Abnormal zones of beshtau. Secrets of mountain beshtau

The five-headed mountain Beshtau in Pyatigorsk, the most high peak which - 1400 m above sea level, walked along and across by tourists. During the holiday season, beginner climbers train here on the goat rocks. Big Tau is traditionally conquered on February 23, and pilgrims visit the Second Athos Monastery. It is not surprising that during its history the mountain has been overgrown with legends and traditions. AiF-SK understood what was true and what was fiction.

The first myth. The labyrinth of the "ancient Slavs"

Under one of the peaks of Beshtau, which is called Two Brothers, there is a labyrinth. It is laid out of stones on a small round edge, surrounded by a forest. The guides say that this unusual structure belongs to the culture of the ancient Slavs. Tourists are offered to make a wish, walk through the labyrinth with closed eyes and never stumble, and then, they say, the wish will come true.

Who laid out the labyrinth is still unknown, but the fact that it is ancient is an invention.

“Beshtau is full of archaeological surprises, the remains of ancient settlements and ceramics are found here,” says local historian Roman Nutrikhin.- But as for the labyrinth, this is a frank remake. The type of its structure has nothing to do with the ancient Slavic culture, it is not peculiar to the ancient inhabitants of the mountains. North Caucasus... Outwardly, it looks like a Northern European type of labyrinth. Yes, and appeared relatively recently. "

Labyrinth on Beshtau. Photo: From personal archive / Valentina Sapunova

The second myth. Radiation

There are rumors that you cannot stay on Beshtau for a long time due to increased level radiation. Staying there overnight or having a picnic can cause itching, rashes, and a metallic taste in the mouth.

“The stories about the increased radiation background at Beshtau are primarily associated with uranium mining,” continues Roman Nutrikhin. - And there is some truth in this. The fact is that many mines and adits are still not closed, they are mothballed, that is, the entrance to them was closed, but not completely, you can get through if you want. The mines themselves were not flooded with water, they were not covered with soil. But about itching, rashes and a strange taste in the mouth - this is definitely an exaggeration. The level of radiation there is really increased, but not enough to be dangerous. It is within the normal range, just slightly higher than the average for Stavropol. Any excess of the radiation background has very serious consequences, so hardly anyone will hide it. In addition, thousands of tourists stayed there overnight in tents, rested for several days - and all without consequences. And Pyatigorsk and Lermontov are still very close to Beshtau, but none of the residents has radiation sickness. "

The third myth. Temple of the sun

On the eastern side of the mountain, between the Big Tau and the Goat Rocks, there is ancient temple sun worshipers. Since the 19th century, it is believed that it was created by human hands, but with the help of an unknown divine power. Many people say that this place has its own special atmosphere. There is also a version that the Temple of the Sun is the oldest observatory.

“This is more truth than speculation,” says Roman Nutrikhin. “This is a very strange object indeed. Some scientists believe that it is of natural origin. Others say that this is some kind of megalithic structure, that is, a structure erected by a man from huge boulders (IV-III millennium BC). "

Temple of the sun. Photo: From personal archive / Valentina Sapunova

Outwardly, it is a cone-shaped object - a monolithic stone, of the correct shape - a pyramid. The stone is hollow inside; there is something like an entrance and a window, which looks strictly to the east, that is, at the sunrise. This object was introduced into scientific discussion by the famous historian of the Caucasus Efgraf Savelyev in 1915. He claimed that this man-made structure is an observatory.

“My theory is that it could be the observatory of the Persian Magi,” Nutrikhin continues. -Zoroaster - the creator of the Persian religion - predicted to his followers that one day the very power of the sun would be embodied on earth in the form of a divine man who would be the bearer of the world. In the ancient Syrian and Egyptian apocrypha, it is said that far from their country, in the North in the mountains, far from the world, the Persian Magi created an observatory temple, in which they were constantly observing the sun and the stars. They were waiting for a star from the East. And then one day this star appeared - known to us as Bethlehem, and from there the Magi went east with good news. "

In addition, outwardly this "Temple of the Sun" on Beshtau corresponds to the description of the temple of the Magi in the ancient apocrypha. So this hypothesis makes Beshtau involved in biblical events.

