Presentation "monuments and architecture". Outline of the lesson “Ancient city-wonderful city

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Architecture Prepared by primary school teacher Prokhorocheva N.S. Architecture is the art and science of building, designing buildings and structures, as well as the totality of buildings and structures. An architectural monument is an immovable object of material and spiritual creativity that has national or international significance. Architectural monuments. Roman Colosseum The Colosseum is the largest amphitheater of the Roman Empire, an outstanding achievement of architecture and engineering of those times. The largest theater in the world could seat 50,000 to 80,000 spectators. Built in 70-80 AD. e., the Colosseum is the object world heritage UNESCO. Taj - MahalTaj Mahal in Agra - a huge mausoleum of white marble, built by order of the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife. The most exciting feature of the Taj Mahal is the marble dome that tops the mausoleum. Its height is 35 meters, as is the length of the base. The top of the famous dome is decorated with a lotus flower. Santa Maria del Fiore The construction of Santa Maria del Fiore began in 1296 and ended in 1436. This is the most beautiful cathedral in Florence and the symbol of the city, its main attraction. The basilica is one of the largest churches in Italy, and until the modern era, its dome was the largest in the world. But also on this moment it remains the largest brick dome ever built. Jeronimos Monastery is the most beautiful of the most ancient monuments in Portugal. This monastery is one of a series of "must visit" attractions in Lisbon. You can go inside and see the huge room of the temple, beautiful and majestic. Modern architecture. The 17-story "White Tree" by Japanese architect So FujimotoThe project will be implemented in Montpolier - one of largest cities in the south of France. The Dancing House got its name due to its unusual design, namely the pronounced deconstructivist style. Chuckling, Praguers call these towers "Ginger and Fred", after the famous dancer Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. The towers really resemble a dancing couple. One of them curves beautifully. It's Ginger in a flowing dress. The second one stands exactly, denoting Fred. The Krzywy Domek (which literally translates as "crooked house") was built in 2004 by Szotynscy & Zaleski in a popular shopping area. The building was recognized as the best architectural invention of Poland. In Dubai - largest city United United Arab Emirates On January 4, 2010, the opening of the high building in the world - Burj Dubai, the new name of which is Burj Khalifa. The height of the Burj Khalifa is 828 meters. The Capital Gate building, which marks the entrance to the capital of the United Arab Emirates - Abu Dhabi, was included in the Guinness Book of Records as "the building with the largest slope in the world" Creative work. Draw a building that, in your opinion, could become an architectural monument .

Teacher visual arts

MOU "Veydelevskaya secondary school"

  • - the art of designing, building buildings and structures (also their complexes). Architecture necessarily creates an organized environment, people need for their lives and activities.

How are buildings different?

Basic expressive means architecture - plasticity of volumes, scale, rhythm, proportions, texture and color of surfaces, connection with the environment.

House of the merchant Dunaev.

A distinctive feature of Dunaev's house among the wooden buildings of the Kurgan of the early twentieth century is its facade decoration. It is he who gives lightness and elegance to the composition of the whole house. The feeling of lightness of the composition is achieved by a whole system of small decorative details, finely drawn and accurately executed, interconnected in proportions and scale. The plan of the house was drawn up by the city architect N.A. Yushkov. The house was built and finished by local craftsmen.

Pashkov's house.

The Pashkov House in Moscow opposite the Kremlin is also an architectural monument. This white slender building is in the past real palace

Moscow University (MGU)

The high-rise building of the Moscow state university. It looks proud, majestic, solemn, as if it reigns over everyone. How swiftly his spire soared into the sky!

Kizhi. Wooden architectural complex.

Architectural monuments can be seen even in a small village or village.

  • What new did you learn in the lesson?
  • - Did you succeed in this task?
  • - What didn't work? Why?

  • ON THE. Goryaev. Art. Art is around us. Grade 3: textbook. for general education organizations / [N.A. Goryaeva, L.A. Nemenskaya, A.S. Piterskikh and others]; ed. B.M. Nemensky. - 3rd ed. – M.: Enlightenment, 2013. – 144 p.: ill. – ISBN 978-5-09-029698-4
  • Internet resources

Among the buildings there are those that are called

monuments of architecture.

