Beijing: Tibetan Center for Traditional Medicine. Treatment in China

Chinese traditional medicine is an independent direction in medicine, which has its own philosophy and covers all aspects of human existence. The first written works summarizing the experience in diagnosis and treatment in China date back to the 5th-3rd centuries BC. The very existence of traditional Chinese medicine for many centuries speaks of its effectiveness. Chinese traditional medicine (CTM) has its own theory of the occurrence of diseases, their development, its own diagnostic methods and, accordingly, its own treatment methods, which are significantly different from Western medicine. The human body in Chinese medicine is considered as a single, indivisible whole, inextricably linked with nature and society. By influencing biologically active points and channels through which vital energy circulates, one can effectively prevent and treat various human diseases. We offer treatment using traditional Chinese medicine methods in Xiao Kang Center for Chinese Medicine.

And despite the fact that it is still impossible to interpret the principle of its action from modern scientific positions, and it is full of secrets and mysteries, Chinese medicine is widely used in Western countries, as an alternative, and sometimes as the only possible option in treating a patient.

Our company organizes treatment in Germany, but our long-term cooperation with Chinese doctors allows us in some situations to recommend treatment in China using traditional Chinese medicine methods.

  • A number of chronic diseases, such as osteochondrosis, protrusion and herniation of spinal discs, arthrosis, gastrointestinal diseases, etc., are treated more effectively using Chinese traditional medicine.
  • Some diseases that are not treated by European medicine and require constant medication to maintain an active lifestyle respond well to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). For example: diabetes, asthma, allergies, etc.
  • Treatment with traditional Chinese medicine methods for diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus erythematosus, ankylosing spondylitis, etc. can significantly improve the patient’s condition and stop the process much more effectively than when treated with European methods of medicine.
  • When treating with Chinese medicine methods, pharmacological drugs that are prescribed in European traditional therapy and have a huge list of contraindications and side effects are not used. One of the most important treatment methods in TCM is taking decoctions and tinctures prepared from natural ingredients - plants, minerals and animal origin, that is, no chemicals.
  • Patients take decoctions from mixtures individually prepared for a particular patient after diagnosis. Those. this is a more individualized treatment, unlike the traditional pharmacological treatment that we are used to.
  • With TCM, the entire body is affected, the patient’s general condition improves significantly, mood improves, and a “taste” for life appears.

Our company is not a travel agency, we are doctors and are engaged exclusively in organizing TREATMENT abroad. Therefore, we always ask you to send extracts from your medical history and, based on medical documents, as well as conversations with the patient, we can recommend or not recommend treatment in China. We also advise those sent medical documents with Chinese doctors.

We hope that you will be understanding, if you do not hear something clear from us - we will help you! It is impossible to make reliable predictions without seeing the patient, without examining him. Naturally, during an in-person visit, after diagnosis by a Chinese doctor using methods used in traditional Chinese medicine, it will be possible to more specifically predict the prospects for recovery or improvement.

We have been working with our doctors for more than 10 years. Over the years, the location of the clinic and the name of the clinic have changed, but our doctors are the same.

Doctors with higher education in TCM, doctors, most of whom belong to medical dynasties, master unique techniques, have vast experience in treating patients and excellent results. We trust our doctors immensely and know that they will do everything possible to help the patient, return him to a full life and restore hope and joy in life.

But Chinese medicine is not a panacea for all diseases. Therefore, we try to determine the feasibility of this trip even before the patient travels to China.

We invite you to come for treatment to our doctors at the Xiao Kang Center for Chinese Medicine


The Center for Traditional Chinese Medicine has been operating since 2009. It was previously called “Vita”, and in 2015 it moved to a new building and changed its name to “Xiao Kang”. IN modern building The center also has all European diagnostic equipment and patients receiving traditional Chinese treatment can, if desired/necessary, undergo additional European routine examination.

The Xiao Kang Center employs a unique team of Chinese doctors. All doctors not only specialized in traditional Chinese medicine, but received higher education in this field, including massage therapists. Many of our doctors belong to medical dynasties, whose experience is passed on from generation to generation.

In addition, each of the doctors has his own unique and proven treatment method (recipes), which allows him to perform “miracles” from a European point of view, but in fact, is based on experience and knowledge accumulated over centuries.

