Detailed map of Rybnitsa - streets, house numbers, districts. Cities of Transnistria: Tiraspol, Bendery, Rybnitsa

Every year on July 8, our country celebrates the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. It is symbolic that it was first celebrated in 2008, which was declared the year of the family. This holiday in Russia


Every year on July 8, our country celebrates the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. It is symbolic that it was first celebrated in 2008, which was declared the year of the family. This holiday in Russia was established on the initiative of the deputies of the State Duma. Interestingly, the initiative to celebrate the Day of the Family is supported by all traditional religious organizations in Russia - after all, the idea of ​​celebrating the Day of the Family, love and fidelity has no confessional boundaries. Every religion has examples of family loyalty and love. The idea of ​​the holiday arose several years ago among the inhabitants of the city of Murom (Vladimir region), where the relics of the holy spouses Peter and Fevronia, patrons of Christian marriage, whose memory is celebrated on July 8, are buried. Medal "For Love and Loyalty" The life of Peter and Fevronia embodies the features that the traditional religions of Russia have always associated with the ideal of marriage, namely: piety, mutual love and fidelity, doing works of mercy and taking care of the various needs of their fellow citizens. But the family is also a very important social unit, which is protected by law. Article 38 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation clearly states that: 1. Motherhood and childhood, the family are under the protection of the state. 2. Caring for children, their upbringing is an equal right and duty of parents. 3. Able-bodied children who have reached the age of 18 must take care of disabled parents. The new family holiday already has a commemorative medal "For Love and Loyalty", which is awarded on July 8, and a very delicate symbol - chamomile, because this wild flower has long been considered a symbol of love in Russia. This warm holiday is welcome in any home ... And every year the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity is becoming more and more popular in our country. In many cities, various festive and festive events are held by local authorities and public organizations - congratulatory concerts, various exhibitions, honoring large families, spouses who have lived together for more than 25 years, charity events, etc. By the way, young people have a belief that a marriage concluded today, will be long and happy. It has also become a tradition to hold in Russian cities and regions the “Give me life!” information and educational campaign timed to coincide with this holiday, which is aimed at reducing the number of abortions in Russia and preserving family values. All events are widely covered in the media. And, of course, today's date is a wonderful occasion to get together with the whole family, to take special care of your loved ones. After all, this warm holiday is welcome in any home, which is why it walks so easily - leaving the church calendar, it is ready to knock on every door.


According to the United Nations, on July 11, 1987, the world's population was approximately 5 billion people - this day was conventionally called Five Billion Day. Two


According to the United Nations, on July 11, 1987, the world's population was approximately 5 billion people - this day was conventionally called Five Billion Day. Two years later, in 1989, the UN established an international holiday - World Population Day, which is celebrated annually on July 11. The rapid growth of the world's population became a matter of great concern to the United Nations in the 1960s. The world population more than doubled between 1960 and 1999, passing the 6 billion mark in October 1999. Although the rate of growth declined - from 2 per cent to 1.3 per cent between 1969 and 1999 - the absolute increase now stands at nearly 77 million people a year, with 95 per cent of this growth occurring in developing countries. On the 20th anniversary of Five Billion Day - July 11, 2007 - the world population was approximately 6.7 billion people. The United Nations predicts that between 7.9 and 10.9 billion people will live on Earth in 2050, and most likely 9.3 billion, depending to some extent on the effectiveness of family planning programs.


There are events in Russian history that burn with gold on the tablets of its military glory. And one of them is the Battle of Stalingrad (July 17, 1942–February 2, 1943), which became Cannes of the 20th century. Giant by


There are events in Russian history that burn with gold on the tablets of its military glory. And one of them is the Battle of Stalingrad (July 17, 1942–February 2, 1943), which became Cannes of the 20th century.
The gigantic scale battle of the Second World War unfolded in the second half of 1942 on the banks of the Volga. At certain stages, more than 2 million people, about 30 thousand guns, more than 2 thousand aircraft and the same number of tanks took part in it from both sides.
During the Battle of Stalingrad, the Wehrmacht lost a quarter of its forces concentrated on the Eastern Front. His losses in killed, missing and wounded amounted to about one and a half million soldiers and officers.

Beginning of the Battle of Stalingrad

Battle of Stalingrad on the map

Stages of the Battle of Stalingrad, its prerequisites
According to the nature of the hostilities, the Battle of Stalingrad is briefly divided into two periods. These are defensive operations (July 17 - November 18, 1942) and offensive operations (November 19, 1942 - February 2, 1943).
After the failure of the Barbarossa plan and the defeat near Moscow, the Nazis were preparing for a new offensive on the Eastern Front. On April 5, Hitler issued a directive that spelled out the goal of the 1942 summer campaign. This is the mastery of the oil-bearing regions of the Caucasus and access to the Volga in the region of Stalingrad. On June 28, the Wehrmacht launched a decisive offensive, taking the Donbass, Rostov, Voronezh ...
Stalingrad was a major communications hub connecting the central regions of the country with the Caucasus and Central Asia. And the Volga is an important transport artery for the delivery of Caucasian oil. The capture of Stalingrad could have catastrophic consequences for the USSR. The 6th Army under the command of General F. Paulus was actively operating in this direction.

Battle of Stalingrad abstract Panorama of the Battle of Stalingrad

Photos of the Battle of Stalingrad

Battle of Stalingrad - fighting on the outskirts
To protect the city, the Soviet command formed the Stalingrad Front, headed by Marshal S. K. Timoshenko. The Battle of Stalingrad briefly began on July 17, when units of the 62nd Army entered the battle with the vanguard of the 6th Army of the Wehrmacht in the bend of the Don. Defensive battles on the outskirts of Stalingrad lasted 57 days and nights. On July 28, People's Commissar of Defense I.V. Stalin issued Order No. 227, better known as "Not a step back!"
By the beginning of the decisive offensive, the German command significantly strengthened Paulus's 6th Army. The superiority in tanks was twofold, in aircraft - almost fourfold. And at the end of July, the 4th Panzer Army was also transferred here from the Caucasian direction. And, nevertheless, the advance of the Nazis to the Volga could not be called fast. In a month, under the desperate blows of the Soviet troops, they managed to overcome only 60 kilometers. To strengthen the southwestern approaches to Stalingrad, the Southeastern Front was created under the command of General A.I. Eremenko. Meanwhile, the Nazis began active operations in the Caucasian direction. But thanks to the dedication of the Soviet soldiers, the German offensive deep into the Caucasus was stopped.

Significance of the Battle of Stalingrad

Photo: Battle of Stalingrad - fighting for every piece of Russian land!

Battle of Stalingrad: every house is a fortress
August 19 was the black date of the Battle of Stalingrad - the tank group of the Paulus army broke through to the Volga. Moreover, cutting off the 62nd Army defending the city from the north from the main forces of the front. Attempts to destroy the 8-kilometer corridor formed by the enemy troops were unsuccessful. Although Soviet soldiers were examples of amazing heroism. 33 fighters of the 87th Infantry Division, defending the height in the area of ​​​​Malye Rossoshki, became an insurmountable stronghold in the path of superior enemy forces. During the day, they desperately repulsed the attacks of 70 tanks and a Nazi battalion, leaving 150 dead soldiers and 27 wrecked vehicles on the battlefield.
On August 23, Stalingrad was subjected to the most severe bombardment by German aircraft. Several hundred aircraft struck industrial and residential areas, turning them into ruins. And the German command continued to build up forces in the Stalingrad direction. By the end of September, Army Group B had more than 80 divisions.
The 66th and 24th armies were sent to help Stalingrad from the reserve of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command. On September 13, the assault on the central part of the city began with two powerful groups supported by 350 tanks. The struggle for the city, unparalleled in courage and intensity, began - the most terrible stage of the Battle of Stalingrad.
For every building, for every inch of land, the fighters fought to the death, staining them with blood. General Rodimtsev called the battle in the building the most difficult battle. After all, there are no familiar concepts of flanks, rear, an enemy can lurk around every corner. The city was constantly subjected to shelling and bombing, the earth was burning, the Volga was burning. From oil tanks pierced by shells, oil rushed in fiery streams into dugouts and trenches. An example of the selfless valor of the Soviet soldiers was the almost two-month defense of Pavlov's house. Having knocked out the enemy from a four-story building on Penzenskaya Street, a group of scouts led by Sergeant Ya. F. Pavlov turned the house into an impregnable fortress.
The enemy sent another 200,000 trained reinforcements, 90 artillery battalions, 40 engineer battalions to storm the city ... Hitler hysterically demanded to take the Volga "citadel" at any cost.
The commander of the battalion of the Paulus army, G. Welz, later wrote that he recalls this as a nightmare. “In the morning, five German battalions go on the attack and almost no one returns. The next morning, everything repeats again ... "
The approaches to Stalingrad were indeed littered with the corpses of soldiers and the skeletons of burnt tanks. No wonder the Germans called the path to the city "the road of death."

