How deep does a submarine dive? Deep Dive: Definition and Limits

In order to always have water, without overloading the pumping equipment, it is important to install the pump at the optimal level. This is usually done by specialists who make the aquifer well. Sometimes homeowners have to do this themselves. Then the question arises about what depth the pump is lowered into the well, and how to determine, without special instruments and knowledge, the optimal level for the location of the water pump. We hope that the information presented below will help you deal with the problem that has arisen and correctly install pumping equipment in a well of any type.

Each aquifer is individual in terms of its main characteristics. This means not only the diameter of the casing pipe and the total depth (distance from the mouth to the bottom), but also the following indicators:

  • static water level;
  • dynamic water level;
  • well flow rate (inflow).

This data is always available in the passport of the aquifer, and it directly affects not only the immersion depth of the well pump, but also the choice of its optimal power and performance. Let's figure out what each of these characteristics means and how it affects the installation depth of the water pump.

If water is not taken from the well for a certain period, a constant level will be established in the cavity of the casing pipe. The resulting water column balances the pressure in the aquifers, which is stable there. For this reason, the level is static, that is, constant. It may vary slightly throughout the year depending on the hydrological situation and the intensity of water withdrawal from a given aquifer by neighboring wells. As a rule, the deeper the well, the more stable this well indicator is.

When water is pumped out, the upper level in the casing pipe is not constant, and is therefore called dynamic. We are interested in the minimum dynamic level that is formed during long-term continuous operation of pumping equipment.

This indicator depends on two factors:

  • pump performance;
  • water flow into the well.

That is, the dynamic level is not a constant value, because it is possible to replace the pump with another one with different characteristics; the flow rate of the well can also undergo changes during the siltation process. But it is precisely this characteristic of the water-bearing structure that is of most interest when choosing the correct immersion depth of the water pump. After all, in order to ensure that the submersible pump does not turn out to be dry during water intake, it must be placed at least a meter below the minimum dynamic level in the casing pipe. This is due to the characteristics of well pumps, which you will learn about below.

What pump is needed for a well?

Submersible vibration pumps are definitely not suitable for working in wellbore conditions, and any competent specialist will confirm this. All you need is centrifugal type equipment. The peculiarity of such devices is that they do not actively suck in water - it enters the cavity of the pump under the pressure of a column located above. That is why it is important that there is always at least a meter of water above the pumping device.

The second reason why the pump needs to be constantly in the water column is the method of its cooling, which also occurs due to water. Such equipment will not work “dry” for a long time. In the absence of coolant, the bearings that allow the motor shaft to rotate will simply melt.

In order for the pumping equipment to be constantly in the water, it is necessary not only to properly bury it in its thickness, but also to correctly select the pump performance. It is important that this indicator corresponds to or is less than the flow rate of the well. In other words, it is necessary to create conditions so that even with the maximum water intake, it has time to be replenished due to the influx.

A simple, practical way to immerse a pump

It is worth noting that this technique is convenient and in most cases allows you to successfully place the equipment, that is, at the required depth, without determining the characteristics of the well. But this method only works in shallow wells, at most in those where water is drawn from a sandy aquifer. The technique consists of the following steps.

  • A pump equipped with a HDPE pipe is lowered on a cable to the bottom of the well.
  • After contact with a solid base, the equipment is raised approximately 2 m and temporarily fixed in this position.
  • A test run of the pumping device is carried out for about an hour. Throughout this period, it is necessary to monitor the pressure of the outgoing water and its quality (contamination with solid impurities). If the water quality is satisfactory and the pressure is stable, then this position of the equipment is suitable for continuous operation. When there is a lot of sand or other soil particles in the water, you should raise the device about half a meter and repeat the test. If during the test the pressure begins to decrease sharply, you must immediately turn off the pump, deepen it and repeat the test.
  • When the optimal position of the equipment is found, it is securely fixed for continuous use.

This method can be used for a well for which there is no documentation with characteristics, or it has been lost. The generally accepted method for determining the optimal immersion of a pump in a well, which is used by specialists, is the location of the equipment in relation to the dynamic water level.

