Sailing ships on which we went. The biggest sailing ships of the world

The first means of movement, on which people crossed water obstacles during their resettlement or during the hunt, were, in all likelihood, more or less primitive rafts. The rafts existed, no doubt already in the Stone Age. A large progress was at the end of the middle stone century a boat, retranshected from the tree trunk, - Chelny. Over time and with the further development of the productive forces of the boat and rafts, it becomes better, more and more reliable. Most of all the information we have about the development of shipbuilding in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Mediterranean Sea, although, of course, shipbuilding equipment and shipping on the rivers and the seas of other parts of the world developed in parallel. The most ancient of the boats and the court of ancient Egypt are considered to be the most famous. On the Nile and in the seas, washing Egypt, there were a variety of floating funds: first the rafts and boats from the tree and papyrus, and later and the court on which distant sea travel could be made, such as the famous expedition during the 18th dynasty in the country Punt (Ript - probably Somalia or even India) approximately 1500 BC. e.

Ancient Egyptian robel boat from papyrus

Due to the insignificant strength of the papyrus as a longitudinal reinforcement, a thick rope was used, stretched between short masts, nose and feed. Boats were controlled by an oar located on the stern. Ancient Egyptian sea ships, like river vessels, which went to the Nile in those days were flat. As a result, as well as because of the lack of spangling and insufficient strength of the building material (papyrus or low-spirited trees, Akant), the navigation of sea ships of ancient Egypt was very low. These vessels, who went along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea or by the calm waters of the Red Sea, were driven by orally and rail sail.

Ancient Egyptian ship with rated sail

Egyptian trade and military vessels almost did not differ from each other, only the military vessels were high speed. We should not forget that military hiking and trade were closely interrelated. However, the Egyptians (residents of the Nile Valley) cannot be called good Morelods. Their merits in the area of \u200b\u200bshipbuilding and distant sea travel are relatively modest. The first to build shopping ships residents of Crete island. According to some antiquity researchers, they applied Kiel and Spanorts, which increased the strength of the vessel. For the movement of the vessel, the critical were used both oars and a rectangular sail. It is suggested that in part, thanks to this technical improvement, Crete became the first sea power on the Mediterranean. The time of her heyday falls on the XVII - XIV. BC e. The method of building vessels with the schpets of the Christians borrowed the Phoenicians. The Phoenicians lived on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, in a country rich in cedar forests, which gave great shipbuilding material. On their vessels, the Phoenicians committed military and trading campaigns to the most distant places of the modern world. As Herodotus wrote at the beginning of the VII century. n. e., Phoenician ships have enveloped Africa from east to west. This testifies to the Great Seaportability of Courts: In its path they had to go about a kind of good hope where there was often a storm. Although, in size and strength, Phoenician ships have significantly exceeded Egypt, their form has not changed significantly. As evidenced by the preserved bas-reliefs, for the first time on the nose of the Phoenician Military Ship, a tarana appeared for the sinking of enemy ships.

Phoenician sailing ship

The sea vessels of ancient Greece and, later, Rome was modifications of Phoenician courts. Shopping vessels were predominantly wide and low, they usually driven by sail and were controlled by a large steering paddle, located in the stern. Military vessels were narrow and driven by merger. In addition, they were armed with rectangular, strengthened on a long launch of the main sail and a small sail, fortified on the inclined mast. This oblique mast is a predecessor of Bushfritis, which will appear on sailing vessels much later and will carry additional sails facilitating maneuvering. At first, one tier was installed on each board of the military ship, but with an increase in the size and weight of the vessels over the first tier, the second one appeared, and even later - the third. This was due to the desire to increase the speed, maneuverability and the strength of the shock of Taran on the enemy ship. One rowing tier was located under deck, two others - on the deck. This looked like the most popular type of antiquity warship, which starting from the VI century BC. e. called trielea.

Tripes were the basis of the Greek fleet participating in the battle of Salamin Island (480 BC). The trieer length was 30-40 m, the width is 4-6 m (including supports for fun), the height of the surface side is approximately 1.5 m. The ship has a hundred and more rowers, in most cases slaves; The speed reached 8-10 bonds. Ancient Romans were not good sailors, but Punic Wars (1st War - 264-241 BC e .; 2nd War - 218-210. BC. Er) convinced them to have their own Military fleet to defeat Carthaginian. The Roman military fleet of that time consisted of Trier built in the Greek sample.

An example of Roman triggers of this type can serve as a ship shown in the figure. He has a raised deck in the stern, as well as a kind of tower in which the commander and his assistant could find a reliable shelter. The nose ends with a ram, upholstered iron. To facilitate the fight on the sea, the Romans invented the so-called "Raven" - an arbor bridge with a metal cargo in the form of a glaze, which descended on an enemy ship and in which Roman legionnaires could go to it. In the battle of the cash system (31 g. BC. E.) Romans applied a new type of vessel - Libourne. This ship is significantly less than trieries, equipped with tarana, has one tier of fun and a rectangular transverse sail. The main advantages of Lubernov are good turning and maneuverability, as well as high-speed. Based on the combination of structural elements, Trier and Librunov, a Roman rowing gallery was created, which with some changes was preserved until the XVII century. n. e.

Improving rowing military vessels with additional sailing arms was the character of jumps. The need for these courts increased, for example, during military hikes. From the end of the XII to the XIV century. Galers appeared in the Atlantic Ocean and in the North Sea. But the main area of \u200b\u200bthe gallery was, as before, the Mediterranean Sea; Their further development contributed to Venetians. Galers in a light combat vendor served by military ships, in heavy - military vehicles. They also were used as merchant ships. The lack of a gallery was a numerous crew. So, one gallery with a length of up to 40 m was required 120-180 rowers (and with two tiers of cheerful - 240-300 rowers). If you consider the command needed to maintain the steering wheel and sail, and the team on the galley, then in the amount there was much more than 500 people. Such a galley had a precipitate about 2 m and the height of the surface side of 1-1.5 m. On medieval galleys, one paddle was served by 2-5 rowers; Web weight with a length of 10-12 m accounted for up to 300 kg. Besides cheerful, galleys were equipped with auxiliary sail. Later began to install two, and then three masts, and the rectangular sail was replaced by oblique, borrowed from the Mediterranean Arabs. In the course of further development, vessels began to be built, which are a combination of galleys and a sailing vessel. Such vessels were called galleas. Galeasi were more gallery: the length of the largest reached 70 m, width 16 m, displacement of 1000 tons; The crew was 1000 people. They were used as both military and merchant ships.


Regardless of the development of shipping in the Mediterranean, shipping has developed and in Northern Europe, where beautiful navigates lived in the early century - Vikings. Viking ships were open wooden boats with a symmetric form of form and ahterstevnya; On these vessels it was possible to walk both forward and forth. Viking ships were driven by orally (in the figure they are not shown) and direct sail, fortified on the mast approximately in the middle of the vessel.

Viking vessels had spangling and longitudinal connections. A characteristic feature of their design was the method of connecting the splits and other beams with an outdoor skin, which was usually from very long wooden planks passing from one bed to another and located in Vnakroy. The biggest vessels of the Vikings, which were called "dragons" on the nasal decoration and shape of the dragon head, had a length of 45 m and about 30 pairs of cheerful. Despite the difficulties of swimming in the stormy northern seas on open anticipation vessels, the Vikings very soon penetrated from Scandinavia on the coast of England and France, reached the White Sea, won Greenland and Holland and at the end of the X century. penetrated North America.

Ancient Russian ocher ice class was a real conqueror of the northern seas

With feudalism, shipbuilding continued in parallel with the development of trade in Northern Europe. Large trading ships of the XII and XIII centuries, called nefam, had the same nasal shape and feed. They were driven by an exclusively transverse sail installed on the mast in the middle of the vessel. From the end of the XII century. The so-called towers appeared in the nose and in the stern. Initially, these were probably combat bridges (perhaps the remainder of the Roman bridge), which over time moved to the nose and to the stern and turned into a tank. The steering paddle was usually on the right side.


