Artificial caves and grottoes. Creating an artificial cave Creating an artificial cave

In order to create a decorative rock on the site, you will need artificial or natural stones for landscape design. By folding them in a bizarre and completely chaotic manner, many thereby form alpine slides, rockeries, and an artificial grotto on the site. And in order for a real artificial cave to appear in your garden, you will need to buy a lot of stones for the garden. But all these costs of money and time can be avoided, and you can entrust the work of creating a cozy corner on your country plot to professionals who, using architectural concrete, can create a real rocky grotto using artificial stone from art concrete.

Artificial rocks, their production from art concrete allows us to repeat the tectonics and color of natural rock exactly to the original. This could be a decorative grotto or an artificial salt cave, where stalactites and stalagmites were formed inside, exactly as original, thanks to art concrete. The main advantage of art concrete over natural and decorative boulders and stones is:

1. In authenticity as close as possible to the natural original.

2. Ability to create objects of any size and shape.

3. Strength, durability and resistance to temperature changes and precipitation.

4. Ease of reproducing and constructing artificial caves, grottoes and rocks.

We invite you to look at some of our works, custom-made by craftsmen by hand from architectural concrete.

natural or artificial cave

Alternative descriptions

Yakov (1812-1893) Russian philologist, academician

Mor. the lowest straight sail on the mainmast

On a yacht - the main sail, the leading edge (luff) of which is supported by the mast

Shallow cave with wide entrance

One of the main sails on a sloop

A park structure imitating such a cave

Sail, mast

Cave, a recess in the rock with a flat bottom and a wide entrance

Slightly outlined cave

shallow cave

Lower sail on the second mast from the bow

Artificial cave

Cave baby

Both the sail and the mast

Park Cave

small cave

Mini cave

Sail or mast

Mizzen-mast and...-mast

Lower sail on the second mast

Inverted Bargaining

Cave for lovers

Expansion of the cave after the passage

Artificial decorative cave

Extended caves after passage

Small cave, niche in a glacier

Small cave

Coastal Cave

Park imitation cave

Cave in the park

Karst landform

Cave for the nymph

Coastal Cave


Cave with vaulted ceiling

Natural or artificial cave

Shallow cave with wide entrance

Russian philologist (1812-1893)

M. Morsk. on sailing ships, a large straight sail, on the lower yard of the middle mast; a slanting or storm mainsail, a triangular sail at the bottom of the same mast, during a strong storm; on rowing ships: almost the same, a large sail on the middle mast. To explain the complex words of this beginning, let's say that the main mast is the middle one, and where there are two of them, usually the rear one (of the three masts, the front foresail, in complex words for; the rear mizzen, in complex words beguines and crus); All accessories of the mast armament each have the same name, but the name of the mast is placed before it. So the first attachment or attachment of the mainmast: mainmast; second: main top-top stay; third, main-bom-bang-top-top; its tip, a mainsail-flagpole, on which there is a flat knob, klotik. First platform, gazebo, sail on the mast, mainsail; the second, on the wall, main saling; third, grotto-bom-saling; transverse trees or yards, for tying sails to them, lower mainsail; second, grotto-marsa-ray; third, main beam; fourth, main-bom-bram-ray. At the ends (legs) of the lower and topsails, more poles are shot, for the additional side sails (foils) these are foils; bottom two: grot-lisel-spirits; and on the marsa-yard mainsail-marsa-foil-spirits. Tarred or standing rigging, to strengthen the mast from the sides: shrouds, and for the mast and extensions of its shrouds (ladder), fore-duns and backstays; stays in front; These tackles are named after the mast, mast, etc., to which they belong, for example. main-stays, main-stay-stays, main-stay-stays, main-stay, main-stay, etc. Running rigging is named after the sail; lower sail on the mainmast: mainsail, on the topsail topsail, on the topsail topsail mainsail topsail; these names correspond to the yards (see above). The sail is hoisted by a halyard, stretched at the bottom at the corners by sheets (in some sails the windward sheet is called a tack), pulled to the wind by a bowline, picked up by gypsum (and gorden), and each of these tackles is called a sail, for example. mainsheet, mainsheet, topsheet, mainsheet, topsheet; grotto-marsa-bulen; main-bom-bram-halyard, etc. The yards are raised by halyards (the lower ones hang constantly on borg slings), supported at the ends (toes) by topenants, and turned by braces; all these rigs are named after the yard: main-topsail-brace, main-top-browsing-topenant, etc. Staysails are called slanting sails without yardarms; they are raised by halyards along a rail and get their name from the mast, wall, top wall, etc., to which they adjoin one side (shtirina); and the rigging with them, also called after them, is the same sheets and gypsum: fore-brow-staysail-halyard, -sheet, etc. Main-hatch m. entrance, manhole in all decks, in front of the mainmast