The optimal way to determine the pump installation depth

The most accurate and correct installation of pumping equipment is based on the existing characteristics of the well, more precisely, taking into account the dynamic water level. This indicator is always indicated in the passport of the aquifer structure. However, attention should be paid to the accompanying data. The document, in addition to the minimum water level during operation, indicates at what pump performance it was recorded. If you want to use dynamic level data, keep in mind that a more efficient pumping device cannot be installed. If the pump has already been purchased and it is more powerful than expected, it will need to be installed deeper than the calculated level.

Now let’s talk about how to determine the installation depth of equipment in a well. The pump immersion rules say the following:

  • the device must be below the dynamic level of at least 1 meter (more is possible);
  • the optimal installation of the pump relative to the bottom of the well is at least 3 m.

That is, the device pumping out water should be located in a specified interval. In practice, you can calculate to what depth the suction equipment needs to be lowered relative to the wellhead.

The total depth of the well (from the head to the bottom) is 21 m. The dynamic level (the distance from the mouth to the water surface at the time of water intake) is 14 m. This means that the water column during active operation of the well is 21-14 = 7 m. Mentioned above that there should be at least a meter of water on top of the pump, and it is not recommended to bring it closer to the bottom than 3 m. There remains a gap of 7-(3+1)=4 m, in which the equipment is optimally located. That is, if we take a specific case, you need to lower the pumping device on a cable 15-18 meters long.

Important! If the well has not been in operation for a long time, the dynamic level indicator may have changed, since the thickness of the aquifer may decrease or the bottom of the well may silt. Also, this indicator often decreases during the season of active water intake. This is taken into account when choosing the installation depth of the well pump.

Our expert is Candidate of Medical Sciences, head of the HBO department of the Russian Research Center of Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, head of the department of HBO at the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Vladimir Rodionov.

Who's new?

Often, tourists decide to dive into the depths spontaneously. For example, when they find themselves in the city to buy souvenirs, and smiling sellers of underwater excursions approach them and offer to make an unforgettable trip to the depths of the sea at ridiculous prices. However, buying a dive certificate from a random excursion shop is a big mistake. Normal diving centers (which belong to the most famous diving associations - PADI, PDA, CMAS) do not communicate with such intermediaries. The low price of the excursion should also alert you. The third point is that when concluding a contract, you are required to fill out a special questionnaire to find out if a person has any diseases that could make diving dangerous (primarily this applies to all acute illnesses and most severe chronic diseases, especially pulmonary and cardiovascular pathologies, as well as congenital heart defects).

According to all the rules, the first dive should take place in so-called “closed” water: a pool or bay, and not in the sea (“open” water). There is also a clear safety rule for beginners: a maximum of two clients per instructor. In reality, everything often happens completely differently: tourists are immediately taken out to sea, while the boat is overcrowded, and it is not uncommon for 10 inexperienced divers to have only 1-2 instructors.

If you don't know the ford, don't go into the water

Diving for the first time is allowed to a depth of no more than 10-12 meters, so diving sites in normal centers are chosen very carefully and so that there are no undercurrents there. When diving to a depth of more than 40 meters, beginners often experience the narcotic effect of nitrogen (the so-called “deep intoxication”). The resulting euphoria often pushes them into inappropriate behavior and, in particular, forces them to surface abruptly, without stopping. And this should not be done under any circumstances.

When ascending even from a shallow depth, it is important not to exceed the ascent speed of 10-18 m per minute. If the decompression (that is, ascent) regime is violated, decompression (or decompression) sickness may develop. The gist of it is this. As the diver dives, nitrogen enters the bloodstream and dissolves there. And with a rapid ascent (under high pressure and with significant air consumption), this gas does not have time to be eliminated from the body. As a result, bubbles form in the blood and tissues, which have a destructive effect on the body. With a mild degree of decompression sickness, pain in the joints and muscles, a feeling of heaviness in the heart, and increased fatigue most often occur. In severe forms, damage to the lung tissue, paralysis and other neurological disorders, including death, are possible.

