What mythical abodes of the gods are located in Russia. Rescue of trespassers from Belukha's ice trap: the rescuers' story Behavior and lifestyle

The waters of the port of Sochi are guarded by trained beluga whales.

For the Games, this port, built back in the 1950s, was significantly reconstructed - a second deep-water area appeared, which was formed by new, powerful concrete breakwaters, far out into the open sea. There, on the berths of the deep-water area, a new marine terminal, customs buildings and various services were erected. The main goal of the reconstruction of the Sochi harbor is to make it possible for large passenger ships. In the old water area, the depth of which did not exceed 8 meters, modern cruise ships couldn't come in. The renovated port of Sochi was opened a month before the Games, and now there are four ships at the berths of its deep waters, each accommodating up to 3 thousand passengers. Fans, volunteers, and technical support workers live in these floating hotels. Like all Olympic venues in Sochi, the port is heavily guarded these days. This is noticeable: at the piers and at sea there are ships and boats of the Russian Navy. Foreign guests of the Games are happy to take pictures against their background.

And a month before the Olympics, in the old water area of ​​the port of Sochi, an inconspicuous object appeared at one pier - a small pen, in which, if you look closely, you could see three beluga whales or, as they are also called, polar dolphins. Dolphins - neither polar nor local Black Sea bottlenose dolphins - have ever lived in the port of Sochi. What are they here for? The first assumption is that they will participate in the opening ceremony of the Games. But the port workers told the Trud correspondent that people in naval uniforms take care of the beluga whales and feed them fish, so in the port even then, a month before the Olympics, it was no secret that both water areas, old and new, were to be protected from possible penetration of scuba divers who have, let's say, bad intentions, there will be fighting polar whales who have undergone a course of special training.

The Trud correspondent was unable to obtain any comments or details from representatives of the Navy. Moreover, the whales soon disappeared from the pen. “What beluga whales? - people in uniform joked. - It seemed to you...”

But the version that these three dolphins are now guarding the port has been confirmed: in the sea, at the entrance to the Sochi harbor, an unusual floating structure was installed, attracting attention with its bright orange color. And inside this structure, divided into three sections, through binoculars you can periodically see snow-white dolphins surfacing.

There is information publicly available on the Internet that special units of the Navy began training beluga whales for military purposes back in Soviet times. One of the first research centers on the combat use of whales was created at Far East, in Srednyaya Bay near Nakhodka. Then the same center appeared in Vityaz Bay, Khasansky district. It is reported that “...scientists and military anti-sabotage specialists obtained the required skills from the animals - in a combat situation, a special cutting device was put on the beluga whale’s nose, with which the animal could kill the scuba diver by pushing him to the surface.” In 1998, during the collapse of the Soviet army and Navy, when funding was stopped on all counts, the Navy research center in the Far East was disbanded, and some beluga whales were then transported to the Black Sea, to Gelendzhik.

Apparently, experiments in the combat use of dolphins are currently ongoing in the Russian Navy. And, as one might assume, beluga whales are now trained not to kill enemy scuba divers, but to alert them when divers or other large underwater objects approach a protected vessel or structure. Dolphins, as you know, are endowed with a unique ability of echolocation, and under water they navigate not with the help of vision, but due to the fact that they emit high-frequency sound waves and catch their reflection from various objects and obstacles. This natural mechanism, in particular in beluga whales, is so perfect that the whale can recognize and identify even small objects found at the bottom, for example, coins, with its locator. And finding a scuba diver approaching the port, and at a considerable distance, is not a problem for them at all.

It was not possible to find out how beluga whales warn people about the approach of divers. Such developments are strictly classified. One can only assume that the signal is transmitted by special electronic devices: This is indicated by antennas located on the floating structure where the whales live and work, and on the port pier.

However, for guests of the Olympics, technical details are not so important. The main thing is that the port of the city, in which 12 thousand people now live on ships, as in hotels, is reliably guarded, including by very cute snow-white polar whales.

The use of war animals in the US Navy's naval special forces.

One day in the first half of the 1960s in sunny Florida, yachtsmen and shipowners unexpectedly discovered strange objects on their yachts and boats, which turned out to be sabotage mines. This was the result of the first exercise conducted by a special CIA group near the island of Key West using specially trained demolition dolphins. It’s good that the mines were training mines.

But they could be the first...

The leadership of the CIA special unit believed that the task assigned to the dolphins “recruited” for military service was quite simple and easily accomplished for animals with such a high level of brain activity. Take a special sabotage mine from the base, go to the designated area of ​​the operation and attach the mines to the bottoms of warships. After this, the dolphins had to return to base.


