Which carriage is better to choose on the train? Travel tips: what are the best seats on the train? Where is it better to travel in a reserved seat carriage?

By recklessly buying a train ticket a couple of hours before departure, a passenger risks getting a sea of ​​negative impressions from the trip. Such tickets are expensive, there is a high risk of getting a bad seat and spending time on the road in complete discomfort. So what are the best seats on the train?

What to pay attention to and how not to overpay? To understand all the nuances of buying tickets, you need to spend a little time and study this issue. Everything is very simple and with a reasonable approach, the question of which seats on the train are best to choose disappears by itself.

For lovers of comfort

In many ways, the answer to the question of which seats on the train is best to choose depends on financial capabilities. Obviously, the most comfortable seats will be on modern trains, in SV class cars. As for the general nuances of choosing the best seat, you should take the lower bunks, a seat near the conductor, and when traveling with the whole family, you should completely buy one compartment.

Today, comfort is largely related to the ability to use gadgets, so an important factor is the presence of sockets. Therefore, when deciding which seat on the train is better to choose, you need to take into account their presence or absence.

What train seats with power sockets are available today?

  • in high-speed trains such as Sapsan, Strizh, Allegro, there are sockets near each row of seats in economy class, and near each seat in higher-class carriages;
  • in new double-decker carriages there are sockets in every compartment;
  • on Lastochka-type trains, the sockets are evenly distributed throughout the car.

It’s clear with modern carriages, but what seats on trains have power sockets in regular carriages? In compartment cars, sockets are located in the aisle, but their number is limited. As for the old-style reserved seat carriages, it will be possible to charge the gadget only by contacting the conductor

Traveling with a child

Which seat on the train is better to choose with a child? To answer this question, you should take into account the age of the little traveler:

  • It is not recommended for children under 3 months to travel by train, as there is a high risk of illness due to heat, cold and lack of ideal cleanliness;
  • Children under one year old are easy to carry on a train; they quickly fall asleep to the swaying and clatter of the wheels, but it is strictly forbidden to take the upper shelves, from where the baby can fall;
  • It is the most difficult to travel with children from one to two years old: they are active, mobile, but do not yet fully understand what is wanted from them. In this case, it is better to take seats in a sleeping car, or buy a compartment;
  • children from 2 to 5 are already making contact and you can “agree” with them, but you shouldn’t take risks and take the top shelves.

It is worth opting for the middle carriage, where the child will not get seasick. It is also worth considering that in many carriages the windows in the first and last compartments do not open. Therefore, in hot weather it is better to take a medium coupe.

When deciding which seat on the train is best to choose with a child, you should also take into account his character. You should not travel with capricious children in a reserved seat or a general carriage - they will cause a lot of discomfort to others, and there is a high risk of contracting viral diseases. In private cases, it is better to completely buy out the coupe for maximum safety and comfort.

The cheapest seats on trains

At first glance, the answer to the question of which seats on the train are the cheapest is obvious. These are the top berths in a reserved seat or seats in general carriages. But what if you have a long trip ahead and comfort is important? In such cases, you should adhere to certain rules when purchasing:

  1. Buy tickets well in advance of your trip. The opening of sales begins 45 days in advance, and you should buy tickets on the day the sales open and the next day. In the future, tickets will become more expensive.
  2. Take advantage of the right to discounted travel. To do this, you need to buy a ticket at the box office, since when purchasing electronic ticket benefits do not apply.
  3. When traveling abroad, it may be more profitable to take two tickets: on the territory of the Russian Federation and on a foreign train.
  4. You need to monitor discounts, which often determine which seats on the train are the cheapest. With a discounted price, a seat in a compartment may be cheaper than a reserved seat.
  5. Find out the price of a ticket to the final station. There are often discounts for travel along the entire route, and if the destination is several stops from the final station, the ticket to it will be more expensive.

These simple rules will help you buy the cheapest seats on the train in 90% of cases. At the same time, the comfort of the trip will be higher than if you spontaneously purchased a ticket for the same price.

It does not matter what shelf there is: top or bottom. People are often puzzled by the question: which seat on the train is cheaper, upper or lower? Taking into account discounts and with a thoughtful purchase, the bottom seat will cost less than the top shelf, the ticket for which was bought in a hurry a few days before the trip.

The safest places

If you think about it a little, you can easily figure out which seats on the train are the safest:

  • middle carriage;
  • medium coupe;
  • lower shelf on the locomotive side.