The French are to blame
Caisson disease is called so by analogy with the invention of the French scientist Triget, who in 1839 patented a caisson (box) for the construction of bridge supports. Since that time, people have been able to remain under conditions of high pressure for a relatively long time. Immediately after this invention, many caisson workers died from decompression sickness. But this disease was known before, long before the invention of the caisson and the spacesuit, although its consequences were less severe, since people without special equipment could not stay under water for a very long time. But nevertheless, for a long time, Japanese ama divers suffered from tarawan disease (from the age of 30, unfortunate women noted an unsteady gait, tremors of the hands, and memory impairment). The disease is associated with hypoxia and the formation of gas bubbles in the central nervous system during systematic diving.

The intensity of gas formation depends not only on the ascent mode, but also on a person’s individual resistance to decompression sickness. The risk of developing the disease is directly proportional to the time spent under water and at depth. So, with a 6-hour stay at a depth of 7-8 m and rapid ascent, 5% of people get sick; from 16 m - every second; from a depth of 24 m - almost every person.

And we pray that the insurance doesn't let us down

For a dive to be successful, the diver must not only think through the choice of ascent mode in advance (and strictly follow it underwater), but also be absolutely healthy and rested at that time. He should also not smoke or take alcohol or medications (especially tranquilizers) either before or after surfacing. At first, you should also avoid heavy physical activity - for example, you should not go to the gym in the evening.

It is also dangerous to fly earlier than 24 hours after a dive (and 72 hours after multiple dives in one day). This aggravates the development of decompression sickness.

Just in case, you need to find out where the nearest recompression chamber is located, which is necessary for the treatment of decompression sickness. But since 1 hour of operation of this installation costs from $700 to 2500, and in severe forms of the disease continuous treatment may be required for several days, the optimal solution for a person planning to go diving is to purchase special medical insurance. For a period of up to 20 days, its cost will be about 30 euros, and for a year it will cost about a hundred euros.

Breathe deeply!

If the victim has developed decompression sickness, it is better to start treatment as early as possible, rather than wait until he arrives home. Moreover, unfortunately, there are no special recompression chambers in which a special regime can be set in ordinary Russian medical institutions today. The last time such a pressure chamber worked at the Russian Scientific Center for Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences was in the 90s, but due to the high cost of its use, it is no longer functioning.

Therefore, such patients can only be treated in oxygen pressure chambers. The hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO) method is not the most effective in this case, but it is better than nothing.

Submarine depth

distance from the surface of the water to the installation site of the depth gauge of the central post. There are periscope immersion depths; the limit at which the durable hull of a submarine does not experience residual deformation when diving and swimming; working (80-85% of the limit), during long voyages on which the normal operation of all systems and devices is guaranteed; design (1.5-2.2 times higher than the limit), for which the strength of a durable hull is calculated during design.

  • - its urgent transition from underwater to surface...

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  • - transition of a submarine from a submerged position to a surface position. To do this, the ballast tanks are partially or completely purged...

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  • - bringing the submarine load to the specified values ​​of trim and buoyancy. Produced with the aim of preparing the submarine for diving and swimming underwater...

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  • - the magnitude of the change in the depth of the submerging submarine per unit time. There are S. p. from the surface of the sea and in a submerged position...

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  • - special containers for diving, controlling buoyancy and trim of submarines, storing liquid cargo and other...

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  • - transition of a submarine from a submerged position to a surface position in the event of any accident...

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  • - submersion of a submarine in order to establish the sufficiency of ballasting and the correct distribution of portable ballast on the boat...

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  • - the distance from the water surface to the installation site of the central post depth gauge. There are periscope immersion depths...

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  • - consists of a durable hull and a lightweight hull, as well as superstructures and a deckhouse. The robust hull consists of a steel hull plating, reinforced from the inside by a set consisting of frames...

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  • - a durable deckhouse in the middle part of the boat, lined with a light casing for streamlining; its upper platform serves as a bridge in the surface position...

