New riddles of the pyramid of Heops. Scientists on the threshold of the Great Opening

The world stands on the threshold of a large archaeological discovery. Not so long ago, researchers of the Egyptian pyramids discovered new secret rooms in the tomb of the pharaoh of Heops. With the help of the EXplorer robot, they tried to penetrate inwards through narrow tunnels of a 4500-year-old structure, but they did not succeed.

Then the joint development of British, French and Canadian scientists came to the rescue - a robot called Jedi. Such a name device was not accidental. Djedi was the name of the magician who served Pharaoh Heops. It would seem that there is no magic of some technology. However, this time the attempt was successful and the robot was able to safely overcome the mysterious southern tunnel, leaving the tsarica's funeral crypt into one of the newly open faces of the pyramid.

The "magic" robot managed to safely overcome the tunnel and even looked at the "secret door", behind which the recently open camera is hidden. What camcorders showed on the robot extinguished the whole world

In the secret chamber, the robot discovered strange hieroglyphs of dark burgundy color, dating from 2500 years BC.

It is noteworthy that the tunnels (southern and northern), passing at an angle of 90 degrees from the zaritsa cryp, researchers were found at the end of the XIX century. Detected their engineer Waman Dixon from Britain. Twenty years ago, German Egyptologist Rudolf Gantenbrink for the first time equipped with a robotic expedition on the northern tunnel, but the robot could not get to the target. Stumbled upon a very steep turn, he crashed. The next expedition of another robot on the southern tunnel was also not crowned with success.

Driving 63 meters in the southern direction of the pyramid of Heops, he came across the rickened door with brass handles.

What hidden behind the mysterious door no one knew. Fans of mystical theories and abnormal chronicles were heated. Heopsy fans assumed that a secret repository is hiding behind the door, in which knowledge and books from the deceased Atlantis, aliens, or other "magic" artifacts.

What to say there, even by themselves, the handles from brass are very intrigued. Until that time, no one has found a single metal object in the pyramids. There was a mass of insane and bold hypotheses that these handles are elements of the electrical system, which is left by aliens and is able to teleport the pyramid to another planet.

Ten years ago, the Royer Pyramide caterpillar robot was told to the secret door made by the American office IROBOT. He managed to drill a hole in the monolithic door and cover the miniature camera into the mysterious camera inside the mysterious chamber.

Inside the chamber was empty. Millions of people who had a breath appeared in the distance another door ...

And other day, after almost ten years, the tireless seekers of the ancient artifacts are taking a new attempt. Researchers were again sent to the first "secret door" of the robot. It is rumored that last time they still managed to see something suspicious and now they collected more complete information. The robot magician of Jedi in essence copies his predecessor, but only with a much more modernized camera. A special device is controlled by a rod and resembles an endoscope, removing in good quality. With the help of new technologies, we managed to see the first "secret chamber" in the smallest details.

For the first time, scientists looked at the "Secret Door" on the reverse side. The surface of the sash is very carefully processed, being perfect smooth and polished. Rods from brass flashes the door through and crowned with small loops.

Jedi's robot confirmed that the second secret camera hides the second. Scientists think that Pharaoh Heops in Sarcafaga can be buried in it. And the empty sarcophague found before this, which is known today, was made on purpose as distracting maneuver.

At the moment, the most important findings are the hieroglyphs of the dark burgundy color depicted on the floor of the "first secret room". Egyptologists have already taken to decipher them and results will be prepared the other day.

In the meantime, researchers and interested people have to perplex. There were assumptions that the tunnels were carried out for ventilation. But the question arises - what's the door there? Yes, so carefully treated with elegant brass handles? The tunnels are made in the form of an ideally smooth square 20x20 cm. Man does not crawl along them. Is that a cat? But why do you need cats from brass?

Adds mysticities spatial location of the southern tunnel. It is oriented strictly at Orion's constellation and Sirius star.

Many scientists come to the opinion that the souls of Pharaoh should be traveled through the tunnels and to fly into the universe. But there are doors and plugs? It will clearly interfere with "travel ..."

Researchers are not despair and continue to work scrupulously. According to their plans, the final report will be ready in 2012. Will they open the Pandora drawer to the fatal date?

