Kamikaze taxi. No one guarantees the safety of passengers

A car has long ceased to be a luxury. With the help of a convenient vehicle, you can get to your destination as quickly as possible. But you should remember that a car is also a high-risk area. Traffic safety Vehicle provided by both the driver and passengers. Therefore, in order for the trip to bring only pleasure, you should follow some rules.

We check the technical condition of the car

First of all, it is necessary to make a general assessment of the condition of the vehicle. The driver inspects the condition of removable parts (bumper, side mirrors, windshield wipers). Mirrors are a very important element of any car. Before you go to long journey, every driver must set them up correctly. Next you should pay attention to the headlights. They must be free of nicks and scratches. The vehicle windows must also be in good condition.

The safety of driving a vehicle largely depends on the serviceability of the basic systems. If the driver cannot make an assessment on his own, he should go to a service station. The presence of faults can also be judged by the place where the car was parked for a long time. A leak of technical fluids may indicate a serious malfunction. If antifreeze, fuel or brake fluid is found under the car, you should not go on a long journey. The vehicle must be in full working order.

Technical inspection

The safety of driving a vehicle in Russia is regulated by the state through mandatory technical inspection. Car owners must carry it out annually. If the driver does not have the appropriate ticket, he does not have the right to drive. Only cars that have a working engine, a working brake system, and safety may be allowed to participate in road traffic.

Unfortunately, there is corruption in the Russian Federation today. According to statistics, about 50% of car owners received a technical inspection ticket thanks to bribes. This only aggravates the situation on domestic roads. A huge number of accidents occur due to vehicle malfunctions. But serious problems can be avoided if you inspect the car honestly and in a timely manner. Moreover, this procedure does not take much time and does not require large financial costs.


The safety of vehicle passengers falls primarily on the shoulders of the driver. There are a number of responsibilities that a driver must perform when getting behind the wheel of a car. Only a person who has the right to do so can operate the machine. It is documented by a driver's license. This document is issued after completing appropriate training and passing exams. You must always have a valid driving license (driving license) when driving.

Only certain services (police, ambulance) have the right to install it on a vehicle. The driver must have permission for such a device. Violation with reference to a legally installed beacon will result in a serious fine. And if such actions resulted in human casualties, criminal liability is possible.


There are various means of providing transport security. One of them is insurance. Today, this document is required for registration. Traffic police officers have the right to ask the driver to provide information about his insurance policy. Why is it needed? This document allows the driver to be more protected on the road and not become hostage to an emergency situation. Insurance, of course, will not help you avoid an accident. It will protect you from unnecessary costs. After all, it often happens that a driver, having been involved in an accident through no fault of his own, simply does not have the funds to restore the car.

An insurance contract can be drawn up with any company. This point is not described by law. The cost of the service will depend on the make of the car, the territory of insurance coverage, and the conditions of compensation in the event of an emergency. Before concluding a contract, a company employee assesses the vehicle’s compliance with safety requirements. If the car has not passed the technical inspection, the risk of an accident increases. In this case, the insurance company simply will not want to conclude a deal.

How is vehicle safety ensured?

When driving a car, the driver is obliged to carefully monitor the situation on the road and also respond to its changes in a timely manner. It is forbidden to be distracted from control or talk on a mobile phone. If there are transport safety equipment in the car, they must be used. These are various headrests and belts. Such means may not be used only by persons teaching driving if the speed is less than 40 km/h.

When driving along the roadway on a motorcycle, moped or any other open vehicle, you should wear a special helmet. Passengers must also be provided with the necessary safety equipment. It is prohibited to carry more than one passenger on a motorcycle or moped.

Any actions that violate the safety of vehicle passengers are punishable by law. It is prohibited to throw garbage onto the road while driving. Even the simplest candy wrapper can create serious obstacles for other road users. You should also not drive with the car doors open. If the vehicle is faulty, the driver is required to turn on the hazard lights and move along the roadway at a minimum speed.

Alcohol and driving

Everyone knows that driving a car after drinking alcohol is prohibited. But not everyone follows this rule. Meanwhile, the safety of vehicle passengers cannot be ensured if the driver has taken at least a few sips of wine. Alcohol instantly slows down a person's reaction. It is no longer possible to quickly react to the situation happening on the road.

The Vehicle Safety Regulations impose penalties for driving while intoxicated. In 2014, conditions became even more stringent. As soon as a driver gets caught by traffic cops a second time, he will face the loss of freedom for two years. The first time, you can get away with a fine, as well as deprivation of your license to drive a vehicle.

