What is happening in Tunisia now. Threat level in Tunisia for tourists: latest news

Rest in Tunisia is very popular among Russians, as for traveling around the country does not need a visa. Arabs are very hospitably belong to tourists, and a comfortable stay in Tunisia on the system is all inclusive will cost much cheaper than in many other exotic corners of the planet. However, within last year There is no stability regarding security. Guests of the region before buying a ticket show genuine interest insituations in Tunisia today for tourists 2017 year. About current events can be found from the article.

Situation in Tunisia for tourists from Russia in 2017

All world media in one voice report an unstable social and political situation in the country. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs also warns tourists about the danger and reports the internal heat, mass demonstrations among the dissatisfied population. In the news, it is often shown that bloody collisions occur between the police and radical groups. On the streets of cities heard shots and explosions. AT major cities Demonstrations often end with mass riots, during which the peaceful population and property suffers from innocent people.

Tunisia. Sahara Desert

However, does that all of the above indicate danger to tourists? No, the situation in Tunisia today is not more dangerous than in another place of our planet. Russian and foreign channels reported on a terrorist threat and restless atmosphere in a number of other countries. Tourists who still decided not to give up recreation in this North African country, do not regret anything about anything, because for all the time of their staying there was no alarm and anxiety.

In Tunisia for tourists, the government has developed unprecedented security measures and the place of accumulation of guests from other countries are reliably protected by the police. For example, all tourist objects are located under the clock video surveillance, resting and local population are not allowed in museums, popular attractions without scanning with a metal detector. Moreover, everything is potentially dangerous places Regularly inspect and are under the close attention of the authorities. It is for this reason that tourists return to their homeland without incident, and the number of vacationers during the past year has not decreased. At the beginning of 2017, the alarming news from the resorts of Tunisia does not come and travelers from many countries of the world continue to fly to rest.

At the beginning of 2017, the alarming news from the resorts of Tunisia does not come and travelers from many countries of the world continue to fly to rest.

How to find out about the real situation in Tunisia for tourists?

To rest in Tunisia without adventure, before buying a trip you can take steps. This will allow you to find out the real state of affairs, namely:

In tourist areas, in hotels, there is no danger to travelers in the locations of people. All guests of the country are fluent in any attractions and popular places.

Video about the situation in Tunisia today for tourists:

Many travelers are interestedsituation in Tunisia today for tourists 2017 . If you wish to go to this part of the world, you should not deny yourself the pleasure. The resorts of the country are open and secure for lovers of exotic, picturesque landscapes, architecture and incredible impressions. Welcome to Tunisia!

In Tunisia, a flash of a deadly dangerous virus of West Nile was registered. This has already been confirmed in the Ministry of Health of the country.

According to the information agency Al Arabiya, to date, doctors have a suspicion of a virus infection 69 people. In addition, information about the three infected and one killed from the fever of Tunisian has been confirmed.

In the Ministry of Health of Tunisia, it is noted that this is the fourth outbreak of the Western Nile virus on the territory of the country: the previous ones were in 1997, 2003 and 2012.

According to physicians, increased humidity contributes to the spread of fever, which is recorded on the territory of Tunisia after a recent flood. In addition, the virus carriers are migratory birds flying mainly off the country's coast in tourist areas, informs the portal Inforeactor.Ru

Previously, experts warned tourists about the danger of visiting Tunisia. The country is a cholera epidemic. The causative agent of acute intestinal infection can penetrate the neighboring Algeria, where the outbreak of this dangerous disease is fixed, reports TUNIS AFRIQUE PRESSE.

According to Dr. Fathi Betttib, the first symptoms appear in infected only after 10 days. During this time, the carrier may have time to cross the border and transfer the virus to other people. If the virus falls into Tunisia, the situation will be catastrophic, considers medic.

"This disease is similar to the oil stain, spreads very quickly. Only one infected can convey the Virus to people, "said Bettet.