In the eastern edges, tourists can not go around the attention of one of the greatest mysteries of history - the pyramid of Heops. The only surviving miracle of the ancient world, from the seven existing, generates the interest of scientists, archaeologists, historians, astrologers and just fans of secrets. The questions of the kind: "Where are heops pyramids?" Or "Why is it worth visiting?", I will be happy to answer in our article.

What are the sizes of the pyramid of Heops?

For a complete understanding of the greatness of this architectural masterpiece, it suffices to imagine his dimensions. Only imagine this is a huge structure weighing about 6.4 million tons, located in Giza, the Republic of Egypt. Heopps pyramid height Even after erosion, the wind reaches 138 meters, the base size reaches 230 meters, and the length of the side edge is 225 meters. And it is with this pyramid that the greatest riddles of Egyptian history are connected, the scientists of the whole world be fighting.

Mystery of the pyramid of Heops - who and for what to build it?

The most common theory - the pyramid was erected as the tomb for the pharaoh of Heops or Khufu (this is called the Egyptians themselves). Adherents of this theory confirm their guesses the most model of the pyramid. Based on 53 thousand meters of square, three tips are located, one of which accommodates a large gallery.

However, the opponents of this version emphasize that the tomb intended for Heops is not decorated in any way. What is strange, since, as you know, the Egyptians were adherents of pompousness and wealth in the design of the tombs of their rulers. And the sarcophag himself, who was intended for one of the greatest pharaohs in Egyptian history, is not completed. The stone box did not extend to the end of the edge and the missing cover indicate that the masters did not take too seriously to the question of the burial. In addition, the remains of the Hueops himself none of the same excavations were found.

Video - How was the Hoeop Pyramid been built?

A version of the version with the tomb comes the version that the pyramid is an astronomical structure. Striking mathematical calculations and the ability to see the constellation through the Main Sky mines at the night sky, they provide astronomers for discussions.

Archaeologists and scientists of the whole world are trying to solve the truth of the pyramid of Hufu in Giza. However, on the basis of the already mined facts, it is safe to say that the author of the project became Hemion, a close relative and, part-time, the court architect of Heops. Under his sensitive guidance for 20 years, from 2560 BC. And until 2540 BC, more than three dozen builders, architects and handymen built a pyramid from huge granite blocks.

Some Egyptians and fans of occult sciences perceive the pyramid as a religious object. They see in the intersections of corridors and catacombs mystical pattern. But this idea does not have a sufficient basis, as well as an alien intervention version. So, a certain circle of researchers - Ufologov argues that only with the help of alien creatures one could build such a tremendous work of architectural art.

What should the tourist know?

Tourists and admirers of the Arab culture only amuses and inspires the difference in versions and the overall uncertainty that revolves around the Hoeop Pyramid. Every year hundreds of thousands of visitors come to a step of the granite structure, in order to touch the story. And the locals only to this and the Rada - the visits created all the conditions for cognitive excursions.

Twice a day, at 8 and 13 hours, a group of up to 150 people arrive at the pyramid. Inside, they come through the passage located on the north. But, after arriving at the very place of peculiar pilgrimage, not all visitors are ready for what the pyramid of Heops inside. Long, low, compressed on the sides of the passage in some foreigners causes the attack of claustrophobia. And the sand, dust and the wedge air can cause asthma.

But for those who have overwhelmed themselves and resist the transition inside the pyramid, all the architectural greatness of Egyptian culture opens. Massive walls, a large gallery, the overall feeling of antiquity and authenticity - this is exactly what guests take care.

On the south side, the exit, tourists are invited to familiarize themselves with the exhibits that are fruits of perennial excavations. Immediately you can look at the sunlight - one of the largest floating media discovered in the entire history of the archaeological activity of mankind. Here you can buy souvenirs and memorable figures, T-shirts and so on.

Those who stay until late in the evening are lucky enough to see the light show. The organizers under the light of Sofita create a unique, a little mystical atmosphere, and tell mysterious stories about the pyramid and Egyptian culture.

