Myths and facts about the sea. Interesting facts about tourism and travel in general Interesting facts about travel and tourism

If your family loves leisure, then you certainly will not give up on a trip to nature. Whether you're heading to a lake, a forest or a mountain, you'll discover tons of new things to do.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with a few facts about outdoor recreation. Which ones did you know before?

Crickets can detect temperature

In order to determine how cold it is outside the window, it is not necessary to buy expensive gadgets. In spring and summer, it is enough just to listen to the chirping of crickets.

Just count the number of sounds you hear in 14 seconds and add 40 to that number to get the air temperature in Fahrenheit.

Lyme disease is no joke

With Lyme disease, a person has unpleasant symptoms that do not appear immediately. This disease is transmitted through the bite of an infected ixodid tick. The disease should never be ignored or left untreated.

In order for a tick to infect a person, it needs to be attached to the body for up to 36 hours. Each time, returning from outdoor recreation, carefully check yourself and your loved ones for a tick bite. If you find it, you should see your doctor.

Appearances are deceptive

Often, during outdoor recreation, you can meet with its inhabitants. Many of them look very cute, but for safety reasons, they should not be underestimated.

For example, raccoons are very cute creatures that, moreover, can rumble just like cats, but you should not approach them in the wild. Do not forget that despite their harmless appearance, they are not tame animals.

Raccoons can steal your food and, in some cases, even carry diseases. In order to protect yourself from an unpleasant meeting, it is better to hide food and not leave trash open.

Camping is your salvation

Many people believe that outdoor activities are beneficial for their health. This is true, but it is also able to improve the emotional state and cheer up.

During rest and simple stay in nature, the body receives much more oxygen, serotonin and melanin than indoors, due to which the level of stress is noticeably reduced. In addition, it is not easy to remain serious and depressed for long when relaxing in a pleasant outdoor environment.

Camping is the best we can provide to our body, mind and soul.

Watch out for insects

In addition to crickets, a huge number of different species of insects live in nature, which can turn your vacation into a real test. Despite the fact that many of them are not dangerous, being close to them can be uncomfortable.

To protect yourself from these annoying little creatures, use insect sprays and wear light, calm clothing - mosquitoes and midges are clearly visible on them, and it will be easier for you to find and get rid of them.

Don't forget to rest

If you enjoy long camping trips, remember not to exhaust yourself. Stop when you feel tired. Sleep is very important in order to replenish the lost energy, because without it you cannot continue the journey.

For a restful and comfortable sleep, choose tents that are appropriate for the season and don't forget to take your pillow with you.

What can you eat

It is very important to eat at least a few times a day, which is why you can grab a variety of nuts, bars, jerky or soup and canned beans with you on the hike.

These products have a long shelf life and will perfectly replenish the energy supply for a long time.

Be careful with fire

All of us in childhood were taught not to play with matches - during hiking and outdoor recreation it is worth following this important advice. Fire illuminates our path and warms us on long cold nights, but you should be extremely careful.

Before starting a fire, make sure there is water or any other means of fire fighting within walking distance. Use it immediately if the fire gets out of control.

Manage your finances correctly

Try to spend money on the things you really need - don't skimp on the tent, food, clothing and equipment. Be sure to buy a flashlight and stock up on quality, nutritious food.

If your budget allows, buy various little things that you think you need.

How to dress

The best option is to put on several layers. If it is cool outside or the weather is unstable, you should not wear one warm thing.

It would be much more expedient to put on something light, a warmer thing on top, and so on, so that, in case of warming, one of the resulting layers can be removed.

Don't rely on yourself

Even if you think that you are perfectly guided by natural marks and surroundings, you should not be overconfident. It is worth playing it safe, as anything can happen.

A compass or map in your backpack will not take up much space, but it will never be redundant.

Things to do

Many people in modern world depend on gadgets and cannot imagine life without them. However, you can usefully and have fun without them.

While hiking or while relaxing in the fresh air, you can find many interesting activities such as fishing, hiking, photography, bird watching and animal watching. This is what makes our life truly beautiful and fills it with bright colors.

Vacationing with children - remember a few simple rules

Don't take your kids on long hikes right away - start small. Take a short trip where you teach the kids to set up a tent, cook, and navigate the area.

