A320 plane crash. Airbus A320 Family Aircraft Crashes

MOSCOW, 31 October. /TASS-DOSIER/. October 31, 2015 Airbus A321 passenger plane Russian airline"Kogalymavia" (Metrojet brand, "Metrojet", which operated a flight on the route Sharm el-Sheikh (Egypt) - St. Petersburg, disappeared from radar 23 minutes after takeoff.

Since the start of operation of the Airbus A320 with aircraft of this type (including modifications of the A319 and A321), there have been 13 accidents (excluding the incident on October 31, 2015), which led to the death of 1,101 people on board.

On June 26, 1988, an Airbus A320-111 passenger aircraft of the airline crashed. Air France (registration number F-GFKC), performing a demonstration flight over Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg Airport (France). Due to altimeter malfunctions and pilot error, while flying at low altitude, the car hit the tops of trees and fell into the forest. Three of the 136 passengers on board were killed.

On February 14, 1990, an Airbus A320-231 of Indian Airlines (registration number VT-EPN), flying 605 from Bombay (now Mumbai), crashed while landing at Bangalore Airport (India). The pilots did not notice that the plane was descending too fast until the landing gear hit the concrete fence of a golf club near the airport. The plane crashed near the runway. 92 people out of 146 on board were killed.

On January 20, 1992, an Airbus A320-111 passenger liner (registration number F-GGED) of the French airline Air company Inter Flight 148 on the route Lyon - Strasbourg crashed into Mount Saint-Odile 19.5 km from Strasbourg Airport. 87 of the 96 people on board were killed. According to the results of the investigation, it turned out that the disaster occurred due to a number of factors, including the complexity of the onboard control system and adverse weather conditions.

On September 14, 1993, at the Warsaw international airport Okecze (now named after Frederic Chopin) rolled out of the runway runway passenger aircraft A320-211 (registration number D-AIPN) of the German Lufthansa airlines operating flight 2904 from Frankfurt am Main. In conditions of strong wind and rain, the crew of the liner landed the car just 770 m from the end of the runway, the aircraft did not have time to slow down, crashed into fences and caught fire. One passenger and the captain-mentor died, the other 68 people on board were injured.

March 22, 1998 Airbus A320-214 passenger airliner (registration number RP-C3222) of the Philippine company Philippine Air Lines who performed domestic flight number 137 from Manila to Bacolod, failed to perform normal braking during landing. The reason was the error of the pilot, who turned off the reverse of one of the engines. The plane went off the runway and crashed into wooden houses outside the airport. None of the 130 people on board the plane died, but three people on the ground were killed.

On August 23, 2000, an A320-212 passenger plane (registration number A40-EK) of the Bahraini airline Gulf Air, operating flight 072 from Cairo to Manama (Bahrain), fell into the waters of the Persian Gulf near international airport Bahrain on about. Muharraq. The accident occurred during a go-around after an unsuccessful approach to landing caused by pilot error. All passengers and crew members were killed - 143 people.

On May 3, 2006, an Airbus A320-211 passenger airliner (registration number EK-32009) of the Armenian company Armavia ("Armavia") crashed. The plane was making flight 967 from Yerevan to Sochi. When landing at the destination airport in difficult weather conditions, the crew received a go-around command. Performing a turn, the crew turned off the autopilot, after which the aircraft went into climb mode, lost speed and fell into the Black Sea. All 113 people on board were killed.

July 17, 2007 while landing at the airport Sao Paulo Airbus A320-233 (registration PR-MBK) of the Brazilian airline TAM Airlines crashed on domestic flight 3054 from Porto Alegre. After landing, the plane was unable to slow down on the slippery runway, flew out of it, crashed into a hangar with aviation fuel and burned out. All 187 people on board and 12 others on the ground were killed. The cause of the disaster was that the thrust of one of the engines turned out to be in takeoff mode during landing. The commission could not establish whether this was a pilot error or a technical malfunction.

