Location of places in Boeing 737 800. Description and technical characteristics

Boeing 737-800 refers to narrow-body side ships, a salon scheme and the best places in the plane are of great importance when choosing. This information needs to be found initially before registration is held.

If you fly for the first time, then you are especially important to know where the very "best" place. But people who have to often fly charter flights, it will not hurt either. After all, they can constantly complain about any inconvenience from the air carrier, although it would be possible to choose a place more comfortable and enjoy the flight, and not constantly in discomfort.

Salon scheme

The body (fuselage) of the airliner has a smooth narrowing in the front and rear. The total length of Boeing is 39.5 m able to accommodate from 162 to 189 seats. The drawings that Aeroflot provides very detail illustrate its characteristics, namely, each row, class, number of seats and the location of emergency hatches.

Best places in the plane

Boeing 737-800 Aeroflot Salon Scheme The best places may seem for one passenger of the aircraft with the most comfortable, and for the other is not very. Since everything is very individual, we will consider good places from the point of view of the average person.

Passenger airliner Boeing 737 800 may be both two and one class. Comfortable and comfortable places are - armchairs located in "Economy" in the 6th and 13th row. The most excellent rows, of course, are the "business" of the ranks, from the first to the fifth. But you should not be very upset, because 11 and 12 rings are also not bad for themselves.

General Principles Seating Passengers

Each person is afraid of something, heights, darkness, and someone is afraid to fly, but forced due to work or due to what to get to another country is otherwise impossible. Based on this, the passenger can choose a series in which he will be most comfortable, and where it will feel enough protected.

  1. Passengers in the first grade.
  2. Passengers with places at the portholes.
  3. Passengers whose places in the middle of a row.
  4. Passengers whose places in the passage.

If there are no problems with phobias, the passenger still has the right to choose the best row, in his opinion, of course, if during registration to the flight he will have time and the places they need will remain free.

Passenger accommodation relies on the capacity and number of seats. Of course, you have the opportunity to choose any place in the cabin. In Boeing 737, the latter room itself is about 4 meters. The seats of chairs are wide enough, but due to the increased passenger complex, high people may not fit their feet, and the knees will rely on the neighboring back.

Yes, the additive is discomfort that is not enough that you can not sit comfortably, so ahead of the seating neighbor on the flight can lean his chair straight to you on the knees.

Aeroflot aircraft allows flying to choose any row and the place you like. Small restrictions in the choice apply only to a certain group of persons.

Location of emergency exits

So, for example, the immediate ban on occupying seats in emergency exits applies to women with children, disabled, as well as persons carrying animals. This is due to the fact that during the emergency atmosphere, passengers located near the hatch must open it. And this category of persons most likely not to cope with this task, because a woman with a child or with animals in the hands will be difficult to open the exit.

A row, which is prohibited for these persons in two class vessel under number 13. Also, if you carefully watch the drawings, then 12 row is absolutely the same. That is, it turns out that the emergency hatches are located directly above the wings and their two on each side of the fuselage. Namely, the first hatch for example, on the right side is located between 11 and 12 near, and the second between 12 and 13, the third and fourth are on the opposite side.

Business Class

Of course, this class is more expensive, he is called so. Consequently, comfort in it is appropriate. The most important difference is that the number of sedentary sites in the "business" is only twenty, they are located in close proximity to the pilots. That is, from the first chairs of this class and the ranks of the series begins.

The main advantage of the "business" is that the chairs in the cabin in two rows, just two. This means that spaces for each person will be greater and each place has its own "own" armrests, which can envy "Economy". Since 20 places, respectively, the ranks in it five. The economy class begins on the sixth row.

Economy class

From the sixth to the twenty-eighth, a number of places belong to the "Economy" category. They are already three in every row, and unconditionally a sitting man becomes a little closely. Of course, "Economy" is not a canning bank, but passengers are not sprats in it, but still some inconvenience are present. Firstly, this is due to the individual characteristics of a person, due to which the passenger may experience certain inconveniences.

So if you chose the seat in the middle, you will be problematic and inconveniently squeezed through your neighbor sitting from you, if you want to get up and move yourself. But if on board at the time you had the choice of choice, it is better to choose another place. Although sitting on the porthole or directly from the passage also has its own minuses and nuances.