Hanseatic merchants, in the hands of which European trade was concentrated in the period from the XIII to the XV century., Usually transported their products on the clagging. These were strong high-speed single-way vessels with almost vertical form and ahter-shn. Gradually, small tower-like superstructures in the nose appeared on the clagging, relatively large superstructures in the stern and peculiar "crane nests" on top of the mast. As the main feature that distinguishes the cogg from the nef, it is possible to name a hinge steering wheel with a rubrel located in the diametral plane of the vessel. Thanks to this, the maneuverable quality of the vessel has improved.

One-way cogg

About the XIV century. Shipbuilding in the northern regions of Western Europe developed independently of the shipbuilding of the Mediterranean. If the steering wheel placed in the plane of the Symmetry of the vessel, became the largest achievement in the art of shipbuilding and north the north, the triangular sail introduced on the Mediterranean Sea, which in our time is called Latin, allowed to go cooler to the wind than it was possible with a rectangular sail. Thanks to the contacts between the North and South in the XIV century. There was a new type of vessel - Karavel, a three-volume vessel with Latin sails and a hinge steering wheel. Over time, a transverse sail began to install on the nasal mast.

Cracara era Columbus

The next type of vessel, which appeared at the end of the XV century, was a drain. This vessel was significantly more developed by the tank and eat. Karaki equipped with a hinge steering wheel and sails of both types. On the nasal mast was a straight sail, on the middle mast - one or two straight sails, and on a fodder mast - Latin sail. Later began to establish an inclined nasal mast - a bushchite with a small straight sail. With the advent of Karavel and Karakk, distant navigation, such as the journey of Vasco de Gama, Columbus, Magellan and other navigaters for unknown lands have become possible. "Santa Maria", the flagship ship of Columbus, in all likelihood, was a drake. It had a length of 23 m, a width of 8.7 m, a sediment of 2.8 m and a team of 90 people. The ship belonged to the courts of medium size (for example, the "Peter Fauze La Rochelle" ship, built in 1460, had a length of 12 m). In the future, the typical stern superstructure of the Karakk was replaced by a superstructure that rose to the stern. The mast was added (sometimes oblique), the number of sails increased. Pretty use was obtained direct sails, only a haftel sail was installed on the stern. So arose Galion, which in the XVII and XVIII centuries. became the main type of warship. The most common type of merchant vessel of that time was flute, in which the housing was pressed up. His masts were higher, and rei in short than the courts that were built before. Roblage was the same as on Galion.


Powerful trading companies, which were under the guardianship of the state (the British West Indian Company, founded in 1600, or the Dutch East Indian company, founded in 1602), stimulated the construction of new types of ships, which were called "Ost-Indian". These vessels were not very fast. Their complete circuits and high boards ensured a very greater carrying capacity. To protect against pirates, shopping ships armed with guns. On the masts put three, and later four straight sails, on a fodder mast - oblique hansel sail. In the nose was usually Latin, and between individual masts - trapezoidal sails. These ships in similarity with the wired ship of a similar type and with the same rigger are also called frigates.


A significant achievement in the sailing shipbuilding was the creation of clips. Clippers were narrow ships (the ratio of length to width was approximately 6.7 m) with developed weapons and with a carrying capacity of 500-2000 tons. They differed at high speed. The so-called "Tea Racing" of this period are known, during which clips with a cargo of tea on the line China - England reached the speed of 18 bonds.

Tea clipper

At the beginning of the XIX century. After many thousands of years of the rule of the sailing fleet on the courts, a new engine type appeared. It was a steam machine - the first mechanical engine. In 1807, American Robert Fulton built the first vessel with the "Claremont" steam engine; It walked along the Hudson River. Especially well shown himself a steamer when swimming against the flow. So the era of steam engine began on river ships. In maritime shipping, the steam engine began to apply later. In 1818, a steam engine was installed on Savanna sailboat, which led to the rowing wheels. The vessel used the steam machine only with a short transition through the Atlantic. For the first time, the North Atlantic crossed almost exclusively with the help of a mechanical drive Sirius vessel - a steam sailboat Building 1837, whose corps were still wooden.

Steam ship - Sirius

From this time began the development of a mechanical drive for maritime courts. Large rowing wheels whose work prevented maritime excitement, in 1843 gave way to the rowing screw. He was first set on a steamer "Great Britain". The sensation was a huge at that time the ship "Great Eastern" with a length of 210 m and a width of 25 m, built in 1860. This vessel had two rowing wheels with a diameter of 16.5 m and a screw with a diameter of more than 7 m, five pipes and six masts total An area of \u200b\u200b5400 m2, on which the sail could be put. The vessel was placed in rooms for 4,000 passengers, holds of 6000 tons of cargo and developed the speed of 15 bonds.

Great Britain

Great Easter

The next step in the development of the ship drive was made at the end of the XIX and early XX century; In 1897, a steam turbine was installed on the turbine vessel for the first time, which allowed to achieve an unprecedented speed of 34.5 tons. Built in 1906, the British passenger vessel "Mauritania" (length 241 m, width 26.8 m, load capacity 31 940 reg. T, crew 612 people, 2335 passenger seats) was equipped with turbines with a total capacity of 51,485 kW. During the transition through the Atlantic in 1907, it developed an average rate of 26.06 UZ and won a symbolic reward for the speed-spending - "blue ribbon", which retained 22 years.


In the second decade of the XX century. Sea ships began to use diesel engines. In 1912, two diesel engines with a total capacity of 1,324 kW were installed on the Zealand cargo shipment.

On May 18, 1881, she completed his last sailing ship in the Atlantic Ocean. We decided to remember about 9 legendary sailboats included in the history of great travel and discoveries.

1. Santa Maria - The legend legends, the ship on which America was discovered by Christofore Columbus and his team. This is a small ship with a length of no more than 25 meters with four masts and direct sailing arms. Santa Maria numbered five sails, which under favorable conditions could give it a rather high speed. It should be noted that "Santa Maria" was not the most high-speed vessel, but at the same time it was distinguished by high stability, which could be useful during a storm. The last swimming of this half-phth sailboat took place for Christmas 1492 - it broke off from the shores of Haiti. But the wreckage of "Mary" was not left to rot at the bottom of the ocean, and were used in the construction of a settlement that exist so far. To the greatest regret, there were not a single image of Santa Mary and all photos and pictures were made either by diary descriptions or for reconstructions.

2. Ship "Victoria" He became the first in history by a ship, on which people managed to beat the globe. The captain of this legendary vessel was at least legendary Fernan Magellan - a man who managed to support the spirit of his sailors over the years of the exhausting unbearable travel. The reliable images of Victoria also did not survive, but the researchers believe that this ship had three masts, two rows of straight sails and one oblique sail. Ship, despite the fact that it was intended primarily for research and peaceful purposes, was armed with several dozen guns to increase security. Scientists should not decide with the characteristics of the ship: the mass of it varies ranging from 80 to 200 tons.

3. "Golden Lan" This is English Galloon, under the leadership of Captain Drake, who first returned from the world tour after Magellan's swimming. Golden Lan spent 2 years in the ocean and 10 months. This ship is unique in that the only one managed to swim Magellan Strait (after Magellan himself). There are several accurate copies of the Golden Lani, which are on eternal parking in the museums of shipbuilding.

4. "ENEVOR" James Cook - a ship on which this famous navigator made his first round-the-world journey, pursuing scientific astronomical goals - studying the passage of Venus on the Sun disk, as well as for a more thorough study of the southern hemisphere.

