive the tourist attractiveness of Seoul. In addition to the fountain, parks adjacent to the river were arranged.

There are a huge variety of fountains in the world in the world. There are fountains that form cascades, there are those that have a bizarre geometric shape or extraordinary backlight. Fountains are small, and there are also real giants. Engineers different countries Compete with each other, constantly thinking up something new and unusual.

The highest fountain in the world is recognized for today the one is in Saudi Arabia. His greatness is simply incredible - the height of the highest fountain is 312 meters! Each second, 625 liters of seawater are thrown into the air under huge pressure. The speed of the jet is 375 kilometers per hour! The spectacle is so fascinating that without additional highlights and other special effects, the fountain is beautiful.

Fountain Fakhda was named so named by the ruler of the country, during the time of which he was built. The second name is the fountain of Jeddah. It works without stopping 24 hours a day, making only short breaks, when a strong wind blows, bringing salty sea water on buildings and vegetation on the shore and during technical works. Very similar and externally and technical characteristics Fountain in Geneva, but its height is only 120 meters.

The highest fountain in Russia, of course, does not compare with the Fountain of the King of Fahd, but he does not claim the championship, because his beauty exceeds any height, and the height is 40 meters. This miracle of water engineering is located in Saransk. The construction of the fountain is timed to the millennium of the association of Russia and Mordovia, and the fountain is called - "Star of Mordovia". The unusualness of this fountain is that it is light-link (than reminds world-famous) and is made in the form of an ornament inherent in Mordovia.

A variety of water supply modes and a laser three-dimensional image in the evenings attract many young people and guests of the city to the fountain. There is even a so-called "barefoot zone", where the water slightly covers the feet and adults along with children in hot weather can be refreshing in cool water. These water battles occur here, during which participants donate each other with water from any tanks.