In the event of a collision or other accident, the safest one will be the middle car, which will suffer the least amount of damage. The same goes for the mid-size coupe, which has the safest bunks. The advantages of the bottom shelf are obvious, but it must be in the direction of travel. In the event of sudden braking or a collision, the passenger will be pressed against the wall and will not fall out of his seat.

As for the human factor, it is difficult to determine which seats on the train are the safest. It all depends on the fellow travelers. At the same time, it is obvious that the risk of theft is lower in higher-class carriages, and “unpleasant neighbors” often do not have the opportunity to purchase expensive tickets.

Features of double-decker trains

At the moment, the old carriages are being replaced by modern double-deckers. A reasonable question arises: what seats on the train (double-decker train) should I choose in this case? Key features of such cars:

  • absence of vestibules on the conductor side;
  • staircase to reach the second floor;
  • Possible problems with ventilation;
  • fewer toilets in relation to the number of passengers;
  • less space for luggage;
  • less space overall.

Double-decker trains are more suitable for regional trips and it is not recommended to travel long distances in such a carriage. When choosing which seats to buy on a double-decker train, it is better to opt for the lower seats on the first floor. Otherwise, there will be problems with luggage, there is a risk of injury on stairs, and the trip as a whole will be difficult and unpleasant.


By buying tickets in advance, thinking through possible difficulties and choosing the right carriage and type of train, it is easy to buy the most best places on the train. Moreover, the cost of such tickets will be several times lower than with a spontaneous purchase.

Even when going on an unexpected trip, you can buy the safest and most comfortable seats. The main thing is not to put off resolving this issue until the last moment, to buy a ticket thoughtfully and correctly.

If you buy a ticket at the box office, you can discuss your preferences regarding the selection of a seat in the carriage with the cashier. In the same case, if the ticket is purchased on the website, you will have to make the choice yourself. To do this, you need to first familiarize yourself with some of the nuances of various places. Otherwise, if you encounter them during your trip, you will have to endure inconveniences that could have been avoided.

Car selection

First, you need to familiarize yourself with the classes of service in order to have an idea of ​​​​what level of comfort you will encounter during your trip.

Soft (M), Luxury (L), Compartment (K), Reservoir (P), With seats (S).

Individual air conditioning, shower and toilet are provided only in soft carriages. In all the others, there is a shared air conditioner, no shower, and two toilets per carriage.

The soft and luxury carriages have 2 berths per compartment, and the compartment carriage has 4.

In addition to the type of carriage, it is important to consider the classes of service. There are quite a lot of them, and they differ in the availability and ration of food (hot/cold), the category of bedding, the presence/absence and configuration of sanitary and hygiene kits, and the provision of newspapers. Moreover, different carrier companies use different designations for service classes, and the same designation class may have different service contents.

Branded trains consist of carriages of new modifications, and include different types, so you can choose the appropriate option without any problems.

But in double-decker carriage You can encounter much more inconveniences than it might seem at first glance. There are now twice as many seats as compared to a single-decker carriage, and the number of conductors is the same (the wait for tea is longer, the same goes for boarding the train), there is no third upper shelf in the compartment and there is nowhere to put things. Instead of titanium - a regular electric kettle. There are only 3 toilets, a staircase that is not at all easy for older people to climb with luggage, and a low ceiling on the second floor.

Selecting a location

In standard Russian compartment and reserved seat carriages the following rule applies: the lower seats are odd, the upper seats are even.

The side seats in the reserved seat start from 37. Above it are 38, which are located directly next to the toilet. The last upper non-side place (36) also cannot be called comfortable, since there is a toilet behind the wall, and from all other places from which the legs, excuse me, hang, it differs in the presence of a partition and the absence of a step for climbing.

Next to the conductor's compartment there may also be little pleasant things to do. The compartments provided for luggage will probably be occupied by coal, blankets and other things. Arguing with the conductor about this is unlikely to make sense for your calm and comfortable stay on the road. It is better to choose another place in advance.

Tall passengers should take into account that in the reserved seat seats 1, 2, 35, 36 are 15 centimeters shorter than the rest.

There is one fairly common misconception regarding carriages with seats. These carriages are often confused with general carriages. There is no air conditioning in the general carriage, and 3 passengers are seated on the berth. On the contrary, the carriages are very comfortable. The arrangement of the seats is reminiscent of placing them on a bus. The seats are soft and can be reclined to take a nap.

In carriages with seats, despite many different modifications, the principle of “odd at the window” remains unchanged. Therefore, if you like to exercise and cannot sit still for a long time, it is better to buy an even seat, it is closer to the aisle.