The XIAO KAN Center treats patients using traditional Chinese medicine.

The list of diseases that the clinic treats is very wide. Naturally, there are no such diagnoses in Chinese traditional medicine, but in order for our patients to understand whether it makes sense for them to come, we provide a list of diagnoses in an understandable “European” version:

  • Cardiovascular diseases: IHD (coronary heart disease), hypertension of various origins, rhythm disturbances, vascular diseases - arteries and veins, including atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, etc.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, such as osteochondrosis, spondylosis, disc herniation, and arthritis and arthrosis of all joints. Damage to the musculoskeletal system in rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis, etc.
  • Endocrine diseases: type 2 diabetes mellitus(the first type is only stabilization), thyroid diseases and complications of these diseases.
  • Chronic diseases of ENT organs- nose, paranasal sinuses, pharynx, ear.
  • Chronic diseases of the lungs and bronchi, including bronchial asthma.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: esophagus, stomach, large and small intestines, rectum, gallbladder, pancreas, liver (hepatitis).
  • Diseases of the urinary system and kidneys: urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis, prostatitis.
  • Anemia.
  • Neurological diseases: rehabilitation after acute cerebrovascular accident, degenerative diseases, neuralgia, neuritis, etc.
  • Autoimmune diseases: for example, ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis.
  • Skin diseases: vitiligo, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, etc.
  • Cosmetology.
  • General health of the body- sleep disturbance, chronic fatigue syndrome, body cleansing, weight normalization.

If you do not find your diagnosis in this list, call us or ask a question in writing!

It is impossible to list the entire range of diseases treated at the clinic. In addition, if there are doubts about the ability to help you, we consult with Chinese doctors. For rare pathologies, we can offer treatment from doctors who are not part of the clinic’s staff, but are invited specifically for a specific patient.

Our doctors:

Professor, Dr. Zhou Huanlian, specialization - herbalist.

Dr. Zhou Huanlian received his education at Harbin Medical University. The doctor is the owner of a dynasty pharmacy, which has a long history. The doctor effectively applies the accumulated experience of his ancestors when treating patients. The doctor is known not only in China, but also abroad, including European countries. The author of many scientific papers, he regularly participates in International medical symposia on TCM.

Dr. Zhou Huanglian has received numerous government awards for his contribution to the development of TCM, and his name is included in the book “ The best people China."

Having an impeccable command of the diagnostic methods of traditional Chinese medicine, after diagnosis, Dr. Zhou Huanglian prepares a recipe for infusions from natural ingredients for each patient, from which tinctures are subsequently prepared.

His area of ​​specialization includes almost all diseases that are treated with TCM methods, because... The therapeutic effect of tinctures is directed not only not so much to the symptom of the disease, but to the entire body.

Dr. Zheng Jizhi graduated from Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Dr. Zheng Jizhi served as the chief physician of the Chinese Medicine Center, the current chairman of the Dalian Institute of Chinese Medicine Professional Committee.

Specializes in the treatment of the following diseases: orthopedics (trauma), spinal hernia, cervical spondylosis, cervical canal stenosis, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, synovitis, ankylosing spondylitis, gout, arthritis, lumbago, vascular diseases, neurological diseases and many other diseases. Masters unique methods of treating severe diseases of traditional Chinese medicine, such as osteomyelitis, bone tuberculosis, necrosis of the femoral head, vasculitis.

Dr. Wang, specializing in energy massage, has a higher medical education.

Van is a unique doctor who uses his energy massage technique, the results of which are exceptional. Thanks to his massage technique, it is possible to eliminate even those problems that cannot be cured in European medicine without surgery. For example, eliminating a deviated nasal septum, facial asymmetry after an acute cerebrovascular accident, and in the field of cosmetology, removing nasolabial folds. This technique combines many techniques aimed not only at the muscular system, but also at ligaments and cartilage tissue, which makes it possible to successfully treat many diseases associated with both the pathology of the musculoskeletal system and internal organs.

Dr. Ma, massage therapist.

Dr. Ma is proficient in various massage techniques. Actively uses Shiatsu massage. Shiatsu massage is a Japanese type of massage, the action of which is aimed at circulating Qi energy and is able to effectively balance it, achieving harmony. This type of massage is a targeted effect on acupuncture points and meridians with the fingers and palms of the hands.