You can choose several interesting games to entertain children on a hike or on a walk, because the game is The best way instill in the child interest and love for anything.

It will also not be superfluous to explain to the children how important it is to clean up the trash, put out the fire and leave the chosen place in the same clean state as before you arrived.

We all love to travel, but not all of us find the time or finances to do so. But the facts below will help you change your mind about your vacation and find regular time to travel.

  1. The pilot and co-pilot must eat different foods. It sounds rather strange, but on the other hand, if you know the reason, then everything is clear. In total, there are 2 pilots in the plane, and if the first of them becomes ill after he has eaten, then the second must replace him. In short, so as not to be poisoned with food at the same time.
  2. In theory, the chances of being involved in a plane crash are very small. On average, for one American, the risk of being in a plane crash is only 1 in 11 million. Whereas for car owners this chance is 1 in 5 million.
  3. Everest (Chomolungma) is still growing. Yes, the mountain continues to grow. Now its height is about 8850 meters. But every year it grows by another 4 mm, approximately. This is due to the movement of tectonic platforms.
  4. The city of Mexico City (the capital of Mexico) is drowning by 10 cm per year. Due to the fact that the city is based on "fragile" land surrounded by waters. And construction regularly puts pressure on the city's land. By the way, Mexico City is sinking 10 times faster than Venice.
  5. Airlines earn more than $ 640 billion each year. By the way, there are only 600 companies in the US, and they bring in profits to their owners in the amount of $ 175 billion. It turns out that ¼ of all world profits.
  6. The same food tastes differently on the plane and on the ground. When the plane gains altitude, the taste buds change by about a third. That is why many passengers book a bloody Mary; tomato juice then does not seem so sour. Because of this, many airlines add salt and various spices to their menus.
  7. American Airlines once cut its spending by $ 40,000 by removing just one olive from a salad. In 1980, Robert Crandall, later the head of the company, harvested one olive, which ultimately saved such a large amount.
  8. In 2003, the Boeing 727 went missing and has not been found since then. On May 25, 2003, the plane disappeared forever in flight. And to this day, no one knows what happened to him. The pilot's sister says that the plane crashed somewhere in Africa, in the heights.
  9. In the United States, one in eight jobs is associated with travel and tourism. It's not hard to imagine, given the fact that there are as many as 600 airlines there.
  10. Taking a vacation lowers your risk of heart attack. Research has shown that people on vacation are less likely to get heart attacks than those who are not on vacation.
  11. The white stripe that the plane leaves behind it in the sky can be used to predict the weather. By the thickness of this line, you can determine the high or low air humidity. A very thick streak could mean a storm is coming.
  12. There are special trophies that are given to pilots for very funny mistakes. There is a special museum in the USA that gave awards to really funny pilots. So the nominees were: a pilot who hooked on a parked plane; the pilot who took off without checking the tank, and it was almost empty.
  13. Money spent on travel makes people happier than money spent on material goods. It is because of this that those who travel less often have heart attacks.
  14. After the first day on the trip, people's stress drops by 89%. When traveling, you forget about all the problems, and the level of stress is significantly reduced.
  15. Travel is used in the treatment of depression. Psychologists use this method of treatment with patients suffering from depression.
  16. Couples who travel together speak of increased intimacy. Traveling brings people together and revives feelings for each other.
  17. Mercury on an airplane is not good. Most aircraft are made with aluminum and it will be in your best interest not to spill mercury on board.
  18. You won't be able to open the door of an airplane while it is in the air, and even if you can do it, you don't have to worry about everyone flying out the door (as we often see in the movies). When the plane is at the top, the doors are made in such a way that the air presses on them, and they are completely safe. Even a few very strong people will not be able to open the plane door.
  19. The USA is the only country in the world where there is no person who is entitled to a paid vacation or holiday.
  20. Austrians are the most socially protected country in terms of recreation. The country guarantees each worker a minimum of 22 paid vacation days and 13 paid holidays each year.
  21. As you travel, you become more creative. According to research, people who travel regularly may find more creative approaches to solving a given problem.
  22. Those who travel are getting smarter. Everything is simple, like with books, the more you read, the more you learn. Visual memory works the same way, and you will learn a lot during your holidays.
  23. The most popular country for tourists it is France. It's not hard to understand that the most popular place this country is Paris.
  24. The most popular city in the world among tourists is Bangkok. This data is from 2013.
  25. A commercial aircraft has an average speed of 550-580 mph. During takeoff, the speed reaches 160-180 mph. And during landing - 150-160 mph.
  26. The busiest airport in the world is international Airport Hartsfield-Jackson in Atlanta, USA. 95.5 million passengers and 930 thousand flights are operated at this airport every year. Truth new airport in Dubai will be able to accommodate up to 160 million passengers, but it is not so much in demand yet.
  27. The only place in the United States with a royal palace is the capital of Hawaii, Honolulu. Highly a nice place in the Pacific Ocean.
  28. Russia produces the largest number oxygen.
  29. France has the largest number of time zones. Already 12.
  30. Canada has the largest number of lakes. About 3 million lakes are found in this country. But this is not very strange, because most of the country is not densely populated.
  31. Mongolia is the least populous country in the world. Only 4 people per square kilometer.
  32. Niger has the youngest nation. This African country has the youngest population in the world on average.
  33. The most populous country in the world is India. V this moment has more than one and a half billion people.
  34. The Principality of Monaco is smaller than Central park New York.
  35. The most multilingual country is Papua New Guinea.
  36. The most intelligent country is Canada. Here more than 50% of the population has a higher education.
  37. There are currently 61,000 people over the US sky. This is the average number of passengers on any day, at any time.

