Is there a sea in Mexico. Cancun is a famous resort in the Caribbean.

Mexico is an independent country in the southern part of North America, located in the widest part of the isthmus south of the US border, connecting the two continents: North and South America. Area - 1.97 million km 2 (13th place in the world), population - 121 million people, density - 62 people / km 2. The capital is Mexico City, the major cities are Guadalajara, Puebla, Ecatepec de Morelos.

Geographic characteristics

Mexico is located on the territory east of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, it includes part of the Yucatan Peninsula (12% of the country), the country occupies most of Central America. The area of ​​the country is 1.97 million km 2 , including 6 thousand km 2 of the island territories of the Pacific Ocean (Guadeloupe and Revilla-Hihedo), islands in the Gulf of Mexico and California, and the Caribbean Sea. The northern borders with the United States have a length of 3141 km, the southern neighbors of Mexico are Guatemala and Belize (the length of the border is 871 km and 251 km, respectively).


The northern and central part of the country lies within the Mexican Highlands, in the north turning into the Great Plains plateau in the United States. In the east, from north to south, the Eastern Sierre Madre Eastern mountain range stretches, in the west in the same direction - Western Sierre Madre, this is a continuation of the Rocky Mountains, mostly located in the United States. In the center, from east to west, the ridges of the Trans-Mexican volcanic belt are extended under the general name of the Sierra Nevada. Here are such mountain peaks as the stratovolcanoes Orizaba (5.7 thousand m, the highest point of the country) and Nevado de Toluca (4.6 thousand m), the active volcano Popocatepetl (5.4 thousand m). Only a third of the country falls on flat surfaces, the largest on the Yucatan Peninsula and the flat lowlands are located mainly in strips along the Pacific coast and the Gulf of Mexico ...

Rivers and lakes

More than 150 river flows flow through Mexico, most of them belong to the Pacific Ocean, 1/3 flows into the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. The largest river in Mexico - Rio Bravo del Note (3034 km) originates in the United States and is called the Rio Grande there. It moisturizes the driest Mexican lands, along its channel in the north of the country there is a border with the United States. Most of the rivers that originate in the Western Sierra Madre get lost in the arid zone and disappear. The main river of the center of Mexico, the Lerma, flows into the freshwater lake Chapala (area 1.1 thousand km 2, location - 45 km from the city of Guadalajara in the southwest of the country), carrying its waters from it to the Pacific Ocean already under the name Rio Grande de Santiago. Other major rivers are Balsas, Grijalva, Usumacinta, Conchos (the only tributary of the Rio Bravo del Note) ...

Ocean, bay and sea surrounding Mexico

The western part of Mexico is washed by the Gulf of California of the Pacific Ocean, the eastern part by the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea of ​​the Atlantic Ocean ...

Plants and animals of Mexico

The variety of climatic conditions in the country determine the diversity of flora and fauna. In the north of Mexico, in dry areas, a large number of cacti, agave, yucca, mesquite trees grow, wolves, coyotes, a large number of rattlesnakes and lizards live here. In hot tropical zones, dense tropical vegetation grows, represented by palm trees, rubber trees, and olive trees. Oaks, pines and spruces grow on the slopes of the mountains, there are bears, cougars, ocelots, jaguars. Seals, turtles, many birds live on the coasts of the oceans...

Climate of Mexico

The territory of Mexico lies in two climatic zones, its northern part is in the subtropical climatic zone, the rest of the country is in the tropical.

Most of the northern territories on the border with the United States, from the Pacific Ocean to the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, and the central regions of the country are in arid conditions (precipitation is about 250-300 mm per year), more precipitation falls in the south, their amount reaches up to 600 in Mexico City mm, a sufficient amount of precipitation (up to 2000 mm) receives the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and the land of Yucatan. The rainy season lasts from May to October, often powerful tropical cyclones occur here.