The fourth myth. UFO

UFO fans believe that the mountain's unusual energy attracts aliens. Many tourists who have visited different points of Beshtau (the mountain is about eight km in diameter) say that it was here that they saw something similar to unidentified flying objects. However, most describe some kind of glowing balls.

“I have been to Beshtau many times, studied it, read about it, but I have not personally met a UFO. Unlucky, alien civilizations did not contact me, - the local historian laughs. - But I often heard stories of my acquaintances that they saw unidentified flying objects there. I have studied UFO myths a lot. So, as ufologists say, UFOs appear most often where, firstly, there are mountains, and secondly, serious man-made objects. And the city of Lermontov, which is located near Beshtau, was created in the 50-70s. XX century just for the development of uranium deposits, which were found in the mountain. Therefore, Beshtau, from the point of view of ufologists, - perfect place for the development of myths about "flying saucers".

But, of course, there is no scientific justification, and even more so, there is no confirmation of these tales.

The fifth myth. Missing water lilies

There is a lake not far from the Second Athos Monastery. Legend has it that monks dug it several centuries ago. They were engaged in cattle breeding, and the animals needed water, so they made a dam into which the spring flows, it is considered sacred. The monks, according to legend, also planted water lilies. When the monastery was destroyed in the 1920s, the water lilies also disappeared. And supposedly only in the late 1990s, when they began to restore the monastery, water lilies appeared on the water again.

The lake was really dug by the monks. But the "flowers of mermaids" appeared only in the early 1990s. According to one version, they were dropped off together with his wife by a Pyatigorsk biologist.

Monastery lake. Photo: From personal archive / Valentina Sapunova

“It's amazing that these plants took root, and they appeared for the first time 30 years ago, planted by some kind person who did not advertise his name,” says Chief Agronomist of the Pyatigorsk Ecological and Botanical Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences Zoya Dutova... - But nymphs (water lilies) do not grow in our latitudes. They feel good in the Astrakhan region, in Azov - it is warmer and lower there, and the lake is at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level. But thanks to the sunny side, the water has time to warm up, and due to the fact that the roots of the water lilies are planted deep in the silt, they do not freeze in winter. They bloom all summer. At noon, the flowers fully open, with the departure of the sun they close their petals and seem to go under the water, and at dawn they again “emerge” and open towards the sun ”.

We decided to go to Mount Beshtau. The weather was excellent, it would be a sin not to climb the rocks. The route was chosen unknown to us - the pagan labyrinth of the Slavs, the meadow of relict poppies, the Bastion rock.

Top of the Bastion. We go there. On the left is a glade of poppies, but our path will pass through the rocks on the right.

We stumble upon a maze. ancient sanctuaries. The restored "labyrinth" was a Slavic-pagan community, in the likeness of the Solovetsky. But the most interesting thing is that at the moment when it was folded, a "reflection in the sky" appeared above it in the form of a cloudy spiral. The ancient rite of "Calling Spring" is held here: scaring away "evil spirits", ritual chants, ditties. This ancient Slavic tradition of seeing off winter has been carried through two millennia.

The reconstruction of the rite has been arranged on Beshtau for several years in a row after the vernal equinox, when the astronomical spring comes. The ancient customs that existed on our land long before the Baptism of Rus are of great cultural interest.

It is no coincidence that the Beshtaugorskaya glade was chosen for the reconstruction of the ceremony: according to some reports, this place once was one of the ancient Slavic settlements. Evidence of this has survived to this day: the ruins of the bastion on the Fox's Nose rock, the ruins of the wall that fenced the settlement, huge stone blanks - up to 120 cm in diameter, chiseled millstones. Experts attribute them to the 4th-5th century AD.

The Russian Geographical Society is engaged in the study of Slavic culture, traditions, customs, historical mysteries of the ancient Slavs. By analogy with the Cretan labyrinth, 5 years ago they built a labyrinth on Beshtau.