Where are the worst places

Learn the location of the places of the most unsuccessful rows, you can also look at the drawings of the Boeing salon. The most unsuccessful in the "economy" are considered the last rows. This is due to the fact that at the end there is a bathroom and for a long period of flight, people just physiologically will visit it. And if you are in the 28th row on the places C and D, then measure the passing people and board guides will take over.

Another disadvantage is the back wall, you will not be able to lower the seat to the end, it means that relaxing and enjoying the flight will be problematic. Especially if it concerns long journeys. If the flight time you have 2 or a maximum of 3 hours, then you will be suitable for any place. Since you will not have time to get tired and other neighbors on the flight will not be much needed to break through you.

Characteristics of places in business class

Business class Aeroflot is the best places in the entire plane. You will definitely overpay, but it is worth it.

  1. First, if you do not like a large cluster of the people in life and do not even take a slightest touch with your elbows with an outsider, as well as protect your personal space from invading, then you are here.
  2. The category of "business" is equipped very stylish, elegant and comfortable compared to the "economy".
  3. The armchairs themselves are quite ergonomic, which is a huge plus for obese people, the distance to the neighboring, ahead of the standing chair is also enough, and the person above the average growth will be able to comfortably straighten.
  4. Looking down, the backs of the seats in turn also do not deliver the neighbors of inconvenience.
  5. Chairs are equipped with the latest technology. They are built-in touch monitors with the possibility of USB input to recharging the phone.
  6. The films card is constantly updated, so if you did not have time to see some movie, then flying in the "business" you can do it there.

You will relax, watch the film you need and enjoy, run at an altitude of up to 12.5 thousand meters from the ground. And most importantly, you will not interfere with a nearby neighbor, armrests in the middle of dual, but wide.

Someone believes that 1 series of places are not very comfortable, someone on the contrary - what is better not to find places. This is due to the fact that before the first rows there is a wall, some faces cannot fully pull the legs. But in front of you there is no one who could omit the chair (at least in the "business" it does not cause discomfort and does not interfere in the back of the sitting).

Range of flight

The maximum distance that is capable of overcoming the airliner is equal to 5 thousand 765 kilometers. This means that the longest way equal to the maximum overcoming distance will be equal to an average of 7 hours on the way, with a cruising speed of 850 km / h.

In September 2013, Aeroflot replenished his park with a new aircraft - Boeing 737-800, which refers to the 737 Next Generation family. I would like to note that the airline acquires exceptionally new aircraft techniques, thereby increasing its prestige.

S. Obraztsov is the name of a new liner, which he was given in honor of the famous director, actor and theater actor of Russia - Orytroja Sergey. Also, Boeing 737-800 was assigned the onboard number VP-BRF.

The layout of the aircraft is designed for 138 economic and 20 business class places. We offer to disassemble the BOING 737-800 scheme of Aeroflot and celebrate the best and worst seats of this liner.

S. 1 to 5 row - This is the passenger places of the business class. You have a calm and comfortable flight.

Places B. 6 row - The first row of economy class. The advantage is the lack of hand-made chairs, which makes it possible to freely arrange the legs and not worry that the back is thrown on you. Good places!

Places B. 11th row - These are the usual places of the economic class, but in some Boeing for 11 there are emergency hatches, because of which for this series, the function of folding the backs of the chairs is missing or limited.

However, there is no such information on the official website of Aeroflot. If you decide to take these places, be sure to check this moment before registration.

Places 12th row. The main positive point can be called quite a long distance between 11 and 12 rows, which will allow you to get a comfortable and stretch your legs.

To negative - blocked or with a small angle of inclination of the backrest. Since this row is between emergency hatches, the seats of the 12th row feature is completely blocked, or is limited.

Places 13th row are the best places on this plane. The distance between 12 - 13 rows is increased, and the backs are laid out like ordinary chairs. When booking these places, pay attention to the restrictions related to safety appliances.

Places in 12 - 13 row cannot occupy disabled, passengers aged, with small children and animals.

Inconvenience in 27th row On places C and D are associated with close placement of toilets.

