Caucasian caves. Caves of Pyatigorsk and North Caucasian Pho

The end of last year was marked by another high-profile megalithic story on the territory of Russia - this time the small Kabardino-Balkarian village of Zayukovo was in the spotlight. In the twinkling of an eye, a just little-known mountain village turned out to be the concentration of world sacred knowledge, here they found the Universal Center for the opening of chakras, a solar observatory and almost reached the Holy Grail. What was the reason for the pilgrimage here of TV channels, ethnographers and researchers of mysteries?

In our time, large geographical discoveries there is no longer any need to wait on land, the last bastions of "white spots" are successfully defended only by caves, waiting for their Columbus and Amundsens, but already in special speleological equipment. Rumors about the discovery of some mysterious cave in the North Caucasus began to appear on the world wide web from September to October 2011. At first, it was extremely difficult to understand the stratification of truth and washed out, especially since the journalists, as if brutalized by a "sensational hunger", began with unprecedented zeal to produce television programs and publications of the appropriate persuasion. We all remember about the recent history of the "Ukrainian pyramids", which turned out to be an overly plump duck, so we immediately believe that at the foot of Elbrus they allegedly found a "huge artificial cave, the entrance to which the Nazi expedition was looking for, but did not find "at first it was hard. But when the journalists who gave out a hodgepodge of unverified and frankly fictional details nevertheless calmed down, the bottom line were facts for the explanation of which the specialists of" Cosmopoisk "had to undertake.

The Kosmopoisk expedition, dedicated to checking the legends about "underground cities", took place in this area from June 4 to mid-July 2011, then individual members of the association visited the area where the cave was discovered in August. During this time, a complex of works was carried out, including the analysis of rubble, penetration inside and mapping of the underground complex. When the next "discoverers" were just writing the scenario of the future program, in which they were going to take the authorship of the discovery, the "Cosmopoisk" already held meetings to discuss the results of summer expeditions in the North Caucasus.

Members of the Kosmopoisk expedition to North Caucasus(frame from the presentation on the results of work for 2011)

In fact, the adit leaving into obscurity was discovered after a long and systematic monitoring of the area by Artur Zhemukhov, a local resident who appears in the media as both a climber and a speleologist. The spouses Maria and Viktor Kotlyarov popularized information about the cave. The discovered entrance to the unique structure is a vertical adit measuring 40 by 90 cm. The mine itself consists of several "knees" with transitions from one part to another. It resembles an outlet or chimney of some technological cavity hidden in the ground and belonging to unknown giants. If it turns out that a person is involved in the creation of the found system of underground communications, then it will turn out to be the largest prehistoric structure in modern Russia.

Among the searchers who descended to the bottom of the cave were speleologists Igor Kommel and Pavel Sof'in, according to which, as well as with the involvement of other sources (Kotlyarov's schemes, for example), the first plans of the cave were drawn up. The unexplored hollowness in the rock continued to amaze seasoned climbers and cavers - they had never seen anything like it in the vast expanses of the USSR. A winding and narrow manhole through which a man could barely squeeze, turned out to be just a "bottleneck" and passed into a huge room, which received the unofficial name "flask" from the members of "Cosmopoisk". The explored dimensions of the cave from the upper part to the lower platform are about 100 m. The size of the "flask" in some sources is named equal to 36 m. No precise measurements have yet been made.

Despite the "wow-effect" from the initial look at the general structure of the man-made manhole, it is too early to draw final conclusions about its man-made nature. Today, there are both arguments in favor of the fact that the walls were processed, and heavy stone blocks were used for the construction of the underground cavity (like those from which the Egyptian pyramids are composed), and arguments that say that we are faced with just a bizarre game nature.

The head of the Kabardino-Balkarian geological exploration expedition, Vera Davidenko, claims that “the tuff of the Zayukovsky area is an accumulation of volcanic ejection products - ash, pieces of lava, volcanic glass and, to a small extent, debris of rocks that compose the walls of the crater. hot and therefore, during solidification, cracks of separation formed, that is, the entire tuff massif turned out to be, as it were, broken into blocks. Consequently, the depression found in the area of ​​the village of Zayukovo is one of such cracks of gravitational separation, which is characterized by flat contact surfaces. " Davidenko is echoed by Albert Emkuzhev, head of the subsoil use department in Kabardino-Balkaria, although he notes that ancient people could have used the natural cavity.