An exclusive interview with the former head of an object with a completely peaceful name "Oceanarium"... Although the name of the SUPREME organization - "Aquarium" also sounds very peaceful :)
There is a lot of myth and fiction surrounding this topic. There are many reasons for this, first of all, the special secrecy of the programs of the GRU General Staff of the USSR, Navy special forces and other circumstances.

Original taken from moryakurainy to the Oceanarium and dolphin special forces. Without myths and legends... Sevastopol 1990. Removal of fighting dolphins.

“Military Book” is a small and cozy store, some 25 years ago it was located on main street Odessa, Deribasovskaya. There you could leisurely look through all the new items - memories of participants in the last war, military-political and military-technical literature: domestic and translated. Some of the publications purchased here ended up on the shelves of my personal library. Even now I resort to them as reference books. I’ll name what they say offhand: Fuller J. F. S. “The Second World War” 1939-1945, “Strategic and Tactical Review” - M. Foreign Literature (IL), 1956 or Hilsman R. “Strategic Intelligence and Political solutions" - M. IL, 1957. It was not by chance that I named these two books. It was thanks to the translations carried out by IL that he became acquainted with collections of military-technical articles, including about the biotechnical system (BTS) with the participation of dolphins, as well as dolphinologists John Lilly and Forrest Glen Wood, working in those years for the US Navy.

Located in Altai, on the border with Kazakhstan, Mount Belukha (4509 m) is one of the most famous peaks in Russia. The Akkem Gorge, from which most climbing routes begin, is popular among tourists because of its unique nature, wonderful views, and legends associated with this place.

The classic route to the summit is classified as 3A. Routes in this category require some technical skills, which, if desired, can actually be mastered in 1-2 days of lessons. On the Russian side, the slopes of Belukha have a northern exposure - therefore, here you need to have good physical fitness and be prepared for the fact that even in summer you will have to work at temperatures down to -15. This makes Belukha very different from the four-thousanders in the Caucasus and Asia - the climate here is much more severe.

When choosing equipment for climbing Belukha, you need to remember that the roads to it end 50 kilometers before the base camp. It turns out that the equipment should be suitable for both long marches in the rain (in Altai, heavy rains for several days are not uncommon), as well as for hurricane winds and severe winter frosts. You will also have to fit food, special and bivouac equipment into your backpack. To be honest, the task is not easy.

The peculiarity of climbing Belukha is that this whole event is more like hiking trip, than for regular mountaineering fees. Here you will not return from short trips to a permanent camp. Almost every day begins with getting ready, putting all the equipment in a backpack. This point must also be taken into account when choosing equipment.

People go to Belukha in winter and summer. And it's perfect different mountain. The equipment doesn't differ much. The list below is for summer climbing. In winter, you need a warmer sleeping bag, a winter down jacket, double mountaineering boots, and, of course, you won’t get there in sneakers. If you are going to Belukha in winter, it is worth making some adjustments to the list of special equipment below. We specifically noted those items of equipment that differ from the summer set.

Clothing, shoes, protective equipment

It is advisable to take two sets:

    Thin thermal underwear made of Polartec power dry fabric for the approach. In case of hot weather, you can also have a T-shirt.

    Thick thermal underwear made of Polartec Power Stretch material - for climbing and possibly for approaching in very bad weather

Breeches or trousers made of light fabric

Will be needed for the approach. Another option is to wear shorts over thin thermal underwear.

Pants and jacket made of thin fleece

Fleece acts as a base insulating layer

Membrane jacket and pants

As stated above, rain is not uncommon in those parts. Clothing based on Gore-Tex Pro is the most wear-resistant and impenetrable.

Light down jacket or jacket with synthetic insulation

If you already have a good down jacket, you can get by with it and not buy an analogue with synthetic insulation. However, keep in mind that the puff may get wet within a few days of approach. To prevent this from happening, the down jacket should be stored in a high-quality hermetic bag and not worn in bad weather without a membrane jacket, before going out onto the glacier.


Two or three pairs (sets) of socks. Choose specialized models for trekking above the boot top level.


In case of strong wind or sunburn. You can use a balaclava, but it will be too hot for most of the climb.

A cap

With a high protection factor

The road to the foot of Belukha passes along a forest path with very difficult terrain. If you refuse to have proper spare shoes, you can very easily lose your chance of climbing. Firstly, in case of bad weather, climbing boots can get wet, and it will be very cold in them to be on the glacier. Secondly, even in good weather, mountain boots always rub calluses, even under normal mountaineering conditions. Here, as soon as you get off the bus, you will have to make many hours of treks every day.

