Choosing a tent for tourism advantages and disadvantages. How to choose a tent for outdoor recreation - advice from professionals

How to choose the right camping tent? The question of choosing a tent for hiking, trekking or climbing was preoccupied by every tourist, both novice and experienced. In this article you will find almost all the selection criteria that you need to pay attention to when buying. After reading this article, you will arm yourself with a wealth of knowledge about tourist tents. We hope that even experts will be interested!

Passion for hiking is not only a desire to see and learn new beautiful places, to be in nature, outside the cities, but also a certain challenge to the usual way of life. The traveler somehow goes beyond the usual limits of comfort. Cooking in the forest or mountains, the vagaries of the weather, the physical difficulties of overcoming obstacles make it completely different, to re-evaluate the meaning of the very concept of "comfort". Comfortable hiking shoes, well-fitting, dry, warm and, of course, a reliable tent - these are the main “whales” that keep the feeling of comfort on a hike. Today we will talk about tents.

Of course, there are a great many types of tents - trade, military, and even entire pavilion tents of enormous size. Here we will consider tourist tents. By camping tent we mean a mobile shelter that can protect the traveler from the vicissitudes of the weather - rain, wind, insects and small animals, cold (within limits, of course). A tourist tent should have a reliable design, be simple and easy to set up and fold, take up little space when folded, and when unfolded, provide normal conditions for rest and sleep.

Twenty years ago and before, there was not much choice in the post-Soviet tourist space - most used the same type of serial structures, bulky and heavy, or they had to make tents on their own. There were few foreign models and products of a few local manufacturers, and they were inaccessible to many. Gradually, the market was filled with a large number of a wide variety of models - for every taste and budget. Understanding this diversity can be difficult not only for a novice tourist, but also for more experienced travelers.


If this is your first time buying a tent, and you are not an experienced marketer, it is best to make your first purchase at a large equipment center. Here you can choose from a variety of models, see, touch and even install / fold your favorite model. In such stores, as a rule, real connoisseurs work. tourism industry, so they sell the most suitable, functional models, and do not order everything in a row, like large online stores of "everything in the world." Here you can really help with advice when choosing. Sellers usually use the equipment themselves, and are not theoretical consultants. The main thing is not to fall completely under the influence of the seller.


Remember, there are very few real “pumped level 1000 sales masters” who are able to delve specifically into your request and sell what you need. In most cases, even an experienced climber, who is also a sales assistant, will sell you equipment “for himself”. This can lead to the fact that you will fall under the "magical influence of a specialist" and acquire something that you do not quite need. To avoid this, go shopping as prepared as possible, draw up the criteria for your choice, even write them down. Save photos of models you like on the Internet on your smartphone. You know that in the photo on the Internet, everything may not look like in reality. Forming your desires before buying, avoid a large number advisers, especially those with poor qualifications - you run the risk of completely getting confused. If possible, choose a couple of really smart people whose opinion you trust, describe your task to them as constructively as possible. They will ask you the right questions. After that, go to the store. The chosen tent must be laid out, ask permission to climb inside - lie down on the mat, sit. If you are going to become an avid tourist, remember - this is your future home in a variety of places and conditions and you must be confident in it.

Now let's look at what you definitely need to know about tents.

The main criteria for choosing a tent:


Nowadays, most tents, even budget series, are made from modern, completely reliable materials. Now almost ALL tents are completely waterproof and have seams glued with a special heat-shrink tape. The material in many cases has ceased to be the No. 1 criterion in the selection. The only exceptions are the cheapest models, the so-called "tents from the supermarket" - they should be avoided. The first thing you will need to decide when choosing - what design of the tent do you need?

Most modern tents are stretched on a frame. So, by default, your tent will have a frame. But there are tents without their frame. They are stretched with trekking poles (it's good that you have them) or improvised means. In what cases should you pay attention to such structures?


You are a light-moving minimalist and save every gram, ready to give up the convenience of an overnight stay in favor of weight and compactness. You will rarely need a tent on a hike, or it may not come in handy at all, you take it “just in case”. Perhaps just a tent will suit you or bivouac bag. The type of tourist activity inexorably requires you to have a light and as compact as possible backpack - ski tours, complex via ferats, adventure races, etc.

Choosing a similar design, you should keep in mind the pros and cons.

Advantages of a frameless tent:

  • Minimum packing volume and weight.
  • Relatively low cost (not always, there are very expensive models).
  • The ability to more fully use your equipment (trekking poles, skis).

Cons of a frameless tent:

  • Often less easy to install compared to self-supporting structures.
  • Usually the worst habitability and wind resistance.
  • Now on the market are frame tents weighing less than a kilogram. They are expensive, but maybe worth a closer look?

Frame structures of tents

Most modern frame structures on the market have a self-supporting frame. In other words, these are free-standing tents; in calm weather, they practically do not need stretching. However, in many models, you still need to stretch their individual parts to give the correct shape and maximum internal volume. The use of a free-standing tent is also possible on camping decks, asphalt and concrete sites, soft sand - where it is problematic to fix stretch marks. Also, tensile structures are very common, the installation of which is possible only with the help of stretch marks.

frame material


It is used for tents of the lower price range. The worst option is black, matte, opaque fiberglass. If possible, choose a frame made of reinforced plastic - it is more reliable and durable. A plastic frame is suitable where weight, extreme wind resistance and use at sub-zero temperatures are not critical. If you don't want to spend a lot of money on gear, hiking infrequently and during the warmer months is your option.