We will talk about the architectural monuments of our city and

feel proud of our ancestors.

Basil's Cathedral (Pokrovsky Cathedral)

1555 1561 Ivan the Terrible .

As if he came from a fairy tale. Small buildings with domes like a round dance

lead around the largest, central building.

A variety of forms, rhythms, festive sound of colors, whimsical patterns.

The temple has a complex shape, like an outlandish palace with fabulously decorated onion domes.

Pashkov House

1784 1786 captain-lieutenant Peter Pashkov,.

Russian State Library

building of Moscow State University (MGU)

The central building of the university complex.

Built in 1949 - 1953. Height with a spire - 240 m, number of floors - 34.

It looks proud, majestic, solemn,

as if reigning over all.

How swiftly his spire soared into the sky!

Moscow Kremlin

Moscow fortress presidential residence Russian Federation Troitskaya

Triumphal Arch

1829 1834 Patriotic War of 1812 Kutuzovsky Prospekt Victory Square Poklonnaya mountain

big theater

Russian Opera Ballet Moscow Theater Square 1776


Heritage of ancestors - monuments of architecture


· educational - to educate in students the ability of emotional responsiveness to the beautiful in life, respect for products created by human hands;

· artistic and creative - to form an idea of ​​architecture as a special kind of fine art, to show the role of architecture in human life;

· educational - to form skills in working with various materials; develop associative-figurative thinking, creative imagination.

During the classes

1. Knowledge update

It's good that we're all here together today. We are calm and kind, friendly and affectionate. We are all healthy. Take a deep breath and exhale. Exhale yesterday's resentment, anger, anxiety. Forget about them. Breathe in the freshness and beauty of white snow, clear skies, the warmth of the sun's rays. I wish you good mood and respect for each other.

Today we have an unusual lesson. Unusual because ... However, you will find out for yourself.

2. Statement of the learning task

a) You already know what artists do to make us feel warm, comfortable and cozy at home. Today we are going outside. Why do you think? /versions of children/.

b) Try to guess what we will talk about in today's lesson by listening to an excerpt from a poem by V.V. Mayakovsky "Who to be" / student reads /

I would go build a house -

let me teach.

I will draw first

the house is what I want.

The most important,

to be drawn

nice building,

like alive.

This will be before

called a façade.


everyone understands:

this is a bath

this is a garden.

The plan is ready

and around

one hundred works

for a thousand hands...

Good house,

big house

on all four sides

comfortable and spacious.

and the guys will live in it

So who guessed what we will talk about in the lesson? /children's versions/

Or, to be more precise, architecture. After all, construction and architecture are inextricably linked.

3. Announcement of the topic of the lesson

So, the topic of the 2nd quarter is Art on the streets of your village (city).

Theme of the lesson: The heritage of the ancestors - architectural monuments. / write in a notebook /.

4. Introductory talk

Architecture surrounds a person everywhere and throughout his life: it is a home, a place of work, and a place of rest. This is the environment in which a person exists, an environment created by the person himself. Architect. Architecture. We often hear these words. Where did they come to us from?

What do you think the word architecture means? /versions of children/.

Let's turn to the page of S. Ozhegov's dictionary and find the meaning of this word. / children are looking for an answer /.

What is a person who studies architecture called? /architect/. Listen to a poem about an architect / a student reads, slide 2 “Architect” appears /


Architect builds a house

multi-storey house,

Building a house with a pencil

On a piece of paper.

I need to draw everything

Stairs and doors.

Calculate, check

So that he stood for many years,

To have light in the apartment,

Bathtubs, washbasins

For big and small.

(G. Lyushnin)

Architecture is the art of building.

So let's summarize our answers. In ancient Greek, the word "archi" meant "senior", "tekt" - "builder". From these words, the word "architecton" appeared - the head of construction work. The ancients remade him into an "architect".

3 slide:

"archi" (senior) + "tekt" (builder) \u003d "architecton" \u003d "architect"

Buildings erected according to the plans of the architect began to be called architecture.