Lightweight trekking boots or running shoes can solve both of these problems. The main requirement for such shoes is the presence of a hard sole with a tread suitable for moving under a backpack on difficult terrain. Trekking shoes are generally lighter and more comfortable, but if you have ankle problems, it's better to use light or even medium trekking boots.

Mountaineering boots

For the glacier on Belukha, classic double-welt climbing boots are suitable. For example, Scarpa Ortles GTX, Zamberlan 2090 Mountain Pro GTX, Asolo Aconcagua GV.

If the boots are not new, before leaving they must be treated with impregnation, which imparts water-repellent properties.

(with reserve)

When climbing Belukha you have to work in very different weather conditions. Modern multi-layer gloves with membranes can stay dry after a day of working on a glacier. However, even slightly worn gloves dramatically lose their waterproof properties; They are hot and uncomfortable to work at above-zero temperatures. In addition, the possibility of losing a glove cannot be ruled out - in such a situation, the importance of a spare pair will be difficult to overestimate.

For climbing Belukha, it seems advisable to have one pair of multi-layer membrane gloves (Arcteryx Zenta AR or Rab Guide) and a pair of lightweight gloves made of windproof material, such as Marmot Evolution.

In addition, on approach days, it would be a good idea to have a pair of protective gloves, like Camp Axion Light, BD Crag Glove, or the more comfortable Phenix Trekking 2 BK.

They're lanterns.

Personal special equipment

Minimum 60 liters. Before choosing a backpack, it is worth clarifying the delivery conditions. Some companies offer to transport most of the cargo to Lake Akkem (2-3 days' walk) on horseback. In this case, it would be best to have a trunk with a capacity of 70-100 liters, and a regular assault backpack with a capacity of 40-50 liters. A backpack will be needed to carry things necessary for overnight stays during the transfer and, of course, during the ascent.

If you plan to cast without horses, then we can recommend a universal backpack that will be used for both casting and ascent. It must have a volume of at least 65 liters, with a low dead weight. A well-thought-out suspension system will come in handy here. This volume allows you to significantly speed up the daily camp preparations. In addition, practice shows that with a height of 180 cm or more, this backpack can be used even on technical climbs. Although, of course, a smaller backpack would be better for climbing the summit.

Lanyard mustache

If you work with your own ropes, it is better to use a “basket” (BD ATC-Guide). To work with old stiff ropes that guides may hang, it is better to have a regular "eight".

Cats with anti-sticks *

The presence of anti-slips on a long summer snow and ice route is MANDATORY! To climb Belukha, lightweight aluminum crampons, like Grivel Air Tech, or more wear-resistant Grivel G10, will be sufficient.

*For winter it is worth choosing a more technical model - for example, Petzl Vasak.

Ice ax *

It is optimal to take a lightweight ice ax such as Camp Corsa.

*On winter ice lightweight ice axes can be a real curse. With them, even chopping ice for cooking can take many times longer. Therefore, it is worth having something more weighty - classic models of ice axes will be just right. (Grivel Nepal SA).


Preferably a lightweight model, such as the Petzl Meteor helmet.


It also makes sense to take a lightweight harness. The Petzl Aquila is a lightweight but fully adjustable gazebo.


The optimal set of carabiners for climbing Belukha:

  • Camp HMS compact. HMS carabiner - specifically for working with trigger devices.
  • Kong Ergo Screw-Lock. Need 2 pieces. An excellent carabiner for lanyards - lightweight, but with a large latch stroke, which ensures good opening of the carabiner.
  • Kong Heavy Duty screw Lock. To be able to fasten directly into a bundle, without the use of special techniques, it makes sense to use a durable carabiner that can withstand a load of at least 10 kN. in any circumstances.
  • Black Diamond Ice Clipper. Auxiliary carabiner for hanging ice equipment. One piece will be enough for Belukha. A leader can have two.

Personal equipment for bivouac and trekking

Tourist mat

Keep in mind that there will be overnight stays in the snow. A self-inflating mat is more compact than foam and provides better thermal insulation, but it must be transported inside a backpack and protected from punctures.

Sleeping bag

Extreme -20. To climb Belukha, it is best to have a sleeping bag made of high-quality synthetic material. The climate there is quite humid, and every day you need to pack a sleeping bag in a backpack and it does not have time to dry. Whether the leaders of the event will take a day of rest before going out onto the glacier and climbing is a big question. For this reason, a down sleeping bag is a very risky option here.


It takes a long time to carry, so it is better to choose the lightest four-season tent.


The optimal volume is 0.7-1 l.

