Knock Nevis ship. The largest tanker in the world - Knock Nevis ← Hodor

ULCC (ULTRA Large Crude Oil Carrier) Knock Nevis was designed by the Japanese company Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd. (SHI) in 1974 and built on the shipyard of Oppama in Yokosuka, Canagaba Prefecture. When building the vessel had the highest length of 376.7, the width is 68.9 and the height of the side is 29.8 meters. Deadweight was 418,610 tons. The tanker was driven by a steam turbine Sumitomo Stal-Laval AP developed a capacity of 37,300 kW at 85 revolutions per minute. A 4-blade permanent step screw with a diameter of 9.3 meters was to provide a tanker 16 knots (29.6 km / h). On September 4, 1975, the tanker was solemnly lowered. For a long time, the vessel did not have name and was named for the construction number of the corps - the ship number 1016. During the factory running tests, an extremely strong vibration of the case was revealed when the machine was working on the reverse. This was the reason for the refusal of Greek shipowners from the reception of the vessel. The refusal in turn led to long litigation between builders and customers. In the end, the Greek company went bankrupt, and in March 1976 the ship went to SHI and got the name Oppama.

SHI, using his legal owner's legal right, sold the Oppama of the Hong Kong company Orient Overseas Line, the owner of which was the magnate C.Y.Tung, who guessed the shipyard to rebuild the tanker. It was planned to add a cylindrical insert to increase the deadlock of the vessel by 156,000 tons. Re-equipment work ended in two years, in 1981, and the updated vessel was transferred to the shipowner called SeaWise Giant and raised the Liberian flag.

As a result of the restructuring, the largest length of the vessel was 458.45, sediment on the summer freight brand - 24.611 meters, and the Deadweight increased to a record 564,763 tons (data of the Det Norske Veritas classification society). The number of cargo tanks increased to 46, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe main deck was 31,541 square meters. meter. After restructuring, the monster had a displacement in full cargo 657,018 metric tons, which, along with its size, made SeaWise Giant the biggest ship, ever floating on Earth. True, speed dropped to 13 knots. Sewise Giant sediment made the Suez and Panaman canals impassable for him and Para de Calais.

The vessel was intended and used to transport crude oil from the Middle East to the USA around Cape Good Hope. During one such flight during the Iran-Iraq war, on May 14, 1986, the tanker was attacked by the Iraqi fighter. SeaWise Giant followed Ormuz Strait with the cargo of Iranian crude oil. Excet anti-worked missile struck the tanker in the left side in the Middle district. A non-controlled fire broke out on the ship and the crew left him. 3 people died. The tanker was stranded near the Iranian island Larara and was declared sunken.

Immediately at the end of the war in the Persian Gulf, SEAWISE Giant was bought by the Norwegian company Norman International, most likely of prestige considerations, raised and renamed Happy Giant. After the rise, in August 1988, he raised the Norwegian flag, and he was departed in Singapore, where he passed repair and restoration work on the shipyard Keppel Company. In particular, about 3.7 thousand tons of cabinet structures were replaced. Even before commissioning in October 1991, the ULCC was sold by the Norwegian shipping company Loki Stream As, the owner of which was Jørgen Jahre, for $ 39 million, and left the shipyard under the new name Jahre Viking.

After the adoption of laws prohibiting the occasion of the tankers without a double board in the US and Europe ports, in 2004, JaHre Viking once again changed the owner and name. In March of the same year, he was purchased by the Norwegian company First Olsen Tankers PTE. Ltd. And renamed Knock Nevis. From this point on, his career, as a transport vessel, ended. In Dubai, the ULCC was converted into a raw oil storage tanker (FPSO - Floating Production Storage & Offloading) and anchored at the Al Shaheed Maritime Field near the coast of Qatar.

By 2010, the deadline for the expiration of Knock Nevis was approached. It was sold to Amber Development Corporation for further disposal. The new owner renamed Knock Nevis to Mont and raised the Sierra Leone flag on it. In December 2009, he made his last transition to the shores of India. On January 4, 2010, Mont was thrown ashore from the Indian city of Alang, Gujarat, where his corps during the year was divided into metal.

One of the 36-ton marine giant anchors was saved and now exhibited in exposure Marine Museum in Hong Kong.

Tanker most famous under the name Knock Nevis, is an the largest industrial vesselwhich ever was built by a man. During his difficult existence, he had time to change the name, sizes, as well as the scope of application several times.