Tired? Don't drive!

According to statistics, 40% of road accidents occur due to poor driver health. Many people are so tired that they simply fall asleep while driving. It is worth remembering that the driver is responsible for the safety of vehicle passengers, as well as other participants traffic. Therefore, under no circumstances should you drive if your body temperature is elevated or you have not been able to get enough sleep.

Some medications may also be a reason to stay home. There are medications that slow down the driver's reaction. Before taking any medicine, be sure to read the instructions. It usually indicates whether you can drive after taking the pills. The law, of course, does not stipulate the possibility of driving while ill. But everyone is responsible for their own condition and can assess how it will affect traffic safety.

Child in a car

Particular attention should be paid to transporting children. A child is not allowed to sit in the front seat until he reaches 14 years of age. Technical means of ensuring the transport safety of children are special car seats and belts. A person whose height does not reach 150 cm must be in a special seat. Children's car seats are sold today in any specialized store. They are easy to choose according to the age and height of the child.

Under no circumstances should you hold your baby in your arms while moving. If the passenger is not wearing a seat belt, a collision when driving 45-50 km/h is equivalent to falling from the second floor. One can only imagine the injuries the child will receive. But a high-quality chair will help preserve life and health. In the event of an accident, the baby faces at most a couple of abrasions and scratches.

An airbag can help save lives

In any emergency situation, passengers are most often injured due to impacts on seemingly soft elements of the vehicle. But even the front seat can't be as flexible as an airbag. Although this element is not mandatory, it significantly reduces the likelihood of injury as a result of an accident.

The safe operation of vehicles also largely depends on the installation of basic elements. The airbag is no exception. If you secure it incorrectly, it simply will not open. Therefore, it is better to entrust this matter to specialists at the service station.

Comfort is the key to safety

If you have a long trip ahead, you should definitely worry about the driver’s comfort. While driving a vehicle, your back and limbs should not become numb. To make it comfortable, you should adjust the seat and steering wheel position. It is definitely worth checking the condition. They should not restrict the driver’s movements. You should also think about the fact that while driving you will have to hold the steering wheel with both hands. This is the only way to control the vehicle. Therefore, it makes sense to prepare special armrests on which you can rest your hands so that they don’t get tired quickly.

No matter how long the path, it is necessary to take rest breaks. Ideally, there should be two drivers in the car. Every 8 hours they will change each other.

Let's sum it up

It is impossible to be completely sure of safety while driving. But every driver must do everything to preserve the life and health of his passengers. First of all, you need to obtain a vehicle safety certificate (MOT coupon). You should not drive if you are tired or feeling unwell. Alcohol intoxication and driving a car are categorically incompatible!

The safety of passengers in a vehicle is ensured using such means as pillows, belts and special seats. Before a long trip, all these elements should be inspected for malfunctions.

Anastasia Melnikova, columnist for MIA "Russia Today"

“On the way from Murmansk airport to Monchegorsk, the taxi driver who was driving me (it was about five o’clock in the morning) fell asleep at a speed of 110 kilometers per hour. I was sitting in the back right, fastened, which saved my life,” says director and producer Mikhail Ananyev - That is, a moment - and you are spinning in the car with a terrible roar, you only have time to evaluate each new blow and understand that you are still alive. swelling of the spinal cord and multiple hematomas, in short - lucky."

Mikhail was really lucky: when the driver fell asleep, the road was turning, the car drove at high speed into a ditch, but there were no cliffs or lakes around (and there are many of them on the way to Monchegorsk).

The scale of the accident is indicated by the fact that Mikhail found his backpack with a laptop on the road about thirty meters from the car, and the parts were scattered even further.

For the trip, 2,300 rubles out of 2,500 were paid in advance to the taxi company; after the incident, no one from the company that accepted the order called the injured passenger.

“When I called myself in the evening, they said: “What does this have to do with us? Call the driver, this is his problem." And only after I threatened with a lawyer, they arrived and brought the 2,300 paid in advance," said Mikhail Ananyev. "But most of all they were interested in what steps I would take next. The directors of the company, naturally, "in there is no city now."

A lawyer in Murmansk will deal with compensation for the passenger's losses; damages will be recovered for causing minor harm to health, as well as material (the laptop cannot be restored) and moral damage. “As I understand it, they will share responsibility - the driver and the office,” says Mikhail.

This is just one of many daily accidents on Russian roads. But even in such an accident, which is far from the most dramatic, compensation for damage to the passenger depends only on his perseverance.