M. cave, den, exit, basement, dungeon, dug and decorated or natural. Grotto entrance

Cave with a wide entrance

Bargaining from end to beginning

Shallow. cave with wide entrance

Manufacturing and construction of grottoes(caves) is one of the areas of our activity when working with artificial stone.
Artificial grotto made of artificial stone, created by our specialists, it is original and unique, both in terms of design and imagination of the artists, and in style and manner of execution in the material. We create decorative grottoes, stalactite grottoes and caves in interiors and outdoors, when designing various landscape projects.
In the manufacture and finishing of decorative grottoes and caves, our craftsmen can realize any fantasy and any design in stone, by creating a variety of realistic surfaces that imitate rock formations, natural rock formations, stone ledges and crevices.

An artificial grotto or decorative cave can decorate any landscape project and introduce elements of mystery and mystery into the interior decoration of any room. Artificial decorative grottoes- this is a sculptural design and imitation of natural caves, with unusual wall decoration and vaulted ceilings artificial stone. Artificial grottoes, stone grottoes - this is the mystery, fabulousness and mystical beauty of the stone. This is an unusual, complex solution of walls and openings made of stone, wide and unusually shaped entrances, various voluminous stone passages, rock crevices, niches, supports, columns and multi-stage stairs.
The unusualness of the ceilings and walls of the grotto made of stone, the versatility of the ceiling elements of the grotto, the deep mystery, the incredible recesses and multi-level refractions of the stone vaults of the streams, various hanging elements, stalactites and stalagmites, and the unusual, multi-style, multi-colored lighting - all this makes the decorative grotto very popular with implementation of any artistic project in stone. The combinations of daylight and artificial light in the grotto and the variety of color and texture solutions are good and original.

Artificial grotto in the interior and landscape.

Artificial grottoes in nature are widely used in the design of private landscape projects, public gardening areas and premises for various purposes. Artificial stone is applicable and irreplaceable wherever needed. These are zoos, enclosures, recreation areas, cultural parks, pavilions, entry groups, landscape gardening areas. Artificial stone grotto and a decorative cave will become a fashionable decoration for any cafe, restaurant, bar, nightclub, casino, entertainment and shopping center.
The mystery and intimate atmosphere makes decorative grottoes and caves very popular when decorating various indoor spaces and private properties: basements, billiard rooms, wine cellars, basements, corridors, swimming pools, fireplace rooms, recreation areas, living rooms, garages.
The artificial grotto looks great and is combined with waterfalls and fountains, cascades, decorative trees, rocks, sculptural compositions, bas-reliefs, flowerpots and other decorative elements.

View gallery: artificial rocks, grottoes, caves, wine cellars

Making grottoes. Construction of grottoes.

Carrying out production of artificial grottoes made of concrete, we widely use professional skills and techniques when working with artificial stone. Decorative grotto, which is carried out by our craftsmen, we make on a metal frame, with double reinforcement with a special metal mesh. On which a multi-layer plasticized solution is subsequently applied and processed by our artists until the desired shape and texture of the stone is obtained. The use of special compounds, primers, impregnations, dyes, specialized tools and forms allows us to always achieve the desired result, complete realism and imitation of natural stone, rocks, and tree bark.
The extraordinary lightness of artificial stone greatly facilitates the installation and making an artificial grotto, the installation itself and, if necessary, transportation of various elements of the composition. Moreover, all materials used to create decorative grottoes are certified, have absolute moisture resistance and fire safety.