Battle of Stalingrad years Battle of Stalingrad date Battle of Stalingrad photo

Stalingrad battle. Photo of killed Germans (far right - killed by a Russian sniper)

Battle of Stalingrad - "Thunderstorm" and "Thunder" against "Uranus"
The Soviet command developed the plan "Uranus" to defeat the Nazis near Stalingrad. It consisted in cutting off the enemy strike group from the main forces with powerful flank strikes and, having surrounded it, destroyed it. Army Group B, led by Field Marshal Bock, included 1011.5 thousand soldiers and officers, more than 10 thousand guns, 1200 aircraft, etc. The structure of the three Soviet fronts that defended the city included 1103 thousand personnel, 15501 guns, 1350 aircraft. That is, the advantage of the Soviet side was insignificant. Therefore, a decisive victory could only be achieved through the art of war.
On November 19, units of the South-Western and Don Fronts, and on November 20 of the Stalingrad Front, from two sides, brought down tons of fiery metal on Bock's locations. After breaking through the enemy defenses, the troops began to develop an offensive in the operational depth. The meeting of the Soviet fronts took place on the fifth day of the offensive, November 23, in the Kalach, Sovetsky area.
Not wanting to put up with the defeat in the Battle of Stalingrad, the Nazi command made an attempt to release the encircled army of Paulus. But the operations "Winter Thunderstorm" and "Thunderbolt" initiated by them in mid-December ended in failure. Now the conditions were created for the complete defeat of the encircled troops.
The operation to eliminate them received the code name "Ring". Of the 330 thousand who were surrounded by the Nazis, by January 1943 no more than 250 thousand remained. But the group was not going to capitulate. She was armed with more than 4,000 guns, 300 tanks, 100 aircraft. Paulus later wrote in his memoirs: “On the one hand, there were unconditional orders to hold on, promises of help, references to the general situation. On the other hand, there are internal humane motives - to stop the fight, caused by the plight of the soldiers.
On January 10, 1943, Soviet troops launched Operation Koltso. The Battle of Stalingrad entered its final phase. Pressed against the Volga and cut into two parts, the enemy grouping was forced to surrender.

Significance of the Battle of Stalingrad

Battle of Stalingrad (column of captured Germans)

Beginning of the Battle of Stalingrad

Stalingrad battle. Captured F. Paulus (he hoped that he would be exchanged, and only at the end of the war did he find out that they offered to exchange him for Stalin's son, Yakov Dzhugashvili). Stalin then said: “I don’t change a soldier for a field marshal!”

Battle of Stalingrad briefly

Battle of Stalingrad, photo of the captured F. Paulus

Significance of the Battle of Stalingrad
The victory in the Battle of Stalingrad was of great international and military-political significance for the USSR. She marked a turning point in the course of the Second World War. After Stalingrad, the period of expulsion of the German occupiers from the territory of the USSR began. Having become a triumph of Soviet military art, the Battle of Stalingrad briefly strengthened the camp of the anti-Hitler coalition and caused discord in the countries of the fascist bloc.
Some Western historians, trying to belittle the significance of the Battle of Stalingrad, put it on a par with the Battle of Tunisia (1943), near El Alamein (1942), etc. But they were refuted by Hitler himself, who announced on February 1, 1943 in his headquarters: “ The possibility of ending the war in the East by an offensive no longer exists ... "


For 20 years Transnistria has been conducting a peacekeeping operation unique in its effectiveness, the main achievement of which is that no blood is shed, no explosions are heard on the banks of the Dniester, and peaceful


