Cruise scenario plan. New scenic plan

Scenario of prom "Cruise on the" Dream "liner around the school continent"

year 2014

(The aircraft signal sounds at the airport, comes out the host and announces)

Leading: Announces registration tickets for flight №9A9B 2014 on the liner "Dream".

Flight management takes on the crew in the composition:

First pilot (F.I.) ___________________________________

Second pilot (F.I.) ___________________________________

Stewardles (F.I) __________________________________

Stewardess: Attention! Graduates of 2014 are invited to the first salon, issue number 9AI 9B

(Leading - the crew in turn read F.I. Graduates who are under musical accompaniment couples and occupy places)

Stewardess: We are glad to welcome the birthday names of today's celebration, our graduates on board

1 V: Dear guests, expensive teachers

2 V: And the favorite parents of our graduates.

Stewardess: Dear passengers! We ask you to weaken the belts, belts and sit comfortably.

1 V: Our liner "Dream" goes into a cruise around the school continent.

2 V: Today we will make our flight, the duration of which is 9 years of school life.

Stewardess:During the flight, it is forbidden: to miss, erased from the aircraft to landing,

1B: Refuse to break through the dance swirl.

2B: speak surrounding anything other than compliments and praise.

Stewardess:During the flight it is allowed: congratulate each other with successful graduation;

1B: take an active part throughout the flight, charge all with a good mood;

2 V: Give gifts, admitted to love school, teachers, parents and each other! (aircraft sound)

1B: Enjoy your flight! And to brighten our flight, we offer watching a video, memories of school, accumulated in 9 years.

2B: Our flight is performed on a dizzying height. The temperature beyond 25 degrees above zero, on board 35-37 degrees above zero. And what weather predict forecasters in graduation classes?

1 Vedas We will tell us the head of the educational work of Shatalova Olga Ivanovna. (Music, the word Shatalova O.I)

Hands certificates ___________________________________________________________


1B: Dear passengers! Our liner is approaching the children's bay.

We start lowering (beep)

2B: Let's see what our graduates were in a distant childhood. And remind us of our graduates of the dance

(Nine-graders and students start school) (Song + Clip) (2.36)

(aircraft sound)

Stewardess:Our liner again strive to swell. From the height of our flight it is very clear that for 9 years of school life, our graduates mastered a huge school continent, which is impossible to forget.

1B: Look in the window of the porthole! Ahead of the "Unknown Island", where for the first time this land came the leg of our first-graders.

2B: And they immediately, here surrounded by the attention, care and love The first inhabitants of the island - the first teacher: Touilina Vera Stepanovna and Nechaeva Galina Evgenievna

1B: We make landing.

Words of gratitude and deep appreciation want to tell their first teacher graduates.

(graduates read poems)

1. "Thank you!" For what you taught us
2. "Thank you!" For the fact that our class suffered
3. "Thank you!" For the years you were with us,
4. "Thank you!" For what you loved!
5. "Thank you!" For the fact that the leprosy suffered
6. "Thank you!" For having to speak with us.
7. "Thank you!" For justice, sorry for the nerves
8. "Thank you!" For everything, our first teacher!

V. S. and G. E. handed certificates______________________________________________



(again the sound of the aircraft)

2B:And again we are on the way. Before you, a mountain range, behind which our graduates always felt protected from storm winds, snowfalls, storms, blizzards. These are your cool leaders! Medvedeva Natalia Yuryevna and Shlepleov Valentina Konstantinovna.

1B:We make landing right at the foot of this mountain ridge.

Words of class leaders

Available certificates ________________________________________________________



(aircraft sound)

2B: Our liner flies rapidly forward. From the height of the flight, we can see all the corners of our immense, favorite school continent.

1B: Let's try to look into every corner, which left our graduates in the souls of our graduates, I learned a lot, and most importantly taught to believe in myself, choose a goal in life and strive for it.

2B:An important role in choosing the right route on our continent is occupied by our dear teachers. And the disciples want this song to tell all teachers thanks.

Song for teachers (music sounds on the teacher's screen)

(aircraft sound)

1B:Attention! We are approaching the huge, the most beautiful corner of our continent, which is called "Paradise Corner".

2B: Where our graduates are always waiting, they will always understand and wait, the true way will be guided, we will donate beautifully and delicious.

1B: Because for the inhabitants of this corner, their children are the most beautiful, the most intelligent, most talented and desirable.

2B:If son is everywhere first,

Stars from the sky easily grabs

This is all parental nerves.

Heaven is elegted to him.

1B:If the daughter grows to others for joy,

Clever, sportswoman and artist,

It means that this mother tried

And the mentor was also a close one.

2B:How many sleepless nights and daynackers

Divided for daughters and sons!

How many hard and many years

Located for daughters and sons!

Stewardess:And now, dear parents, listen, the same wants to tell you your children.

(Graduates read poetry.)

We love you, we appreciate you, Bogwatch.
You are our all! We adore you heartily ...
And this is all from the heart speak.

Now we scream loudly, so that the whole world heard
Such good and gentle words !!!
We love you, parents !!!
-Can not hear…
We love you! By scripts: "Your defense!"

Parent words.

Presentation of diplomatic parents.

1 Vedas The crew commander just reported that we were in the vortex flow. On board an emergency. What do we do?

2 Vedas Do not panic! We need to urgently come up with a distracting maneuver. Passengers are distracted, and in the meantime, we will eliminate a malfunction.

1 Vedas I understood our ether continues.

2 Vedas In touch, our graduates.

(Song about love")

2 Vedas Then now is the time to offer a video program "Hits of the season".

1 Vedas On your video clips.

(Song "Suddenly, like a fairy tale, the door creak") (2.45)

1 Vedas We have on board all the artists. Not flying, but a concert.

2 Vedas Do you know that the emotional overload of the artists is comparable only with overloads by pilots?

1 Vedas Our flight goes fine. This is all thanks to the sponsors of the company.

2 Vedas Attention! Passengers, how do you hear?

Passengers: Excellent!

1 Vedas Excellent!!! Excellent as always!!! Familiar voices !!! We invite the graduates to the stage, which are not scary of any overload, which for 9 years stubbornly, step by step approaching their today's victory.

    Vesevitina Anastasia

    Dyachenko Oksana

    Malyutina Olga

    Margoshvili Milans

    Sotnikova Margarita

    Stoyovo Elena

    Patrius Yana.

    Ishkova Christina

1 Vedas To present certificates with honors, the director of school No. 20 is invited and a part-time director of our company "Twentieth Airlines" - Circles Sergey Nikolaevich.

2ded. So our cruise on the school continent approached the end. We invite all passengers on the scene.

1 Vedas

Here they believe the magic, here are friends with wonders,
All fairy tales appear to visit themselves.

