New Ark in Chechnya. In Chechnya, found Noah the Ark? Marat Makazho talks about a noah ark in Chechnya

In Chechnya, enthusiasts and scientists continue to explore Noah's ark on Mount Sadoy Lam in Cheberlow district of the Republic. Three years ago lonely local Marat Makazho found an amazing formation of layered limestone, surprisingly similar to wooden beams.

I just walked along the Alpine meadows in the mountains, a little higher than Lake Kesenaam. He admired the beauty of nature, examined the terrain. I had an interest strange elevation over the plateau. From there it was very nice to admire the district, I often came to him just sit. Then he began to consider stones and noticed that they were very smooth, smooth and beautiful in this place. As if specifically to each other are fitted. I became interested in their origin, without understanding, with what I am dealing with, just out of curiosity. So this story began, - told " Komsomolsk truth"Marat.

"Gate of the Ark" A photo:

Next year, a man spent in libraries, exploring historical sources and geological aids. Who could have blocked the limestone so filigree? What for? And what kind of man-made structure can be on the plateau high in the mountains?

Illumination came with the idea that it could not be at all a stone, but a petrified tree. Then I first thought about the ark. At first, it treated this with skepticism, "says Marat. - often walked in the mountain, explored. But the deeper I studied the topic, the less doubt remained. The final conviction came when I saw what otherwise I was familiar, I can't call. It looked like a "phenomenon" from canonical legends: slightly dusk weather, the sky tightened by the clouds. I'm thinking about the plateau. And then the bright light from the clouds, the bright light falls into the place that we now call the "Ark gates"!

Marat Makazho talks about a noah ark in Chechnya.

Czech Mufti Salah Mezhiev about Naudo Noeva Ark

Another year Marat held a study of theological literature and the history of the search for the ark. Of course, most spiritual persons argued that the ancient ship of the Prophet stopped at Mount Ararat. But long searches and scientific research did not give anything. Education, truly similar to the ship was not found, and archaeologists and geologists, not finding the cozo on the mountain, moved to other areas of Turkey. Another part of Islamedov indicates that the ark could stop in another place.

According to one of the common theories nominated by Islamic scientists, the ship could swim further north and get stranded in the mountains of the Caucasus, - explained to the Komsomolskaya Pravda Mufti of the Chechen Republic Salah Mezhiev. - Especially here, in the North Caucasus, there is a people who wears the name of the prophet. In Arabic, Noah is called Nuh, or Noh. And the true Vainakhs know that the real name of the Chechen people is Nohchi. That is, in other words, the sons of Noah.

On this map, everyone will be able to find a unique phenomenon discovered by Marat Makazho A photo: Personal archive of the Hero Publication

The coincidence struck Marat. And in two years he spoke to all that he found noev the ark. Around him immediately gathered the initiative group, enthusiasts, and looking at the phenomenon, without regret, they were invested their own funds to study and soon started excavations.

The unique natural object struck even scientists. They suggested that multilayer limestones are formed under the colossal water pressure. Most likely - at the bottom of the ocean thethis, millions of years ago existing on the territory North Caucasus. But the origin of the "nails", which are made of limestone layers, is more difficult to explain.

A photo: Personal archive of the Hero Publication

The expedition of the Crimean branch of the Russian Geographical Society, specialists of the Central Research Institute of Geology of Nermetal Minerals came to us. Scientists, behind a beer circle, honestly told that they were amazed by some details, and education in the mountains of Chechnya is really worthy of study, "Marat Makazho is divided. - But the analysis of the samples of limestone positive results for us did not give. Therefore, so far we cannot declare a find on the whole world. We continue the excavation.

At the same time, the scientists themselves respond about the Chechen enthusiast with great warmth and respectively relate to his convictions.

On the question of the origin of nails, which are stylish by the limestone, make it difficult to answer even scientists A photo: Personal archive of the Hero Publication

Marat is a very interesting, clever man. It does not look like a local madman who wring a beautiful legend and believed in her, "said Geologist and Speleologist Gennady Samokhin, who heads the expedition of the Crimean branch of the Russian Geographical Society. - as a scientist, seriously assume that this is the mythical noar ark, I, of course, can not. But the object found is really extremely interesting and deserves a detailed study. I sincerely wish good luck in his surveys.

