Which city has the most bridges? Which European city has the most bridges? Where are the largest number of bridges in the world?

Hamburg is the second largest city in Germany and one of the most beautiful in the country. It is a popular tourist destination due to its scenic beauty and unique blend historical monuments, modern pubs and nightclubs, including the world famous red light district, Reeperbahn. Despite the fact that it is located on the Elbe River, approximately 100 kilometers from North Sea, Hamburg is the largest port city. It has the country's largest port - the second busiest in Europe and the third largest in the world after London and New York. For those who love water, boats and harbors, the city is a must-see. In this article we will look at the most popular bridges in Hamburg and tell you more about each of them.

Hamburg is virtually surrounded on all sides by water. The River Alster is divided into two lakes that lie on either side of the city, Binnen and Aussenalster (Inner and Outer) and the River Elbe flows straight through into the North Sea. All that water means an abundance of canals, streams and bridges. In fact, near Hamburg more bridges within the city limits than any other city in the world and more canals than Amsterdam and Venice combined. The total number of bridges - approximately 2,300 to 2,500 - is more than London, Amsterdam and Venice combined. In this selection you will find the largest and most famous bridges in Hamburg.

Köhlbrandbrücke Bridge.

The Köhlbrandbrücke was opened in 1974 and is one of the most prominent landmarks in Hamburg. At 3,940 meters long, with a central span of 325 meters, from 1974 to 1991 it was the longest bridge span in the world. Now, it is the second longest bridge in Germany.

We have already done a similar review on the bridges of St. Petersburg, so if you are interested in architecture, be sure to visit this selection.


Elbrücken is subdivided into several independent bridges that cross the Elbe River in Hamburg. The two bridges merge into each other again, encircling the largest river island on the Elbe.

Old Elbbrücke Bridge.

In 1899, a 474-meter-long steel arch bridge, then built for cars, was opened. This was the first road bridge over the Suderelbe, now intended for pedestrians and cyclists only. Between 1980 and 1995 it was radically renovated.


Kattvik is a 290 meter long vertical lift bridge with two high class 70 meter portals for rail and road transport. The bridge connects the Elbe and Wilhelmsburg Moorburg Island and was opened on March 21, 1973. With a height of 46 meters, it is the largest vertical elevator bridge in the world.


In 1887, the Brooks Bridge leading to Speicherstadt was opened. The bridge is decorated with four statues, one at each of its corners. The original sculptures were destroyed during World War II. New ones were installed in 2001.

Lombards and Kennedy bridges.

Lombard is a road and railway bridge over the Alster River in Hamburg. It was named after a pawnshop opened here in 1651. The original wooden bridge was replaced in 1865 by a new one, 69 meters long.

Next to Lombard Bridge is Kennedy Bridge. A second bridge was built in 1953 because the old Lombard Bridge could not handle the increased traffic. The bridge was originally called New Lombardsbrücke. It was renamed Kennedy Bridge in 1963 in honor of John F. Kennedy after his assassination. Both of the above bridges divide the Alster lake into internal and external.


This is the oldest bridge in the city, dating back to 1663. The bridge is 25 meters long, with its three arches of different sizes, built from sandstone blocks. The rails and lamps here have been preserved since the 19th century, when the bridge was expanded.


A stone arch bridge that served for many centuries as a direct route from Hamburg to Altona. Built in 1668, it is the second oldest stone bridge in Hamburg.


This is a small historical bridge that crosses one of the canals connecting the city's dock areas with the Elbe River. Located in the southwest of the city center. The bridge, built in 1881, once marked the border between the old and new cities of Hamburg. The stone structure is famous for the presence of statues of Count Adolf III and Bishop Ansger, who founded the city's cathedral.


The bridge was named in memory of Heinrich Müller Riese, who operated a corn mill in the 13th century. It was built in 1843. People come here to see the wonderful view of the river, where they can feed the swans with bread.


One of the less famous bridges- is located in the Neustadt area on Ludwig-Erhard Street, which crosses the Alster. Since its completion in 1959, it has been dedicated to cars.

01/14/2016 at 23:55 · Pavlofox · 14 180

Top 10. The longest bridges in Russia

Bridges, no matter how trivial it may sound, can be different - from a simple plank thrown over an obstacle to gigantic structures that amaze with their beauty and grandeur. The longest bridges in Russia - we present to our readers our rating of the most impressive architectural structures.