2 Vedas

Here clouds are not visible, here the smiles are closely.
Planet "Childhood" flies on the liner "Dream"!

Final song (2.50)

Voice behind the scene: (Call signatures) The landing of the aircraft "9A-9B" following the flight 2014 on the "Childhood-Youth" route. Passengers, representatives of the school airline, sponsors and guests, please go to the expectation platform for further follows on the "Good luck and Victory" route.

Solemn ceremony
Summing up the urban competition
Professional skill of cultural workers
"Recognition" - "Sea Cruise or One Day on vacation"

The scene is decorated in the marine style. Drapeting walls must match the subject. For a festive mood, you can decorate with bouquets of blue and white helium balloons. Tables are covered with light air tablecloths (preferably beddows). Music sounds. Guests gather in the hall.

Scene comes to the scene with a horn: "Attention, attention !!! Before the departure of the cruise liner, "Recognition" left for several minutes, a convincing request of all passengers to take places in their cabins.

Music sounds. The lead, he is the lead, he also boatswain and his Assistant Jung.

Boatswain: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!

Jung: Admirals and Admiralchikhi! Swimmers and films! Sailors and sailors! Yungs and ship boosters ...

Boatswain: Hello, dear cultural workers. We are glad to welcome you on board our hospitable vessel. First of all, let me introduce yourself - I am the boatswain of this wonderful ship. You can say his soul and will, his courage and salvation, his thought and his conscience! Everyone here respes me for my cheerful and kind knife. (Applause and ovations sound in the record. Bottches, not modest, begins to crumble, and, apparently, he really likes to be in the center of attention.) Thank you, thanks ...

Jung: Run !!!

Boatswie (noting Jung): ah, yes, sorry, did not introduce. My Assistant - Jung! Not yet experienced, but kind small! And today we invite you, dear cultural workers, go along with us around the world.

Jung: You know better than me that the cultural worker does not always succeed.

Your work is such:
Give smiles, mood,
Any calendar leaf
Carries the culture inspiration.
And in the women's day, and in the new year,
And even on the day of the sea fleet,
When the whole people bother
In the cultural workers - work.

Boatswain: Therefore, today, drop all the concerns on the case and at least one day relax with us!

Jung: So, friends, forward! In a cruise! To give the moor

Boatswain: Hey, sailor! What are you raseous! What was ordered to you? Help me in holding a holiday, and not to give orders.

Jung: I mean ... I'm so ... rehearse ...

Boatswie: he rehearsed! Do you know that on the fleet is the main thing?

Jung: Pasta! PO FLOT.

Boatswain: No, Jung. On the fleet, the main thing is order. (gives him a mop in hand). Hold! Gift Admiral. Nominal Movab Third Degree!

Jung: Yes, these degrees of me still at school on algebra got!

Boatswain: Know, Son, Mop from you will still make a person! (go)

1. M.N. Quad "UNGI" (dance with swabs)

Music. Boatswain and Jung go to the scene.

Boatswain: Today we dedicate our sea cruise to you - cultural workers! You, like no other, know how to give joy, beauty, poetry, fantasy, satisfying everyday life. Therefore, definitely, deserve a holiday for yourself!

Jung: No solemn festive event costs without awarding the best of the best. And very soon you will hear the names of those who are their creativity, love to the chosen profession ignites and warms the hearts of others!

There are rolled thunders.

Boatswain (frightened): Thousand features! What is it? (Selects the pylon tube at the jungle) like the mountains, sea waves rise, and raging the storm! Is it really the Lord of the Seas himself complained to us for a holiday? What is the honor, gentlemen! Mighty Poseidon rushes to us by sea on his chariot! Meet! Head of G.O. N-sk - _______________________________

The scene rises __________________ to him with a crown and trident.

Boatswie: Ladies and gentlemen, now our ceremony can be considered open! And there is time to give a signal to sailing!

Tightening beep liner

Jung (dreamy): beautiful! Comrade Bozzman, and you accidentally, this beep is not reminded?

Boatswie: What are you talking about?

Fanfare. The scene rises D.A. _______________ His placed on the head of Chalm.
Award. Background music.

Jung: In the nomination "Our Hope" a diploma of the participant awarded the Lotsmans of the Book Sea - Library Workers: ..............................

Jung: in the nomination "Our Hope" a diploma of the winner is awarded: ........................

Bottches: In the nomination "Our Hope" awarded senior assistants of their captains - Starpoma, namely, creative workers of cultural and leisure institutions.

Boatsman: A special diploma is awarded: ............................

Jung: In the nomination "Our Hope" a diploma of the winner is awarded: ..............................

Boatswain: In the nomination "Our Hope" a diploma of the winner is awarded: ..................... ..

Jung: Yes, it is nice to realize that our cultural workers are not afraid of anything: neither endless expanses of the seas, nor strong storms, nor the ninth shaft.
We wish you always to stay on the crest of success and strive for the shores of creative heights!

Boatswain: What is it? (looks into the pickle tube) a thousand devils! We are trapped! Pirates are completely close! (whistles in a whistle) whistle all up!

5.MN. Quadro Pirates

Boatswie: ladies and gentlemen, without panic! I have great news for you! Pirates are disarmed! But this time it is not the merit of Dmitry Anatolyevich ... Pirates are disarmed with the smiles of our charming ladies!

Jung: Comrade Bottchman, and maybe they just aged?

Boatswain: Before whom? Before you? Haha!

Jung: before the next nominee, on whose shoulders there is an unbearable cargo of all creative concerns, before who is permanently and no longer the first year is firmly on the captain's bridge and ruled with a confident hand. It is time to greed on our deck of the real captain, in whose hands the steering wheel was reliable.

Boatswie: For awarding awards in the nomination "Head of Culture Institution" on our deck, the head of the city of GO was invited to our deck. N-sk - _____________________________

On the scene rises _________________
Award. Background music.

Jung: In the nomination "Head of Culture Institution" a diploma of the winner is awarded: .........

Music. Applause. All go to the hall.

Jung: Dear cultural workers, take our sincere congratulations from us. Let our gifts give you joy and warm the soul.

Boatswain: Happy holiday congratulates you on the young, but very brave sailor. Meet! Maxim Praslov!

6.M.N. M. Praslov "You are not afraid, Mom, I'm with you!"
7.m.n. M. Praslov "................................................... .."

Music. Boatswain comes to the scene, looks into the pylon tube.

Boatswain: Well, we go further ... quite near the cape of good hope, shelted from all winds is the Bay of Success. Let's get there!
How many of them swim in a stormy sea of \u200b\u200bdrifting ships with torn sails! They have no compass, no map where to sail. Well, if they randomly and enters the bay of success, they can not stop there. Because there is no anchor.

Jung: Fortunately, the following professionals who will continue to be discussed to this category, because they managed to speak correctly. These are beautiful and passionate people, loved in their work, and deeply devotees to their profession.