5. "Daifken" - The ship on which Australia was opened by Europeans Willem Yans. It was a small ship of about 25-30 meters long, quite high-speed (developed speed up to 13 kilometers per hour) and a light, designed for a small crew. The replica of the legendary ship is located in the Australia Museum and it can easily visit anyone.

6. "Hope" and "Neva" - Two small ships who managed to glorify the domestic naval and enter their names in the list of the greatest travelers in the world. It should be noted that both vessels were acquired in England, especially in order to take a world tour. For this step, marigors went for the reason that in Russia at that time did not exist their own shipbuilding of the required level, and Russian vessels could not withstand such a long sailing. Capitans of ships were appointed Kruzenshtern, who was the initiator of the journey, and his close friend Lisyansky.

7. "Galley" - The most famous pirate sailboat of one of the most cruel and fortunate sea robbers - Cyda Captain. This ship had a displacement of about 300 tons, was equipped with a semolute cheerful and 34-deck guns, which made it very formidable weapons in the skillful hands of the experienced Cyda Captain.

8. "Flying Dutchman" - The ghost ship, which has been inspired by the fear of the navigators of the whole world for several centuries. This is an eternal sea slave, around which dozens of legends are spinning. All legends although they differ in the plot, but are similar to the fact that the ship and crew were cursed for the sins of their captain. Not known for a year of construction, nor the type of ship itself.

9. "Wasa" - The ship-museum, the only one of our selection of a sailboat, which has been preserved until today. It was built and adopted in 1628 in Sweden, after which he sailed about half an hour, caught safely. The ship was raised from the bottom after a century, becoming a museum exhibit. At one time, Vasa was one of the largest sailing ships, its length reached 65 meters and a width of 12 meters, a whole oak forest was destroyed for the construction of Vassa (about a thousand trees).

In this topic, I suggest you make a brief excursion to the ITERTY Early Waving, during the times of sailing ships. You will learn how the navigation and shipbuilding develops in different parts of the world

Historical Essay for Women's Development

  • Egypt

The first sailing ships appeared in Egypt approximately 3000 years BC. e. This is evidenced by paintings, adorning, ancient Egyptian vases. However, the birthplace of the boats depicted on the vases is, an obeyable, not the valley of the Nile, and the nearby Persian Bay. Confirmation of this is a model of a similar boat found in the Obeid tomb, in the city of Erid, who stood on the banks of the Persian Gulf.

In 1969, the Norwegian scientist Tour Heyerdal took an interesting attempt to verify the assumption that the ship equipped with a sail made from the cane of the papyrus could make a swim not only on the Nile, but also in the open sea. This vessel is essentially a raft, a length of 15 m, a width of 5 m and a height of 1.5 m, with a mast height of 10 m and the only direct sail, was controlled by steering paddle.

Before the start of the use of the wind, floating funds either moved on oars, or people or animals traveled along the banks and canals. Ships allowed to carry heavy and bulky goods, which was significantly more productively than transporting animal sledding on land. Mass cargoes were also transported mainly on water.

The large naval expedition of the Government of Egypt Hatsepsut, undertaken in the first half of the XV century, is historically witnessed. BC e. This expedition, which historians also consider trading, proceeded through the Red Sea to the ancient Punt country on the eastern shore of Africa (this is about modern Somalia). Ships returned severely loaded with various goods and slaves.


  • Phoenicia

With near swimming, the Phoenicians used predominantly light commercial vessels that had oars and straight rail sails. Significantly imprudently looked for a court designed for long-range swimming, and warships. Phoennaya, unlike Egypt, had very favorable natural conditions for the construction of the fleet: near the coast on the slopes of the Lebanese mountains grew up the forests, in which the famous Lebanese cedar and oak prevailed, as well as other valuable trees breeds.

In addition to the improvement of sea courts, the Phoenicians left another remarkable heritage - the word "gallery", which is probably in all European languages. Ethnician vessels went swimming from large port cities of Sidon, Ugarit, Arvada, Hebala, and others, where large Shipbuilding shipyards.

Historical materials also speak about swimming the Phoenicians in the southern direction across the Red Sea to the Indian Ocean. The Phoenicians are also attributed to the honor of the first swimming around Africa at the end of the VII century. BC e., i.e. almost 2,000 years before Vasco da Gama.

  • Greece

Greeks already in the IX century. BC e. He learned from the Phoenicians to build wonderful trial by that time and early began the colonization of the surrounding territories. In the VIII-VI centuries. BC e. The region of their penetration covered the Western shores of the Mediterranean Sea, the entire Pont Evsinsky (Black Sea) and the Aegean Beach of Minor Asia.

No wooden antique vessel or part of it is preserved, and this does not allow you to clarify the idea of \u200b\u200bthe main types of a gallery that has established on the basis of written and other historical materials. Divers and scuba divers continue to examine the seabed at the places of ancient marine battles, in which hundreds of ships were killed. About their form and inner structure can be judged by indirect signs - for example, according to accurate sketches of the location of clay vessels and metal objects, preserved where the ship lay, and yet, in the absence of wooden parts of the case, do not do without the help of painstaking analysis and imagination.

The vessel was held on the course with the help of a steering oars, which had at least two advantages compared to a later wheel: it allowed to rotate the stationary vessel and easily replace the damaged or broken steering paddle. Trading ships were wide and had an extensive trowel space for cargo placement.

The ship is a Greek battle gallery approximately V c. BC er., the so-called birem. With on sides in two tiers, the rows of cheerful, it, naturally, had a greater speed than the ship is the same than half the number of cheerful. In the same century, the tries were distributed and trips - the combat ships with three "floors" of rowers. Such a device gallery is the contribution of the ancient Greek masters in the design of marine ships. Military kinkers were not "long ships", they had a deck, internal premises for warriors and especially powerful, covered with copper sheets Taran, located ahead at the water level, which during the sea battles were broken by the board of enemy ships. A similar combat device of the Greeks was adopted by the Phoenicians who used it in the VIII century. BC e.

Although the Greeks were capable, well-trained navigators, sea travels were at that time a dangerous business. Not every ship reached the point of destination as a result of the shipwreck, then a pirated attack.
Antique Greece Galers Almost all Mediterranean and Black Sea, there are evidence of their penetration through Gibraltar to the north. Here they reached Britain, and possibly Scandinavia. The paths of their swimming pools are shown on the map.

With the first large collision with Carthage (in the first Punic war), the Romans understood that it was impossible to hope for a victory without having a strong navy. With the help of Greek specialists, they in a short time built 120 large gallery and moved their method of doing the battle, which was used on land - individual warrior fight against the warrior with personal weapons. The Romans used the so-called "crows" - boarding bridges. According to these bridges, which stuck in the deck of the enemy ship, depriving his maneuvering opportunities, Roman legionnaires broke into an enemy deck and tied the battle in the manner inherent in them.

Shopping sailboat.

The Roman fleet, as well as the modern Greek, had two main types of vessels in its composition: "Rounded" trade and slender combat galleys

Certain improvements can be noted in sailing arms. On the main mast (grotty mast) retained a large quadrangular straight sail, which is sometimes complemented by two small triangular top sails. A smaller quadrangular sail appears on the front inclined mast - bushprit. The increase in the total savage of the sails increased the power used for the movement of the vessel. However, sails continue to be an additional propulsion, the mainstream remains not shown in the figure.
The value of the sail, however, it is undoubtedly increased, especially with long-range swimming, which were made up to India. At the same time, the opening of the Greek navigator Hippal helped: the August South-West and January northeast monsime helped the Mac-Symal use of sails and at the same time securely indicated the direction, as much later compass. The road from Italy to India and the day, with intermediate crossing caravans and the courts on the Nile from Alexandria to the Red Sea, approximately the year continued. Previously, the path on oars along the shores of the Arabian Sea was much longer.