Even with the current problems, you can always find the option that best suits you. Refusing uncomfortable place, you can thereby save good location spirit and create a precedent that will encourage the company to pay attention to unclaimed locations in the future and reduce their prices.

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Any trip begins with the road. And if (unfortunately) you don’t choose travel companions, then choosing a comfortable place is quite possible. Children and people who rarely travel, due to the “novelty”, may not care at all whether they travel in a reserved seat or a coupe, on the lower side or on the upper one near the toilet. For example, I would rather postpone the trip than ride on the top shelf, especially in a reserved seat. Together with uticket.ua, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the nuances, thanks to which you can grab a better place for yourself.

Selecting a seat in a compartment carriage:

© uticket.ua
  • “Bad” places are considered 9 compartments (close to the toilet), as well as 1 compartment, next to the conductor and the second toilet. That is, places 1-4 and 33-36. Such places are usually the last to be purchased.
  • They are also considered more comfortable lower shelves, they are oddly numbered. Upper shelves have even numbering.
  • It is also worth paying attention to compartments No. 3 and 6, in such compartments windows don't open. They are considered equipped emergency exits.
  • The standard length of the lower shelf in a compartment car is 184 cm, and the upper one is 183 cm. The width is 60 cm.

Selecting a seat in a reserved seat:

© uticket.ua
  • Just like in compartment cars, seats close to the toilet are considered least comfortable. These are places 1-4 and “sides” 53-54 and 33-36 and 37-38.
  • Naturally, are considered more comfortable lower shelves, and shelves in the "compartment". Side seats are less in demand
  • Compartments No. 3 and 6 are also equipped with emergency exits, and the windows in their compartment do not open, as well as in compartment cars.
  • Last top place in reserved seat carriage(the next 37th is already on the side) - 36. It differs from the other upper places in that it is equipped with a partition. For tall passengers this may be an inconvenience. This seat also does not have a footrest to lean on to climb onto the shelf.
  • Seats No. 1, 2, 35 and 36 are slightly shorter than others, which should also be taken into account by people with above average height. The standard length of the lower shelf in a reserved seat carriage is 177 cm, and the upper one is 167 cm. The width is 60 cm.

The most Beautiful places in Ukraine:

Are you getting ready to travel and don’t know which car to choose on the train? For some, this issue is less important, but if there is still a difference, it is better to contact the ticket office in advance in order to have more room for maneuver and choose the most suitable place.

Most railway carriers are ready to offer passengers several types of carriages. They are distinguished by their comfort and cost.

This carriage has free-standing soft chairs with armrests; the carriage is somewhat similar to a salon intercity bus or an airplane, but there is much more space.

You can buy a ticket for a seated carriage if the trip lasts several hours and the body does not have time to get tired of the monotonous posture.

Seated carriages may differ in the number of seats, their location and class of service.

Despite the individual seats, the seated carriage will not be best choice for long trips

Econom-class train

This is the most common type of carriage, combining relative comfort with low cost. The carriages have nine compartments, each with six seats. There are no doors between the compartments; they are connected by a common corridor.

Each compartment of the reserved seat carriage is equipped with tables. Third shelves and compartments under the seats allow you to place even the largest luggage without taking up space. useful place. Old trains with reserved seat carriages may not be the most comfortable for travel. A fully occupied carriage can be cramped and stuffy. But in branded trains reserved seating is much newer and more comfortable: with air conditioning, dry closets and a large number of sockets.

There are separate carriages of the general type - the same reserved seat with three seats on the bottom bunk. Common carriages have several serious disadvantages:

  • reserved seat berths lack a headrest and a soft backrest; sitting on them is not very comfortable;
  • due to the lack of armrests, a feeling of cramping is created;
  • tickets for a general carriage are usually sold without specifying a seat.

General carriages are the least comfortable, but they are cheap.

This type of carriage involves dividing seats into blocks of four each, with a total of 32 or 36 seats. Some carriages can be equipped with an additional compartment for two seats - numbers 37-38. The compartments are completely isolated from each other, the door is locked. Each compartment has a hanger, hooks for clothes, a table, a mirror, and instead of a third shelf there is a special niche for luggage.

Compartment cars are in demand due to their successful combination of comfort and cost. There are not many people in the carriage, there are no extraneous conversations, personal belongings are guaranteed to remain safe. Frequently, carriers hold promotions in which the upper bunks in a compartment cost approximately the same as seats in a reserved seat.