It is necessary to work in the enthusiasts very carefully - they are afraid to damage the shrine. Now they managed to deepen in limestones by 25 meters. Members of the initiative group are confident that inside will find emptiness - the inner premises of the legendary ship. And hope that this discovery will prove to all skeptics that Noah's Ark is really in Chechnya.

The most important test for the initiative group was the visit of representatives of the spiritual administration of Muslim Chechnya. After him in the mufti of the republic they do not doubt the authenticity of the ark.

After the study of the object by our representatives, I can confidently declare that Noah's Ark is in Chechnya, "said Mufti of the Chechen Republic Salah Mezhiev. - Such is our position. Give Allah to investigate the outstands found in the mountains finally confirmed this! We believe, and we hope that this will soon happen.

Help "KP"

How many times did the ark found?

Attempts to find the ark were taken from about 4th century to our era. According to the biblical legend, he had to stay on the slope of Mount Ararat. There are several more districts that are considered to be a potential location. One of the main places, according to the seekers, is the so-called Ararat anomaly - protruding from the snow "ship outlines" on the north-western slope of Ararat. Scientists explain its formation by natural reasons, but research in place is difficult, since the terrain is a military closed zone in the Armenian-Turkish border area.

1. One of those who "found" the ark was the Russian military pilot Vladimir Roskovitsky, who during the First World War, flying over Mount Ararat, saw what he called the "Large Ship". The pilot wrote a report about what he saw, and in 1917 Russia allegedly sent there an expedition, which made several photographs of the ark, but during the revolution the report on the expedition disappeared. Later, other pilots, in particular, Durupinar's Turks in 1957, made photos of a strange contour similar to the ship, near Mount Ararat. The photograph of Durupinar even got into Life magazine and became a reason for the next expeditions, each of which declared the foundation of the ark.

2. In 1955, the French explorer Fernan Navarre brought the remains of the board, broken down from Ararat, from the wooden island of the ark. Some of the studies partially confirmed the age of the tree in 5,000 years, but all these conclusions were very subjective.

3. The joint Turkish-Hong Kong expedition to Mount Ararat in 2010 made a statement that I found Noah the ark at an altitude of 4,000 meters frozen in the glacier and even penetrated into some rooms inside the ark, making a video and photography. However, there is a version that all these shooting have been mounted to produce global sensation. Professional archaeologists do not perceive the approval of the ark seekers seriously, considering all of their discoveries - the fruit of imagination.

The mystery of Noeva Ark is many years manitis not only theologians, but also scientists. And among those among others, there are enough people who dream of prove that the ship, thanks to which humanity was saved from the Great Flood, is not a myth. Until now, the topics researchers assumed that the ark must be sought on Mount Ararat, to which, according to the Bible, he stuck. However, none of the expeditions even a 50 percent confirmed the existence of the ark, despite the fact that many of his alleged fragments were found, as well as the contour of the ship itself on Mount Ararat. Therefore, hypotheses about its location continue to appear.

In the Chechen Republic, the village of the Ark was engaged in the local seeker Marat Makazho - after found the strange fossils on the mountain lam-lame-lame.

During the walk, I noticed the layers of rocks protruding from the mountain, similar on the texture on the log, - he recalls. - Stones were smaller to each other smoothly and tightly like beams in the ship. In the stones themselves, I did not find the impurities of the local clay, they looked like man-made.

Photo: Marat Makazho argues that these fossils were once the ark logs. / @

Sizes of fossils, as well as shooting from a quadcopter, allowing you to see that the mountain has a contour big Ship.Marat came across the idea that it could not be just a ship.

The size of the hill is quite suitable under the size of the ark described in Scripture, "Marat argues. "I started asking elders living near the Garden Lam Mountain." And they said that during the construction of the mosque almost 100 years ago, there were two giant wooden beams on a high-altitude plateau. According to them, the tree took away from nowhere. The beams were so big that no one could raise them - with difficulty wolf dotted, and now our mosque costs. Other residents with whom I communicated, remember many strange and even mystical stories related to the mountain.