The most balanced frame material. It should be noted that simpler grades of aluminum are used on budget structures than on more expensive ones. They are somewhat heavier and have less strength and elasticity. On more expensive models, more functional grades of aluminum and aluminum alloys are used. Top models can be equipped with frames made of scandium and even CARBON. Also, some well-known and expensive manufacturers order frames from specialized developers for maximum reliability and giving their products a touch of “elitism”. The most famous manufacturer of tent frames is DAC. You should know that this famous creator of the most durable frames has both simpler and more expensive lines. Check this point with the seller.


So far, such tents are still so rare that it makes no sense to write about them.



The most common solution. The frame is located between the inner and outer tents. The inner tent is hung on it, and the awning is simply stretched from above and fastened.

Advantages of a tent with an internal frame:

  • The length of the frame is less than with an external arrangement, which means that weight and dimensions are saved.
  • Installation is possible only with an inner tent, which is in demand in good weather.
  • If you have a special kit (usually purchased separately, but sometimes included in the kit), you can install only an outer tent without an inner one with a separate bottom, which at other times can be used as a FOOTPINT (protective bedding).
  • The outer surface of the tent is as smooth and streamlined as possible, snow and debris accumulate on it less.

Minuses tents with inner frame :

  • Possibly slightly worse wind resistance.
  • In case of breakage, the frame can tear the awning material.
  • When set up in the rain, the inner tent has time to get wet.
  • Installation in the wind is less convenient.


Recent invention. It is mainly used in models of the "ultralight" segment. The main feature is the presence of "hubs" - frame connections that allow optimizing its total length, volume, and hence weight. As a rule, it is used as an internal frame. The main advantages - low weight with a large internal volume of the tent. The main disadvantages are the worst wind resistance and high cost. Often the hub frame is an all-in-one design - all frame elements are interconnected by an elastic cable, forming, as it were, one complex arc. Such a frame is convenient to fold even for a beginner.


It is located on top of the entire structure, the arcs are visible. The inner tent is attached to the outer one. There are two main options for attaching the awning to the outer frame. With the help of LAT-POCKETS. These are original sleeves made of mesh or fabric, where the frame is threaded, after which it is fixed with tips in special eyelets. On the one hand, this is the most wind-resistant design, distributing the load as evenly as possible, on the other hand, it is the most time-consuming to install. Sometimes the final setting (stretching) of the tips into the eyelets is associated with such efforts that some girls or teenagers are unable to complete it! So practice before you buy. The second option is with hooks or carabiners. Reminiscent of fastening the inner tent to the frame in models with an inner frame. Such a system has unsurpassed convenience and speed of installation! If you bothered to attach the inner tent to the outer one in advance (or you have a single-layer tent) - installation will take a matter of seconds. This can be especially appreciated in stormy conditions. At the same time, the carbines do not provide a phenomenal load distribution of the first option. Here you have to choose.

Advantages of a tent with an external frame:

  1. Possibility to set up an inner tent together with an outer tent.
  2. Possibility to install an outer tent without an inner tent and without a bottom, like an awning.
  3. Good wind resistance, easier to put in the wind.
  4. In the event of a frame breakage, the awning usually remains intact, making it easier to repair.
  5. When setting up in the rain, the inner tent stays dry.

Minuses tents with outer frame:

  1. You can not set up an inner tent without an awning!
  2. The frame is relatively longer and heavier than in the first version.
  3. Detains snow and debris (leaves, branches, serves as the basis for weaving a web, etc.)
  4. Significant installation effort is possible.
  5. Typically, such structures are equipped with floor straps connecting the attachment points of the ends of the arcs. Straps can get tangled and make installation difficult.
  6. Installing from scratch, without an attached inner layer, is quite laborious.

CONCLUSION: for most tourists, the option with an internal frame is preferable, which is confirmed by sales volumes. Tents with an outer frame are more suitable for professional use - in the mountains, in cold climates, in bad weather conditions.


Most tents on the market are double layered. As a rule, this is an inner tent, equipped with a tub-like (going on the walls) waterproof bottom and a light, breathable top, part of which is made of lightweight mesh. In tents for use in warm and hot seasons, almost the entire top can be made of mesh, but for models for colder conditions, the amount of mesh is much less and it can be closed with a denser fabric with a zipper. The outer tent, as a rule, is a protective awning made of waterproof durable fabric with fixed guy wires. It is connected to the inner tent, usually through a frame using special fastexes or other fixing devices equipped with a tension mechanism. It allows you to stretch the awning as tight as possible, which is necessary during rain or wind. A double-layer tent forms an air gap between the inner and outer tent. This makes staying in it more comfortable in both hot and cold weather and to a greater extent prevents condensation in the living area, which is very important for keeping your things dry during the trip.

single layer tent it is either a very cheap and extremely simplified "supermarket" option, or a specialized design for certain tasks. Almost all single-layer tents, one way or another, have problems with condensation, even when using special breathable fabrics, so their use in most cases is limited to winter, mountains and other places with low air temperatures, where condensation is not so critical. Also, single-layer tents are colder in the cold, and hotter in the sun than their double-layer counterparts. In return, they offer the ultimate in low weight and volume, ease of installation and folding in extreme weather conditions, and minimal installed dimensions, allowing them to be placed on the smallest flat area. As you already understood, this option is not for everyone! It is also worth considering the often very high cost of such structures.


dome tent

Dome structures are the most common. For decades, such tents have been faithfully serving tourists, climbers, hunters and fishermen. The simplest dome design is formed by a frame of two pillars crossed in the middle. This tent is easy to set up and lightweight. At the same time, it cannot boast of a spacious lobby (one or two). Often, to increase the functionality (internal volume, wind resistance), one or more frame arcs or special frame spacers are added to the structure. The more intersections the frame elements make with each other, the stronger the tent.