As of August 27, the number of infected cholera in Algeria increased to 56 confirmed cases. Two sicks died in the hospital.

Tunisia's authorities hurried to assure that not a single case of cholera infection in the country. However, the Minister of Health Mohamed Rabi called on citizens and tourists to be careful and enhance hygiene, reports mir24.tv

Cholera is an acute intestinal infection caused by VIBRIO cholerae bacteria that falls into the body through infected water or food. A person quickly (up to 10 liters per day) loses fluid, up to hypovolemic shock and death. Especially bad disease is transferred to children. Patients with manifested symptoms of this disease requires comprehensive treatment in the separation of intensive therapy.

And it all happens against the background of the flood happening in Tunisia. In the province of the raider in the north-east of Tunisia as a result of floods, five hotels flooded. There are directed divisions of civil protection to pump out water, the Minister of Tourism of Selm Ellouma Recommunication said.

According to the Central Civil Protection Office of Tunisia, 25 Japan citizens were evacuated on the eve, which were blocked in the gym due to flooding.

Information about the affected Russians as a result of floods to the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Tunisia has not yet received, informs the portal DailyHype.ru
On the eve and today in the northeastern regions of Tunisia, storm rains were held provoking the flood and the gathering of the villages. It is reported about the death of six people, including a 12-year-old child. Flooded or suffered many objects of residential and transport infrastructure.

Some areas of the country on Saturday received up to 206 mm of precipitation (registered on the meteorological station of the city of the name), which is half the annual rainfall norm.

Water flows were damaged at home, cars. The flows were so strong that cars floated on the urban streets, as it was in the city of the name.

As a result of the elements, automobiles are destroyed or damaged pedestrian bridges and roads.

Moreover, crime grows every day in Tunisia: over the past few months, the number of robberies and decays has increased several times in the North African country. And the worst thing is that in most cases the tourists suffer, who came to relax on the local coasts, reports the portal Planet-Today.ru

Unfortunately, vacationers may encounter danger not only in resorts, but also in air harbor, where, as it turned out, crime also flourishes. So, literally a few days ago in international Airport Hammamet enfida for theft of passenger luggage detained two porters. All the abducted objects in the attackers were withdrawn, and they themselves were sent under the arrest.

It is worth noting that a huge number of crimes in Tunisia occurs in hotels and their territories. For example, in early September, on the beach of Hammamet, they robbed a man. When leaving the sea, he did not make up 8 thousand dollars, and also did not find keys from the car and clothing.

It is known that after appeal to the police, the victim was able to return personal belongings, but the large amount of money, like the hooligans themselves, could not find law enforcement officers.

The situation in Tunisia has long been out of control of the authorities. And the latest events of this confirmation. After all, today, even law enforcement officers become victims of criminals. So, the other day at the Sousse, the group of hooligans attacked the policeman, who he had valuable things from him and money.

"There is no in Tunisia, in contrast to many other countries in the region, oil and gas. Therefore, tourism was extremely important for the country, " - explains the Specialist in Africa, a leading researcher of the Center for Civilizations of MGIMO (U), Orientalist Yuri Zimin.

Alas, but the authorities of the North African state prefer to close their eyes on a criminogenic environment in Tunisia and to ignore what is happening. However, the crime rate rose to such an extent that it is no longer possible to hide it. And if the situation does not change, the country will soon lose one of the main sources of income - tourists.

The terrorists opened fire on vacationers, as a result of which dozens of people were killed and injured. And today, a year after the tragic events, our compatriots are interested in whether holidays are dangerous in Tunisia in 2016?

As it turned out, despite the mass cancellations of trips last summer, in 2016 the Russians consider holidays in Tunisia quite safe and gladly acquire trips to this colorful country. This is evidenced by the fact that the number of people willing to visit Tunisia increased almost 10 times compared with 2015.