On May 30, 2008, an Airbus A320-233 passenger aircraft (registration number EI-TAF) of the Salvadoran company TACA International Airlines, flying flight 390 from San Salvador to Tegucigalpa (Honduras), while landing at the destination airport, skidded off the runway onto the city street and received significant damage. Three people on board and two in the vehicle on the ground were killed. In list dead passengers the plane was Nicaraguan economist Harry Brautigam, president of the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (BCIE), who died of a heart attack.

On November 27, 2008, an XL Airways Germany Airbus A320-232 (registration number D-AXLA) on technical flight number 888T near the French Perpignan-Rivalte airport crashed into the sea near locality Canet-en-Roussillon. All seven people on board were killed. An investigation revealed that the crash was due to water ingress into the AoA sensors during maintenance. The failure of the sensors led to the loss of control over the aircraft by the crew.

On July 28, 2010, an Airbus Airbus A321-231 (registration number AP-BJB) operated by Pakistani Airblue Airlines, operating domestic flight 202 on the Karachi-Islamabad route, crashed in northern Islamabad in heavy fog and monsoon rain. All 152 people on board were killed. The cause of the crash was weather conditions and uncoordinated actions of the crew.

December 28, 2014 On December 28, 2014, Indonesian AirAsia's Airbus A320-216 (registration PK-AXC) flight QZ8501 from Surabaya, Indonesia to Singapore, disappeared from radar while over the Java Sea in the area between the islands Kalimantan (Borneo) and Belitung (Indonesia). There were 155 passengers and seven crew members on board. On January 3, 2015, during a search operation, the wreckage of the liner was found on the seabed; from January to March, 106 bodies of the dead were found in the crash zone.

On March 24, 2015, an Airbus A320-211 passenger aircraft (registration number D-AIPX) of the Germanwings airline, operating a scheduled flight 4U 9525 / GWI18G on the route Barcelona (Spain) - Düsseldorf (Germany), crashed into a mountain slope and completely collapsed in the Alps Upper Provence (France). There were 144 passengers and 6 crew members on board, all of whom died. The crash was the result of the deliberate actions of the co-pilot of the liner, Andreas Lubitz (Andreas Lubitz).

Scheduled inspection of the crashed french alps Airbus aircraft The Germanwigs A320 was held by Lufthansa technicians on March 23, that is, the day before the crash. The plane was technically sound.

The last general inspection was carried out in the summer of 2013. It is known that the crashed airliner, released in 1990, was one of the oldest in the Germanwings fleet. Experts call Airbus A320 passenger liners so it is quite popular all over the world. Airbus launched its own investigation into the incident.

Behind the captain of the plane were 6 thousand flight hours. The pilot worked for Germanwings and Lufthansa for over 10 years.

The Germanwings plane lost contact with French controllers at an altitude of about 6,000 feet, airline spokesman Thomas Winkelmann said at a press conference broadcast by a Russian TV channel.

“After climbing, the aircraft was at an altitude of 13,000 meters for a minute, and then began to descend. At the same time, the controller was not asked for permission to descend,” he explained.

According to some reports, the depressurization of the cabin could be the cause of the crash. Until the final stage of the investigation, that is, until the flight recorders are decoded, all versions, including pilot error and the actions of intruders (including a terrorist attack), are considered working. Experts are especially puzzled by the fact that the plane seemed to purposefully continue its descent, as if it were landing, although all the systems of the liner should have warned the pilots that there were mountains ahead, and a further descent threatened with disaster.

The victims of a plane crash in the French Alps were. There were 67 German citizens on board the crashed plane. Most of them were returning from a holiday in Mallorca. and 15 German schoolchildren were returning home after completing a study exchange program.

All events scheduled for March 24 were canceled due to the crash of the Germanwing aircraft, the German Chancellor. "The chancellor is deeply shaken by the catastrophe German aircraft", - said the official representative of the government of Germany, Steffen Seibert.

According to Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, 45 Spanish citizens were on board the crashed plane. Also in the cabin were citizens of the Republic of Turkey. Russian diplomats are now clarifying whether they were on the plane.