Boatswain: In order to continue the awards ceremony, we ask you to rise to our deck of the most purposeful, the most decisive navigator, whom you can compare only with the Great Odyssem. Meet! Chairman of the Duma GO. N-sk ______________________
The scene rises _____________________
Background music. Award.

Boatswain: A special prize is awarded:

1. The most sought-after and popular newspaper - "N-SK City"!

Boatsman: Any big holiday that happens in our lives, always want to remember and capture in the photo. Therefore, all the awarded we invite you to our deck for a general snapshot!

Music. Everyone goes to the scene. Photo for memory.

Boatswain: Dear cultural workers! We wish you that the lighthouses of all shores still illuminated your way on the expanses of the seas and the oceans. May Bermuda triangles ever meet on your way. More than you new interesting discoveries and adventures!

8.M.N. Quadro "Ferry"

Jung: Dear cultural workers! We are once again glad to congratulate everyone who received deserved awards today.

Ringing markets.

Boatswain: Well, the ringing of the ship's bell states that our beautiful cruise is nearing an end. Swimming in the last rays of the setting sun, our liner "Recognition" floats to his pier. Today we tried to collect together everything you need in order for our cruise to take place.

Jung: There were musical gifts and congratulations, there were guests and the most pleasant surprises! And there was a fee's desire! We had a desire to give you a holiday.

Boatchman: those who went to our deck, was the desire to make this holiday good and memorable ...

Jung: And, of course, today each of you had the opportunity to make sure of the chosen profession.

Boatsman: This holiday has become a recognition of our work with you. And on this day, we want to wish you - move only forward. Do not stop at what has been achieved, continue to boil new expanses of the life of the sea. All you have more creative finds ...

Together: And the passing wind is your sail!

Beep liner

Song "Argo" sounds

year 2012

Form of organization of animation programs on cruise ships

with Russian tourists

Introduction _______________________________________________________ 3.

Captainsky cocktail

with solemn launch balls

(Presentation Tour. Brigades, crew) ____________________________________ 3

Welcome concert __________________________________________ 4

Morning Charging _____________________________________________________ 5

Dance Class _______________________________________________________6

Children's room,

children's entertainment program _____________________________________7

Sweet holiday _____________________________________________7

Classical Music Concert __________________________________________7

Tournaments on desktop games, lotto club _________________________________8

Captainsky dinner _________________________________________________8.

Evening entertainment programs ___________________________________8

Miss and Mr. Cruise ______________________________________________9

Nerd Day ________________________________________________ 9.

Gala concert _________________________________________________9

Additional programs ___________________________________________10

Beer show ___________________________________________________10

Pinn-show, vodka-pancake show ____________________________________111

Pirate dinner ______________________________________________________________________12.

Cheerful starts on the shore _________________________________________13

"Play, Bayan!" _______________________________________________________fourteen

Evening holiday in bars _________________________________________________14

Music Salon ________________________________________________4.

Disco bar _______________________________________________________14

Disco _______________________________________________________15


Every day, a variety of animation programs are conducted on board the boats, so that our tourists can, as you actively spend free from excursions, and most importantly - to your liking. Given all the conditions: schedules of routes, and relying on the experience of previous years, you can make a list of mandatory events. Among them:

ü Captain Cocktail with Solemn Starting Sharov (Tour Presentation Brigades, Crew)

ü Welcome concert

ü Morning charging

ü dance class

ü Children's room, children's entertainment program

ü Classical Music Concerts

ü Test Tournaments, Lotto Club ...

ü Captain dinner

ü evening entertainment programs

ü Additional programs

ü "Play, Bayan!"

ü holidays in bars

ü disco

Below we will dwell on each of the items in more detail. But do not forget that these recommendations are the minimum of ideas, a given direction, and are designed for your professionalism and creative potential!

ATTENTION: The platform for any event must be prepared in advance! All props after the end of the event, it is necessary to carry out from the site into specially reserved places to avoid lost and damage.

Captain cocktail with solemn launch balls (presentation tour. Brigades and crew)

The program involves : All animation group, director of cruise, captain, etc.


ü Preparation of the concert site for departure.

ü Shipping and launching balls.

ü passage under the "Bridge of Desires" (when departing from St. Petersburg)

ü Ship crew meeting on sunny deck.

ü Presentation of the crew of the director of the cruise.

ü Captain word.

ü champagne.

ü Representation tour. Brigades director of the cruise.

The site should be ready per hour before shipping the ship to the flight. On the sunny deck there are tables for champagne, music is playing (the heads of ports prohibit a loud sound, negotiate this question with a cruise director of the ship). Please do not allow yourself to install sound equipment, tables and customize microphones before the start of the event. Guests of the ship must see the already prepared platform.

10-15 minutes before the shipment of the ship in the flight, the Methodist on the radio invites guests to the sunny deck (with bad weather, in the conference room). At this time, musical accompaniment should be included on the river subject, the animators welcome guests, the pop musician sings a welcoming song.

Then, the animation group should endure and distribute balloons to guests. With the shipment of the ship to the flight with the loud cries of "Hurray", everyone launch them into the air, fading good weather and a good trip. All this, as more interesting as possible and more likely, animators should explain, beat simultaneously with the distribution of balls. For example, tell me that the balls will delight the sun and good weather will be provided to us, etc.

Please calculate the takeaway time and distribution of the balls in advance, as this should happen before shipping the ship to the flight !!!

As soon as the motor ship is sent, the Methodist (or Radist) includes the march "Farewell to Slavs", at this moment the musical accompaniment of the solar deck must be disabled. Waving 10-15 seconds, the animators declare readiness for the launch of the balls. For example, at the expense of three, everything as louder as possible and happier crying "Hurray!" And let go balls!

The bridge under which the motor ship is held (when departing from St. Petersburg), it is also necessary to beat. Ask tourists to close your eyes before entering the bridge, make a desire and open the eyes only when the bridge is passed and so on.

Please do not leave the platform in silence until the ship's crew arrives. Refire the applause that the captain will meet, tell us a little about what the guests expecting guests while traveling, recommend to dress warmer, spend the competition, spoil the song, etc. etc. Do not lower the emotional plan of the event, communicate with the guests constantly . Serve the crew yield as solemn.

The appearance of the captain, director of the restaurant, a ship physician and cruise. The directors should be voiced by solemn fanfare or march (DJ).

After (or before) the welcoming speech of the crew, all guests will be offered champagne. During the buffet cruise. The director will present the guests an animation group.

ATTENTION! Sometimes a presentation tour. Brigades take place on a welcoming concert or information meeting. Consider this moment with a cruise. Director!

After the end of the official part, do not leave the platform in silence. Di Jay puts background music or pop musician performs songs.