AT Ancient Russia architects were called architects, and architecture - architecture

4 slide:

architecture (architecture) is the art of building,

architect (architect) - chief builder / write in a notebook /

But there is a difference between construction and architecture. What do you think? / version of children /. The role of construction is to erect structures. Builders only follow the instructions of the architect. Architecture, in addition to being useful to a person, satisfies the needs, needs of a person, should also be beautiful. The architect must take into account everything to make it convenient for people to use the building, even the forces of nature. If earthquakes occur where the house will stand, the architect should position it so that the adjacent collapsed building will not damage it.

Do you think we need architecture? /versions of children/.

architecture and building art came to us from afar. Where did early man live? / 5 slide: in a cave /. This is a building made by nature itself.

When the climate began to change, it became cold, people began to build artificial residential structures from bones, skulls, and mammoth skins. / 6 slide: dwelling made of mammoth bones /

Megaliths reach high development - huge stones of various heights. / 7 slide: megaliths / They were used for religious ceremonies and rituals. Some served for astronomical observations, marked the burial place.

All this was created by our ancestors. We need to protect these historical architectural buildings to know how people used to live, to know the culture of the people. This memory is necessary to build the future.

Let's mentally take a look at our village, city, country. What do you think about architecture? /children's versions/

Your answers can be divided as follows:

/ 8 slide: types of architecture /


housing construction - houses

public buildings - temple, theater, stadium

industrial construction - plants, factories, shops, station

decorative architecture - gazebos, fountains, bridges

Now we will make a tour around the world and find out what sights, architectural monuments exist in various countries.

/slides 9-29/

/masterpieces of instrumental music sound as a background/

10. Egyptian pyramids. Severe, strict, like guards, they stand along the Nile River. Architects in Ancient Egypt occupied a special place, their work was considered a sacred act.

11. Greek Parthenon- main temple Acropolis. Inside it stood a 12-meter statue of Athena. Temples in Greece are the dwellings of the gods. Almost no people went inside the temple. All religious rites were performed in front of the temple. Therefore, appearance was given great importance.

12 . Majestic, with many openwork decorations rises the Cathedral Notre Dame of Paris in France.

13. Cologne Cathedral. Who does he remind you of? /graceful, slender girl/. Indeed, such temples are characterized by lancet, striving upwards.

14. Taj Mahal It was built as a mausoleum, a tomb. Now it is an open-air museum.

15. Japanese templesotherwise called pagoda. What does it remind you of (a graceful light tower)? This is the culture of Japan. Thanks to such monuments, we learn the history, culture, customs of the people.

16. Sydney Opera theatre refers to modern architecture.

17. Familiar to you from the lessons of English language Big Ben.

18. America famous for its high-rise buildings, skyscrapers.

19. And Paris is famous eiffel tower, which is so called because it was created by the famous architect Eiffel.

20 . What can you say about Russian churches? /they look like heroes/. The Cathedral of Christ the Savior, located in Moscow, was built with money collected by the people in memory of those who died in the Patriotic War with the French in 1812.

21. When we say Russia, we represent Moscow. When we say Moscow, we imagine the Kremlin, which was built by foreigners, but in the Russian spirit.

22. St. Basil's Cathedralresembles a teremok. The multicolored domes, like his a large number of symbolize the multinationality of our state.

23. Kizhi. It is said that this temple was built without a single nail. The architect who built it, after finishing work, threw the ax into the lake: so that no one else could repeat such beauty.

24 -25. The unusual beauty of famous architects - Gaudi and Corbusier.

24. Antoni Gaudí- Spanish (Catalan) architect, most of whose fanciful-fiction works were erected in Barcelona.

25. Le Corbusier - French architect of Swiss origin, pioneer of modernism, representative of international style architecture, artist and designer.

26. Parks. In the last century, many architects were of the opinion that in the future every house would be surrounded by a garden. But modern man cannot afford this. Therefore, green corners began to be created in city ​​parks, gardens - favorite place recreation of people.