During trade swimming, the Romans used numerous Mediterranean ports. Some of them have already been mentioned, but at one of the first places it should be put in the Delta Neil Alexandria, whose value as a transit point increases as Rome's trade turnover with India and the Far East.

  • Famous sailing and rowing vessels

Wilhelm Ship Conquer

More than half of the millennium kept Europe in the fear of the Knights of the Open Sea -Vikings. With its mobility and omnipality, they are obliged to Drakaram - Genuine Shipbuilding Masteries
These Wiking ships made distant sea navigation. They are open to Iceland, the southern shore of Greenland, long before Columbus visited North America. Snake heads of the sutures of their ships seen residents of the Baltic, Mediterranean and Byzantium. Together with the squads of Slavs, they were engaged in the great trading path from the Varyag in the Greeks.
The main drivers of the Dracara was a rail sail, an area of \u200b\u200b70 m2 and more, stitched from individual vertical cloth, richly decorated with gold braid, drawings of the coat of arms of leaders or various signs and symbols. Rey rose with the sail. High mast supported the guys and the tips of the vessel from the vessel. The boards defended themselves richly painted soldiers. The silhouette of the Scandinavian vessel is the only one of its kind. It has many aesthetic advantages. The basis for the recreation of this vessel was the drawing of the famous carpet from Bae, telling about the landing in 1066 Wilhelm of the Conqueror in England.

"Vasa" Swedish warship

At the beginning of the XVII century. Sweden significantly strengthened its position in Europe. The founder of the new royal dynasty Gustav I Vasa did a lot to bring the country from medieval backwardness. He delivered Sweden from Danish rule, conducted a reformation, subordinating the state earlier an all-powerful church.
There was a thirty-year-old war of 1618-1648. Sweden, which claimed the role of one of the primary countries of Europe, sought to finally consolidate his dominant position in the Baltic.
The main rival of Sweden in the western part of the Baltic Sea was Denmark that owned both shores Zunda and the most important islands of the Baltic Sea. But it was a very strong opponent. Then the Swedes focused on the eastern shores of the sea and after a long wars captured the people who belonged to Russia of the city of Yam, Koporye, Karel, Oreshk and Ivan city, thus depriving the Russian state of entering the Baltic Sea.
However, Gustavi II Adolf is a new king of the Vasa dynasty (1611-1632) wanted to achieve full domination of Sweden in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea and began to create a strong navy.
In 1625, Stockholm royal shipbuilding shipyard received a large order for the simultaneous construction of four large ships. The king has proven the greatest interest in the construction of a new flagship ship. This ship received the name "Vasa" - in honor of the Swedish royal dynasty of the Vasa dynasty, to which Gustavi II Adolf.
The best ship masters, artists, sculptors, wood cutters were attracted to the construction of Vasi. The main builder was invited by the master of Holder Handrick Hiberson, well known in Europe.
Two years later, the ship was safely descended into the water and departed to a funny pier, located just under the windows of the Royal Palace.

Galion "Golden Hind" ("Golden Lan")

Dudno built in the 60s of the XVI century in England and was originally called Pelican. On it, the English navigator Francis Drake in 1577-1580, as part of a squadron of the five ships, took a pirated expedition to West India and made the world's second after Magellan. In honor of the beautiful nautical qualities of their ship, Drake renamed it to the "Golden Lan" and installed in the nose of the vessel, a figurine of pure gold lines.
Galion's length is 18.3 m, width is 5.8 m, sediment 2.45 m. It is one of the smallest Galions.

King Henry VIII ship "Henry Grace E" Dew "

The vessel, built in June 1514 in Volvich (England) on the orders of King Heinrich VIII. The ship had a very rich decoration. The front two masts carried along three straight sails, on the other two there were Latin sails, and on a bushprit - a blond and boven-blond.
The length of the main deck is about 50 m, the length of the keel 38 m, the width of 12.5 m, the displacement of 1500 tons. Arms: 184 guns, of which 43 are large caliber. The crew is 351 people, of which 50 commanders. In addition, there were 349 soldiers on board.
B 1535 - 1536 The ship was rebuilt. It was installed 122 guns and transferred to the class of storms.
In August 1553, the ship went into the parking lot in Volvich and from a sudden fire had burned down.

Ship J.Kuka "Indevel"

Built in England in 1762 for the transportation of coal. Originally dealt with "Earl Of Pembrok". In the preparation of the J.Kukhka expedition was converted and called "Endeavor". Sailing arms corresponded to a typical barca of the XVIII century. Square Sails: 700 sq.m. Length 36 m, width 9.2 m. Arms: 10 guns and 12 Mortira.
B 1768 - 1711, J.Kuk made its first round-tire on the "Indevel".

English Bark "Maiflauer"

Three-volume Bark, built in 1615. On September 6, 1615, it was out of Plymouth with 102 passengers on board and 67 days stuck to the American coast in the Gulf of Massachusetts, where the English colony of the first settlers was founded. Length 19.5 m, water displacement 180 tons.
B 1947 Society of migrants began to recreate the ship as a museum. In 1957, the Atlantic Ocean reserved the Atlantic Ocean restored Bark for 53 days and became an eternal parking in the port of Provincetown.

English Karakka "Mary Rose"

The ship was built in 1536 and is one of the largest and most powerful warships of the King Henry VIII. Displacement - 700 tons. The vessel distinguishes the presence of three solid decks. Armament - 39 large and 53 small guns.
On July 11, 1545, the vessel as part of the English squadron was preparing for the exit from Portsmouth. After lifting the brahsels, the ship began to roll, then lay down on the right side and sank in two minutes. Of the 700 sailors and marines, only 40 were saved on board. The cause of the catastrophe was obviously a bad stability of the vessel due to an overload of artillery.
B 1982 The ship in parts was raised to the surface. After restoring it, it was decided to create a maritime museum

The vessel with full sailing armament was built in 1783 in River Hull and was originally called "Bethia".
1783 Ship keel bookmark in Dock No.2 in River Hull. May 26, 1787 Bought by the Navy of England through Meyers Bank, Sharpe and Brian for 2,600 pounds. Translated to shipyard in Derford for retrofitting. June 8, 1787 was renamed HMS "Bounty".
August 16, 1787 Lieutenant William Blya (William Blight) was appointed Admiralty captain HMS "Bounty". December 23, 1787 Beginning of the flight to Tahiti.
March 23 - April 21, 1788 Attempt to hit Cape Gorn was not crowned with success, a course was taken to the cape of good hope.
May 24 - June 28, 1788 Repair and replenishment of food reserves in the port of False Bay (False Bay). August 20 - September 3, 1788 Replenishment of stocks in Adventure Bay (Adventure Bay). October 26, 1788 The ship reached Mataavai Bay, to Tahiti. On April 4, 1789, the ship leaves Tahiti and takes the course to West India. On April 29, 1789, the rebellion of Christian Fletcher (Fletcher Christian) flashes on the vessel. January 23, 1790 Bounty was burned on Pitkerna Island (Pitcairn Island).

American frigate "Constitution"

Korable was built in Boston at the shipyard of Ulmond Hartt in 1797 and was intended to protect against the pirates of American shipping routes in the Caribbean and Mediterranean seas. The frigate housing is made of a very solid white oak that kept the hit of large nuclei. The length between the shafts is 62.2 m, the width is 13.6 m, the height of the side is 6.85 m. Designed for 44 guns, the ship often had on its two decks up to 55 stems, of which twenty-eight 24-pound and ten 12-pounds. Crew: 22 officers, 378 sailors. Displacement 2000 tons. In 1844 - 1846, the frigate made worldwide swimming in 495 days. Frigate was afloat for 150 years. Since 1947, it has been put on the eternal parking of one of the berths of Boston.