Head Torch

The group should have at least one powerful flashlight for night navigation, for example, Petzl XP, BD Storm or, better yet, BD Icon. The rest of the participants can get by with simpler flashlights (Petzl Tikka+ or BD Cosmo)

Trekking poles

You need a fairly durable model with low weight. Compactness when assembled is not so relevant. The time-tested Black Diamond Trail model will do just fine. It is very advisable to have enlarged rings with you so that the poles do not fall into the snow - otherwise they can break very quickly.

  1. The badge “For climbing Belukha” is awarded to citizens Russian Federation, foreign states and stateless persons who have ascended to the highest mountain peak Siberia (Altai) - Eastern Belukha (4506 meters) and having confirmation of the ascent from: LenAlpTours CJSC guides, mountaineering instructors with a mountaineering instructor certificate, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Ak-Kem PSS.
  2. The badge “For climbing Belukha” was established by LenAlpTours CJSC, the Mountaineering Federation of St. Petersburg, and the Mountaineering Federation of the Altai Republic in 2006. Rewarding of persons who have completed the ascent is made at the request of the climber in accordance with these Regulations, starting from 2006.
  3. Description of the badge “For climbing Belukha.”

    The badge “For climbing Belukha” has a certificate and a number. The climber is awarded a badge and an attached certificate indicating the number and name of the climber. The icon has an oval shape. On the front side of the badge, in the center, there is an image in white of the snowy contours of the Northern wall of the Belukha massif against the background of the blue sky in the upper part and against the background of the blue image of Lake Ak-Kem in the lower part. The badge is bordered by an image of a climbing rope with an ice ball and a carabiner attached to the guy.

    Inscriptions on the badge:

  • against a blue sky background - " TO THE CLIMBER", just below - the flag of the Russian Federation and in numbers - height Eastern peak Belukha - " 4506 »
  • on a white background of the contours of the Belukha massif - “ BELUHA»;
  • against the blue background of Lake AK-Kem - “ UC - SUMMER"(translated from the Altai language - “three springs”).

On back side icon - serial number.

  • The awarding of the badge “For climbing Belukha” is carried out at the Vysotnik camp site (Altai Republic, Ust-Koksinsky district, Tyungur village), in the office of LenAlpTours CJSC (St. Petersburg, Vosstaniya St., office 4), at mountaineering events in which LenAlpTours is a participant.
  • The badge “For climbing Belukha” can be equated to the badge “Russian Climber”. The program for climbing to the top of Belukha Vostochnaya includes short practical lessons on mountain climbing techniques and safety on the route, passing two classified mountain passes. climbing tools
  • Persons awarded the badge “For climbing Belukha” are required to respect the mountains, travelers and comply with environmental standards.
  • The cost of the badge “For climbing Belukha” in 2008 is 300 rubles
  • The exclusive right to produce the badge “For climbing Belukha” remains with the company LenAlpTours CJSC
  • The founders of the badge have the right to make changes to this provision exclusively with the consent of LenAlpTours CJSC
  • Delphinapterus leucas Pallas, 1776

    Squad: Cetaceans (Cetacea)

    Suborder: Toothed whales (Odontoceti)

    Family: Narwhals (Monodontidae)

    Genus: Beluga whales (DelphinfpterusLaceped.1804)

    Other name:

    Belukha, Beluga (equivalent, the first is most common)

    Where he lives:

    The beluga whale population is divided according to its flying areas into 29 local herds, of which about 12 are located in Russia. Distributed circumpolarly, between 50° and 80° N, inhabiting all Arctic, as well as the Bering and Okhotsk seas; In winter, visits to the Baltic Sea are known. In pursuit of fish (salmon at spawning), beluga whales entered the big rivers(Ob, Yenisei, Lena, Amur), sometimes rising upstream for hundreds of kilometers.


    Beluga whales are characterized by sexual dimorphism: males are usually larger than females of the same age. Weight: males reach 850-1500 kg, females 650-1360 kg with a typical body length of 3.6-4.2 m. The largest males reach 6 m in length and 2 tons in weight.


    The beluga's head is spherical, "lobed", the lower jaws practically do not protrude forward without a beak. The vertebrae in the neck are not fused together, so the beluga whale, unlike most whales, is able to turn its head. This makes it easier for her to navigate and maneuver in ice. The pectoral fins are small and oval in shape. The dorsal fin is absent - this allows the beluga to move more freely under the ice. Hence the Latin name of the genus Delphinapterus leucas - "white dolphin without a dorsal fin."