You can find out the prices and cost of manufacturing artificial grottoes by calling

The first part is here:

It’s not for nothing that every self-respecting cave in the world has its own legend or dozen. Someone has always lived or still lives in them, and locals often see unknown creatures.

Fairy tales?
Everyone has the right to perceive information from their own level.
Here we will look at several alternative stories with more or less obvious pictures for clarity. In many places traces of machine processing are clearly visible, although officially they are considered to be creations of nature.

Let's start with the most famous today underground city planet Derinkuyu.

A short version of events obtained by colleagues:

There are many tales, stories and legends about other underground inhabitants. As a child, they fascinated me, like many others. And I dreamed about what life could be like in a city underground, with numerous passages, tricky transitions between levels, different rooms and dinners in an underground cave.
In my head, pictures replaced one another and it was difficult to say whether it was fiction or memories.
There were many on earth underground cities with a huge infrastructure that made it possible to comfortably accommodate not only thousands of people, but also livestock. The systems of inputs and outputs, ventilation, and transitions were amazingly thought out.
As an example, I will give one of the most famous underground cities - Derinkuyu. I decided to do a quick look at it.

A settlement is seen that is often raided, and some people decide to create a city underground in order to live a quiet life.
Peaceful people who want to farm and raise children. They have a culture and different “layers” of society that get along very peacefully with each other. People are quite close to nature, they have their own customs and rituals.
There was something akin to modern architects, mostly men. They think through the structure of the city, draw diagrams, plan ventilation systems, access to water and “heating”.
Everyone is very enthusiastic about the construction and is participating.
People settle in the city and improve their lives. The city is becoming complete. Rich culture, traditions, schools,
But I can’t shake the feeling that this all looks like an experiment. Will they, accustomed to air and sun, be able to live in new, almost sterile conditions?
It seems to me that by going underground, people seem to isolate themselves, bypassing development. It was given to live certain experiences and learn certain lessons, including raids and wars. But people want security, or rather the illusion of it, because the intended experience still finds them. A raid, some people die, some go on the run.
Later, people still come into the city, but they don’t live there.

Many cave apartments on the surface are still inhabited, and there are even a few hotels:

If you think that all this was cut out exclusively with picks and shovels, look at the traces of obvious machine processing on the walls and ceiling (I admit that this was completed in our time, but it looks too rough, and the awkward round holes would have been repaired if for that matter):

And this organic execution of the visors is below. Obviously they sculpted in soft rock:

Let's go back underground:

More pictures of Derinkuyu

Something similar in Israel. It's strange that the door is from the outside, isn't it?

Let's go back to Vietnam

Longyou Grottoes

In 1992, Wu Anai, an incredibly curious resident of the Chinese village of Longyao, raised money with his neighbors to buy a water pump and pump out water from a pond. For the residents of the Longyao village, the pond was not only a place for fishing, washing, and other routine household chores, but also an object of mystical stories, because the pond, according to legend, was bottomless. But the fantastic theories did not satisfy Wu Anai, and so he decided to completely dry up the pond. As a result, it turned out that it was not a pond at all, but a flooded entrance to an ancient man-made cave.

Not only is the scale of these tunnels and grottoes, called Longyou Grottoes, built in Zhejiang province in 212 BC, but also the amazing decoration from floor to ceiling, consisting of evenly spaced 60-degree inclined lines, is amazing. To date, 24 caves have been discovered. All of them were created by human hands. Despite the fact that almost a million cubic meters of stone were removed during the cutting down of these grottoes, there is no historical evidence of this work. Their origin is simply mystical. There is no explanation for their existence. They are one of the largest man-made caves of antiquity.
The Chinese consider them the Ninth Wonder of the World.