Places 28th row are the most hectic and fussy on the whole liner. This is the last row, so the backs of the seats rest in the wall of the technical room, kitchen or bathroom and therefore do not decline.

However, it is possible that on this Boeing the angle of inclination of the seats is the same as the standard chairs. Poor places!

Also, a close location with a restroom, causes a number of negative points - open doors to the toilet, outsiders, unpleasant smell and endless cluster of people near your places. These places are the worst on the plane.

Despite the abundance of opportunities to get to any corner of the world, one of the fastest and most convenient ways is considered to be a journey by plane. Often to deliver passengers of the airline using aircraft "Boeing" series 737 of various modifications. These liners of the American corporation "Boeing" began to produce from the end of the 90s of the twentieth century (the first tests of the industrial design passed in 1998) in opposition to the legendary model of the entire passenger aviation "Airbus A320". "Boeing 737-200" (300, 400, 500) were initially produced with a smaller number of VIP-class seats (2 rows of 2 armchairs on both sides of the central passage, and the total - 8 seats) and only in the model 737-800 they became Achieve the number of 12, 16 and even 20.

Currently, the aircraft has about 10 modifications, including the Boeing 737 800W liner, equipped with twigs (vertical clamps of the wings up) and even a model for the transfer of the military. Many companies equipped their parks with these aircraft, buying them into lease or prepaid. Dubai airline "Fly Dubai" did not go around their attention.

general information

Fly Dubai aircraft design

"Flydubai" is the low cost airline established by the Dubaev administration in 2008 and attributed to the second terminal of Dubai Airport. Since 2009, as a result of the acquisition of the aircraft, the organization began to carry out regular flights to Jordan, Amman, Beirut and Lebanon. By the beginning of 2014, the number of flights covered by the company, as well as the air park, increased several times and reached 68 different settlements. By the middle of 2014, the aircraft fleet of airlines was replenished with a forty unit, the total life of which was not exceeded 5 years.

Note!The company's corporate identity, developed by the designer Martin Snelling, is highlighted in the sky due to bright orange and blue stripes on the airliner housing. The first talk about the warmth of relationships to passengers, and the second - resemble the endless expanses of the blue sky, the seas and the oceans.

Boeing 737-800 "Fly Dubai" Salon Scheme

From the inside the aircraft is equipped with a personal electronic entertainment system, a convenient modern interior with an enlarged luggage shelves, the number of places and space from the floor to the ceiling (it allows you to get up from the seat in full growth even professional players in basketball). "Flydubai" has become the first company that has been using the third-generation NG Boeing NG aircraft (Next Generation) of the most convenient modification of 737-800 with the Sky Interior Flying salon.

Economic Chairs "Boeing 737 800 NG"

Salon of this model of the liner is equipped with the Inflight Entertainment (IFE) system and monitors built into all seats of liner, and not just in the VIP-zone chairs, as in all others. The left part of the user-friendly interface includes paid services (duty-free food and trade, movies, serials), and right - non-commercial services in the form of flight information, audio channels and games.

For familiarization with the new features of the salon and the INFLIGHT ENTERTAINMENT (IFE) system, passengers usually goes no more than 30 minutes. And the rest of the time you can pass the game, tracking the location of the liner on an interactive map, carrying out the purchase of goods in the presence of flight attendants and ordering coffee, water and any other food without getting off the place.

Built-in interactive entertainment system

Features of the design and main technical parameters of the liner

Most of the aircraft park (21 liner with economy class salons at 189 seating and 14 aircraft with 12 VIP-class chairs and 162 places of Economic) Fly Dubai airline constitute turboculantly narrow-member passenger aircraft Boeing 737-800. The characteristics of the aircraft performing regular flight flights are as follows:

  • dual CFM International CFM56-7B24S CFM56-7B24S CFM56-7B24S Motors with 107,6 KN or CFM56-7B27S with 121.4 KN Tracting, allowing to increase liner load capacity;
  • eFIS digital aviate, North American company "Honeywell" and 6 multifunctional LCD monitors for the output of all flight and side data;
  • the length of airliners is 39.49 meters, the scope and the area of \u200b\u200bthe wings - 34.31 m. and 125 sq. M. respectively. The height of the aircraft reaches 12.51 meters, and the assessed speed is 851-920 km / h. At the same time, the volume of fuel tanks does not exceed 26,020 liters, which allows flights to a distance of up to five thousand four hundred kilometers. The width of the salon is 3.54 meters, and the number of crew places does not exceed two;
  • single salons up to 189 seating and double-class - up to 162 seats of economy-class (the number of chairs can vary depending on the modification of the liner acquired by a airline).