    The skin with a loose layer of epidermis (up to 12 mm thick) resembles an external shock absorber and partly protects beluga whales from damage when swimming among the ice. They are saved from hypothermia by a layer of subcutaneous fat up to 10-12 cm thick, in some places up to 18 cm, which is up to 40% of the beluga whale’s body weight. The skin color is monochromatic. It changes with age: newborns are light brown due to a thick layer of epidermis, which, as the baby grows, falls off in pieces and the lower parts of the dermis rise to the surface with an abundance of dark pigment - melanin. The general coloration becomes dark blue, growth and molting continue and the young become gray, then bluish-gray; individuals older than 4-7 years are pure white.

    Behavior and lifestyle:

    Some beluga whale populations undergo regular migrations. They are associated with the seasonal movements of schools of fish. Thus, the movement of the beluga whale population from Cook Inlet in Alaska repeats the movement of its main prey - salmon.

    In spring, beluga whales begin to move to the shore - to desalinated shallow bays, fjords and the mouths of northern rivers. Flying off the coast is determined by the presence of food and more. high temperature desalinated water. The latter improves the conditions for molting and shedding the old layer of epidermis. Often, in order to remove the dead surface layer of skin, beluga whales rub against the bottom - sand in shallow water. Beluga whales are attached to the same flying areas, visiting them from year to year. Tracking individual individuals has shown that beluga whales remember their birthplace and the route to it after wintering.

    Local herds in summer (reproductive aggregations) play a dual role in the biology of the species. Firstly, they ensure population reproduction and isolation from neighboring local herds, and secondly, they play a critical role in terms of all types of individual contacts (sexual, play, etc.) between members of the herd, maintaining hierarchical relationships and promoting education and training young animals. This ensures the preservation of the social structure of the local herd and the individual and group status of its members.

    Not all populations migrate. Their necessity is determined by specific ice conditions and the presence of food accumulations.

    IN winter time Beluga whales, as a rule, stick to the edges of ice fields, but sometimes penetrate far into the glaciation zone, where winds and currents support cracks, leads and polynyas. When large areas become icy, they make massive migrations from these areas. The polynyas to which belugas come up to breathe can be several kilometers apart. Beluga whales find them using direction finding and sometimes location. But sometimes they find themselves trapped - in ice captivity, if the distance to clean water exceeds 3-4.5 km. The dorsal part of the body and the upper part of the head consist of thick and durable skin, which allows them to be used to support wormwood, breaking ice up to 4-6 centimeters thick.

    Beluga whales are social animals. The beluga whale herd consists of clans, and clans are made up of families organized on the principle of matriarchy. The family consists of primary family groups: mother and 1-2 cubs. Males in the herd and clan play the role of guards and scouts for fish accumulations. At large concentrations of fish, several herds of beluga whales sometimes gather, and the feeding animals gather in herds of hundreds and even thousands of animals.


    The basis of the beluga's diet is fish, mainly schooling fish (capelin, cod, cod, herring, navaga, flounder, whitefish and salmon species); to a lesser extent - crustaceans and cephalopods. Beluga whales do not grab prey, especially benthic organisms, but suck it up. An adult consumes about 15 kg of food per day. But such lucky days are rare.


    In the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, beluga whales mate in April - May, in the Gulf of Ob - in July, in the Barents and Kara Seas - from May to August, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence - from February to August, and in Hudson Bay, fertilization of females occurs from March to September. Thus, the mating period lasts about 6 months, but the bulk of females are fertilized in a relatively short time - late April - early - mid-July. During the rest of the year, in most cases only individual animals mate.

    The childbearing period is extended, as is the mating period, and childbirth can occur from early spring throughout the summer months. Thus, pregnancy in beluga whales lasts 11.5 months; there is an opinion that this period can reach 13-14 months. As a rule, females give birth at the mouths of rivers that bring warmer waters. The female brings one cub 140-160 cm long, very rarely - two. The lactation period lasts about 12 months. The next mating can occur one to two weeks after birth.


    Life expectancy in nature is 32-40 years (the known maximum age of a female is 44 years).

    Number:the exact number is not known.

    According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, there are about 150,000 beluga whales in the world. Russian populations, according to the International Whale Commission, number up to 27,000 individuals. At the same time, the 3 largest groups Sea of ​​Okhotsk There are up to 20,000 beluga whales.

    Natural enemies:

    The enemy of beluga whales is the killer whale.

    Threats to the species:

    The main danger for these whales is toxic waste that pollutes their habitat, as well as industrial displacement from their Arctic habitats, especially key areas - breeding and feeding areas. IN last years Noise pollution has sharply increased - due to the development of shipping and an increase in the flow of wild tourists, which interferes with normal reproduction and leads to a decrease in the number of cubs - i.e. reduction in herd size.