Another point to pay attention to the visitors of the pyramid of Heops is the question of photo and video. Inside the structure of the structure, a ban on any shooting, as at the desire of some people climb on the pyramid itself. But, coming out of the tomb and bought a souvenir, you can make countless pictures from any angle. In the photo, the pyramid of Heops will play with new paints and amazes with its geometric shapes.

However, it is worth being the most vigilant and not to give their gadgets to unfamiliar people, other tourists and, in particular, local residents. Otherwise, you risks either not to see your camera at all ever, or part with an impressive amount to get it back.

With a purely practical point of view, there is nothing strange. As you know, in any tourist center of the world, the local population prefers to make a profit at any cost. Hence both overestimated prices, and a tendency to fraud, and a large number of pockets. Therefore, it is worth being the most vigilant.

Hope's Pyramid: Interesting Facts

Hope's pyramid - beautiful and amazing creation. She is an admiration for scientists, artists, writers, directories and many other people who are not afraid to solve secrets. And before heading to Gizu to the granite array, it is worth familiar with the stories about him. To do this, there are dozens of movies. Such as, for example, the documentary tape "The Mystery of the Secrets of the Heops Pyramid" directed by Florence Trana. In it, the author is trying to widely consider the idea of \u200b\u200bconstruction, the riddles of the creation and true purpose of the Pyramid of the Great Pharaoh.

What is interesting, not looking at unfinished sarcophages and the lack of unequivocal information about the architect of the pyramid of Heops, the greatest mystery is internal mines. According to experts, reaching a width of 13 to 20 centimeters, the mines pass on the sides of the main rooms and have a diagonal output to the surface. What is the specific purpose of these mines - is not yet known. Whether this ventilation, or secret moves, whether a kind of air layer. Until today, science has no specific information on this.

Video - Facts about Hoeop Pyramid

Just like about the construction of the pyramid. Materials for one of the seven wonders of the world were delivered from the nearby quarry. But it is still not known how large boulders weighing up to 80 tons delivered to the place of construction. Here, a lot of questions appear to the level of technological progress of the Egyptians. Either to the issue of magic or supreme mind.

What is the pyramid of Cheops actually? Tomb? Observatory? Occult object? Message from alien civilizations? This we, perhaps, will never know. But each of us has a chance to go to Giza and, touching the story, put your assumption.

Secrets are overcome by knowledge. Knowledge can be obtained or creating it.

Any creation of human hands makes sense. "... Everything that arises should have some reason for its occurrence, because it is absolutely impossible to arise without a cause." (IV century BC, Plato, Timy).

What does that say that one of the "seven miracles of the world" of the pyramid of Heops - there is a similarity of the "Russian Matryoshka" containing within him two more pyramids, one in another?

Let's think, we will understand the facts and on this basis will create new knowledge.

As a "tool for creation", we take our common sense, the logic of thinking and knowledge of people who have used the ideas about the world at that distant time.

And so, let's start - with the facts

First, there are three burial chambers in the pyramid. - Three! Nick
Of the living people, it does not come to mind to prepare yourself a tomb in three "copies". In addition, as can be seen from the size of the pyramids, it was very troublesome and time consuming. Egyptian archaeologists have established that for their wives, Pharaohs built individual pyramids of much smaller and "family" in the burials from pharaohs was not established. From this it follows that the pyramid at different times had three owners (three pharaohs) and therefore each in the pyramid had their own burial chamber.

To confirm this conclusion, consider the pyramid in the context (what is).

Egyptian historians have established that for a long time before the construction of the pyramids in ancient Egypt in the IV millennium BC. And even earlier, Pharaohs were buried in deep underground halls - "Mastabach", where mummy was located. In the terrestrial part on the top above the hall, a not high, flat truncated pyramid was constructed, in the inner room of which was a challenge with a statue in which the soul of Pharaoh was moved after death (by faith). Rooms of premises from each other could be isolated.

Looking at the cutting plan, it can be said that the top mastel premises that was not detected for today (no more than 15 meters high) is located in the center of the pyramid, just below the average burial chamber (7). If, of course, by the beginning of the construction time by the second pharaine of his pyramid over Mastaba, the latter was not destroyed (looted) or crushed, and preserved.