Selection of seats

Let us consider in more detail the layout plan of the series and the Salon scheme of the Boeing 737-800 liner "Flydubai" for the optimal selection of the landing place for travel. We take into account the interior configuration to determine the best and most convenient seats, as well as less comfortable, in terms of practice, long distances.

Airplanes "B. 737-800 "Flubai air carrier may contain places of one or two classes of comfort. The most comfortable and secure are:

  • ergonomic business class chairs;
  • first row after VIP zone;
  • the first ranks of the salon of the economic class of the aircraft;
  • 15 and 16 row near spare outputs.

Scheme of the arrangement in the salon "Boeing 737-800" of Flydubai

Description of places depending on the location of them in the cabin

Rows: 4 or 1 (if there is no partition, separating the VIP zone from the seats of the economy-class or business seats), 15, 16 - places with an additional foot space;

Rows: 14, 15 due to safety equipment are fixed in such a way that the backs are not crowded;

Rows: 15, 16 Due to the proximity to spare outputs are not intended for passengers with children up to 16 years, animals and disabled.

The number of seats in the salons is only an economic class and with the presence of class VIP sites varies from the airline to the carrier and from the model to the model. Therefore, it is important to study the settings for location of places in the cabin before buying tickets. We will not know that the Victory airline has most aircraft in its park with similar seating configuration in the aircraft cabin.

Note! The last series of chairs in any modifications of Boeing 737-800 is considered the most mediocre in the sense of comfort and convenience, as it is located immediately near the toilet.

Considering that the restrooms in the liner is only 3 (1 - in the "head" and 2 - in the tail of the aircraft), the continuous queue, and therefore noise, and not always pleasant smells - all this expects passengers traveling on the last seats. It is not worth discounting and the state of turbulence (the area of \u200b\u200bexcitement in the air, which creates a specific shaking of the aircraft).

The first rows, if not given under the VIP zone, are very convenient on the journey. It is always quiet here, shaking is practically not felt, the places are served by stewards first, and also contain a wardrobe and special attachments for children's wheelchairs. But the very first seats, if the entire aircraft contains only economical seats, are located immediately after the rooms of the service personnel, and, therefore, have a partition in the form of a wall, which will be very uncomfortable to people suffering from claustrophobia (fear of closed space).

Places of a number "A" and "F", located near the portholes, are contraindicated by passengers experiencing fear of height. Seats in the center (a number "B" and "E") should not be tested by one-lone travelers, since in addition to other stimuli, they will be "clamped" from two sides by people unfamiliar to them.

Considering the fear of some of the following flights, the chairs of the VIP zone should be selected for the feeling of "relative" security, and if it is absent, then in the liner's head, because of their proximity to pilots and staff, as well as the seats of the 15th and 16th row For their equipment with spare emergency exits.

Note!The seats of the 15th and 16th rows belong to the most convenient, as they are placed with a large distance between the rows, but they can only occupy the faces of adult and healthy (without disabilities), traveling without children and pets. In the critical situation, they are the mission to open the emergency exit hatches.

Student travelers, to obtain positive impressions of the flight, the following tips on the choice of passenger seats will help:

  • If possible, do not take tickets to the chair in the last row and those who do not recline (how many places in Boeing 737-800 have such restrictions on functionality can be found before buying a ticket).
  • Examine before flying the scheme of the airliner cabin places or ask the Council for selected places from the representative of the aviation company.
  • Do not choose the seats of the first row (does not apply to salons containing business class chairs) and near the porthole to persons who are afraid of closed space, flights and heights.
  • Do not choose places in the center of people traveling alone.