The crew of the crashed plane, contrary to initial reports, did not give distress signals. filed by air traffic controllers from Marseilles, since they completely lost contact with the crew at 10 hours 53 minutes local time.

The German airline Germanwings is a low-cost airline, a subsidiary of Lufthansa. The company is a member of the oldest and largest aviation alliance Star Alliance.

Germanwings is based at Cologne-Bonn Airport. The headquarters is located in Cologne. In Russia, the airline is served by Vnukovo Airport.

A320 is a narrow-bodied aircraft. Capacity - from 140 to 180 people. Cruising speed - 840 kilometers per hour. The practical ceiling is 12 thousand meters. As of November 2014, 6331 aircraft of the family have been purchased. There are orders for 11163 aircraft.

During the operation in disasters and accidents, 27 aircraft of the family were lost.In total, during the operation of the A320 aircraft, 12 . As a result .

It seems to me that people are taken for idiots. At least official version, which was voiced by the representatives of France, has quite a few inconsistencies, which raises even more questions.

In order to clarify the situation, they use a tricky trick. The event is analyzed from different positions, posing well-defined questions and looking for logical answers to them. The questions are generally standard, but as for the answers, in the absence of sufficient, confirmed facts, only guesses will be available.

Let's start with questions.

What happened? The crash of an A-320 aircraft with 150 passengers on board. The plane belonged to a German airline and was made in Europe. The commander of the vessel was an experienced pilot who had flown more than 6 thousand hours. The co-pilot was a pilot with just over 600 flight hours. The plane gradually lost altitude for 8 minutes and crashed into a mountain. Official version: The commander left the cockpit for some reason, the co-pilot barricaded the door and sent the plane up the mountain. Suicide in its purest form. According to preliminary official data from the decoding of the recorders, the aircraft was technically sound at the time of the collision. The recording of the last minute of the flight published on the net does not give anything at all, except that knocks and a buzzer can be heard on it, which probably signaled a dangerous approach to the ground.

Event background? Here we consider the events that accompanied the crash of the A-320. NATO moves its forces to Eastern Europe (for exercises). Poroshenko fires Kolomoisky (for threatening to send his battalions to Kyiv). Ukraine is one step away from default amid a downgrade to pre-default. The IMF allocates 15 billion to Ukraine for the restructuring of its debts only. The war begins in Yemen.

Where did it happen? In the south of France in mountainous rugged terrain, which greatly complicates the rescue operation and the access of specialists to conduct an investigation.

Who did? Officially, it was a certain Andreas Lubitz, the co-pilot of the A-320 crew. An unofficial version is also present, but so far it has not been announced in any way. Here, the range of versions can be from a technical malfunction to a terrorist attack.

Why did you do it? Officially, Mr. Lubitz suffered from depression and was very worried about something, then versions of the reasons for the experiences vary greatly. Not officially (if you do not take into account the version with a technical malfunction), only the target remains, which could be pursued by terrorists. The pilot could be used in the dark, or could be subjected to some kind of psychological influence.

And now the actual analysis of the official version, since there are no reliable facts on building your own yet. The official version, as I wrote above, has a number of very serious flaws. In order to see them, let's just imagine ourselves on board the A-320 at the time of the crash.

So the aircraft commander left the cockpit for some reason. The co-pilot barricaded the door and steered the aircraft on a descending trajectory. Further, the commander tried to return to the cockpit, but could not do it. And he could not do it during, ATTENTION!!! 8 minutes. (a month of Sundays). That is, for 8 minutes he stood under the door like a beaten dog, knocked and did nothing else? Here the first is not docking. Let's ask ourselves a question - How would a normal, adequate and, most importantly, experienced PIC behave in such a situation?