10. Metro bridge of the Trans-Siberian Railway across the Ob River in Novosibirsk (2,145 meters)

The longest in Russia is located in Novosibirsk metro bridge of the Trans-Siberian Railway over the Ob River. Its length (we also take coastal overpasses into account) is 2145 meters. The weight of the structure is impressive - 6200 tons. The bridge is famous for its unique design. Its construction was carried out in stages using huge hydraulic jacks. This method has no analogues in the world.

An interesting feature of the Trans-Siberian Railway bridge across the Ob is that in the summer it stretches (by about 50 cm), and in the winter it contracts. This is due to large temperature changes.

The metro bridge began operation in 1986. 10th place in our ranking of the longest bridges in Russia.

This is interesting: boasts several more records. Here is the longest road bridge in Siberia - Bugrinsky. Its length is 2096 meters. Within the city there is another famous bridge - Oktyabrsky (formerly Communist). In the summer of 1965, Valentin Privalov, serving in Kansk, flew under a bridge a meter from the water in a jet fighter in front of hundreds of citizens vacationing on the banks of the Ob River. The pilot was threatened with a military tribunal, but he was saved by the personal intervention in the case of Defense Minister Malinovsky. Not a single pilot in the world dared to repeat this deadly stunt. Meanwhile, on the Oktyabrsky Bridge there is not even a memorial plaque about this amazing event.

9. Communal bridge in Krasnoyarsk (2,300 meters)

In 9th place among the longest bridges in Russia -. He is familiar to everyone - his image adorns the ten-ruble banknote. The length of the bridge is 2300 meters. It consists of two bridges connected by a dam.

8. New Saratov Bridge (2,351 meters)

With a length of 2351 meters, it ranks eighth in our ranking. If we talk about the total length of the bridge crossing, its length is 12,760 meters.

7. Saratov automobile bridge across the Volga (2,825 meters)

Saratov automobile bridge over the Volga– in 7th place among the longest bridges in Russia. Connects two cities - Saratov and Engels. Length – 2825.8 meters. Commissioned in 1965. On that moment . In the summer of 2014, renovation of the building was completed. According to engineers' calculations, the service life of the Saratov Bridge after repair will be 20 years. What will happen to him next is still unknown. There are two options: turning into pedestrian bridge or demolition.

6. Bolshoi Obukhovsky Bridge in St. Petersburg (2,884 meters)

Located in St. Petersburg, it ranks 6th in our ranking of the longest bridges in Russia. It consists of two bridges with opposite movement. It is the largest fixed bridge across the Neva. Its length is 2884 meters. It is also famous for the fact that for the first time in the history of St. Petersburg, its residents could vote on the proposed names of the bridge. The Bolshoi Obukhovsky Bridge looks very beautiful at night thanks to the lighting.

5. Vladivostok Russian Bridge (3,100 meters)

It is among the facilities built for the APEC summit held in 2012. The length of the structure is 3100 meters. In terms of complexity of construction, it ranks first not only in Russia, but also in. It is interesting that the question of building a bridge was understood as early as 1939, but the project was never implemented. Fifth place in the list of the longest bridges in our country.

4. Khabarovsky Bridge (3,890 meters)

It’s not for nothing that the two-story building is called “ Amur miracle" Trains move along its lower tier, and cars move along its upper tier. Its length is 3890.5 meters. Construction of the structure began back in 1913, and the opening of the movement took place in 1916. Long years of operation led to defects in the arched part and spans of the bridge, and in 1992 work began on its reconstruction. The image of the bridge adorns the five thousand dollar bill. The Khabarovsk Bridge over the Amur is in 4th place in the list of the longest bridges in Russia.

3. Bridge crossing over the Yuribey River (3,892 meters)

Located in Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, takes 3rd place in the list of the longest bridges in Russia. Its length is 3892.9 meters. IN XVII century, the river was called Mutnaya and a trade route passed along it. In 2009, the longest bridge beyond the Arctic Circle was opened here. But these are not all the records of the structure. It was built in an amazingly short time - in just 349 days. Modern technologies were used in the construction of the bridge, which made it possible to preserve the river’s ecosystem and not harm rare fish species. The service life of the bridge is estimated at 100 years.