Half barrel tent

The second most common type of tent today. In popularity, it lags behind the dome by orders of magnitude. Appearance such a tent is clear from the name. The main drawback is that the tent is not free-standing (self-supporting), stretch marks are needed. Installation is usually more difficult, especially for beginners. The main advantage is excellent wind resistance (if installed correctly), good internal volume, low weight. This tent is rarely chosen by beginners, mainly by experienced campers who are able to take advantage of the advantages and compensate for the disadvantages.

tent marquee

A classic that looks like an Indian "teepee", "wigwam" or yurt. It is usually mounted on a center pillar, although there are other options. The option is very common in North America, we have little demand. Basically, in the post-Soviet space, a similar design is used for winter trips, usually skiing, since it is convenient for using ski equipment as a frame and installing a stove. Often there are options without a floor.


The once uncontested version of Soviet tourists. The structure is usually single layer. Now it is not widely used due to low habitability, dependence on stretch marks and installation difficulties. A rare guest on store shelves. In a new interpretation - a compact frameless tent mounted on track sticks, a frequent choice of "preppers", "bushcrafters" and beginner light walkers.


Many are used to the fact that the tent should have one entrance (exit). It's nice when the entrance to the tent allows comfortable use in the rain. Practice shows that two inputs are much better than one. Therefore, if possible, choose a model with two inputs. If you do not intend to use the tent often in narrow areas, it is better to choose a model with side entrances (provided that you have 2-3 local tent; if the tent is larger, head/leg entry/exit is a good option). What is the best way to organize storage space? Of course, it is better to keep little things and some clothes at hand in the tent itself, for which pockets will be useful to you in it and the “mezzanine” is especially pleasant - a shelf under the ceiling. Backpacks, shoes and bulky/dirty things are convenient to keep in the lobbies (lobby). In theory, the more of them (that is, two are better than one) and the larger their volume (for example, it’s good when a separate arc of the frame is “responsible” for the vestibule), the better. In practice, you are constantly balancing between the useful volume of the tent and vestibules and its weight / dimensions / cost. Think about what will be important to you and proceed from this in your choice. Where do you want to shift the focus - towards comfort or light weight?

Tent bottom material

Most tents have a fabric bottom. The bottom is constantly under heavy load - you lie on it, push, press with your elbows and knees. However, your tent is rarely located on an ideal surface. Therefore, it is good that the bottom is made of high-strength fabric. The modern trend of weight reduction makes many manufacturers more chasing the lightness of the product, and not its strength and resource. In some sense, it is beneficial for the manufacturer if your tent wears out faster and is replaced with a new one. If you are also looking for weight and buy an ultra-light tent, be especially careful when using it. I also advise you to use FUTPRINT (litter) on suspicious surfaces. The bottom material must not only be very durable, but also have increased water resistance. In the classical European measurement system, the minimum water resistance value for the bottom of the tent should be considered as 5000 mm. But remember that by pushing with your elbow, you create more pressure, and the tent may leak. An indicator of 10,000 mm of water column is considered absolutely reliable. At the same time, it is enough for an awning to have characteristics of 3-5000 mm. American manufacturers report significantly more modest figures. But, firstly, they are guaranteed for life for the fabric, and secondly, the system for assessing water resistance overseas is somewhat different from the European one.

On cheap tents, the floor can be made of structured polyethylene, which looks like an oilcloth bag from a supermarket. There is nothing terrible in such a field with infrequent use. It is heavier and somewhat more bulky, but it is perfectly repaired with mounting tape. This floor is suitable for not too demanding and economical tourists. I happened to live in a tent with a polyethylene floor and a fiberglass frame on Elbrus, at an altitude of 4200 meters, for several nights in fairly fresh weather, and the tent coped with this test perfectly. True, polyethylene can freeze well to ice.

Tent material processing

In nature, especially in the mountains, the tent is subjected not only to mechanical stress, but also to strong solar radiation. To resist ultraviolet radiation and better moisture protection, most tents have additional fabric processing. Best of all, silicone coating resists UV and moisture. For internal impregnation and impregnation of the bottom, a polyurethane coating of the fabric is often used. Different types of coverage have their own advantages and disadvantages, which we will not dwell on in a review article. Also, fire-retardant impregnation of the awning and inner tent will be useful. This will help avoid damage from sparks or careless handling of the fire inside.



Be very attentive and careful! Avoid using burners inside the tent unless absolutely necessary. If this cannot be avoided, cook in the vestibule, after making sure that there is a lot of air entering there and that no part of the burner or utensils comes into contact with the material of the tent. Avoid cooking in a tent on integrated systems such as jetboil, reactor and the like - they are extremely dangerous. There are many known accidents associated with this.


You don't always have to put your tent in a bag. You can separate the parts of the tent and carry them separately from each other. Wet tent can be placed on the backpack during the movement to dry. When packing a tent without a cover in a backpack, make sure that it will not be damaged by sharp objects.


