Grand Tala Bay Resort - Reviews. Grand Tala Bay Resort - Grand Swiss Grand Reviews

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Evaluation 4.0 of 10

Were with his family. Pros: - Good location. - Clean sea and sandy beach. - Excellent number (we had a Family Suite), the truth of the promised door between the rooms was not. - Large territory, a lot of greenery. ... still ▾ were with the family.

- Good location.
- Clean sea and sandy beach.
- Excellent number (we had a Family Suite), the truth of the promised door between the rooms was not.
- Large territory, a lot of greenery.

- This is not all inclusive.
- Hazard and richish hotel guide (were from Coral, Fadi Guide).
- Very strange "rescuers" by pools and the sea.
- Not very good nutrition (and the organization and food itself).
- Uncomfortable conditions for arrival and departure.
- Lack of sun beds.
- The slides worked for days 5-6 out of 10 (the rest of the time was repaired).
- Uglessly organized transfer from the airport to the hotel.
- Strange safety concern.

Read more about minuses.

In the hotel, let's say, separate meals :) To drink even what is included in this "All Inclusive". For no dinner, you will not succeed in dinner, because you do not have alcoholic beverages in the main restaurant.

Here on the beach at +30 drink your whiskey on health.

It is very limited to the choice of dishes and it practically does not change. There is no fruit (well, except for finely chopped something in one plate and apples that were exactly 1 time in 10 days). Normal salads are also not. There are chopped waste of yesterday (everything in a row), a sort of salary: a tangle sausage, sad cucumbers, cheese and so on. Trying not risked.

No coffee. There is something called "American Coffee", but this is definitely not a normal American.

In addition, there are constantly enough plates, cups, welding teapots and so on and far from all the dishes are available (just empty chains / plates / tray stand).

Entire guide. This is a separate song. It was recommended to us as the best of the best.

They flew, all the formalities passed, we go out on the street (no one met us). There are no buses, everyone who flew off.

After some time a certain person appeared and told that the buses would soon be. Immersed with long and noise, because there was no organization. Then the bus appeared in the bus, silently passed on the bus, looked that the places were busy, and came out. Actually, apparently, he fulfilled her work (it is possible to participate in the shuttle and not his function, I do not know).

Upon arrival in the father, all the problems, and they were, had to be solved with other people, as we did not find Fadi.

The welcoming meeting was appointed at 9 am. Actually, all in 9 and gathered. Everything except Fadi, he was late for 15 minutes.

The conference room was taken during this time, Fadi said wait, after 20 minutes, come to the conference room. Well, walking through the hotel.

After 20 minutes they returned and it turned out that Fadi had already told everything to those who stayed in the lobby and sells excursions.

Wait until everyone wishes bought, approached (not we are alone, of course). He began to tell, but then a girl appeared, who decided to buy a tour.

Fadi, of course, I tried to forget about us, but it didn't work out (it came to the scandal almost to the scandal). As a result, just to get the information had to bring the case almost to the scandal.

Next, they tried to find out when our guide is at the hotel. Received the answer: tomorrow from 9 to 11, the day after tomorrow from 19 to 20, I do not know further. Well, in principle, it is not scary, because there was a WhatsApp number. Only, as it turned out, Fadi responds only to the magical words "We want to buy" and nothing else.

As a result, most excursions also had to order "on the side". I did not understand why such a hotel guide is generally needed.

"Rescuers". Pools and on the beach are sitting "Rescuers". At the pools their task to interfere with rest. Periodically kicked out of the pool of children, periodically - just everyone (all this is on official opening hours). Why - can not explain. They asked to call someone from the leadership - once a person came with the keys, said "Floating under your responsibility." What the problem was not able to explain. In the future, on whistles and attempts to drive out simply did not pay attention.

In the sea, the child (not ours) looked through the water, people tried to finish the "rescuer" - it appeared when the girl was already pulled out and the woman had escaped behind him.