Who and how can protect passengers from unscrupulous, unprofessional drivers and what can those injured in a taxi count on?

What should injured passengers do?

“In case of accidents, the provisions of the Russian legislation on compulsory motor liability insurance are triggered. A passenger injured in an accident must be compensated for the damage by the insurance company of the person responsible for the accident - this rule also applies to taxi clients. If the taxi driver is at fault for the accident, then the damage is compensated by the carrier’s insurance company,” says the managing partner of the bar association Vladimir Starinsky. “If the compensation does not cover all expenses, the victim can apply for additional compensation. As a rule, the claim is addressed to the company where the driver works. In this case, the company can apply to the driver with the right of recourse.”

However, there are no clearly defined rules for compensation for damage to passengers; in each case, the procedure for compensation is determined by the court.

Big problems arise if the amount of damage exceeds the maximum under MTPL (500 thousand rubles). Here, according to the expert, the process may drag on.

It is better to immediately contact the aggregator company through which the client made the order. Disagreements can be quickly resolved out of court if the company offers the victim adequate compensation.

“There are different judicial practices in determining liability in the event of an accident due to the fault of a taxi,” says the chairman Social movement TAXI-2018 Stanislav Shvagerus. — For example, there is a resolution of the Khanty-Mansiysk Court of Appeal Autonomous Okrug, in which responsibility for the actions of the driver in an accident (both the taxi driver and the passenger died) was nevertheless assigned to the local aggregator. And before that, the court refused to the relatives dead passenger in compensation for moral compensation: since the taxi driver died, no payments were expected."

Taxi drivers against clients and aggregators

Taxi driver is perhaps one of the most popular professions in big cities. In demand, but not exactly well paid.

Aggregators are now dumping, introducing tariffs that make taking a taxi almost more profitable than taking a minibus - for example, in the Moscow region. There, Yandex.Taxi introduced a minimum call cost of 49 rubles. For this amount, the passenger is guaranteed a trip lasting six minutes and a distance of two kilometers (then each additional kilometer and additional minute costs seven rubles). In Moscow - 99 rubles for four minutes and two kilometers. For those who live not very far from the metro or train, this is very profitable (and if four of you get into the car, then it’s generally cheap).

Drivers on professional forums are arguing: how long can tariffs be lowered? You have to constantly rush around with economy orders, deal with a large number of passengers (and you need to be able to please them in order for them to give a good rating), serve inadequate clients at night (who can also spoil the rating with bad ratings and complaints) .

“I’ve already sworn off going out on Friday and Saturday evenings or at night. Yes, you receive calls more often, but passengers sometimes think that they should get out soon,” said the driver of a comfort class car, Alexander Kuznetsov. “And they talk in private, cheekily, swearing. After all, when people drink, they have no inhibitions, they don’t restrain themselves at all.”

According to Alexey, professional swindlers have now appeared among taxi clients. For example, they call a car for a long-distance order, get to the final point, show their phone number - and there is no order in it at all (it is placed on a fake phone number). “Or they’ll pay, and then complain so much to the dispatcher that they take money from us for the order and lower our rating,” says Alexander. “In such cases, only a DVR will help.”

Passengers have no fewer complaints about drivers: the cabins are dirty and smell bad, air conditioning doesn’t work in the summer (most often - “I was just about to fill up today”), they don’t know the city. But the most important thing is that many of them are forced to work almost 24 hours a day (no one is tracking this) and can, as in the case of the victim Mikhail Ananyev, fall asleep at the wheel.

“After the accident in Murmansk, I returned to Moscow, took a taxi to Vnukovo, it was eight in the morning,” says Mikhail. “Suddenly, in the Kutuzovsky area, the driver stopped and said: excuse me, I need to breathe, I’m falling asleep, I worked all night. They took a breath, I moved forward , and the rest of the way forced him to tell me something.”

It is impossible to track the work schedule of taxi drivers even with a strong desire: they sometimes work for several aggregators or carrier companies.

Drivers tired from long-hour shifts also meet in calls for luxury and business class cars. But in such cases, they at least know how to somehow hide it, they try to talk with the passenger, they can ask standard questions: is the air temperature in the cabin okay, what radio to turn on, what are their route preferences.

“Wheely and Gett have quite tough exams in business class and VIP. The aggregators’ profit percentages there are approximately the same,” says Sergei, a Mercedes driver. “One of them has direct drill and training for drivers. I took the exam, 15 of us came “Only two people passed the exam with me. There were 50 questions on knowledge of Moscow, about 30 were situational psychological, and then there was a four-hour test with an instructor.”