Modern tents are made of synthetic materials, they are very unpretentious and require a minimum of care. At the same time, they can serve you for a very long time. Nevertheless, the tent should at least be dried after the hike. When folding, avoid stereotypical (habitual) folds - in the same places. Repair the tent as soon as possible after damage occurs, using a suitable repair kit.


A very conditional feature. Extreme tents are often referred to as "all-weather" tents, and their use in the summer is often uncomfortable. At the same time, two-three-season tents are often successfully used in winter and in the mountains. However, some things should be understood. So, one of the main characteristics that determine the possibilities of use is wind resistance. A tent with a weak frame and large windage is hardly worth taking for difficult weather, it will not be able to withstand increased wind and snow loads. If you have a warm sleeping bag, you can use a tent with a lot of mesh inside in cold conditions, but it is important that it has enough strength and that the awning reaches the ground as low as possible. Contrary to the beliefs of some campers, a snow skirt is by no means a mandatory attribute of "winter" tents, although it can often be of great use in snow and in strong winds. However, many very well-known manufacturers sell "winter" tents without snow skirts. Experienced hikers know that a good windbreak can often be more important than a skirt or a very strong tent.

You must understand that modern super-technological tents of the "ultralight" segment may not withstand serious loads and take this into account in your travels. You also need to know that even the most expensive, heavy and durable super-extreme tent can be torn and simply destroyed by a hurricane.

Hiking wisdom, knowledge and developed intuition are often more important than the newest and most expensive equipment. And in anticipation of the arrival of all these important qualities and gaining the necessary experience, try to use equipment strictly for its intended purpose, take into account the positioning of the manufacturer and always use common sense.

Good luck with your choice and happy travels!

Finding the right manual is not difficult. Do you want to learn how to fish or collect chaga? 🙂 No questions asked! "OK Google..." But not everything is so rosy. There is a lot of information, you will have to search, weed out unnecessary and outright nonsense. Sometimes you spend more time searching than reading. We continue to share useful life hacks. And summer is vacation, hiking, picnics, the beach and other joys.

Today's material is about choosing a tourist tent. Think it's easy? Well, yes, you can go to a sporting goods store and buy, relying on the advice of the seller. But we are not looking for easy ways, and where is the guarantee that they will not sell some garbage. So let's find out what tents are needed for family vacation which will allow you to comfortably relax in the mountains and other nuances.

How to choose the right camping tent

It doesn't matter how many days you plan to be in nature - a few days or just spend the night. You can make a hut out of branches and climb into a sleeping bag, you can spend the night by the fire. But what kind of vacation is this? Moreover, the sleeping bag has obvious disadvantages:

  • Low level of comfort. If it protects from cold nights, then definitely not from dew or rain. And to believe the weather forecasters ... you understand 🙂
  • Man is not protected from insects, rodents or snakes. The dubious joy of waking up among a crowd of ants.

So let's take it as an indisputable fact that you need to take a tent with you. Therefore, preparing for outdoor recreation, we will add this item to the list. And then we start thinking about sizes, shapes, water resistance and other useful features.

INTERESTING. According to the type of application, tents are divided into assault, expeditionary, camping, trekking, for base camps, beach and winter fishing. Already from the names we can assume the properties of materials and configuration. For example, models for fishing on ice do not have a floor, they are made of special materials that keep heat well.

What are the types of tourist tents

You should not, headlong, run to the store or order the first tent you like on the Web. First, let's answer the question "How will we rest?". The answer depends on what we end up buying. By the way, the impact on the budget also depends on the type of vacation 🙂 Suppose you like cultural recreation - an equipped playground, parking, access to the Internet and other benefits. In this case, the choice is clear. Buying a camping tent.

A good choice for traveling on wheels. Autotourism is an interesting thing. In a short period you can see a lot and have a good rest. And temporary housing looks accordingly. As a rule, such models are large, with a high roof, vestibule and windows. It is easy to live in such a tent for several days with the whole family. In the pros comfort and capacity. Of the minuses, we note considerable weight and high heating costs.

Hikers or cycling enthusiasts do not need such a load. The lighter the tent, the more comfortable the rest. A trekking tent would be ideal. A small shelter for installation on flat surfaces, will allow you to relax in the forest, in the field, on sites near hiking trail. In the general mass of things it is absolutely invisible, especially for an experienced traveler. But it is not designed for gusts of wind and heavy rains.

IMPORTANT! The production of civilian tents is subject to the GOST 28917-91 regulations. Look at the description of the types of tents for recreation. Knowing the performance characteristics, it is easier to talk with sellers. Everything is painted according to the materials, the number of people, weather conditions and so on.

Hiking in the mountains is difficult in itself, and no one will load themselves with unnecessary things. If you want to experience the beauty of the mountains or go rock climbing, you will have to buy an assault tent. Similar models took the best properties from other species. The assault tent is quickly set up, even faster dismantled. Weight is less than that of trekking models, and protection at height is not afraid of wind, rain and low temperatures. But they are small, which is a minus.

Choosing the right camping tent

When buying a tent for the first time, we make a typical mistake. Manufacturers do not divide products according to the seasons. The actual classification is somewhat simpler:

  • Summer tents. From the name it is clear that the thing is designed for hot weather. The main condition is good ventilation. And that means ventilation windows and mesh on the openings. And you don't need a double structure. But therein lies a drawback. Light weight and strength will not allow to withstand the growing wind, the resistance to water flows also suffers.
  • Tents for three seasons. When do most of us go camping? That's right, summer, autumn and spring. These models are designed specifically for these seasons. Durable materials with moisture-repellent impregnation are used, which means that the rain is not terrible. The design and weight allow you not to be afraid of gusty winds.
  • Winter tents. Such models have a second name - all-weather. Manufacturers are not lying at all. Initially sharpened for cold weather, tents are quietly used in the summer. A little hot, but not critical. Very stable and absolutely no leaks. They keep warm very well.