Reviews of those who visited in 2016 on vacation in Tunisia, about the political situation in the country

According to the reviews of tourists who returned from Tunisia in 2016, the safety of recreation in this country is no doubt. Despite the fact that radical groups still organize mass demonstrations and provoke collisions with the authorities, in tourist zones completely calmly. Local authorities took care of visitors, leaving all the forces to prevent terrorist attacks. To this end, at the airport, careful inspection is carried out, the number of gendarmes increased on the streets, and in the territories of hotels constantly resides enhanced security. Also, in order to maximally stabilize the situation in the country, the government approved the draft law aimed at combating terrorism.

Is holiday dangerous in Tunisia now? Ambassador of Tunisia is responsible for the heads of growth of Rotuurism

O. Safonov, Head of Roshurism, in a conversation with Ambassador Tunisia found out what measures were taken by the Government of the country so that tourists did not threaten anything. Now the safety of recreation in Tunisia is not in doubt, since the following activities were held in the main tourist areas of the country aimed at preventing unrest and terrorist attacks:

  • own professional security in each hotel;
  • modern electronic equipment security: radio stations, inspection cameras, metal detectors;
  • trained dogs in the composition of the protection, scattered on the detection of weapons and explosives;
  • double check of customer personal data when settled in the hotel;
  • strict ban on staying in the territory of unauthorized persons;
  • careful inspection of sites and premises on the eve of the events and after their conduct;
  • regular examination of air conditioning, elevators, cleaning systems and fuel tanks;
  • protection of excursion courts with special patrol boats;
  • duty of security officers in places of crowd of people;
  • 24-hour security control on tourist sites and beaches, installation of video surveillance and the use of barrier facilities.

Due to the aggregate of the measures taken, travelers can go on vacation without worrying about whether in 2016 is safe.

What needs to be done to be confident about recreation in Tunisia in 2016?

Despite the fact that the country's government does everything to reduce the danger of rest in Tunisia in 2016 to a minimum, travelers must also adhere to certain rules of behavior in order not to get into the unpleasant situation.

Take care of personal things

Residents of Tunisia honor the traditions of Islam, but it is possible to face theft in this country. In order not to happen in such a way that the bag with documents, money and return tickets will disappear in the street successor, it is worth leaving valuable things at the hotel under reliable safe protection.

Take pictures

Bring out of the holiday as many colorful memorable pictures as possible - the natural desire of each tourist. However, in Tunisia, you can photograph not all. For example, it is forbidden to shoot military towns, police posts, ministries buildings, bridges and the national flag. The violator of these rules may even arrest - that's what is dangerous to rest in Tunisia for lovers of unauthorized filming. By the way, the media with photos are forever confiscated.

In addition, you should take care of caution local residents. Before capturing a colorful character on the street, be sure to ask his consent. As for women and praying people, they cannot be removed under any circumstances.

Alcohol and smoking

As in many countries, the use of alcohol on the streets and in other public places of Tunisia is prohibited. It is especially serious about this rule during Ramadan, when Muslims refrain from meals and smoking from dawn to sunset. To avoid misunderstanding from local population, it is better to eat, drink and smoke solely within the tourist zone.


Traditionally, modest closed clothes are welcomed in Muslim countries. Therefore, in order to do not think during the rest in Tunisia, it is dangerous or not to go outside the hotel, it is worth dressing so as not to shock Tunisians. To a greater extent, it concerns women who should not wear shorts, decolted top, as well as T-shirts and sundresses with open shoulders. If you do not adhere to these rules, you can get into the unpleasant situation with local men who can pester to frankly dressed foreigners.


Since the situation in the country is still tense, from independent trips Landmarks and excursions with dubious guides are better to refrain. To rest in Tunisia is guaranteed safe, attend only those excursions that organize the hotel's management.

Water and food

Water water in Tunisia is safe, but not to risk, it is better to use the purified bottled, which can be purchased in any supermarket or shop. It is undesirable to dine in the first cafes, as the conditions for cooking in such establishments do not always correspond to sanitary standards.