In Pridnestrovie, for 20 years, a peacekeeping operation unique in its effectiveness has been carried out, the main achievement of which is that no blood is shed, no explosions are heard on the banks of the Dniester, and the peaceful labor of citizens is ensured. Thanks to the peacekeeping processes in Pridnestrovie, the parties (Moldova and Pridnestrovie) have the opportunity to look for mutually acceptable ways to resolve the conflict caused by the disintegration processes of the late 80s and early 90s of the last century, which led to the collapse
great country - the USSR, and, as a result, to the denunciation by the new, post-Soviet, Moldavian leadership of the Law of the USSR "On the formation of the union Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic", which was adopted at the VII session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on August 2, 1940.
The current situation is characterized, first of all, by the fact that the ongoing peacekeeping operation is perceived by Pridnestrovian citizens, as well as by the majority of citizens of the Republic of Moldova, only on the positive side.
During the period of the peacekeeping operation, until January 1, 2012, when the Moldovan side, taking advantage of an accident that resulted in the death of a citizen of Moldova at one of the peacekeeping posts, organized lengthy custom-made anti-peacekeeping demonstrations of "outraged" residents, almost not a single case of protest mood of the population was recorded in relation to the Joint Peacekeeping Forces and, in general, to the peacekeeping processes in the region.
The respectful and benevolent attitude of the military personnel of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces towards the population living in the conflict area is the basis for maintaining peace and stability in the entire region.
At the same time, it should be noted that, in accordance with the basic documents regulating the settlement of the armed conflict, the competence of the peacekeeping operation does not include issues of political negotiations between Pridnestrovie and Moldova.
It is precisely these international legal grounds that for the past 20 years have not allowed the peacekeeping mission to be diverted from its true purpose and burdened with unusual tasks outside the current mandate.
It should also be stated that the long-term experience of the peacekeeping operation indisputably testifies to the presence of the indisputable authority of the Russian Federation as a leading, guiding and connecting factor within the framework of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces, which are the main guarantor of maintaining peace and stability.
In this context, attention should be paid to a number of aspects that characterize the military-political component of the peacekeeping processes taking place in the Northern Black Sea region.
Firstly, a joint peacekeeping operation in the region is based on an international legal act (Agreement on the Principles of the Peaceful Settlement of the Armed Conflict in the Transnistrian Region of the Republic of Moldova, July 21, 1992 with the participation of the parties to the conflict). It is the only fully applied guarantee of peace and security in the region and, above all, a reliable guarantee of preventing the emergence of conditions for the resumption of armed conflict.
Secondly, in the absence of an established and generally recognized security space between the Republic of Moldova and the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, with the exception of the Security Zone, it is the peacekeeping operation under the guarantee of the Russian Federation that is the core basis for the relationship of the parties to the conflict in this matter, and in the system of regional stability as a whole .
For reference: The Security Zone has a length of 225 km and a width of 12-20 km, divided into 3 sections: Northern, Central and Southern (the largest are the Northern and Southern sections, 85 and 80 km long, respectively), and an area with a high security regime - the city of Bendery. The Security Zone covers mainly the territory of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (~ 60% of the area), which includes most of the cities and regions of the Republic. At the same time, it occupies only a very small part of the territory of Moldova (~ 5% of the area).
The peacekeeping operation under the auspices of the Russian Federation and the mechanisms of this operation are the most important element in the relations between Moldova and Pridnestrovie, since it was in this format that the peaceful political dialogue on an equal basis was provided for the first time.
Thirdly, the success and effectiveness of the peacekeeping mission is ensured by both the positive perception and the tolerant attitude of the population on the banks of the Dniester to the operation, and in Transnistria it is considered as the main guarantee of the physical security of citizens.
And there are very good reasons for this, which it is impossible not to mention. The geopolitical changes that took place at the end of the 20th century led to the disappearance of a number of states from the map of the Eurasian continent and the emergence of new formations. One of these newly formed states is the Republic of Moldova. However, the recognition of this state from a legal point of view is so controversial that one can only guess about the reasons why it took place. The fact is that at the time of declaring its independence, Moldova "de facto" destroyed all the legal grounds for creating its own independent state and no longer existed within the declared borders, that is, within the borders of the former Moldavian SSR.
With the adoption by the Moldovan Parliament on August 27, 1991 of Law No. 691 “On the Declaration of Independence”, which declared the USSR Law “On the Formation of the Union Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic” to be null and void, from the point of view of law, the possibility of de jure recognition "of these very declared borders for the proclaimed new Moldovan state, since the MSSR was formed at the expense of the territories of Bessarabia and part of the territories of the MASSR as part of Ukraine, which had never previously belonged to either Bessarabia, or Moldova, or Romania.
How did this become possible? There is an explanation for this. Even before the collapse of the USSR, the socio-political situation in Moldova sharply worsened, and the adoption of a number of discriminatory laws by the Supreme Council of the MSSR in 1989-1991 led to massive violations of fundamental human rights in relation to the so-called "non-titular", that is, ethnically non-Moldovan or even more correctly - non-Romanian population, including Transnistrian.
The confrontation became so acute that the only way to protect the population from violence and destruction was the formation on September 2, 1990 of the independent Pridnestrovian Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic. The legal basis for the proclamation of the new state was, first of all, the fact that at different historical times the territory of the modern Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic had the status of an autonomous state formation.
However, the international community ignored this extremely important circumstance, preferring the principle of the territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova, which, paradoxically, at the time of its recognition, had already announced the deprivation of legal force of the legal act establishing this very “integrity”. However, the right of the people of Transnistria to self-determination was not taken into account at all by international institutions.
Such decisions, devoid of justification from the standpoint of international law, led to tragic consequences, since the nationalist forces that came to power in Moldova, under the pretext of restoring the territorial integrity of the state, launched large-scale military operations in 1992 with the aim of the so-called "restoring constitutional order in Moldova", aimed at destroying the legally proclaimed statehood of Transnistria.
Moreover, as the confrontation escalated, the Moldovan side used the most cruel repressive measures against the civilian population, which was announced by the international tribunal held in Moscow in 1994 following the results of the Moldo-Pridnestrovian war. The entry of armed formations of Moldova into a number of regions of Transnistria was accompanied by mass violence against the civilian population, terror, robberies, looting, kidnapping, hostage-taking and other methods of forcible expulsion of the “non-titular” population.
Despite the fact that armed clashes caused the death, injury and suffering of many thousands of people, and the positions of the parties became more and more irreconcilable, the international community, unfortunately, did not provide much-needed prompt assistance to practically stop the bloodshed.
The main efforts in this direction were made until December 31, 1991 only by the leadership of the USSR, and then by the Russian Federation, which adhered to an impartial, balanced position. It was Russia that condemned the use of repressions against the population, attempts to resolve political differences by force, massive and gross violations of human rights. This position, starting from March 3, 1992, from the moment the full-scale armed aggression of Moldova in Transnistria began, was formulated in a number of statements by the President, the Government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, which contained an urgent call to stop the bloodshed and resolve the conflict through negotiations.
The fighting in Transnistria was conducted from December 1991 to August 1992 in the area of ​​the cities of Bendery and Dubossary, and only the active military-political intervention of the Russian Federation helped to stop the development of the armed conflict.
It was on the initiative of the President of the Russian Federation Yeltsin B.N. contacts with the leadership of the conflicting parties were intensified. Striving for an early and complete ceasefire and settlement of the armed conflict by peaceful means, reaffirming their commitment to the principles of the UN Charter and the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Presidents of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Moldova, in the presence of the President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, on July 21, 1992 signed the "Agreement on principles of peaceful settlement of the armed conflict in the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova”.
In the context of the implementation of the principles and provisions enshrined in this 1992 Agreement, from the moment it was signed by the conflicting parties, all necessary measures were taken to complete a ceasefire and prevent any armed actions against each other. This fundamental norm of the Agreement is strictly observed to this day.
This Agreement made it possible to bring disengagement troops between the belligerents along their lines of contact into the zone of armed conflict and form a peacekeeping mechanism consisting of a political body - the Joint Control Commission, the Joint Military Command and the Joint Peacekeeping Forces.
According to the 1992 Agreement, with the ceasefire, the conflicting parties within seven days withdrew units of their Armed Forces and other formations, military equipment and weapons to the places of permanent deployment. The separation of the combat component of the conflict carried out in this way pursued the goal of creating a Security Zone between the opposing sides, into which the created Joint Peacekeeping Forces were introduced.
Control over the implementation of these measures and ensuring the security regime in this zone was entrusted to the Joint Control Commission, formed on July 27, 1992 from representatives of the conflicting parties and the Russian Federation, as the only guarantor and mediator between them at that time, recognized by both Tiraspol and Chisinau. It was to this commission that the military contingents created on a voluntary basis, representing the parties participating in the implementation of this Agreement, were transferred.
The Joint Control Commission included representatives of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie. The city of Bender was determined as the seat of the Joint Control Commission. The political non-recognition of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic left its mark on the development of the negotiation process. The behavior of the Moldovan delegation, the personnel "leapfrog" in it required an individual approach in the selection of members of the delegation of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. And this approach was found in the adoption of a clear formula that ensures the stability of the composition of the delegation, a high level of representation and competence of its members.
Having determined that the strategy of the delegation's activity should be the preservation of peace and the strengthening of the statehood of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, President I.N. This greatly facilitated the work, but also imposed a great responsibility.
Speaking about the level of representation, it should be noted that all members of the Pridnestrovian delegation who worked in the Joint Control Commission during these years held responsible positions in state authorities:
— V.M. Rylyakov - Chairman of the Committee of the Supreme Council of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic for Defense and Security;
- IN AND. Nesterenko - Deputy Head of the Republican Defense Department of the PMR; - N.S. Matveev (Goncharenko) - First Deputy Head of the Republican Department of Internal Affairs of the PMR;
- IN AND. Kharchenko - First Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Bendery City Council;
— A.G. Porozhan - deputy, and then chairman of the Dubossary city and district council of people's deputies;
— O.A. Gudymo - First Deputy Minister of State Security of the PMR;
- V.L. Bodnar - first Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Council of the PMR, and then Chairman of the Committee on Security and Defense;
- Yu.S. Matveev - Deputy Minister of Defense of the PMR;
— F.A. Dobrov - Chairman of the Bendery City Council of People's Deputies;
— P.M. Tsymai - Deputy Chairman of the Government of the PMR;
— J.I.A. Manakov - Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the PMR.
By participating in the Joint Control Commission, people gained serious experience, which had a positive effect on their work. So, A.G. Porozhan was a member of the Joint Control Commission from the first day of its work, O.A. Gudymo - since December 1992, V.L. Bodnar - permanent Co-Chairman from November 1992 to April 19, 2005, Yu.S. Matveev, who replaced S.G. Khazheev as commander of the Peacekeeping Forces of the PMR, for many years combined the position of a member of the Joint Control Commission.
The activity of the main administrative body of the peacekeeping operation was multifaceted and extremely complex. First of all, the city of Bendery, due to the special complexity of the situation, was declared an area with a high security regime with the preservation of a curfew from 22.00 to 6.00 hours from March 28, 1992, introduced by Decree of the President of the PMR dated March 28, 1992 No. 77-a, which for July 1992 was perhaps the only opportunity to maintain stability and relative security.
At the same time, it should be noted that the Control Commission, constantly in contact with the population and local authorities, has done a great job not only to preserve and strengthen peace, but also to create the most favorable living conditions for people. This includes the restoration of bridges and crossings, and the removal of peacekeeping posts on the roads inside the Security Zone, and much more.
Immediately with the beginning of the activities of the Joint Control Commission, work began on eliminating the consequences of the past war. Of particular importance were the efforts made by the participants in the peacekeeping process to search for persons missing during the conduct of hostilities. Realizing the exceptional importance of such events, the Joint Control Commission approved the Provisional Regulations “On the Joint Operational-Investigation Group for the Search for Missing Persons during the Armed Conflict” (Appendix No. 1 to Protocol No. 98 of 13.10.1993), and the head of the established group from Transnistria was approved by the assistant prosecutor of the city of Bender Georgieva Aigul Begenchevna.
Under the direct supervision and personal participation of Georgieva A.B. The Joint Operational Investigation Group (JOG) under the Joint Control Commission (JCC) carried out operational search activities and investigative actions for 15 years in order to identify persons who disappeared during the armed conflict, to locate and identify unidentified corpses.
In total, 301 exhumations were carried out during the specified period, according to the statements of citizens; 103 people were wanted, five of them were found alive; identified and reburied - 58. Currently, according to the statements of citizens, 40 missing persons are still on the wanted list. So far, 170 people are listed on the wanted list according to the descriptions. This work is ongoing and will certainly continue until the last missing one is located.
Another direction of the work of the Joint Control Commission in fulfilling the requirements of the 1992 Agreement from the very first days of its formation was to promote the fight against crime within the area with a high security regime. To this end, in the city of Bendery, on the basis of the city departments of the police and the police, a Joint Operational-Investigative Group was created, which at various times included up to a hundred employees from each side.
Unfortunately, it should be noted that due to the fact that Moldova and Pridnestrovie have different legislative bases, effective interaction did not work out. In fact, over the 20 years of its existence, the OOSG has not shown itself in any way.
When the overall situation in the city was stabilized to an acceptable level, the curfew regime was abolished by the decision of the Joint Control Commission (Minutes No. 392 of December 13, 2000) from December 14, 2000. Moreover, already six months later, Protocol No. 407 of the Joint Control Commission dated May 15, 2001, restrictions were lifted related to the implementation of the curfew regime at the external posts of the city of Bendery.
The complete lifting of the curfew in the city of Bender and the clearing of the roadway at all peacekeeping posts from reinforced concrete blocks was a significant step. These events were carried out at the initiative of the Pridnestrovian delegation and were a powerful factor in psychological stability in society.
The peacekeeping operation to stop hostilities, establish and maintain peace took into account the specifics of the situation in the region, the peculiarities of local conditions and the mentality of the population. Based on these features, the Agreement of July 21, 1992 laid down the tripartite format of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces, which provides, with the dominant role of the Russian military contingent, the involvement of military contingents from Pridnestrovie and Moldova in the peacekeeping operation.
Thus, in order to end the armed conflict between the warring parties, to withdraw their armed forces, military equipment and heavy weapons from the combat area to the security zone determined by the Joint Control Commission, military contingents of the Peacekeeping Forces were introduced from the Russian Federation, the Republic of Moldova and Transnistria. This decision was unique, but as the further development of the situation on the Dniester showed, it was the only correct and historically justified one.
The composition of the military contingents of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces initially introduced into the conflict zone was as follows:
From the Russian Federation: six motorized rifle battalions, a helicopter squadron and a mobile group with a total strength of 3,100 people.
From the Republic of Moldova: three infantry battalions, total 1200 people.
From Transnistria: three motorized rifle battalions, total of 1200 people, while one of the battalions was in reserve.
Subsequently, in accordance with the directive of the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of October 26, 1995 No. 312/1/343, starting from June 8, 1996, the implementation of peacekeeping functions in the "Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova" was entrusted to the Operational Group of Russian troops in Transnistria.
When discussing the issue of deploying peacekeeping units, the Pridnestrovian delegation proposed to place only "neutral", i.e. Russian, units in the Security Zone, while Moldovan and Pridnestrovian ones - outside it. Nevertheless, as a result of discussions and consultations, it was decided to place the military contingents of the Peacekeeping Forces of all three parties in the Security Zone. A formula was also adopted, according to which the military units of the Republic of Moldova and Transnistria are deployed in the territories under their control, and Russian peacekeepers are deployed in the cities of Bendery and Dubossary. The reserve Russian battalion was introduced to the city of Rybnitsa. To ensure the work of the JCC, visual control over the Security Zone, a helicopter squadron consisting of six MI-8 and four MI-24 helicopters was included in the Russian military contingent.
The military contingent of all three sides was equipped with automatic small arms. In addition, 120 units of armored objects of various modifications with appropriate weapons were transferred to the battalions of Russian units, Moldovan - 76, Pridnestrovian - 25 units of armored objects of various modifications.
On July 29, 1992, the Regulations on the Basic Principles for the Creation and Operation of Groups of Military Observers and Military Contingents were approved, the content of which contributed to ending the war. The regulation determined the tasks, rights and obligations of military personnel, it also provided that the military contingents of the peacekeeping forces of the parties are formed on a voluntary basis from among persons who did not participate in operations during the war. The Joint Control Commission also approved the Status and Rules of its work, which provided for the mechanism of activity, powers, rights, duties of the members of the Joint Control Commission, the commission itself. It was established that any decisions, conclusions and recommendations of the Joint Control Commission are adopted by consensus. Even then it was determined that "through its activities, the Control Commission is called upon to stimulate a political dialogue between the parties to the conflict in order to accelerate its settlement by peaceful, political means."
Guided by article one of the Agreement of July 21, 1992, the Joint Control Commission determined the Security Zone between the parties to the conflict. It was decided that the actual Security Zone would be a territory stretching along the line of contact between the parties to the conflict, to a depth established by the decision of the Joint Control Commission. Thus, the Security Zone stretched on both sides of the Dniester River: it began with Kamensky and ended with the Slobodzeya region of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic and the corresponding regions of the Republic of Moldova. The width of this territory varied from 10 to 20 km. The entire territory of the Bendery City Council with adjacent settlements on the right bank of the Dniester was also considered a Security Zone. The entire Zone was divided into three sections: northern - from the city of Dubossary to the Kamensky district inclusive; southern (Bendersky) - the city of Bendery, part of the Slobodzeya and Kaushansky districts; central (Dubossary) - Dubossary, Grigoriopol, Kriulyansky, Novoanensky districts. Such a configuration of the Security Zone was not dictated by an urgent need, because in the northern sector during the military stage of the conflict there were not only no military actions, but there was no military confrontation either. Therefore, the inclusion of this section in the Security Zone had the sole purpose of preventing a possible recurrence of the war.
To ensure command of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces, on July 30, 1992, by the decision of the Joint Control Commission, the Joint Military Command (JMC) was created. The first senior military leaders approved: from the Russian Federation - Colonel General E.A. Vorobyov; from the Republic of Moldova - Colonel N.M. Petrique; from Pridnestrovie - Colonel S. G. Khazheev.
The same decision determined the measures and procedure for the entry into the Security Zone of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces and the withdrawal from it of the military formations of the conflicting parties. It was envisaged that by August 7, 1992, under the control of peacekeepers, the withdrawal of artillery, tanks, other armored vehicles and heavy weapons. Then it was necessary to withdraw the military units of the armed forces of the parties to the places of permanent deployment; disarm and disband all militia formations that are not part of the armed forces and are not registered by military commissariats; from the withdrawn troops to create units for demining and liquidation of fortifications. It was also planned to withdraw to the points of permanent deployment units of the 14th Russian Army, previously involved in stabilizing the situation.
Continuing to carry out organizational measures, the Joint Control Commission began to form a rapid response group and the main control mechanism - a joint group of military observers, which included 10 peacekeepers from each of the three sides. Candidates for specific servicemen were approved by the decision of the Joint Control Commission.
The most time-consuming and difficult task in this situation was the organization of the work of peacekeeping posts. With regard to their activities, it was decided:
a) along the perimeter of the Security Zone, with the exception of the northern (Rybnitsa) section, establish stationary joint bilateral posts using military contingents of the Russian Federation and the Transnistrian region on the left bank of the Dniester River, and military contingents of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Moldova on the right bank;
b) on bridges and crossings, organize stationary tripartite checkpoints, which should serve on both sides of bridges (crossings);
c) within the Security Zone, to control the disengagement of troops and to prevent the possible penetration of extremist groups and formations not controlled by the parties, create mobile posts of the military contingents of the parties.
The order of the Joint Military Command of August 2, 1992 provided for the establishment of 76 posts. In fact, 26 bilateral checkpoints, 14 trilateral checkpoints and 9 mobile checkpoints began to operate. The work of the posts was supposed to speed up the disengagement of military formations of the conflicting parties and their withdrawal to the designated areas and deployment points with the simultaneous transfer of service at posts and outposts to the Peacekeeping Forces.
It is precisely this formation of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces, when all decisions on any issues within their competence, and on all events occurring in their area of ​​responsibility, are taken exclusively on the basis of consensus, with the unconditional consent of the three parties to the peacekeeping process, has objectively played and continues play a positive role in peacekeeping activities in the region, gives the ongoing peacekeeping operation a truly unique character.
In order to improve the peacekeeping process on the Dniester, on March 20, 1998 in the city of Odessa, through the mediation of the guarantor countries of Russia and Ukraine, the leadership of the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie signed an "Agreement on confidence-building measures and the development of contacts between the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie", in which, among others agreed to take the following measures:
- within two months, reduce the strength of the MF of the Republic of Moldova and the Transnistrian region in the Security Zone, approximately to 500 military personnel on each side, with standard military equipment and weapons.
- reduce the number of stationary checkpoints and joint posts of the Ministry of Defense, replacing them with mobile patrols.
— send Ukrainian peacekeepers (currently observers) to the Security Zone. Military observers from Ukraine were approved (minutes of the JCC meeting No. 316 of November 17, 1998) and introduced into the CMC in the amount of 10 people and 4 vehicles.
Thus, the formation of the military component in the peacekeeping process was successfully completed.
The international community could not fail to recognize the obvious - the established format of the peacekeeping operation worked and, unlike many other formats, worked successfully. Its effectiveness made it possible to put on the agenda the issue of some softening of the security regime in the region.