The choice, in general, is obvious. If you go outdoors only in summer, then we buy a tent of the first type. Avid fishermen, hunters or rafters are advised to purchase an all-weather tent. You never know how things will turn out 🙂 It's better to be ready. And for those who have devoted all their free time to tourism in any weather, there is no doubt. Definitely a winter option. A similar situation with winter fishing.

How to choose a tent for a family vacation. Deciding on the size

Do you know how the manufacturer labels products by capacity? Not a parrot 🙂 like in the famous cartoon. The name "single" says that an adult man of medium size is comfortably accommodated in the tent. In a double, respectively, two and so on. You should not think that every brand uses the same man for tests. An ordinary tester is 170-180 centimeters tall and has an athletic build.

And here comes the moment of truth. When buying products from the Chinese industry, it is better to look at the linear dimensions. Suddenly they were testing the tent according to their size. Don't think this is a joke. Such situations are not uncommon. And in general, if you buy a model for several people, do not be too lazy to study the dimensions. Do not spend a lot of time, but a positive result is guaranteed.

ADVICE. Pay attention to the presence of a "skirt" - an additional strip of material around the perimeter. The element can be sewn in or removable. If you pile on the “skirt” of spruce branches, stones or snow, you can increase stability and thermal insulation. Assault tents are not released without this element!

Now let's talk about the material. You can find two options: a single-layer model or a two-layer model. The water resistance of the tent is the same in both cases, but there are nuances. Sometimes not very pleasant.

  • Single-layer tents are made of waterproof materials. As a rule, this is a single canvas without seams or glues. They are easy to install. A significant minus appears, for example, in hot weather after rain. Condensate. In old-style tents, one salvation is ventilation of the internal space. Otherwise, a wet sleeping bag. New developments from “smart” fabrics have appeared on the market. But they are few and expensive.
  • Two-layer models are made from two awnings - waterproof and breathable. The latter is located inside. Between the materials leave a gap of about 15 centimeters. It turns out reliable protection from rain, wind and low temperatures. But the price of comfort comes at the cost of weight. Most tents with a vestibule are double-layered.

Choosing a tent for camping and more

It remains to decide on the design features and additional options. For example, windows. On the one hand, the possibility of review. But what to look for? On bushes, tree roots, thickets of grass or heaps of stones? On the other hand, ventilation And here are the questions. If the tent is single-layer, the entrance opening will suffice. If two-layer, additional ventilation is not needed. So it turns out that windows are needed only in camping models 🙂 You know the comfort.

It is more difficult with the material, but only from ignorance of the names and properties. Often the names are clear, such as "Polyester". And if you see "Poly Taffeta 210T"? There are sensations from the area star wars or the production of terminators 🙂 Joking aside, only two types of artificial materials are used for the production of tents - polyamides and polyesters. These are the familiar nylon and polyester. Much depends on the understanding of the marking, including the water resistance of the tent.

The first material is cheap, but holds UV worse and stretches in the rain. Polyester is practically devoid of the disadvantages of a fellow, but it costs many times more. For a tent for one or two is not so critical, but camping models vary greatly in price. Even in the marking indicates weaving. Rather, the type, density and impregnation. The mentioned "taffeta" is just a way of weaving. There are especially strong weaving and reinforcement.

DID YOU KNOW… that the cloak-tent came from the cloaks-epanches that were used in the Russian army during the time of Peter the Great? First, in the second half of the 18th century, the epanchi had a hood. Toward the end of the 19th century, the raincoat of the tent takes on the form familiar to us. The kit, for the soldiers and officers of the Red Army, included: a waterproof cloth 1.8 by 1.8 meters, a composite stand, pins and a rope for lacing.

The numbers in the name of the material indicate the density. This is how the manufacturer determines the strength of the awnings. The larger the value, the stronger the fabric. But also harder, respectively. Thread thickness can be specified. Here the same dependence with mass, as well as density. We advise you to pay special attention to impregnation. Manufacturers use two substances - polyurethane and silicone. The first goes to the inner surface, the second - to the outer.

It would seem that everything is elementary. But! What matters is not only what the fabric is impregnated with, but also how many layers of impregnation are made. Two layers of polyurethane give water resistance of 300 centimeters of water column, three layers already 500 centimeters. For the outer surface, impregnation is considered the best option, which holds 200 centimeters of water column. What happens? For a hike once a year 🙂, a medium-density nylon tent and silicone impregnation are enough.

Types of tourist tents

It remains to be said about the features of the structures. If you do not pay attention to minor differences, tents are divided into three types according to their shape:

  • In the form of a hemisphere. The awning is stretched over a structure of two or three arcs. The elements intersect with each other and form the basis of a hemisphere. A popular type of tent, both among hikers and lovers of extreme sports. The water does not linger and the windage is very low;

  • In the form of a half barrel. This form is given to multi-seat tents with a vestibule. A good option for camping. But in undeveloped places it is better not to use it - low resistance to wind;

  • In the form of a house. This form is considered classical. The most commonly used type of tent for recreation. Two slopes allow you not to think about precipitation, but the windage of the structure is higher than that of a hemisphere. But the main disadvantage in another - the complexity of the installation. Why bother when you can buy an easy-to-install and disassemble model?