In the distance handsome Mashuk

Rock with eagles. Downstairs a crow is huddled and constantly gives sounds of an unusual tonality, this is not a croak, but something like a call sign =)

The GPS showed that we had come to Bardovskaya glade. Beshtaulyubs gather there to relax, sing songs, enjoy the clean air.

Barbecue grill

The middle of the way, there is not much left to the Bastion.

Monastery lake.

Uh ... let's take a break and take a look to the left)

A glade of poppies. Hurry up, maybe you will still have time to see the flowering of Beshtaugorsk poppies.
We kindly ask you not to pick or trample the flowers, as there are very few of them left on our planet. They are listed in the Red Book. We did not hit the Pole, we go to the right.
Poppies will appear for 2 weeks in June. June 1-15


a stone in the form of an anvil, hung on the rocks

It's better not to look down

And here is the top of the Bastion.

Look at main peak Beshtau, people, as always, are full)

Route on the map.

If an unusual incident happened to you, you saw a strange creature or an incomprehensible phenomenon, you had an unusual dream, you saw a UFO in the sky or became a victim of an alien abduction, you can send us your story and it will be published on our website ===> .

There are many places on Earth that are among local residents have a reputation for being “unclean,” “prodigal,” or even damned, demonic.

Now it is customary to call them "scientifically" - anomalous areas, geoactive or geopathogenic zones. With a positive impact on a person, these are sacred places, with a negative impact - geopathogenic zones. But from the scientific nature of the names, they did not become less mysterious.

Breath of the Sleeping Lion

Mountain Razvalka, located in the North Caucasus near the city of Zheleznovodsk, can be attributed to a number of sacred ones. At a modest height - 720 meters above sea level - it is often referred to simply as a "hill". And for the disorder of elevation, for the similarity in configuration with the resting king of animals, it is sometimes called the Sleeping Lion.

In summer, on the slopes of Razvalka, it is pleasant to take a break from the stuffiness and heat. Even when the heat reaches more than 30 degrees Celsius, the temperature on the mountain surface is measured by 5-6 degrees. The fact is that the depth of the permafrost layer here reaches 9 meters. On a plot of about a hectare, the soil never thaws, even in the hottest season.

This is partly due to the cold air that comes from the bowels of the mountain. In severe winter frosts, the wind blows from the cracks, the temperature of which is above zero, about 8 degrees. Therefore, the Razvalka slope in this place turns green with grass in winter, and some fruits ripen on it, cherry plum bushes bear fruit.

Researchers have tried to figure out the reason for this phenomenon. There are many voids in the depths of the Breakup Site, and for some reason they are filled with cold air. In summer, it goes out through the cracks, and warm air enters its place. There is a gradual circulation. But until the end, the secret of the breathing of the Sleeping Lion remains unrevealed. There are similar natural refrigerators, islands of permafrost - and in others southern edges: in Romania, in Italian Lombardy, in the Pamir Gorno-Badakhshan, in Chinese province Liaoning.

There are plenty of remarkable places in the North Caucasus besides Razvalka. But in the last two decades of the 20th century, new messages have often come from here about mysterious and unknown phenomena. Not only over the giant Elbrus, but also over the smaller mountains - Beshtau, Mashuk, Razvalka, these UFOs, which seem to have already set the teeth on edge, and nevertheless mysterious and intriguing, began to be observed more and more often.

Path to base

In February 1989 a large number of people saw many luminous objects of various shapes... The flight routes started from Elbrus. Although thousands of people have visited the peaks of the two-headed giant for half a century, according to the testimony of the local mountaineers, there are still many places where no man's foot has stepped. "It may not be possible to find a base of space aliens," they say, "but you need to look closely ..."

Mount Beshtau looks like a complex of huge pyramids

In August, in the area of ​​Mount Beshtau, two identical circular flat objects were observed. One of them glowed with a blue light and appeared from the west, and the second with a green glow - from the south. Both slowly, noiselessly moved towards each other at an altitude of about 4 km. And then something happened ...