Summer this year did not work out, and you can completely forget about swimming. The more you want to escape to the south, to the sea and the sun. Most of us believe that sea water and air are very beneficial. But what, when and to whom they are especially useful - not everyone knows.

Swimming in seawater is very beneficial for your health. It is a fact!
Swimming in sea water:
enriches the body with oxygen and minerals. Sea water contains about 90 elements necessary for our body (iodine, calcium, potassium, silicon, sodium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, iron, nickel, copper, arsenic, oxygen, nitrogen, neon, helium and many other elements). It is especially useful iodine - it activates the brain and normalizes the function of the thyroid gland.
improves the functioning of blood vessels and blood circulation, lowers blood pressure and normalizes heart rate
increases vitality, has a hardening effect, strengthens the immune system
cleanses the skin, can help with eczema, psoriasis and atopic dermatitis.
promotes the elimination of toxins from the body
... and not only for health, but also for beauty! This is also a fact
Intensive swimming in sea water actively promotes weight loss and gives a light anti-cellulite massage effect. Sea water, rich in trace elements, will replace both hair masks and nail baths - provided that you protect your hair from the sun.

Sea air is most useful after a storm. And that's a fact
The air near the sea after a storm is especially rich in oxygen and ozone and is abundantly saturated with mineral salts and phytoncides of algae. Such air is especially useful for diseases of the respiratory system, and also moisturizes the skin and increases its elasticity.
The saltier the sea water, the healthier it is. Fact!
The saltier the water in the sea, the higher the concentration of nutrients in it and the more intensively they are absorbed by the body.

Rest at the sea is useful to everyone, without exception - but this is already a myth.
It would seem that such a number of advantages should make a trip to the sea useful for everyone, without exception. But, alas, there are exceptions. The sea and the sun can be dangerous for patients with heart disease, cancer patients, severe hypertensive patients, people who are allergic to iodine, overactive thyroid gland, as well as some skin and fungal diseases. If you are a regular patient of a doctor, you should consult with him, whether the sea and hot climate will harm you.
The warmer the sea water, the healthier it is. And this is a myth
Warm water is preferable for long and comfortable bathing, especially for children. But the greatest health benefits come from water with a temperature of 20-24 degrees. Firstly, in such water you have to stir intensively, which enhances its healing effect. Secondly, pathogens actively multiply in seawater warmer than 24 degrees, so it is no longer recommended to rinse the nasopharynx with such water.