With a careful and responsible attitude towards the recruitment of the air carrier, seats in the cabin, the airliner and compliance with the above recommendations, the positive impressions of the flight are almost always guaranteed. With flight experience, the choice will be given every time everything is easier and easier, and sensations from turbulence and not always adequate neighbors in the cabin will cease to be stressing for the psyche.

Boeing 737 is the most successful version of the narrow-body passenger liners in the entire history of the aircraft. In 2018, the American concern raised a ten-day aircraft of this modification, more than 4500 orders are performed.

The Boeing 737 reactive turbofan aircraft was designed in the 60s of the last century. The first test departure took place in 1967, and his official commercial operation began a year later.

Today, the plane of this model is exploited by many air carriers of the world. In a model range of B737, several basic versions (outdated models) and four models of a new generation with improved performance and technical characteristics and a modern passenger compartment, which has everything necessary for a comfortable and safe air strike.

In the article, we will tell about the narrow-body turboclerous jet passenger aircraft Boeing 737, its versions and modifications, which air carriers exploit the liner, we give their comparative characteristics, as well as consider the location of the seats and determine the most comfortable places.

Characteristics and layout of salon B737

Boeing 737 line airplanes are divided into four generations: original, classic, new and max. For each generation, specific features are characterized.

General characteristics of airliners Boeing 737:

  1. Double-link turbofan aircraft with a single plug and sweep wing.
  2. In equipping liners, an effective air conditioning and power supply system. In the salons of modern boobies for passengers, an individual lighting system is installed with the possibility of adjusting the brightness of light. The backrest chairs are equipped with monitors with a multimedia entertainment program.
  3. An analog complex of avionics is installed in the original generation aircraft. The liners of the classic series are equipped with a digital complex. In the new generation models, a similar system, but with combined in one inertial navigation system with a system of air signals.
  4. Power installation in the liners of the new generation - CFM56-7B. Previous versions were completed with dual jt8d and CFM56-3 turbofan engines.
  5. In equipping three hydraulic systems and a redesigned chassis with amplification.

Flight and technical parameters Boeing 737 (10 modifications):

Modifications B737 737-100 737-200 737-300 737-400 737-500 737-600 737-700 737-800 737-900 737-900ER
Length / Height / Fuselage Width 28.6 30.5 33.2 36.4 31.0 31.2 33.6 39.4 42.1 42.1
Width / Salon Height Salon width for all Boeing 737 standard models - 3.54 m. Salon height 737-100 - 2.19 m, 737-200 - 2.11 m, on all other modifications - 2.20 m
Cruising speed 817 km / h 807 km / h 852 km / h
Number of places (MAX) 103 133 149 168 132 130 148 189 189 215
Maximum flight height 10 670 M. 10 700 M. 11300 M. 11300 M. 12500 M.
Year of issue 1967 1984 1988 1990 1998 1997 1998 2001 2007

Avia manufacturer Compose liner salons by 1-2-3 class of service under the order of airlines. We propose to consider how the seats in one of the most popular Boeing modifications are 737-800 with a two-class interior on 160 passengers.

Buffets, toilet and wardrobe are equipped in the nose of the liner. Between 12-13-14, emergency hatches are located. In the tail of the aircraft, several bathrooms are equipped with economy class traveling, including people with disabilities. There are also two cuisines here.

Best places in the plane

The most comfortable for the flight are places of business class. If you navigate the scheme published above, they are in the first three rows and are located in 2x2 layout. The total number of seats - 12. There are soft wide armchairs with a backlord layout mechanism in several positions. They are equipped with large monitors with entertainment. Additionally, business class travelers are provided with various privileges and a large selection of dishes and drinks from the menu, which is provided for by the tariff plan.

With 4 to 28 - an economical class of service, designed for a flight of 148 passengers. Planting places are installed in layout 3x3, with the exception of 13 rows (2x2). This salon also has places of high comfort with an extended foot space.

