All inclusive designation by letters. Types of food at the hotel

Many tourists have questions about the incomprehensible abbreviations RO, HB, FB... Let's figure out what kind of food there is, what each system includes.

When choosing a hotel for a holiday abroad, we pay attention to several factors: category, comfort, distance from the sea, cost, infrastructure and, of course, type of food. And when the time comes to choose a hotel, next to each of them we see incomprehensible letters: AI, BB and the like. This is a generally accepted designation for types of food in hotels, which we will now decipher.

R.O.(room only, or room only) - without food. Alternative abbreviations and designations that you may find in various hotels: O.B. (only bed) or A.O. (accommodation only). This system, as is clear from the transcript, offers only a hotel room, without food. The disadvantage is obvious - the problem of food is rising in full force. But often in hotels of this type, the room is equipped with small kitchenettes so that guests can cook for themselves. This type of food is also suitable for people who, for medical reasons, adhere to strict diets or prefer to eat in a certain place.

BB(bed and breakfast, or ) – the price includes one meal in the morning. Hotels with this type of food are suitable for business trips abroad, as well as independent tourists who love to go on excursions. In such cases, it makes no sense to pay for 3 meals a day - several meals are guaranteed to “burn out”. But lunch boxes, which you can ask for in return, are not provided in every category of hotels, and they do not differ in particular variety.

Breakfast in hotels comes in 3 types, each of which has its own designation and explanation:

  • (abbreviation C.B. or continental breakfast);
  • English, or, as it is also called, American (abbreviation AB, American breakfast).
  • Buffet.

The first option is typical for inexpensive hotels with a small number of stars, and usually includes a croissant or bun, several thin slices of cheese and sausage, yogurt, tea or coffee.

Much less common abroad, but worthy of attention is the American or English breakfast. The key difference from the buffet is that the only hot dishes on the menu are scrambled eggs with bacon or sausages.

Richer and more varied: muesli and cereals of several types, eggs, vegetables and fruits, and a variety of baked goods are usually presented here. You can take products in any quantity.

HB(transcript - half-board) is used to indicate . Traditionally, breakfast + dinner. Much less often, meals in hotels under this concept include breakfast + lunch or a choice. As a rule, drinks are paid for at dinner. In the mornings, only non-alcoholic drinks are included in the price.

This system is most popular in European hotels. And convenient. After eating heavily in the morning, you can limit yourself to a light snack or fruit at lunchtime. You can go for a walk without risking missing lunch at the hotel. However, this type of food at the hotel is unlikely to suit night owls - the dining room is open until a maximum of 10 am, after which time all food is removed.

Please note that at dinner absolutely all drinks may be paid for - often even plain water. However, if you ordered a bottle of wine and did not “overcome” it in 1 evening, most hotels will leave it for you for the next days.

FB(transcript - full board) – : 3 full meals a day. The main difference between this type and the famous all-inclusive system is that only non-alcoholic drinks are served free of charge for breakfast, and for lunch and dinner, both non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks must be paid additionally.

A.I. (all inclusive ) – . Real paradise for the Slavic soul. Food, soft drinks and alcoholic drinks (locally produced) are free, you can drink all day long (usually until 22:00 or 24:00). In addition, depending on the category of the hotel, the All Inclusive meal plan may also include an afternoon snack or lunch with light snacks and pastries in between main meals.

This system has many advantages, but there are also disadvantages. So, any more or less long absence from the hotel is fraught with missing meals. And if you decide to eat at a local establishment, you will actually pay twice – for food in a hotel and a restaurant.

UAI (ultra all inclusive) - used to denote the VIP option of the all-inclusive system. This type of food is most popular in hotels in Egypt and Turkey. Other countries rarely provide this service. The main differences from “All Inclusive”: free foreign alcoholic drinks throughout the day, dinner at A-la restaurants card, more high quality products.

Located on the territory of the hotel complex. As a rule, each such restaurant represents the cuisine of one of the nations of the world: Chinese, Mexican, Japanese, etc. The choice of dishes is made according to the menu, and guests are served by waiters. Keep in mind that choosing a UAI hotel food system may have negative consequences for the category of people who have a craving for alcohol and do not know how to stop in time. In addition, “ultra all inclusive” is the most expensive of the systems.