Researchers are also inclined to the megalithic nature of the North Caucasian education by some circumstances. In many respects, the Kosmopoisk expedition was organized because of local legends passed from mouth to mouth by aksakals, who claimed that there were cities underground in this area, which means that myths could be based on real events that took place in time immemorial. The cavers who descended into the cave were able to examine and photograph the joints between possible blocks with even corners. When REN-TV correspondents, who were filming a film here in the fall, scraped off the "solution" at the joints of the blocks and showed it to Alexander Pankratenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Moscow State Mining University, after examining the samples, he confirmed that this was some kind of reinforcing material. There is perfect ventilation inside the cave, there is practically no dampness, it began to form only after the opening was depressurized. Viktor Kotlyarov, author of more than 50 books on history, ethnology and orography of the Caucasus, claims to have shown photographs of the mine to many geologists, including foreign ones, and most of them lean towards the version of its artificial origin. “At the same time, everyone was united in one thing: they had never seen anything like this,” the historian emphasizes.

There are plenty of various versions about the purpose of the mysterious passage: this is a burial ground for dumping infected animals, and a bunker for storing food, the Aryan dwelling, a giant energy resonator, the remains of an ancient well or mine, one of the fortifications of the Red Army, prepared to repel the German offensive by the summer of 1942 years, "cache" for some reconnaissance and sabotage (partisan) groups, etc.

Vadim Chernobrov, Cosmopoisk coordinator, is inclined to believe that the cave is a representative of the largest megaliths ever created by Mankind. Alas, no organic remnants that would make it possible to determine the era in which " underground city"used for its intended purpose has not yet been found. Also, no traces of human presence inside the cave have been found. The only indirect, but not yet verified confirmation of use of this place as a cult or sacred sanctuary came after the expedition: local historians found nearby something like a necropolis and astronomical observatory... The data have already been actively picked up by the press, but still require careful verification and archaeological linking to specific cultures.

Vadim Chernobrov, member of the expedition to the North Caucasus

Another important fact cannot be ignored: in the press and documentaries it is voiced almost as the only existing version that the German organization "Ahnenerbe" showed serious interest in this place, as evidenced by the swastikas with dates knocked out on the outskirts of the cave. The correspondent of Ufolenta asked Vadim Chernobrov about the veracity of this statement and the "seven swastikas" knocked out nearby.

"The theme of the German heritage excites and haunts the minds of literally all local researchers and local historians, without exception. For them, the thought that Hitler considered the Caucasus" the focus of Power "and" the center of world control "is not seditious. None of them believes that Hitler rushed to the Caucasus only because of the Caucasian oil or because of some other banal purpose. Many are looking for traces of the presence of the Nazis here, trying to unravel their deep esoteric plans. Who of them and how right - we will not judge. Maybe there really is and "seven swastikas" (I have not seen), especially since there are more fantastic versions about the exploration of the Germans in the Caucasus. In any case, I would not rush to mix the history of the ancient mine, which we are talking about, with the history of the Germans. the Nazis were clearly not there (there are no traces of the presence of any people, neither Germans, nor anyone else in the mine), they could not build it (neither they then, nor we now have the necessary technologies for this), besides the Germans simply did not have time, in fact, only the fall of 1942, after which the Red Army put an end to all their searches. "

It is impossible to exclude the natural origin of the cave, "polished" by the most ancient inhabitants of these places, for example, in the so-called "Sosruko cave" there is a natural extract, which was used by people of the Stone Age, lighting a fire inside. Only new research will answer many questions. The main thing is that the participants of the expeditions do not fight among themselves, competing for the right to be the discoverers of new artifacts, which are quite likely hiding in the darkness of the winding labyrinths.

  • Orazaeva L. Scientists disagree about the origin of the unique cave discovered in Kabardino-Balkaria // Caucasian Knot. September 27, 2011
  • The SS did not look for the Grail in the cave of Kabardino-Balkaria // Time of Kabardino-Balkaria. 23.09.2011
  • Chernysheva M. An ancient cave of mysterious origin was found in the places of the future tourist cluster in the North Caucasus // Itar-Tass. 20.09.2011.

An ancient structure, comparable in scale with the pyramids of Giza, was discovered in the North Caucasus.

We are used to thinking that the main megaliths of the planet are concentrated in Egypt, South America, China. Our dolmens, which are conventionally referred to as megalithic structures, look like dwarfs against the background of pyramids and “great walls”. But quite recently, a system of mysterious underground structures was discovered in the North Caucasus. So, in Kabardino-Balkaria, near the village of Zayukovo, mysterious multi-kilometer tunnels have been opened. Researchers assume that they connected ancient settlements that existed on our planet thousands of years ago. It is curious that all the tunnels are concentrated around a huge underground structure in the form of an overturned pyramid ...