On arrival and leaving. We have a race in the evening. We arrived tired and hungry. They settled quickly, however, in the room on three, everything was only for two, but this question quickly decided. At the entrance to the restaurant there was a turn and the girl said "wait until there are no free tables." After 30 minutes the picture has not changed.

Suggested holidaymakers - you can just go to the restaurant from the central entrance. Why was it invented by such a mockery over the newly arrived?

When leaving at 12 o'clock, the bracelet is cut off and not to drink, no eating will not work. There are no rooms for storage.

Well, about safety. At the entrance to the hotel stands "Frame". The fact that she does not care about anyone, but in the bag your guard fights.

Or does not fight, if you just quickly pass the frame and pick up the bag. That is not safety, but butafory, but the personal belongs climb, which is unpleasant.

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Evaluation 4.0 of 10

From September 20 to September 30, 2018, my wife and I rested at the Grand Swiss-Belresort Tala Bay (Jordan, Aqaba). The hotel is five-star with the nutrition system "All Inclusive" has beautiful architecture, beautiful vegetable and flower decoration, a nice private beach with small white sand at a distance of 150 m from the hotel. ... more ▾ From September 20 to September 30, 2018, my wife and I rested at the Grand Swiss-Belresort Tala Bay (Jordan, Aqaba). The five-star hotel with a nutritional system "All Inclusive" has a beautiful architecture, beautiful vegetable and flower decoration, a good private beach with small white sand at a distance of 150 m from the hotel. The sea is striking with its transparency and cleanliness, it is always almost calm and has a long swimming. Food is diverse and interesting. All of the above fully corresponds to the five stars. It would seem relax and bliss. However, it was not there. Engineering and business services of the hotel do not give it to do.
We arrived at the hotel and immediately asked to give us a room with two separate beds. After long negotiations, we promised to provide such a number in three days, and so far I have added an extra bed to the room not the best quality. Three days later we were moved to a room with two separate beds and an additional third. Re-needed a long request to remove the third bed out of the room, as it interfered. Three days later, the bed was removed.
In both rooms in which we lived, the TV did not really worked; 5 minutes will work, then the program is interrupted, you need to turn on the device again. In the second issue there was only one lamp, our urgent requests to put the second did not lead to anything, did not put the lamp. Not accustomed to the hotel in this hotel to satisfy the requests of guests.
As our Russian colleagues for rest told (Russians, as always, the majority among holidaymakers), someone did not close the window in the room, someone had a toilet bowl, did not work the hair dryer. In our last issue, the beds were cried and rushed, the handle was broken off on the door to the bathroom.
A very unpleasant circumstance was the need to jump early in the morning and run to the beach to take the sun beds. This inconvenience is due to the small amount of straw umbrellas, under which the sun beds are placed. The entrance to the sea is very unpleasant, because In the meter from the coast there are many sharp stones.
But the most terrible event for us happened on 09/25, when the elevator stopped working with which we rose to our third floor. In a panic, we rushed into the reception, where the staff began to call somewhere, promised two days later the elevator, but he did not start working on the day of our departure 09/30/18. Of course, some young and healthy person is worth running to run up on the third floor and not even to me, but when you are far over 60 and you have problems with your knees and ankles, then the elevator stop immediately turns your rest in the torment.
It is obvious that the hotel urgently requires the re-equipment of fixed assets (considerable costs are coming). Employees of engineering and business services, which are currently lazing and inattention to the requests of holidaymakers, it is required to change the style of work. Otherwise, they must be dismissed.
Currently, the hotel is clearly designed for young and unpretentious people. People of older people should think firmly before riding here to rest here.