When choosing the type of hotel food, think about how often and for how long you will travel outside the hotel, at least approximately how many meals you will miss. Based on this, try to choose the optimal food system for you abroad.

Meals at the hotel are an important point when planning a vacation. However a large number of The variety of varieties of this service makes the choice much more difficult. Explanation and translation of abbreviations used in vouchers can make searching much easier ideal place for relax.

Types of food in hotels (decoding and translation of generally accepted abbreviations are presented below) are of 8 types:

Name International


Translation Description
Only Bed O.B. Accommodation only The guest paid only for the room. Organization and delivery of food is not provided. Sometimes the abbreviations RO or Room Only, RR or Room Rate, AO or Accommodation Only are used
Bed and Breakfast BB Bed and Breakfast In addition to the apartment, the guest paid for the morning meal
Half Board HB Half board The visitor is fed 2 times. Tea, coffee and soft drinks are served only in the morning
Half Board + HB+ Extended half board The guest is provided with 2 meals a day and local drinks.
Full Board FB Full board Meals are taken 3 times. Hot and cold drinks are served in the morning and/or afternoon.
Full Board plus FB+ Advanced or full board The visitor is provided with 3 meals a day and drinks, which are served directly during the meal. Another name for this scheme is Extended Full Board (ExtFB)
All Inclusive Al, ALL All inclusive The price includes main and additional meals, regional drinks.
Ultra AIl Inclusive UAI, UAL Ultra all inclusive Similar to All Inclusive. The only difference: along with local drinks, foreign drinks are served
Deciphering the types of food in hotels. 11 types

In America, a slightly different classification has been adopted. However, in essence it is similar to the global one.

Types of food in hotels (decoding and description of abbreviations used in the USA are presented in the table below) are of 5 types:

Name Reduction International analogue Description
European Plan E.P. R.O. Only accommodation is paid
Bermuda Plan B.P. BB A hearty late breakfast is included in the package.
Continental Plan C.P. BB Breakfast is included in addition to your stay
Modified American Plan MAP HB Guest pays for accommodation and breakfast with lunch
American Plan AP FB In addition to the room, 3 meals a day are paid for

Power RO

The guest has the right to use his own room. However, to eat, he will have to go to the nearest cafe or restaurant. This situation has its pros and cons.

The first includes:

Among the disadvantages of RO are:

  • Relatively expensive.
  • Inconvenience. Finding the nearest cafes and restaurants takes a lot of effort and time. The same goes for organizing your own cooking.
  • In some regions, the public catering system is very poorly represented, or there is no opportunity to go to any restaurant or bar. For example, in Egypt or the Maldives.

This option is more suitable for active tourists who want to completely immerse themselves in the atmosphere of a particular place. It will also be appropriate for short-term trips or business trips, when attending conferences or seminars. For lovers have a relaxing holiday

For those who want to completely relax, it is better to stay in a hotel where visitors are fed.

Meals BB (Breakfast only)

In addition to accommodation, the price of the tour includes meals. This option is good for short business trips or excursion-filled tours. Naturally, the region should have an extensive network of various catering facilities.

Breakfast can be different: from light continental to buffet. Sometimes there is a brunch with cold appetizers, pastries and drinks. A variety of salads, soups, cheeses and hot dishes can be served.

This model is used in large chain hotels. But most often, B&Bs are small family hotels with 4-12 rooms. In some cases, the owners live in the next wing of the inn. They will most likely be engaged in cooking. Therefore, the type and quality of breakfast depends solely on the imagination and culinary abilities of the owners. Often such hotels are organized in interesting places

: picturesque cottages, farms, lighthouses, decommissioned yachts and airplanes.

In concept, they are very close to the now popular boutique hotels. These varieties are most relevant in the USA, Great Britain, Ireland, New Zealand and Australia.

The HB designation on the voucher means eating in the morning and evening. Very rarely, the latter option is replaced for lunch (for example, in the UAE). This type of food is mainly practiced in 3 or 4 star hotels.

Local drinks are served in the morning. At other times you will have to pay extra for them. Service is organized in the form of a buffet or carried out by waiters. You should specifically focus on breakfast and dinner.