In accordance with Article 65 of the Constitution of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, in recognition of the significant contribution of the Russian Federation in support of peace and security throughout the entire territory of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, as well as the difficult


In accordance with Article 65 of the Constitution of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, in recognition of the significant contribution of the Russian Federation to support peace and security throughout the entire territory of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, as well as the difficult and honorable mission of the peacekeeping forces of the Russian Federation in stopping the aggression of the Republic of Moldova against Pridnestrovie, I decide:
1. Establish a memorable day in the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic - the Day of the entry of the peacekeeping forces of the Russian Federation into the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic - and celebrate it on July 29.
2. Include in the Decree of the President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic dated June 13, 2001 No. 300 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic" (CAMP 01-27.32) as amended by decrees of the President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic dated August 3, 2001 of the year No. 390 (SAZ 01-32), dated November 16, 2001 No. 617 (SAZ 01-47), dated November 30, 2001 No. 637 (SAZ 01-49), April 24, 2002 No. 290 (SAZ 02-17) , dated June 18, 2002 No. 384 (SAZ 02-25), dated September 17, 2002 No. 562 (SAZ 02-38), dated July 14, 2003 No. 293 (SAZ 03-29), dated December 16, 2003 No. 587 (SAZ 03-51), dated January 27, 2004 No. 31 (SAZ 04-5), dated July 7, 2004 No. 344 (SAZ 04-28), dated January 14, 2005 No. 18 (SAZ 05-3), dated July 25, 2005 No. 378 (SAZ 05-31), February 22, 2006 No. 80 (SAZ 06-9), March 22, 2007 No. 238 (SAZ 07-13), March 24, 2008 No. 175 (SAZ 08-12), dated October 29, 2008 No. 698 (SAZ 08-43), dated April 8, 2010 No. 239 (SAZ 10-14), dated December 6 November 2010 No. 993 (SAZ 10-49), dated January 24, 2011 No. 44 (SAZ 11-4), dated April 6, 2011 No. 218 (SAZ 11-14), dated October 20, 2011 No. 813 (SAZ 11 -42), dated November 18, 2011 No. 895 (SAZ 11-46), the following addition:
supplement Appendix No. 1-1 to the Decree with a new paragraph 5-1 as follows:
“5-1. The day of the entry of the peacekeeping forces of the Russian Federation into the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic is July 29.
3. This Decree comes into force after 7 (seven) days after the day of its official publication.

November 24, 2011 No. 911
SAZ (28.11.2011) No. 11-47
On the day of entry of the peacekeeping forces of the Russian Federation into the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic

rybnitsa rybnitsa, rybnitsa transdniestria
Rybnitsa(Mold. Rîbniţa, Rybnitsa, Ukrainian Ribnitsa) is a city in Transnistria on the left bank of the Dniester River, 110 km from Chisinau and 120 km from Tiraspol. Railroad station. The administrative center of the Rybnitsa region of the unrecognized Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic.