Holidays in Tunisia - Security under control

The government of the country does everything necessary for the tourists to do not threaten anything, and the vacation passed in a relaxed comfortable setting. Therefore, to hold holidays in Tunisia in 2016 will not only be dangerous, but on the contrary - exciting and informative. In any unforeseen situation, you can contact the embassy or to the local police, patrolling areas.

If observing precautions and norms of behavior adopted in Tunisia, rest in this country will leave exclusively positive impressions.

AZUR AIR has stopped the airline from Perm Enfida before the planned time.

The direction was closed on July 25 at the initiative of the airline itself, although it was originally planned that the flights would be carried out until October 21. Previously, the tour operator "Pegas Touristik" canceled flights from Yekaterinburg to the island of Djerba, and Anex Tour. I stopped departure from Krasnodar and Kazan. Many Ukrainian tourists will not fly to Tunisia and many Ukrainian tourists - the BRAVO AIRWAYS aircraft operator reduced the number of flights to African resorts from Kiev and other cities.

Travel firms believe that the closure of the route is associated with low demand. After the closure of Turkey and Egypt in 2016, the African country became the leader of the season in the segment of a foreign rest, and in 2017 this direction entered the top 5. However, in the current period, the excitement around once popular resort Significantly slept. "The flights have become simply unprofitable for the airline. In the first place in popularity this summer, Turkey is standing, on the second - Russian south, followed by Cyprus and Georgia. The tickets to the north-African country practically do not buy, "- tell the experts of travel agencies.

Attempts by operators to "reanimate" the interest of tourists to Tunisia do not bring results, because the African state disperses the complex socio-political situation, the lack of security guarantees and poor services in hotels. Problems may wait for tourists at the flight stage: the delays of flights have already become traditional and for flights to Tunisian resorts, and for reverse departures.

Returning tourists say that the organization of recreation in this country brings more frustration than satisfaction. It is noted that local and vacationers turn the beaches and resorts in real landfills of garbage, for the cleaning of which the authorities have no funds. Guests also remain unhappy with the service in hotels, but most of all visitors are concerned about the lack of security guarantees.

So, at the beginning of the year, a wave of anti-government strikes swept in 14 cities of Tunisia. However, it was a small tolik in a whole series of events in the country since 2011. The participants in the demonstrations are mainly the unemployed young people, perturbed by the fact that instead of the promised socio-economic reforms in the country there is an increase in taxes, rising prices and unemployment. Experts recommended the Russians to refrain from visiting the country where the looting, pogroms and robbery reign. In addition, in this state, the emergency regime announced after the attack of terrorists per one of the resorts of Tunisia is still not canceled.

Attacks on hotels and museums, accompanied by hostage, as well as human victims, are still commonplace for Tunisia. In May of this year, a group of armed demonstrators stopped a bus with Russian tourists, following the resort town of Sousse. In July, two tourists from the Leningrad region disappeared in Tunisia. In addition, in the conditions of a tense socio-political situation in Tunisia, participants in the movements of radical and extremist orientation, for example, the ISIL terrorist organization prohibited in Russia are activated.

Obviously, no matter what security of vacationers in this country can not be speech. At the same time, the efforts of the authorities are often directed not to ensuring real security, but to the imitation of such. A vessel arriving in the territorial waters of Tunisia is now more carefully inscribed, but "under the distribution" can get everything. Novorossiysk ship URAL for about six months is in port city Sfax. In the Tunisian port, the ship arrived at repairs, but was detained on suspicion of the training of the terrorist attack.

Strengthening the protection of tourist routes and hotels also do not make Tunisian resorts safer, because the security forces and themselves are often attacked. Recently, 9 National Guardians died during the attack of terrorists, and the previously unknown with a knife attacked the police patrolling the beach area. Probably, soon, many operators will refuse flights to the country losing popularity.