As soon as he was not called! In different years, the tanker was SeaWise Giant., Jahre Viking, Happy Giant., Knock Nevis. and Mont.. And his story began in 1974, almost 40 years ago. At this time, Japanese shipyards received an order - to build the largest tanker in the world. The companies needed 5 years to embody the dream of Greek shipowner into reality: In 1979, a gigantic tanker struck by its sizes was lowered.

But this seemed to the initiator of this, and he insisted on increasing the size of the ship. As a result, the vessel was cut in half, and additional sections were inserted into the middle. At that time, the largest tanker on Earth wore the name SeaWise Giant.

As a result, his huge size remains only to be amazed: the length of the ship was 458.45 meters, the width is 68.86 meters. And at one time the ship could transport 564.8 thousand tons of cargo. At the same time, the weight of the tanker of the Knock Nevis was 81.9 thousand tons, and if walking along its separate components, the weight of the propeller's rowing screw was 50 tons, and the weight of the steering wheel reached 230 tons.

But the further "biography" of the tanker showed, it was such an impressive dimensions that became not only the advantage of the vessel, but also its significant disadvantage. It is difficult to imagine, but with the full load of the NEC, it was immersed by about 30 meters for about 30 meters, which is the amount - for comparison, a nine-story house.

It is not surprising that such a serious sediment did not allow the Tankeer to rush or Panamsky nor the Suez Canal. At the same time, the Panaman canal did not suit the NNC Nevis also in width and length, because the tanker was 1.5 times exceeded the maximum allowable size of the gateways.

Interestingly, the fact that the space-described vessel could develop speed up to 30 km / h, but when he braking him until a complete stop, another 9 kilometers had to sail. And even the ship's reversal with such giant sizes was not easy: without a tuning tanker turned with a radius of 3.2 kilometers.

In 1981, after the final increase in dimensions, Knock Nevis finally began to profit his profits. Its "work" was the transportation of oil from the Middle East to the United States. However, at that time, Irano-Iraq war was raging, which made its own adjustments to the vessel.

Since 1986, the ship began to use as a huge floating terminal to move and storing Iranian oil, but in 1988, the Iranian fighter attacked Knock Nevis, and caused him significant damage, as a result of which the vessel lost all the transported oil.

It should be noted that the thickness of the sides of the huge tanker was only 3.5 centimeters. Therefore, in the occurrence of holes, thousands of tons of oil fell freely into the surrounding marine world. As a result of the nature of the Earth, there was significant harm, and the tanker was out of order for three years.

When repairing the tanker, 3.7 thousand tons of damaged steel were replaced. Also at this time, the ship was given a new official name - Happy Giant. But even before the end of the repair work (held, by the way, in Singapore), the tanker was sold for $ 39 million of the Norwegian company and left the rehabilitation docks under the name of JaHre Viking.

The following significant changes in the life of the largest industrial vessel occurred in 2004. In the US and Europe, a law has been adopted prohibiting the use of thin-walled tankers for the transportation of oil. Thus, Knock Nevis remained without work. It was then that the Jahre Viking tanker is renamed to Knock Nevis, and begin to use as a floating petroleum.

In 2009, the ship changes his master, which gives him once again a new name - Mont. Then the tanker goes to his last trip: to India, to Alang, which is the world famous cemetery of ships. There, for several months, the ship is cut into parts and interpret.

Today, the only attribute that remained from the largest industrial ship in the world is his anchor, weighing 36 tons. Now he is stored in the Hong Kong Maritime Museum.

The story of "Titanic" did not cut off a man's dream of majestity and grandeur. Huge courts of our time already break our framework. The largest ship in the world is called the 450-meter SuperTanker "Knock Nevis". It is about him and will be speech.

Help about the largest ship in the world

. Load capacity - 565 thousand tons
. Length - 458.45 m
. Width - 68.86 m
. At maximum workload, it settles on 24.611 m
. Power of steam turbines - 50,000 horsepower
. Speed \u200b\u200b- 16 knots (30 km / h)
. Brake path - about 10 km
. Crew - 40 people