  • 1. History
  • 2 Economy
  • 3 Population
  • 4 Transport
  • 5 Social sector
    • 5.1 Nearby attractions
  • 6 Personalities
  • 7 Honorary citizens
  • 8 Twin cities
  • 9 Notes
  • 10 Topographic maps
  • 11 Links


The first information about the settlement on the territory of the city dates back to the first half of the 15th century. One of the first mentions of Rybnitsa dates back to 1628, when it was marked as a settlement on the map of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Kingdom of Poland. There are several versions about the origin of the city's name. According to one of them, it comes from the name of the Dry Rybnitsa river of the same name, at the mouth of which, at the confluence with the Dniester, the settlement was founded. According to the second - it is named after the boyar Rydvan, who, having risen to the rank of colonel among the Turks, "remembering the fat pork of his places" - decides to flee to the left bank of the Dniester, under the arm of the Polish king. Soon a wooden fortress was built and a settlement called Rydvanets appeared. This fact is mentioned in the book of the Turkish traveler Evliya Celebi, who visited these parts with the army in 1656-1657.

Local residents bred fish in blocked reservoirs along the Rybnitsa River. One pond was located in the Pushkin area, the second - on Zarechnaya, and the third - in the recreation area. They alternately released water, collected fish and sold it to visiting merchants. This is how the merchants quietly renamed Rydvanets into Rybnitsa. This settlement was part of the Polish kingdom.

In 1793, as a result of the second division of the Commonwealth, this territory was transferred to Russia, and from 1797 until the October Revolution, Rybnitsa was part of the Molokish volost of the Baltsky district of the Podolsk province. At the end of the 19th century, a railway was built through the city. Since 1893, regular navigation has been established on the Dniester. In 1898, the first sugar factory in the Podolsk province was built with the first electric generator set in the region.

In 1924, Rybnitsa became an urban-type settlement and a regional center of the Moldavian ASSR. In 1926, 9.4 thousand inhabitants lived in the city (38.0% - Jews, 33.8% - Ukrainians, 16.0% - Moldavians). 1938 Rybnitsa acquires the status of a city. In 1941-42, the remaining Jewish population of Rybnitsa was brutally tortured by the Romanian and German invaders. A memorial sign was erected at the place of executions of 500 Rybnitsa residents.

On December 19, 1962, the city of Rybnitsa was classified as a city of republican subordination of the Moldavian SSR. In 1991, the status was lost.

During the existence of the MSSR in the city there were factories: sugar-alcohol, wine-making, bakery products, cement-slate, metallurgical, etc., factories: reinforced concrete structures and building parts, pumping, butter-making, etc., knitwear and linen factory. The population in 1975 was 39.9 thousand inhabitants, and in 1991 - already 62.9 thousand people. By 2005, the population had grown to 67.3 thousand people.


View of Rybnitsa

Rybnitsa has an advantageous transport and geographical position. The city is located on the left bank of the Dniester and is separated from the river by a concrete dam. Near the city there is a large reservoir. The surrounding area has significant reserves of minerals - raw materials for the production of building materials.

Rybnitsa is a large manufacturing and industrial center. 408 enterprises operate in the city, of which 64 are state-owned, 43 are municipal, 254 are limited liability companies and private firms. The oldest (1898) sugar factory in Transnistria and Moldova is also located here (although there is little left of it, the sugar factory is in complete decline and has not been operating since 2003), a distillery, a metallurgical and cement-slate plants - two all-Union construction projects, a centrifugal pump plant . After the construction of the reservoir and the flooding of the lower part of the city, the center was redeveloped, and now the city is dominated by high-rise buildings. There is a pier and a railway station. A recreation area has been located near the reservoir since 1955.

Rybnitsa from Rezina. 2010

The Moldavian metallurgical plant was put into operation in 1985, now it produces 1 million tons of steel and 1 million rolled products per year, 3,000 people work here. The plant was awarded the Diamond and Gold Stars for product quality. The production volume of the plant is about 276 million dollars (52% of the total production of the PMR and 65% of exports), its share in the budget of the PMR is 15.5% (22.2 million dollars).

The volume of production of all other enterprises of the city is about 10 million dollars, or together with MMZ - 286 million dollars (54% of the production of the PMR).

For comparison: Tiraspol - 177 million dollars (33.5%), Bendery - 43 million dollars (8%)


The population of the city as of January 1, 2014 was 47,949 inhabitants, in 2010 - 50.1 thousand people.

The national composition of the city (according to the 2004 census):

People qty,
Ukrainians 24898 46,41 % 50,10 %
Russians 11738 21,88 % 23,62 %
Moldovans 11235 20,94 % 22,61 %
Poles 500 0,93 % 1,01 %
Belarusians 328 0,61 % 0,66 %
Bulgarians 220 0,41 % 0,44 %
Jews 166 0,31 % 0,33 %
Germans 106 0,20 % 0,21 %
Gagauz 96 0,18 % 0,19 %
other 571 1,06 % 1,15 %
indicated 49693 92,63 % 100,00 %
did not indicate 3955 7,37 %
Total 53648 100,00 %


bus station

The main mode of transport is automobile. There is also a railway.

There was a cargo cable car across the Dniester, connecting Rybnitsa with the Moldovan village of Chorna. The road was dismantled in September 2014.

social sector

In the field of education, there are 12 schools, 1 educational institution of primary and secondary vocational education (GOU SPO "Rybnitsa Polytechnic College") and 3 higher educational institutions, including: a branch of the Pridnestrovian State University. T. G. Shevchenko, a branch of the North-Western Correspondence Technical University in St. Petersburg (closed) and the Consulting Point of the Tiraspol branch of the Moscow Academy of Economics and Law.

The development of physical culture and sports is provided by 4 youth sports schools, 150 sports facilities, including 37 sports halls, 2 swimming pools and 92 flat sports facilities.

Three Russian-language city newspapers are published in Rybnitsa - the official Novosti (circulation 2,500 copies), independent Good Day and Good Evening (circulation - 6,500 copies each). The republican newspaper "Homin" in Ukrainian is also published here (circulation - 2,000 copies).

There are 2 hotels in the city: "Tiras" with 250 beds and "Metallurg" with 50 beds, many restaurants and cafes. in the lower part of the city on the banks of the Dniester there is a sanatorium-dispensary MMZ.

Memorial of Military Glory. In the background on the right is Mikhailo-Arkhangelsky Cathedral

In 1975, the Military Glory Memorial, 24 meters high, was built (the author of the project was V. Mednek). Two paired reinforced concrete pylons are lined with white marble, at the foot, on 12 granite slabs, the names of the liberators of the city and the region are carved (restored in 2010). The Nazis killed 2,700 Soviet soldiers in a prisoner of war camp, in May-June 1943, about 3,000 Ukrainian fishermen were evicted near Ochakov, about 3,000 people died of typhus in the Jewish ghetto, and more than 4,000 fishermen fell on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War - these are the losses of a small Transnistrian city .

The main current attraction of the city was the Michael the Archangel Cathedral - the largest in Transnistria and Moldova, it was built for about 15 years and opened on November 21, 2006. The bells are placed on the third tier, in the center is a large bell "Blagovest" weighing 100 pounds, around it there are 10 more bells, the smallest of which weighs only 4 kg. The bells for the cathedral belfry were cast in the Moscow Joint Stock Company "Litex".

In addition to the Archangel Michael Cathedral itself, which can simultaneously accommodate about 2 thousand parishioners, a large, 3-storey parish house will be built on the territory of the temple complex, which will house a library, a dining room, a parish school and the rector's chambers.

Nearby Attractions

Customs post on the bridge across the Dniester between Rybnitsa and Rezina Kalaur Gorge in Rashkovo

After the victory of the Lithuanian prince Olgerd on the Sinyukha river, Podolia was given to his nephew Fyodor Koriatovich. He ordered to build the castle of Kalaur over a narrow gorge around the turn of the river, on the border of Lithuania and Moldova, which was completely ready by the end of the 14th century. During the marriage of the son of B. Khmelnitsky - Timosh and the daughter of the Moldavian ruler V. Lupu - Ruksanda, the newlyweds receive this castle as a gift from B. Khmelnitsky, but, unfortunately, it has not survived to this day. The ancient church of St. Cayetana in Rashkov, built in 1749 (baroque) by the Polish magnate Stanisław Lubomirski (1704-93). The two towers are decorated with Ionic and Tuscan order pilasters. Art. Lubomirsky became the governor of Bratslav in 1764, Shargorod was his residence, but many palaces belong to Lubomirsky throughout Poland (Warsaw, Rzeszow, Przemysl). The treasures of Tatar silver and Swedish coins found here, as well as the ruins of a huge synagogue with a secret staircase in the wall, tell about the former glory of Rashkov in the Middle Ages.

Nature Reserve and Trinity Monastery in Saharna Main article: Saharna

The nature reserve "Saharna" is located on the right bank of the Dniester, 10 km from the city, includes a gorge 5 km long and 170 meters deep, many springs and a forest area dominated by oak, hornbeam, acacia with an area of ​​670 hectares. The Saharna stream forms 22 waterfalls on its way, the largest of which falls from a height of four meters. Steep slopes are cut by ravines, and in the early morning the gorge is wrapped in fog and, as the legend says, a person can disappear into it forever...