The climatic conditions of the country largely depend on the height above sea level and change depending on this factor. Coastal plains 900 meters above sea level have a humid and hot climate (temperature from +19 °C to +49 °C), this is the so-called hot zone. At an altitude of 900 to 1800 m there is a temperate zone with temperatures of +17 °C, +21 °C, a cold region is located above, it is rather cool here - about +16 °C...


Natural resources of Mexico

Mexico has significant reserves of such fuel and energy resources as oil (fourth place in the world in the production of crude oil), natural gas, coking coal. Also, large reserves of iron ore, non-ferrous and precious metal ores are concentrated here, Mexico has the 1st place in the world in the extraction and export of silver, fluorspar, the country is the world's main exporter of mercury, antimony, cadmium, zinc, manganese ...

Mexico is one of the developed industrial and agricultural countries with the most developed economy among the countries of Latin America. The leading sectors of its industry are mining, energy, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, chemistry and oil refining, food and light industries.

Crop production is the leading branch of Mexican agriculture. The main crops grown are wheat, corn, soybeans, rice, beans, coffee, fruits, tomatoes, cotton...


Peoples of Mexico

The culture of the Mexican people is a mixture of Spanish culture and the pre-Columbian culture of the ancient Indian tribes (Aztec, Maya). The customs, traditions and beliefs of Catholic Europe coexist peacefully with the culture of the ancient Indian civilization. In the artistic art of Mexico, frescoes, unique wall paintings, the development of which was greatly influenced by the architecture and art of the Aztecs and Maya, gained the greatest popularity and fame. Such famous Mexican artists as Diego Rivera and David Siqueiros worked in the fresco technique. Mexican surrealist artist Frida Kahlo is originally from Mexico.

As in any Catholic country, a very large number of religious holidays are celebrated in Mexico, the largest of them are Christmas, Easter, almost every village has its own patron saints, in whose honor local holidays are held with songs, dances, carnival processions. One of the most amazing Mexican holidays, in which the beliefs and traditions of the ancient peoples of Mexico and their descendants are closely intertwined, is the Day of the Dead (November 1-2). This kind of purely Mexican holiday, dedicated to the memory of dead people, it shows that death should be treated lightly and without fear. It does without tears and lamentations, on the contrary, it is one of the most fun days of the year, when after the traditional visit to the graves of their ancestors, people forget about their sorrows, put on bright carnival costumes, eat sweet skulls made of sugar icing and entertain themselves and others with entertaining figures. toy skeletons, which are the main characters of this holiday.

Cancun- is located on the Yucatan Peninsula, the state of Quintana Roo and is one of the most famous resorts in the Caribbean. Once Cancun was a small fishing village and only in the 70s of the last century began to develop rapidly as a seaside resort. Now Cancun is a favorite vacation spot for Americans. Yes, and our tour operators, if they send tourists to Mexico, then in most cases it is to Cancun.

Cancun is famous for its bright turquoise Caribbean Sea and white long beaches.

Cancun is conditionally divided into two parts

  • Cancun Downtown (the city of Cancun itself, where locals, backers and winterers live)
  • Hotel Zone (Hotels Zona or Zona Hotelera)

Cancun resort features

The hotel zone runs along Kukulkan Boulevard and is a number seven stretched along the sea, on one side of which is the Caribbean Sea, and on the other, Nichupte Bay (in which, by the way, crocodiles live!), Hotels are located along the coastline, mainly level 4 and 5 stars.

Most hotels offer all-inclusive holidays.

Basically, hotels in Cancun are multi-storey concrete buildings with a not very large territory. Who cares, but I don’t like such multi-storey hotels on the beach. I prefer not large beach bungalows, such as in, or on or.

The short side of the "seven" is less windy, there are rarely waves, from storms the beach closes the Island of Women, located in the Caribbean Sea nearby.

Beaches without waves in Cancun it's the beaches from 1 to 10 km, BEFORE the bend that is called Punta Cancun.

The long side of the "seven" attracts tourists with a long beach strip, a more beautiful beach, but the sea is often not calm there, in some places it is simply dangerous to swim due to insidious undercurrents.