Welcome concert.

The program involves : All animation group.

Welcome concert - an event on which our guests can get acquainted with the animation group of the ship. Each artist must present himself to guests, sing, dance or tell that interesting is waiting for guests if they visit his program. Animators represent each of the artists, briefly telling (before or after the speech) on where and when you can visit its events. This information is consistent with the cruise. director and artists.

Please do not reduce the welcome concert only to the concert program. Classic configuration is not suitable for this event. Work in interactive mode, that is, in direct communication with the viewer. You will beat each performance, come up with the original eyeliner to each concert number! This recommendation applies to all subsequent concert events.

First of all, animators must submit and invite a cruise to the scene. The director, which, in turn, invites the methodist for the welcoming word. This is the so-called official part.

DJ and the animation group of the ship must be in advance of the appropriate musical accompaniment of the event and work out the moments of its inclusion. This recommendation applies to all subsequent concert events.

Between the numbers of artists, spend short contests, interactive games with viewers. After the first competition, reveal the winner, give him a chance card, at the same time explaining to the guests what it is for which it is given and what to do with it.

"Chance" is a lottery ticket / card, which is played at the final gala concert in the form of a lottery, followed by the presentation of prizes. Please agree on the shape of the draw with a cruise. director.

The competitive program of the presentation concert should not be long and tedious, as it is a kind of interming to the fact that guests will be seen during the cruise.

Complete the concert by the execution of a common song (all employees of the tour. Brigades). For example, "we are stray artists." However, if there is a person with a poetic / composer gift in the creative team, "write its own. J.

Morning work-out.

The program involves : Sport designer.

Charging is a very important component of the day. It is from how you spend it depends on how the day of our guests will begin and continue. Your task is not so much to heat them physically, how much to charge vigor, optimism and good mood.

Dry, technicial exercises will not wake anyone, just tired and call the desire to relax. Add some creative and fantasy into your work!

Example 1: Assign exercises suitable on our journey. Communication on the basis of teams: left steering, power steering, nose, feed, drag deck, captain on board (SMIRNO), circle, equal, to become becoming ... Movement of marine animals (animals in general). Movement of the captain, jung, coca ... Element movements: water, earth, fire (sun), air (wind), metal (ship). Arrange the competition between the participants (and do not forget about the "chances")

Example 2: If there is a mixed public on charging, enter the program for paired exercises - because it is also a thimbilding element (team cohesion)

If only one person came to charging for you, encourage him with "chance" for the power of will, excerpt and early rise. Spend an exclusive occupation with the guest (at least, let him think so), which is no longer held by anyone. For example, the course of respiratory gymnastics. Let him go away from you with proudly raised head from the consciousness of his exclusivity.

Remember, if no one has come to charge on time, you still have to be in the workplace until the end of the last time. Someone could sleep a bit. He should not see an empty hall.

You need to be rooted from the tourist group with your appearance during this program. Be bright !!! After all, the energy charge and the mood of guests depends on you.

Remember the most active tourists, it is them that can be attracted to participate in the gala concert (a little later).

Dance Class

The program involves : Sport designer.

Depending on the schedule and contingent of guests, the dance class can be divided into adult and children. But the essence remains alone. Given the wishes of tourists, the sports structure must choose a dance, or a few that will be traded during the flight. Please note that all musical materials are obliged to provide themselves.

In addition to the goal to teach guests to dance azam, you must invite them to participate in the final gala concert. They can act as with just running dancing and with their own repertoire. You need to help rehearse, confirm, provide suites (with your own or from the details available on board the ship).

If the tourist asks you to work out individually, you do not refuse to him. Considerate the place and time of classes with the director of the cruise and inform it to the tourist.

Ballet artists (ballroom pairs)

In some vehicles of the company "Waterfront" instead of sports equipment, ballet artists work / ballroom pairs. All official duties of the Stortist are assigned to ballroom pairs. Plus, in the repertoire of ballroom pairs should be at least 8 variekrastructal and, preferably, the distribution of dancing, which they show one time during the cruise in programs passing on board.

Children's room,

Children's entertainment program.

The program involves: Children's animator, educator, (DJ - as needed).

If the heat transfer layout allows, our little tourists spend time during the day in the "Children's room" with an educator. Remember, the mood of their parents depends on the mood and not only. Running the decks noisy kids rarely please someone. Therefore, the educator must make a maximum effort to interest them in itself. Cut out mobile games, teach sing, draw, turn on cartoons. During the cruise, you can prepare and organize the original exhibition of children's drawings, be sure to be encouraged by prizes / "Chances". Please agree on the exhibition of the drawing (place) and presenting prizes with the director of the cruise.

Also during a cruise, if time, the director of the cruise can be appointed children's entertainment programs. Spend "funny starts", "search for treasures", come up with a program on the plot of popular fabulous and movies of stories, etc.

Traditionally, on the boards of our boats, together with the ship restaurant is held "Sweet holiday for children", during which small guests are offered tea, cake and pastries from the chef restaurant.

You can think of the scenario of this holiday yourself, but take into account the following proven scheme:

ü interactive / competitive part

ü tea drinking with musical accompaniment

ü Spend part of the program in the form of a conversation (welcome). That is, the program should take place not only in active game mode, but also just in the form of a conversation at the table. Fight the riddles for children, spend a small excursion of the rules of etiquette and good tone and so on.

For example, you may first keep searching for treasures that will be tea with cake. During tea drinking, tell children, stories about pirates, tea, or Russian traditions. And after the meal, arrange a small quiz on the heard. Do not forget the prizes!

Please agree with the director of the cruise number of children on the program, tea readiness time and sweets!

Concerts of classical music.

The program involves: Classic musicians.

2-3 times a week (in a seven-day cruise) in the musical cabin of the ship (Bar "Panorama") concerts of classical music. Usually at this time the bar stops work and turns into a concert area.

All concert performances are desirable to divide thematically: "Opera Aria", "Romances", "songs from musicals", "Music of Russian composers", etc. It all depends on your creative potential.

Turn your speeches into concert numbers, not the background music. The position of "Classic Musician" on cruise ships is characterized by the fact that the public comes to the burden of ship to the concert program, so they perceive artists not as background music in the bar !!!

It will be interesting if you finish each issue with a brief excursion to the history of the executable / composer.

On the other days of the cruise, classic musicians work in the music salon in the background music mode.

Please observe the general rules for each artist speaking on the stage: Culture of communication, concert costume, concert makeup and, of course, smile!

Tournaments on desktop games, lotto club.

The program involves: Animators (sports designer - by agreement, based on the parallel program).

Most often, tournaments are held during the daytime (before or after lunch). Competitions on checkers, chess, nardam, "monopoly" can take place both in one day and in the continuation of the whole cruise.