In addition, the doctor knows such treatment methods as fire therapy, very effective especially for diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Dr. Ma treats the following conditions:- pathology of the musculoskeletal system, namely arthrosis, arthritis of various etiologies, osteochondrosis, spondylosis, including in case of systemic diseases, hernia and protrusion of intervertebral discs, etc.

Dr. Shea, chiropractor.

A doctor of manual therapy is a chiropractor who can use his hands to improve the functioning of internal organs, correct the spine, and relieve muscle and joint pain.

Treats diseases: pain in the lower back and cervical spine, osteochondrosis, disc displacement, sprains, migraines, dizziness, inflammation of the sciatic nerve, sports injuries, kidney prolapse, pyelonephritis, prostatitis, inguinal hernia, cellulite.


At the first appointment, diagnostics are carried out to establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. For our patients, diagnostic methods are unusual; these are not the instrumental methods that are familiar to us, but exclusively traditional Chinese ones (unless otherwise required).

The Chinese doctor talks and examines the patient, everything is important - the color and condition of the skin, the color of the whites of the eyes, the tongue. In addition, the patient’s voice and smell are important. Palpation is carried out, and, of course, diagnosis by pulse. Pulse diagnostics requires enormous experience and knowledge in order to capture its subtlest characteristics. A qualified traditional Chinese medicine doctor can determine up to 28 characteristics of the pulse and thus obtains up to 70-80% of information about the patient.

Treatment methods:

1. Taking decoctions and tinctures

After diagnosis, the patient is prescribed decoctions or tinctures prepared from mixtures that contain natural ingredients - plants, minerals, organic substances of biological origin. Patients should take decoctions or tinctures from these medicinal herbs at a certain time recommended by the doctor. Decoctions not only have a targeted effect on a specific suffering organ or system, but act on the entire body, eliminating the cause of the disease, and helps restore the body’s own resources.

2. Acupuncture and moxibustion - Zhenjiu therapy

In Chinese medicine, disease is considered as a violation of the circulation of Qi energy in the meridians, each of which is associated with a specific organ. By influencing certain points and through them on the organs associated with them using needles or warming with wormwood cigars, Chinese doctors restore normal energy circulation. The methods for inserting needles are different and depend on the nature of the energy circulation disorder.

3. Vacuum therapy

Vacuum therapy or cupping therapy is very effective and is used to activate the movement of Qi energy, relieve swelling, inflammation, remove decay products, have an analgesic effect, and improve immunity. Jars can be made of different materials - glass, bamboo, plastic.

4. Needle Knife

The needle knife is most effective for diseases of the musculoskeletal system - herniated intervertebral discs, osteochondrosis, scoliosis, arthritis and arthrosis, etc.

A small incision is made in the area of ​​acupuncture points through which a needle knife is inserted. The procedure is no more painful than conventional acupuncture, but more effective for a number of diseases.

5. Fire therapy

Fire therapy is an effective and pleasant procedure. First, a medicinal composition - herbal tincture - is applied to the area of ​​treatment. The patient is covered with a special cloth on top. During fire therapy, not only the effect of heat on the body with deep heating, but also the medicinal substances included in the tincture are activated. Under the influence of heat, they penetrate deeply into the patient’s body, affecting biologically active points and meridians.

Fire therapy has a significant therapeutic effect in diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

6. Gua Sha - scraping

This is the oldest type of treatment (massage), which uses special scrapers made of jade, buffalo horn and other materials. With the help of this technique, according to Chinese doctors, “everything bad” is removed from the body - decay products, and congestion is eliminated. Impact on meridians and acupuncture points leads to activation of the body's recovery processes.

Gua Sha is used for therapeutic, diagnostic, preventive and cosmetic procedures.

7. Chinese massage

Chinese massage is different from European massage. If a standard massage uses a set of techniques for mechanical impact on the surface of the body, then Chinese massage uses different methods to influence the flow of Qi energy through meridians and acupuncture points.

We have listed the main treatment methods used in TCM, but, of course, other methods that our doctors know can be offered.