Beaches with waves in Cancun, these are the beaches with 10 to 20 km.

Cancun beach

Cancun beach very long, each part of it is indicated by kilometers. Kilometers are counted from north to south. For example:

  • The beach for 2 km is called pearl beach and is popular with locals and tourists with children
  • The beach is 4 km away Linda which is always crowded. From it glass bottom boats leave for the island of Mujeres
  • At 6 km is turtle beach, which is suitable for families with children, because there is a gentle entrance to the sea
  • The beach is located at 8 km. Snail, which is suitable for water skiing, because there are no underwater currents. It is also the center of Cancun's nightlife.
  • The beach is located at 13 km. marlin, where it is less crowded, here on the territory of the Ritz Carlton hotel there is a small turtle nursery
  • At 14 km whale beach- one of the most picturesque beaches on the coast
  • A little further - 18 km is located Dolphin Beach, which is suitable for lovers of solitude, there are no crowds of tourists here and you can often see dolphins!

Cancun has everything you need for a great holiday: premium hotels, beautiful sea, amusement parks, restaurants, shopping malls and many nightclubs. Many tourists come to Cancun just to hang out 🙂

Cancun how to get there

Cancun has an international airport, where dozens of flights from different countries arrive every day.

  1. From Russia and Ukraine to Cancun in the high season can be reached by charter flights. Most often, tickets are not sold separately, but only with a tour.
  2. Cancun can be directly reached by Aeroflot companies
  3. Cancun can be reached with a transfer through Europe by Air France (via Paris), KLM (via Amsterdam), Iberia (via Madrid), Lufthansa and via the US by Delta. Important! When flying through the US, you need an American visa!
  4. Local airlines fly from Mexico City and other cities of Mexico to Cancun: InterJet, VivaAerobus, Volaris, AirMexico

Cancun can be reached by bus from other cities in Mexico. The central bus station is located in downtown Cancun (in Downtown). We traveled to Cancun with Volaris. Tickets were bought three weeks before the trip on their website. A ticket for one person on the Mexico City-Cancun-Mexico City route cost $200. Local airlines often have promotions where you can fly from Mexico City to Cancun and back for 100-150 dollars.

Initially, I knew that I would not want to relax in Cancun itself: I don’t like high-rise buildings made of concrete on the seashore, nightlife and all-inclusive hotels. And the prices for everything in Cancun are much more expensive than in other parts of Mexico. But I wanted to see the snow-white beach and the turquoise Caribbean Sea 😎 Therefore, it was decided to spend the night in Cancun before

It was planned that we would arrive in Kanun at 12 noon, pick up, check into a hotel and even have time to swim in the sea and get a little tan before our 12-day trip.

The flight Mexico City - Cancun lasts about 2 hours, during the flight they even gave out cookies, juice and coffee.
We flew to Cancun exactly on schedule, got off the plane and got into a downpour! And from the surrounding landscapes with swamps instead of fields, it was clear that it had been raining here for more than a day. Of course, it spoiled our mood. After waiting a bit for the person who met us from the American car rental, we went to their office, registered and picked up the car and went to look for our hotel.

Hotel in Cancun by the sea

I booked the hotel on I chose the most inexpensive hotel in the hotel zone of Cancun. Our hotel cost us $64 plus 14% taxes, for a total of $73. Of course, it was possible to find a hotel much cheaper in the city of Cancun, but I really wanted to live on the very shores of the Caribbean Sea.

Special offers for Cancun hotels

Located at 11.5 kilometers of Cancun Beach. Check-in to the room according to the rules of the hotel at 15:00 and despite the fact that it was raining and it looked like there were a lot of free rooms in the hotel, they didn’t want to check us in earlier than the allotted time 😥 . Well, this is not Thailand for you, where the issue of early check-in was always resolved without problems, even in.

Leaving the car in the private parking of the hotel (By the way, parking at the hotel is not very convenient. It is located in the basement, and there are no stairs or elevators directly to the lobby, you have to go across the street, and in such a rain that we found in Cancun it is not at all comfortable) we went to the nearest mall, which is literally across the street from .