    Interesting Facts

    In winter, the beluga whale hunts cod, flounder, goby, pollock, making very deep dives- up to 300-1000 m, and remaining under water for up to 25 minutes. Despite its massive size, the beluga whale is distinguished by its agility; she is able to swim on her back and even backwards. Usually swims at a speed of 3-9 km/h; when frightened, it can make jerks of up to 22 km/h.

    For the variety of sounds they made, whalers in the 19th century. The beluga whale was nicknamed “the canary of the sea” ( sea ​​canary), and the Russians developed the expression “beluga roar” - the characteristic roar of a male during the rut.

    Researchers counted about 50 sound signals from belugas: whistling, squealing, chirping, squealing, grinding, piercing scream, roar and others. In addition, beluga whales use “body language” (slapping the water with their tail fins) and even facial expressions when communicating.

    In addition to screams, beluga whales emit clicks in the ultrasonic range. A system of air sacs in the soft tissues of the head takes part in their production, and the radiation is focused by a special fat pad on the forehead - a melon (acoustic lens). Reflected from surrounding objects, the clicks return to the beluga; The “antenna” is the lower jaw, which transmits vibrations to the middle ear cavity. Echo analysis allows the animal to get an accurate picture of its surroundings. The beluga whale has excellent hearing and echolocation. These animals are capable of hearing in a wide range of frequencies from 40-75 Hz to 30-100 kHz.

    The beluga whale also has well-developed vision, both under water and above its surface. The beluga whale's vision is probably colored, because... its retina contains rods and cones - photoreceptor cells. However, studies have not yet confirmed this

    Compiled by: Member of the Board of the Marine Mammal Council,

    Head Laboratory of Marine Mammals IO RAS, Doctor of Biological Sciences V.M. Belkovich

    Advice for girls and more inexperienced tourists who decided to go on a mountain hike in Altai with an attempt to climb Belukha Peak.

    "Everything is relative".
    First of all, I thank the beautiful Belukha, Altai, guides-instructors Yuri Ermachek, Ivan Khrabrykh, Andrei Nekrasov, Sergei Vorotyntsev and Sergei Lotyrev, Vysotnik staff.
    In our case, everything was perfect from the very beginning to the very end of the ascent and hike. This combination is rare, it needs to be remembered and appreciated.

    "Nature vs Ego" or "The Mountain Can't Be Defeated."
    Very often I saw people who believed that they were stronger, smarter, cooler and all the credit was theirs. Such people were then taught a lesson, some softly, some harder. Nature is smarter, stronger and cooler than even the most trained and experienced person. You need to treat nature with respect and reverence, then the weather will be good and it will be easy to walk even in the most dangerous areas. One might think that all this is esoteric nonsense, but the surrounding nature protects and gives a lot of energy to those who value it and treat it with care.

    "Two golden rules."
    1. Leave early
    2. Take longer - or “The instructor/guide is always right.”
    If the guide/instructor says that you need to leave earlier, then you need to.
    If the guide/instructor says that you need to walk another hour to the next stop, then you need to go, even if you don’t have the strength and you just want to swear.
    Few people understand that an experienced guide knows the features of the region down to the smallest detail, and it is on the basis of these features, which the tourist cannot even guess about, that recommendations on exit time, distance/speed/route are made.
    I think that many people understood this from the example of the crust/porridge on the Mensu glacier, the downpour an hour after arriving at the base, etc. And in general, based on the example of the fact that an ordinary tourist chooses the longest and most difficult path, climbs, sweats, and after a while sees a full of energy guide waiting for him in the nearest clearing.

    Is there some more unspoken rule on tempo- if they are breathing down your back, it’s better to ask if you need to skip ahead. Some people can walk very slowly and for a very long time, and some people who walk slowly get tired many times more than if they run quickly. Plus, for me personally, when someone breathes down my back, my energy immediately goes into worrying that I’m disturbing the person behind me, delaying him, and as a result I get confused and get tired much faster. Asking once again whether you need to skip will give an advantage to both.

    "Movement is life or Acclimatization."
    Usually, those who are on a hike for the first time, upon arriving at the parking lot, immediately lie down to rest. This is not fatal at the bottom, but it is absolutely impossible to do this at altitude. Acclimatization takes place only in movement; the more and longer you lie, the weaker you become. When you get to the top, do it through your strength, move.

