Inhabitants of southeast asia fly up to 140. The best flyers from the world of animals

If you hear a contented grunt in the Philippine forest, this does not necessarily mean that a snout pig is hiding in the foliage. A very similar sound is made by the binturong, a rare inhabitant of the Asian forests. He does not always grunt, but only when he is satisfied with something. If the bear is not happy, then he publishes alarming screams. Medvedkot is nocturnal and moves along the branches using a long tail. The bear cat feeds on eggs, leaves and other vegetation. Sometimes it can dine with small chicks. Lives in captivity for about 20 years. On the island of Palawan, in the zoo near Puerto Princess, you can see these funny little bears.

Flying lemurs live in the Philippines - some of the most amazing animals on the planet

Flying lemur is a very original animal living in countries South-East Asia... It has no wings, however, it can fly up to 100 meters in one jump. Like ordinary lemurs, a flying lemur is engaged in flights and other active life activities at night, and during the day he sleeps, embracing some tree tenderly. The head of a flying lemur is somewhat reminiscent of a dog, but the body is very similar to a flying Canadian squirrel. In Mindanao, flying lemurs are called "kagwangs". Representatives of this rare family of animals live in Malaysia.

An ordinary kagwang weighs from a kilogram to two. He has small ears and huge eyes so he can see better at night. Its membrane stretches from the front legs to the tail. She helps the flying lemur to escape from all kinds of predators, including the Philippine eagle.
The flying lemur lives in Basilan, Leyte, Samara, Bohol and Mindanao. The population of the Kagwang is not counted in our time, however, the government of the Philippines included the flying lemur in the list of endangered animals on the planet and banned its commercial use.

Filipino tarsier, or maomag

The ghost tarsier (Tarsius spectrum) is a tiny animal that lives on several islands in the southern part of the Philippine archipelago, it is an endemic and endangered species of primates.

Tarsiers have lived on Earth for at least 45 million years and are one of the oldest animal species in the Philippines. Tarsiers were once widespread in Europe, Asia and North America, now they can only be found in remote corners planets. The size of an adult tarsier is comparable to the length of a human toe

Dimensions (edit) Philippine tarsier small, the body of an adult animal (excluding the tail) is no larger than the width of a human palm, about 100 mm. The tarsier's tail is longer than the body. The average weight of males is about 134 g, females - 117 g.

The first thing that attracts attention in the form of tarsiers are disproportionately large eyes, adapted for hunting in the night forest. The round head of the tarsier can turn more than 180 degrees in both directions, that is, the tarsier can easily look behind its back. The ears are also very mobile, almost always in motion. The tarsier has facial muscles on its "face", it can change the expression of its cute face, which makes the animal very "human".

The fur of the tarsier is thick and silky, from grayish to dark brown in color. A long hairless tail is used for balance. The toes on both the front and the hind legs are well developed and very long. The tips of the fingers are flattened, forming pads designed for climbing tree branches. All fingers, except for the second and third, have flat nails, on the second and third there are sharp claws used by the animal when combing fur. The fingers in the hand are not really opposed, but when climbing, the tarsiers embrace the branch, leaving the thumb behind.

The hind limbs are more developed, the ankles of the “legs” are lengthened. The tarsier can jump sharply and far both in danger and when moving from tree to tree. The jump length can be several meters (and this is for such a crumb)!

If the tarsier is very dissatisfied with something, he emits a thin squeak. With the help of the voice, tarsiers can communicate, inform about the boundaries of their territories and call on partners, but in general it is noted that tarsiers use their voice much less often compared to other primates. The maximum recorded lifespan of the Philippine tarsier is 13.5 years (in captivity).

Javan macaque

Javanese macaque - Macaca fascicularis - medium-sized monkey. The body length is from 40 to 60-65 cm. The weight of an adult male is 4 - 8.5 kg, that of a female is 2.5 - 3.7 kg. The tail is about half a meter long, the limbs are short. The coat is gray with a greenish tint, there is a dark crest on the head, light mustache and sideburns are characteristic. They breed all year round. This species is famous for the fact that individuals living near the sea coasts are able to dive in rivers and lagoons in search of crabs and other edible marine life, for which they are often called crab-eating macaques. Some individuals can even kill large crabs on land with stone strikes. In monkeys of this species, cheek pouches are well developed, in which food is transferred. The basis of the diet is made up of leaves, grass, insects, young shoots, flowers. In search of food, macaques raid rice plantations. Javanese are not as aggressive as other macaques.