Better to swim in seawater pools or take baths with sea salt than in a muddy sea with crowds of people and jellyfish. This is also a myth.
The seawater extracted from the natural environment retains its beneficial properties for no more than 24 hours. Therefore, bathing in a pool with seawater can be equated in efficiency with bathing in the sea only if the water in the pool is completely changed every day and does not chlorinate, killing many beneficial properties. And if you do not chlorinate the pool, then microbes will quickly multiply in a closed environment.
It makes sense to take a bath with sea salt only at home in the absence of better - after all, tap water with the addition of sea salt correlates with natural natural seawater in about the same way as juice recovered from a concentrate - with freshly squeezed juice.

Swim in the sea - stock up on health and beauty!

In other states, less than 50% of residents are also actively willing to spend money on the study of the area. For example, in China there are 48% of such inquisitive tourists, and in Germany - 47%.

The most uninterested in excursions were residents of the Netherlands - 28%. At the same time, only 12% of travelers from Russia are ready to save on excursions - both last and this year.

While in other states, 45% (Italy) to 63% (Spain) of the respondents rely on the opinion of their second half.

Among the Russians, there were most tourists who planned to spend their vacation at the dacha - 48%. Abroad, this option was preferred by 7% (USA) to 37% (Turkey) of residents.

Even more often, Russian travelers chose the sea for summer cottages - 63%. It is no coincidence that even in the New Year's top 10 destinations popular with our tourists, Thailand, which is famous for warm weather and sandy beaches.

Moreover, this country is usually present at the first lines of the Russian rating all year round. More Russians were going to go to the beach only Portuguese (65%) and Italians (65%).

47% of Russians like to explore unexplored corners as part of an organized excursion group with a guide. This is the largest percentage in comparison with residents of other countries. A similar love for sightseeing tours The Germans (32%) and the Portuguese (31%) also showed it.

Most of these trips, our compatriots love only independent walks in the places chosen for recreation - 71% of Russians spoke in favor of this option of exploring the sights.

49% Russian tourists of momondo survey respondents are willing to save on evening entertainment while traveling, 43% on shopping, 37% on car rental. Among tourists from other countries, significantly fewer people agree to such restrictions. Only the same number of Portuguese choose to give up new things.

20% of Russians mentioned sports as their preferred activities during their holidays, and 19% - cycling. it higher interest for such active recreation in comparison with other countries.

It is noteworthy that Internet access is more important for Russians than for tourists from other countries. 49% of Russian travelers noted the availability of free Wi-Fi as one of the main amenities they need in a hotel during their holidays.

At the same time, the original design of the hotel and differences from other hotels are of the least importance when planning a vacation for Russians. Only 5% of our compatriots said that they are looking for a zest in housing.

Interestingly, compared to residents of other countries, among Russians, there are the most travelers who, following the results of their vacation, decide to change their place of residence within their city or country (14%) or even move to another state (14%). Most often, such desires appear among young people, however, with age, such impulses subside.

So, if among people aged 18-22 years old, 19% and 23% decided to change their home or country of stay, then among tourists 56-65 years old - only 10% and 1%. Abroad, Americans most often began to strive to move within their own country (13%), and the British (12%) began to strive to move abroad. Least of all those who, after rest, would like to leave motherland turned out to be in Finland (2%).

According to the study, 38% of respondents from Russia are confident that Russians meet guests in the best way. Although abroad, our country is not considered the most hospitable. Russia managed to get a maximum of 9% of the votes - this is how its hospitality was appreciated in Turkey and China.

Such a low friendliness score local residents may be due to the fact that few foreign tourists managed to visit the Russian expanses. In particular, due to serious visa requirements and high prices.

Italy won the ranking. Most of the people who considered Italians the most attractive turned out to be in Spain (32%), Portugal (39%). Russia ranked tenth in the top 18, overtaking Denmark, the Netherlands, Japan, Thailand, Turkey, Finland, Portugal and China.

The majority of Russians (71%) in the course of the surveys shared that after a week or more travel it is difficult for them to return to school, work and standard daily chores. Four out of ten Russian tourists are saved from melancholy by dreams of how they will again find themselves on vacation, and 32% - dreams of a new trip.

Moreover, our compatriots thus save themselves from a bad mood more often than residents of other countries. Among tourists from abroad, significantly fewer respondents answered in this way - in Germany alone, 32% of respondents said they wanted to be on vacation again, and 31% - about dreams of future travel.