Ship "Eagle"

The Korable was laid in November 1667 in the village of Dedinovo to Oke, not far from Kolomna, for the protection of trade shipping with a Persion in the Caspian Sea. Building completed in 1669. This is the first military ship of Russia. He was the type of sea two-phase three-volume ship 25 meters long, 6.5 width and a sediment of 1.5 meters armed with 22 cannons and manual grenades. In the summer of 1669, "Eagle" in the composition of a small flotilla switched first to Nizhny Novgorod, and from there down the Volga in Astrakhan. In 1670, he was captured by the rebel peasants headed by Stepan Razin. After the rebellion of the rebellion of the royal troops to play any useful role of the ship and failed. According to the preserved documents of those years, there is reason to assume that it for many years, stood in idle in the Cutum dash, close to one of the Astrakhan Slobod, came to full dissent.

"Grandparents of the Russian Fleet"

In 1688, the attention of young Peter 1 attracted by his cousin Botik. The future founder of the Russian regular military fleet on this boat first on Jauza, and then at the Izmailovsky Pond and Pereyaslav lake did his first steps to study the foundations of the sea. On the Pereyaslav lake, a whole "flotilla" of such vessels soon was created. Since then, the thought of the sea and maritime drivers for a minute did not leave Peter. What is this bot? In the XVII century The length of the vessels, even the smallest, was prescribed in the whole feet, so the length of the bot is equal to 20 feet (of course, with the accuracy, with which shipbuilders of that time were able to withstand the dimensions), or rather -6 m 5 cm. The bot was about 1500 kg.

Sailing and rowing frigate "Apostle Peter"

The Azov campaign of 1695 finally convinced Peter I in the fact that without the presence of a fleet, he does not master even a relatively weak seaside fortress. The center of the shipbuilding was the city of Voronezh. Here, in the shipyard of 15 versts from the fall of the Voronezh River in Don in April 1696, the 36-gun sailing-rowing frigate "Apostle Peter" was launched.
The ship was built according to the drawings and with the participation of the "skillful master of gallery buildings" of the Dane of August (Gustav) Meira, who later became the commander of the second of the same 36-cannger ship "Apostle Paul".
The length of the frigate is 34.4 m, the width is 7.6 m. The ship was flat-bottomed. The board in the upper part of the housing was covered inside, which made it difficult to board. The shops are open, there remained platforms to accommodate the boarding team on the cut. The ship had three masts with walls and a bushchite with a vertical calm. Focal and grotty sailboy was the lower sails and Marseilles. On the bizan-mast was only a bizan. In addition, there were 15 pairs of cheerful in case of ulution and maneuver. The "apostle Peter" 14 years has successfully served as part of the Azov Fleet.
In 1712, after an unsuccessful Pruth campaign, the Azov Fleet ceased to exist. The fate of the ship "Apostle Peter" is unknown, although Peter I gave the instructions to "preserve it forever as an example for the championship."

Frigate "Peter and Paul"

In order to create a coalition for the fight against Turkey for entering the Black Sea, Peter 1 in the spring of 1697 sent the "great embassy" in Holland, England and Venice - sea powers of the pore. Together with the embassy, \u200b\u200bmore than 100 people were directed to study shipbuilding and sea business. In the Volunteer Group under the name of Peter Mikhailov, the king himself was included. For about five months, Peter worked hard, he studied everything that he could have learned all the tricks of a complex specialty. The king participated in the construction of the frigate "Peter and Paul" from its bookmark and almost until the end of the work.
The construction was led by a ship master of the East India Company Garitus Clas Paul. The main dimension of the ship: the length is maximum 32.85 m, the length of the waterline is 27.3 m, the width is 7.2 m, the sediment is 2.75 m. On one closed and on the open decks could be placed up to 40 guns. At the end of work on the shipyard, the master gave Peter I certificate, in which it was noted that he was "... was a diligent and reasonable carpenter ... And not only the ship architecture and the drawing of plans ... I studied thoroughly, but I also have to have these items as much as we ourselves Meet. "
Knowledge of ship science at the shipyards of Holland, and then at the shipyards of England allowed Peter I to personally design many ships and had a positive effect on the construction of the Russian fleet.

Ship "Fortress"

"Foreignness" - the first Russian warship, published in the Black Sea and visiting Constantinople.
Built in the panel, close to Done's mouth. Length - 37.8, width - 7.3 meters, crew - 106 people, weapons - 46 guns.
In the summer of 1699, the "Fortress" under the command of Captain Pambourg delivered the Embassy Mission to Konstantinople, headed by a spirit advisor. Ukrainians. The appearance of the Russian warship near the walls of the Turkish capital, and the entire Russian squadron at Kerch forced the Turkish Sultan to reconsider his attitude towards Russia. A peace treaty was concluded between Turkey and Russia. This trip "Fortress" is notable for the fact that the Russian seamen for the first time produced hydrographic industries of the Kerch Strait and Balaklava Bay, and also made up the first plans of the Crimean coast. During the parking lot in Constantinople, many Turkish and foreign specialists visited the fortress, who gave high assessment by Russian shipbuilding. In June of the following, 1700, the ship "Fortress" with 170 Russian prisoners returned from Turkey to Azov.

Fregat "Standard"

Northern war already in the initial period convinced Peter I, that by the forces of one, even a well-trained army, to achieve the conquest of the coast of the Baltic Sea is impossible. It was decided to start the construction of the fleet. On March 24 (April 4), 1703 on Olonetskaya shipyard on the Sviri River Amsterdam Ship Master The Gens Choons laid the first Russian warship of the Baltic Fleet - Frigate.
Its length is 27.5 m, width is 7.3 m, the average sediment is 2.7 m. The crew is 120 people. On the closed deck, the tank and yut ship carried 28 cannons: 8-, 6- and 3-pound.
1 (12) May 1703 Russian troops took the Swedish fortress Nienshanz, located near the mouth of the Neva. The path to the Baltic Sea was free. In connection with this event, changes were made to the royal standard: a two-headed eagle was now held in his paws and beats not three, and four cards - with the outlines of the White, Caspian, Azov and Baltic seas.
Fregat, descended on August 22, 1703, received the name "Standard", and 8 (19) of September of the same year on its grotto-brother-pinway, a new sample standard was raised. The ship under the command of Captain Peter Mikhailov (Peter I) passed the Lake Lake at the head of the seven newly built courts and became anchored on the Ride of the Fortress Shlisselburg.
Subsequently, he took an active part in the Northern War. On June 6 and 10, 1705, as part of the Squadron, Vice Admiral K. Kruits, under the command of Captain Ya. De Lang, fought with the Swedish fleet at Kotlin Island. In 1711 Timberovan in St. Petersburg. Fregat "Standard" was located as part of the Russian fleet for more than 25 years and was disassembled in 1729.

Educational frigate "Hope"

Soon after joining the Russian throne, Catherine II said: "We have in the overflow of ships and people, but there is no fleet, nor sailors." At the initiative of the empress, urgent measures were taken to revive the fleet in the spirit of Peter the Great. One of them was the reorganization of the training of cadets of the marine corps.
On June 21 (July 2), 1764 Admiralty College decided: "To teach Gardenamarin and ... Cadets contain a three-person yacht with a housing, which is built and equipped with all the needs." There is no doubt that the building of the vessel took place, since in the ruling of the categorical resolution of Catherine II: "Being for this!".
The three-volume decadew frigate "Nadezhda" was laid on the shipyard of the main admiralty in St. Petersburg on December 23, 1765 (January 3, 1766), on the water 4 (15) June 1766. The builder of the frigate was the famous ship master Lambe Yames. The main dimensions of the vessel: the length between perpendiculars is 23.77 m, the width without plating boards is 6.71 m, the height of the side is 3.1 m, the depth of the trim is 2.82 m, the average sediment is 2.34 m, the displacement is 270 tons, the area of \u200b\u200bthe main sails 445 M. The crew consisted of 28 people, of which 17 sailors. The frigate could take on board 25 cadets. He floated in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Gulf of Finland. However, due to insufficient exposure of the construction forest, the vessel was short-lived - in 1774 the ship was "disassembled by dilapidation."
In the history of the Russian fleet, the frigate "Hope" forever remained as the first domestic educational vessel of a special building.