A narrow oblique-vertical mine (12) for lifting the soul from the underground funeral pit (5) would have to rise to the aboveground mastaba chamber. At the yield of the mine to the level of the surface of the plateau under the base of the pyramid there is a small grotto (expansion of up to 5 meters) of the walls of which are partially fortified by more ancient masonry that does not belong to the pyramid. This ancient stone laying, there is nothing more than the belonging of the first Mastaba. From the grotto (12) to the center of the pyramid there should be a continuation in the Mastapup, which is closed or was later fried.

According to archaeologists, underground funeral "pit" (5) for some reason remained not complete. For the same reason, the upper above-ground part of Mastabu with a prayer room was not completed for the same reason (last and to find out). The unfortunateness of the funeral structure, located in the most fale place, was served on the top of the stone plateau (previous to Heops Pharaoh) with a pretext and moral basis, to take Mastapo as a basis for building his pyramid over it.

In favor of the fact that the Plateau in the Giza was previously "covered" with ancient Mastabami, says the fact that the age of the Sphinx is assessed by much older pyramids (about 5-10 thousand years).

By the beginning of the III Millennium BC. In Egypt, burial in Mastaba was changed to more majestic facilities - pyramids. Egyptians appeared and another later worldview about the residence of the soul after death. "" The one who will live a duty measured by him properly, returns to the monastery of the star to him. " (Plato, Timy.

The burial chamber (7) belonging to the second inner pyramid (according to the cross-cut plan) is supposedly located above the chamber of the first Mastaba. Ascending to the camera, the corridor (6) is laid on the wall, and horizontal (8) on the roof of Mastaba. Thus, it is possible to "see" the exemplary boundaries of the first ancient inner truncated pyramid Mastaba.

The second inner pyramid of meters for ten on each side is less than the current external third pyramid of Heops. This can be judged by the length of two outgoing from the chamber (7), the so-called - ventilation air ducts (in section 20 by 25 cm.), Which, approximately (according to the drawing of the pyramid), ten meters do not reach the plane of the current external walls. Of course, these are no ventilation air ducts that were not needed by the Ice Pharaoh. This is a way to the sky, oriented with great accuracy (to degree) on those stars, where according to the ideas of the ancient Egyptians, the soul of Pharaoh will settle after death. When the second pyramid was built, the channels from the funeral room (7) reached the edges of the outer walls and were opened into the sky.

The second burial chamber of Pharaoh may also have not been completed (judging by the absence of its internal design). This suggests that the whole pyramid was not completed to the end (for example, war was happened, Pharaoh was killed or died of illness, an accident, etc.). But, in any case, the pyramid was by that time erected not lower than the height of the walls along the border of the upper part of the "air ducts" (7), emanating from the burial chamber.

The second inner pyramid detects itself not only with "deaf air ducts" and a separate burial chamber, but also its central entrance (1). It is noticeable that the entrance, about the same 10 meters, was shrouded inside the outer wall of the third pyramid. This entrance, built to Cheops, was not taken to the border of the outer wall, and therefore, from increasing the external wall, he was in the gluke. (The entrance gate is always somewhat outside the buildings, and not in the depth of the body of the structure).

Next, the third owner of the pyramid was Pharaoh - Heops (Hufu).

Archaeologists, historians, according to the decoding of the hieroglyphs, it was established that the pyramid of Heops was built not slaves (as previously thought), and the wolved builders, who, of course, had to pay well for hard work. And since the volume of construction was huge, then Pharaoh was more profitable to take an unfinished pyramid than to erect it from scratch. Again, the most beneficial place at the top of the plateau is "bribed" to use "no specifice."

The construction of the third pyramid began with the fact that they disassemble the central part of the unfinished second. The blocks raised from the center went to expand the ranks of the third pyramid around the perimeter. In the resulting depth at an altitude of approximately 40 meters from the ground, it was assigned to the pre-unit (11) and the third mortgage chamber of Pharaoh (10). The passage to the third chamber was only required to extend. The ascending tunnel (6) continued in the form of a large 8-meter high gallery (9). Therefore (and not only therefore) Pass (6) and a high gallery (9), having one direction, differ from each other.