Lotto club is a separate event that is greatly popular and is a mandatory cruise program.

Your task is not to turn the game into intelligent, dry, quiet contest. If these are checkers, chess, backgammon, accompany the course of the game in interesting comments. If this is a lotto - you beat the barrel numbers.

Do not forget about the prizes and "chances".

Captain dinner.

The program involves: DJ, Pop Musician, Cruise Director, Boyber, Captain.

At the end of the trip, the captain invites all guests to a farewell dinner. The salons of the restaurant are festively stored, pouring wine, dishes are characterized by special sophistication. At the beginning of dinner, the restaurant comes, the captain, director of the restaurant, chef and director of the cruise come to the restaurant. They say farewell words, congratulate guests with the end of the cruise, and then fit personally to each table with a glass of champagne.

Task Di Jay and Pop Musician In advanceprint, bring and connect the sound equipment to the restaurant salons, check microphones. When the crew approach to the restaurant, turn on the solemn march, while trying speeches, "remove" sound, and after leaving the background music until the crew leaves the room.

Evening entertainment programs.

The program involves: Animators, DJ, the rest of the animation group as needed.

After dinner, all tourists are invited to visit the evening entertainment program. It should be a concert and interactive event with the presentation of "chances" and prizes.

Animators must have a competent speech and active declaration.

Please follow the general rules for each artist speaking on the stage: Communication culture, concert costume, concert makeup and, of course, smile! An animation group should be very different from the tourist group by its appearance during concert interactive programs. Be brighter !!!

Traditional programs on the boards of our boats are the following:

ü Miss and Mr. Cruise

Ü Nepotuna Day

ü Gala concert (all animation group is involved !!!)

The remaining programs remain at your discretion. Please agree them with the cruise director. The scenario plan of each show is fully designed for your creative potential and professional qualities.

Show "Miss and Mr. Cruise" It can be divided for 2 days, that is, one day is revealed to Miss Cruise, and the next - Mr.. The basis of the program is a variety of interactive games in which guests selected from the hall are competed. The jury, as well as consisting of the guests of the ship, evaluates the participants, and at the end reveals the winner. The rest of the participants are also assigned the titles, for example, "Vice-Miss", "Princess Cruise", "Kryza Kryza", "Cruise Boss" and so on. Personal letters (crowns) are better to present at the final "gala concert" before the drawing "chance"

In addition to the competitors of the participants, spend 1-2 interactive games with the hall or include a music number in the program.

Scenic plan of the program "Nerd Day"maybe anyone. It is desirable to conduct this program on the "solar deck" of the ship. This program consists of two stages:
1. Preparatory (during the daytime you prepare props and rehearse with tourists)
2. Basic (final evening program). This program is most often carried out in the middle of the cruise. The task of animators - in the first days of the cruise, calculate the most active guests from the mass and offer them participation.

The basis of the scenario plan of this event may be, for example, war between the Neptune and Sea Devil or Pirates, if a "Pirate Dinner" is not planned in the cruise (see below). Here is an example of building a program.

In the underwater kingdom, the witch is found with the old friend - the Sea Devil. They agree to disrupt Neptune's holiday, so that the witch becomes the Navy, and the Marine Devil would be able to drown so much ships as he wishes. The devil from the witch run away to collect the team, and on the stage the main mermaid comes out, accidentally heard the conversation. Contributes and runs to report Neptune. Neptune comes out (most often this role is performed by the bayant) begins to congratulate everyone, the main mermaid appears and tells about the conspiracy. Neptune calls to the aid of the "army" of the Little Mermaid (team of tourists), and immediately the witch appears, the devil maritime and team of the ships of the sea (team of tourists). When two teams meet in the underwater kingdom, a dispute begins who will be the Lord of the Sea - the Devil or Neptune. The way to solve is only one - to prove in the tests who are stronger! In the first competition witch, the devil Sea and the team of sea demons, in the future - mermaids. Demons lose ridiculous: it will fall, then the ball burst, who carried, then pushed each other (agree in advance and relent with the guests-performers). After losing the witch and the devil are going to escape. Mermaids catch them, forcing me to repent. Neptune forgives everyone, and all with the hall dance dance of friendship.

Examples of competitions:

ü jumping with balls between knees

ü paired jogging with kegles between backs

ü badminton on the go (kege and ball)

ü crushing through the swamp (rearrange mats)

ü growing snake (running through the serpentine, after each circle is added on one participant)

One of the main and long-awaited cruise events is the final "Gala Concert". The program involves: All animation group and the staff of the ship. The feature of the event is that in addition to the farewell numbers of the animation group, there are farewell guests to the shipping of the ship. This is what they prepared during a cruise by visiting the dance class events, "play, bayan" and others, or what they knew how and wanted to fulfill.

At the end of the gala concert, the most active tourists are awarded, as well as the prizes for the cards, "chances" with the presentation of the main prize - the detention center in a cruise of next year. Please agree on the presentation of prizes and trips with the driver of the cruise !!!

In the program "Gala Concert" The director of the cruise often takes part (a tribute solemnly presents) and some talented byphan staff, such as reception workers, etc.

Gala concert is also held in 2 stages - rehearsal of concert numbers with the guests of the ship and the final evening program.

Additional events

The program involves: All animation group

Additional events include a variety of master classes, evening animation activities other than traditional. Information and wishes for additional events depends on the cruise schedule and is agreed with the director of the cruise.

However, there are a number of additional events that are traditional, which are held, if possible, in each flight. These include:

ü beer show

ü Pinn-Show (Vodka-Blinno Show)

ü Pirate dinner

ü cheerful starts on the shore (green parking)

"Beer Show" - Event for adult tourists. J is held in two versions: 1. All guests are offered a glass of beer and a plate with crackers and thematic games / contests are held. 2. Thematic interactive games / contests are encouraged by beer. Please agree with the options with the driver of the cruise!

In the case of the first option, the nature of the program must be concert interactive. Also do not forget to tell a little about the history of beer in the game form.

In the second variant, the concert numbers in the program are optional. The second version of the program is more interesting. Also do not forget to tell a little about the history of beer in the game form.

Most importantly, the "Beer Show" program must go on a positive, informal wave. Here is an example of the introductory word:

Host: "Today we decided to remove some rings of academicity from our program, as you have already noticed, there is no tuxedo on me. And they prepared for you a mischievous, entertainment and informative evening, which is called "Beer - Show". Today we will try to figure out how to drink beer, where to drink beer, with whom to drink beer, how to drink beer in the place where it is categorically impossible to do this, while retaining the face of a respectable citizen. And of course, we will taste beer with you, and for starters, let's try to remember the brands of beer, which you know (in the form of auction screaming the famous brands of beer, who shouted the latter, gets a prize - a bottle of beer). "

The following contests can be included in the interactive part of the program:

ü Beer tasting - four participants are offered 4 glasses with beer of different brand (brand voiced). Their task is to guess what kind of.