    Pitch a tent, take things apart, build a toilet out of snow, or even just walk. Movement is life, in this case a very clear statement. "No bad tourist
    " or "The importance of equipment." Personally, I was lucky because my sister brought me into mountain tourism, who already knew from personal experience what was what and passed on her secrets to me. Of course, if you are going for the first time and are not yet sure that this is your thing, then buying expensive equipment is absolutely unjustified. Moreover, a lot can be rented. For example, when going to climb Belukha, the ideal option would be to rent all the equipment on the top Vysotnik base

    , tour of the Ak-Kem shelter.
    Pros -
    2. You will appreciate this rental because you will not carry an extra 8-10 kg on yourself while climbing from Tungur to Ak-Kem. This scheme is justified even for those who have their own equipment, but do not have the extra money to throw it on horseback.

    a) Backpack
    It’s not for nothing that nature gave you a thin waist and wide hips, compared to men. This advantage fits perfectly into the backpack carrying technique.
    It was painful to watch the girls (and almost all the guys!) carry the load practically on their shoulders, because the hip belt was attached as if it were low-waist jeans that exposed the plump parts of the body.
    The backpack needs to be adjusted to suit you both in height and volume. Every normal backpack has instructions on how to adjust and how to fill it so that the load is optimal and minimal in the feeling when moving. The waist belt should be fastened so that it tightens at the waist, and not at the middle of the thighs.

    It is by tightening the backpack at the waist that the load falls on our hips so that it is almost not felt. And if you carry it on your shoulders, then even with a 10 kg backpack you will curse everything around you. The backrest needs to be adjusted so that there is some space between the shoulders and the backpack straps. A chest strap is also a useful thing, but it also needs to be adjusted based on your personal volume in this area, so as not to pinch anything, but also not to choke your throat.
    b) Sticks
    Those who run know that when running, your arms should not be raised above the level of your heart. This is normal physiology. The higher the arms, the more it costs the heart muscle to pump blood to these limbs. When it’s cold, the body switches its attention to heating the insides, and the limbs fade into the background, hence the freezing of hands if you walk with ski poles. Or excessive energy consumption and overheating if you walk in the heat.
    Ski poles that cannot be adjusted in height are not suitable for mountain hiking and climbing.

    Safety precautions - when moving on rocks, the poles are held loosely, i.e. do not slip into the straps so as not to fly away after the stick if it gets caught between the stones. Well, it is advisable, in order to preserve the beauty and tenderness of women’s hands, to have thin gloves (ideally gloves for riding), they will protect against deep wounds and scratches from branches and large stones, plus the poles will not slip out of your hands when it rains.
    Shoes - there can be no strict recommendations, because everyone's feet are different.
    Some people need boots that are true to size and have a narrow last, while others need 1-2 sizes larger and with a wide last. But practice shows that it is precisely in mountain hikes, when you walk/slide up/down over rough terrain, with very different terrain (snags, stones, mud, moss), that shoes that are the same size lead to bruised fingers with further blackening and loss of nails . Also, with heavy loads and improper lacing, there may be such swelling that your feet cannot fit into shoes of your size in the morning. In this case, it is good to take at least 1 size larger, also because in Altai it may snow in the summer and you will want to wear a wool sock.

    It is better to cover areas of possible calluses with a band-aid immediately; this really helps to reduce the number and pain of calluses that arise. Well, to prevent those same nails from turning black, it’s better to cut them short before going on a hike, because a fallen nail actually takes a very long time to recover.
    d) Personal first aid kit

    Everyone is helped by their own medicines and everyone has their own weak points, so a personal first aid kit is a must. This is the weight on which you cannot skimp. There must be painkillers for and for the abdomen, and plenty of bandages. As practice shows, various ointments/creams are in great demand: for the sun, for burns, ointments for knees, joints, ligaments, etc. Of course, one person (the main one) must have those specific drugs that are rarely needed, but which save lives, for example, drugs for pulmonary edema.
    e) Nothing extra or 5 grams equals 5 kg.
    In general, this is a matter of finances, because you can always choose better and lighter equipment and clothing. In this case, it is better to immediately buy a warmer and lighter sleeping bag, lighter and higher quality clothes. Modern technologies allow, and the difference in this case can reach from 200 to 500 grams on one thing, and there will be more than one or two such things, and you carry them on yourself. And there shouldn’t be a lot of things, you don’t need to take with you underpants, T-shirts, socks for 10 days, one for you, one for an emergency.
    Therefore, in order not to lie face down in a stream or bury things somewhere in the clearings, it is better to immediately think about the validity of what you are taking with you and not to take too much.