However, convince archaeologists to start the excavation Marat yet:

They shrugs and do not believe in the opportunity to find the mythical, according to them, the ark.

The hope of Marat gave the expedition of the Russian geographical society, which plans to go to Chechnya and study the fossils in more detail. In the meantime, the "discoverer" of the ark conducts excavation itself with the help of its like-minded people and is trying to attract specialists to the topic, publishing video of their observations on the Internet. One of such records we asked to see Professors, Doctors of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences and the Chief Researcher of the Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Trifonov.

It looks more like limestone breeds, which in the Caucasus have their own special origins, "he commented. - These structures were formed at the Day of the Ocean Tets, which existed on the site of the North Caucasus millions of years ago. Such artifacts are rarely so high, but as a result of the movement of tectonic plates, it is quite possible and most likely. Visually, this can resemble a tree, and due to the impact of the medium it can weigh and take an amazing form.

As far as I know, there were several such cases. All of them have a distinctive feature: people see something visually similar to the remains of the ancient ship. The two brightest cases were recorded in Turkey, directly at the foot and not far from Ararat. In one case, these were the injuries formed relatively recently. They acquired their shape due to external influences, that is, washing and weathered. However, their structure was too strikingly different from the fossil tree, which is most often quartzing (partially transformed into quartz. - Ed.), And almost never remains soft, like the same limestone. In the second case, the structure was solid, these were quite old breeds, which even caused the interest of scientists. A group of geophysicists from Japan studied this education and put experiences, but did not have been able to provide weighty evidence.

How many times did the ark found?

Attempts to find the ark were taken from about 4th century to our era. According to the biblical legend, he had to stay on the slope of Mount Ararat. There are several more districts that are considered to be a potential location. One of the main places, according to the seekers, is the so-called Ararat anomaly - protruding from the snow "ship outlines" on the north-western slope of Ararat. Scientists explain its formation by natural reasons, but research in place is difficult, since the terrain is a military closed zone in the Armenian-Turkish border area.

Photo: Estimated remains of Noeva Ark near Mount Ararat in Turkey / MFikretyilmaz - Own work, CC BY 3.0,

1. One of those who "Found" the ark, was Russian military pilot Vladimir Roskovitsky, who during the First World War, flying over Mount Ararat, saw what he called the "Large Ship". The pilot wrote a report about what he saw, and in 1917 Russia allegedly sent there an expedition, which made several photographs of the ark, but during the revolution the report on the expedition disappeared. Later, other pilots, in particular, Durupinar's Turks in 1957, made photos of a strange contour similar to the ship, near Mount Ararat. The photograph of Durupinar even got into Life magazine and became a reason for the next expeditions, each of which declared the foundation of the ark.

Photo: Turk Durupinar in 1957 made a photo of a strange contour from the plane, similar to the ship, near Mount Ararat

2. In 1955, the French explorer Fernan Navarre brought the remains of the board, broken down from Ararat, from the wooden island of the ark. Some of the studies partially confirmed the age of the tree in 5,000 years, but all these conclusions were very subjective.

3. The joint Turkish-Hong Kong expedition to Mount Ararat in 2010 made a statement that I found Noah the ark at an altitude of 4,000 meters frozen in the glacier and even penetrated into some rooms inside the ark, making a video and photography. However, there is a version that all these shooting have been mounted to produce global sensation. Professional archaeologists do not perceive the approval of the ark seekers seriously, considering all of their discoveries - the fruit of imagination.

The mystery of this artifact for many years manitis researchers. Among theologians and real scientists a lot of those who are trying to prove that this ship, thanks to which managed to escape from the Great Flood, existed real. Numerous expeditions and searches around the world regularly issue "evidence" - here and now the Chechen seeker Marat Makazho claims that he found the notorious ark.

Until recently, numerous researchers argued that the mysterious ark should be sought on Mount Ararat. However, none of the expeditions taken there, despite the found alleged fragments of the ship, even 50% did not confirm its existence. Therefore, hypotheses about its location appear every year and the seekers are sent to new expeditions.

Chechen researcher Marat Makazho became interested in the theme of the ark after the Sadoi Lam in the Republic of the Chechnya of strange fossils in the republic.