Choosing a tourist tent

There is knowledge, money has been accumulated 🙂 going to the store will not be a problem. There's just no need to rush. We offer some tricky tips that will help you buy a quality tent and save money.

  • New items differ not so much in materials or technologies as in design and price. Models of the last or the year before last are no worse, but sometimes they are several times cheaper.
  • An established brand costs money. The truth is common, but we forget about it. Let the company name be unfamiliar. The main thing is that the performance characteristics are satisfied and in reality they are.
  • It’s a good idea to surf the target forums, look at reviews or chat with fellow tourists live. If it is possible to borrow a tent from a friend, use it 🙂 You will understand exactly whether it suits you or not.

IMPORTANT! The floor is made from the same material as the entire tent, only with a denser weave or reinforced. In the characteristics, the manufacturer indicates the necessary data. We advise you to pay attention - to set up a tent fall on stones, grass or uneven ground.

Well, I bought a tent. The backpack was collected. Eh, let's rest! Do not hurry. We advise you to assemble and disassemble the purchase of a house several times. Traveling will be easier. Check the seams, or better yet, go over them with a water-repellent compound. It definitely won't get worse. And finally, after returning from a hike, dry the tent thoroughly. And you will be happy for many years 🙂

Have a good rest and good weather! And how and where to relax

It is impossible to do without a tent if you are going camping. In addition, such a fabric construction is almost indispensable for mountaineering, camping, trekking or at a summer festival. In fact, the tent is an integral part of the luggage modern traveler. But how to choose a tourist tent for a family vacation? After all, many things matter in the choice - material, weight, shape. How not to make a mistake and choose an inexpensive, but functional design? More on this in our publication.

When thinking about how to choose a tent for outdoor recreation, first of all, you need to answer a few important questions. Among these are the following:

  • Why exactly are you buying a tent?
  • In what season do you plan to use it most often?
  • What type of construction are you most interested in?
  • What are your preferences for water resistance, size and material?

And only after answering these questions, you can proceed to the next stages: technical features and choosing the best option, taking into account the cost of such an acquisition.

What exactly do you need a tent for?

The answer to the question of how to choose a tent for a family vacation largely depends on what type of vacation you are most interested in. After all, if you prefer multi-day trips and difficult conditions, then it is better to purchase an extreme tent of an assault or expedition type. What are their features?

Assault tent, as a rule, small-sized. It is easy to assemble if needed. It occupies a minimum volume, is able to withstand the most difficult weather conditions. Important design features are snow skirts and a strong frame. This type of tent is designed for one or two people.

The expedition tent is intended for organizing multi-day trips. tourist bases. There are no snow skirts here, and the awning tension and bottom design are more thoughtful. This type of tent is the most expensive, because reinforced materials and arcs are used here.

Another type of tent is trekking (it is often called tourist). This is the most popular tent. Its peculiarity is that it is not designed for difficult weather conditions. However, this does not affect the popularity of such a product. This is due to ease of assembly, low cost and average weight.

Camping houses - tents advanced level comfort. They are spacious inside, sometimes divided into several small rooms. Some models are designed for the full height of a person. These tents are heavy and bulky. They can only be transported by car. We have collected in which we took into account all the necessary qualities.

How to choose a tent, given the season

It is almost impossible to choose a universal tent that would be equally good both in summer and in winter. Given the seasonality factor, all tents are divided into several types:

  1. Summer. They are designed for use in hot environments. high temperatures. Very often such a tent is used on the so-called wild beach holiday. The characteristic properties of this option are the presence of a special mosquito net, light weight, excellent ventilation, windows. The fabric must be light, with breathable inserts.
  2. Three-season. This type of tent can be used in summer, autumn and spring. The optimum temperature for this is moderately warm or cool. The fabric material here is more dense, waterproof and completely windproof.
  3. Winter. Their purpose is to be used in fairly bad weather conditions. Important features of such tents are the presence of a strong frame, windproof and dense fabric, double bottom, snow skirts. This design well protects the interior from gusts of wind. She doesn't get wet. Of course, you can use such a tent in the summer, but it will be too hot and stuffy in it.

How to choose the right tent design

A few decades ago, one form of tent was available for purchase - in the form of a house with a gable roof. But there are several types of such models on the modern market.

The main types of tents, given the design features, are the following:

  1. Hemisphere (This is one of the most popular tents due to ease of assembly, increased resistance to gusts of wind, a good slope - neither rain nor snow lingers on its surface. This option is ideal for amateur tourists who go camping for the weekend);
  2. Half-shell (This is a comfortable and spacious tent inside, the disadvantage of which is low wind resistance. Given this, this design is not suitable for extreme conditions. As a rule, such a portable house is used for overnight stays by a large company of 3 to 6 or even more people);
  3. House (double slope);
  4. Classic tent.

How to choose a tourist tent: size, material consumption, water resistance

The cost of a tent is largely determined by the materials used in its manufacture. But which ones are the best?

As a rule, the frame material of the tent is aluminum, fiberglass (fiberglass) or steel. The latter are not very convenient to use due to their large weight. The aluminum frame is stronger and lighter than fibergrass, but the cost is higher. Fiberglass also has its advantages. It does not deform over time, but is less resistant to fracture than aluminum.