    f) Personal hygiene
    The above rule also applies to personal hygiene products. It’s funny, of course, to see how tourists take out huge bottles of shampoos, conditioners, huge tubes of toothpaste, separate hand cream, foot cream, eye and ear cream. After all, there are 30-50 ml bottles for shampoos, there are also small creams (30 ml, and with one face cream you can anoint your hands and everything else), there are small tubes of toothpaste (for example, President toothpaste 30 ml, enough for 16 days of two-time use).
    Not only is this a huge, unreasonable extra weight, but it also takes up the volume in your backpack, and you bring it back after using only 10%.
    Therefore, you need to take with you a small container, strictly designed for the duration of the hike/climbing. You won’t wash your hair with conditioner every day anyway, believe me, there won’t be time for that.
    A tip for girls is to avoid taking a bunch of wet wipes, you can use the following trick. Pour water into a bottle, or better yet a flask (with a bottle, like for cyclists, soft, such that you can press on the walls and water will flow under pressure), and put it in the sleeping bag. In the morning you have warm water that can be used for washing and washing.
    At altitude, if the real minus is on the street, it is better to keep strategic means (ointments, creams) in pockets closer to the body, because they will freeze and it will no longer be possible to use them.

    g) Comfort in the mountains
    Girls usually get cold lower backs and buttocks during cold nights. You can take several rugs, regular and inflatable, as well as pillows. And it’s better (the “nothing extra” rule) to use this technique: 1. if there is only one rug and the overnight stay is not very cold (not in the snow), place a seat under the lower back. To prevent the seat from moving, you can either put it under the rug, or take it in a sleeping bag and attach it to you. You can also sleep on your side rather than your back, it’s warmer.
    2. If the overnight stays are cold, you can sleep on a backpack, having first taken everything out of it. You can also use ropes (if this is a climb), providing yourself with a royal bed.
    Many people wear inflatable pillows, I don’t see the point in this, because it makes more sense to put a comfy bag under your head with things that are in this moment are not used. To prevent such a “pillow” from running away, the bag is placed under the mat, preferably pre-packed in a plastic bag, in case the bottom of the tent gets wet.
    If it’s really cold, then you can put all the unused things under you in a sleeping bag, under freezing places. But they can migrate to the feet in the morning.

    h) Physical training
    Last on the list, but not least important.
    During the hikes Mountain Altai I noticed that skiers and long-distance runners feel best.
    If you are not a skier or runner, then even minimal preparation will have a good effect. From personal experience, I noticed that the following helps a lot.

    For muscle endurance (especially legs), the minimum is callanetics, walking up the stairs at any opportunity (at home we forget about the elevator, in the subway we forget about standing on the escalator).
    Ideally, you need long jogging (from 30 minutes, uphill), cycling is very good (1.5-2 hours at heart rate 140-160, uphill).
    For breathing - at least some breathing exercises (for example, bodyflex).
    Ideally, running, cycling, skiing - interval training (with maximum acceleration in the active phase), walking uphill (in the park, good places in Moscow - Kolomenskoye, Biryulevsky Forest Park).
    To prevent your breathing from becoming clogged, it is advisable to learn to breathe through your nose even while actively walking.
    In order not to depend on water, you can learn to drink less. Just don’t drink during training, and drink only after. It’s difficult the first time, but then your body adapts and you don’t feel as thirsty anymore.

    Well, so that your legs and arms don’t cramp from cold water, and your blood vessels feel good, start dousing them with cold water at least a month in advance.

    I would also like to draw attention to the fact that when going on a commercial climb, even the easiest one in the category, you need to be adequately aware that if you are not physically ready or have some kind of sores that do not allow you to move quickly, then you are exposing yourself to the whole group is in danger together and in this case you need to either stay at home or order individual tour. You cannot, because of your whim, deprive others, stronger and more prepared, of the opportunity.
    For example, the last time I attempted to climb Belukha, we had a relatively small group of 10 people, but two of them were not ready. One man had problems with his knees (the menisci were cut out, he could not go down, he walked with force and extremely slowly, and we all know that going down a mountain is many times more dangerous than going up), and I had a weak physical training

    (I didn’t have enough breathing on the climbs). We spent several days on the Berel saddle (there was a thunderstorm, a storm and it was snowing all the time, after which we couldn’t go for another 3 days due to the danger of avalanches). But if there had been weather, I would have been smart enough to refuse the climb, because in a group the weak endanger everyone, both the strong and the experienced. Moreover, already on the ascent you need to move quickly and smoothly, because... there is a danger of avalanches, cracks, breakdowns, and shouting “stop” every 10 steps, resting for several minutes, means an increase in this very danger many times over. Therefore, a separate request to commercial tourists is to prepare physically more carefully.

    After all, you endanger not only yourself, but the entire team.

    Finally, a little encouraging advice. You should never base your opinion on the first day. Many people are just warming up on the first day, and it may seem like you have no strength, you can’t do anything. And then on the second, third day they walk around. Therefore, sometimes it is better not to fly the first day, but to calmly increase the pace. Moreover, the approaches to Belukha are very long and tiring, which many do not expect and lose heart already on the second day.