2. Bridge over the Amur Bay (5,331 meters)

Vladivostok can rightfully be proud of three new bridges built in 2012 specifically for the APEC summit, which was held for the first time in Russia on Russky Island. The longest of them was bridge over the Amur Bay, connecting the Muravyov-Amursky Peninsula and the De Vries Peninsula. Its length is 5331 meters. It ranks second in the ranking of the longest bridges in Russia. The bridge has a unique lighting system. It saves energy by 50% and takes into account such typical regional phenomena as frequent fog and rain. The installed lamps are environmentally friendly and do not affect environment. The bridge over the Amur takes second place in our ranking.

1. Presidential Bridge over the Volga (5,825 meters)

In first place among the longest bridges in Russia is located in Ulyanovsk. The length of the bridge itself is 5825 meters. The total length of the bridge crossing is almost 13 thousand meters. Put into operation in 2009. The construction of Russia's longest bridge took 23 years, with interruptions.

If we talk about bridge crossings, then the palm here belongs to Tatarstan. The total length of the crossing is 13,967 meters. This includes the length of two bridges - across the Kama, Kurnalka and Arkharovka rivers. The largest bridge crossing in Russia is located near the village of Sorochi Gory in the Republic of Tatarstan.

This is interesting: The longest bridge in the world is located in China at an altitude of 33 meters above Jiaozhou Bay. Its length is 42.5 kilometers. Construction of the giant bridge began in 2011 with the help of two teams. After 4 years they met in the middle of the structure. The bridge has increased strength - it can withstand an 8-magnitude earthquake. The cost is about 87 billion rubles.

What else to see:

Hamburg is the second largest city in Germany and is considered one of the most beautiful in the country. He is also popular tourist destination thanks to its beautiful scenery, unique juxtaposition of historical monuments and modern pubs and nightclubs, including the world-famous red light district of Reeperbahn.

Hamburg is considered large port city, despite its location approximately 100 kilometers from the North Sea, on both sides of the Elbe River. Hamburg has the country's largest port - the second busiest port in Europe, and the third largest in the world, after the ports of London and New York. Therefore, everyone who loves water, ships and harbors simply must visit it.

Hamburg is practically surrounded by water on all sides. The Alster River is divided into two lakes, Binnen and Aussenalster (meaning "inner" and "outer"), located on either side of the city, and the Elbe River flows directly through the city and into the North Sea. This abundance of water means there are many canals, rivers and bridges. In fact, few people know that Hamburg has more bridges than any other city in the world, as well as more canals than Amsterdam and Venice combined. Estimates put the number between 2,300 and 2,500 - far more than the total number of canals in London, Amsterdam and Venice. Below are the most famous bridges of this wonderful city:

Köhlbrand Bridge

The Köhlbrand Bridge opened in 1974 and has been one of Hamburg's most famous landmarks ever since. Its length is 3940 meters, and the span of the central, cable-stayed part is 325 meters. From 1974 to 1991 this bridge was considered the most long bridge in the world, including a cable-stayed span. It is now considered the second longest bridge in Germany.

Network of Hamburg Elbe Bridges (Hamburg Elbbrücken)

New Elbe Bridge (Neue Elbbrücke), Billhorner Bridge, and Freeport Elbe Bridge.

Railroad bridge

New bridge over the Elbe

Bridge over the Elbe Free Port
The Hamburg Elbe Bridge Network is a series of independent bridges that cross the Elbe River, which flows through Hamburg. This Hamburg shipping route is divided into two main branches, the North Elbe and the South Elbe, which merge after they pass the network of Elbe Islands, united into the most big Island on this river.

Hamburg Bridge over the Elbe (Harburger Elbbrücke)

The Old Hamburg Bridge over the Elbe was opened in 1899. The 474 meter steel arch bridge, originally built for vehicles, was the first road bridge across the South Branch of the Elbe. Now it serves only to ferry pedestrians and cyclists. Between 1980 and 1995, the bridge was radically rebuilt. Cantilever walkways were built on both sides of the bridge.

Kattwyk Bridge

The Kattwyk Bridge, crossing the South Branch of the Elbe, is a 290-meter vertical drawbridge with two 70-meter-long entrances for rail and road transport. This bridge, opened on March 21, 1973, connects the Wilhelmsburg quarter with the Moorburg quarter. Both neighborhoods are located on the Elbe island network. Kattwyk is capable of rising to a height of 46 meters and is the largest vertical drawbridge in the world.

The peculiarity of the bridge is that the rails located on it are located in the center of the roadway. Due to the fact that Kattwyk is both a railway and road bridge, road traffic is blocked when a freight train passes through the bridge. These stops usually last between eight and ten minutes. On weekdays, the bridge is raised every two hours to allow ships to pass. During the lifting of the bridge, traffic stops for 15-20 minutes.