As a rule, patients with chronic diseases come to us for treatment with TCM methods. It is difficult to completely cure a number of chronic diseases in 2 weeks (this is the average length of stay for treatment). After 2 weeks of procedures, it is necessary to take a break, but taking tinctures usually continues for another 1 to 3 months. Therefore, when leaving home, patients buy the preparations, which are prepared according to the doctor’s prescription, and continue treatment at home.

  • at single occupancy - $140 per day
  • for double occupancy - $120 per person per day. IN Double Room Only relatives or friends are accommodated.
  • accompanying person in a double room - 60 dollars per day
  • transfer cost Dalian airport-hotel-Dalian airport - 60 dollars
Included in cost:
  1. Translation services when communicating with Chinese doctors.
  2. Diagnosis, observation, treatment: o examination and diagnosis by Chinese doctors, prescription of procedures, selection by a famous doctor of an individual medicinal formula from herbs, minerals and animal products, preparation of drugs in the famous doctor’s own dynastic pharmacy specifically for each client (the medicinal formula is aimed at eradicating the cause of the disease and treating the disease itself) , all medications necessary for the treatment period.


  • Tai Chi Chuan gymnastics (30 min., daily);
  • Therapeutic and wellness massage;
  • acupuncture (as prescribed by a doctor;
  • glass jars (as prescribed by a doctor);
  • taking medications and tinctures developed individually - daily;

Other treatment methods using traditional Chinese medicine are also possible as prescribed by a doctor for an additional fee.

3. Accommodation: Japanese thermal spa Kerren****

  • Breakfast.
  • Swimming pool with sea water, swimming pools with thermal water mineral water(with temperatures from 18 to 49 degrees), saunas: agate, clay, crystal, jade, Finnish, Turkish.
  • Gym, concert hall and several cinema halls - daily, free of charge.
  • Price level: budget, 1.5-2 times cheaper than in South Korea.
  • Main areas: oncology, rehabilitation, orthopedics, traditional oriental medicine, dentistry.
  • International accreditation: 82 clinics received JCI certificate.

Features of medical tourism for treatment in China

The culture of working with foreign patients in China is not as developed as in Korea or Singapore. The choice of clinics with their own translators and international centers is gradually increasing, but is still small.

The best clinics in China are public; they receive government support and budget funding. Because of large quantities Chinese patients, it is difficult for a foreigner to get an appointment there, and it is worth turning to private clinics. At the same time, you need to choose carefully, collecting as much information as possible - before the trip, you need to make sure that the hospital, doctors and intermediary company are sufficiently qualified.

Not all medical institutions can afford the prestigious status of an international clinic. Patients from abroad are accepted only by those who are ready to provide decent service: translation services, examination by renowned doctors and treatment with modern equipment.

Benefits of China and Chinese Medicine Treatment

Clinic equipment. Medical devices and medicines reach the Chinese market earlier than the Russian or Korean ones. When a new technique or equipment appears, many countries wait 5 years or more before allowing its use on their territory. China introduces new products 2-3 years faster.

If a development is considered innovative, it receives priority in clinical trials and can be approved for widespread use on an expedited basis. This is a plus for people who have not been helped by existing methods and want to give new ones a chance. It can be:

  • cryotherapy is a minimally invasive method, freezing the tumor using argon;
  • nanoknife - destruction of a tumor using electrical impulses that do not affect surrounding tissues and blood vessels. Used to remove inoperable tumors, pancreatic cancer;
  • chemotherapy with the injection of a drug directly into the tumor to reduce the effect on healthy tissue
  • Immunotherapy is often used as an auxiliary method. It helps T lymphocytes, immune cells, recognize tumor cells and destroy them.

In addition, Chinese doctors effectively use well-known and proven technologies:

  • brachytherapy - radiation therapy in which a radiation source is placed inside the tumor;
  • photodynamic therapy - destruction of the tumor using a light source with a certain wavelength;
  • radiofrequency ablation - heating the tumor to a temperature at which cells begin to destroy.

Eastern medicine- one of the main reasons attracting patients from abroad. It is indicated for general health improvement of the body or during rehabilitation after illnesses and injuries. Chinese medicine clinics offer treatment using acupuncture, herbal medicine, massage, and ba guan cupping. These methods reduce swelling, relieve inflammation and pain. It is important that traditional medicine is effective for orthopedic disorders, hernias, and decreased immunity, but tumors are not treated with its help in China. To combat oncology in reliable clinics in China, doctors use modern surgical methods.