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Evaluation 5.0 of 10

jordan Grand Swiss-BelResort Beach Tala Bay 5 *, All Inclusive, Reviewed by Jordan Aqaba itself 2018 Grand Swiss-Belresort Beach Tala Bay 5 *, all inclusive, departure 11.07, 11 nights / 12 days - 69 800 ... Settlement strained big queue at the receptionist. ... more ▾ jordan
Grand SWISS-BelResort Beach Tala Bay 5 *, all inclusive
Actually Sam
Jordan Aqaba July 2018
Grand Swiss-Belresort Beach Tala Bay 5 *, all inclusive, departure 11.07, 11 nights / 12 days - 69 800
Settlement strained a large queue to the reception.
Koi's hotel guides turned out to be 3 or 4 in the end did not deign nobody spend us (a whole big bus in the same hotel) in the bus and general information bring
The next day, a meeting with hotelHide appointed in the lobby, where everyone came in advance, weirdly, we wait, suddenly we see some people like our, somewhere wandered ... Intuitively went for them. Some scanks, came to the kof. Hall. Hotel Hide Ramzan is all ok. (Is that - ("Discussion ?? - not, did not hear ..." / This is apparently considered to be humiliation)
1-Sea, corals, pools, types, petra, rest, evening dancing Everything is super! Drink! But be prepared:
… ..
1. In the Pegasus buses (41 degrees in the shade for a minute) there are no bottled water as no yusb of charging, non-empty and no non-blocked tables
2.Mospeckers in the number of rooms are despised as a class cleaner they do not put them (steal?) ... I put my own - they dragged them ... In this case, it is impossible to throw paper into the toilet ...
3. Postal Musways in hotels and T. P. In principle, the pedal is not opening
4.In the air conditioner rooms without a remote (wall only) t. E. Emboss at night to get up every hour otherwise or be worried or disappeared (the temperature in them is not regulated)
5. Remaining guides are non-contact payment cards (in stores know)
... the same badly do not know how what hotel free bars work
6. ... Guides are guided by despising elementary umbrellas / flags / bright clothes (to find them in a crowd) have low growth and dark clothes so that they are lost in the crowd.
7. ... For this, no loudspeakers do not use
... Hotel room (changed two) does not have a sink plug
8 .... air conditioning
... Holy
9 .... staff and guides do not suffer from a friendly exception
10 .... on the beaches of neighboring hotels are not allowed
11 ... Immediately behind the beach Oochuina Zamuorous Coastline
12. In the Hedumed Wi-Fi Hotel even (especially) in the lobby
(Impressions 1x 2 days) while I live further)
13.The Tserkovka on the blue eye translated the prices of dollars in Dinar (Dinar more expensive)
14. Meal is incomprehensible but diverse. Fish and unwasizing fresh fruit large rarity

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Evaluation 4.0 of 10

First of all I specify, it is Jordan with its customs and orders. There is nothing to prove to anyone ... Settlement. If you arrive at breakfast and there will be free numbers from you to 12 days (and not 15-00 how they are accepted), and absolutely free, but you will receive a bracelet only at 15-30, which means: breakfast and dinner to feed you on Al will not, wait for dinner. ... more ▾ First of all I specify, it is Jordan with its customs and orders. There is nothing to prove to anyone ...
Settlement. If you arrive at breakfast and there will be free numbers from you to 12 days (and not 15-00 how they are accepted), and absolutely free, but you will receive a bracelet only at 15-30, which means: breakfast and dinner to feed you on Al will not, wait for dinner. Increased in the bar for free can only pour water. Tea, coffee, juices, beer all charge.
Room. Well, everything is easier here. Well, not the palace of course, but you can spend the night. Bed comfortable, linen clean, TV, hairdryer, kettle work. Not very clean floors and the presence of dust - you can suffer. Here is a towel just 2 pcs. Low enough.
A restaurant. Of course there were no hungry, but everything is somehow alone and very often not tasty. But this is in my opinion.
Beach. Sand in a mix with stones and garbage. In the sea, or rather in the Aqab's bay, without shoes do not go ( sea hedgehog At the shore itself in the stones). If you arrived here on the Red Sea, then you arrived at the wrong address.
Territory. Here the gardener came with CONVER. Everything blooms and all spieshing. Beauty eye glad.
Animation. She is not just bad, it is simply no!
And last: in the afternoon there are 3 bars, but 2 of them only charge. There are few sun beds by the pool. There is no umbrellas on the beach.
My opinion, not the country called Honduras. This is not 5 stars, and 2 with a plus.
Tip: If you decide to come here, then be patient and do not pay attention to the entire negative.