Linear ship "Slava Catherine"

General Cayhmeister (commander of artillery) of the Black Sea Fleet I.A. Hannibal on May 26 (June 6), 1779 laid on Kherson shipyard of the two first 66-cannon linear ship. The head of them was "Glory Catherine." Presumably the project of a new linear ship developed a ship master A. S. Katasonov. Engaged Engineer I.A. Afanasyev. The length of the vessel on the lower deck is 48.77 m, the width without a sheat is 13.5 m, the depth of the trim is 5.8 m. Instead of those who believed on the state of 30-pound guns, they considered it possible to do 24-pounds that were in stock, which "so small have a difference, With this, you can be able to be used in action. " The construction of the ship went slowly, only 16 (27) September 1783 in the solemn atmosphere, the vessel was lowered.
The combat service "Fame of Catherine" fell on the Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1791. Renamed in 1788 by Field Marshal General G.A.Potemkin in the "Transfiguration" The ship participated in all major operations of the Russian squadron, including in the victorious sea battles under the leadership of Admiral F. F. Ushakov.
Honored Glory, mined in brutal marine battles, puts this ship in one row with other heroes of the domestic fleet.

Slut "East"

The vessel was launched from the Oktinate shipyard in St. Petersburg in 1818. Its length is 40 m, the width is about 10 m, the sediment is 4.8 m, displacement 900 tons, speed up to 10 nodes. Armament was 28 guns. Crew 117 people. 3 (14) of July 1819, the East Captain, under the command of Captain II rank F.F. Bellingsgausen, Chief of the Around-Treasury Antarctic Expedition, and the Mirny Slut under the command of Lieutenant M.P. Lazarev came out of Kronstadt and 16 (28) January next years reached the coast of Antarctica. After repairing in Sydney (Australia), the ships were investigated by the tropical part of the Pacific Ocean, and then on October 31 (November 12), 1820 again took the course to Antarctica. 10 (22) January 1821, the boat reached the southern point: 69 ° 53 "South latitude and 92 ° 19" Western longitude. July 24 (August 5) 1821, having completed the most difficult swimming, ships arrived in Kronstadt.
For 751 days, they passed 49,723 miles (about 92,300 km). The most important outcome of the expedition was the opening of the huge sixth mainland - Antarctica. In addition, there were 29 islands on the map and complex oceanographic works were performed. In memory of this momentary swimming in Russia, a medal was knocked out.
In 1828, the East gate was excluded from the fleet lists and disassembled. In our time, the names of the "East" and "Mirny" boats are two Soviet scientific antarctic stations. According to the established tradition, the name "East" passed to the largest research vessel.

Clipper Katty Sark.

Katty Sark was created in the Golden Age of the Sailing Fleet - the era of clips. Millennary experience in the construction and operation of sailing vessels, many scientific and technical achievements accumulated by the middle of the XIX century. - All this was synthesized when building clips - the highest and last stage of sailing shipbuilding. All in the design of the clipper was subordinate to the speed: acute, very elongated nose, streamlined circuits, huge sails, a strong chassis.
On the transatlantic lines, the steamers have already begun to win convincing victories over sailboats, but on the Australian and Far Eastern Ocean highways with a length of half of the globe, clips were still crucial - the embodiment of the grace, the lungs, rapid, and the best of them was Katty Sark.

Rest at the berths ships,
watching sleepy keys,
motherland's attraction
feeling with tired sides.
They, like people, I sometimes want
after storms and difficult swimming
feel bliss and peace
at the moorings of our kind, quiet harbor ...

January 6, 2011 | Categories: History, Topper

Rating: +6 Article author: ENIA_TOY Views: 56031

Aac - (Notele. AAK) - single-way flat-bottomed ship,

used in the lower Rhine for the transport of wines. According to the design - a small cargo vessel of clinker construction with a semicircular hatch deck, flat-bottomed, without form and ahtersteps. Through the nasal and feeding pieces, the ship's bottom on both ends is flat and the painter rose ranging from the waist. Did not have lateral wovers, carried a simple sprinkting sail and Foka-Staxel. Short Bushrite gave the opportunity to carry the Clelyra, and usually rigging aaaks was like a scorch of the ships of the coast.

The oldest image of aaak refers to 1530

Kölsche Aak, XVI.

Barque (Netherl. Bark) - Three-five-mast large marine sailing vessel for transportation of goods with straight sails on all masts, except the fodder (Bizan-mast) carrier sailing weapons. The largest barks that are still in the ranks - "Sedov" (Murmansk), Kruzenshtern (Kaliningrad).

Bark "Sedov"

Barquentine (Schuna-Bark) is a three-five-five-five (sometimes six-hundredth) marine sailing boat with oblique sails on all masts besides nasal (fock mast) carrying straight sails. Modern steel barciences have a displacement of up to 5 thousand tons and are equipped with an auxiliary engine.

Brig - (BRIG) - a two-volume vessel with direct sailing armament of Fock mast and grotto masts, but with one oblique gafel sail on the grotto - Gota Gaf-Trisel. In the literature, especially artistic, the authors often call this sail counter-bizani, but it should be remembered that the ship with sailing armor brig there is no bizan-mast, and therefore there is no accessories for this mast, although the functional load of the Gota-Gaf-Trisel Beliel Brig is exactly as well as the counter-bizani frigate.

Brigantine (Ital. Brigantino - Schuna-Brig, Brigantina - Bizan) - a lightweight and high-speed vessel with so-called mixed sailing weapons - direct sails on the front mast (fock mast) and with oblique on the back (grotty mast). In the XVI-XIX centuries, two-dimensional brigantines are usually used by pirates (Italy. Brigante is a robber, pirate). Modern brigantines are two-dimensional sailing vessels with a fock mast, having weapons, like a brig, and a mast mast with oblique sails, like schooner - a grott-trisel and top. Brigantine with Bermuda grotto in our time, apparently, does not exist, although references to the very fact of their existence are found.

Galleon - A large multi-phase sailing ship of the XVI-XVIII centuries with sufficiently strong artillery weapons used as military and commerce. The greatest fame of the galleons received as ships carrying Spanish treasures and in the battle of the Great Armada, which occurred in 1588. Galeon is the most advanced type of sailing vessel, appearing in the XVI century. This type of sailing ship appeared during the evolution of Karavel and Karakk (Nebel) and was intended for distant ocean journeys.
The decrease in the tank superstructure and the elongation of the body led to an increase in stability and a decrease in wave resistance, resulting in a faster, nautical and maneuverable vessel. Galeon was distinguished from early ships in that it was longer, lower and straight, with a rectangular feed instead of a round, and the presence on the nose of the galuun, serving forward below the tank level. The displacement of the galleon was about 500 tons (although the Manila's galleons it reached 2000 tons). The first mention of it refers to 1535. In the future, Galloon becomes the basis of the fleet of the Spaniards and the British. The stentevere, very curved and stretched forward, had decorations and in shape resembled the belt Gallery. Long bushrite carried a sail - blond. The nasal superstructure was moved back and did not hang over the terresturn, like the stuff. Feed add-in, high and narrow, was placed on a cut stern. The superstructure had several tiers in which residential premises of officers and passengers were located. A strongly inclined achterstevnya had a trauma above the cargo waterline. On the backside, the stern wall of the superstructure was decorated with carvings and balconies. Gallows were used until the XVIII century, when they gave way to more modern ships with full sailing arms.