Pilandok, Palawan mouse deer

Pilandok, Palawan mouse deer - Tragalus nigricans - an adult weighs only 2 kg, about 40 centimeters at the withers, this is the smallest ungulate. Its other name is kanchil. Contrary to its name, this deer is not a member of the deer family. Males have no horns. For self-defense, he uses the canines on the upper jaw.

The body is similar to a hare, the fur is brown and white. A dark line runs from each ear, past the eyes, to the nose. Legs are slender, the size of a pencil, at the end of the small hooves. The most notable feature is the pig's tapered muzzle.

The pilandok is a solitary nocturnal animal that feeds at night on leaves, fruits, flowers, twigs, shrubs and other vegetation in forests or near mangrove swamps. During the day, he stays in the forest, often spends a long time motionless, sometimes resting in the branches of low trees. An extremely territorial animal. marks the territory with urine, feces, as well as secretions from the gland under the chin.

Filipino Zambar

Filipino deer, or Filipino Zambar- Cervus philippinus or Rusa marianna - larger than the Filipino spotted, and its fur is dark, black-brown, without any spots.

Filipino sika deer

Filipino sika deer -Cervus alfredi is a close relative of the sambar. Its coat is a rich dark brown with yellowish-white spots. Height at withers 71 cm. The species is found on most of the islands of the Philippine archipelago.

The largest wild animal in the Philippines is the Tamoro bull.

Tamoro bulls are rare animals found only on the island of Mindoro. Outwardly, they are similar to the carabao living in other countries of Southeast Asia. Such a bull weighs about 300 kilograms. Its distinctive feature is the ability to climb up almost vertical ledges of mountains. Once such a bull was found at an altitude of 2 kilometers above sea level. Most often, tamoro like to graze somewhere in the vicinity of a water source.

Buffalo carabao

The Philippines hosts a water buffalo (carabao) festival. At this time, the inhabitants thoroughly clean the buffaloes, shave, cut their hair, do a massage with aromatic oils and put on crowns of flowers. Each family then proudly brings the well-groomed buffaloes to the square in front of the church, which results in a colorful procession decorated with flowers, fruits and plants of a wide variety of colors. Clerics bless the buffaloes, wishing them good health next year. It is also interesting to see how the buffaloes "take in mud" again.

Eastern clawless otter

Eastern clawless otter (Aonyx cinerea - In length (with a tail) it is slightly less than 1 m, weighing up to 5.5 kg. It is usually dark brown in color. Otters of this genus have unusually reduced claws on both pairs of limbs. They look like nails. The forelegs are hand-like and partially webbed, and the toes are used for catching prey, which is not found in other otter species.

Bearded pig

A bearded pig - Sus barbatus - the same size as a wild boar, or slightly smaller (body length 100-160 cm, weight about 100 kg), but relatively high-legged. It got its name from the elongated light bristles that frame the muzzle from the corners of the mouth almost to the ears. The body is covered with sparse bristles, through which a gray or grayish-pink body shines through.

Kaguan, or wool wing

Wool-wings - Dermoptera - mammals capable of flight (or rather, gliding) at a distance of up to 140 m. Gliding is carried out due to the "wing" - a membrane covered with fur that connects the limbs, tail and neck of animals. The Philippines is home to an endemic species - the Filipino wool wing, also known as kaguan or "flying lemur". Body length (without tail) up to 42 cm, weight - 1.7 kg.