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Evaluation 8.0 of 10

Purpose. High-quality holiday in Jordan on the banks of the Red Sea for the minimum cost. Territory. Competently designed, beautiful, cozy, in colors and plants. 5 pools (heating pools did not notice). ... more ▾ Purpose. High-quality holiday in Jordan on the banks of the Red Sea for the minimum cost.

Territory. Competently designed, beautiful, cozy, in colors and plants. 5 pools (heating pools did not notice). Children's club.

Beach. Pretty wide, sun beds and umbrellas grabbed everything. A gently sloping from the shore with the islands of corals, sneakers are needed. Live coral reef is a pair of minutes away from the beach of the hotel. The beauty of the reef as in the tab.

Rooms. Corresponds to the photo on the Internet, everything worked, plasma, safe, cosmetics, bathrobes / slippers, tea sets (replenished daily). High level cleaning.

Food. As in Europe in hotels 4 stars, dishes adapted for Europeans, tasty: artichokes, crabs, shrimps, fish, meat, grilled vegetables - in sufficiency, without queues. There is a dietary I. baby food. On the nutrition, breakfast / dinner drinks (tea, coffee, water, juices) were included on breakfast or water for dinner. In the room daily replenishment with water 0, 5 liters per person. Compared with Arab Emirates 3 stars - more modest.

Internet: wireless throughout (including rooms and beach) for free.

Service. There are no complaints, helpful, try to help.

Animation. There are unobtrusive games and entertainment in Russian during the day. In the evening disco.

Contingent. Russian-speaking, Europeans and from Friday to Saturday Arabs. See in different ends of the territory by nationality. Disadvantages do not deliver each other.

Bonuses. Free shuttle service to Aqabu 6 times a day. For a birthday cake and wine in the room.