After the third pyramid was expanded by "in the hips" for each of the sides, about 10 meters added, then the old, outgoing channels for the "departure of the soul" from the chamber (7) were closed. If the burial chamber (7) did not assume burial, then the meaning of subsequent builders, continue the channels - disappeared. They were simply closed by external wall blocks.

In September 2002, the researchers launched a caterpillar robot into one of the narrow channels- "air ducts". Rising to the end, he rested in a limestone plate with a thickness of 13 cm., Drilled it, on the other side of the slab at a distance of 18 cm. The robot saw another stone barrier. This is the blocks of the wall of the third exterior pyramid.

When building the third burial chamber of Heops, new channels (10) were packed to it for the "Flight of the Soul" to the stars. If you carefully look at the incision of the pyramid, then the channels of the second and third chamber are almost parallel (they have been aimed at the same stars at one time). Almost parallel, but not quite! The upper two channels relative to the lower (closed), as if turned clockwise by 3-5 degrees. This is not an accident. Egyptian builders very scrupulously fixed the position of the stars and direction on them. Then what is the matter?

Earth's rotation axis every 72 years is shifted by 1 degree, and every 25920 years, the Earth axis rotating as "Yula" makes the full circle. This phenomenon is called precession. (Ancient Egyptian priests The decline of the axis and the swinging of the Earth around the poles knew. Plato the same, the time of turnover of the Earth's axis in 26 thousand years called - "Great Year").

When the axis of the Earth is shifted in 72 years per degree, it changes to 1 degree and an angle of view towards the desired star (including the angle in the Sun). If the bias of the channel pairs differs about 3-5 degrees, it can be said that the difference between the incomplete construction of the second pyramid and the construction of the third pyramid of the Pharaoh Heops (Hufu) is 216-360 years.

Egyptian historians say that Pharaoh Hufa Rules in 2540-2560 BC. After counting "degree" years ago, we can say when the second inner pyramid was built.

In the entire pyramid of Heops, in a single place under the ceiling, on powerful vaulted, like the roof of granite slabs over the third burial chamber there is a hieroglyph made by workers - "builders, friends of Pharaoh Houf." No other mention of names and accessories, the pharaohs to the pyramid have not yet been found.

Most likely, Hoeop's pyramid was completed and used for its intended purpose. Otherwise, the entrance (1) would not be closed with granite slabs, and in the ascending pass (6) would not move down the sloping plug from several granite cubes. Thus, the pyramid was tight for everyone closed for three thousand years (up to 820 AD).

The ancient Egyptian name of the Hope's pyramid is read by hieroglyphs - Horizon Hofu. The name is literal sense. The angle of inclination of the side face of the pyramid 51 ° 50 '. - This is the angle to which the sun rose exactly at noon in the days of autumn - spring equinox. The sun at noon, as the "crown" crowned the pyramid. Throughout the year, the Sun (ancient Egyptian God) walks in the sky in the summer in the summer, in winter below (as well as Pharaoh in its possessions) and always the sun (Pharaoh) returns to his "house". Because the angle of tilt the walls of the pyramid points to the house of "God-Sun" and the "House - Pyramids" horizon of Pharaoh Houfu (Heops) - "Son of the God of the Sun.".

The edges of the walls at an angle in the sun not only in this pyramid. In the pyramid of Hefrena, the angle of the face is slightly higher than 52-53 degrees (it is established that it is built later).

In the Pyramid Micherin, the tilt of the faces - 51 ° 20? 25?. Historians do not know exactly, it was built before the pyramid of Heops or later. But, given the less steep the angle of the walls (if the builders are not mistaken), it can be concluded that it was built before. In relation to the "degree age scale", the inclination of the inclination in 30 minutes corresponds to the 36 years. In later Egyptian pyramids, the slope is higher.

In Sudan, there are also many pyramids, the angle of inclination of which is much cooler. Sudan is much south of Egypt and the sun on the day of spring - autumn equinox stands there much higher over the horizon. This explains the steepness of the walls of the Sudanese pyramids.