Bats (flying foxes)

Fruit bats (flying foxes) - Pteropodidae - reach large sizes: body length up to 42 cm and wingspan up to 1.7 m (flying foxes). However, there are also small nectar and pollen-eating forms, only 5-6 cm in size, with a wingspan of 24 cm. Weight varies from 15 to 900 g. The tail is short, underdeveloped or absent; only in long-tailed fruit bats (Notopteris) it is relatively long. Bats are active at night and at dusk. The day is spent in the crowns of trees, under eaves of roofs, in caves, less often in large hollows. There may not be a permanent shelter, as fruit bats wander in search of food. From the places of the day to the feeding places, they can make flights up to 15 km long, and in total they fly up to 90-100 km per night. Small species are solitary; large ones usually accumulate on days in large groups. Thus, palm fruit bats (Eidolon) sometimes form noisy settlements of up to 10,000 individuals, even in large cities... Some species are active during the day. During rest, the fruit bat usually hangs upside down, clinging with sharp claws to a branch or to an unevenness on the ceiling of the cave; sometimes hangs on one leg. The body is wrapped in wide leathery wings, like a blanket; in hot weather fanning them like a fan. As a rule, fruit bats do not hibernate.

Dugong, sea cow

Dugong - Dugong dugong - aquatic mammal, body length up to 4 m, weight up to 600 kg. The name "dugong" comes from the Malay duyung, meaning "mermaid", "sea maiden". A small, inactive head passes into a massive fusiform body, which ends with a caudal fin located horizontally. The head is small, round, on a short neck. There are no auricles. The eyes are small, deep-set. Nostrils are pushed up more than other sirens; equipped with valves that close under water. The muzzle looks chopped off; ends with fleshy lips hanging down. The two lobes of its tail are separated by a wide median notch and are pointed at the ends. It is on the verge of extinction, it is listed in the International Red Book. Can be found in the Philippines (more often in the province of Palawan).

Africa in miniature

Extinct animals

With the discovery of fossil animals in the last century, scientists believe that elephants, rhinos and stegodons (dwarf elephants) lived in the Philippines. Two species of elephants and one species of rhinoceros have been identified, namely Elaphas beyeri, Elaphas namadicus and Rhinoceros philippinensis. Four stegodon species are found in the Philippines: Stegodon trigonocephalus, Stegodon luzonensis, Stegodon sinensis and Stegodon mindanensis.

Southeast Asia attracts not only with its exotic traditions and way of life, but also with its nature. Some of the animals that live here are not found anywhere else. We present to your attention a selection of animals that live only in Southeast Asia.


These unusual and rare monkeys are found only on the island of Borneo. From the local population, they received the nickname Dutch monkeys, since they noticed the same long noses and large bellies among the Dutch colonizers. Males are distinguished by a large fleshy nose, which allows these friendly primates to make bizarre sounds for communication: roaring, squealing, grunting. The habitat of these monkeys is rapidly decreasing due to the fact that locals arrange oil palm plantations on their territory.

Komodo lizards

These largest reptiles in natural conditions can be found only on the islands of the Malay archipelago Komodo, Flores and Rincha. A monitor lizard's saliva contains many bacteria, so a monitor lizard does not need to gnaw its prey to death. It is enough just to chase the bitten victim, which dies from blood poisoning within 24 hours.

Rhino bird

This bird is the symbol of the island of Borneo. She is so worried about her offspring that during the incubation of eggs, the female literally walled herself up in a hollow. Building materials: branches and earth, are held together by their own droppings. The result is a strong wall with a small hole through which the male passes food to the female. In such a voluntary confinement, the female spends about three months, waiting for the hatching of the babies and nursing them. Then he cuts through a window with his large beak into " Big world» 🙂


This feline bear is actually neither a bear nor a cat. He is a relative of civets, the very ones that make the world's most expensive coffee. This is a very friendly animal, thanks to which they began to have it as a pet. This idea is especially popular in the USA. The binturong's powerful tail serves as his fifth hand, with which he clings to tree branches. In addition, binturong marks the territory with odorous secretions. This oily substance has been used in perfumery for centuries to give a lasting fragrance.

Laurie or tarsier

These cute animals live in Southeast Asia, the islands of Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi and the Philippines. The tarsier's head is able to rotate almost 360 degrees. In the past, Indonesians believed that the tarsier's head existed separately from the body, and were afraid to encounter them, because they believed that the same thing could happen to people in this case.

Red panda

This beauty lives in the north of Myanmar, in the southern part of China and on the mountain slopes of Nepal. In English, the animal is called firefox and it is in honor of the red panda that the famous browser is named. The animal is listed in the Red Book, and is under threat because of its beautiful fur, which is used to make hats.