The first usually takes place from 7.30 to 10.00 and consists of:

Sometimes the following may be served:

  • meat dishes(sausages, sausages, fried bacon, chicken thighs and breasts, various chops and schnitzels);
  • fish (salted or baked as part of a Scandinavian breakfast);
  • salads, vegetables, fruits.

Drinks include water, juices, milk, tea, coffee. Alcohol usually costs extra.

If the service is based on the “a la carte” principle, then the menu will be less varied, but more refined. For example, beef tartare, grilled pepper shrimp, crab cake. In this case, the guest is given a list the day before, from which he chooses what he will eat. However, this variety is extremely rare.

As for dinner, it is usually held at 18.00 - 20.00.

If the service system is a buffet, then the following will be presented there:

  • salads;
  • cold snacks;
  • hot dishes;
  • several types of side dishes;
  • desserts, pastries and bread.

Drinks are not served (with rare exceptions - water, juices, tea, coffee).

The menu in the restaurant is more healthy and interesting. For example, fried shrimp with coconut sauce or chicken breast with salsa sauce and crispy croutons. Most likely, you will have to take care of drinks in advance or pay for them additionally. Although, in some restaurants, when ordering two or more main courses, alcohol is provided as a compliment. Most often these are dry white wines.

Half board is suitable for tourists who come for a short time and want to be independent of the schedule.

Instead of lunch, they will prefer active recreation, staying on the beach or getting acquainted with local cuisine at the nearest restaurant. Each of the guests will be able to manage free time at your own discretion. Choosing HB will allow you to save money and significantly diversify your vacation without being tied to a hotel.

Meals HB Plus (Half board +)

The plus in the name does not mean that lunch or afternoon tea is included in the price. He says that the tourist package includes locally produced drinks: hot, cold and alcohol, which are served with every meal.

Half board is perfect for anyone who wants to include cocktails and beer in their holiday without overpaying. The model is very similar to All Inclusive, but costs several times less. However, HB Plus is quite rare, because in hotel business It is much more profitable to work according to the “All inclusive” scheme.

Meals FB (Full board, Extended board)

The cost of this service includes accommodation and 3 meals a day. Hot drinks and juices are served in the morning. During the day and evening there will be only water on the tables. You will have to pay extra for other drinks. There are boarding houses with 4 meals a day. But they are extremely rare. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify everything in advance and agree with the hotel administration or tour operator.

Service can be provided in two forms: buffet or waiters. Despite the apparent lack of variety, in the second case there is a chance to get more original, high-quality dishes compared to the first option. The menu depends on the area and specifically on the hotel administration. Most often it is similar to half board with an additional meal.

This model is ideal for lovers of passive recreation who want to explore local drinking establishments on their own, or who practically do not drink alcohol.

Plus, FB is much cheaper than All Inclusive. And multiple meals completely free tourists from wasting money, time and nerves on preparing food. And vice versa, for amateurs active rest It is better to choose a room with breakfast or half board.

Meals FB Plus (Full board +, Extended board +)

This item is completely similar to the previous one, except that guests are provided with local drinks during meals.

Sometimes they are available 24 hours a day. This variety is relatively rare, because it is unprofitable in comparison with the same All Inclusive. It happens that guests are given unlimited access only to certain types of drinks. This question should be clarified with the manager

travel company

Meals All inclusive

Types of food in hotels, explanation of names, differences between specific types, features in individual countries are different. A distinctive feature of All inclusive is that it provides main and additional meals. Moreover, guests have access to locally produced alcohol, hot and cold drinks.

  • Often, the purchased travel package includes:
  • animation
  • visiting a sauna, massage room, SPA salon;
  • tennis court;
  • bonus trip to restaurants at the hotel complex.

All inclusive is not so much a type of food as a standard of service. Currently, hotel owners are coming up with more and more new types of this scheme.