Brooks Bridge

The Brooks Bridge, which leads to the city of Speicherstadt, was opened in 1887. The bridge is decorated with four statues, one at each of its corners. The original sculptures were destroyed during World War II. The sculptures that stand on the bridge today were installed in 2001.

Lombardsbruecke and Kennedy Bridge

The Lombard Bridge in Hamburg is a railway and road bridge over the Alster River. It was named after the pawnshop that was located there in 1651. The original wooden bridge was replaced in 1865 by a new 69-metre, three-arch bridge crossing the Alster River.

Next to the Lombard Bridge is the Kennedy Bridge. The second bridge was built in 1953 because the old Lombard Bridge could not cope with the increased traffic. The bridge was originally called the New Lombard Bridge. It was renamed Kennedy Bridge in 1963 in honor of John F. Kennedy after his assassination.

Lombard Bridge and Kennedy Bridge separate the Inner and Outer Alster lakes.

Toll Bridge (Zollenbrücke)

The Toll Bridge is the oldest bridge in the city, built in 1663. The 25-meter bridge, with three different sized arches, is built from sandstone blocks. Railings and lanterns were added in the 19th century when the bridge was widened.

Ellentors Bridge

The Ellerntors Bridge is a stone arch bridge that crosses the Tomb of the Lord's Fleet. For many centuries it served as a direct route from Hamburg to Altona. Built in 1668, this bridge is the second oldest to survive stone bridge in Hamburg.

Otradny Bridge (Trostbrücke)

Otradny Most is a small historical bridge that crosses "Nikolaifleet", which is one of the many narrow coves connecting the city's docks with the Elbe River. Situated southwest of the city center, it once stood on the border between Hamburg's old and new towns. It was built in 1881. This stone structure is famous for the presence of statues of Count Adolf III and Bishop Ansgar, the founder of the very first cathedral in Hamburg. In translation, the bridge is called “Otradny”. It received this name because convicts were led across it, and the beauty of the bridge was their last joy.

Reesendamm Bridge

The "Reesendamm" bridge crosses the Little Alster lake, Jungfernstieg and mountain road. It was named after Heinrich Müller Reese, who owned a corn mill in the 13th century. The bridge was built in 1843. People love to come to this bridge to admire beautiful view to the river with swans, which they can feed with pieces of bread.

Bridge "Slamatjen"

One of the lesser-known bridges is the Slamatjen Bridge, located in the Neustadt district on the Ludwig-Erhard street, which crosses the Alster. Since its completion in 1959, it has served as a road bridge. On the bridge there is a wonderful picture carved in stone, which represents two women talking. The place where the bridge is located once was popular place meetings of water bearer women.

Many will decide that this is, of course, Venice and will be wrong. Someone will say that in Amsterdam - and again bypass. London? No! This city has more bridges than all of these cities listed combined. Two and a half thousand large and small bridges across two rivers, on the banks of which this city is located.

The city where The Beatles began their career, the city after which the most popular dish in the world is named. I think you already guessed that this is Hamburg - the second largest city in Germany.


Hamburg also has something of Venice...

And from London...

And from Peter. Although, most likely, St. Petersburg has something from Hamburg. By the way, this boat on the column at the Town Hall is often confused with the boat on the spire of the Admiralty. Why, Hamburg and St. Petersburg are generally sister cities.

Residential areas in the city center:

The Hamburg metro is distinguished by the fact that most of the sections run on surfaces and on elevated tracks, covering mainly the northern part of the city.

The main square of the city, where the Town Hall is located

Hamburg is a city of symmetry and strict lines...


And water.


Hamburg is a major transport hub (railways and highways), as well as a sea and river (Elbe River) port. Sea port is largest port Germany, which is the second largest in Europe after Rotterdam.

The port of Hamburg occupies a tenth of the city's territory - 75 square kilometers. The total length of the quay wall is 46 kilometers - this is about 300 berths for sea and ocean vessels.

The port is a sea port, although it is located on the banks of the Elbe River, not far from where it flows into the North Sea.

The port of Hamburg is perhaps the most important attraction of the city, and you can devote a whole day to it. What kind of ships you won’t see here!