Features of seating in the cabin economy:

  1. Places with an enlarged step of space are located on 4, 13 and 14 row. On these chairs, passengers can make a comfortable position of the body during the flight. But these rows have some drawbacks. For example, on 4 rows, folding tables are mounted in armrests of the chairs, which makes them fixed. 13 row is located near the emergency exit, so the backs of the chairs are blocked (do not go back). The chairs B, C, D, E per row are considered the most comfortable for the flight, with an increased distance for the legs and the functional back.
  2. Chairs on 12 row are not laid out. Passengers occupying this series have to spend the whole flight in a vertical position.
  3. The most uncomfortable places in the cabin are in the last 28 row. Disadvantages of these seats: fixed backs, close location to the toilet room. During the flight, noisy and crowded queues of passengers who want to get into the bathroom can deliver discomfort. Also uncomfortable for the flight location at the passage to 27 row.
  4. From 10 to 16 row - a limited overview of the portholes hidden by the wings of the aircraft.
  5. Places a and f in 9 row - no porthole.

Models and Modifications Boeing 737

The first generation of Boeing 737 - Original airliners. This group includes modifications 737-100 and 737-200. These models were made until 1988. They quickly lost popularity due to high noise in the cabin and high fuel expenses. Today, the aircraft of this line are in operation several airlines of developing countries.

Second Generation Boeing - Classic:

  1. Model 737-300 - Basic version of the new line with an elongated 3 meter fuselage.
  2. 737-400 - The body is elongated by another 2 meters. An improved air conditioning system has appeared in equipment. The liner was equipped with additional emergency hatches.
  3. 737-500 - The manufacturer has rooted 2 meters the fuselage of the aircraft of this version, but increased the permissible range of flight. The model has become equivalent to the replacement version 737-200.

Third Generation Boeing 737 liners - Next Generation:

  1. 737-600 - the basic model of the new generation. The liner is designed for flights to short highways.
  2. 737-700 - an aircraft with an enlarged range of flight and optimized equipping.
  3. 737-800 - model with elongated 6 meters fuselage.
  4. 737-900 / 737-900ER - an improved version of the Boeing with additional fuel tanks, reduced fuel consumption and other positive changes in the performance and technical part.

The latest modification of the Boeing 737 - Max Fourth Generation was released in 2016. The aircraft with a modern technical equipment and a comfortable passenger compartment was created to replace the Boeing Linkers of the past generation. Equipped with more powerful engines, has a reduced fuel consumption by 16%. It is in operation of 7 airlines in the world, among which one Russian carrier is S7.

In addition to passenger liners, the Boeing Airship produces under the order of the model B737 military and cargo version.

What airlines operate Boeing 737

Today, the Boeing 737 airliners of different modifications are operated on the flights of medium and small highways by many airlines in 115 countries of the world. This model has greater demand among Russian air carriers.


A large Russian carrier has concluded a contract for the supply of boobies in the famous American airproductor in 2011. According to 2018, 42 aircraft are in the operation of the most popular domestic air carrier, 5 more units are expected.

Airplanes are equipped with two-class passenger salons for 158 people. For traveling at the tariff business provided for 20 seats in a separate comfortable cabin.

S7 Airlines.

The Russian airline S7 Airlines, which carries out passenger transportation in domestic and international destinations, exploits 21 Boeing 737-800 and 2 MAX8 modification airliner. In order another 9 aircraft.

Passenger liner salons have a two-class layout. The total number of seats - 176 (8 chairs - business class).

Nordwind Airlines.

In the aircraft fleet of the Russian charter airline Nordwind 5 Boeing modifications 737-800. A single salon of an economical class accommodates 189 passengers.


The Russian budget company Victory, which is a subsidiary of Aeroflot, will use on its routes of 23 Boeing 737-800 with a capacity of 189 passengers. These are all aircraft available in the aviation park of this carrier. Soon, the air fleet will be replenished with another 7 liners of this modification. Also in ordering 20 boobs version 737s8.


The regional airline ALROSA operates on its 3 liners Boeing 737-800.


In the park of aircraft of the state budget air carrier UAE 51 Boeing 737-800, 10 modifications of 737 mAh 8 and 2 aircraft 737 mAh 9.

Basic model salon component for one service class with a capacity of 189 people. There are also liners of two-class layouts, calculated on the flight of 174 passengers.

Fourth-generation Boeing are equipped with comfortable two-class salons at 166 and 172 seats.