Here are some of the examples:

  1. AI. Light. Includes multiple meals and unlimited access to locally produced drinks until 11 p.m.
  2. Royal AI. Paid for 3 meals, brunch, afternoon snack, extra dinner, night soup.
  3. AI hard. Allows you to use some services: yoga or surfing lessons, gym, sauna or massage.
  4. Select AI. The guest has the opportunity to visit from 1 to 12 specialized hotel restaurants (meat, fish, Italian, French) for free.
  5. MAI (Maxi All Inclusive). An additional service package was paid for, which does not cover the use of the telephone, trips to the laundry, services of the first aid station and shops.
  6. HCAL (Highclass All Inclusive). Fine cuisine and the opportunity to use the hotel services for free.

The All Inclusive concept is suitable for families with children and people who have worked very hard and would like to relax as much as possible. In some countries this type of food is the only one possible option

. This may be due to climate, an underdeveloped economy, or social instability. Examples include Egypt, Algeria, Kenya, UAE, Cuba, India, Goa, Tunisia. Here hotel complexes can act as non- big cities

with its own infrastructure: shops, hairdressers, dry cleaners, cinemas. In Europe with her rich history and with a large number of attractions, there is no point in overpaying to spend your entire vacation in a hotel. It is better to refuse All Inclusive active tourists

those who do not plan to stay for a long time, and people going on short-term business trips.

UAI meals (Ultra all inclusive)

This is a more expanded version of the previous type.

Purchasing such a travel package implies the following privileges:

That is why there are so many varieties of All Inclusive. For example, the concepts Premium All, Elegance All, Super All, Imperial All differ from each other only in the quantity and type of free services provided.

  • Who should choose this type of holiday:
  • Families with children who are very picky eaters. After all, the presence of a children's menu, a wide variety of dishes and unlimited access to sweets and ice cream will allow you to feed any child.
  • If the hotel complex is remote from big cities, shopping centers or a cafe.

Conversely, if it is located in a busy historical or shopping area, then it makes sense to choose a simpler scheme to save money on visiting interesting attractions.

Types of breakfasts in hotels

Types of food in hotels, explanation and description of the main types of breakfasts are given in the table below:

Breakfast type International


Translation Explanation
Continental Breakfast CBF, CB Continental It includes coffee, juices, tea, croissants, pastries and toast. They are served with milk, chocolate, jams, and butter. May also include omelettes, boiled eggs, cereals, fruits, cold cuts and cheeses, cottage cheese, yogurts
American Breakfast ABF, AB, CA American It is an extended version of the continental one. Sometimes fried or baked meat, poultry, fish, pies, and vegetable salads are served
English Breakfast E.B. English In addition to hot and cold drinks, it includes scrambled eggs, special sausages or blood sausage with baked tomatoes, beans, bread and mushrooms, boiled potatoes and cabbage. Products can be replaced with more universal ones, or, conversely, supplemented national dishes. Then, the voucher will indicate that it is a Scottish, Irish, Welsh or Cornish breakfast
Brunch dinner+ ВD+ Late breakfast Very often practiced in resorts in Austria and Switzerland, where late breakfast turns into early lunch. Soups, hot dishes of meat, poultry or fish, desserts can be served

Buffet at the hotel, what is it and what are the advantages?

This is the most democratic type of service in catering. It is very popular in hotels of any class. It is essentially a self-service option where diners choose what they want to eat.

The number of meals is not limited.

The only rule: You cannot take food outside the restaurant. Drinks are either served on adjacent tables or served automatically from special devices. Alcohol is most often poured at the bar or served by waiters.

The undoubted advantage of the buffet is the variety of choice, which allows you to satisfy even the most demanding needs.

Meals a la carte

There are 2 varieties of this food model - in both, visitors are served by waiters.

In the first case, the night before or during breakfast, the guest himself chooses from the proposed menu what he will eat. Next, the order is sent to the kitchen.

In the second case, we mean restaurants at hotels with an all-inclusive system. This is a great alternative for anyone who is tired of the buffet. Such hotel complexes guests are invited to visit various restaurants for free: French, Italian, Japanese, fish, meat. This can be done one or more times by first registering with the administrator.

The advantage of this type of service is that the dishes here are more interesting, healthy and original.

The disadvantages include the lack of a wide choice compared to the buffet.

Baby food in hotels When planning a vacation with a child, you should carefully study and consider baby food

. After all, a situation may arise when, upon arriving at the hotel, to the joy of the baby and the horror of the parents, it turns out that the main part of the menu is fast food. Therefore, you should discuss this issue with the tour operator.