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Evaluation 2.0 of 10

Driving Kiev-Amman Tala Bay-Kiev 29.12.12-05. 01.13 Travel agency "News Trawel" Takes Party in Jordan "Al-Thuraya" Tourists 3 adults (2 + 1 child 17 years old) 1. The hotel was not booked. ... more ▾ Ride Kiev-Amman Tala Bay Kiev
Travel agency "News Trawel"
The receiving party in Jordan "Al-Thuraya"
Tourists 3 adults (2 + 1 child 17 years old)
1. The room at the hotel was not booked. About our arrival at the hotel did not know. The accompanying driver from Al-Thuraya disappeared after 5 minutes after learning that we have problems with booking.
2. The number in Kiev on three, on the first floor, overlooking the sea (all these parameters were discussed with the "News Trawel"), was replaced by the number on the second floor overlooking the roof of the first floor of the neighboring building and the edge of the garden.
3. After calls to Kiev, a long explanation at the reception number was found, but they said that the "settlement is temporary" until they receive information about us from the host.
4. The room was equipped for two (we are three adults). After 5 hours of waiting (approximately 12 at night local time) and three reception calls were brought a bathrobe and a towel, after (still half an hour), and even later bed linen. Five hours is needed by 5 * hotel staff to convert the number and make an action (bring it necessary for sleep) after each next call call.
5. The state of the number is separate sadness: drop cold water to hot, one must at least 10 minutes. A broken water drain button in the toilet. It does not pass water in the shower (plum). In the shower dirty, cracks in the tile and on the ceiling (see photo). Plaster rolls. The size of the bathroom (shower + toilet + washbasin) are such that the semi-open door rests on the front of the toilet. And the door of the shower cabin is open overlap all the space. Dirty washbasin. For all 5 days of rest, it was not waved again (see photo).
6. In the morning we appealed to the reception with a request to replace the number. They listed all the problems that found. We were refused, they said that there are no available rooms at the hotel. It was lies, because The hulls were dark (in the evening - at night) and the dining room was filled only by 25%.
7. Bed linen gray, towels styled, by appearance they were long in operation (see photo).
8. Cleaning rooms on the top three and below: dust remains on the furniture and the floor (see Foto). With us, the dust never wiped out, it is great in the photo. The disinfection of the bathroom is not carried out. After the "tip" left and notes, with a request to remove the number, we laid out with climbing swans, and did not spend cleaning carefully. Calked the time of finding a cleaner in the room - 8 minutes (30 m2). Foldhes the bed and partially changes the towels (there were cases when we were folded back towels, the world sign "dirty"). Vacuum cleaner and wet cleaning in the rooms is not carried out.
9. The bed is changed only at the request and monetary remuneration (checked).
10. Towels are taken, but, never left full-fledged sets on three.
11. Asked to pick up a bathrobe in washing. Clean (in replacements) was not provided. Three days out of five in the room there were 2 bathrobes for three guests.
12. Old furniture. The bottom of the whole furniture is dirty, drunk, in mold (see photo).
New Year
13. The traditional dinner was canceled on the NG day.
14. There was no specific placement of (fixed places in the hall) for pre-paid tables on NG. They suggested sitting in three two stools for a large table, where people were already sitting. They promised to bring an inlet chair, and after the placement of all (other) guests to transplant during the other table, if it is. After the refusal was offered a table behind the scene for the MUCs. Colonates, opposite the toilet and the rack of waiters (where the plates believes).
15. Paying 157 dollars. For a person, they found out that the beverages were not included in this value.
16. The services of the waiters were not included in the paid cost. An additional account was set.
17. The waiter Ahmad Alchazayum does not know how to speak English. Ignored the appeals to it.
18. At the same time, up to 100 people had to serve themselves (buffet). Big queues, crowd with plates, noise, scandals.
19. The music program did not enter the price. A separate account for DJ and music was put up.
20. The concert program consisted of two national dances.
21. The New Year's event promised by the Travel Agency - the eating of cold food, under the drinks brought with them, under national music within 2 hours.
22. We asked the waitress to bring glasses for champagne - waited for 25 minutes.
23. In the absence of parents, the administrator (or the restaurant manager) approached the seated child with a request to sign the parent's account.
24. After refusing to sign an additional check (services are described above) on 35.310 dinars, the maintenance stopped at all. Waiters, having received a disposal from managers, ignored empty plates with the "Completed" sign.
25. The Administrator of the Restaurant of Afro-Asian appearance, passing next to us (all days after NG), muttered curses and insults (Lively translated) and watched an inappropriate-evil look. Although the received check we paid at the reception on the morning of the next day - I really did not want to spoil the vacation.

On the seaside of the sea three kilometers from the center of Aqaba, the charming Grand Swiss-Belresort Tala hotel is located Bay Aqaba. four*. Literally within walking distance is located private beachwhere everyone will be able to relax and have fun. On the beach, vacationers will find such entertainment as: water skiing and canoeing, surfing, diving with scuba and much more. All rooms are equipped with modern appliances and high-speed Internet. Rooms are pleased with large windows and spacious balconies, with chic species. Guests will find granny bed linen, large comfortable beds and elegant furniture. The rooms also feature air conditioning and a flat-screen TV. The bathroom is equipped with a hairdryer and branded toiletries. The hotel offers a swimming pool, a well-equipped gym and sauna. Professional massage session can be ordered directly to the room. Tour desk offers exciting trips to the sights of the city and surroundings. Excellent family beach rest, as well as a fun pastime for young people in this hotel is guaranteed.

At the Talabay Resort, Aqaba's resort usually relax with friends, alone, with family. Most Persistent Months: November, May, October. Nutrition, service, accommodation are very well evaluated.

Rating on reviews

8.2 / 10 Onlinetours. 7.8 / 10 Booking. 3.8 / 5 Tophotels.