The Trinity Monastery (1776) hid in a gorge and is located, as it were, in a large shell. At the beginning of the 13th century, the Annunciation Church was carved into a 15-meter rock, in which hermit monks lived and now there are the relics of St. Macarius. in the upper courtyard in 1821 the summer Trinity Church was built - the interior has an impressive dome on a high drum, the interior space is opened up with great energy. And where the foot of the Virgin Mary once stepped, and her imprint remained, now a chapel has been built.

Assumption rock monastery in Tsypovo Main article: Tsypovo

Carved into a giant cliff, this is the most significant of the rock complexes, located 20 km south of Rybnitsa on the right bank of the Dniester. The middle part of the monastery was carved in the Middle Ages and had a system of protective passages; a narrow path over the abyss led to small cells, protecting the inhabitants from dashing newcomers. The caves were cut down from trees growing nearby, and when the trees were cut down, the entrance to the caves was possible only by rope ladders, which, in case of danger, went up. At the end of the 18th century, the threat of raids passed, the approaches were improved, the cells were expanded and a church building was created. “Entirely hidden in the rock, the monastery from the Dniester looks whitening in the middle of the mountain with an array of limestone with dark window openings. it is different at different times of the day: it is unusually picturesque in the morning, when the facade, colored by sunrise, from a height of fifty meters echoes its counterpart in the river surface. Graphically clearly drawn in the rays of the midday sun, marked by sharp shadows from overhanging blocks of stone. It is poetic in the evening, when mysteriously faded, barely distinguishable on a shaded mountain, along with it, an indistinct reflection falls into the waters of the Dniester. (D. Goberman)


  • Rybnitsa Rebbe Chaim-Zanvl Abramovich, Hasidic tzaddik, rabbi of Rybnitsa.
  • Meir Argov (Grabovsky), Israeli politician, one of the 37 signatories of the country's Declaration of Independence.
  • Pavel Yakovlevich Zaltsman, film artist, painter, writer; Between 1917 and 1925 he lived intermittently in Rybnitsa.
  • David Alexandrovich Zelvensky, military historian.
  • Yitzhak Yitzhaki (Lishovsky), Israeli politician of a socialist persuasion, member of the Knesset.
  • Valery Kabak, professor of Balti State University. Alec Russo.
  • Victor Ivanovich Komlyakov, Moldavian chess player, grandmaster.
  • Alexander Semyonovich Markus, Moldavian mathematician.
  • Israel Aronovich Feldman, Moldavian mathematician.
  • Semyon Isaakovich Shvartsburd, Soviet mathematician-teacher, founder of specialized physics and mathematics schools.
  • Arnold Petrovich Shvartsman, Ukrainian Soviet mathematician, head of the department of theoretical mechanics of the hydraulic engineering faculty of the Odessa Institute of Marine Engineers, was born in 1903 in Rybnitsa.

honorary citizens

According to the official site. Updated August 2, 2014
  • Babarykin, Viktor Nikolaevich
  • Kamyshnikov, Pyotr Ivanovich
  • Kozlova, Nadezhda Gerasimovna
  • Fomin, Anatoly Pavlovich
  • Yablonsky, Ivan Antonovich
  • Bondarevskaya, Natalya Danilovna
  • Broznitsky, Nikolai Ivanovich
  • Klishchevsky, Zakhar Avdeevich
  • Korsak, Mikhail Mikhailovich
  • Mamaliga, Ivan Alekseevich
  • Marchenko, Nina Petrovna
  • Popov, Nikodim Khrisantovich
  • Shurpa Andrey Avksentevich
  • Chernenko, Ivan Petrovich
  • Chebotar, Efim Karpovich
  • Goncharuk, Boris Ivanovich
  • Tereshin, Yuri Pavlovich
  • Vlasyuk, Efim Alekseevich
  • Belitchenko, Anatoly Konstantinovich
  • Palagnyuk, Boris Timofeevich
  • Gonchar, Vladimir Alexandrovich
  • Klementiev, Vasily Alexandrovich
  • Platonov, Yuri Mikhailovich
  • Serdtsev, Nikolai I.
  • Zheltov, Mikhail Mikhailovich

twin cities

  • Vinnitsa (Ukraine)
  • Naked Pier (Ukraine)
  • Dmitrov (Russia)


  1. This settlement is located in the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. According to the administrative-territorial division of Moldova, most of the territory controlled by the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic is part of Moldova as administrative-territorial units on the left bank of the Dniester, the other part is part of Moldova as the municipality of Bendery. The declared territory of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, controlled by Moldova, is located on the territory of the Dubossary, Caushansky and Novoanensky regions of Moldova. In fact, the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic is an unrecognized state, most of the declared territory of which is not controlled by Moldova.
  2. 1 2 State Statistical Service of the PMR: Socio-economic development of the PMR in 2013 (final data)
  3. Decree of the President of the PMR No. 420 "On the appointment of the head of the state administration of the Rybnitsa region and the city of Rybnitsa"
  4. National composition of the PMR population according to the 2004 census
  5. EMERCOM of Russia and the cable car in Rybnitsa
  6. Historical reference (Russian). Retrieved May 29, 2013. Archived from the original on May 29, 2013.

Topographic maps

  • Map sheet L-35-10. Scale: 1: 100,000. State of the area in 1986. Edition 1988
  • Map sheet L-35-11 Slobodka. Scale: 1: 100,000. State of the area in 1984. Edition 1987


  • Official website of the Rybnitsa City and District Council of People's Deputies
  • Official website of the State Administration of the city of Rybnitsa and the Rybnitsa region
  • Information and entertainment portal of the city of Rybnitsa
  • Unofficial site of the city
  • Website of the Rybnitsa branch of the Pridnestrovian State University. T. G. Shevchenko
  • map of Rybnitsa and surroundings
  • website of the Enigma cinema in Rybnitsa

rybnitsa group chance, rybnitsa population, rybnitsa news, rybnitsa pmr, rybnitsa weather, rybnitsa transnistria, rybnitsa shell, rybnitsa shell dancing, rybnitsa rybnitsa, rybnitsa photo

Rybnitsa Information About

Area Rybnitsky Head of Administration Frolov Vyacheslav Anatolievich History and geography Based 1628 First mention 1628 City with 1938 Timezone UTC+2, summer UTC+3 Population Population 47,949 people (2014) Digital IDs Telephone code +373 555 xxxxx Postcode MD-5500 Other Status city ​​(according to the law of Moldova)
district center (according to the law of the PMR)

Rybnitsa(Mold. Rîbnița, Ukrainian Ribnitsa) - a city in Transnistria on the left bank of the Dniester River, at a tributary of Rybnitsa, 110 km from and 120 km from. Railroad station. The administrative center of the Rybnitsa region of the unrecognized Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic.


The first information about the settlement on the territory of the city dates back to the first half of the 15th century. One of the first mentions of Rybnitsa dates back to 1628, when it was marked as a settlement on the map of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Kingdom of Poland. There are several versions about the origin of the city's name. According to one of them, it comes from the name of the Dry Rybnitsa river of the same name, at the mouth of which, at the confluence with the Dniester, the settlement was founded. According to the second - it is named after the boyar Rydvan, who, having risen to the rank of colonel among the Turks, "remembering the fat pork of his places" - decides to flee to the left bank of the Dniester, under the arm of the Polish king. Soon a wooden fortress was built and a settlement called Rydvanets appeared. This fact is mentioned in the book of the Turkish traveler Evliya Celebi, who visited these parts with the army in 1656-1657.

Local residents bred fish in blocked reservoirs along the Rybnitsa River. One pond was located in the Pushkin area, the second - on Zarechnaya, and the third - in the recreation area. They alternately released water, collected fish and sold it to visiting merchants. This is how the merchants quietly renamed Rydvanets into Rybnitsa. This settlement was part of the kingdom.

In 1793, as a result of the second division of the Commonwealth, this territory was transferred to Russia, and from 1797 until the October Revolution, Rybnitsa was part of the Molokish volost of the Baltsky district of the Podolsk province. At the end of the 19th century, a railway was built through the city. Since 1893, regular navigation has been established on the Dniester. In 1898, the first sugar factory in the Podolsk province was built with the first electric generator in the region.

In 1924, Rybnitsa became an urban-type settlement and the regional center of the Moldavian ASSR. In 1926, 9.4 thousand inhabitants lived in Rybnitsa (38.0% - Jews, 33.8% - Ukrainians, 16.0% - Moldavians). October 20, 1938 Rybnitsa acquires the status of a city. In 1941-42, the remaining Jewish population of Rybnitsa was brutally tortured by the Romanian and German invaders. A memorial sign was erected at the place of executions of 500 Rybnitsa residents.

On December 19, 1962, the city of Rybnitsa was classified as a city of republican subordination of the Moldavian SSR. In 1991, the status was lost.

During the existence of the MSSR in the city there were factories: sugar-alcohol, wine-making, bakery products, cement-slate, metallurgical, etc., factories: reinforced concrete structures and building parts, pumping, butter-making, etc., knitwear and linen factory. The population in 1975 was 39.9 thousand inhabitants, and in 1991 - already 62.9 thousand people. By 2005, the population had grown to 67.3 thousand people.


View of Rybnitsa

Rybnitsa has an advantageous transport and geographical position. The city is located on the left bank of the Dniester and is separated from the river by a concrete dam. Near the city there is a large reservoir. In the vicinity there are significant reserves of minerals - raw materials for the production of building materials.