Chinese doctors are not inferior to their Korean, Singaporean and Japanese colleagues either in terms of success in their work, or in the number of know-how and publications in scientific journals. Reasons for highly qualified medical staff:

  • regular internships abroad, in Europe and America;
  • rapid implementation of new technologies;
  • constant practice due to the large flow of patients.

The standard of living and life expectancy are growing - the demand for treatment of oncology, endocrine diseases, rehabilitation after strokes and heart attacks, and general strengthening therapy is growing. This gives doctors the opportunity to learn different treatment methods and create their own.

Transport accessibility

Representatives of 13 countries can enter China without a visa for a period of 15-90 days. Among them are San Marino, Bahamas, Barbados, Fiji, Grenada, Japan, Singapore, Serbia, Ecuador, Mauritius, Seychelles, Tonga, Brunei.

Citizens of Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus need to take care of obtaining a visa in advance.

Clinics working with Russians are located in Beijing, Dalian, Guangzhou and Harbin - there are frequent direct flights from many major cities Russia, especially from the Far East.

Accommodation during treatment in China

The average cost of a single room per day is $50. For this money, the patient receives a comfortable room and the attention of medical staff, but if desired, you can save money and rent a hotel room. This is relevant for those who come to China for a rehabilitation course: it lasts 3-4 weeks, which will be more economical to spend in an inexpensive hotel.

Taizi Traditional Chinese Medicine Center is a large diagnostic and treatment center in Sanya, Hainan Island, and has a license to carry out medical activities.
The sanatorium-type center was founded in 2006.

Leading Chinese doctors unique climate, sea ​​water and clean air, friendly staff, Russian-speaking translators, comfortable hotel rooms made it the main real health resort in China.

Year-round warm weather and the beautiful sea, allow you not only to undergo treatment in comfortable conditions, but also to relax and swim.

The sanatorium has three branches, each of which is located in the bays of Sanya:

  1. Dadonghai,
  2. Yalongbei,
  3. Sanyabay

The first branch is located in Dadonghai Bay. The sanatorium is located a 5-minute leisurely walk from the sea. Located among the most popular hotels on the island:

  • ResortIntime 5*,
  • PearlRiverGarden 5*,
  • Lindaseaview 4*,
  • BarryHotel 4*,
  • GuestHouse 4*, etc.

The second branch in Yalong Bay is located on the territory of the hotel complex - Yalong Bay Villas & Spa5*, a five-minute walk to the sea. The most luxurious hotels are located nearby:

  • M.G.M. Grand Hotel 5*,
  • Sanya Marriott Resort & Spa 5*,
  • Sheraton 5*,
  • Hilton Sanya Resort & Spa 5*,
  • Pullman 5*,
  • Horizon Resort 5*, etc.

Another, third branch, Heshentan, is located on the shores of Lake Danzhou, a 15-minute drive from Sanyabei Bay, close to the following hotels:

  • Palm Beach Resort 5*,
  • Sanya Bay Resort 5*,
  • Howard Johnson Resort 5*,
  • Ocean Sonic Resort 5*,
  • Holliday Inn Sanya Bay 5*, etc.

Anyone undergoing treatment at the Center is provided with a free transfer from the hotel to the clinic and back.

This medical center is often visited by movie and show business stars, famous athletes and politicians. Among them: ex-Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, head of the Central Bank Russian Federation, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia to the PRC, representatives of regional authorities and many others. etc.

The following diseases are successfully treated at the medical center:

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteoporosis, apoplexy, herniated discs, radiculitis and radiculopathy, cerebral palsy, etc.),
  • Diseases of the digestive system and liver (gastritis, biliary dyskinesia, colitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, chronic hepatitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, intestinal obstruction, constipation, hepatitis, cholecystitis, liver, etc.),
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmia, post-infarction cardiosclerosis, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmia, circulatory failure I and II degrees),
  • Diseases of the respiratory system (rhinitis, laryngitis, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, sinusitis),
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system (urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, chronic inflammatory diseases of the genital organs of men and women, male and female infertility, impotence, premature ejaculation, menstrual irregularities, menopause),
  • Skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, some types, vitiligo), obesity,
  • Phlebeurysm,
  • Diabetes,
  • addiction and smoking,
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome,
  • Sleep disturbance, insomnia,
  • Rehabilitation courses after heart attacks, chemotherapy and surgery.