First, he would try to ask the co-pilot - What's up? And why has he locked the door and won't open it? This dialogue had to be recorded by the recorder, even if it was a monologue. There is nothing even close to that on the record. Further, the plane descended to a collision with the ground for as long as 8 minutes. I am not an expert on the A-320, but I suspect that there should be a button for signaling an emergency situation on board, not only in the cockpit, but also on the flight attendants console. Why didn't the FAC use it? It's also a question, and if they did, why are they silent about it? And most importantly, the change of flight level by plane is ONLY! at the command of the dispatcher, and if this is done by the pilot without permission, then this is already an emergency. The descent must be recorded from the ground, about which there must be appropriate negotiations between the controller and the pilot. But this fact is also still silent.

Don't you think that the official version is somewhat far-fetched?

Now consider the version with malicious intent. That is, some influential organization decided to hold an action in which, for example, France and Germany would be covered up. I explain why? Firstly, the plane crashed in France, and secondly, the plane belonged to the national carrier of Germany. Who was on board at the time? special significance didn't have. So let's say that the purpose of this action was to endanger these two countries. To do this, you need at least two things, or zombify the pilot, who will kill himself and the rest at the right time and in the right place. OR! To be able to manipulate aircraft systems in such a way as to cause a disaster, so to speak remotely. A modern aircraft is a complex device that widely uses electronic automation, which in turn is controlled by on-board computers with software. That is, in order to make the aircraft fly as it should, it is necessary to make changes to the software. Specialists from Airbus, of course, will lift me up on the pitchfork, proving that this is impossible, because it is not possible from the word at all. But we are considering versions, so we will accept this possibility as real. Let's continue, someone with such an opportunity makes the changes he needs to the control algorithms of the A-320 aircraft, then several things are also needed to make the plane crash into a mountain. Make it so that the pilots do not notice this, and if they did, they would not be able to intervene in order to correct the situation. To carry out such an operation, it was necessary to spoil the altimeter, start the autopilot, block manual control and any communication on board. If this is possible (I mean the result obtained), then it is better not to even come close to Airbus aircraft, and not just to buy a ticket for them.

Now I hope it is clear why, hastily put together, the official version looks so ridiculous. After all, if it suddenly turns out that Airbus aircraft can be manipulated in this way, then not only the European Airbus will go bankrupt, but also all those carriers that use these aircraft, and they are also basically European. And now the most interesting question - Who will benefit as a result of this? That's right - a company with the letter "B", and from which country this company is, I think you yourself know.

An Airbus A320 crashed in southern France. The incident took place in the department of Alpes-de-Haute-Provence. The aircraft was owned by Germanwings and en route from Düsseldorf to Barcelona, ​​carrying 142 passengers and eight crew members. More about the state of emergency

Airbus A320-200 crashed airline Air Asia.

An Airbus of AirAsia Indonesia flew from Surabaya to Singapore. Less than an hour later, the pilot requested permission to change course and altitude due to weather conditions. He received permission to bypass the cloudy zone, but not to climb, as there were other aircraft in the same area. Then the airliner disappeared from the radar screens without first giving distress signals. There were 162 people on board.

An Airbus A321 of private airline Airblue has crashed in Pakistan. The plane was flying from Karachi in southern Pakistan to the country's capital, Islamabad. While landing in fog and rain, the plane crashed in a forest near the airport. There were 152 people on board, including six crew members and seven children. There are no survivors.

A US Airways Airbus A320 crashed into the Hudson River just minutes after takeoff. The aircraft was flying from New York's LaGuardia Airport to Charlotte, North Carolina. There were 148 passengers and six crew members on board. According to the police, all passengers and crew members survived. Four people were taken to a New York hospital with a diagnosis of hypothermia.

Airbus A320, operating flight number 390 from El Salvador to Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras, was unable to brake after landing on the runway and flew off the runway. It fell from a height of 20 meters onto cars moving along the road and broke into three pieces. Five people died, about 80 were hospitalized.

A TAM Airbus A-320 skidded off the runway while landing at Sao Paulo Airport and crashed into a TAM cargo terminal building. 199 people died.

On the night of the plane A-320 of the Armenian company Armavia, flying from Yerevan to Sochi, crashed into the Black Sea on approach to Adler. On board were 113 people, all of them died.