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  • - special containers for changing the buoyancy of a submarine, changing trim, storing fuel, liquid cargo and other purposes...

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  • - the process of transition of a submarine from a submerged position to a surface position. The surfacing of a sunken ship - during ship-lifting operations...

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  • - bringing the buoyancy, roll and trim of the submarine to certain values. Produced for the purpose of preparing a submarine for diving and swimming underwater...

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  • - parts of the light hull extending from the end bulkheads of the pressure hull to the stem and sternpost, respectively. Serve to give streamlining to the contours of the bow and stern...

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  • - a set of auxiliary mechanisms, pipelines with fittings, tanks, instrumentation, controls and other devices intended for...

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Diving a submarine is the transition from a surface position to an underwater position or a change in diving depth from less to greater.

The transition of a submarine from the surface to the underwater position is carried out by filling the main ballast tanks, and the change in immersion depth from less to greater, as a rule, by the stroke and horizontal rudders.

Diving a submarine in two stages is usually called a conventional dive. It is produced:

At the sign;

When trimming in areas that are difficult to maneuver underwater;

For training purposes, as well as at the discretion of the submarine commander.

During a normal dive, the end tanks of the main ballast are filled first, then the middle group when the quick dive tank is empty.

Before diving on a submarine, the holds are drained, the compartments and battery are ventilated, the bridge is prepared for the dive, and when approaching the dive point, the speed is stopped and the quick dive tank is purged. The dive is preceded by the command of the submarine commander “Everything down. Stand in your places, ready to dive.” The personnel takes places according to the dive schedule, closes the outboard openings and prepares the submarine systems for swimming underwater. The main command post is transferred from the bridge to the central post or to the conning tower. Observation of the horizon is carried out through a periscope and using radio equipment. Then the main ballast tanks of the bow and stern (end) groups are filled, and the ventilation of the stern group opens 1-2 seconds earlier than the bow, and the submarine moves into a positional position.

In the positional position, the filling of the drainage line and unloaded torpedo tubes with water is checked, and the compartments are inspected to establish the quality of sealing of the durable hull. The roll and trim of the submarine are reduced to zero.

After completing the above steps, the main ballast tanks of the middle group are filled. The ventilation valves of these tanks close at a depth of 5-7 m. If the submarine begins to sink quickly when the middle group begins to fill, you should immediately close the ventilation valves of the middle group tanks, vent the “middle” one, start the pump to pump water from the surge tank overboard and float up into a positional position, and then establish and eliminate the cause of the submarine’s failure. Only after this repeat the dive. If the submarine does not dive when the middle group is filled, it is considered “light”. In this case, the positive buoyancy is extinguished by receiving water from overboard into the surge tank. When the submarine reaches a depth of no more than periscope, the ventilation valves of all main ballast tanks are closed.

Regular diving on the go

Having arrived at the dive point and switched to the required mode of movement, the submarine commander commands: “All down. Stand in your places, ready to dive.” When executing this command, the same actions are carried out in the same order as when diving without a move. After the command “Fill the middle one,” the commander orders: “Dive to so many meters, trim so many degrees.” When diving to a safe or greater depth, it is not recommended to create a trim of more than 5-7°.

When diving on an even keel, the filling of the main ballast tanks will be more uniform. In this case, the horizontal rudders are shifted “parallel to the dive” so that the trim of the submarine is equal to zero. This position persists to a depth of approximately 5-7 m.

Once the submarine reaches the specified depth, it is possible to create a trim specified by the commander.

If the boat does not submerge, water should be taken into the surge tank. In this case, as soon as the depth gauge shows a change in depth, water intake is suspended. If, after filling the middle group of main ballast tanks, the submarine begins to sink quickly, it is necessary to create a trim to the stern, using the stroke and rudders to keep it from further diving. At the same time, it is necessary to pump water from the surge tank overboard. If this is not enough, you should partially blow out the middle group of main ballast tanks, pump out the required amount of water from the surge tank, and then, having removed the “bubble” from the “middle” one, continue the dive.