Sun bear

The smallest of the representatives of the bear family lives on the islands of the Malay Archipelago. For its size local population gave him the nickname "bear-dog". And he got the name "sunny" for a bright spot on his chest. This bear has the longest claws and tongue with which it ravages termite mounds, and the shortest coat among bears, which makes it easy to endure the tropical heat.

Black-backed tapir

Lives in Myanmar, Thailand and the Malacca Peninsula. Despite the brightness, the unusual color of the animal is protective, helping to disorient predators. In the dark, the white part stands out, and the outlines of the animal are lost. The image of the black-backed tapir is guessed in the good spirit that saves people from nightmares in Chinese and Japanese mythology.


These are the only Asian great apes found in Borneo and Sumatra. They are so similar to people that from the Malay language their name is translated as "forest man". We were fortunate enough to observe them with our own eyes during.

Flying dragon

Little lizards got this name due to the ability to soar on their "wings", which they use not only for movement, but also to intimidate enemies. For people, flying dragons pose no danger and are so small that they fit in the palm of your hand. They are common in Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines.

This was the promised ten amazing animals of Southeast Asia, and in conclusion I would like to add a small bonus 🙂


Almost all of the above animals are listed in the Red Book and are rare species that are under threat of extinction. Have you seen any of these animals?

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In the numerous and diverse world of mammalian fauna, which are able to "fly", or rather to plan, only a few. The most famous are flying squirrels, spiny tails, flying squirrels and woolly wings. Here we will talk about the latter. Caguan (Cynocephalus volans), flying poppies, or Filipino woolly wing, or simply woolly wing.

This unusual animal belongs to arboreal mammals that live in the tropics of Southeast Asia. In the order of wool-wings, there are only 2 modern genera and 6 fossil genera. Of the living, in addition to the Filipino, the Malay (lat.Cynocephalus variegatus) wool wing is known.

From the name it is not difficult to guess about the areola of their habitat. The first was chosen by the Philippines, or rather the islands of Leyte, Bohol, Mindanao, Samar and Basilan. The second is Thailand and the islands of the Indonesian archipelago.

It is difficult to say who this animal resembles more - someone a cat, someone. Its dimensions are small - up to 65 cm with the tail, its weight is about 2 kg. On a small pretty face, there are large round dark eyes and rounded small ears.

The small limbs of the woolly wing are equipped with sharp claws to make it easier to climb trees and hang on branches. But to plan between trees he is helped by a dense flying membrane that connects all the limbs, tail and neck of the animal. Small membranes are also located between the toes.

By the way, the flying membrane of a woolly wing is the largest among other "flying" mammals. From above, she, like his entire body, is covered with small, soft and thick fur, which is why they called this animal a woolly wing. The coaguan's coat varies from brownish-red to grayish-brown, the light abdomen and the same light spots on the sides stand out only against the general background.

Caguanas are nocturnal animals that spend most of their life in trees. On the ground, they can be found very rarely, since they crawl along it and can easily become the prey of predators. Woolen wings spend their days in hollows, getting out of them after sunset. It was at this time that you can see their flights. In a jump, they spread their paws in different directions and stretch their tail, thanks to which the membranes are stretched as much as possible.

The flight range of woolly wings is up to 140 m, with a loss of height of only 10 m. Smaller distances (20-30 m), they fly in fact in a straight line. But that's not all. By changing the tension of the membrane, the kaguan can control the direction of flight. They land in the same way as, for example, flying squirrels or. Taking a vertical position at some distance to the target, they land on a tree with all 4 limbs.

The diet of these flying animals is purely vegetarian: buds, leaves, flowers and fruits of various trees. Interestingly, the breeding characteristics of woolly wings are similar to representatives of marsupials, so they are sometimes referred to as them. The female brings, as a rule, one (less often two) small, naked and blind baby. The first 5-6 months he lives, clinging tightly to his mother's abdomen. Hanging on a branch or just sitting on a tree, the female bends her tail to her belly and creates a kind of protective bag for the cub. The cubs will be ready for independent life only in 2-3 years.