In the order of the carrier Felubay 121 Boeing 737 MAX 8, 68 - MAX 9 and 50 units of MAX 10.


In the operation of the Russian carrier UTair 9 Boeing 737-800. Salons are component for one and two class of service. Passenger capacity - 159/186 people.


The Russian charter airline Royal Flight has 2 Boeing 737-800 in Aviation Park. Salons are component for one class of service by economy with a capacity at 189 seats.

Azur Eir

The domestic airline Azur AIR will use 6 liners 737-800 on its airlines. Salon on 1 service class accommodates 189 passengers.


The Belarusian airline Belavia contains 737-300 (classmate for 189 people), 6 liners 737-500 (two-class salons for 120/123 and 148 people) and 5 aircraft 737-800 (classmate 189 people) . The order is 4 Boeing modifications MAX8.


In the Aviation Park of the Russian company Yakutia are 5 Boeing 737-800 at 189 seats.


The airline Russia operates 16 liners 737-800. Salons are component for 1 and 2 class of service. Total seats - 168/189.


In the operation of the Russian carrier Nordavia, based in Arkhangelsk, 9 Boeing 737-500 (single-class salons at 132/135 passengers) and 2 liners 737-700 (1 service class, accommodating 148 people). In order 2 aircraft B737-800.


Nordstar Airline (Taimyr) contains 9 Boeing 737-800 aircraft. Two-class interior layout for 180 people. One Boeing Modifications 737-300 is also involved with a passenger economy of the economy class by 148 people.

Pegas Fly

In the air park of the Russian carrier Pegas Fly are 4 Boeing modifications 737-800. A classroom salon for 189 passengers.

Turkish Airlines

The major flagship airline of Turkey operates on its routes 105 of the Boeing 737-800. Salon component on 2 classroom class. The total number of seats - 165.

The aviation park also has a Boeing 737-700 (1 aircraft with a capacity of 149 people in an economical class cabin) and a modification of 737-900ER (15 liners, two-class salons for 159 people).

In the order of the carrier TURKISH AIRLINES 65 airliners Boeing 737 MAX 8 and 10 units of 737 mAh 9.

The popularity of the Boeing line 737 is quite substantiated by a high level of reliability, efficiency, security and maximum comfort for passengers. B737 different modifications occupy an overwhelming majority in the aircraft fleet of many world carriers.

The aircraft movement is the best and safest view of the trip. One of the well-known and frequently used passenger aircraft is deservedly considered to be Boeing 737-800 (some are also mistakenly called "Boing"). He made his first flight in the distant 1997 and replaced the Boing 737-400, and in 1999 he became the most popular passenger liner both in Russia and around the world. Keeps its demand to today.

Parameters of the aircraft

To use aviation transport it is not necessary to know the characteristics of the model, but such information can be useful.

  • The length of the fuselage is 30.5 meters. The fuselage is the direct body of the aircraft without wings, during the flight it is sealed.
  • The wingspan is 34.3 meters.
  • The wing area is 125 square meters.
  • Maximum fuselage width - 3.54 meters.
  • Maximum take-off weight - 78240 kg.
  • Weighting - 63320 kg.
  • The mass of empty "Boeing" is 41140 kg.
  • Fuel tanks accommodate 26020 liters.
  • The duration of the flight depends on the consumption of fuel and reaches the maximum distance of 5400 - 5,700 km.
  • Engines CFMI CFM56-7B24 / 26, 2 x 10980-11930 kgf develop speeds up to 800-900 km / h.

"Boeing 737-800" Passenger

Airplane scheme and service classes

S7 Airlines airplanes are designed for 160 passengers, 12 places from which belong to the business class. When choosing a place in the Boeing 737-800, the S7 salon scheme must be studied in advance, since all air carriers Different with different characteristics of transport. In S7, the standard interior scheme is used - in each row 6 seats with a passage between them. It is possible to see the exact location plan of the chairs on the official airline website.

Business Class

Business class places are located right behind the crew and have a number of advantages. Usually in a number of only 4 places, which made it possible to expand the distances between the seats, which ranges from 87 to 97 cm. The fact is that every liners are collected under the order of a particular carrier and there are parameters that can be changed at will. These places have more space for feet, which is important in long-term flights.