Their sizes, as well as shooting from the quadcopter, allowed to see that what was taken by the mountain, could be a huge ship.

Marat says:»The size of the hill is quite suitable under the size of the ark described in the Scripture. I began to ask the elders living near the Garden Lam Mountain. And they said that during the construction of the mosque almost 100 years ago, there were two giant wooden beams on a high-altitude plateau. According to them, the tree took away from nowhere. The beams were so big that no one could raise them - with difficulty wolf dotted, and now our mosque costs. Other residents with whom I communicated, remember many strange and even mystical stories related to the mountain. "

In the future, a more detailed study of this mountain is planned - the expedition of the Russian geographical society will go to Chechnya. For the time being, the correspondents of the newspaper "Comissomolskaya Pravda" asked to comment on the video of professors, a doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences and the chief researcher of the Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Tridonov:

- It looks more like limestone breeding, which in the Caucasus have its own special origins. These structures were formed at the bottom of the Ocean Tetis, which existed on the site of the North Caucasus millions of years ago. Such artifacts are rarely so high, but as a result of the movement of tectonic plates, it is quite possible and most likely. Visually, this can resemble a tree, and due to the impact of the medium it can weigh and take an amazing form.

Whether it actually has to be determined by specialists.

Chechen lover history Marat Aslakhanov said that he found the remains of Noeva Ark in an abandoned village Hinda on the border with Dagestan. He is confident in her right, but professional archaeologists claim that it is impossible, and called the news of Fake.

Chechen carpet

At the excavation of Aslakhanov left for many four years. During this time, he managed to proceed 12 meters of petrified breeds in the Mountains of Chechnya and eventually got inside the ark - at least so a man calls an elevation in the form of an iron among the plain in the mountains. Its dimensions reach 1,200 meters in length and 600 - width.

The sedimentary breeds in the form of plates of Aslakhanov called petrified wooden bars of the ark. According to him, the thickness of the sides of the world's most famous vessel - 25 meters. Therefore, Marat and his assistants are confident that inside the slabs are emptiness. Additional suspicions also suspicion and strange splashes in stones that could be wooden nails.

Interestingly, the name of the village of Hinda, in which the alleged ark was discovered, translates as "a place to collect water" ("hee" - water, "to" - storage, a place to collect). However, it is known that many ancient combat and residential towers were found on the territory, as well as crypts.

Russia, Armenia or Turkey?

In the Bible it is said that Noah the Ark really stopped in the mountains - but in Tele?

"And the ark was stopped in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on the mountains of Ararat. Water constantly declined until the tenth month; On the first day of the tenth month, the tops of the mountains appeared. " (Book of Genesis 8: 4.5)

Mount Ararat is located on the border of Armenia and Turkey, but not in Chechnya. Already several thousand years, inquisitive observers see here on one of the slopes of strange thighs, similar to the ark.

The Jewish chronicler Joseph Flavius, who lived in the first century BC, wrote: "One part of the ship can be found also today in Armenia. There, people are gaining a resin for the manufacture of amulets ... ".

Subsequently, Marko Polo asserted on the slope later: "You should know that in this country, Armenia, on top of the top high mountain Never rests the ark, covered by eternal snow, and no one can go there, to the top, climb, especially since the snow never melts, and new snowfall complement the thickness of the snow cover. "

If you connect the imagination, then in these protrusions it is really possible to see the stern and the nose of a huge vessel.

Photo source: YouTube

Is it possible?

"360" decided to learn from the expert if it is possible to detect the remains of the biblical ship in Russia? And is it possible to find them at all anywhere? The reaction of the archaeologist, doctor of historical sciences, corresponding member of the German Archaeological Institute, the head of the Fanagori expedition, Vladimir Kuznetsov turned out to be unambiguous. The interlocutor "360" did not believe that this news is not a draw. The legend of the Noah's Ark was not more than a myth, and advised not to believe people who claim to find it.

"This is absolutely unrealistic because it is a myth created as a result of endless floods that occurred in Mezhdrachye - between the rivers Tiger and Euphrates. Do not believe anything: I can tell you how a professional historian, which is unfortunately or fortunately, is impossible, "the archaeologist said.