Choice of tent fabric

Here the main factor is the choice of seasonality. Tents that are designed for the winter period are equipped with a denser and heavier fabric. As a rule, manufacturers use the following types of fabric:

  • mixed;
  • Polyester fibers (polyester, lavsan) - such fabrics are resistant to ultraviolet radiation;
  • Polyamide fibers (kapron, nylon, anid) - such a fabric is very durable, does not cause irritation on the skin, and has good resistance to external influences.

Requirements for the outer awning of the tent

Since such a material directly interacts with the external environment, the main requirements will be: water resistance (the ability to not let in and drain water), resistance to deformation when wet, the ability to weakly pass air flows. These characteristics are best met by polyester, which is why it is such a popular material in the manufacture of tents.

Please note: water resistance indicators are indicated by manufacturers as follows: 4000, 3000, 2000, 1500 mm This is how the units of pressure of hydrostatic raindrops on the awning are designated. 1500 mm is light rain. 6000 mm - downpour. The minimum indicator here is 1000 mm, the maximum is 7000 mm. The best option would be a tent with indicators of 2000 -3000 mm

Requirements for the inner layer of the tent

Since such a layer does not interact with the external environment, the requirements for it are somewhat different compared to the outer tent. The material here is not so dense, but it must also have the properties to drain water (not rain, but condensate formed from temperature changes).

What should be the bottom of the tent?

When thinking about how to choose a camping tent, do not miss such an important element as the bottom. After all, it is important that dryness is maintained inside, and protection from insects and creeping is also provided. As a rule, the following materials are used for the bottom:

  • Polyester;
  • Nylon;
  • Structured polyester.

All these materials are impermeable and the ability not to pass moisture. Another important point- the presence of special sealed seams.

How to choose a tent for a hike: the optimal number of places and weight

If you are going on a spring-autumn hike on Saturday-Sunday, then use a double tent or a 2 + 1 format tent. It doesn't matter if you have to sleep alone. After all, in fact, the difference in weight for single and double is no more than one kilogram. Modern lightest tents weigh only one to two kilograms. But such models are quite expensive. However, if you are interested in hiking hiking trips, then it is better to buy a more expensive tent than to pull a heavy structure behind your back in a backpack.

The best option, given the purpose of the tent

A tent for extreme hiking must meet the following parameters:

  • Weight - within four to six kilograms;
  • Water resistance not less than 4000mm;
  • Tent material - polyester;
  • The arches are made of aluminium.

The trekking tent must meet the following parameters:

  • Weight - from two to three kilograms;
  • Water resistance of the awning - from 1500 to 4000 mm (depending on the duration of the trips);
  • Awning material - nylon with special polyurethane impregnation;
  • Arcs - made of aluminum or polymer.

The camping tent must meet the following parameters:

  • Weight - within 12-25 kg;
  • Water resistance of the awning - from 4000 to 10000 mm;
  • Tent material - polyester;
  • Arcs from steel or aluminum.

In addition, pay attention to the total number of entrances to the tent. If it is designed for 6-10 people, then it is better if there are two or three entrances, at least.

How to choose a tent: main conclusions

Summing up, we will answer the main question: what exactly should a tent be? First of all, affordable, comfortable to use, reliable, waterproof, made of quality materials, protected from rain, snow and insects.

For the travel lover, the tent is a second home, a source of pleasant memories, shelter, protection from bad weather. It is usually the most expensive purchase for outdoor enthusiasts, which is why the question of which tent to choose should be approached as responsibly as possible.

Choosing the right tent is not easy, because they are presented in a wide variety of designs and manufacturers. We offer to briefly deal with the key parameters that are paid attention to when choosing a good and high-quality tent:

  • design differences (frame and frameless). In frame models, the shape of the awning is given by special arcs, and their antipodes are installed, like a tent, on racks. The former have greater resistance against the wind, however, their weight is more significant. Frame varieties of tents can be different in shape: hemispherical, gable, half-barrels and others;
  • how many people is it for. Even if it is indicated that the tent is for four people, just three people can sleep in it, and only two can comfortably accommodate. counting specifications of their products, manufacturers usually mean that, for example, in double tent two people will lie close together, and the possibility of placing luggage is not taken into account. Therefore, for a family of 4, it is better to choose products designed for six. Thus, it will be possible to place an air mattress in the tent, several racks for storing clothes;
  • water resistance. This characteristic is measured in millimeters of mercury, the higher, the more protected the product (800-100 mm r.s. is suitable for camping, and more than 8000 mm r.s. therefore, when buying, you should pay attention to them;
  • layers. In specialized stores you can find single-layer and two-layer models. The former do not have serious protective properties, their lot is short trips in warm summer weather. The second option has two layers: internal - mesh, which does not interfere with ventilation and protects against mosquitoes, and external - blocking access to wind and rain;
  • ease of installation. In the assortment of specialized stores you can find real tented palaces, consisting of several rooms, designed for 10 or more people. However, their installation takes several hours, are you sure that instead of legal rest and admiring the surrounding beauties, you are ready to spend such a lot of time on such a thankless task?
  • material. Cotton awnings are excellently waterproof, but when wet, they become heavy. Nylon (polyester) also does not let water through, but gradually loses its properties under the influence of sunlight, therefore, to improve waterproofing, an additional coating with a silicone layer is performed;
  • dimensions and weight. When choosing a tourist tent, do not forget that you will have to carry it mainly on yourself, consider your own endurance and convenience;
  • ventilation. Those who have never stayed overnight at a tourist camp do not know how terrible it feels when you have to wake up in dampness, when all your clothes get wet from the accumulated condensate at the slightest touch on the tent. Therefore, you should look for products with ventilation during rain and a convenient location for the ventilation holes;
  • other factors. In addition to the above, you should pay attention to the presence of a closing vestibule, the number of exits, windows (important for ventilation), internal fasteners, pockets for storing various small items. However, all of the options listed are purely your personal choice.