Note! The ticket price includes a large selection of hot dishes, drinks, including alcohol. If necessary, the flight attendant issues personal pillows and plaid at the request of travelers.

Business Class

Business class has a separate toilet. The location of these places on board usually occupies 3-4 rows, which are separated from the common salon by the partition. Upon arrival of the aircraft, business class users are first leaving the salon. In addition, the passengers provided a separate flight attendant. But there is one drawback - sometimes passengers feel the smell of food from the kitchen and do not like it some.

Economy class

In the economy class there are 154 places located in 29 rows. Places begin with 4 rows, 6 chairs. This range is favorably different from the rest of the lack of chairs ahead, which provides an increased space for the legs. However, these places often give passengers with children, as they are considered a zone of high comfort. Some carriers even charge an additional fee for choosing a chair in this row. If the passenger got a ticket for this place for free, then the likelihood is that the child will be nearby.

There are no special ranks from the 6th to the 9th. However, the Boeing 737-800 S7 liners are found, which do not have the porthole in the field A and F in the 9th row, which can be an unpleasant surprise for the client and negatively affect the impression of the flight. This is especially true of lovers to admire the night lights of the city or dawn. But such a nuance is not a disadvantage for people with Aerophobia.

Important! Behind the 11th row are emergency outputs and, according to safety rules, the backrests of the seats do not lean or partially lean. Such information you need to know in advance so as not to experience discomfort during the flight.

Rows from 12 to the 14th belong to the zone of high comfort. They contain three emergency exits, so the distance between the rows is increased. Increased qualities include increased space for legs and finding in front of the board. In addition, proximity to emergency exits in case of freelance situations, which can save health or even the life of the passenger.

Economy class

Also these rows have a number of shortcomings. For example, the noise of the engines is heard, especially during take-off and landing. Wings of the aircraft close almost half of the illuminal review. Therefore, fans contemplate night lights of cities, photographing sunrises and sunsets should be considered this moment.

As a rule, the distribution of food begins with the nasal and tail parts at the same time, so these rows are obtained by its most recently. The backs of the chairs in the 14th row, namely, the places a and f a little bit off, which is noticeable, but it does not affect the comfort of the flight.

On the chairs in the ranks of 12-14 near emergency exits, it is impossible to plant disabled people, older people and passengers with children, as well as pregnant women. Ticket owners for these places will have to open hatches in the event of an accident, they will preliminarily introduce the instructions.

The feature of the S7 salon "Boeing 737-800" Passenger lies in the fact that in the 13th row there are only 4 seats, two on each side. Sit with one neighbor is much more convenient than with two, especially if the passenger flies with a relative or friend.

The ranks from the 15th to the 29th are not particularly different, but in the 20th row there may be a bad overview from the porthole due to wings. Also, sometimes the noise of the motor is heard.

Note! The negative side is the location of the chairs of the 30th row near the toilet room. It can disturb passengers in these places, as the clusters of people, constant movement and conversations are able to spoil flight.

The rows in the tail part were always considered the most secure places, but often these chairs in Boeing 737-800 Passerger are not filled. Therefore, it is possible to change the place already during the flight, but be sure to first inform Stewardess so that they know about the presence of people at these places and in the event of an emergency care for passengers.

Boeing 737 800 S7 Salon Scheme

To avoid a spoiled flight, you need to take care of the choice of space and see the photo of the aircraft salon on the official airline website. If you need to get comfortable places or places with a high level of comfort, you need to book them three months before the date of the planned trip. It is also useful to follow the news from the airline and participate in various promotions and programs.

In conclusion, we can say that the optimal places on board "Boeing 737-800" C7 are in the nose of the aircraft, namely in the 2nd, 5th and 12-14 rows. More information can always be found on the official website of the carrier. If there were no answers to the questions you are interested in, you need to contact the representatives of the airline and they will provide all the necessary information.

In general, S7 provides comfortable conditions for passengers during flights in both business class and economy. This applies not only to the Boeing 737-800 aircraft, but also other line airliners.