Urgent dive

An emergency dive is performed by the submarine commander or watch officer and, as a rule, one combat shift. It ensures that the submarine goes under water in the shortest possible time.

At the command “All down,” the personnel on the bridge quickly descend into the boat. At the “Urgent Dive” signal, personnel perform the following actions:

Stops diesel engines, disengages bow clutches, battens the air supply shafts to diesel engines and other outboard openings, opens the pressure equalization valves of the main ballast tanks, which contain fuel, as well as the buoyancy tank ventilation valve;

The upper deckhouse hatch is battened down (by the submarine commander or watch officer);

Powered by electric motors;

Fills main ballast tanks;

Controls horizontal rudders;

Blows out the rapid immersion tank and closes its seacocks;

Closes the ventilation valves of the middle group and main ballast tanks.

During an urgent dive, the middle group of tanks is filled after the conning hatch is battened down. The control device of the alarm station must indicate that the wheelhouse hatch, the locks of the air supply shaft to diesel engines, ship and battery ventilation are closed.

During the initial period of a submarine's dive, the bow horizontal rudders should be set to submerge, and the stern rudders should be set to ascent. In this case, both pairs of horizontal rudders create drowning forces. Stern horizontal rudders, which create a trimming moment at the stern, help keep the boat on an even keel, balancing the trimming moment that appears with the filling of the quick dive tank.

Upon reaching the depth, when all the tanks of the main ballast are filled, the stern rudders should be shifted to the dive, create a trim of up to 10° on the bow (depending on the design of the submarine) and hold it during the dive.

If the submarine must remain at periscope depth, the rapid dive tank is purged at a depth equal to half the periscope depth. If it is necessary to go to a safe depth, the rapid immersion tank is purged at a depth no less than the periscope. The ventilation valves of the main ballast tanks are closed immediately after the submarine goes under water.

As a rule, with the command “Urgent dive” the order is given by the submarine commander (officer on watch): “Dive to a depth of so many meters with a trim of so many degrees.” When approaching a given depth, the trim is pulled back, and the horizontal helmsman reports the depth of the dive using the depth gauge.

During an urgent dive, you must be prepared to perform an emergency blowdown of the end tanks of the main ballast if the trim, rapidly increasing, exceeds the permissible limit. Blowing out the middle group of tanks may be required in case of loss of buoyancy due to incorrect calculation of the submarine's load or in case of late blowing of the fast dive tank.

Dive to extreme depth

In a submerged position, the submarine can be located at depths: periscope (7-9 m), under the RDP

Submarine shipbuilding has several goals. All of them, one way or another, are associated with a decrease in the possibility of detecting a submarine due to an increase in the distance between it and the water surface, as well as some other factors.

Of course, the military-industrial complex is generally a special area, the goals of which are often very different from the aspirations of an ordinary civilian. However, in this article we will consider some data on the diving depth of submarines, as well as the limits within which this value varies.

A little history: bathyscaphe

The article will, of course, talk about warships. Although human exploration of the sea includes visiting even the planetary maximum depth - the bottom of the Mariana Trench, which, as is known, is located more than 11 km from the surface of the World Ocean. However, the historical dive, which took place back in 1960, was carried out in a submersible. This is a device that does not have buoyancy in the full sense, since it can only sink and then rise due to the tricks of an engineering genius. In general, when operating a bathyscaphe there is no question of moving in a horizontal plane over any significant distances. Therefore, the diving depth of submarines, which, as is known, can cover enormous distances, is significantly less than the record for a bathyscaphe, at least for now.

The most important characteristic

Speaking about records in the field of ocean exploration, we should not forget about the true purpose of submarines. Military purposes and the warhead usually carried on such ships imply not only the highest mobility required for them. In addition, they must skillfully hide in water columns that are ideally suited for this, emerge at the right moment and descend as quickly as possible to the depth necessary for survival after a military operation. In fact, the latter determines the level of combat capability of the ship. Thus, the maximum diving depth of a submarine is one of its most important characteristics.