Both objects, having approached each other at a distance of about five kilometers, stopped. A red ball separated from one and flew towards the second object. But when he approached, not having reached about a quarter of the distance, a thin white beam was directed at him from this second object. Under the influence of the beam, the ball began to increase in size and change its color - from red to white. Then there was a sound like a slap, and the beam disappeared, and the ball fell not far from the eyewitness. Both objects slowly departed in the same directions from where they arrived.

On December 16, 2003, a resident of Lermontov and his friends were resting at a hot hydrogen sulphide spring, not far from the Second Athos monastery for men. Suddenly they noticed three figures standing 400 meters higher along the mountainside. The figures were about two meters tall in yellow, silver and blue colors. They stood motionless, and a faint radiance emanated from them. The observers did not experience either surprise or fear at that moment. Mysterious creatures looked at people from above, as if watching them. Then they did not leave, did not fly away, but simply disappeared into the air ...

The company has witnessed a phenomenon of clearly extraterrestrial origin, Stanislav Donets, Pyatigorsk enthusiast of UFO research, is sure. Aliens are reality, they visit Earth; and one of the permanent "bases" of space guests in the area of ​​the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody just the mountain Beshtau is. And it is not by chance that the aliens appeared near the monastery: these objects were built in places "open to space and saturated with positive energy."

But the abbot of the Second Athos Monastery on Mount Beshtau is of the opposite opinion. In the doctrine of the Russian Orthodox Church, there is no place for aliens from other galaxies. The head of the Department of Physics of the Pyatigorsk Technological University, Professor Andrei Chernobabov, also approached the event with doubts. As a scientist, he trusts only the facts established as a result of scientific research. But as a person, as an eyewitness, he suddenly confesses that he himself once saw something similar to a UFO in the sky!

Fear and awe

The list of mysterious anomalous zones and places, by the way, often associated with mountain regions and individual heights, is extensive. In a section of the Bukantau mountain range in Central Kyzyl Kum, Uzbekistan, rumors of crashed UFOs spread. The expedition that left at the end of the 80s of the last century did not find any traces of the disaster.

But in the Sarmysh gorge, ancient rock paintings of people in strange clothes were discovered, which can be interpreted as images of space aliens. Similar rock paintings are known to have been found in caves in Spain, China, France and elsewhere. Some of them were made 10-15 thousand years BC.

About one of high points flat Russia in the Volgograd region - Mount Blue has long been an unusual rumor. Either she attracted thunderclouds and lightning discharges to her, then they noticed light phenomena above her. In her zone, the behavior of animals changed. The engines of the cars passing by were stalling. Helicopters also fell under anomalous impact.

Krasnoyarsk Red Comb with a different shade. But he received fame not for his colors, but for the manifestation of gravitational influences. There were cases of people being lifted off the ground not by somersault or falling from a slope, but by lifting them up in the air by the mysterious force of natural levitation.

"Interesting newspaper. The world of the unknown" №3 2013


The zones of the North Caucasus are considered anomalous, where phenomena that are inexplicable from the point of view of modern science occur. In a number of places (neighboring regions) there are anti-slopes (Kabardino-Balkaria), where the force of gravity seems to work in reverse direction, forcing water to flow up the slope. In several caves of Gelendzhik, strange metamorphoses take place with people, hormonal changes in the body (euphoria, excitement) are almost instantly observed. In our case, the anomalous zone near Beshtau is rather paranormal.

The strangeness of human behavior in this sector near Maly Tau is described extremely poorly, mainly information was collected orally. KMV-Tourism staff tested the impact twice anomalous zone personally on myself, basically in different time years (winter and summer). And twice with observers-testers there were similar inexplicable phenomena.

In the past few years, as the country has developed instant notifications about various incidents in social networks, there are several cases of disappeared people. With enviable regularity, once every 1-3 years, people were lost here. Rather, they were found (2 out of 3 recorded deaths - a boy from an orienteering club and a woman who took a walk died, getting lost) in completely different places, but their path passed through this "black sector". Another person of retirement age (a man) is still listed as missing.