According to Kuznetsov, an amateur historian could find some kind of crypt, which are scattered in large quantities throughout the settlement.

"He could not find any ark and did not find. This is all the fiction, especially since he (Marat Aslakhanov - approx.) Not a professional, but unknown who. Do not believe this anything. Another thing is what exactly he found, it is necessary to go and watch. But the fact that it is not noev the ark is one hundred percent. There are many antiquities there, something could find - a crypt for some, for example, or something else, "the expert concluded.

In 2003, the expedition under my leadership went to legendary Mountain Ararat, where, as mentioned in the Old Testament, moored the Ark of Prawaca Nov. At that time, I wanted to check three points on Mount, where in different years and centuries were allegedly seen by Noah the Ark. For unforeseen circumstances, the expedition then had to collapse.

In 2004, we moved to Nakhichevan, which some researchers are also linked to post-current times, moreover, it was there, according to one of the versions, Nov. was buried. All this was repeatedly described and told in various Russian and global media. After our expeditions, several others followed the Ararat area. But the ancient ship was never discovered by anyone.

Suddenly, quite recently, I came a message from Chechnya, in which it was argued that Noah's ark was discovered there. The confirmation was given link to the author of the author of the Sensation Marat Makazho in YouTube.

I managed to ask a few questions to Maratu:

- Marat, how did you find an education that call a noah ark?

I was sure that the ark was in Chechnya. When I did a photograph in order to figure out what it looks like, I was indicated on him a ray of light. After a year of studying the object of doubt, there is no - the formation of not local origin and nothing else can be other than the ark.

- Why are you sure that this is the ark of Noah?

I am sure that at the moment I have been studying it for 2 years and more and more I find secondary signs.

- Are there any scientific research?

It is not known, but I managed to find a place of an excavation. If there was someone to dig now, it would be known to us about it. Consequently, the excavation was made during our eviction, since we were not evaluated to return back, no one was waiting for the Khrushchev. Shortly after our return, a fairy tale about the ark on Ararat was invented, it was shown a picture with the involvement of Chinese specialists, most likely, just migrant workers, and this bluff was brought to the world.

- Is it possible to organize a full-fledged, comprehensive expedition to the area of \u200b\u200bthe alleged Noeva Ark?

The question of the expedition must be coordinated with the authorities, and most likely with federal. I can only spend an excursion, and that is only privately.

- In the video on your channel in YouTube, you said that you are ready to swear on the Quran that you found it particular the ark. What is your confidence based on?

Ready and swear, and head for cutting off, because studying it for 2 years already, I find more and more signs that this object was wooden.

- There is a legend, and you also mention it that when Never Ark will be opened to humanity, the so-called end of the world or the apocalypse will come. Do you think that recent times have come?

I heard a legend, I am sure that the last time came, but the apocalypse we are unlikely to look, rather - our children or grandchildren.

- There is a version that the self-confidence of Chechens - Nohchi is translated as "nov's people." Doesn't your find confirm this?

Samuoking Nohchi really comes from the Prophet Noha (Noah), I'm sure.

Earlier, I have repeatedly told that shipping was strongly developed in doptop times. Sumerians possessed a very impressive fleet, which included ships of different displacement and could move both close and long distances. If we assume that the water simultaneously began to rise throughout the earth or in its separate parts when the geological appearance changes, the part of the ships could go into drainage. Indirect confirmation of this discovered in one of the European libraries now the late polyglot, the participant of our expedition to Nakhichevan Willy Melnikov. A certain ancient manuscript, which he called the "Second Communeration" told that people who floated along with a noime on the ark saw a similar huge ship, but when it was approached to him, it turned out to be absolutely deserted.

In general, the legends about the World Flood are found in many nations of the land in different interpretations, people, according to the ancient authors, they saved on boats, and trees, and in other ways. Therefore, in the mountains of Chechnya, he himself can rest like the Ark of Noah, and any other ship of that era. Help solve new riddle Could a full-fledged scientific expedition. It is for this that Marat Makazho is calculated, although he himself is confident in the authenticity of his find and he personally needs to prove anything.

Andrei Polyakov (photo Marat Makazho)