Wonder city.

“For many years we have been searching, went to the places of the alleged dungeons, listened to old-timers,” says Vadim Chernobrov, head of the All-Russian public research association “Kosmopoisk”. - And in the fall of last year we moved to the place where, according to the stories of the aksakals, is Old city... This is not an allegory, but a literal translation from the local dialect. Old-timers say that it was built by people who lived here before them. Who lived here, what kind of people, no one knows for certain. "

The object is located at an altitude of about one kilometer above sea level. Locals showed the researchers one small hole in the mountain. The entrance is very narrow - about 30 centimeters in diameter. The conductor told what they have local population legend: if you climb there, you will find yourself in a huge city, where there are squares, streets and houses, but no people. Indeed, the searchers found themselves in a vast dungeon, which, gradually expanding, stretches into the depths for tens, and possibly hundreds of meters.

When the researchers began to examine the area around the manhole, they found a wide crevice. Perhaps this is the main entrance to the dungeon, because if we assume the very fact of the existence of an underground settlement, it is unlikely that its inhabitants made their way through a narrow gap. Perhaps, going down the manhole, it will be possible to get to the "main street". Last year, due to the weather, this was not done, the researchers postponed the descent until the next summer. However, there was a second find - not far from the Old City, another hole was found. Local historians Maria and Viktor Kotlyarovs were brought here by the climber and speleologist Artur Zhemukhov, who trained in the mountains and noticed a strange depression. Stones are piled on top, bushes grow, and in appearance this is an ordinary hole, which is apparently invisible in the ground. But Arthur noticed that there was a lot of leakage from the hole. This means that there is a large cavity in the ground. He began to widen the hole and fell into a huge shaft, which led somewhere into the darkness. One did not dare to climb there, summoned a detachment of cavers. They went down into the mine and realized that the end-edge of the dungeon was not visible. “The first thing that caught their eye was that the main walls in the mine were clearly artificial,” says Vadim Chernobrov. - They are made of flat stone blocks of about the same size as in Egyptian pyramids ah, and stacked according to similar technologies - one on top of the other. Each weighing 50-100 tons, well processed, although over time, chips and cracks appeared. "

What is this mysterious masonry? There are no traces of concrete or other mortar, as in the Egyptian pyramids. It is not clear how the ancient builders fastened the blocks together, but it is clear that they have been standing for more than one thousand years and not even a needle can penetrate the seam.

When the cavers went deeper into the cave, they found a strange column. It seems to hang in the air, but at the same time it is firmly attached to the wall. Apparently, the dungeon is colossal in size, and people managed to explore only a small part of it. They advanced 100 meters deep. And ran into narrow passages.

Wonder machine.

The fact that the dungeon was not intended for human habitation became obvious to the search engines when they explored the entire accessible part of the cave. It turned out that it is crammed with narrow passages where even a child cannot squeeze, and tiny holes where a human hand can hardly get through. Each such mini-cavity goes deep into the depths: the light from the flashlights does not reach the bottom. What is this structure? The researchers got the impression that underground pyramid has a technological, not a sacred purpose. It looks like a kind of machine, an engineering structure of unknown purpose. “It looks like a kind of resonator, a device for seismological research, exploration, mining, or an energy generator,” says Chernobrov. - It is impossible to say exactly yet - no analogues have been found in the world. " Many people think of an analogy with the mysterious cavities inside the Egyptian pyramids, which are also not intended for the movement of people. A person, in principle, cannot get there, but the ancient builders made them conscientiously. These narrow manholes also lead tens of meters deep, but why and where is a big question. Sometimes they end with rows of doors with handles, behind which are rooms of unknown purpose. There are plenty of versions about the purpose of the underground passages: a "refrigerator" for storing food, the home of the ancient Aryans, a giant air conditioner, an air duct. Or, for example, a giant energy generator ... There is information that during the Second World War, researchers from the SS organization "Ahnenerbe" were seen in these places, which, as you know, was looking for an entrance to Shambhala. They say that Hitler considered the Caucasus, along with Tibet, "a place of the focus of Power" and "the center of control of the World." And supposedly he was eager for the Caucasus for this very reason.