Increase factors

There are several considerations in this regard. Increasing the depth makes it possible to improve the maneuverability of the submarine in the vertical plane, since the length of a warship is usually at least several tens of meters. Thus, if it is 50 meters under water, and its dimensions are twice as large, moving down or up is fraught with a complete loss of camouflage.
In addition, in water columns there is such a thing as “thermal layers”, which greatly distort the sonar signal. If you go below them, the submarine becomes practically “invisible” to the tracking equipment of surface ships. Not to mention the fact that at great depths such a device is much more difficult to destroy with any weapon available on the planet.

The greater the diving depth of submarines, the stronger the hull must be, capable of withstanding incredible pressures. This, again, benefits the overall defense capability of the ship. Finally, if the depth limit allows it to lie on the ocean floor, this also increases the submarine's invisibility to any locating equipment available to modern tracking systems.

Basic terminology

There are two main characteristics that show a submarine's ability to dive. The first is the so-called working depth. In foreign sources it also appears as operational. This characteristic shows the immersion depth of submarines, to which they can descend an unlimited number of times during the entire period of operation. For example, the American Thrasher normally completed 40 dives per year within this value, until, during another attempt to exceed it, it tragically died along with the entire crew in the Atlantic. The second most important characteristic is the calculated or destructive (in foreign sources) depth. Corresponds to its value at which the hydrostatic pressure exceeds the strength of the body calculated during the design of the apparatus.

Test depth

There is one more characteristic that needs to be mentioned in context. This is the immersion depth of a submarine, the limit according to calculations, below which can cause destruction of the skin itself, or frames, or other external equipment. It is also called “test” in foreign sources. In no case should it be exceeded for a specific device.

Returning to the Thrasher: with an estimated value of 300 meters, it went to a test depth of 360 meters. By the way, in the USA, the submarine is sent to this depth immediately after launching from the factory and, in fact, “breaks in” on it for a certain time before being handed over to the agency ordering it. Let's finish the sad story of "Thrasher". Tests at 360 meters ended tragically for him, and although this was not caused by the depth itself, but by technical problems with the nuclear engine of the submarine, the accidents, apparently, were not accidental.

The submarine lost speed due to the engine stopping, blowing the ballast tanks did not produce results, and the device sank to the bottom. According to experts, the destruction of the submarine’s hull occurred at a depth of about 700 meters, so, as we see, there is still a fair difference between the test value and the truly destructive one.

Average numbers Naturally, depth values ​​increase over time. If WWII submarines were designed for values ​​of 100-150 meters, then subsequent generations increased these limits. With the invention of the ability to use nuclear decay to create engines, the diving depth of nuclear submarines also increased. In the early 60s it was already about 300-350 meters. Modern submarines have limits of about 400-500 meters. While there is a clear stagnation on this front, it seems that it is a matter of future developments, although it is worth mentioning the extraordinary project created in the Soviet Union in the 80s.

Absolute record

We are talking about the Komsomolets submarine, which, unfortunately, tragically sank, but it still holds the unconquered peak in the exploration of the depths of the sea by modern submarines. This unique project has no analogues in the whole world. The fact is that for the manufacture of its body a very durable, expensive and extremely inconvenient material to process was used - titanium. The maximum diving depth of a submarine in the world still belongs to Komsomolets. This record was set in 1985, when a Soviet submarine reached 1,027 meters below the sea surface.
By the way, the working value for it was 1000 m, and the design value was 1250. As a result, Komsomolets sank in 1989 due to a strong fire that started at a depth of about 300 meters. And although he, unlike the same “Thrasher,” managed to surface, the story still turned out to be very tragic. The fire damaged the submarine so much that it sank almost immediately. Several people died in the fire, and about half the crew drowned in icy water while help arrived.


The diving depth of modern submarines is 400-500 meters, the maximum usually has slightly higher values. The record of 1027 meters set by Komsomolets is not yet within the capabilities of any of the submarines in service in all countries. It's up to the future