On August 3, 2000, a Gulf Air Airbus A-320 crashed into Persian Gulf landing at Bahrain airport. Eight crew members and 135 passengers were killed. The accident occurred through the fault of the pilot: during the re-landing approach, he lost control.

On March 22, 1998, at the airport in Bacolod (Philippines), an Airbus A-320 crashed into residential buildings located nearby due to a lack of a runway during landing. Of the six crew members and 121 passengers, no one was injured. Three people on the ground died. The cause of the accident was attributed to pilot error.

On January 20, 1992, an A-320 aircraft of the French company Air Inter crashed near Strasbourg. During landing, the crew entered erroneous data into the autopilot, as a result of which the liner crashed into a mountain. Five of the six crew members and 82 of the 90 passengers were killed.

On February 14, 1990, an Indian Airlines A320 crashed while landing at the airport in the Indian city of Bangalore. Due to pilot error, the plane made a hard landing before reaching the runway. Four of the seven crew members and 88 of the 139 passengers were killed.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

On the night of May 18-19, Airbus 320 Egyptian airline EgyptAir, flying from Paris to Cairo crashed in the Mediterranean. There were 66 people on board, their fate is still unknown. Life studied the statistics of plane crashes of aircraft of this brand and found out that ten crashed over 28 years of operation. A320: five in flight and five on approach.

In flight

June 26, 1988 An A320 crashed at an air show in France at the Mulhouse-Absheim airfield. Air France airlines. The aircraft was supposed to perform a demonstration flight at low altitude, thereby presenting to the general public for the first time new model A320. During the flight, the plane was at a critically low altitude and, in front of hundreds of people, fell into the forest at the end of the runway. As a result of the disaster, 3 passengers died, another 50 were seriously injured.

December 28, 2014 Indonesian AirAsia A320 crashed into the Java Sea off the coast of Kalimantan. On board were 7 crew members and 155 passengers, all died. The investigation found that while flying at flight level, the aircraft encountered adverse weather conditions - a thunderstorm and wind shear. The aerodynamic lift resulted in a loss of speed and the aircraft stalled into a flat tailspin.

March 24, 2015 A Germanwings Airbus 320 crashed into a mountain in southern France. The plane crash occurred in the department of Alpes-de-Haute-Provence. On board the liner were 144 passengers and six crew members, none of them survived. An investigation based on the black box audio recording showed that the co-pilot deliberately provoked the crash. When the commander got out of the cockpit, he locked himself from the inside and began to descend.

August 5, 2009 At the French airport Orly there was an accident with the Airbus A320 of the Spanish airline Vueling. The plane was preparing to take off and was supposed to fly to Alicante. 169 passengers boarded. The ignition of the engine during takeoff led to a sharp braking of the liner, people began to leave the cabin in a panic. In the resulting stampede, 6 passengers were injured.


February 14, 1990 when landing at the airport of the Indian city of Madurai, he suffered Airbus disaster 320 of the Indian airline Indian Airlines. Of the 146 people on board, 91 died and the rest were seriously injured. The cause of the crash was pilot error.

January 20, 1992 shortly before landing at the airport of French Strasbourg, an Airbus 320 of the French airline Enter Air crashed. Of the 96 people on board, 87 died. The cause of the accident was the actions of the crew, which incorrectly set the parameters of the autopilot.

August 23, 2000 A Bahraini Gulf Air A320 crashed into the Persian Gulf off the coast of Bahrain. The plane en route from Cairo to Manama crashed into the sea while landing. All 135 passengers and eight crew members on board were killed.

On the night of May 2-3, 2006 Airbus 320 of "Armavia" airlines, performing a flight on the route "Yerevan - Sochi", crashed into the water while landing over the Black Sea. 105 passengers and 8 crew members were killed. The cause of the disaster was recognized as the erroneous actions of the crew.

July 17, 2007 in Brazil's Sao Paulo, while landing on a wet runway, an Airbus 320 of TAM Airlines crashed on the route Porto Alegre - Sao Paulo. It skidded off the runway, crashed into a fuel depot and caught fire. All 199 people on board were killed.