Alexander Safonov

New possible holiday victims in North Africa. Two tourists from the Leningrad regionmissing.

The last time the voice of the mother A resident of the village of Kamenka heard on the phone 22 June. On this day, her parents flew to relax in Tunisia. The time of the ticket has expired on July 5, however, tourists never returned. Both phones are turned off, and the address of the hotel is unknown. To the search for Leningraders who were lost in Tunisia, the Russian police have connected now.

Recently, Tunisia is increasingly criticized by the Russians, Roshurism and Military rested there. And expert fears are not unfounded. Resort town Today is the place of permanent skirmishes of the power and the people, rampant crime and repetitive terrorist acts. The situation in Tunisia, to put it mildly, is unsafe.

Only in January 2018, the wave of folk unrest ringed on Tunisia. Local residents rebelled against jumped prices and raising tax rates. The discontent of the population has reached such a scale that the police were put into the course of tear gas. The intense political situation immediately scared Russian travelers, the flow of tourists decreased at times, noted in the Association of Tour Operators of Russia.

In the light of recent events did not be silent and growth. May 18 specialists of the Federal Agencywarned The fact that rest in Tunisia carries a threat to life.

"Roshurism recommends that Russian tourists planning traveling to Tunisia, observe personal security measures, exercise prudence and caution during their resorts of Sousse, Hammamet, Monastir, Jerba Islands," says Roturism.

Russian tourists who ignoring security calls, in two weeks were captured by armed foreigners. During the excursion walk, the bus stood right in the middle of the track. Dozens of frightened tourists immediately rushed to send messages about the relatives. As it turned out later, the emergency stop has happened in connection with the rally of local residents.

That Tunisia is unsafe, Rosturism has already hinted in two years earlier. The resort city is regularly subjected to attacks by the criminal group of ISIL (the organization prohibited in the Russian Federation).

Militants have repeatedly demonstrated their superiority by violence over tourists. Killing foreign guests for criminals is only a way to show its strength to show its strength. The threat of the attack remains to this day.

Moreover, the former leader of the criminal group ABU Bakre Al-Bagdadi discovered the intention to place the base of terrorists in Tunisia. And the current successor to Jalaludine al-Tunisia and the native of the city.

Dark affairs on the territory North Africa Militants turn around and now. Certificate of this is the facts of disclosure of all new terrorist acts. So in 2017, the Ministry of the Interior prevented a conspiracy of the seizure of the provinces in the south, and in early 2018 clean water Brought the gang, which supplied military equipment to militants.

According to news agencies, there is a filling of militants from Libya and Algeria. And as a new refuge, the participants in the danger group are chosen Tunisia. What is not so surprising, because the people from this country are actively entering the ranks of the ISIL militants (the organization prohibited in the Russian Federation). This is told about the data of the Turkish Center for Strategic Studies Kafkassam. According to the reputation of Tunisia, the fact that in February 2018 the European Commission brought him to the list of countries that can be involved in the development of international terrorism.

He plays terrorists and politically unstable state of affairs in the country. The situation may be aggravated by the election of a new mayor. The current city hall of Tunisia Suad Abderrahim represents the interests of the An-Nahda Islamist Party. Religious preferences of the latter, in this case, can give impetus to the development of the terrorist power of ISIL (the organization prohibited in the Russian Federation).

Moreover, terrorist acts are not the only thing that costs to fear, buying a ticket to Tunisia. Because of the antisanitarian, the outbreak of dengue fever began in the country. You can grab a dangerous infection by only one mosquito bite, the consequences of which are not the most pleasant - intoxication, rash, increasing lymph nodes. In addition, often russian tourists Messenger and dangerous disease of Eare brought from leave.

A hostile attitude of local residents and political coups in Tunisia today dictates their rules to tourists who risk a rest there. Judging by the events occurring in the country, travelers should hope only on a miracle that a ticket to Tunisia will not only be one-way ticket.

Sergey Yarkovsky

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