Ideally, the hotel should have special dietary or children's meals. If they are not available, then it may make sense to order an individual menu for an additional fee.

Also, during your trip, you should not overuse local or exotic cuisine, which can cause health problems for your child or simply not appeal to him. It is best to find a type of food that will feature mostly familiar European dishes.

Before the trip you must:

Recommendations will help tourists choose the most optimal of all types of food in any hotel. After all, analyzing these incomprehensible symbols will help you avoid getting into trouble and keep only pleasant memories of your trip. Article format:

Vladimir the Great

Video about food types in hotels

  • Explanation of food type designations in hotels:
  • RO (room only): no power.
  • BB (bed & breakfast): breakfast, only breakfast at the hotel.
  • HB (half board): half board (breakfast + dinner).
  • FB (full board): full board (breakfast, lunch, dinner).
    AI (all inclusive):
    - all inclusive (full board, including local drinks);
  • - all-inclusive system at the hotel, at least three meals a day, at least with locally produced drinks, including alcoholic ones.
    UAI (ultra all inclusive):
    - all inclusive (full board, including foreign drinks;

- ultra all-inclusive system in the hotel, at least three meals a day, at least with local and imported drinks, including alcoholic ones; this system in each hotel can, as a rule, have its own name.

  • HB+ (half board plus): breakfast and dinner at the hotel, drinks during dinner included, alcoholic (locally produced) and non-alcoholic. The list of drinks and quantity (1 glass or 2 bottles, etc.) depends on the hotel.
  • FB+ (full board plus): breakfast, lunch and dinner at the hotel. During lunch and dinner, alcoholic (locally produced) and non-alcoholic drinks are included.

What type of food is better to choose?

If you are planning to go on vacation, then it is better to take care of food on vacation in advance.

When choosing a tour, pay attention to what is written in the transcript. It is best to take all inclusive (AI), since in this case everything will be included and the meals will be complete, in general, no worries. There is only one concern: you have to go to the appointed time to eat.

If you are only going to spend the night at the hotel, then it is better to choose half board (HB is breakfast and dinner). In the morning you get up and have breakfast, spend the whole day visiting sights, relaxing, excursions and all that. In the evening, go to the hotel for dinner.

For those who prefer to eat in other establishments, the RO option, that is, without eating, is best suited.

When booking a hotel, you may come across the abbreviations RO, BB, HB, BF, AI, UAI and not immediately understand what they mean. In reality, these are just types of food at the hotel. Their detailed description see below!

Meals RO (room only), AO (Accommodation Only), RR (room rate), OB (Only Bed) - accommodation in a room without meals. Most often it is RO that is indicated.

Meals BB (bed breakfast) - translated as “bed and breakfast”. Breakfast can be either a buffet or a ready-made set of treats without a choice. Always check this point before booking.

Meals HB+ (half board plus) - half board, but with alcoholic drinks, usually locally produced.

Meals FB (full board) - full board. That is, breakfast, lunch and dinner are usually buffet style, but free alcoholic drinks are not included in this food category. Except that in some expensive hotels they will pour you some free champagne for breakfast.

Meals FB+ (full board plus) - similar to FB, but FB+ includes some free alcoholic drinks, usually locally produced.

Meals AI (all inclusive) - magic words for any all-inclusive tourist. This means that food without restrictions awaits you. It can be three-time or reusable. Restaurants, barbecues, grills, and bars are open throughout the day. Of course, this includes free alcoholic drinks. Usually locally produced. But expensive hotels will also offer imported products.

Meals AIP (all inclusive premium) - “all inclusive premium”. This type of nutrition is quite rare. AIP is the same as AI, but with a more expanded bar card.

Meals UAI (ultra all inclusive, UALL) - “ultra all inclusive”. As a rule, this is multiple meals throughout not only the day, but also the night. Of course, strong drinks are also included here.

Especially if you are traveling to distant overseas countries, where you don’t really want to eat at local eateries. Any trip, business, tourist or recreational, implies the choice of a comfortable hotel. So that you do not have a question about NV power - what it is, we suggest you understand the system in more detail.