Researchers, of course, pay attention to the fact that the same Old City is located next to the pyramid. And it is assumed that these two objects are somehow connected. Indeed, for example, in Turkey, near the village of Derinkuyu, an 8-storey city was found underground, designed for permanent and comfortable residence of 40-50 thousand people. There are houses, outbuildings, bazaars, shops, water supplies, wells and ventilation hatches. In a word, a miracle of engineering technology, which is at least 4 thousand years old. Now about a dozen underground cities have been excavated in the world, three of them have become tourist sites. At the same time, it is known that some cities have underground communication with each other. These are huge distances - hundreds of kilometers. According to some scientists, the strange hum, which was recorded by scientists in different parts of the planet, is nothing more than air thrust in the system of man-made underground communications located in the depths of the earth.
If this summer it turns out that there really was an underground city near the village of Zayukovo, then the pyramid can be considered a kind of technical installation that ensures its life. And then the "Zayukov miracle" will turn out to be the largest man-made prehistoric structure on the territory of modern Russia.


Vera Davidenko, site manager of the Kabardino-Balkarian geological exploration expedition:

- What underground caves have a man-made origin, a moot point. The tuff of the Zayukovsky site is an accumulation of volcanic ejection products - ash, pieces of lava, volcanic glass and, to a small extent, debris of rocks that compose the walls of the crater. The material of the ejection was hot during accumulation, and therefore, during solidification, cracks formed separately, that is, the entire tuff massif turned out to be, as it were, broken into blocks. Consequently, the depression found in the area of ​​the village of Zayukovo is one of such cracks of gravitational separation, which is characterized by flat contact surfaces. Another thing is that ancient people could have used the natural cavity.

Alexander Pankratenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Moscow State Mining University:

“I examined a sample of" mortar "taken by cavers from the stone blocks of the cave. It looks like some kind of reinforcing material. The composition is unknown to me, now nothing of the kind is used. The study of the sample also shows that there is perfect ventilation inside the cave, it is quite dry. Photos of the cave also confirm the version of its artificial origin. Whether this is true or not, future research should show.

First of all, you need to pay attention to those caves, the visit of which is possible not on your own or with some kind of guide from among local residents, but as part of organized excursions. There are many such caves in the Caucasus, and one of them is the Azish cave, which is located near the city of Maykop. It is located in a forest area and was opened in 1911, but was opened to the general public in 1987. The total length of the cave is 640 meters, but only 220 meters are equipped for excursions. This cave is a multi-tiered volumetric galleries and incredibly beautiful halls. The entrance to the cave is a vertical well, which was formed as a result of a collapse. The depth of the cave goes up to 37 meters. The site provided for excursions is completely safe, comfortable and well-lit. There are walkways, fences, stairs everywhere.

All halls impress with their pristine beauty, which was created exclusively by nature, without human intervention. Each room has its own name. The heroic hall got its name because it has a height equal to three human heights. The hall called the altar actually resembles an altar, which amazes tourists. Stalactites and wall incrustations formed bizarre shapes, due to which some of the halls received the corresponding names: the hall “Statue of the“ Buddha ”,“ Apostles ”,“ Baba Yaga ”.

A special microclimate has been established in the cave, due to which the growth of various formations has not stopped for many centuries (scientists believe that this process has continued for two million years). If you decide to visit this cave during the warm season, be sure to take warm clothes with you, as the year-round temperature inside the cave is kept at 4-7 degrees. You can take warm clothes on the spot, but for an additional fee.

Some tourists get to this cave on their own, by car, and some simply buy an excursion at one of the excursion agencies in Maykop. If you go by car, then you need to follow through Khadzhokh, and near Dakhovskaya turn to the Lago-Naki plateau and go up the serpentine. There are signs along the way, so don't get lost.

As I already said, you can get into the cave only with a guided tour, you must first buy a ticket. It is best to come on weekdays, as on holidays and weekends there are long queues in which you can spend several hours and all the pleasure of visiting the cave will be blurred. Tours run every 30 minutes. It is strictly forbidden to touch stalactites and other formations. The average duration of the tour is 25 minutes, but it is possible to stay for a longer time. Tours are conducted from 9 am to 6 pm.

The pricing policy is such that an adult entrance ticket costs 400 rubles, and for children from 7 to 14 years old - two times less. Individual excursions will cost a little more, but it makes little sense to buy them.

This area may interest you not only in the Azish cave, but also in the nearby rope park, cafe, the opportunity to purchase various souvenirs. If you walk a little up the trail, you can go to the gorgeous observation deck from where incredible views of the surrounding mountains open.