Be able to fly! From time immemorial, man dreamed of being free, subjugating air space... But, striving for flights, he managed to create for himself only "improvised" mechanisms. He has not yet managed to get up directly into the air. Birds and even insects are destined to be skilled flyers, as they rely on the lifting force of the wings and a lightweight skeleton. But it turns out that there are other inhabitants of the animal world, who are not equipped with anything specially for flights, but are able to lift themselves into the air and exist there for some time. A strange community of a wide variety of animal forms, including fish, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals. The ability to fly actively is not characteristic of them, of course. But they can hover, glide through the air, and then land softly. And to do it boldly, purposefully, or, conversely, slowly, as if enjoying your magnificent skill. From jumping to gliding, the range of aerial exercises performed by these unusual and mostly obscure land creatures. Probably, this is how the birds once began their flights, eventually conquering the heavenly space. But now we will talk about animals living in forests, in trees. Jumping or, if you prefer, flying from one tree to another in search of food and shelter, these "smart" creatures simply save themselves the ascent and descent. In the same areas where the trees do not grow too closely, ordinary jumping from branch to branch was indispensable. And I had to master gliding flights - both for life and for survival.

With the help of its fluffy tail, the squirrel "rules" in the air.

While in the air, the flying squirrel stretches its leathery membrane between the front and hind legs, which gives the fur coat of the hovering animal a very elegant look.

The flying dragon is a rarity among reptiles.

The three-phase flight of the flying squirrel reveals multiple exposures.

Despite his great growth and the lack of special devices for flying, the sifaka from the island of Madagascar became the best aerial acrobat among his relatives - half-monkeys.

Stretching the webbing between the fingers and toes, the Borneo flying frog flies short distances.

In flight, a folded gecko from South Asia.

Flying Dragon. This small lizard of the genus Agamida got its name for its unusual ability for gliding flight for reptiles. As a special device for moving through the air, flying dragons have something that somewhat resembles a bird's wings - two wide folds of skin. These folds are located on the sides of the body and are supported by the highly elongated last five to seven false ribs, which provide mobility of the dragon's "wings". In the normal state, the "wings" are folded and adjoin the body, only in the air a flying dragon spreads them like a brake parachute. Another pair of flat skin outgrowths are found on the sides of the neck.

Flying dragons live in rainforest, places of their main distribution: Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Sumatra, Borneo, South India. Dragons spend most of their lives in trees. They descend to the ground only to lay eggs or if the flight from tree to tree fails, which, however, happens extremely rarely. Typically, dragons climb the tops of trees. From there they jump down, then at a fairly high speed they switch to a controlled gliding flight, sometimes changing direction both in the vertical and in the horizontal plane, and after the deceleration phase they accurately land “in the given area”. In open terrain, flying dragons are capable of flying 60 meters or more, although, as a rule, their flight range still does not exceed 50 meters.

After landing, flying dragons immediately climb up the tree trunks again, absorbing insects living there along the way.

Flying dragons rarely catch the eye of people, because they are remarkably adapted to environment and know how to remain invisible.

Proteins. Squirrels, of course, cannot keep up with the outstanding achievements of flying dragons in soaring in the air. They do not have a "sail", the very special device on the body that most good flyers have. But squirrels have learned to do without such special devices.

Jumping from tree to tree is vital for the squirrel: this is how it finds food and escapes from enemies. The squirrel does not make long, power jumps and, having chosen a target, reduces to a minimum the distance between the place of start and "branching". For jumping, squirrels use the outer area of ​​the crown, jumping from the thinnest branches that can barely support their weight. Therefore, it is quite possible to say that proteins travel through the air on purpose. The tail is the steering wheel. Having fluffed it up, the squirrel inhibits free fall, holding in given direction... However, despite this, squirrel jumps always take place with a significant loss of height.

Flying squirrels... Flying squirrels in Asia, Europe and North America are almost indistinguishable from ordinary squirrels in terms of living space and food requirements. They also live in the woods, they are the same nutcrackers and fruit lovers, just as curious, playful and good-looking. But as for the ability to fly, there are significant differences. For all their acrobatic treetop walks, ordinary squirrels are no match for flying squirrels.

The advantage of flying squirrels is the presence of a leathery membrane. It is located between the front and hind legs and at rest surrounds the body of the animal, like a coat. Preparing for flight, the flying squirrel protrudes special cartilage or sickle-shaped bones on the wrists, stretching the membrane.