Anomalous zone of Mount Beshtau: details and coordinates

The anomalous zone is located on Beshtau immediately behind the ring road on the site, to the right of the Eagle Rocks. The unusualness of the place is not immediately apparent if you look at this shallow ravine from the ring road. There is nothing special here at first glance. The bed of a dry stream, a pile of stones, several fallen trees. But there are interesting details that will be discussed below.

Coordinates on the map:
44 ° 6'29 ″ N (44.108044)
43 ° 0'33 ″ E (43.009077)

What is the manifestation of the anomalous zone? If it was by chance, coincidence, or caused by a state of intoxication, then the conversation could be reduced to jokes. But this is not a joke at all, pay attention: here disorientation begins almost instantly, as soon as a person takes a couple of steps from the roundabout down to the bottom of a gentle ravine. Moreover, this state occurs even among experienced local mushroom pickers, who inadvertently entered the sector in a relatively warm season, when there is still a lot of foliage on the trees, and it reliably hides the exact position of the sun. The anomalous zone becomes especially dangerous after 16:00 pm, when the sunlight is scattered, and the luminary itself (outgoing rays) is difficult to detect.

Individuals who first entered the anomalous zone Beshtau (as happened with one of our employees) may even have panic attack... As a result of disorientation, a person begins to rush and go towards Zheleznovodsk, going deeper into the forest. In general, the state of those who fell into the anomalous zone can be schematically described as follows: a person in the first minutes is well aware that he is in a given place and the given time, but this is where to return, in a strange way, he cannot realize. Consciousness stubbornly leads a person to a completely different side, opposite from the ring road.

The phenomenon of anomalous place Beshtau, hypothesis

There are places in the world where anomalous phenomena, centuries later, had a completely scientific explanation. For example, with a certain vibration sea ​​waves in the open sea, in a number of places on the planet, people may experience visual hallucinations (it is characteristic that these are so-called "black places" where they see supposedly monsters), and their health may deteriorate sharply. Infrasound resonating in some caves, reflected from the walls many times, can cause, on the contrary, quite pleasant sensations (Gelendzhik caves). But here, at the foot of Beshtau, the anomalous zone is still waiting for its scientific research.

The likelihood of the presence of some sacred place here in ancient times is not excluded. Note the radial arc treatment of the stone fragment found here.

Such patterns are unlikely to belong to buildings for domestic purposes. Maybe even this part has always attracted peoples and ethnic groups. The hypothesis of light and sound effects is very logical: after all, the activity of the anomaly is noted (most clearly) between 16:00 and twilight. Perhaps part of the sunlight, scattering in the crowns of trees, creates a kind of visual ephemeral illusion, which our brain interprets in its own way, misleading us. What is typical for the anomalous zone: you never hear birds here, although on both sides of 300 meters you can always hear and see tits, woodpeckers, blackbirds or even a woodcock.

You should not go to this place without taking a tourist's emergency kit with you: from a compass to a navigator, from a flashlight to matches. After all, even very experienced people with the onset of dusk here lost their spatial orientation, and went somewhere to Zheleznovodsk, several kilometers away. These are those who were lucky enough to find their way ...

It has become fashionable for residents of Stavropol to ride the most big mountain Pyatigorye. The temple of sun worshipers, abandoned adits, a man's monastery - this is not the whole list of attractions for which the unique Beshtau is famous, full of secrets and mysteries.

Recently, the residents of the Stavropol Territory have been engulfed in a tourist boom. People spend their weekends in the picturesque corners of the region, looking for the most amazing places. Particularly popular is the largest of the 17 volcanic mountains of Pyatigorye - Beshtau, which was once active volcano... People are attracted by the abundance of different geomagnetic zones in this mysterious place, rumors about UFOs, the opportunity to get acquainted with the temples of various religions and, of course, the picturesque slopes.