Will passengers be insured?

The competitive advantage of various aggregators and taxi companies is now not only politeness and appearance drivers who open the doors are greeted with an umbrella when it rains and help carry their luggage. A hot topic is passenger insurance, a guarantee that if something happens to clients, they can count on adequate compensation.

Now insurance (by default) is available in the premium aggregator Wheely, as well as in several taxi companies.

In Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sochi, each Wheely passenger is insured for 2.5 million rubles. The insurance covers all passengers in the car, not just the one who made the order.

Quite recently, Yandex.Taxi began testing the insurance system. Now passengers of this aggregator are insured for two million rubles, but so far - only in the Kaliningrad, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Orenburg, Samara and Tomsk regions, in the Krasnodar and Krasnoyarsk Territories, as well as in Tatarstan and Chuvashia.

But in general, taxis in Russia remain the only type of transport that is not subject to the law on compulsory insurance of civil liability of the carrier for causing harm to the life, health and property of passengers.

“The current law specifies the requirements for passenger taxis themselves. Now we also need requirements for transportation organizers and aggregators,” says Stanislav Shvagerus, chairman of the TAXI-2018 Social Movement.

Before taxi insurance becomes mandatory, many issues need to be clarified. For example, who can or should be the insured: the driver, the owner of the vehicle, the owner of the taxi fleet or the aggregator? How much will the financial burden on passenger taxi carriers increase and how will this affect the cost of trips?

In any case, the introduction of compulsory insurance will most likely discipline the owners of taxi companies and aggregators.

After all, it is not profitable for insurance companies (and therefore for employers of taxi drivers) to deal with temporary workers, illegal or unprofessional drivers: the potential losses are too great.

We are all passengers and are required to know the rules of passenger behavior and safe behavior in transport. A passenger is a person, other than the driver, who is in a vehicle (on it), as well as a person who enters the vehicle (gets on it) or leaves the vehicle (gets off it).

City transport that carries passengers is called public transport. These are trams, trolleybuses, buses and metro. All types public transport They travel along certain routes, which you can find out about by number. Public transport stops equipped with special landing areas are indicated by signs.

Rules of conduct in all types of public transport Boarding a vehicle is carried out after it has come to a complete stop and when passengers get out of it. When boarding, you must take into account that the doors open and close automatically, do not push, do not fuss, and do not disturb other people. Upon entering the cabin, you need to look around, choose, without disturbing the passengers on the bus, a comfortable place where you will not disturb anyone and no one will bother you. You should look at where emergency and emergency exits are located. If there are no free seats in the vehicle, you should try to stand in the aisle without interfering with the movement of passengers, hold onto the handrail or special pendants with your hand. You cannot stand at the front door, much less lean on it, as it may accidentally open.

Rules of conduct in all types of public transport It is recommended to move around the cabin only when the vehicle is completely stopped. It is necessary to remember that in public transport you cannot make noise, be naughty, talk loudly, behave provocatively, or eat ice cream. You can't lean out of windows.

Rules of conduct on trams, buses and trolleybuses When boarding a tram, if the tram tracks are located in the middle of the street and you need to cross the roadway to approach the tram stop, you must inspect both sides of the road and, making sure that there is no moving traffic, head towards the stopped tram. Boarding a vehicle equipped with an automated passenger control system (automated passenger control system) is carried out through the front doors, and disembarking through doors marked “Exit” (except for vehicles equipped with an automated passenger control system). As a rule, boarding should be done through the rear doors, and disembarkation through the front doors or through doors marked “Exit”.

Rules of conduct on trams, buses and trolleybuses After disembarking from public transport when crossing the road, you must be especially careful, given the heavy traffic. When getting off a tram or bus, if you need to cross the roadway, it is safest to walk along the sidewalk to the nearest pedestrian crossing and cross the roadway along it to the other side of the street. On a country road where there is no pedestrian crossing sign, you should wait until the bus leaves and, after making sure that it is possible to cross safely, cross the road.

When driving a truck, you must remember and follow a number of safety measures: you cannot stand in the back while the truck is moving; you cannot move from place to place while the truck is moving; You must not get out of the truck towards the roadway. Rules of conduct when traveling by truck

Rules of conduct in the metro When going down the metro on an escalator: stand on the right, go on the left; You cannot run up the steps of the escalator or sit on them. While waiting for a train on the platform: do not go beyond the boundary line; If something falls on the rails, do not try to get the item yourself, contact the person on duty.