Flamingo Mall is a small shopping center, more precisely, I would not call it a shopping center, but a place where souvenir shops and one small shop with cookies, beer, and water are gathered under one roof. There is also a Steak House restaurant. Since we still wanted to eat, we dined in it. Prices after Mexico City seemed to us not at all cheap. But the dishes were all very tasty 😎

Delicious spaghetti with seafood! I still remember 🙂

We paid for spaghetti with seafood, fish with a side dish and a margarita cocktail 550 pesos ($44).

After eating, we went to the hotel, where we finally got the keys to the room.

NYX Hotel Cancun Formerly Avalon Grand - street view

View from the entrance to the Nichupte bay

I booked the cheapest room (small room, located in a quiet part of the hotel, according to reviews - in the basement and without a window or with a small window). We were given a huge family room overlooking the pool and the Caribbean Sea. It seems that the hotel was half empty, and we only came for one night, so they decided to put us in a nice room 😎

The room has two rooms, each has a huge bed, TV, refrigerator and even a coffee maker 😎

And most importantly - a huge balcony, which offers a magnificent view of the Caribbean Sea. It is a pity that we did not manage to enjoy the sea views from the balcony - the rain did not stop ...

If it wasn’t raining, you can have a great time on the balcony with a view of the Caribbean Sea :)

The NYX Hotel Cancun Formerly Avalon Grand has several swimming pools, a jacuzzi, a small gym with treadmills, and a restaurant. And most importantly, a beautiful beach.

Despite the rain, we put on raincoats and tried to walk along the beach.

Walk in the rain and wind on the beach of Cancun

But it did not work out very well: I have never seen such rain and wind! We tried to plunge into the Caribbean Sea, but the rescuers kicked us out. I wanted to swim in the pool, but the water and the air were cold.

Trying to swim in the pool 🙂

I had to go to my room to warm up 😎

By the way, we caught WiFi in our room, although the description of the hotel said that free WiFi is only in the lobby, and in the rooms it is paid.

That's how we were unlucky with the rest in Cancun. We went to sleep at 9 pm, and at 6 am we already got up to go further. The first days it was generally easy to get up at 6 in the morning, the time difference between Mexico and Moscow affected: 10 hours.

In the morning we filmed the most beautiful sunset over the Caribbean Sea

And finally, a short video from our balcony 😎

Goodbye Cancun! We're going to!

Good day everyone!
We are planning a vacation in Mexico in October-November. Just started exploring the country. Tell me, please, which coast is better to choose for a beach holiday - the Pacific or the Caribbean Sea and why? Priority: clean, very warm sea and long white beaches with palm trees. I would also appreciate any advice on hotels. We love hotels with a large green area away from civilization. While looking closely at the resort of Playa del Carmen.
I plan to organize the trip myself, in this regard, information on cheap tickets will be useful.

clean very warm sea and long white beaches with palm trees.

Definitely Caribbean.

While looking closely at the resort of Playa del Carmen.

Resort - Riviera Maya, And Playa del Carmen - town, its tourist center.
The best hotels that meet your requirements are the Barcelo complex (1 deluxe, 2 fives, 2 fours)

Resort - Riviera Maya, And Playa del Carmen - town, its tourist center.

Understood. Thank you. So I'll watch the Riviera Maya.

The best hotels that meet your requirements are the Barcelo complex (1 deluxe, 2 fives, 2 fours)

Yes, I have already had a rest in the Dominican Republic in the Barcelo complex. Not bad. What can you say about IBEROSTAR? How do they compare to Barcelo?

What can you say about IBEROSTAR? How do they compare to Barcelo?

I can’t compare in Barcelo, I liked everything in Iberostar, the service, food, beach. We moved to Secrets Maroma Beach for a week, it’s also a great hotel, according to the administration, the beach of this hotel is included in the 10 best beaches in the world (maybe they’re lying, but the beach is excellent) Service and food are also top notch.