All famous and not so famous hotels have special designations for rooms and meals. You are planning to vacation in an unfamiliar country, choose a hotel based on the stars, and then you come across a strange abbreviation next to the “Food” column: NV. The question is asked by thousands of tourists choosing a tour for the first time.

Types of food

Most often they are indicated in English (international) language or in an abbreviated version. All hotels adapt to generally accepted standards, so memorize the abbreviations in advance, and you will be able to navigate them like an avid traveler, and you will tell newcomers who want to go to a particular hotel what NV, BB food means.

BB, or Bed & Breakfast

Basically it translates to "bed and breakfast". It is understood that you will only be provided with a morning meal, which was initially included in the tour price. For the rest you must pay an additional fee at the restaurant. As a rule, a buffet is offered. This means that you yourself come to a large set table on which dishes are laid out, and put them in the quantity you need.

The type of food, which involves only a morning meal and overnight stay, is most often found in European small hotels and small resort towns, as well as in places where the main emphasis is on excursion tourism. This is convenient if excursion program is scheduled for the whole day, that is, you leave the hotel early and return only late in the evening.

What's on offer for breakfast?

The food at the NV hotel is more complete, but if you want to save money, let’s take a closer look at the BB menu. These are a wide variety of sandwiches, stewed and fried vegetables, snacks on tartlets and unleavened bread, canapé sandwiches, fried pieces of meat or chicken wings, various salads and desserts. Also tea, water or coffee are free drinks. You will have to buy alcohol, cocktails and juices at your own expense. NV nutrition - what is it? You will read about this further.

HB (Half Board), FB and AL

If you don't like the idea of ​​just breakfast and want to eat two meals a day, then you should consider a system called "Nutrition NV". "What is this?" - you ask. The abbreviation translates as "half board". You eat twice for free. Most often this includes only breakfast and dinner. Other hotels may offer breakfast and lunch, although this is not particularly encouraged. Hotels in the UAE offer to replace dinner with lunch.

Drinks are offered free of charge only in the morning. Usually this is coffee, tea and water. You will have to pay for drinks at lunch or dinner. If a bottle of alcohol is left unfinished, it is served the next day with the evening meal. What else is convenient when choosing the HB system? You don't have to pay for drinks every time. It's simple - you tell the waiter your room number, and the bill is provided after you check out of the hotel.

Who will like HB? Most often, this type of food is found in 3* or 4* hotels. This is ideal for travelers who come to relax for a short time, and will also appeal to those who prefer to go to a restaurant for lunch. If you spend the whole day on the beach and enjoy sunbathing, choose a hotel with HB meals. At lunchtime you can have something to eat on the beach, and you don’t really feel like eating at midday. A light salad in the afternoon or snacks, a glass of local beer will help save money and take care of your figure, because usually more hearty and satisfying dishes are served for lunch.

FB, AL - this is Full Board and we have already figured out what NV power and BB mean. Full Board - this includes a full three meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner). Drinks offered for lunch or evening dinner are not included in the price.

All inclusive has the same meal plan as full board. That is, breakfast, lunch and dinner are given to you by the hotel for free. Additionally, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are served, mainly from local producers. What food NV, BB and AL means is known, and you can choose your place of residence. But there is another category, more elite - UAL.

UAL or Ultra All Inclusive

Translated as "ultra all inclusive". This also includes breakfast, lunch and dinner. Locally produced alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are also served with imported ones. Various free services may be provided at the discretion of the administration.

English and continental breakfast

After we have figured out what BB, NV, AL and UAL nutrition means, let's move on to traditional breakfasts. Some hotels may offer tourists English, American or Continental.

1. English breakfast. Made in the ancient traditions of England. A full set of dishes includes juice (orange or any other fruit), scrambled eggs with slices of ham (in some hotels an omelette is used instead), aromatic toast fried to a crisp. They come with butter and fruit jam. Drinks, of course, include tea or coffee.

2. Continental breakfast. More simple and modest than English. Serve a bun with butter or jam with coffee, juice or tea.

3. Various types of sausages and cheeses (sliced), hot sausages, as well as scrambled eggs, coffee, tea, water or juice are brought to the table.