Dangerous situations in transport If you notice a fire in a bus, tram, or trolleybus, you must immediately report the fire to the driver and passengers; demand that the vehicle stop and open the doors. When blocking the doors to evacuate from the vehicle interior, it is necessary to use emergency hatches in the roof and exits through the side windows (if necessary, you can knock out the windows with your feet). When evacuating, do not panic and follow the driver’s instructions. In any transport there are materials that, when burned, emit toxic gases, so you must try to leave the cabin quickly, but without panic, covering your mouth and nose with a scarf or sleeve of clothing.

Immediately inform the driver about this via the intercom and subsequently follow his commands. If an open fire appears in the carriage while the train is moving, try to extinguish it using fire extinguishers located under the seats or available means. Under no circumstances should you try to stop the train in the tunnel using the emergency stop valve; remain seated while the train moves through the tunnel. When a train stops in a tunnel, do not try to leave without the driver's command. After permission to leave, open the doors or, if there is no other way out and your life is in mortal danger, kick out the windows, get out of the car and move in the direction indicated by the driver. If a fire broke out in metro car 14

A maximum speed Many cars exceed 300 km/h, the effectiveness of using these products gradually decreases, and in some cases, airbags and belts can be simply dangerous for motorists.

As a result, the basic passive safety features that all drivers rely on in the event of an accident are essentially inventions of the last century. Naturally, all automakers are working on the passive safety of cars. However, security system suppliers are forced to save on both testing time and the cost of development and materials, since only this can lead to cost savings. Therefore, we have to forget about the high degree of safety that belts and airbags could provide.

Yes, airbags do a great job of protecting drivers' heads and torsos, but they put their legs and arms at risk. According to the study medical center Dartmouth Hitchcock in New Hampshire, according to US traffic injury data for 1988-2004, airbags and seat belts do not protect the driver's arms from fractures, and they increase the risk of leg injuries by 35 percent.

Airbags pose a serious danger to the eyes of the driver and passengers. A study by Spanish doctor Carlos Ruiz Lapuente showed that as a result of airbag deployment, even at low speeds, 35% of drivers and passengers suffer from a fairly strong impact, which often falls on the face, especially for people under 175 centimeters tall. The impact of the pillow is close to the force of a sharp blow to the face with a fist. If you wear glasses, the consequences can be even more dire.

In addition, sodium acid, which causes the airbag to instantly inflate, can get into the eyes of drivers and passengers, subsequently leading to retinal detachment, corneal damage and other consequences. According to the Spanish Society of the Blind ONCE, road traffic accidents are now one of the most common causes of blindness.

Of course, all this can be avoided, but new, more advanced models are starting to be installed only on expensive models. Only recently have manufacturers begun to install knee airbags on their models; on the Mercedes E-Class, for example, they will appear only this year.

Toyota came up with optimal impact protection. Unlike regular pillows, which consist of one section, the new version has two. As they inflate, they create a depression in the middle and distribute the pressure of the deployed airbag to other parts of the head, shoulders and upper torso. The new airbags are designed based on the Omni-Support concept and provide a much lower chance of injury to the front seat occupant without compromising first-impact protection. However, for now they will be installed only on some Lexus models.

The time when the belt, and then the airbag, were the only means designed to mitigate the consequences of a collision, remains in the last century. The new driver safety system, developed by the German subsidiary of Delphi Corporation in Wuppertal, is based on mechanical technology and should reduce the likelihood of limb injuries in a collision by a quarter. The system provides better protection for the driver's legs in a frontal impact. The protective module consists of a steering column, a knee bolster and a qualitatively new pedal system. During a collision, the module moves away from the driver, giving the air bag more time to open. The air cushion and knee bolster under the steering column redistribute the shock to the dashboard. The pedals change direction in a collision, moving upward, reducing the risk of leg injury. The new system should, according to the company, enter the market by 2010.

Of course, no one will dispute the positive potential of all integrated systems. However, car companies will continue to save on introducing new safety systems. Therefore, many motorists will continue to be helped out by airbags and seat belts, with which they are still safer than without them. After all, as you know, it is better to be not quite alive than completely dead.

If you witness a railway accident, call 112.