Iberostar is a good system of hotels, but according to the reviews of vacationers in the sea, there are constant waves. In Barcelo, the reef protects and the sea is calm. Otherwise, I would love to go to another hotel, and not to Barcelo, provided the sea is calm. Where else is there no problem with waves?

How would it...
There are, of course, waves in the Ibera, but in general they do not interfere with swimming. The only thing is to swim behind the buoys away from the reef blocks, which are just within these buoys :)
One day the sea was generally smooth, one day the waves were quite high (although he still swam, having sailed away). The rest of the days are like that, mid-to-half. Either swell, or gently sloping not very high waves.
Time sampling 21 days.

Mary_R, the Barcelo complex is located on the Riviera Maya. The sea during the rest was calm, there were no waves at all. Of the entire complex, the best hotel is the Palace.
Why would you like to change the hotel? Why travel alone? The only drawback of the complex, in my opinion, is the themed restaurants. There were no questions about restaurants with a buffet. Wonderful.

Advise which coast to choose for a holiday: Cancun or Riviera Maya? Looked at the following hotels:
Riviera Maya - GRAND SUNSET PRINCESS, BARCELO MAYA PALACE Deluxe (judging by the photos, poor entrance to the sea and a lot of algae), GRAND RIVIERA PRINCESS. We need a good beach (white sand, a sufficient number of sun loungers) and a clean sea (no stones, bags, a minimum of algae). In Cancun they write that the sea is muddy... Is that true? Criteria for choosing a hotel: comfortable rooms, rather big territory of the hotel, entertainment programs on the territory of the hotel. The period of the trip is the second half of April.