In a weightless gliding flight, a dwarf squirrel (its body length is a maximum of 15 centimeters, weight is 70 grams) flies 50 meters. The flying rodent regulates the flight altitude, its direction and speed by raising and lowering its "arms", as well as using a long fluffy tail.

The largest flying squirrel is the giant flying squirrel, or taguan.

The length of her body is more than 60 centimeters, the tail is the same length. In flight, the animal resembles a small airship. Like all flying squirrels, he is active mainly at night. Prefers to eat foliage. Taguan often settles for housing near a person: in gardens, in bird houses or on the roofs of houses. But he behaves so secretly that almost no one notices him.

Geckos... These prehensile lizards are renowned for their upside down rock climbing on steep slopes, thanks to microscopic bristles on their toes. There are half a million such bristles on each paw, and each bristle is also covered with tiny hairs. Geckos are found throughout the tropics and subtropics.

Of course, one born to crawl cannot fly. And most of the 670 species of geckos adhere to this rule. Only the Madagascar flat-tailed gecko, as well as the lobe-tailed gecko from South Asia, are at risk of flying short-distance gliding flights. The ability to fly is provided by the wide folds of skin bordering the body and legs, and the flat leathery fringe on the sides of the tail.

Frogs. When talking about frogs, one thinks about their ability to swim and jump, but hardly about their ability to fly. However, the Borneo flying frog and its related tree frog can do just that. Both have highly developed membranes between the fingers and toes, which expand in the air and significantly reduce the rate of fall. A tree frog, whose body length is about 7 centimeters, can cover a distance of several meters in a gliding flight.

Snakes. There are many adventure stories about reptiles, but there are not so many pages for flying kites. Only the decorated tree snake and the common decorated snake from South Asia can fly. These snakes throw themselves down from the height of 15-20 meter coconut trees. During the jump, the snake flattens the body in a horizontal plane, strongly pulling in the stomach. At the same time, the abdominal and tail flaps, equipped on the sides with a sharp longitudinal keel, form a small air cushion that inhibits free fall so that fragile animals do not receive damage when they hit an obstacle.

The decorated tree snake performs its airborne exercise when it eats all the lizards and geckos on the palm tree where it sits. Having moved to another tree, the snake again rushes into the depths of the branches.

Marsupial Flying Squirrels... The climbing marsupials of Australia of three different forms: dwarf flying couscous, marsupial flying squirrel and giant flying couscous (aka large flying possum).

Among all flying marsupials, the Australian dwarf flying couscous, even in its homeland, is the perfect crumb, since this acrobat barely reaches the size of a mouse. Despite the fact that he is not afraid of closeness to a person, no one knows who is there in the middle of the night hunting for insects in the garden.

Flying marsupials are much more noticeable, like all flying marsupials with a typical webbing on the sides of the body. As on an inflatable pillow, these by no means rare marsupials the size of a cat glide at a distance of up to 50 meters. And it happens that mothers fly with children on their backs or babies in a bag.

Even more impressive than the marsupial flying squirrel is the giant flying couscous, whose body length reaches 50 centimeters. True, he does not belong to the marsupial squirrel, but to the koala family. In marsupial squirrels, the membrane is on the outer fingers, while in the "giants" it is only on the elbows. This determines a different flight path: in flying squirrels it is more rectangular, in giant couscous it is closer to triangular.

Semi-monkeys... Among lemurs, the most diverse family of semi-monkeys in Madagascar, sifaki (or crested indri) are absolute masters of jumping and flying. When flying, they do not rely on air bags or sailing equipment, but only on the strength of their legs. The sifak headfirst flies rapidly from trunk to trunk and from branch to branch. Jumps of 10 meters or more are not uncommon for him.

Woolwing. These animals, living in Southeast Asia, stand in isolation from all mammals. Their "air suit" consists of a dense, fur-covered webbing that connects the neck, front and hind legs, and tail.

Woolwings live in trees in tropical and equatorial forests. Having climbed into the upper part of the crown, they rush into the air and soar silently, almost without losing height. They easily fly between trees growing one from another at a distance of up to 70 meters. And the maximum flight range for wool-wings is 130-140 meters, while the loss of height is only 10-12 meters.

We will continue our story about unusual flyers next time.

Based on materials from the "Das Tier" magazine (Germany).