General safety rules on the train:
From a safety point of view, the most best places in the train - central cars, compartments with an emergency exit window or located closer to the exit of the car, lower shelves. Once you are in the carriage, find out where the emergency exits and fire extinguishers are located.
Observe the following rules:

. choose seats facing the movement of the train, because if hooligans throw a stone at the window, you have a much greater chance that it will not hit you;
. when the train is moving, do not open the outer doors, do not stand on the steps or lean out of the windows;
. carefully stow luggage in overhead bins;

. do not remove the stop valve unless absolutely necessary;
. remember that even in the event of a fire, you cannot stop the train on a bridge, in a tunnel or in other places where evacuation would be difficult;
. smoke only in designated areas;
. do not carry flammable, chemical or explosive substances with you;
. do not connect household appliances to the car’s electrical network;
. If you smell burning rubber or see smoke, contact a conductor immediately;
. Sit down (especially at night) in those compartments where there is already someone;
. do not fall asleep if your fellow travelers distrust you;
. remember your fellow travelers: names, signs, final stations;
. do not get drunk or accept treats from fellow travelers;
. keep the lights on in your compartment, even if it interferes with your rest;
. do not leave the doors ajar, as this allows you to see from the corridor what is happening in the compartment;
. when you go to reserved seat carriage, keep your documents or wallet in a safe place, your briefcase close to the wall;
. take the most valuable things (money, keys, documents) with you even to the toilet - in a wallet, belt bag or shoulder bag;
. At intermediate stations, when passengers get off, thieves can easily take advantage of the general commotion by quickly running through the carriage, so keep your bag, jacket and personal belongings close to you, and do not leave them on the next seat.

How to act in case of a railway accident.
In case of a crash or emergency braking, brace yourself so as not to fall. To do this, grab the handrails and press your feet against the wall or seat. The safest thing to do is to sit on the floor of the carriage. After the first blow, do not relax and keep all your muscles tense until it becomes completely clear that there will be no more movement.

Immediately after the accident, quickly get out of the car through the door or windows - emergency exits (depending on the situation), as there is a high probability of fire. If necessary, break the compartment window only with heavy available objects. When leaving the carriage through emergency exit get out only to the field side (where there are no railway tracks) of the railway track, taking documents, money, clothes or blankets with you. If there is a fire in a carriage, close the windows to prevent the wind from fanning the flames, and move away from the fire to the front carriages. If this is not possible, go to the end of the train, tightly closing all the doors behind you. Before going out into the corridor, prepare breathing protection: hats, scarves, pieces of fabric moistened with water. Remember that in the event of a fire, the material with which the walls of the carriages are lined - malminite - releases toxic gas that is dangerous to life.

Once outside, immediately get involved in rescue efforts: if necessary, help passengers in other compartments break windows, pull out victims, etc.

If fuel spills during an accident, move away from the train safe distance, because fire and explosion are possible.

If a current-carrying wire is broken and touches the ground, move away from it by jumping or taking short steps to protect yourself from step voltage. The distance over which the electric current spreads along the ground can be from two (dry ground) to 30 m (wet).

Safety rules when staying at railway transport facilities.
Walking on tracks in undesignated places is the most common violation in railway transport. But it is known that the unexpected appearance of a person on the tracks or under a standing train can lead to an accident and traffic disruption. The drivers of the Moscow road have extensive experience and are carefully instructed in case of emergency. emergency situations

, but even their professionalism and automatic reaction will not be able to make the multi-ton train stop in a split second.
A person caught between moving trains is doubly at risk: the force of the air flow created by the trains reaches 16 tons.
It seems that no sane person would want to fall into such a vice.
Stationary carriages are stationary only at first glance. You cannot approach them closer than 5 meters - any carriage at the station is in operation, so it can start moving at any minute. It is strictly forbidden to be under standing or, especially, moving rolling stock.
The railway workers themselves never do this.
According to statistics, incidents of people walking parallel to the railway tracks are not uncommon. If a person cannot avoid following the rail bed, then it is unacceptable to follow the track in the same direction: being distracted only by the oncoming train, the person may not hear the signals of the passing one catching up from behind.

There are certain rules of behavior on the station territory, the violation of which is extremely dangerous:

It is not allowed to step beyond the limit line on the platform until boarding a stationary carriage, and jumping from the platform or climbing onto it from the tracks is very risky. When boarding an electric train, a passenger must be aware that forced opening of the entrance doors, or passage through the doors when they are automatically opening or closing are unacceptable, because the compression pressure of the doors is equivalent to 8 atmospheres, and falling from a train moving at high speed is “incompatible with life.” It is equally dangerous and just as unacceptable to lean out of the carriage windows.