Abroad, they were overtaken only by residents of Portugal (29%), Great Britain (29%), the Netherlands (30%), Norway (33%), Italy (34%) and Turkey (37%).

“Curious and dreamy, independent and digital, organized and economical, active and easy-going ... It's nice that our tourists are distinguished by such qualities.

This combination, in my opinion, is the best fit for travelers, ”says Irina Ryabovol, momondo's representative in Russia.

Fact 1: No matter how many times I was on the Riviera, I didn’t know or, out of absent-mindedness, didn’t pay attention to the fact that exactly opposite the coast of Cannes there are two islands - Saint-Marguerite and Saint-Honoré. The second (which is smaller) from time immemorial has been in the possession of the Lerinsky monastery and monks living there to this day. It is worth looking there for a day ( water transport departs from the port of Cannes every half hour) to stroll around the quiet island and its vineyards, see the old fortress, stop for lunch with local wine at a restaurant on the coast, and if your soul asks for a complete "detox" - stay in the monastery for a couple of days (here you can rent a room for a short time). But you should be ready to spend these days in complete silence and without any means of communication.

Fact 2: In the house opposite the very center of the Marche Provencal market in Antibes (at 25, Cours Massena) there is a gift shop with a surprise - in its 19th century basement there is an absinthe bar, the owner of which will personally prepare absinthe of any strength and taste, and will also give piano or try on one of your collection of hats.

Fact 3: The artist's town of Saint-Paul-de-Vence (the third most visited town in all of France) usually becomes a must-see point in the cultural program of every traveler on the Cote d'Azur. But not everyone knows that after visiting it at sunset, you should definitely stop for dinner at the Michelin-recommended restaurant Alain Llorca. Here, in addition to a priori delicious food, there is an excellent view of Saint-Paul-de-Vence and the landscapes of Provence. Adjacent to the restaurant is the eponymous hotel of 10 luxury villas. In general, this place "begs" not only to stay there for the night, but also to celebrate here, for example, a wedding or anniversary.

Facts 4 & 5: Two other places not far from Saint-Paul-de-Vence, which are worth knowing about, are the La Fondation Maeght and the neighboring hotel Les Messugues (all by the same owner Alan Llorka). The museum is primarily known for its complex of modernist buildings, park and sculptures installed in it. Well, after that, of course, - and exhibitions of contemporary art that are held there. Hotel Les Messugues, which is located right next to the museum, is good because it is convenient to stay in in case you travel around the Cote d'Azur or Provence by car and change your location every day. Breakfast with a view of the vineyards and an hour or two by the pool in a quiet garden is the right place to take a breath.

Fact 6: One of the historical hotels of the Côte d'Azur (such as the Negresco in Nice or the Carlton in Cannes) is the Belles Rives hotel in Juan-les-Pins. Pablo Picasso, Ramon Novarro, Umberto Eco, Edith Piaf once lived in it, and Francis Scott Fitzgerald wrote here his "Tender Night" and "The Great Gatsby". As a more budget option, there is a cozy Hotel Juana nearby, where you can stay and go here for sunbathing.

Fact 7: To all lovers of classic sightseeing tours around the city, I strongly recommend that you carry out this on a segway in Nice. There is where to accelerate, the route is convenient and covers the most important thing, the trip will be unforgettable, especially if this is your first segway experience. And if you first go through a slightly longer training, then you can ride all day without an accompanying person and wherever you like.

Fact 8: Usually nice bars in the city you find by the method of multiple nocturnal trial and error. Some are too pretentious, some, on the contrary, are very “close to the people”. Bar Le Hussard (in the center of the old town) is a unique place with a value for money, pleasant music and the audience around.

Fact 9: Especially for the 2015 Cannes Film Festival, Uber launched the UberCopter-delivery of all comers from Nice airport to the foot of the Palais des Festivals and Congresses in Cannes. Everyone is still talking about the possibility that soon Uber will launch this service here on an ongoing basis. And that would be so true! It's breathtaking to look at Cote d'Azur from a bird's eye view even of the most unromantic nature.

Fact 10: And this is only a small part of the unknown and uncommon that can be found on French Riviera... And also, it is great to meet "Indian summer" here in early September, when there are not so many tourists, and the weather is still great.

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