ü Masking - To drink beer on the playground, you need to dress the baby. Four member participants Four participants of a woman should wear the babies on the speed and drink from the bottle with nipples.

ü scorer - in the team three participants. The first balloon is inflated and passes the second, the 2nd runs to the third participant sitting on the chair and shoves the ball, sitting down on his knees.

ü Transfer bottle in a circle of knees. The dropping drops away.

ü "Mom goes!" - Analogue of the children's game "Potato" and run around chairs. While the music sounds, pass the bottle in a circle. Who she stayed in her hands at the end of music - dropping away.

The list can be continued ... J

"Pinn Show" or "Vodka-Blin Show".

Joint with a restaurant event. Animators and all involved faces, preferably in Russian folk costumes. We draw your attention that this event is carried out at the input tickets on a fee basis, so it should go at a good level.

This program must pass in interactive lecture mode. During the program, tourists should not only die Russian pancakes, caviar and vodka, to participate in competitions, but also get a small historical excursion about the appearance of these products and the culture of their use in Russia. Please refer to additional materials to the cruise director. This program carries the national theme, so if possible, support it not only by appearance, but also musically and competitive.

The program is a Russian national holiday with the history of vodka and pancakes. You can come up with some fairy tale and play it with elements of an interactive, you can conduct a concert interactive program on topics. You can start with the auction already familiar to us, just this time, you can come up with synonyms to the word, "drink". Who won - a decanter vodka as a gift. J.

Contests "Pour, drink, snacks" for adults and "smeared, ate, hung and drank" for children. The essence of contests is simple. A team of 4 people (in an adult version can be more, the main thing is not multiple 3) performs commands according to the name. The first - pours, the second - drinks, the third - bounces. And so in a circle until vodka will end in the counteer. In the children's version there is one. The first - spreads pancake Jam, the second - eats him, the third pour juice, the fourth - drinks. The task is whose team faster.

In the program, you must fulfill Russian folk songs or chastushki. You can start the program in a squash form, for example:

"Hello everyone honest people.

Spoiled wider mouth

and now it is close

So as not injected the hippo.

In the village of Seleodochka

And in wine glasses we have vodka.

Stood today with a splash

Ate a dried ramp.

After reached the garden

Maybe who and I will nap?

Toha guy at least where

He does not bring harm

I came to merry

I did not find better than you

Well, I call me soha

Here and patted not bad

And where is my sister, my Yaroch?! "

"Pirate dinner" It may pass as a separate restaurant event together with an animation group, and with a continuation of the evening program in the disco bar or conference room, and together with the Nepotun Day.

The event "Pirate Dinner" in the program of the day and in radio broadcasts is not announced.

If on the ship, the number of artistic brigade does not allow you to hold a "pirate dinner" simultaneously in two restaurants, start dinner in each of the restaurants with a difference of 30 minutes.

Requisites and form of clothing:

An animation group is dressed in pirate costumes. In the eyes of the dressing, under the eyes of the bruise, in the hands of pistols, etc.

The waiters of the restaurant (or part of the waiters) are also dressed in pirated costumes or vests, bruises and scars are drawn on the face.

Restaurant design. (Draw up an animation group): Fishing nets hang, artificial fish, etc. From the ceiling of the restaurant, etc.

All setting on the tables is confused, many chairs are chaotic, the food on the tables is missing.

In the center of the restaurant hall, a knitted cook (or a passenger assistant) is sitting in the chair, in the mouth of a gag, "crying".

Waiters-pirates are sitting around the associated (present !!!) cook, who are on the chairs who are on the floor and play cards, not paying special attention to tourists, and later help the animators to race and force to sing tourists.

Chief Pirate (Animator or Director of Kriouz / Restaurant) invites guests to a restaurant.

As soon as all the guests sneak into their places, the main pirate announces guests that the motor ship is captured, the cook is connected and there is no one today, since everything has already eaten pirates.

The main pirate proposes to find a general compromise.

Further, the course of the program depends entirely on the creative potential of the animation group. You can get guests to dance dance or sing a sea song ... .. And it is also possible.

When everything is over, and waiters will begin to divide dinner, you can announce a comic menu, for example:

ü Assorted meat "SAPER error"

ü egg cool, in leather jacket

ü sausage Ostankinskaya (525 m)

ü Gorabrekon

ü brains chicken in ministerial

ü Grounding melted

ü Salami "Aleikum"

ü Khren (in the good sense of the word)

ü radish "Powder"

ü chop "for kidneys"

ü porridge ancient Greater

ü oatmeal "sir"

ü Stretz in his own gun

ü pork heat. From hell. zn. than.

ü Duck medical with apples

ü saddle lamb with stirrups

ü Bun homemade (in trico and slippers)

ü cupcake "Metropolitan" (40 degrees)

Please follow the general rules for each artist speaking on the stage: Communication culture, concert costume, concert makeup and, of course, smile!

The program of the speech it is necessary to include a variekteric musical works. Try to consider when building a repertory plan of the program and wishes to the present public.

If the weather conditions are transferred from the solar deck in the bar, it is better to mix your performance with a disco or ask DJ to start your work after your performance. Please agree on this form of working with DJs and a cruise director.

P. S. The layout of some boats does not allow discos separately from the speeches of the pop musician. In this case, the pop musician works in a duet with a di-jam of the ship. Please agree on this form of working with DJs and a cruise director.


The program involves: DJ (pop musician if necessary)

At all shipments (in addition to the ship ship 92-016), the disco at good weather is carried out on the solar deck. Please divert the repertoire plan, given the age and wishes of the present public. Do not forget to work in a dialogue with guests, it is not necessary to reduce your work to the technicial switching of musical compositions.

The planning of the boats 92-016 does not allow the disco separately from the speeches of the pop musician. In this case, the pop musician works in a duet with a DJ ship in the bar. Please agree on this form of work with a pop musician and director of the cruise.
Also, the responsibilities of Di Jay include visualing programs passing on board the ship and switching sound equipment.

An anniversary scenario

"Cruise on the jubilee liner around the school continent" 2017

At the entrance to the doors, the text - "Your luggage is a good mood, do not forget it"

In the hall a poster with the words "high flight and soft landing

Presentation "Happy Anniversary, School!"

(The aircraft signal sounds at the airport, comes out the host and announces)

Stewardess 1 : Dear passengers!A landing on the flight is announced 07.10.2017, we ask passengers to pass landing and take its place.

Stewardess 2: Translation into English.

Slide 1 "Happy Anniversary, School!"

Stewardess 1: In the second interior of business class on the right side of the liner are invited Guests.