In 820, AD. Baghdad Caliph Abu Jafar Al-Mamoun in search of inconspicuous Treasures of Pharaoh at the base of the pyramid of Heops made a horizontal break (2) (which enjoyed to enter the pyramid to date). The passage broke through the rise of the ascending corridor (6), where they rested into granite cubes that went around the right and thus penetrated into the pyramid. But, according to historians, nothing but "dust in half the elbow", they inside did not find. If that in the pyramid was valuable, the servants of the Khalifa took, and that they left, then everything was carried out for the next 1200 years.

It seems that there are 28 pairs of ritual statues in the deepening of the gallery (9) in the rectangles of the rectangular shape (the accurate purpose of the recesses is not already known). But the fact that there were high statues, they say two facts - the eight meter height of the gallery (why would be needed height), as well as large rapid incremented prints on the walls of the gallery from the residues of the solution, which tilt statues were attached and aligned (see photo gallery in Wikipedia).

Disappointing those who are mystically configured to find miracles in the pyramids

In Egypt, there was more than a hundred pyramids today, and they all differ from each other. There are different angles of tilt faces, there is a pyramid with a "broken side" under the double angle, there are stone and brick pyramids, lined and stepped, even at the base of the rectangular shape (Pharaoh Josra Pyramid). If there was some secret law, secret knowledge, and not the "different" opinion, then all the pyramids of uniformity would have been observed. - But it is not. Even among the three pyramids in Gizah, there is no unity. The smaller of the three Micheer Pyramid at the base is not focused strictly around the sides of the world. That is, the orientation of the parties is not appreciated. In the main pyramid of Cheops, the third (top) burial chamber is located not in the geometric center of the pyramid and not even on the axis of the pyramid. In the pyramids of Hefren and Micheer, also the funeral cameras are not in the center.

The Minister of Archeology of Egypt and the main current specialist in the ancient pyramids of Zahi Hawass says: - "How any practitioner I decided to check the statement that the products are not spoiled in the pyramid. Divided meat kilogram in half. One part left in the office, and the other in the pyramid of Heops. The part that in the pyramid was spoiled even faster than in the office. "

What else to archaeologists today can be taken in the pyramid of Heops? - Perhaps, try to find an overhead chamoque from the first Mastaba, for which you can drill down (vertically or obliquely in the edges and angles), several holes in the second (7) of the burial chamber, until the inner cavity is detected.

In case of failure (if the rooms are located aside from the drills), then from the grotto (12) to find a diluted pass or pass to anewly. For the pyramid, it will not be damaged, since the connecting entrance from the funeral pit to the aboveground room Mastaba was originally. His and you need to search.

A much greater interest in Egyptian gizes is a closed Sphinx.

The stone body of an ancient sphinx is located from the west to the east. The funeral cameras and burials also did from west to the east. It can be assumed that the Sphinx is an integral part of the above-ground construction over the ancient Mastaba of the Unknown Pharaoh. The search in this direction would expand the borders of the knowledge of the history of ancient Egypt or even earlier civilization, for example - the Atlanta, whose representatives of the Egyptians were deified and relate to their ancient predecessor gods.

The identification study of American criminologists came to the conclusion that the face of the Sphinx does not seem to face the statues of the Egyptian Pharaohs, but has no terrible features.

It is possible that the burial chamber with the mummy of the ancient pharaoh of Negroean origin is under the front paws of the sphinx. In this case, the camera should be up to the resettlement of the "soul" of Pharaoh, for subsequent life in the Sphinx body (according to the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians).

Sphinx - Lion (symbol of royal power) with the human head and face of Pharaoh. Presumably that the face of Pharaoh (after the plastic restoration of the mummy skull) will be similar to the face of the Sphinx.

The curtain over the secret pyramid of Heops and Sphinx is raised, now it is necessary to "enter."

"What is comprehended by reflections and reasoning is obviously, and there are eternally identical being; And the fact that it is subject to opinion ... arises and dies, but never really exists. " (Plato, Timy).