The biggest ship in the world is the Knock Nevis SuperTanker. Photo: Gérard Né /

. Because of the impressive sizes, the tanker could not walk through Suez, Panaman canals, as well as the Strait of La Mans. In addition, not every port is capable of mooring a vessel of such sizes.
. To turn around, the ship is needed a spacious of at least 3.7 kilometers.
. Compared with this supertanker, the famous "Titanic" is very small - "Knock Nevis" is longer than 189 m.
. In the technical circles "Knock Nevis" dubbed ULCC (ultrahelic raw carrier).
. The ship has changed the name five times: "SeaWise Giant", "Happy Giant", "Jahre Viking", "Knock Nevis", "Mont". However, the common name is "Knock Nevis".
. Despite the problems associated with dimensions, oil transportation in such huge quantities has been cost-effective than its transportation in ordinary tankers.
. The total value of the entire transported oil transported is about $ 200 million
. During repairs, shipyards needed to replace 3,700 tons of damaged trim.
. It is noteworthy that 565 thousand tons of oil transported separated from the sea of \u200b\u200bonly 3.5 centimeters of steel (the thickness of the side).
. To utilize the ship, it took a whole year.
. The 36-ton anchor "Knock Nevis" was maintained and sent as an exhibit to the Hong Kong Maritime Museum.

The biggest ship in the world "Knock Nevis". Photo: Gérard Né /

The history of the largest ship in the world

Built "Knock Nevis" Japanese company (built a Japanese company) Sumitomo Heavy Industries in 1979. But even before the ship entered the sea, his owner went bankrupt.

A few years later, the new owner ordered to increase the ship. And so quite impressive lifting capacity of 480,000 tons (for comparison, modern tankers cope with 280,000 tons) was increased. For this, the tanker was cut in half and added cargo compartments. So "Knock Nevis" was able to transport 565,000 tons of cargo and became out of competition.

In 1981, the tanker was ready. At first he transported oil from the countries of the Middle East to the shores of the United States.

In 1986, during the war of Iran and Iraq, he performed the task of overloading and storing Iranian oil. However, the tanker did not bypass the evil fate of the war: when the ship was in the waters of the Persian Gulf, he was fired by the Iraqi fighter, and Knock Nevis got significant damage.

After the war, the tanker was purchased by the Norwegian company. He was departed for repairs in shipyard Keppel in Singapore.

The biggest ship in the world is the Knock Nevis SuperTanker. Photo: Roland GRARD / AUKEVISSER.NL

In 2004 the most big ship The world has been converted into floating oil composition. The reason for this was the law prohibiting the transport of oil with single-circuit tankers.

SuperTanker finished its life in 2010 off the coast of the Indian city of Alang, where it was disposed of.

"Knock Nevis" remained in history not only as the largest ship in the world, but also as the largest self-propelled artificial object, which ever was built.

Knock Nevis (in the past was also called SeaWise Giant, Happy Giant and Jahre Viking) - the largest of ever existing ships on Earth

Oil has long become the most sensitive nerve of the entire global industry. Often, "black gold" is more profitable to transport not by land, but on water. The path for which the ships of this type are called "oil". Already in the XIX century, when the main raw material was coal, crude oil was transported in wooden and zinc barrels in the holds of special sailing vessels intended for the transport of oil.

The most first sea tanker for the transport of oil in the tank, the walls of which served as a casing, was the sailing ship "Atlantic", built in 1863. This type of tanker, a tank for liquid cargo serves as a housing that has been preserved to this day. By the beginning of the First World War, sea tankers have already accounted for 3% of the global merchant fleet.

Every year the need for oil is growing. This process is associated with the continuous development of heavy industry and the emergence of an increasing number of engine equipment. Accordingly, the scale of oil production increases and the requirements for its transportation are tightened. I doubt that there are ships and vessels, which would have the sizes and displacements would have the same rapid development trend as tankers.

The development of shipbuilding of oil tankers occurs, taking into account the characteristics and advantages of supertankers, since when transporting oil to sea vesselwhich can accommodate more than 100,000 tons of oil, transport costs are not much higher than when using a tanker with a loading capacity of 16,000 tons. Today, large tankers and supertankers are fully automated and serviced by a relatively small carriage. Even the longest transportation of valuable cargo costs much cheaper than during the operation of an ordinary ship. And one of these is "Knock Nevis".

The history of this maritime vessel began in Japan in 1976 (some sources indicate 1975) at the shipyards of Sumitomo Heavy Industries. Then the oil tanker "Knock Nevis" was "born" under the modest serial number 1016 and was not so big. Soon the cargo ship was sold to a kind of Greek shipowner, who gave the Oil Tanker's first real name "SeaWise Giant". Its lifting capacity was 480000 tons (typical modern oil tankers accommodate 280,000 tons). Three years later, the cargo ship was sold to a new owner who ordered its increase. Japanese shipbuilders cut and increased the tanker, to which there was a lot of time. Finally, in 1981, the SuperTanker was again ready for work. Wired additional enclosures increased its deadweight to 564763 tons.