Stewardess 2. : In the second Salon of business class on the left side of the liner, teachers and school staff (guest accommodation) are invited

Slide 2 (image of a flying aircraft)

song Song "Little Plane" Valery

Stewardess 1: We are glad to welcome our birthday girl in today's celebration, a large team of our school.

Stewardess 2: Honorary and respected guests!

Stewardess 1:

In the cruise of all of you for the anniversary
Today they were invited.
So that no one is late
Very asked.
Stewardess 2;

And here you are here, the hall is decorated,
Heat facial warrets.
It's time to open a banquet.
Let's have fun. (Applause.)
Stewardess 1: Dear passengers! (with a survival) We ask you to fasten the belts, belts and sit comfortably. And stay in their places until a full set of height

Stewardess 2: Our jubilee liner goes into a cruise around the school continent.

Stewardess 1: Flight control of the charter flight takes over the crew in the composition:

Captain Ship Lysenkova E.E. (handing a cap)

Stewardess : Ivanova O.V. and Gulova O.G.

Stewardess 1: Today we will make our flight, the duration of which is 40 years of school life. Flying time for more than 4 hours.

Stewardess 2 : And now we will introduce you to all with the rules that need to be observed during our entire flight:
- when taken over and when landing everyone needs to fasten the belts,

During the flight it is allowed to unbutton to abundant adoption,
- when boarding and landing the backs of the chairs, lead to a vertical position, during the entire flight it is allowed to tilt your chair to the neighbor with its permission, but not 90 degrees,
- the message button of the flight attendant is missing, so contact with all questions, you are verbally and writing,
- the doors of the spare and main outputs are there where and the entrance

the toilet rooms are located in the tail of our liner near the way out,
- get up and go home during the flight is allowed only with the permission of the ship commander,
- During the whole flight, it will be offered soft drinks, cold snacks and hot dinner.

Stewardess 2 During the flight, it is forbidden: to miss, erased from the aircraft to landing,

Stewardess 1: abandon the possibility of spinning in the dance swirl,

Stewardess 2: speak surrounding anything other than compliments and praise.

Stewardess 1: During the flight it is allowed: congratulate each other with the anniversary of the school;

Stewardess 2: take an active part throughout the flight, charge all with a good mood;

Stewardess 1: Give compliments, admitted to the love of school, teachers, and each other!

Stewardess 2: Ship commander and crew wishes you pleasant flight!

Stewardess 1. :

Today we have a wonderful reason
Gather everyone at the festive table
After all, the anniversary school has a good argument,
Fill the glass of sparkling wine!

Stewardess 2:

School - the word is expensive,

In the word Tom warm and light.

And the director in this school

Luch leaf between the planets

Stewardess 1. : While our liner is gaining the prescribed height, the word is provided to the commander of our crew - Lysenova E.E. (Music. Guests fill wine glasses.)

Stewardess 2:

Each teacher is a big videos and a fideller. And we suggest you compose a story in a chain that happened in school the main characters of which I are teachers and students. And it begins so ... "Outside the sun, timidly made his way through the morning fog and looked into the school window. The morning began as usual ... "We continue ...

Stewardess 2:

And let love and wave
For you, the heroes of the celebration,
Today is congratulations today
And just warm words

Stewardess 2:

Our school is a friendly house,

Many good people live in it.

All residents of this glorious house

Welcome close - guests of the area.(congratulations to high guests)




Stewardess 1:

We hope that your flight will be comfortable, and communication is pleasant.
Listen to Announcement:
"In the anniversary flight, video Salon works today, a radio jelly, which you can send applications and musical congratulations in honor of today's celebration. During the trip, you will also offer packaging songs, games, entertainment that will start time on the way. "

Stewardess 2. : On the eve of the anniversary, we conducted survey among school teachers and present you results.

Slide 3. (diagram based on questionnaire)

Medium-sexy school portrait This is one comic learning of the "School Person". (results)

Stewardess 1:

Let this day go to the story forever,
The success and joy of our school will bring
And the guests are having fun. Let be careless,
Nobody, I hope sad from the anniversary will not leave.
Stewardess 2: Well, I will ask everyone to get up,
Full glasses raise
Let's happiness we wish each other
Three times, say friendly ... .. ADDRAVE !!!
Drink a cozy toast to the bottom,
And the school is a triple ....ura! Hooray! Hooray!

(aircraft sound)
Stewardess 1: Dear passengers! Our liner is approaching "Alley of Memory"

We begin the decline(sound signal)

Slide 4. "Alley of Memory"

Stewardess 2:

Alya Memory Magic -

Here are the thoughts and dreams.

Alya Memory sincere -

Here you will meet everything you remember.

Stewardess 1:

We are pleased to present you very expensive and important guests, not even guests, but the perpetrators of the celebration.

The word is provided 1 to the director of our school beetle ______________________________________

Stewardess 2: The time of wounds, left in memory of those who no longer come here never ... We

we remember those unfortunately, no longer with us.

Video session (Against the background of the song, photographs of the teachers who left the life of teachers are demonstrated, comments on Trochinina L.A.)

Stewardess 1: Flying over the avenue of memory, let's remember and the fun moments of those past years The word is provided 2 to the director of our school Dmitrieva Antonina Nikolaevna

Stewardess 2: Dear passengers! The crew of the ship notifies you that our airliner scored the maximum height, the evening continues, You can unbuck the belts, it is allowed to get up, but not everyone immediately, it is allowed to gobut not further than before the captain liner

Stewardess 1: 40 years old

How many events occurred during this period!

Something forgotten, but much remains

in our memory and became history

Stewardess 2:

"Why did it all start?" -

We will ask you questions

Quiz "Day, when it was."
The leading corporate holiday calls various memorable events from the life of the company and asks those present to remember the exact date when these events took place. For each correct response, the participant (team) receives five prize points.

Competition "Who, where, when".
The leading corporate holiday includes the projector (or a diaperoctor) and shows guests photos, video, or slides. For each episode, guests must answer the questions:
1. Who is this or what is it?
2. Where does this happen?
3. When (accurate day, year) does it happen?
Each correct answer is awarded five points.

(After that, the results of contests are summed up, and the winners receive prizes. )

Stewardess 1: And we recruit the height again our flight continues and fly further towards"Islands of congratulations"

Stewardess 2: Dear friends, our flight continues, the temperature inside the liner is gradually rises. On board our liner there are guests, the word is provided to our guests _________________________________________________________________________ (Former graduates and teachers)

Stewardess 1:

What could be wonderful
When, love Taya,
School congratulations
Colleagues and friends!

Slide 5 "Islands of Congratulations"

Stewardess 2: The crew also decided that time came to present a few more small gifts to our school from colleagues Go to the decline, fasten the seat belts in front of us."Congratulations Island" (Pedaging speeches)
Stewardess 1:

On the wishes harvest is rich,
Their guests have a big stock
Congratulate our school with the anniversary date
They are ready right here, now.