Rybnitsa is a large manufacturing and industrial center. There are 408 enterprises operating in the city, of which 64 are state-owned, 43 are municipal, 254 are limited liability companies and private firms. Here is located the oldest (1898) in Transnistria and a sugar factory (although there is little left of it, the sugar factory is in complete decline and has not been operating since 2003), a distillery, a metallurgical and cement-slate plants - two all-Union construction projects, a centrifugal pump plant. After the construction of the reservoir and the flooding of the lower part of the city, the center was redeveloped, and now the city is dominated by high-rise buildings. There is a pier and a railway station. A recreation area has been located near the reservoir since 1955.

Rybnitsa from Rezina. 2010

The Moldavian metallurgical plant was put into operation in 1985, now it produces 1 million tons of steel and 1 million rolled products per year, 3,000 people work here. The plant was awarded the Diamond and Gold Stars for product quality. The production volume of the plant is about 276 million dollars (52% of the total production of the PMR and 65% of exports), its share in the budget of the PMR is 15.5% (22.2 million dollars).

The volume of production of all other enterprises of the city is about 10 million dollars, or together with MMZ - 286 million dollars (54% of the production of the PMR).

For comparison: - 177 million dollars (33.5%), - 43 million dollars (8%)


The population of the city as of January 1, 2014 was 47,949 inhabitants, in 2010 - 50.1 thousand people.

The national composition of the city (according to the 2004 census):

People qty,
Ukrainians 24898 46,41 % 50,10 %
Russians 11738 21,88 % 23,62 %
Moldovans 11235 20,94 % 22,61 %
Poles 500 0,93 % 1,01 %
Belarusians 328 0,61 % 0,66 %
Bulgarians 220 0,41 % 0,44 %
Jews 166 0,31 % 0,33 %
Germans 106 0,20 % 0,21 %
Gagauz 96 0,18 % 0,19 %
other 571 1,06 % 1,15 %
indicated 49693 92,63 % 100,00 %
did not indicate 3955 7,37 %
Total 53648 100,00 %


bus station

The main mode of transport is automobile. There is also a railway.

There was a cargo cable car across the Dniester, connecting Rybnitsa with the Moldovan village of Chorna. The road was dismantled in September 2014.

social sector

In the field of education, there are 12 schools, 1 educational institution of primary and secondary vocational education (GOU SPO "Rybnitsa Polytechnic College") and 3 higher educational institutions, including: a branch of the Pridnestrovian State University. T. G. Shevchenko, a branch of the North-Western Correspondence Technical University in St. Petersburg (closed) and the Consulting Point of the Tiraspol branch of the Moscow Academy of Economics and Law.

The development of physical culture and sports is provided by 4 youth sports schools, 150 sports facilities, including 37 sports halls, 2 swimming pools and 92 flat sports facilities.

Three Russian-language city newspapers are published in Rybnitsa - the official Novosti (circulation 2,500 copies), independent Good Day and Good Evening (circulation - 6,500 copies each). The republican newspaper "Homin" in Ukrainian is also published here (circulation - 2,000 copies).

There are 2 hotels in the city: "Tiras" with 250 beds and "Metallurg" with 50 beds, many restaurants and cafes. In the lower part of the city on the banks of the Dniester there is a sanatorium-dispensary MMZ.

Memorial of Military Glory. In the background on the right is Mikhailo-Arkhangelsky Cathedral

In 1975, the Military Glory Memorial, 24 meters high, was built (designed by V. Mednek). Two paired reinforced concrete pylons are lined with white marble, at the foot, on 12 granite slabs, the names of the liberators of the city and the region are carved (restored in 2010). In the POW camp, the Nazis destroyed 2,700 Soviet soldiers, in May-June 1943, about 3,000 Ukrainian fishermen were evicted near Ochakov, about 3,000 people died of typhus in the Jewish ghetto, and more than 4,000 fishermen fell on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War - these are the losses of a small Pridnestrovian cities.

The main current attraction of the city was the Michael the Archangel Cathedral - the largest in Transnistria and, it was built for about 15 years and opened on November 21, 2006. The bells are placed on the third tier, in the center is a large bell "Blagovest" weighing 100 pounds, around it there are 10 more bells, the smallest of which weighs only 4 kg. The bells for the cathedral belfry were cast in the Moscow Joint Stock Company "Litex".

In addition to the Archangel Michael Cathedral itself, which can simultaneously accommodate about 2 thousand parishioners, a large, 3-storey parish house will be built on the territory of the temple complex, which will house a library, a dining room, a parish school and the rector's chambers.

Nearby Attractions

Customs post on the bridge across the Dniester between Rybnitsa and Rezina

Gorge Kalaur in Rashkovo

After the victory of the Lithuanian prince Olgerd on the Sinyukha river, Podolia was given to his nephew Fyodor Koriatovich. He ordered to build the castle of Kalaur over a narrow gorge around the turn of the river, on the border of Lithuania and Moldova, which was completely ready by the end of the 14th century. During the marriage of the son of B. Khmelnitsky - Timosh and the daughter of the Moldavian ruler V. Lupu - Ruksanda, the newlyweds receive this castle as a gift from B. Khmelnitsky, but it has not survived to this day. The ancient church of St. Cayetana in Rashkov, built in 1749 (baroque) by the Polish magnate Stanisław Lubomirski (1704-93). The two towers are decorated with Ionic and Tuscan order pilasters. Art. Lubomirsky became the governor of Bratslav in 1764, Shargorod was his residence, but many palaces belong to Lubomirsky throughout Poland (Warsaw, Rzeszow, Przemysl). The treasures of Tatar silver and Swedish coins found here, as well as the ruins of a huge synagogue with a secret staircase in the wall, tell about the former glory of Rashkov in the Middle Ages.

Nature Reserve and Trinity Monastery in Saharna

The nature reserve "Saharna" is located on the right bank of the Dniester, 10 km from the city, includes a gorge 5 km long and 170 meters deep, many springs and a forest area dominated by oak, hornbeam, acacia with an area of ​​670 hectares. The Saharna Stream forms 22 waterfalls on its way, the largest of which falls from a height of four meters. Steep slopes are cut by ravines, and in the early morning the gorge is wrapped in fog and, as the legend says, a person can disappear into it forever...

The Trinity Monastery (1776) hid in a gorge and is located, as it were, in a large shell. At the beginning of the 13th century, the Annunciation Church was carved into a 15-meter rock, in which hermit monks lived and now there are the relics of St. Macarius. The summer Trinity Church was built in the upper courtyard in 1821 - the interior has an impressive dome on a high drum, the interior space is opened up with great energy. And where the foot of the Virgin Mary once stepped, and her imprint remained, now a chapel has been built.

Assumption rock monastery in Tsypovo

Carved into a giant cliff, this is the most significant of the rock complexes, located 20 km south of Rybnitsa on the right bank of the Dniester. The middle part of the monastery was carved in the Middle Ages and had a system of protective passages; a narrow path over the abyss led to small cells, protecting the inhabitants from dashing newcomers. The caves were cut down from trees growing nearby, and when the trees were cut down, the entrance to the caves was possible only by rope ladders, which, in case of danger, went up. At the end of the 18th century, the threat of raids passed, the approaches were improved, the cells were expanded and the church premises were created. “Entirely hidden in the rock, the monastery from the Dniester looks whitening in the middle of the mountain with an array of limestone with dark window openings. At different times of the day, it is diverse: it is unusually picturesque in the morning, when the facade colored by sunrise from a height of fifty meters echoes its counterpart in the river surface. Graphically clearly drawn in the rays of the midday sun, marked by sharp shadows from overhanging blocks of stone. It is poetic in the evening, when mysteriously faded, barely distinguishable on a shaded mountain, along with it, an indistinct reflection falls into the waters of the Dniester. (D. Goberman)

Memorial to those who died during the Great Patriotic War View of Rybnitsa (on the Valchenko microdistrict) Residential buildings

honorary citizens

According to the official site. Updated February 8, 2017"
  • Babarykin, Viktor Nikolaevich
  • Kamyshnikov, Pyotr Ivanovich
  • Kozlova, Nadezhda Gerasimovna
  • Fomin, Anatoly Pavlovich
  • Yablonsky, Ivan Antonovich
  • Bondarevskaya, Natalya Danilovna
  • Broznitsky, Nikolai Ivanovich
  • Klishchevsky, Zakhar Avdeevich
  • Korsak, Mikhail Mikhailovich
  • Mamaliga, Ivan Alekseevich
  • Marchenko, Nina Petrovna
  • Popov, Nikodim Khrisantovich
  • Shurpa Andrey Avksentevich
  • Chernenko, Ivan Petrovich
  • Chebotar, Efim Karpovich
  • Goncharuk, Boris Ivanovich
  • Tereshin, Yuri Pavlovich
  • Vlasyuk, Efim Alekseevich
  • Belitchenko, Anatoly Konstantinovich
  • Palagnyuk, Boris Timofeevich
  • Gonchar, Vladimir Alexandrovich
  • Klementiev, Vasily Alexandrovich
  • Platonov, Yuri Mikhailovich
  • Serdtsev, Nikolai I.
  • Zheltov, Mikhail Mikhailovich

twin cities

Causeni and regions of Moldova. In fact, the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic is an unrecognized state, most of the declared territory of which is not controlled by Moldova.