27 . What is the architectural monument in Vladimir? (Golden Gate)

Where do you think an architect gets his ideas from? /from nature/

Nature, of course! Look how perfect the creations of nature are. Here is the eggshell. How wise it is! It develops a bird embryo. Does the fetus need to breathe? And the shell is breathable. In addition, it regulates the temperature so that the fetus is pleased to grow up. When the birthday comes, the chick easily gets out into the white light, because the shell is very thin. But before the chick has a beak, he cannot break the shell - it consists of seven layers!

Look again at the Sydney Opera House. /28 slide "Sydney Opera House"/ What does it look like? Why did the architect think of it this way? / sail, because there is a reservoir nearby /

And how cleverly nature has created spruce! The tree reaches a height of 20 meters. And yet it is stable. This is facilitated by a special arrangement of branches. Architects have learned a lot from nature. The architect (his name has not survived to this day) used the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bspruce when creating the Temple of the Ascension in the village of Kolomenskoye. / slide 29 “Temple in the village. Kolomenskoye "+ fig. ate/

In architecture, as in a mirror, the history of the people is reflected, the achievements of culture and art are embodied. Perhaps only architecture is directly connected with a person, because we are in contact with it every minute.

Our homes, theaters, libraries, shops are also architectural monuments. Maybe they are not of artistic value, but they are always interesting from the point of view of the history and culture of the people.

Once again I want to remind you of the need to protect these historical architectural monuments, not to desecrate them, not to destroy them, not to spoil them. Only by knowing the past can we build the future.

4. Physical Minute

5. Practical part

6. Reflective activity

What did you find most interesting in today's lesson? Maybe you learned something that you didn't know before?

What did we get as a result? What can you say about your work?

What brought you joy and pleasure in the lesson?

Or maybe something upset you?

How are you feeling after today's class?

So what seemed unusual to you in today's lesson?

7. Generalization, lesson summary, exhibition of works, homework

Architecture is often called "stone symphony", "music in stone", "frozen music". The architecture sounds majestic and solemn, glorifying craftsmanship and intelligence. love native city, his village - a unique architectural ensemble.

Love architecture, if only for the fact that it has not been closed, like other arts, behind the thick walls of museums and libraries. She alone sounds imperiously, singing with her stone language the talent of a person, his achievements, impulses.

Facades of old buildings.

Someday they will invent a device:

By directing the beam at any building -

To the mansion, to the fortress, to the cathedral, -

We will see the past before us.

We paint on the wall layer by layer

Let's start scrolling so we can open

Sprinkled with ashes and cinders

Empire forgotten pages.

We are unknown face masons

We will see among the scaffolding -

And let's not forget to bow to the belt.

Hiding everything that was reflected in it,

It costs like an unplugged TV.

Wall-mute plane of stones

And not answering anyone's call,


8. Homework - find beautiful images of unusual architectural structures in books, textbooks, encyclopedias and bring them to the next lesson.

Thank you all for your hard work!

Zamoskvorechye is one of the oldest corners of Moscow One of the nine protected areas of the capital, unique corners of Moscow, where everything valuable that has come down to us from time immemorial is preserved: low mansions of nobles and merchants, elegant churches, slender bell towers.

From the history of Zamoskvorechye The first mentions in the annals of the XIV century characterize it as a densely populated trade and craft settlement. On the low-lying sandy shores of Moscow, trades were located. Zamoskvorechye covered the Kremlin from the raids of the Tatar hordes from the south. At the beginning of the 17th century, about 50 thousand archers were concentrated here.

Population of Zamoskvorechye 1. Serving the royal court: royal coiners, Kadashevites, interpreters, gardeners and others. 2. Posad people, traders, merchants. 3. Archers (military people). On the streets of Zamoskvorechye one could hear the cries and jokes of street vendors and artisans.

About modern Zamoskvorechye Today, the almost unchanged layout of Zamoskvoretsky streets and alleys and their names, coming from the archery and craft settlements of the 16th-17th centuries, remind of these ancient times today. Dubininskaya street, Stremyanny lane, Bolshaya Ordynka, Kadashevskaya embankment and others.