You can choose any treatment program for yourself on your own or first undergo a diagnosis from a traditional Chinese medicine specialist and receive prescriptions for your treatment from him.

Below we indicate approximate prices for treatment, they may vary slightly depending on the cost of the herbal infusions prescribed to you personally.

This is a relatively new medical institution specializing in the treatment of a wide range of diseases using traditional Chinese medicine. The quality of treatment at the clinic can be judged from its name: the literal translation of the hieroglyphs means “Chinese, related to the Han Dynasty, highly developed, authoritative, with high goals.”

Full name: HMG Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic

Alternative name: Han Ming Gao Clinic

In Chinese: 北京仁华康诚诊所

Location: Beijing

Indications for treatment

This international center invites patients with the following diseases for treatment:

Field of medicine (diseases)Diagnosis
musculoskeletal systemosteoporosis, arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, various types of rheumatism, intervertebral hernia, injuries, etc.
neurological planmigraines, dizziness, stress, insomnia, etc.
of cardio-vascular systemhypertension and hypotension, ischemia, tachycardia, etc.
endocrine systemexcess weight, diabetes, etc.
genitourinary systemprostatitis, menstrual irregularities, infertility, ovarian cystosis, uterine fibroids, etc.
digestive systemgastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, digestive disorders, chronic colitis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, liver cirrhosis, etc.
The center’s specialists also help in resolving the following issues:
– in getting rid of alcohol and tobacco addiction
– in the development of rehabilitation programs for patients who have undergone surgery to remove malignant tumors, chemotherapy and radiation therapy
– in the development of preventive programs that help overcome depression, relieve chronic fatigue syndrome, normalize the functioning of all organs and systems

Features of treatment at the HGM clinic

Before prescribing treatment, admitted patients are advised to undergo a diagnostic examination. During the diagnosis, the diagnosis is clarified and a treatment plan for 7 days is drawn up.

After a week of treatment, the patient is examined again. Based on the data received, the doctor draws up new plan treatment for the next 7 days.

Treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis, the timing is agreed with the patient.

A significant part of Han Ming Gao patients are citizens of Russia and former Soviet republics, so diagnostics are carried out with a Russian-speaking translator.

The basis of any treatment program is the use of drugs made from medicinal herbs growing in China. Careful selection of components, traditional preparation methods and precise dosage - the combination of these factors determines the achievement of the desired result and the overall strengthening of the entire body.

In combination with herbal medicine, the following procedures can be prescribed:
  • baths based on herbal extracts;
  • acupuncture;
  • traction;
  • manual therapy, which includes vacuum massage, several types of therapeutic massage, Gua Sha scraping and hot cupping.

After completing the course, the attending physician analyzes the dynamics of changes, based on which he makes recommendations regarding the need for further treatment (outpatient or at home).

Medical staff

HMG blade employs specialists with great experience. Among them are many professors from the Chinese TCM Academy of Sciences, doctors with 2 higher medical educations, who simultaneously master the theories of Western medicine and traditional Chinese.

Some employees in responsible positions have more than 40 years of experience. This explains the high effectiveness of treatment and popularity international center both in China and abroad.

Terms of accommodation

There are several hotels located near the medical facility. When registering for treatment, clinic managers can reserve a room for you in one of them. When booking through the center, some hotels offer a discount.

Because the HMG center is located in the heart of Beijing, getting to it will not be difficult from anywhere in the city. Most Beijing attractions are within walking distance.

Trip organization

To apply for treatment yourself, you need to send your medical history and test results to the clinic’s email account.

The answer about the duration and cost of treatment will come 2-3 days after the doctors study the documents. The client can only confirm his consent to treatment, indicate the date of arrival and send copies of the documents specified in the response.

The center provides a car with a driver and an interpreter: the first time - to meet you at the airport, the second time - to take you from the clinic to the airport after the end of treatment (these services are paid separately).

Data on the organization of the trip were taken from the official website of the clinic. How much this information is true, we do not know.