Beshtau is translated from Karachai as "five mountains". Indeed, the mountain has five peaks: the highest is Bolshoy Tau, 1400 m high; on the eastern slope there is the Kozy Skala peak (1167 m), on the northern slope - Maly Tau (1254 m), on the western side - Shaggy Kurgan (1080 m), on the southern side - Lysaya Gora (1116 m). The names of the vertices are unofficial, so variations of their names are often found. All together, with the center in Bolshoi Tau, they form a kind of cross called Beshtaugorsky. And among the admirers of this mountain there is the honorary title of "crusader" - a person who, in one ascent, passed all five peaks of the Beshtaugorsky cross with such a pendulum, with the obligatory call after each to the Big Tau.

The fact that Beshtau is called a laccolith mountain is wrong. Correct namevolcanic mountain... Moreover, the Beshtau rocks are the places where magma broke through the cracks to the outside. Over time, the residual and soft rocks weathered and formed rocks - Eagle and Goat.

In Soviet times, the mountain was actively developed: uranium reserves were found in its depths. A specially formed enterprise "Almaz" worked here in the small town of Lermontov. In the early 90s of the last century, uranium mining was stopped, the enterprise was redesigned, and the uranium mines on the mountain were closed. But local and visiting diggers went underground for a long time along the cut adits, studying the mountain from the inside, until the flood of 2002 destroyed and filled most of the passages with water.

I climbed in adits .. there is not so much radiation, but all sorts of landslides, ore dumps of 70 meters, various holes, an iron mesh, which is on the ceiling, to prevent the debris long ago rotted .. I broke one with my own hands.
but it's terribly interesting.


Video: virtuoskmv on YouTube

Mountain adits Beshtau

Many legends and rumors are associated with Beshtau. Especially often UFOs and even aliens are seen on the mountain or in its vicinity. For example, they recall such a case.

At the end of December 2003, on a clear day, Boris Sinitsin, a resident of Lermontov, his wife Tatyana and several friends were resting at a hot hydrogen sulfide spring on Mount Beshtau, not far from the Second Athos monastery for men. Suddenly they noticed three figures standing four hundred meters higher along the mountainside. The figures were about two meters in height, yellow, silver and blue. They stood motionless, and a faint radiance emanated from them. There are quite a few such stories about Beshtau, as well as people. Those who come to the mountain hoping to meet space guests, but experts are skeptical about such stories.

I do not believe in aliens or UFOs on Beshtau. If someone saw something, then it is most likely some kind of optical effects, or, as they say, it is necessary to use less strong drinks. As a scientist, I am more than skeptical about such rumors.

But if scientists are ironic about aliens and UFOs on Beshtau, then the obvious facts still make it possible to write down the mountain as unusual. It was on Beshtau that the Second Athos Assumption Monastery was founded and erected, the blessing for the construction of which was given by John of Kronstadt himself. Consecrated in 1904, during the years of the revolution, the monastery burned, its monks were harassed and abused, by the 40s of the last century it was completely destroyed, but now it has been rebuilt again and is very popular among residents and guests of the region.

In the book about the biography of the elder Hieroschemamonk Stephen, it is said that the Second Athos Dormition Monastery on Mount Beshtau became in the time of troubles the only solid stronghold of Orthodoxy in the vicinity of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, unshakably holding the lamp of true faith. Today it amazing place, where perhaps some of the most righteous monks of Russia have gathered.

In addition to the current monastery, artifacts can also be found on Beshtau.

On the northeastern slope there is a rocky ledge that projects outward. There are the ruins of the Temple of the Sun from the time of the Scythians. This temple is a rocky platform on which various boulders are piled up. In the middle of the platform lies a massive stone, standing on three abutments. There is an opinion that if you lie down on the stones in this small domed grotto, you will feel quite strong energy.

They tell about Beshtau and the legends associated with Noah's ark... True, not much has been written about its remains that have survived on the mountain. But there is an interesting mention from the pen of the 17th century Turkish traveler Evliya elebi.