Johnka - (Malaysk. Djong, distorted whale. Chuan - ship), Wooden sailing cargo two-four-pianched vessel of the river and coastal marine sailing spread in Southeast Asia. In the era of the sailing fleet D. used for military purposes; On modern D. cargo transport, they often serve for housing. D. have a small sediment, lifting capacity - up to 600 tons; Characteristic features are very broad, almost rectangular in the plan, raised nose and feed, sails of a four-grade form from mats and bamboo regions.

Iol - (Holle. Jol), a variety of two-volume sailing vessel with oblique sails. The position of the feed mast (behind the axis of the steering wheel) of IOL differs from the pendant from whom the fodder mast is ahead of the axis of the steering wheel. Iola sailing arms have some large yachts and commercial vessels.

Caravel (ITAL. Caravella) - 3-4 mast one-lubber universal sailing wooden ship capable of ocean swimming. Karavel had a high nose and stern for resistance to oceanic waves. The first two masts had straight sails, and the last - oblique sail. Karavel was used in the XIII-XVII centuries. In 1492 on 3 caravels there was a transatlantic sailing of Columbus. In addition to navigation, Karavella have high loading capacity.

Karakka. (Ip. Carraca) - a large shopping or military sailing three-volume vessel of the XVI-XVII centuries. Displacement up to 2 thousand (more often 800-850) tons. Armament of 30-40 guns. The ship could accommodate up to 1,200 people. The vessel had up to three decks and was designed for long-term ocean swimming. The Karakka was heavy on the go and possessed bad maneuverability. The type of such vessel was invented by the Genoese. 1519-1521 Karakki "Victoria" From the forwarding of Magellan first made around the world. For the first time, cannon ports were applied on the drainage and implemented guns in closed batteries.

Karakka "Victoria", recreated in Spanish samples of the XVI century

Kech, Cech (English. Ketch), two-dimensional sailing ship with a small fodder mast, located ahead of the axis of the steering wheel. Sailing weapon type K. (Bermuda or Gafel) have some fishing vessels, large sports yachts.

Fleute- Type of sailing vessel, having the following distinguishing features:
* The length of these vessels in 4 - 6 and more times more than their width, which allowed them to walk under the sails are already quite cool to the wind.
* Inventions were introduced in 1570
* The height of the mast exceeded the length of the vessel, and the rei became shortened, which made it possible to do narrow and convenient sails and cut the total number of the top command.

The first flute was built in 1595 in the city of Horns, the Center for Shipbuilding of the Holland, in the Gulf of Zider-Ze. The sailing armament of Fock and Grota Machet consisted of Fock and Gott and the corresponding Marseilles, and later on large flutes and bramssellers. On the Bizan-mast, a straight sail of the Crywise was raised above the usual oblique sail. On the bushrite put a rectangular sail blond, sometimes a bubblid. On the flutes for the first time the steering wheel appeared, which facilitated the handling of the steering wheel. The flutes of the early XVII century had a length of about 40 m, a width of about 6.5 m, a precipitate 3 - 3.5 m, loading capacity of 350-400 tons. For self-defense, 10 - 20 guns were installed on them. The crew consisted of 60 - 65 people. Court of this type was characterized by good nautical qualities, high speed, large capacity and used mainly as military transport. Throughout the XVI-XVIII centuries, the flutes occupied a dominant position on all seas.

Frigate - Military threematch ship with full sailing weapons and one gun deck. Frigates were one of the most diverse on the characteristics of the classes of sailing ships. The origin of the frigates lead from lungs and high-speed vessels used for raids in the La Mans Strait since around the XVII century. With the growth of marine fleets and their radius, characteristics dunkirk frigates stopped satisfying the admiralty, and the term began to interrupt expanding, meaning, in fact, any lightweight vehicle capable of independent actions. The classic frigates of the sailing century were created in France in the middle of the XVIII century. These were medium-sized ships with a displacement of about 800 tons, armed with about two or three tens of 12-18 pound guns on one tool deck. In the fatal displacement and the power of weapons of the frigates grew by the time of Napoleonic wars, they had about 1000 tons of displacement and up to sixty 24-pound guns. The largest of them could be included in the combat line and worked the name of linear frigates, like the linear cruisers of the 20th century. Like the current cruisers, the frigates were the most loaded type of ships of the sailing fleet. In peacetime, the frigates, as a rule, were not put on a joke, like linear ships, and were used for patrol and cruising service, fighting piracy and training crews. Reliability and speed of frigates made them popular courts for researchers and travelers. For example, the French traveler Louis Antoine De Bougougville made round-the-world swimming on the "Budyon" frigate (angry) in 1766-1769, and the famous Fregat "Pallada", on which in 1855 Admiral E. V. Putyatin arrived in Japan to establish diplomatic and trading Relations, was built in 1832 as a personal yacht of Emperor Nikolai I. In the British Royal Fleet, which had, in many testimonies, the largest number of frigates in the world, they had ranks from the fourth on the sixth.

Frigate "Holy Spirit"

Sloop(Small Corvette) (Golle. Sloep, from Sluipen - to slide) - the three-mahth warship of the second half of the XVIII - the beginning of the XIX centuries with direct sailing arms. Displacement up to 900 tons. Armament 10-28 guns. Used for sentirect and messenger services and as a transport and forwarding vessel. In addition, the gate is called the type of sailing weapons - one mast and two sails - front (Staxel at Bermuda Armament, the Cleaver with direct armament) and the rear - (correspondence, grotto and fock).

Soviet Slut "Enterprise"

Schooner(eng. Schooner) - type of sailing vessel having at least two masts with oblique sails. By the type of sailing weapons, the schooners are divided into Gafel, Bermuda, Staxel, Marseille and Brahsels. Brahsel schooner is different from the milestone presence of brams-walls and another additional direct sail - Brahsels. At the same time, in some cases, Marseille and branded two-dimensional schooners (especially with a brief) can be confused with a brigantine. Regardless of the type of oblique sails (Gafel or Bermuda), the schooner may be marsel (braymnel). The first vessels with the shhun rigging appeared in the XVII century in Holland and England, but the widespread use of Schunov got in America. They had two masts with boiled sails and were used for coastal transport. At the end of the XIX century, the competition of steamers led to the need to reduce the teams of ships. Due to the simplicity of sailing arms and ease of control, it was Schunov who were able to stand in this struggle. Basically built two- and three-volume schooners, less often four-, five- and six-wave. And in 1902, in the city of Qunesi (USA), the only seven-day schooner "Thomas U. Louus" was launched on the world. Thomas U.LUSON was intended for the transport of coal. Each of the seven steel masts with a height of 35 m weighed 20 tons. They were continuing the wooden 17-meter walls. Sailors' work facilitated various mechanisms. Schooner, which did not have the engine, was equipped with a steam steering wheel, steam winches, an electrical system and even a telephone network! After the First World War, when there was not enough commercial ships, Americans, possessing excellent forests, built a lot of wooden shhun of various sizes with three to five masts.

Yacht(Notele. Jacht, from Jagen - chase, pursue) - originally light, fast vessel for transporting important persons. Subsequently, any sailing, motor or sailing and motor vessel, designed for sports or tourist purposes. The most common sailing yachts.

The first mention of sports sailing yachts belong to the XVII century. Modern use of the term yacht in modern use The term yacht means two different classes of vessels: sailing yachts and motor yachts. Traditional yachts differed from work ships in general appointment - as a fast and comfortable means of transporting rich. Almost all modern sailing yachts have an auxiliary motor (suspended motor) for maneuvering in port or movement at low speed in the absence of wind.