The compartment is comfortable, and you don’t have to worry about the safety of your things

Such carriages are usually equipped in such a way as to create the feeling of being at least in a three-star hotel room. A soft carriage can have from 4 to 6 compartments, which differ in layout and number of beds. Each compartment has a TV, air conditioning, an armchair, a soft sofa, a shower, and a dry closet. Every morning a fresh hot breakfast, a terry towel, and a shower set are brought to the soft carriage. Of course, you have to pay dearly for luxury - a ticket for a soft carriage can cost more than air travel.

You have to pay for convenience

Luxury carriage

SV type cars resemble compartment cars, but are more comfortable. The standard suite has 18 seats, two in each compartment, and no upper shelves. Among the advantages of the suite are the presence of a call button for the conductor, air conditioning, and sometimes even a TV.

Like a soft carriage, a luxury will cost much more than a classic coupe - (by 60-100%).

The choice of carriage on a train should depend on key factors such as cost, duration of the journey and the level of comfort required. If you are not used to noisy companies and value cleanliness and order, you will have to fork out money, especially when you have to travel far. At the same time, there are much less expensive offers for short trips and picky passengers.

Most residents of our country prefer to travel in reserved seat carriages of Russian Railways. This is not surprising: a reserved seat gives you the opportunity to get to the right place while saving money. It’s interesting that reserved seat carriages only run on Russian routes. railways. To foreigners, such trains seem very outlandish. Unlike coupes, reserved seat carriages are not very good. Experienced travelers know very well which places to choose so that the trip takes place in the most comfortable conditions.

So, you have decided to buy train tickets. Which places to choose?

The best places are considered to be from first to fourth. Why? Everything is very simple. Similar places 53 and 54 are practically not found on sale: as a rule, blankets are placed on them. Therefore, those who will ride in the first seats of the reserved seat will have to do without neighbors, which means that the conditions of their trip can be compared with the conditions in a compartment carriage. In addition, the conductor's place is located nearby, which means that the toilet located nearby will be clean and you will not have to suffer from an unpleasant odor. Finally, there will be a boiler not far from you, and you won’t have to carefully carry a glass of boiling water across the entire carriage. And you won’t have to carry your things for a long time: upon arrival, you will only need to take a couple of steps. Thus, you should strive to buy tickets not specifically for the first four seats of a reserved seat carriage. Unfortunately, many travelers know about this, so tickets for these places sell out first and you will have to try hard to buy them.

Next in our comfort level rating are places that have numbers from 5 to 32. This includes all places except the side seats, which are not located near the toilet. Just no bad places in a reserved seat, which are quite comfortable and allow you to get to your destination in relatively comfortable conditions.

In third place are the side seats 33 to 36 and the side seats that are not near the restrooms.

By the way, many people prefer to avoid side seats. Why? Here are the main disadvantages of side panels:

You need to sleep and eat in the same place: the lower bed transforms into a table. Therefore, if they go from above and below strangers, conflicts may arise. If a passenger with bottom place decides to take a nap, the one riding on the top bunk will have to look for where to drink tea or have a snack;

The inhabitants of the “side rooms” are constantly hurt by their neighbors in the carriage. Therefore, you won't be able to get enough sleep. It gets especially bad from children who splash out their energy by running around the carriage;

During sleep, the head of one passenger is not far from the legs of the other, which also causes some physical and moral inconvenience;

The sleeping place is short, so tall people It will not be easy to settle down in comfort and convenience.

Places that are located near the restroom (from 33 to 36) are also not worth choosing. The disadvantages of these places are related to the presence of a toilet room. The doors to the toilet will constantly open and close along the way. This prevents you from not only falling asleep, but also from resting. In addition, despite the existing bans, some passengers continue to smoke in the toilet, so people who will travel in seats 33, 34, 35 and 36 will suffer from an unpleasant odor. And in general, the odors that emanate from the restroom even when no one is smoking there can interfere with eating normally.

Which option should you choose if the best seats are taken? It's not easy to answer. You just have to take into account that the worst places are the side walls located near the restroom. These seats usually remain unbooked the longest.

To summarize, we list the main disadvantages and advantages of the upper and lower shelves:

You can get a good night's sleep on the top shelves. You don't have to give up your seat to passengers who want to eat;

It is easier to hide luggage under the lower shelves. In addition, it will be easier for you to get your bags;

Lower shelves are safer. This is especially important for passengers traveling with children;

Elderly people and pregnant women may find it difficult to climb onto the top bunk.