The Knock Nevis SuperTanker could easily take on board Empire State Building and Eiffel Tower. But its cargo is oil in the amount of 195 million dollars. A huge ship survived several owners and wears the fourth name "Knock Nevis". It was shot on rockets and cut in half. And yet - more than 20 years he remains the biggest ship on the planet.

The "Knock Nevis" SuperTanker "brake path" is 5000 meters.

Specifications Oil Tanker "Knock Nevis":

Length - 458.4 m;
Width - 68.8 m;
Sediment (full) - 24.6 m;
Project displacement - 657,018 tons;
Deadweight - 564763 tons;
Power plant - steam turbines;
Power - 50000 liters. from.;
Speed \u200b\u200b- 13 knots;
Crew - 40 people.

Its dimensions were: 458.45 meters of length and width of 69 meters, which made it in the past the largest ship of the world. Even after commissioning the SuperTanker-Gas Seryosaur "Prelude FLNG", it will remain the largest in the history of the ship by water-displacement 657,018 tons.

By 2010, the deadline for the expiration of Knock Nevis was approached. It was sold to Amber Development Corporation for further disposal.

The new owner renamed Knock Nevis to Mont and raised the Sierra Leone flag on it. In December 2009, he made his last transition to the shores of India.

On January 4, 2010, Mont was thrown ashore from the Indian city of Alang (Gujarat), where his corps during the year was divided into metal.

One of the 36-tonic giant anchors was saved and now exhibited in the exposition of the Maritime Museum in Hong Kong.

Knock Nevis is the largest of ever existing ships on Earth

The tanker who received the greatest fame under the name Knock Nevis was the most large ship From ever built by mankind. During its existence, this supergigant changed several names: SeaWise Giant, Happy Giant, Jahre Viking, Knock Nevis, Mont. Moreover, he managed to change not only the name, but also the size, as well as the area of \u200b\u200bits application.

The order to build the largest tanker in the world of Japanese shipyard received in 1974. And five years later, in 1979, a giant ship was launched on the water, striking with its sizes. But the Greek shipowner apparently seemed to this little. And he ordered an increase in the size of the tanker. After that, SeaWise Giant (so it was then called) was cut in half, and additional sections were added to the middle.

As a result, the size of the largest ship in the world took the following meanings: length - 458.45 meters, width - 68.86 meters, the mass of cargo transported - 564763 tons, the weight of the ship itself is 81879 tons, the weight of the steering wheel - 230 tons, the weight of the row screw - 50 tons.

As it turned out later, these numbers became not only a plus, but also the disadvantage of this giant. With full load, the tanker is immersed by 29.8 meters (approximately the height of the nine-story house). Just compare two photos, on the first - the ship is loaded, on the second - empty.

IN good weather The ship could accelerate to 30 km / h, but in this case, for a complete stop, it would take about 9 kilometers. Yes, and just make a turn for the ship such giant sizes was not easy, the turning radius without the help of tugs was 3.2 km.

In 1981, after the end of all the work on the increase in dimensions, SeaWise Giant finally began to work out the money invested in it. His route ran from the oil-bearing deposits of the Middle East to the United States and back. However, the Irano-Iraq war held at the time contributed to the life of the tanker. Since 1986, the ship is beginning to use as a floating terminal for storing and further overloading Iranian oil. But it did not save the ship, on May 14, 1988, the Iraqi fighter attacked SeaWise Giant. The tanker got significant damage, lost all the oil on board (it should be noted that the thickness of the sides of the gigantic ship was only 3.5 cm, no longer separated by thousands of tons of oil from the surrounding sea Mira) And failed for three years.

During the repair, the vessel was replaced by 3,700 tons of damaged steel and first changed the name. SeaWise Giant has turned into Happy Giant. However, before the end of the recovery work, the Tanker changed the owner, for $ 39 million it was bought by the Norwegian company. Therefore, Singapore docks (where the repair itself, the ship left under the name of Jahre Viking.
The following changes in the life of a giant vessel happened in 2004. In the United States and Europe adopted laws prohibiting the use of single tankers for the transport of oil and the largest ship in the world was not deed. JAHRE VIKING is renamed Knock Nevis and from that time is used as a floating petroleum.