"Cap San Diego"- German cargo ship built in 1962. Currently the ship is a museum. The cargo ship was nicknamed the “white swan of the Atlantic.”
“San Diego” went to the same “distant shores” that are sung about in the song about Brazil.

The main attraction of the port of Hamburg is the museum sailboat "Rickmer Rickmers"(Rickmer Rickmers). She is one of the last large sailing ships in commercial shipping.

The sailboat was used to transport cargoes of rice and bamboo from Far East, with coal from Wales to Chile, and from Chile to Germany with saltpeter.

sailboat Grossherzogin Elisa, built in 1909. It is still in operation as a training vessel and goes to sea.

Bulk carrier (dry cargo carrier) PANTHER MAX in the dock. Built in 2012, it has a length of 229 m and a width of 32 m. It takes on board 44,326 tons.

Ocean cruise giant "Norwegian Escape"- the third liner of the NCL company, the Breakaway Plus project. This is the biggest a cruise ship company NCL, which is larger than its brothers, predecessors Breakaway and Getaway, by one deck. It has just been built and will soon be put into operation.

More than 300 meters long, 40 meters wide, 20 decks, 2206 cabins, which can accommodate up to 5000 passengers.


Premium cabins with a personal butler, two balconies, a jacuzzi and designer interiors, an entire water park on the upper deck with slides and waterfalls, a huge selection of restaurants and bars with a varied menu from several cuisines of the world - a real floating city.


We could also talk about the origin of the expression “Hamburg rooster,” but that would be a completely different story.

Many will decide that this is, of course, Venice and will be wrong. Someone will say that in Amsterdam - and again bypass. London? No! This city has more bridges than all of these cities listed combined. Two and a half thousand large and small bridges across two rivers, on the banks of which this city is located.

The city where The Beatles began their career, the city after which the most popular dish in the world is named. I think you already guessed that this is Hamburg - the second largest city in Germany.


Hamburg also has something of Venice...

And from London...

And from Peter. Although, most likely, St. Petersburg has something from Hamburg. By the way, this boat on the column at the Town Hall is often confused with the boat on the spire of the Admiralty. Why, Hamburg and St. Petersburg are generally sister cities.

Residential areas in the city center:

The Hamburg metro is distinguished by the fact that most of the sections run on surfaces and on elevated tracks, covering mainly the northern part of the city.

The main square of the city, where the Town Hall is located

Hamburg is a city of symmetry and strict lines...


And water.


Hamburg is a major transport hub (railways and highways), as well as a sea and river (Elbe River) port. The seaport is Germany's largest port, being the second largest in Europe after Rotterdam.

The port of Hamburg occupies a tenth of the city's territory - 75 square kilometers. The total length of the quay wall is 46 kilometers - this is about 300 berths for sea and ocean vessels.

The port is a sea port, although it is located on the banks of the Elbe River, not far from where it flows into the North Sea.

The port of Hamburg is perhaps the most important attraction of the city, and you can devote a whole day to it. What kind of ships you won’t see here!

"Cap San Diego"- German cargo ship built in 1962. Currently the ship is a museum. The cargo ship was nicknamed the “white swan of the Atlantic.”
“San Diego” went to the same “distant shores” that are sung about in the song about Brazil.

The main attraction of the port of Hamburg is the museum sailboat "Rickmer Rickmers"(Rickmer Rickmers). She is one of the last large sailing ships in commercial shipping.

The sailing ship was used to transport cargoes of rice and bamboo from the Far East, coal from Wales to Chile, and saltpeter from Chile to Germany.

sailboat Grossherzogin Elisa, built in 1909. It is still in operation as a training vessel and goes to sea.

Bulk carrier (dry cargo carrier) PANTHER MAX in the dock. Built in 2012, it has a length of 229 m and a width of 32 m. It takes on board 44,326 tons.

Ocean cruise giant "Norwegian Escape"- the third liner of the NCL company, the Breakaway Plus project. This is NCL's largest cruise ship and is larger than its predecessors Breakaway and Getaway by one deck. It has just been built and will soon be put into operation.

More than 300 meters long, 40 meters wide, 20 decks, 2206 cabins, which can accommodate up to 5000 passengers.


Premium cabins with a personal butler, two balconies, a jacuzzi and designer interiors, an entire water park on the upper deck with slides and waterfalls, a huge selection of restaurants and bars with a varied menu from several cuisines of the world - a real floating city.


We could also talk about the origin of the expression “Hamburg rooster,” but that would be a completely different story.

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