In the entire pyramid of Heops, in a single place under the ceiling, on powerful vaulted, like the roof of granite slabs over the third burial chamber there is a hieroglyph made by workers - "builders, friends of Pharaoh Houf." No other mention of names and accessories, pharaohs to the pyramid have not yet been found. The words of archaeologists, the underground funeral "pit" (5) for some reason remained not complete. For the same reason, the upper above-ground part of Mastabu with a prayer room was not completed for the same reason (last and to find out). The unfortunateness of the funeral structure, located in the most fale place, was served on the top of the stone plateau (previous to Heops Pharaoh) with a pretext and moral basis, to take Mastapo as a basis for building their pyramid over it.

The Great Pyramid of Pharaoh Houf (Heops) is still not investigated to the end and holds his secrets tightly. Each follow-up expedition trying to study the pyramid, encounters unknown barriers. Recove the door unknown before that - they find another ....

In 1993, a secret door was discovered by the German engineer Rudolph Gantenbrink, who studied the pyramid with miniature robots. Gantenbrink launched a robot, which he called "Utauaut-2", in the ventilation channel from the northern face of the Tsaritsa chamber. The robot came across powerful luminaires and a television chamber in it to the wooden pole. After multiple attempts, during which the robot was improved and modernized, he managed to penetrate the barrier, and he reached a similar door to the block. The monitor screen appeared an image of a block similar to a door equipped with metal handles. Under the lower western angle of the "doors" was visible to a crack. A ray of navigation laser disappeared on it disappeared inside.

This is what talked about the results of the study of the Gantenbreck: "Inside the passage, the grooves were revealed with a depth of 4 mm. "Utuaut-2" photographed them before walking along them, so this is not the traces of the robot itself or something like. It is possible that we will meet such furrows on the good part of the inner blocks of the pyramid, and this will indicate us how the Egyptians managed to achieve such a perfect system of connections of the rock blocks. This technique should include the use of a bronze saw to suck compartments in these rocks. Inspecting the rock that blocks the passage at the end of the channel, we found small shells of the triangular shape on its upper and lower right corners. Similar notches are characteristic of stones used for the construction of doors in other designs of the Egyptians. That that is in the lower right corner, has a size of 5 mm, in the upper - 3 mm. At the bottom of the block there is a small mark that runs parallel to the door, 0.4 mm wide. During the structure of the channel, this unit was supposed to stay suspended in the cavity above the place he occupies now. Mistores made by bronze on the front part were used as stoppers in order to prevent the doors to rise again. "

On September 17, 2002, with the help of another robot, called "Umpa II", the Gantenbreak managed to penetrate further the inside of the construction. The robot was able to drill the hole in the previously found door. The door thickness turned out to be about 7 centimeters, and behind it, another door was visible at a distance of 40 centimeters.

The most interesting thing began in a few days. Robot launched to another, northern mine. And it was discovered exactly the same "door", with exactly the same "handles".

The French architect Jean-Pierre Udan suggests that in the pyramid of Heops there are two secret rooms, the existence of which still does not know anyone else. His assumption is based on 3D modeling. What can be in them and for what reason the ancient Egyptians hid them from the descendants, remains a mystery. For the assurances of Jean Pierre Udean, there are similar rooms in the pyramid of Skyfra, where Heops's father was buried.

Currently, for further study, the pyramids developed a DJedi robot. It is equipped with a video camera on a flexible manipulator, a compass, an inclinometer for determining the direction and angle of inclination of corridors, an ultrasonic device for setting the thickness of the stone masonry. On his board is a tiny assistant - an autonomous robot, which is able to penetrate the hole with a diameter of only 20 millimeters. The robot also has a miniature drill, with which you can drill the second door, without causing it serious damage.

Like the prescription of the pyramids, and the methods of their construction still remain a secret for us, but gradually it becomes clear that the pyramids are not just the tomb of the pharaohs.

Researcher Robert Bewwell drew attention to the fact that the location of the three stars of the Orion belt is similar to the location of the Pyramid Giza. Moreover, the brightness of the stars corresponds to the sizes of the pyramids, and the position of the Constellation of Orion with respect to the Milky Way, corresponds to the position of the complex of the pyramid and the Nile. When the Egypt card is applied to the star sky map, several other groups of the pyramids are also combined with the stars.

In the designs of the pyramids, many details, the purpose of which is still not clear: granite jumpers, grooves in the walls, height differences in galleries.