  • On the appointment of the head of the state administration of the Rybnitsa region and the city of Rybnitsa. Retrieved June 1, 2017.
  • State Statistical Service of the PMR: Socio-economic development of the PMR in 2013 (final data)
  • The Moldovan language based on Cyrillic graphics is one of the three state languages ​​of the PMR
  • Ukrainian is one of the three state languages ​​of the PMR
  • National composition of the PMR population according to the 2004 census
  • EMERCOM of Russia and the cable car in Rybnitsa
  • Historical reference (Russian). Retrieved May 29, 2013. Archived from the original on May 29, 2013.
  • Topographic maps

    • Map sheet L-35-10. Scale: 1: 100,000. State of the area in 1986. Edition 1988
    • Map sheet L-35-11 Slobodka. Scale: 1: 100,000. State of the area in 1984. Edition 1987


    • Official website of the Rybnitsa City and District Council of People's Deputies
    • Official website of the State Administration of the city of Rybnitsa and the Rybnitsa region
    • Information and entertainment portal of the city of Rybnitsa
    • Rybnitsa. Info - independent news portal
    • Website of the Rybnitsa branch of the Pridnestrovian State University. T. G. Shevchenko
    • Map of Rybnitsa and surroundings
    • The site of the cinema "Enigma" Rybnitsa

    Useful information for tourists about Rybnitsa in Moldova - geographical location, tourist infrastructure, map, architectural features and attractions.

    Rybnitsa is a small town in the Republic of Moldova. It is located 130 km from the capital Chisinau. According to statistics, about 48 thousand people live in the city. Half of the national composition of Rybnitsa are Ukrainians, the rest are Russians (23%) and Moldovans (22%). There are several versions about the origin of the name of this settlement. One of them says that the name of the city was given by the river Rybanets, on the banks of which the settlement was located.

    The first written mention of a settlement on the territory of the modern city dates back to 1657 and is contained in a work written by the Turkish traveler Evliy Celebiy, who visited Moldova in 1656-1657. In 1793, after the second partition of the Commonwealth, these lands became part of the Russian Empire. In 1797, the city became part of the Molokishsky volost of the Baltsky district of the Podolsk province. XIX Art. It was noted for the town by the opening of a Catholic church and an Orthodox church. The first school appeared in 1871. A huge role in the city's economy was played by the Slobozia-Balti railway line built in 1892, which passed through Rybnitsa.

    In 1924, Rybnitsa was declared an urban-type settlement, as well as one of the regional centers of the Moldavian ASSR. Already in 1938, the settlement acquired the status of a city. During the war, the Jewish population remaining in the city was brutally tortured by the Romanian and German invaders.

    In December 1962, Rybnitsa became a city of republican subordination of the Moldavian SSR. In 1991, she lost this status. Today Rybnitsa is a large industrial, industrial, educational and cultural center of Pridnestrovie. More than 400 enterprises operate in the city, including the oldest sugar factory in the state, as well as a distillery, a centrifugal pump plant, a cement-slate and metallurgical plant.

    Rybnitsa is a very interesting and beautiful city. The main city attraction is the largest not only in Pridnestrovie, but also in the whole of Moldova, the Michael the Archangel Cathedral. The construction of the temple was carried out for 15 years. Its grand opening took place in November 2006. The temple is crowned with 11 bells. The weight of the largest bell "Blagovest" was 100 pounds.

    The most important monument of the city is the Memorial of Military Glory built in 1975. The author of this 24-meter project in the form of two paired reinforced concrete pylons was the architect V. Mednek. At the foot of the granite slabs you can see the carved names of the liberators of the region.

    Among other cult sights, it is also worth noting the Assumption rock monastery located on the right bank of the Dniester in Tipov, which is about 20 km from Rybnitsa. Built in the XII-XIV Art. the monastery is considered the most significant of the country's rock complexes. Of particular interest to tourists are the Kalaur Gorge in Rashkov, the Trinity Monastery, as well as the nature reserve in Sakharny, located near Rybnitsa.


    The first information about the population on the territory of Rybnitsa dates back to the first half of the 17th century. It is generally accepted that it is named after the Dniester River of the same name. The locals were mainly engaged in agriculture and fishing. This is evidenced by the excavations carried out near the village of Vykhvatintsy, which is 12 km. from the city. Archeological data show that the territory was inhabited in the Paleolithic period 100 thousand years ago.

    In the middle of the century, the area was repeatedly subjected to devastating Tatar raids, the swords of Lithuanian feudal lords left their traces here, and from the 16th century it fell under the domination of Panic Poland.

    In 1793, as a result of the 2nd partition of the Commonwealth (Poland), this territory was annexed to Russia, and since 1797 Rybnitsa became part of the Molokish volost of the Baltsky district of the Podolsk province.

    At the end of the 19th century, the railway that ran through the city had a certain influence on the further fate of Rybnitsa. It gave impetus to the development of trade and industry, and made Rybnitsa one of the centers for the formation of the working class.

    Since 1893, regular navigation has been established on the Dniester, and a pier was equipped in Rybnitsa.

    In 1898, the first sugar factory in Moldova was built with the first electric generator in the region.

    The development of deposits of shell rock, used in construction, limestone, used for refining sugar, the so-called "sugar stone", began.

    Steam mills, a bakery, a brick factory, lime kilns were built.

    In 1871, a ministerial school was opened, after another 6 years - a literacy school for girls. There were 2-class schools.

    The history of Rybnitsa is rich in military revolutionary events. The workers of the city and the peasants of the nearby villages took an active part in the revolutionary events of 1905-1907.

    In 1905, a wave of uprisings swept through Rybnitsa, the villages of Plot, Vasilievka.

    In May 1905, an uprising broke out among the peasants of the village of Mokra. The uprising was led by a local peasant Fyodor Antosyak.

    The waves of the Great October Socialist Revolution also reached the banks of the gray Dniester. In December 1917, the flag of Soviet power was hoisted in Rybnitsa. During 1918-1919, the Rybnitsa lands were repeatedly attacked by the German-Austrian invaders, bandits of Hetman Skoropatsky and Petliurists, and in the fall of 1919, Denikin's troops occupied Rybnitsa.

    In February 1920, Rybnitsa was liberated by the Red Army.

    The days of difficult, cruel struggle were replaced by days of creation, building a new life.

    In 1924, Rybnitsa became an urban-type settlement and a regional center of the Moldavian ASSR.

    In 1938 Rybnitsa acquires the status of a city. This emphasized the achievements of workers in economic and cultural construction.

    During the years of the pre-war five-year plans, a power station was built in the city, the capacities of the sugar factory, lime mining were increased, flour milling and local industries appeared. By 1940, there were already five schools here, three of them were secondary schools, kindergartens, a cinema, and several libraries.

    But in 1941, the flames of war again fell. For three years, the German-Romanian invaders ruled the land of Rybnitsa, bringing death and destruction with them. The Nazis destroyed enterprises, plundered collective farms and state farms, took out a lot of valuables. The years of their stay on the land of the Rybnitsa region were marked by mass atrocities and repressions. The Nazi invaders tortured and shot hundreds of people. Retreating, the Nazis left their last bloody trail - in the Rybnitsa prison they shot and burned 270 Soviet patriots and Romanian anti-fascists.

    The post-war years are characterized by a sharp acceleration in the pace of technological progress, cultural and economic development for the region and the city.

    Today, 15 industrial enterprises are located in the city. Centrifugal pumps manufactured by the Rybnitsa Pumping Plant are known far beyond the borders of the republic. They are supplied to many economic regions of the former Soviet Union and far abroad. The city also has a bakery plant with a powerful elevator, a winery, a dairy plant, a bakery, and a nonwovens factory. In the late 50s, the construction of a cement-slate plant began in the city. In 1961, the enterprise produced its first products.

    In 1984, the Moldavian Metallurgical Plant was built, which is now one of the ten best iron and steel enterprises in the world, whose products are of high quality and are in demand both in the CIS countries and in a number of far-abroad countries.

    The city has a new railway station, bus station.

    The area has established itself as a major educational center. In addition to 39 general education schools, specialists are trained by 2 lyceums, branches of the Pridnestrovian University and the North-Western Polytechnic Institute, a branch of the Moscow Academy of Economics and Law.

    Administrative-territorial structure and population

    The territory of the city and the district is - 850, 21 km2
    Populated puncots - 47

    75,283 people live in the city of Rybnitsa and the Rybnitsa district.

    famous countrymen:

    The main asset of the city is its inhabitants. Rybnitsa is rightly proud of many countrymen:

    Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky P.A. (1725-1796) - Commander, Field Marshal of the Russian Army, a native of the village of Stroentsy,

    Rubinstein A.G. (1829-1894) - composer, pianist, conductor, teacher, native of the village of Vykhvatintsy,

    Kruchenyuk P.A. (1917-1988) - writer, poet, native of the village. Flesh,

    Stirbu K.A. (1915-1999) - actor, People's Artist of the USSR, born in the village of Broshtyany,

    Bogdesko I.T. (1923) - People's Artist of the USSR, graphic artist, painter

    Doga E.D. (1937) - composer, People's Artist of the Moldavian SSR, laureate of the State Prize of the USSR, a native of the village of Mokra.

    Thanks to the daily work, talent and creative potential of many generations of Rybnitsa residents, Rybnitsa is changing and prospering - a beautiful city.