How to choose a tourist tent

Camping tent is a must. You can, of course, reduce your own comfort rate to a minimum and get by with a sleeping bag with a canopy, but such a step will not protect you from rain and cold, insects and snakes.

The question of which tent to buy for you can be correctly answered only if you know the preferred type of recreation. After all, this category also includes products suitable for summer fishing trips, and for multi-day hiking trips. It would be reasonable to consider several subspecies:

  • love car camping? Then you can safely purchase large family options with good capacity, comfortable living conditions. A camp kitchen in a tent is usually placed in the vestibule. However, all these advantages are expressed in impressive weight and poor warm-up;
  • a trekking (tourist) tent is chosen for hiking and cycling trips, in which case the indicators of weight and internal capacity become key. The disadvantage of such products is the low resistance to rain and wind;
  • assault tent. Designed for long trips and hiking in the mountains. Such products are small-sized, made of lightweight materials, waterproof and reliable, but at the same time they are cramped even for one person.

It is important to know which firm should be preferred! If the specification of the product corresponds to the declared characteristics, you can safely buy products from little-known brands.

How to choose a tent for a family vacation

This group of tents was created exclusively for your comfort, they are usually transported by car, used when traveling in the summer to nature or to the sea. Therefore, heavy weight, not strong waterproofing in inexpensive models, and poor warm-up are of little concern.

Usually in such tents there are several sleeping quarters, a spacious vestibule, several windows, and often 2-3 exits. It is quite possible to place a camp kitchen in them, and sometimes hide a car from the sun.

Deciding which tent to choose for your holiday big company with your family, pay attention to the following indicators:

  • spaciousness. Standard models are designed for four or more people;
  • water resistance. Camping options are not distinguished by high waterproofing, this figure rarely exceeds 3000 mm r.s. This happens because they rarely go on vacation with family friends in rainy weather, so extra water resistance is not needed;
  • the presence of a vestibule and additional entrances. The tambour is an important indicator of convenience for a camping tent, it usually plays the role of both a meal room and a food preparation room. And using the vestibule as a warehouse for things, you will make it difficult to exit, so having a spare will come in handy;
  • sleeping compartments. An essential indicator when relaxing with a family or a large company. Products on the market usually have one to three compartments.

How to choose a camping tent

Camping tents are mobile shelters designed to become reliable protection from bad weather, insects and small pests.
If you are new to the world of tourism, we recommend choosing universal models that usually have the following characteristics:

  • streamlined shape;
  • edges slightly curled up;
  • sealed seams;
  • reinforced with silicone impregnation weave.

Due to these characteristics, such products show good resistance to adverse weather conditions, their shape does not allow water and snow to accumulate on the roof. In an extreme situation, everyone who stays in the tent will be able to quickly get out. The presence of special fasteners allows you to quickly deploy and collapse the tent even in bad weather.

The versatility of products in this category lies in the fact that, with professional characteristics, they can be chosen for comfortable rest and accommodation for 4-5 people. It is this model that is the answer to the question of which tent to choose for camping with children.

Fans of long hiking trips, conquerors of mountain ranges already purchase professional models designed for no more than two people. The approximate weight of a standard single tent is no more than 1.5 kg. They have a more rigid design to increase wind resistance.

How to choose a fishing tent

The so-called picnic options are designed for weekend barbecues, overnight stays near the water with a fishing rod. Their key advantages are more than moderate cost, ease of selection. After all, buyers of such products do not worry about water resistance, the quality of gluing seams and other indicators.

Basically, when choosing, they are guided by cheerful colors, spaciousness, so that all participants in the fishing process can lie down at least in a row. Such tents are usually characterized by a low height, streamlined shape. Due to their small size, they do not have such frills as several bedrooms or a vestibule, store things, sleep and cook (in bad weather) in the same room.

How to choose a camping tent

If you think you enjoy natural beauties follows in comfort, camping tents are for you. According to their characteristics, they are similar to products for family holidays, but they differ at the same time in a smaller capacity.

  • the presence of a mosquito net in the sleeping compartment;
  • aluminum mounting brackets. The lightness of this metal significantly reduces the weight of the folded product;
  • additional interior pockets for storing small items.

How to take care of your tent

So, the choice is made and the tent is bought. Accept our congratulations and listen to a few tips that will help extend the life of this expensive product:

  • The majority of tents are sold with sealed seams, which means that the functional holes that occur when they are stitched at the factory are sealed. However, a number of tents still have not acquired such a useful property. They can be modified independently by applying sealant to the seams of the floor and walls;
  • make the initial installation in your yard, in a park or in your country house in order to acquire basic skills and not spend too much time deploying in field conditions;
  • after each night, empty the garbage, drive out the incoming insects, let the product air out and dry (if possible). Shake and dry the tent before rolling it up;
  • continue the drying process at home;
  • when the tourist season is declared closed, unfold the tent again, seal even small holes with sealant, use warm water and soap to remove stains, check the poles for damage. Store the tent only in a dry place.

Remember, the tent is your home away from home. Take care of her and she will become your reliable travel partner!