Speeches-congratulations on

Between numbers musical contests

- "Button"

- "Perevilty"

Stewardess 1: Dear passengers!So, take our places, we take off again and go to the foot "Mountain Rud"

Stewardess 2: What is usually engaged in an ordinary passenger while his liner arrives at the destination?

Stewardess 1: I know! First, sleeping, secondly, communicates with fellow trains, thirdly, drinks and eats, fourth, is looking for an interesting entertainment. But today, we have an unusual, anniversary flight, and our passengers are not ordinary, and friends, colleagues, in one word - expensive and honored guests. What is now to do our passengers?

Stewardess 2:
While our plane is gaining height, I suggest ... "

Remember the various professions that exist and suggest who can get drunk. Do you know how to drink a carpenter? (in the board).

Glazier - smithereens

Cabin - in an arc

Firefighter - in the haze

Shoemaker - in the insole

Tailor - in flap

Undeller - to sleep

Pinatar - to a piggy squeal

Footballer - in Out

Hunter - in Hollow

Railwayman - in Dresin

Cook - in the sausage

Bondar - in a barrel

Forester - in a pin

Musician - in Dude

Electrician - on the out of

Physical care - in a lying

Medic - Before loss of pulse

Physicist - before the loss of resistance

Journalist - to the point

Chemist - before falling away

Writer - to handle

Astronomer - to the stars from the eye

And now let's remember who loves?

Fireman - Plaplacene

Cook - hot

Photographer - instantly

Confectioner - Sladko

Watchmaker - Combined

Lawyer - Krasnochivo

Banchik - hot

Fisherman - Cool Cloak

Accountant - gravily

Student - Platono

Doorly doctor

Crazy - Madly

(again the sound of the aircraft)

Slide 6. "Mountain Rud"

Stewardess1: And again stop.Our airliner made landing at the airport to refuel, and everyone seems to be able to quickly and warm up.

( dance pause).

stewardess 1: Before you "Mountain ridge ",

Stewardess 2: We are landing right at the foot of this mountain ridge (photo on the screen of all school teachers) for which our children always feel protected from storm winds, snowfalls, storms, blizzards. These are our teachers and educators. Patience to you all and health for many years.

Stewardess 1: Students of our school prepared you a video - congratulations. Attention on the screen.

Stewardess 1: A good mood is growing together with the speed of our liner. I ask the guests to raise the glasses for ensuring that all the adversities in our school were brought away with the speed of the reactive airliner, and his future would be filled with the light of joyful happiness.

Stewardess 2:

What is the perfect anniversary?

The fact that full of friends house.

Sea toast, games and laughter ...

There is still fun for you

In continued fun

All play the lottery.


Stewardess 1: Our liner flies rapidly forward. From the height of the flight, we can see all the corners of our immense, favorite school continent.

Stewardess: Let's try to look into every corner, who left his indelible track in the shower, taught a lot, and most importantly taught to believe in myself, on the way we have "island of entertainment » From here we are delayed for a long time to make refueling our liner

Stewardess 1: Dear passengers we go to the decline, look at the eliminators, before us "Entertainment Island" for a start a little dismiss

Slide 7.

Stewardess 2:

And now I ask you
All now go to dance.
We will dance together
Steel, light.

(dance pause)

Stewardess 1 : After the dance pause, I think you have opened a second breathing, and I suggest to fulfill collective songs.

"Emodji karaoke"

Stewardess: 2. Dear guests! Today at this hour in this hall is a set of extraordinary things. These are your favorite items or the necessary accessories of teachers and school workers.

Things are invisible and your task: guess these things and their owners.

1. Exhibit number one. Sheet that hangs on a black and black arrow board. Reflecting the glorious path of armies and states, but the main thing of our Mother of Russia. What kind of sheet and who teacher Her owns?

2. Exhibit number two. This item without which no day is required. To make it, you need to spend many strength and time. In this thing all lessons are prescribed.

What is this thing and who is it?

3. Third exhibit. Exhibit dongy, but each foot has its purpose. When one leg stands, bolding into the surface, the other is settled around it in a circle.

The owner of this exhibit has a number of necessary items to work on the board, but it can do without them, depicting on the board all sorts of squeaky hand movement. What are these things and who is their owner?

4. The fourth exhibit object for whipping with hands, legs, head and all parts of the body. It is especially often attacked by a high growth person, after classes with which all parts of this body hurt. What is this subject and who owns them?

5. Fifth exhibit. Thing. We will talk about, very important, in it all information about students. Where do parents live, and most importantly in it is a differ from 1 to five. What is this subject?

6. Sixth exhibit. Round form, but not used in the gym. Motten. It is spinning, with the help of this item you can travel without having dollars, camels and jeeps. What is this subject and who is his owner?

7. Seventh exhibit. Rather, it is not an exhibit, but an exhibition of exhibits you will see, coming to one office of our school. There is everything for life, and most importantly in order to prepare food, such delicious. This is the most delicious office in our school. What is this Cabinet and who is his owner.

Stewardess . 2: School you should know it!

Stewardess 1: Our cozy school is our home

Where children always wait for us

Where we meet us only good

Where to miss anyone will not give

All stars were lit in the MGL

Over our school

There is no where

Life is sooo

We all love you

Happy birthday school! (Fill glasses)

Stewardess 1:

Let her glasses ring, let the wine sparkles,
Let the night starle to you knock on the window.
On this lunar night, it is impossible without smiles
Pain and sorrow - away! Happy anniversary, friends!

(Fill glasses)

Stewardess 2: Announced dance pause

Stewardess 1: We offer another entertainment for you dear, passengers

Stewardess 2:

We say thanks to everyone

For your hard work!

For the fact that you are in the world

What work you are here. (Pour wine glasses for our union)

Lead 1:

At the level to keep very difficult!
But if you try, it is possible!
Everyone has its own level, I know
And that's what I suggest you now:
Raise wine glasses at the chest level

Forgetting now for my scales
And drink on one scale everyone together
After all, we need to align all levels!
And general understanding
Will have a beneficial effect
On all processes in your body
And you will not have a place in pessimism!
Dance Pause


Let's drink together for success,
Let him accompanise in the life of everyone!
So that never barriers to know in dreams
And in good noble beginnings!

And to secure success to securely,
All evening for him we will drink
And let the success of our holiday goes!
Successfully you and let it take

Stewardess 1. : So our cruise on the school continent approached the end.Thank you for your pleasant communication!

Stewardess 2:

Today all earthly sounds

We walked into a single choir

And there is no place for Handre and boredom,

After all, the school is our life!

Lead 1:

Live, school, many, many years,

Let restless hearts be fighting.

You wish you light and wins

And we are with you forever, to the end!