Er Wang Dong Caves, China:

More interesting things in China. Dalian Wafangdian region:

Interesting topic with double "eye sockets" from different places:

Food for thought from comments and correspondence:

I dreamed about a tunnel the other day. I’ve had them before, the first dreams were as if I had a tunnel under the sink right in my apartment and we once explored it, it was scary, but interesting. But they didn't find anything good there. I remember that one of the passages led to the North. Korea) After some time I dreamed that this tunnel under the sink was sealed. But someone printed it out and all sorts of little shits came from there. But they seem to have dealt with them. After that, part of the dreams was that I was sealing everything, then mines, then underground passages, then wells, and something was coming out of there. Once they locked me in a tunnel, I came out the other side and they forced me to remove water from the street during a flood. Then I began to dream that my husband and sometimes I were stubbornly digging a tunnel right in our apartment. It was interesting, but I didn’t know the goal. But all these tunnels were shallow, sealed or unfinished. And now, in the last two dreams, a group of people and I have been exploring or digging huge copper tunnels.

I described the first dream, there was a mountain with dragons. And I dreamed about the second one the other day. My group and I are digging a tunnel, but this time the tunnel was in space. I remembered this dream very well, many small details, who is in the tunnel, how to get there, how they get to the base, how thoughts work here, I even caught the feeling of a split consciousness, but why they were digging is again unclear. Like the dream with the mountain, the most important thing that is known about the tunnel - what is interesting there, and why it is interesting - has never surfaced. Maybe I was a gnome in a past life?)) At least metaphorically, what could tunnels be? I had the idea that they symbolized something like memory. Is she real or not? Because in these last two dreams I didn’t go into the tunnels in real time, the travel in them was realized in memory.

D_A: from a metaphorical point of view, I would say that it is about soul-searching. perhaps some introspection is needed, especially regarding the lower aspects. however.... I quote another comment:

Today they showed the structure of the tunnels. At first I thought it was underground, like the lines in the subway. Then I realized that it was subtle. Multi-level. With a lot of transitions and branches. On some branches you have to move backwards if you are still mortal. There are dead ends - branches that are formed by the military. They were able to crash into this system at different levels. Moreover, they don’t hide it - there are signs everywhere with the data of different departments. The military themselves behave neutrally. They don’t even prevent anyone from coming in and looking at them. Feeling of bases in standard, non-combat mode. I just couldn’t recognize the shape - they all have a smoky light color sea ​​wave. And in style - the standards of state army uniforms.

All tunnels and movement through them are created to form different scenarios and turns in life. Some tunnels have hidden passages built into the middle of one of the walls. Blocked by doors. If you pass by and see a crystal directly built into the door, you can go right through to another branch. Crystals on different heights are at the door, different sizes and flowers.

In some places it was clear that those doors with crystals that are located in the walls of the tunnel coincide with real doors in different rooms of the physical world. And actually passing through them in physics leads to a change in the entire branch of events that existed before. This is neither good nor bad. This should be felt inside - whether it is worth opening this door at this very moment, or waiting a couple of seconds or longer when the portal closes and the change does not occur. Here only the internal indicator should work - the change that will happen is interesting to me and for the good, or everything in life will turn upside down.

In a couple of places I saw that the door in the tunnel was a place at a desk at school, and a bench by a fountain in some park. But the principle is the same - just the feeling that at this moment, if I sit in that place, the change I need will occur. Or feeling threatened. Then wait for it to pass.

As I understand it, different people now have the same level of sensitivity in physics that they can recognize these transitions. And for your own purposes, use them to change the sequence of events. And only the internal indicator should be listened to - changes for the “better” or “worse”. Based on this, decide whether to linger here at this moment or open the door, or not, and do it later. Because these transition portals are constantly changing, like the stairs in Harry Potter. For those who do not have this level of sensitivity, this type of portal does not exist. And they don't exist for them. There is nothing to do the docking with.

D_A: There are different types of tunnels and methods of moving through them. To some extent, tunnels are fractal similarities of the space of options (according to Zeeland) and/or branches of reality, and ours is the corresponding one. It’s too early to consciously let everyone in, and yes, certain codes are needed anyway)

Physical tunnels are copies of those that are on the subtle plane, and on the TP there are many more of them and some “pop up” in physics, only to then leave again (first synchronization occurs, and then desynchronization with our frequencies occurs). This explains stories about, for example, how people found the entrance to a cave, and then could not return to it, it seemed to have disappeared. Or the disappearance of experienced researchers. Or visions of Yeti, Bigfoot, gnomes, Chupacabras, and other unprecedented creatures. Many of them pass here through the emerging portals in the "anomalous zones"