Geography of Mexico
Mexico as seen from space
    Our house Casa Manana is a spacious two-storey villa, which actually stands on the beach. Going down from the veranda, you immediately find yourself on the warm white sand. And, despite the fact that the house is surrounded by hotels, the beach near the house is quiet and not crowded. Mostly vacationers walk along the Mayan Riviera beach, which stretches for many kilometers from Cancun to Tulum. There are few swimmers, although the water temperature reached 27 degrees. Either everyone was frightened by rumors about sharks, or there was too much grass from the reef, but vacationers preferred hiking rather than water treatments.
    All around mexico is the sea or the ocean for a lazy rest and complete unity with the local unhurried rhythm of life. But there are enough places where you can spend time, as well as touch the history of the ancient Mayan civilization. These are a variety of natural parks and adventure parks, as well as an amazing underground world of caves, lakes and rivers. There are quite a few ancient Mayan cities in the area, the biggest known ones are Chichen Itza, Tulum and Coba. All of them are located no more than two hours from Cancun.
    We diversified our lazy rest with a trip to the Xcaret park, as well as a trip to Chichen Itza.
    Xcaret is a natural park that has everything to fully enjoy the local flora and fauna. Here is an aquarium, which represents the life of the reef, a piece of the tropics with butterflies, and underground rivers that you can swim through by renting equipment (vest, fins and a mask). Of the local representatives of the animal world in the park, you can see cougars, jaguars, manatees, crocodiles, and various tropical birds.
The coastline of the bay is indented. Because of the predominantly low coastlines, the coastline is often changed by hurricanes. There are many wetlands in the lowland coastal areas.
The bottom near the coast is sandy, pebbly-sandy, with depth - silty-sandy, silty and clayey.
In the shelf zone of the northwestern part of the bay, there are rich oil and gas fields, the development of which has repeatedly led to environmental disasters associated with pollution of the waters of the bay by spilled oil.
However, the ecology of many areas of the World Ocean is under the pressure of intense pollution by traces and waste of human activity, and no Osmo aqua filters will save the living world from death if we are not aware of the harm and danger of our actions.
The fauna and flora of the Gulf of Mexico, as befits a warm-water reservoir, is very rich and diverse. In shallow coastal waters, zooplankton is rapidly developing, which is the basis of the food chain of the local fauna. The conditions for the flourishing of microorganisms are created by well-warmed coastal waters and the richness of water with microelements washed off from the lowland areas of the land. Further, in open waters, there is much less zooplankton; here, the density of life is also less.
Macroalgae are represented by tortoiseshell thalassia, cymodocea and some other species.
Bottom life is richly represented by numerous mollusks, incl. cephalopods, shellfish, as well as echinoderms (starfish, hedgehogs), crustaceans (spiny lobsters, crabs, hermit crabs, shrimps and small crustaceans of various species). Lots of sea worms, snakes and other invertebrate aquatic animals.
Of the mammals of the Gulf of Mexico, several species of dolphins can be noted. Humpback whales and sperm whales occasionally swim here.
Fish in the Gulf of Mexico are represented by a large number of species. Small fish come to feast on numerous plankton, as well as the main commercial object of the bay - fish of the herring family - medkhen. This is a medium-sized herring (up to 50 cm), forming huge shoals in surface waters. There is a lot of American sardinella, alasha sardinella here.
Other predatory fish are busy hunting for herrings - bluefish, swordfish, marlin, sharks. Large fish hunt, also, tuna and dolphins. Among the bottom fish, one can note the yellow-tailed and black-backed flounder, gray croakers (relatives of the Black Sea croakers). Near the mouth of the Mississippi, many fish live that are not afraid of desalination - tarpons, all the same croakers and even gray bull sharks. These predators were met in the riverbed far from the mouth.
The main objects of fishing are medkhen, tuna, oysters, lobsters. In places, sharks are intensively hunted, especially some varieties of gray sharks (soup, silk, etc.). The tender, fatty meat of these boneless fish is valued, and especially the fins.
Sea turtles, numerous earlier in the waters of the bay, are now becoming less and less common. However, here you can still find species such as green, loggerhead, hawksbill.
Sport fishing is carried out on blue marlin, swordfish, sharks.
There are also accidents associated with the attack of large sharks on bathers. So, in February 2011, a shark bit a tourist from Canada on the beach in Cancun (Mexico). Fortunately, the woman survived.
At the same resort in March 2011, our compatriot suffered from shark teeth. The shark's teeth left a lacerated wound on her leg, but the Russian woman's life is out of danger (more on these cases here).
Most incidents with sharks occur due to non-observance of elementary precautions by vacationers in the sea or ocean of swimming.

I saw in Mexico both good and bad, and incomprehensible, and beautiful. The wonders of nature here merged with a severe criminal environment, poverty and low levels of education, but I decided to focus only on the good during my trip. is a very colorful country, most of which is simply dangerous to travel. Nevertheless, the snow-white beaches of Cancun, the colonial architecture of Guanajato, Mexico City - one of the largest cities in the world, Mayan pyramids and surfing in the Pacific Ocean attract tourists from year to year.

I would like to say that Mexico is the perfect holiday destination, but it is not. The disadvantages that are present here drive Mexico to the bottom of the list of resort countries, it is easily inferior to prosperous Turkey, European Spain, atmospheric Italy, vibrant Greece, amazing Australia, but still can help you expand your horizons.

But still, you should not expect from Mexico the comfort and civilization of a European country, American service, as in Miami, or Italian hospitality. Mexico is an ambiguous, sometimes dusty and dangerous, sometimes fantastically beautiful country that requires some caution from tourists.

beach holiday

It is also worth a look here in the format of a large Mexican tour, because a visa-free stay is given for a whole six months! In addition, if Quintana Roo is not suitable for you due to low waves, it is better to go to the Pacific coast.

So, here you can not only relax on the beach, but also ride fairly high waves. It is best to choose a city for a stop, and then from it explore various surfer spots that you may like. People come here for "wild Mexico", big waves of the Pacific Ocean or just run away from everyday life.

The best time to come here is summer. At this time of the year it is hot, fun and full of tourists. True, in this part of the country you can find less equipped beaches and resort towns with less developed infrastructure than in Quintana Roo.