Sailing yachts
Sailing yachts are divided into cruising having a cabin, and designed for long-distance traps and racing, pleasure and racing - for swimming in the coastal zone. In the form of the body, naval yachts are distinguished, in which the bottom goes to ballast keel (more precisely falsekil), which increases the stability of the yacht and preventing its demolition (drift) with a course under sails, small-scale (wvertbotes), with sliding keel (swag) and compromises having a ballast and retractable keel. There are two-circuing yachts - catamarans and three-circuing yachts - trimarans. Yachts are single and multi-agent with various sailing arms.

Currently, the ship is called a military ship. Tankers, balkers, dry cargo services, passenger liners, container carriers, icebreakers and other representatives of the technical park of civil or trading fleets in this category are not included. But once, at the dawn of shipping, when humanity still filled on the lodges of white spaces unclear outlines of new islands and even the mainland, any sailboat was considered a ship. On board each of them were cannons, and the team consisted of desperate young people who are ready for all for the sake of profit and romantics of distant wanderings. Then, in these troubled century, a division of ships occurred. The list of modern additions would turn out very long, so it is necessary to focus on sailboats. Well, maybe you can add some rowing courts.


To get on them is the proportion of unenviable. Such a punishment in the ancient times was waiting for communions of criminals. And in ancient Egypt, and in Fincia, and in Eldead they were already. Other types of ships appeared over time, but galleys were used to middle ages. The main driving motion was the main convicts, but they sometimes have sails, straight or triangular, mounted on two or three masts. According to modern concepts, these courts were not large, their displacement was only 30-70 tons, and the length rarely exceeded 30 meters, but in those distant times the sizes of the ships were not gigantic. The rowers were sitting in rows, according to historical specialists, no more than three horizontal tiers. The gallery is represented by ballots and nasal taranas, in later centuries, these combat and artillery was supplemented. The move, that is, the speed of movement, controlled the supervisors, setting the rhythm by special tamburines, and if necessary, and the leaf.


So, Bark (the name of the species comes from the Flemish word "BARK") is a vessel with a mast from three to five. All his sails are direct, with the exception of the course snap-in bizani (stern mast). Barki - Courts are quite large, for example, Cruzenshtern has a length of about 115 meters, a width of 14 m, the crew of 70 people. Since it was built in 1926, when steam engines were already widespread, then the auxiliary energy installation of almost one and a half thousand kilowatt, loaded into two permanent steps, is also present in its design. The speed of the vessel and today does not seem to be small, under the sails, the course of this bark reaches 17 knots. The appointment of the type, in general, the usual for the retail fleet of the XIX century is the delivery of mixed goods, mail and passengers on marine lines.

Brigantine raises sails

In fact, the same barki, but with two masts, are called brigantines. Everyone differ in their appointment and shipping qualities. Brigantines are highlighted by speed and ease. Sailing equipment mixed, on the foke (front mast) sail straight, and on the grotty. Favorite ship pirates of all seas. In historical sources, brigantines are mentioned with the so-called "Bermuda grotto", that is, a triangular sail, stretched between Littros and anterior macator, but none of the preserved representatives of the species can not boast. However, these nuances are interesting only to those skilled in the art.


As the fleet develops, some types of warships appeared, others disappeared, and the third acquired a different meaning. An example is the frigate. This concept survived later types, such as battleships, dreadnights and even battleships. True, the modern frigate approximately corresponds to the Soviet concept of a large anti-herineal ship, but he sounds shorter and somehow more beautiful. In the original sense, it means a three-person vessel with one artillery deck for 20-30 guns. For the word "frigate" since the XVII century, adjective "Dunkirksky" was added for a long time, which means preferential use in a separate zone of the Sea Theater of Military Action, which was adjusted to Pa de Calais. This type was different. Then, as the radius of autonomy increases, they began to be called simply frigates. Displacement - average for that time, approximately the most famous Russian frigate was called "Pallada", in 1855 a glorious expedition was undertounted to the shores of East Asia under the command of Admiral E. V. Putyatina.


"She passed as Karavel ..." - Soon in the famous pop song. Radically examine the types of sailing ships before writing texts to future hits. The compliment turned out to be somewhat ambiguous. Not every girl wants to be compared with a lifting, large and pretty heavy ship. In addition, Karavellah's nose is high, in which an undesirable hint can also be coal.

However, it is mainly of this type, of course, good nautical properties. He is most famous for the fact that Columbus made his expedition to the shores of the new light on three caravels (Santa Maria, Pinta and Ninya). Externally, they can be distinguished by the above-mentioned raised tanks (nasal superstructures), as well as on sailing snap. Masts Three, Fock with straight, and the rest - with Latin (oblique) sails.

Purpose - long-range marine and transfaste trips.

From the word "Karavel" morphologically, the Russian word "ship" occurs. It gave the name and famous French passenger airliner, very beautiful.


For quick swimming, all types of ships are not always remembered, but there are exceptions. Someone will say the word "cruiser," and immediately everyone will think about something - alone "Aurora", other "Varyag". Regarding the clips, the option is only one - "Katty Sark". This vessel with a long and narrow body entered the story for several reasons, but the main and most important quality was the speed. Deliver tea from China, to quickly bring mail to distant colonies and performing particularly delicate orders of Queen was the lot of clips and their teams. And these ships performed their work to the very appearance of steamers, and in some cases later.


Having understood the old types of warships, it is impossible not to remember the great Armade, competing with the British fleet in the XVI century. The main unit of this terrible force was Spanish Galeon. To compare to perfection with it, there could not be a single sailing vessel of that time. In essence, it is an improved caravel, with a reduced tank superstructure (the very "backstone" practically disappeared) and an elongated body. As a result, the vintage Spanish shipbuilders achieved increased resistance, reduce resistance to waves and, as a result, increase the speed. Maneuverability also improved. Other types of warships of the XVI century looked next to the galleon are shorter and too high (it was a lack, it is easier to get into such a goal). The outlines of Utah (aft superstructure) have acquired a rectangular shape, and the crew conditions have become more comfortable. It was on the galleons that the first galuins (restrooms) appeared, hence the origin of this word.

The displacement of these "linkers of the XVI century" ranged from 500 to 2 thousand tons. They were finally very beautiful, they were decorated with a skillful thread, and the nose was crowned with a majestic sculpture.


There are views of large ships that have become "work horses" intended for the transport of a wide variety of cargo. Among them, Schunov occupy a special place. These are multi-day vessels, characterized in that at least two of their cocoon snapster. They are Marseille, Staxel, Bermuda or Gaffle, depending on which masts are equipped with oblique sails. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the line between the two-volume bramsel or mileyl schooner and brigantine is very conditional. This type is known since the XVII century. He achieved the greatest distribution in the trade American fleet, in particular the Wolf Larsen, Jack London's character, hunted on schooner with his team. Compared to it, other types of ships are harder managed (if you believe J. London this process is even available to a single sailor). Most often, the schooners were two- and three-ways, but there were cases when the equipment was much more numerous. A kind of record was delivered in 1902, when the ship was lowered to the water with seven masts ("Thomas Dabl Louuson", the shipyard of Quincy).

Other types of ships

Photo of sailboats arriving at the international regatta from all over the world is published in newspapers, magazines and on the pages of sites. Such a parade is always an event, the beauty of these courts is incomparable with anything. Barki, Brigantine, Corvette, Frigates, Clippers, Cache, yachts represent all types of ships, preserved, fortunately to this day. This spectacle distracts from everyday life and takes the viewer last centuries, full adventures and romantics of distant wanderings. A real sailor must master the art of sailing navigation, so believe in many countries and including. By climbing the guys upstairs, turning the sails and breathing off the free wind of the sea, you can take our places from modern control panels of dry cargoers, tankers of balcorevaros and cruise liners. This sailor can safely trust the fate of the cargo and the life of passengers, he will not let down.