To date, the door found in 2002 by Gantenbrinkom is the most intriguing mystery of the pyramid of Heops. Various assumptions are built, from quite real, up to the most fantastic. Some suggest that there is a tomb of the Mother of Heops with stored inconspicient treasures. Other - hangar, in which aliens left the technique used in the construction of the pyramids ....

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For two hundred years, scientists are engaged in the study of the pyramid of Heops. During this time, they used different methods of analysis, they launched in the middle of the pyramid of special robots, conducted a wide variety of measurements. It seemed that for such a term, the pyramid had already had to open all his secrets, but the next discovery shook even those who saw researchers.

Riddles of the pyramid of Heops

One of the seven wonders of the world remains the subject of study for more than 200 years. At the same time, another study opens a new secret and leads to the emergence of new and new issues.

The exact date of construction of the pyramid is unknown, since the radiocarbon method used in the study of the age of the pyramid, it suggests only an approximate date: from 2680 BC. e. up to 2850 BC e. The initiator of the construction site was Pharaoh Hufu (Heops), and the pyramid itself was the highest structure in the world. However, today its sizes remain very impressive, especially if we take into account the time in which the construction was carried out. In fact, all the work was carried out manually or using non-hard mechanisms.

In 2017, a papyrus was discovered with a description of the method of transporting huge blocks. In order to bring them to the foot of the pyramid, the Egyptians had to take water from the Nile, paving the artificial channels through the plateau. It is on them on wooden boats connected by ropes, the blocks were transported to the place of construction.

Hope's pyramid is the only one, where there are corridors leading both up and down. The main one at first go down, then diverges another two, one of which descends, and on the second you can climb into a large gallery. Already on the gallery you can go to the room of the queen and, directly to the tomb itself. Tunnel, leading down, is a short-circuit funeral chamber. The mystery remains the fact that the tomb, intended for the burial of Pharaoh, was actually empty.

Already in the XXI century, researchers of the pyramids found in mysterious buildings of emptiness. It turned out that in addition to the three main chambers located inside the pyramids, there are additional premises.
They were trying to explore by different methods, including with the help of robots, but the appointment of the fourth room discovered by scientists is still unknown.

It is noteworthy that in the walls of the main corridor, which you can get to the main tomb, there are rather unusual channels. Researchers tend to believe that these channels are elements of some large security system that serves to protect the pharaoh from marauders and desecrators.

New discoveries

One of the three cameras, which is considered funeral, in fact is a mysterious trap, designed to protect the pyramid from marauders. However, even a corridor leading to the main tomb may be deadly.

Pyramids researchers still do not leave attempts to solve all the secrets of an amazing structure. Recently, scientists began to use special muon scanners to detect not yet open cameras inside the pyramid. In parallel, the resonant properties of the waves were studied. It was assumed that the pyramid could be a gigantic resonator capable of focusing and enhancing the waves.

Physician researchers used a computer model of the pyramid, subjected to its powerful attack by radio waves. The results of this experiment turned out to be very impressive. It turned out that the pyramid actually possesses the property to accumulate waves, interacting with them.
Initially, energy is accumulated inside the royal chamber. Then the powerful stream is guided down, in fact, in a fraudulent chamber, which is at the very bottom, in the foundation area. At the same time, the greatest effect was obtained when using waves 333 and 230 meters.
Researchers intend to continue their experiments, now with the use of other types of waves. They do not doubt that the results and in this case will be positive.

The value of this study is that this property of the Heopse pyramid, as well as other Egyptian pyramids, can be successfully used in the modern world not only to create radio waves, but also for special nanoparticles capable of focusing light.

If this assumption is correct, this property will be the first step towards creating absolutely new gadgets, which previously it was possible only to read in fantastic books. It is assumed that this can lead to the creation, including the lighting computer, which will differ dramatically from its predecessors.

True, these assumptions still have to be checked by spending not one dozen experiments. Scientists believe that the results of new studies can be quite unexpected.

Ancient Egypt excites the minds of scientists and man in the streets from the same time, as was first cleared of a large Sphinx sand. And although the land of Pharaohs stores under its sands many more secrets.