California is bright and noisy, parties and bars

The peninsula belongs to Mexico and is divided into two parts - in the north, right at the border with there is the city of Tijuana, where Americans come when they plan to drink alcohol much more than usual next week.

Alcohol in Mexico is much cheaper than in. People go to Tijuana just for cheap alcohol, noisy fun, nightclubs and bars. The season here begins on July 1 and lasts until August 30, as most tourists are students.

In the southern part there is a popular American resort of Cabo (Cabo San Lucas), which is also famous for noisy parties, nightclubs and bars open until the morning.

Weddings are held in expensive Cabo hotels, here you can see Hollywood stars on vacation, couples who came for an anniversary or honeymoon. Compared to Tijuana, Cabo is an elite resort. The season in southern California starts on June 1 and ends around November 1, with the warmest sea water in August and September.

Historical regions

Mexico also has tourist regions with a focus on history and architecture. One of them refers to the ancient Indian pyramids, the other to the era of the colonial Spanish power.

Yucatan - the Mayan pyramids

You can climb the pyramid, meet the dawn in a hammock in the camp in front of it, have breakfast with a dish of real Mayan cuisine and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the ancient world, which has come down through the millennia, in Yucatan.

The Yucatan Peninsula is famous not only for the beach resorts in the Quintana Roo region, but also for the sights of the Mayan era - pyramids, religious buildings, ancient buildings and cities.

It is on the Yucatan that Chichen Itza, Uxmal, Calakmul, Izamal, Acanseh, Bolonchen de Rejon are located. The Mayan city can also be conditionally attributed to this region. In general, people go to the Yucatan for history and mysticism. The best time to visit this region is winter, as at this time of the year the heat subsides and long excursions become less tiring.

Guanajato - colonial Empire

An amazing atmosphere awaits you in the small towns of central Mexico. Here, surprisingly, this country resembles the old quarters of cities in Europe.

But don't be surprised by the romantic narrow streets and traditional, well-preserved buildings in this part of the country. This region has been specially restored for tourists and shows Mexico as it could be, and not what it really is.

The Guanajato region has two very interesting cities - Guanajato of the same name and San Miguel for those who want to visit Mexico for the colonial atmosphere, architecture, Catholic churches and the special mood of the dark ages.

This area is located 250 km northwest of Mexico City and is not very popular with Europeans. Most of the tourists here are Mexicans and Americans. People come here for the atmosphere of the Middle Ages, narrow streets and authentic culture. The best season to visit this region is winter, also due to the fact that this time of year is not so hot.

Vacation with children

It is preferable for Europeans to organize holidays with children in Cancun. Usually there are direct flights here without transfers or with one transfer, for example, in New York. However, in general it remains one of the unfavorable places for families with children. For the most part, Mexicans themselves, as well as Americans, use these resorts simply because they cannot fly to Europe for the weekend, to Disneyland Paris, to the beautiful beaches of the Mediterranean or to sunny Turkey.

Despite the presence of a large number of fun places for families with children in the Quintana Roo region (, Tulum,), I would not advise flying here with children (even teenagers), because you can always give preference to a more civilized society and cleaner places.

And the beaches in Mexico are dirty enough to basically not allow children to play on the sand, building sand castles, and the number of diseases and incidents of intestinal infections suggests that children here are very, very vulnerable.

Dangerous and non-tourist areas

Some areas in central Mexico are strongly discouraged by the Ministry of Tourism for foreigners to visit. At the same time, mind you, with any purpose, including tourism. Below is a map where these areas are marked in red and orange. First of all, they are famous for increased drug trafficking, there are numerous cases of kidnapping of children, slave trade, clashes of armed gangs and cartels right on the streets, in ordinary areas.

In addition, there is no pleasant beach holiday in Veracruz (huge seaport, dirty water), Mazatlán (drug traffic), Puerto Vallarta (drug traffic, gang wars, theft) for foreigners. Visiting these regions is at your own risk.